HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1920-11-25, Page 81
e Opal
MOW efts Itudery if *Wawa Celan "Wu Meartatio's Tam" ItAt
irefill4111T. 1110$. de 4. W. fellAINtifteetee eOlvitraeleY
welliterinieder buret Out litles
J. bet UM* "Mahe *pie. "De
yea Oda, alry, *A r4 he lot you tome
iv** ral pretty one mut Me not
lorseerlog if It were Judas str Zesebelt
Set me. tt I Merit dem* uty alertly
*pop et bear What iou
MW*W ot your female pis and you,
heetrog ft. she UK late. Pruipleg you
amy tt," 'heated Debeelde emelt*
OW* aloft the red direr. "but
intailt,:eelnellitoll" elle4 the women
Seiriely, mut melelog a elute*. at rani's
ante; *WU tars yes oat, le will, oot
Woe inxititerr fur say boo to love
my *we" tbough lore hir es ha
oughter do, bs dont no." erled Deb-
otele "uor ata before leer, who
died wit sr 'Orville "cart But you. '
thilt salty *I* eweetetit ad*,
M* Yottre owe, though hoer pit swum*
tbstodarboits tis you may say. Tette
tor from Ude place of Iviekeettess end
Polies valuta' And Deborah lookeet
arum' the cellar with htuuldor.
guddinty; she etirted 'tied held up hot
finger, noddlog toward a narrow door
at the Otte of the' cellen "tinder's
tootetep," eh" iteid le her* whisper.
or4 keorw It la thoesaud-ejust lthe
a thief's, Ain't let-OW*1ln *1 • yote
Might ear.• Dela tell bbn yOu'elt
"eteele _me"
"But SylviaPaul, eatehltrge
ihr dealing ithsey *kin sons or Weil'
Is found in innellek-e° A 5urtery
eisfwiedneh Box.' At home EIS
work it's the herder *MU olds pain arid
irritatteo. prevent" teetering alle
lolooiNeoison, drive* diatom from the
desire% end promotes qui* healthy
heidirol. Keeping Zona* *leas
handy erisierme you sand the ferrety
Wiest skin Owe**. With it you're
premined for any emergency.
Mrs..1. WOWS, of Silver Street&
Stoke wrieretee" Hero is en Incident
which proves venetselvely Zon-fetik's
woodertel ,healing power: °nada, skY
deughter when estate the washing
machine, tort the top ser her finger. An
we live eigheeen mile* Omit a dieter,
I eet oet, Zesnieetweleh yeteelweve
eget, femme put on e Immo the evd
bests% up tee bag cseetv$Iy. TVs'
- rem-
." seriouily.
NOM* VI IOW wage to
,Iteed-t011eillit eralat ea pane*. Ile
1 beim teddir Missy."
"GAM Posy? Oh, frylida. Ond Ycol
Meer SO OM."
10 OW PIM* of getOg *TOY nriletl
1 came to see how % Wali this mom -
lug." site replied, "I wonder it late
beisethe loot anytlitng to do with this
thitatrainallieve lie *ever *Med et ito*
leer *Way before.
Paul wondered Msg. It seemed
stoop Unit lift* ao lenueuld an, event
the old Mia shedid iltrat restless sod
wish to leevie It elite* Where he hod
Wed for ever twenty you's. "I'll come
mod have eltplakatiotte" *ate Paul
after View
• Uthele that Will be Wet, 4ST.hhe
Oar Oda t*t k *401 Mato relleOU
agithe *Ai told Out to being you in If
ister yelit?"e e--
"131 gall teilty-thIst Afternoon, 'mid
might it asofcitit ter vs to trivIrkt the Patitalt. Year tether explain. And
ea tuttker tree . t *ow k
eczema, plunk. old sures. slilosint tato at otorfloom it
iblictotsen. blend **litanies and etas. -
dome. re* w Sr shot bask ilte sow, seeds, ieeee eneelee obene eve,
zreatuimeelleeemalhe taloa smear ter people -and Ober othiss, 1#t
wound holed c.onnititstv..
elealtri 400.4,31O4 lieksat or senor sae to.- 11‘71111k tltratal her We whit a toad
• *MOO te SIO:reek Ce. twoont Street iteoc ow .*** * owes** . duty
3 weer°. Indio, Erse Tosform little *dr, large get eyed and
*41 taw** kW. Her Coin lealou was
triottlielleent, and eh* had little color In
her *mike: 'With her oval 'flee, be
enorte ared -eitirmlog Mouth she
ttreitlid vete Prottratul -tweet. -Bet it
*as her retteeltten that Peed Jee&
Th*t was a. ttlg. "ad, but whin she
010010. her looks cheesed an attar*
atatOeft Of all elereulanerlue 'Wrestler" rearit Weallegiet whew therituiriverst
_ _
ligteireibie you aid *0 to be are
$004, t the comsat vI ler Id -
Wil" heeltate4 Iteecet. "/ deal
think lt to Int it l4b0 'Wore I
wello t should itot fear to tell your
father everythlieg. telt u 1 Pew
he would forbid roe teleteg
did he Mem that / hod flirted my 1704
to YOU. Bet If yott Item VU WM*.
tterege it may mon our pottage fore
"'Paul." elle tali/ MO bend
on hie SOO, "PliPt all the Mebane in the
world will keep e from you. Mee .
I have lateuded to tell iU but ray fa-
ther le so "Mauve Sorteettmee be $000
whole 40y1 :MOO Wadded tel elee,
and at team lee "PROM harallif•thael"
/ 40 nothing to detente- rehttlre. tare
atrald ,,gie my Ist.her,” told the girt,
with a- Oliver., "I told so before, Med
1.say $o agide, Ito tit a Strange Mem
and don't unilerstami him at all.
wish I could Starr" )OU and go *vow
"Welt, let us marr7. it you like,
though we wilt be poor."
"No," said elylvla eorrowfully. "Aft-
er ell, stratum and, her* thougltemY
flith" Or' * MY trither amt at
n. them he *Mod. meet stay 4htla Nee
to the mid."
"Whie wed? •
Sylvia *hook her hued itIll Mem ser.
rowfully. "Nelo knovis7 Paul. my
rither is atria& of Oleg eadtleelli-"„
"Sy vietleemer Weed. BOMA* MN!"
ing or Deleoruhei trek. ,
"I can't esy. But every day 'atter
6 he goes to seller,* and prays all
Fruits and Peels
We will have a fine, fresh stook of Itsiisk,
Currants, reels, Nuts, Spices, etc, eto.7 for
your Christmas
Choice liamily Groceries-
• OF Alit ItINDS
.feer, her hinds ehet feet eboned uujirus eee Item him leave the ehereh„ neecot seddeole TOoliad "equieraiy
ee eireeeenie, end, although flee gray lee Is afraid,' of eyet7 iteeoer, who. WI, who met bile ,gazo calmly. "Do
ber dresS ati parsed hen for the coming of S •
44ner 7011111. woe: Att f,°,1 Lti",2161/1,1 teni the previeus day lie bad departed
Deborah* IkDa OW """""" hastily after commenting the 'old man
step! In 'silent Manner surPftelnk
et.e to Deborabei care.- At nest be bad
ba bola webuln'' r" %"- angers to mee'Artron.reviele hut whirr
trapdoor drop oath stesithy voile the uncoletelOuis man Alitilre to his
Alt * key grated in the lock of the lenses mid opened his 010. he whoa
Outs* door hi libittand round lb. Arpin wino Ms pee fn Maul, to
• pace -to Whleh dutil penetrated for 4,e lot
the Stet times. It Was of the some - It Wes strarige that thallight of the
Artie -01s- tie ltholi-o*Oztat-but the bi•ooret Should hove Prodoleed-lidelt-aa
• Waite were et '05.11 Sri" WX"!1.4wa elect on Alieen. and ha failldOge
s04 feathery with at kind of theetly ems* peep* etlepieloritethirt, the .44
While 'fungus, Overhaul,. freen the tame bad 'not it clean ts$21jeleues. liut
Wooden roof, which forme& the deaf or, Pabst the asrpent bropeb bed to do
;the shop, being lamenterithie -*Paler* with ties Metter Boot aut10,,*Ott**-
*OW thick with duet. Tkli tiaer WI* 44
*ere, sprouted Verse, colorise. grasp, Mater)* k light toed' on We eon node
*400 hirr 41111411.10.
. BOW eta."
evelyeted Yen 414 in rod! loner WO
• -Ike VAC Mt old $OY VOW* t: kolk
to: sour,' if eeell leertatmee. Skerteradetret
lieWorgrome wherever It may lee..4$
*Crtklitud. Width donleteind If bee,.
700-iiiset toil the trate, rag
. it bare the cloortioret ldm
ant It Polloe ceart Sothadaga
It Me But. goolo to Sriagrowa
teat eat that JO* egliflej 0014
*SW Oast a pat, sir,
large liap cracked le wear cor places, Jeeteme
end between the owe, in wow- ", While be wail trying to solve the
the center „Nee dem taw. "(wed bins Wheel round. and het bebeld Sylvia,
In MM •
With. queer meths and apletebee wink smtlIng at .
oi valet staY Wig." Mad SW*. "My
ink" °"rtilda "sr" tiro PI It; Other le attn. ill, *rid .be want" 03* 10
e" . return. arid nurse him," , • '
Width IP/batted 'Mainly. Asa
l''/Akb belcvw."'" """" �u he explained why he feentede"
three ;green plated safes fest loekedl sexed pew otwolitay.
but the °prude bod hs. It tie
"No; he reuses to speak on the Lae
bettOw door Lfort1"14 aa4 a Wide Mr. Why ho filet. .raultn
;grated, windOW, the hare of which Tee young loan - Jogited trended
w ee, nutty, though strong. The Ones-
phere of UM place war. void and musty nePou ene jvord .1tuow," be
uLd.,n3ust art I ;eels showing -111m a
atoerrixt0348:0,11"%tati:luettimgoin:c:i4e1:14t:001460.711414.1„0-e,,,,_,k„,'k"*.evihiells: bt"egtoreetri, shiboalt7ki:ndhi%dfxtit'l!birOwe:bbrt,Ivesliene4t o"ll;
.abont Aiiron Noreamt WO* straede. Peal took the Calla Mit of ids breaet
• 41111 11.1°4°4 "traute libUself *6 heWhere It had been "Ince OM
stepped le at the open door. 1100114, prirleut dee., ."Alt 'Mather sent' it
voletlainOtalt *lea* end* Of Wee Paul eould sae the simItow /Debt o
• ply tower loath* her laggge-htees
. .
- Dithendt opread ludo
pairtiaottnild ittaiwoor Peet IMO&
"Its all true" oula ba pot natatolk•
• • "ay tether WA I Moot Pt on well
llesither, end eau* te =ado a. nom
• laciablaii. *ut tor *II yoa
Debar*, litay be a arapop.'"'
• elleet 7* ere mot,* set burst oat.
*Why, Batt% been follerins you me-
' flierildebte. sad he end .eite.° widett efel
to be Ms lawful Will mid Masten,
kart" all about rau old Vaal them
place I* kloueobilry, arid
• • ge end wheat you don't do, And let
me tell lieu, allr,"` sem* ebe lined Year
dad* thrsoloarody, "it, 70* yowl
whit you ouldster bli arrrOr *odd PK
b*e ItY Pretkt, geke net
21 7 bed to inuitt t4o *ow la Year
blue Idemdetar 'btoo is. * *hitt
, '*0*1. • leOrilid WO true of titelm stale
lawn *ft. elegrett," and Mee SOMA
• Paul was 404 ter a girir
• . *kb( at Oa dasee .woodettai
14 bad -kot all Oita
Oren It )0101 itassed. strange to bilek
that so falthfel Mee divoleid a' toupee
of Masers Bert dud. Debeersh dunk
• Mould too woolos BOA* eadt
keep it teem tbeir mairiter. Kea* *at
they emir nethileg Sheet bbse
Ike sams," he odd Woad, aad
tag hie weft thriller**, mire *toned
• that pm *mad wage bar to tosery
Wes *mit aside WOW itientelt.
• *Pm •gbdi eallosh Inel leer meal
aar C."..itriiepectithle. Set Oa** soot
Boot, rowdy lest ado, *IP
tso. 1 coos to uusa the bar/
loobllt ludel ubstalts, OA her ow
imoillsat posed ziway to lbw there *1
Jiro averlited playisiy Was, Ali
tkoia yams Tye itevat Mari a *lea'
ditim as doss dabs. save WM *kik 11
' lad ries, boiag toms too yews
sia, eon a bast be woe. Atoi was4 •
indloye It, Mr. 'twat, I know ao
.1soos ilse• old male trim yaw do. Ile's
Iiistr, lad wrPas altotethtic• stud_
lbat lhightermil, boa* aloft ia ako 1
4ork M -1 4111t bake him
tufalp **tem" •-• • • •
"fitist Is be afrati ofe"
"Ali." said Whore! siguiticaittly. ,
wolat bodied? It may bs podoe tad
it lay be glilsts:. bat &eta ele 101110. -
bo *deer toes kilo lie assibtar ooy
k reollortaide MIL Irbicia 7 Sadly
tsar -its aka" -
"Ho *sy boadds rousse
Sim iwoktioied. bor limed 0114 01'
ad *pia iwollY. °Cobb 'Yea -be boo bia
resasso," arnallted, "am
W mast tear arson Malay. last *ore*
_ ametbia"assabor over load; Port
ask **visit It 14 for sarrir shall Yrs
Wow, by Mesa iteenle,
vitbeirror it Is, *7. boost, Jr*
sookotsosa **arc St -1 sir
oors peaky lairebearl""7
. "tam do yew Ireett theta will be,
oismier %MOW" rialssolmide:
Voss Mod No pray; aikt kiss
aywisalaall-"Pok, Yea Illay leek
ihare.obit leo 'wryer I* ear milli
411* bift---boot PUT Imo sati ado
*be beet OMB isager
Illemear's Ibe Wan% Or 7 wittpdar
Miro yoa, ser, wait it yaw laid ma bettor
*saps Ike* So aid kora do- She 411111
1We an Mar as parte( it a* *MM.
• lie am Mat it tiwors Airirerx saki
•Iloaskis isid Old obselk tbo
Who SW% bin* est* 421*
*Ws Oar Moat* wadi*
OW MO ft** tow ait moo.
WIN ba"
rfilk yak 1 ma, WA, 1!*****, 7*1
dapsoll sem say WI** adbirpror
11161010201. St waterekly WOW
111111 eat *NW madlatatioolik
damp stela to the 'Tea and
the passage which gave admission
from the street Norman locked the
door *14 Cattle forward, He was ao
white as libeet. and his thee was
thickly beaded vdthretelOrlitIon. Ilis
mouth twitched more than genet and
lale bends mimed nervously. Take 4$
ke edveneed toward Paul, whe rime to
receive him, did be ease the. edit look'
over his shoulder. Beevot finehullY
saw In him a mart who had committed
'loom crime and' wee Motel lent It
bo diatevered er beet the aural
ler elimikl leddeolY 'War- Deberadee
reettlittottal bilk had not been without
its effect on the YoUng 0140. aad Paul
beheld .14 Asion 'a being of toyetery.
*tow such it man came to have reek a
daughter as Sylvia Paul_ could Ant
02 are lir Beot" "aid
he cIpliined. see. oite
*Parsee that I am hard up, and, tbaaks
to my father, she can't ;wad mo money.
This piece et jewelry eh. ha* hod for
mint zoom, but as • It is. rather old
fasbloned *he never wears It So ehe
sent it to me, Wiping tkat I might get
i10 or so On he A tries& of mine wish- •
ed. to hue It, but I was anxious, to get
It heek smiln so- that 1 rui; . rehire it
to ray mother. Therefore I *ought
your tattler might lend me 030007 410
, • •
$ylvia examined the -hem* wl*
treat attenteon. It was evidently of
lodlea worhinaltehlte delleately ,chesed,
end thickhr *et with jewels. The Aer-
peat, Willett was apparently wriggling
heroes the Stout gold pin of the breoh,
bad Its blond back studded with oealai(
tare in the meter or the body
small at heed nu& tan, Tbe
through the eteeide. Her ilgure Waitper.
dram woo ios demure as any Worn by oi
eetewk seep. / owe weeeneep4 you Om anythIng of that breoebr
tbe 0ookorotoo site looked breed aud mere •
it," cried 'the girl Pealtilemately, -I 13* itilkeri. •
'1 Ike `Sunshiun Of bar loiler's.pren. don't like itee -wish you woOld togro, "What do you ttleaS.? It Iv brooeb
L know. I Went to give Jody pre.
,Jeeerytehlg,.iiiinut„ iblete woo ine4and take me ewel. Paell hut" Oh; ,7 .ludian workrusinship; that -is all
Auot oft Was hopelessly out of the Dien. oblee own; I wish t could: But the ' and. if you will sell It to *0 rte.
dOintrluel neat aed exquieltely clears, .bew eelftell 1 buil"
lee. It wits eel* 004 indepotidenen in MolleY"- ' • tithe lt, ie lti you, thus killing two
her deeer-eviliter eemoditutede-extotlier _ "°11* lieve b3144 tile'rae'leY" I mbit birds at shot"
*or m la PeUrs eps. way' MIA that booper if-tt was, "1 Vrant to sell IV'. Oki
„The oere woo too public to todttuto not for Deborah would henttll more 13:1i-es".1441.°11 14-r14--
• afraid often tilt* myle.ther
leelovermaking, and Wefts very tante-
*og to Ott I:ear this vielon Of beauty
Stitheut pining the delight sie a Idea
rent thilitted ills *Yes, *04 11.14 Sylvia's
tree gloved heed under cover oe her •
dram., tufther be could not go. •
"Oen yoU be lestloue, Platte"' Sylvla
lurked suddent.v. - •
.411terriltlyi. You don't know halt Me'
bed qualities, am poor and needy
god ambitious and jealous and" -
"no", *We:, itne't hear' you ten
yortmidf down. You are the best heY
In.*. world.",
„ "lereertlinder hate found au **ant-
hd prineese sleePlug ie a JealoltelY
go*rd*d castle. • What would your
lather say delete know?"
.0714411elooked startle& et, am afraid
ot itithsr,")** 001*(1 ludireetiy.
"Irs.,,,b415.0 $0 StrElge. ponlettoes lea
itelineete lace Wit and at other times
tit hoe me. We Mere nothing In mine
Mera. I love Welts and art atgi gayety
turd drowns. But father pale cares for
jewels. Hs hatt a lotdown In the
ler. have never emu them, you
leaser."' added Sylvia, looking at her
lover„ **or have Deborah pr Vert. ;Bat.
they are there. Bart and Deborah .17
"Hal yoste -tether Over seid so?"
"Ne. IttOn't *peek df tile beldam*
Aetna, tribbing ltie hands' ea Weigh aet rOund with titty
the cold of the cellar struck to Ms head was of eheed geld, wit
berms. "WOW" toesUe. Sylvia iteltnired the wo
*I Wind te plan a brOoCh," add ship and the jewels and turtle
taloa, end he Pulled out the eithe brooch over. On the tlat "moth
from k* pocket. "44. friend of lathe underneath she found the hett
srould hays bought. lt, bet utlt he- seratehee with a Op. Title
'to peel. "I t%Pret $0tIr m er made
this mark to Identify- the brooeh."
"My aiothees ilsrue le Anne," re-
plied Peel, ;looing biers puzzled thee
ever-"Aune Beeeot, Why should she
meek this with en Initial , which has
nothing to do with her name"
"Perlepa it Is a present" suggested
Peel anateped, the 'ease to end replace
ed it lie hle pocket. "l'erbape It
he mid. "Xiciwevere when I next *rite
to tier Mother 1'11 ark ber where she
got the brooch. helte bee hod It for
Marry Yen.," be added ituisingly„^"for
I, remember playing with it When a
40411 bo."
"Dont-tell your mother that my fa.,
ther fainted."
"Why sal Does It tuattarr
Olivia folded her *leader hand" set
melee Ned ;3'1102.° Me opal scrpottlo
he cried,
hence to my recilWr I prefer to pawn
It Po teet 1 may get It apin when
t35 11021,"
"Mile esld abruptly
iereemeng his downcast looks, "1
hell 40 what 1 eau. 1.04 see It."
Ile etretehed Out his hared .and toelt
the came Slowly opettleit it lender the
gas, be Inspected Its contents. Sud-
denly be gave a cry of alam. Inal
ease felt to the door. "The Opal sec.
peat! The opal *email!" be cried,
growing purple la the rie., ',Keep
alti Keep esr 11.0 beat the air with
Ids loan hands, etth, the teed:" avid
he 011 tam downward en the slimy
Met Is a at it $ taut rettaisly
BAR Os* Temple Vat** tlio
34eirop4lits taltway is
small *odes evIticit costols*
a torte* asisber fottly
a mood bsonstaidi sod a
rob dower kodo bstrosotted by &obit*
r.tisa Het* tboor who ato '
in vat** ottr. go roved abort row *
POI re* lit orb** to Mks% to the
gay aksta,
AW Woes *ort Moo aiso„
as erso dohs * koo1011111 the* rkal
*mad _ IMMO JIM -bd..* 41010
wad. But theite," Sylvia rose end
shook out be* *tete, 'Theo& no leglee
to talk so aue . only do esoe to yoje.
tbat eon May knoll/ what I feet flc
speak to MY father niTilelf and "7
ere •entiAged• Ar be forbids oer mar-
• ringed, shall run away W1017011, Paul.
veld poor Sylvia, the,teara in her eYeS. he riew.
apeetabla Mali' Across. tee yort og
peered te a. yrorkerone itit he bed a
bag of tools ark 414 .8boulder.
laeltlag lato alIett.wIadevr, bat "alai:;4.
.40 Pikul,,smbienly thought -seemed to
be 6131StrYingliat ea& However,
the incident was not worth noticing,
solo continued ht • epee* to Oro*.
I "tried -to pawnettewitti Aorore Nor -
ewell, whet:did you geton itr' **-
Paul was so **suited with thle
speeeb thathe Wett14 'have defied pi2b.' 14*7, with %mole
11,, opinion by emetweing there and oNotbingt ,The Old truth fainted where
thee, hot Marla ralkOd• rillgat okowett hittuthe brooch., Ttlis why
Own Owynne street and shook her eteie d ion *It you know ruling
head. with a pursed up .mouth. WM% eteeeeeeabout article."
43rtognanfi:1 litti‘wk thithelirrtolttlIthel:Psoshulattedtio rileellt:therig. gtUtineit 'eli"Hisellyiasetbeeee731‘6.6111;e11,11:eikP-d'a64bleettU, looked
*Wee' ea Mae should. be leoltIng outs tt, hve semethlustek lour mend about
Bewecohetnwbeile t4roen*IthineabtlititIVI3Striood W0110701. ;4, oixhere .ssmisthing 4oueei about
that brooelen. •. •
orrotu:itterhinegreaetnkOre:worto;losey, heelahtiewiorte emta..att. Paul w,banwhyboehneidievititer0*0 „, meet,
et was just looking for Yoe," he gals, too Tolima ;$40*. ?Iota heti lattnr,
greeting Peel lb Me 146134/ //e) eQrk' Yetir 1141444004. thinirYou
tabled, ouoot; "sit ' worries me to ewe ue *at eeek eludee -
•think you ere so hard up, though rte ;.,04
Dot It fellow given to sentlinent ea marirtat ya;"..Zn7;:bdrZt tut
rule, Let me lend youn 'fiver."
Pattrkliablr- big head.. • "Think you
ell the same." •
"Well, theme tell me the begeee'
la the cellar. -Vida tbe shop la elated' neme04-0-0-404.e
at 7 be mods /Oft away home awl ottuns, 0010
locki Deborah and me in Um house. , - „„e,
That is," she explained artelously, lest • PE 1.1118W trZ Tralkl
Paul ehould think her father a tyrant, e - - 0 ,ee 0 6 , 1 6 ,440".**1#0#04444144/A0
"he logke the door wieelt leads to the
shop. Ws can walk all over the'bOuse, .
43 t •therr• eve stop till next .mornleg,
eo father unlocks the door at T
ed. Beet taken down the ebutterse We
are lived like that for year On
=day evenings, however, tether does
go to the cellar, bur Woo *0 70
Matra. Ith bait impiey with me ute
tales old ilirn loth* the door at 10"
"But he sleep' upatalear .
"No., Ile sleeps he the cellar."
"laignisaibi. There lik.ito amenity°.
*diem foe elm/plat there."
Sylvia expleined. 13toolt le another
mdlar-a maallar one-off the loge
pima be hu throat** in. The door is
In- Oa* center abmoot uneee the
"host elaa Title Waller oiler le fieted
to as a b•droo, 02d oky father' ttas
slot Non ell his life. strOpotie
lo afraid. ot his jitraele being stolen. I
are inYited.t0 the
aptist throb
sioNtiom., St,' On
Poster; Bev. k C.. IleCetiley
-111 -O'clock ;Morning Subject,.
"Religion le the Bible
Scheel" •
7 ON•limk. notelet, Subject-,
- • .
ilhat is the Measure
of a Successful Wert
411lie 'S:0111101.
?arepts I Seed Your. dilate*
8 pin. B. Y.. P. U. ideating.,
YOU are cordially invited
Goo swot* slabs Wasalkait," ' • •
44/1140.110 1111d se lreithents it is ilk
the.hape el a sithault." uthelloOld -The lea.4e with which corn*, and
Orace, "Is seeatitittolid theligg gar'- 'warts can be removed by liollowey's
boa. ihme,ipaapho tote orrivoirlis Cere Ftemover is its strongest recom-
fimaYnttlit4****a.-t0102Z474 1"141.14.... etleledtaotriscni.rilsivta:seld:ikme tatios. tread the
can't lbolla fat ie. the *41P41001100"0". boardS, but it's a deadly instilt to ask '
Onee" them how the walking is. •
"tt' be Oat," mire Bereeet, *tem
Elet a Mall Mickage Of ThIggilhire POOL AO" 10,
Breast Teo at any Liberians:1y. Take 2,f chap. A IOWA vet* Peato elateles
tboatlingleapoowanfolter oufpotnbeitt.epaturpotttrooeuulheaf t tyt."441 moo misolmos. mit awmplx
nem and drink it teacup 'full let nue low& ja Oohed Mawalle think
thne during the day or before retiring, I'll * oho memay ANA Iwo
It is the most effective way to break
e, cold and cure griP, as it opens tile 1°°11111thi%,S31.414-1-4-...§.A.11t" -A...A..'
Veres of the akin, relieving congestion, 'A.!!! """Pm
Alsoup roars the leowels, thus breaking of tan 111* 0104811.* *****9
and SSW* talk* bar faii*Wis 1$10041f
Try it the next tfme you suffer front hithal -did wet mike BMA Wilider 11100
a come or the PIP. la theaPeeleires iiicAlsardow, Ise reolloal lo
and entirely vegetable, therefore safe bin moose low *et wassinflitellia
and barinlais. stab* to do ao *Mat be baud a °Mary
. pond^ Oft,* end *Mai ibei'vailaid-
1111MIEINATISM FROM 111334‘"‘Plieta?:.**41.7 141 Is"
SIFF MMHG -JOINTS *Itt=ezitaut
civilly, "bet Iliat gelitiettaa Wee
Met UMW It le god tor tits health," Rub %Mien fronsjointsandrausgeo
&Mod whittle "tor often
the mumble he IOW* ill muctlais hands
14th a Small laid bottle *1 074
St, Jambs o'it
Stop "dash ' Itheumatism.
"Sylvia. dose sour foliar drio)c Al" It's pun on yr, not (1116 MK! te, ilfty
obeli" • ' Pletires internal treatment. Bub soothe
°Oh, a*, Paull Ho la it teetotal**. Ing, prostrating "SI, Jacob; 011° right
lad Is very angry at tkose who drink on the "tender spot," and by the time
be Orgies" you eay Boblesort-out eoret•e; the
eee e elle •
"flo either &Inkster ko opiuntee Thebteatie Path- 00-e. eaeoh 8 WI
tb000t raw ou *w00% spies de. tandem theumatisra elm. which
inktver dim ints end. doe, 'is 'burn the
AWL list .*td *tithing to her of 11
d Baal id1Z,
"Netidag, Ottly Its 41W0 zoo a Mt.
eGe geg, gig idni for 17, 1110.!'
"I *wet Mors WI IO* ilr."
"Ob.* ivitorodP moat loost wag*
two** vow Hos,
*.iso* whet eik mom ea Ims‘
Mt, sit. Ho* *Ma*" sad be Moot.
oli Odder.
„ nod stood. Wissit 414 70* watgissr-
Ma* imalse, arid Was he a wailting.
be eontlitettsi).
skin. It es pain, soreuees and atilt- •
troln e.ehin joint* muscle& and,
I moat go home crrw," she sold.
boreal- etopelleisetea,luetago, backache,
Meted stridebt In Met of hen For "Oh, wo, aot yet," ise Moldered. Lim up! CA a 35 cent bottle of
Ortate time they 11i44beett lauted rul a "Well, thea. VII stay for a few min- old-time, Norio* °St. *Tooth Oir from
bench In Method part t•t the gluteus, *Ms lessor, becalm, I haVe something ell dreg store, said i* a moment eou'll
Mid the laughter of tearing ehldren, to *to Oa remarked and sat down 2* 'fres from rein, /AO the eitiff-
toissient the bend ple),,ir the Inert 11411UL Vitt, do )5.eu Think It is 41111$e "84 P4?*'t atiffejt nith 41Ulalati°111
1.111111t4A. LOAM Ilititerdli 0Nr*,.: Maitsaie, Nisei and hie parte are Nee. (-ten,
Me Peet after *a estethic.4 tear *load tweet sad stio.wicts Prultluef'4. le* Is at 141e400 to -ltialilee,
The grew* theme the Meerut Wader and the epesitera of big petty. from left fo risht: Daft
W 2*ttor41. 14, P.; SO. WO, Wed, Sr, 7, sod 1$04, *. 7,
110111Veimati, :Mink fril
tpast),110Alt,Plidosgs* ,
. ...akt s.sratit TOW! Tort eloggot serse
Ulla :i„sibaht
oa. tbrdithathtee
that,.wl ha .
ania rgeri;14ele
or ceistre:fir trot. --..
Kleittostmersteffed okl.„
bottle *ttykli ItIl twat ,abat from
dr*Ithie 310• Apply **pail
traps* sestleeptie enema lalysor Owl
tril, 14 II passim* throglalatarr Or
LWOW of the heed; * -i~sael last
the midi's, istained swath* Nommilroow
&2*( roil tootott railer. Aro (MON
Adist * j400 *14 awry .014 .04 Wie
ter* Il' 14ee101$ jag. JP%
ima solamilii.
I ... .
sl a
IN* liAll skilEitil0411T r
it ,
; 00.4 hy a reliable maker who
ol ids led if number tit years dryer-
.* lease lb mating thi
„ as itholosethe
e t
Sold lit *ay Ausiatity I
oe i lb. to I lauel at remit. im
1 rase.
1 Sod ilisiki Illstor fill* I
- - ,
11111..?3,.r4.4 it sin
• MT * Ilint WWI
•••••,•••••••mtie •
The Town has been ordered
reduce the amount of electric
current used by 21 per cent apd
the local consurnere are request-
ed to reduce their load- attord-
1. Discontinue use of all elec-
tric apparatus where posible.
2. tteduee the nureber of your
lights and always turn off when
not absolutely' required.
3. Be most economical in 1108
of eleetrie eurrent in every way
That one tetra light increases
our loati-elime It °IT.
lentil further noliee AMMO
kens are to he used lady be.
tWee“ thehoore ot 10 a. tn. sod
3 p. nt. or- ly the cresting after
8 o'clock. • •
tains Law cisemsiON
Men's ouOts
at Low Prices .
Good materals, in plain
Shades and patterns'. All
size: Wth` pocket*.
•Nimes tweed Tronaers,
assured patterns,. pliritt
colots, finished mat rice
pocket, loops for Wks
and euff button. jeirso
34 to 42. $5N4
Mize Sexges aMmoot
grey patterned iiippois
Serviceable, dressy sind
remarkable values. All
sizes. At 4811115