HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1920-11-25, Page 6L:i
•Aooso Too. ore ootoll for tito gremometh 0041 $
tella 0.11101001 4,1130fli $01100f041 Altkaaeof
flowsk C.4011**** •
A Knight of the
By B. E. ROB '
Arallitor -Of "OrEtettera Vieg,eleetiT Huhu." '''OelaittStift tiritotato
Etit ul l4tirs' blest Kalnlit I taste as a rotifolis.,,etie, with her fall
ClIAPTEtt 1,111;• but utteno
Haldane Was given but little time for rorttempltitiete
• aletjaudy, for, before the yearcloeet- witit marte-other-to-N Isititi 111,
' tidings cattle from tits rnotIter. wile.drill-ground almost daily, an whet,
Wait lhen In Italy. that odor Was Ill are: blie saw the tail arid gracefel form. 'el
„wished to bee flint. Poor Mrs. Hai,
dam had at last begun to understeed
her sou's character better, and to -rea-
lise that 110 would rottieV0 ttip past ed %OM perfect skin, when she sai,V
Elle also reproached herself blot she the sun glinting on his elegant sword
tirel fret been more eympathetic anti and gold epaul(ttes, and heard his son
helpfulto hint, Mel was not a little 004)3114orders to the men, oho avitnos•
jealous titatIte ahould•have found beb felt that all ilillatonwas right, an.
DTI and more oppreriatIve friends than titat 1I, bad reaSOO to be proud of
• eerb,etf,,. And id hcat,.' ,witen sloe -.wag him, and 1» hi' he as, !lentil'. aft•Alle
, taken ilt, olio tonged to see him, and ,vious belles of the city deeined her la
she lost not.a anneal in reacitingi Ism be. Butin spite of lierself, hcr eyes
nide. . 'would 'trawler from the central Bore,
Iler Illness, however, did not prove to plain t;aplain Haldane, who. Ignor.
very serious, and she imprirved rapid. Ii3W t
tr. Beaumont I -suing, from the colon
et's tent..when shosaw him mount hit
superb 'white horse, widen he manag
admiring ttkrellg, Wes giving.
ly .atter .1 young gentleman. appeared' his whore o tendon to Ids duty:.
• who WAN so relined' in tits inOnners -Before sloe 'Nees aware the.• thought
so • considerate end deferential Joie began to ereep into lore onlool.L.how.
'bearing loWard tier, that She could ever„.that to one man ilie."seenee-O'ieee
scarcely believethat li WM3 4110 sant('
Willi th wild, wretched yinithwbe
had 1ioe ili Jell, and, what was al,
most afi bed, who tiad worked in of
Haldane ;mode the moet of las Orono,*
(Unities In fleeing what Was liPaiititul
• '111 nature and art wifile in. Ilii• uIO
World, but his thoughts -turned
increasing- trrquencr to ids own larni
not only bc*use 11. tontelued , the
blends lie lord so' Vt'ell, but also be-
cauSe tente were now rapidly rule
.mloatIng for that -errrit.struggie 11to
tween the two jerrliter seetlons that
• Will eventually form El better
3r union on tile lnii.1 of i '11Ctlittel
Inert, toed_ a better and truer 'know
.•?: ledge of each- Other. 7 •
. When airs. ItalOsne-Satv that tier soot
was. determined. Ato take part in the
conflict, toe begon to seem to her more
like his old oabreasonable self. She
'feebly. remonstrated, as matter Of
rourse, ond proved Ito her own.. Wes-
fartion titat it Wits utter folly Itis a
Youngmao Wit° had the eeljOyineat of
such largo wealth as -her sou to risk
. the losS of everythimin tiro hardships; grOuri • • 1 11,he a right to tiller with
...of war, He was 401 Mad rind consider. You. 1 ontielpate a very bloody, end,
ate as possible, but she. elm; trom.tlft Pe3 ltatos. a long war. 1 have not, seen
• oid and welleremenenerw.o.oprension -so nouch of the Routh, but 1 have ,seen
intlitery pageants, and to the other
noon titer plectra steer!. and uneone
priarnIsink war.
This impression load sPeedY rob*
ilrinallrin, for one evening, when bOtIt
Mr. Beaune:int and no looPPehed
to be present, Mrs. Arne remarked In
effeet that Iter heart missive 'ter whet'
she looked Into the future, and Him
the prospect of 3 bloody wqr heteore
people of one Mee oral falllt ti.40 sire -
4,11y horrible. ' . I
"tt win ,not be Very biendy:C re.
marked afe. eterournont tightly. "Af.-
le:•apo.',.tred, mot el, floicb;; , "elarteei
Ott, Zits 6115Iiifia IZ- "i:t1 Rt. 013IY ao kere
t, u out- eutere.O,
. ny, rote -401)1d 1ettereVeritr.7.7 -i •i fTifi 4; fl in the Ilitiattoo
Gourier tta etittent satiefactien,
"Lieut. -OA. Halebee." he wrote "is
respected Ir. ad awl liked by the nil-
JorttY. ire lireOS Os rigidly to our ,
duty, 'mkt* kintloiod considerato pov-t
,rttietess.T IL la the most useful ,otli-1
coo, 1 cave heard 'lot. Now toe is ciao-.
hill and again he is surgeoo. Ile
coaxes the mow away trout the men
awl sonde it home to their foonitrh e.
otherw ieo Much, of St weal f'P loals In
• garohling. alony a mother end Kite in
,ilillaton hears from the :hat oftener
,because the C01011e1 urgethe boys to
sortie., end writes for those who arli
Unable. To give lett a S311tple Ot the
man,. I will tell o:ou what 1 Ow not
along„ago. The roadwe h
roads %v1'
'as Iloilo ta, and foam oe-$m
f there were'
getting played out on the march. The
nest thing I knew. a sire Mall was on
the major's borer ,114, was major,
then), and be woe trudging along to'
the mud with the rest of u. And eior,
' eying the museete of three other meg.
wInt AS.tre badly used up. We WantT
the people of Hillaton to understan4
that if any of us get back we woblo.
Irear anything mote 'against Italdane.1
Nle. 'pretty fellow$, who don't like tit
reel their boote muddy, o °tor ex-Colel
oael, for Instance, may be more' tq
I their taste, but they ain't to ours." 1
' . Laura read this letter with theeloi
that reddened 'with. ehaMe, and then
grew very Pale. '
IArad, 01 cannot marry that neon,
"Auutle," she f aid, showing it t
1 Would rather; die first."
1 1 du not %yonder 'that you feel so."
replied Mrs. Arnat ealPhatienalt%
"With all Ms wealth and culture t
neither Would nor.could marry loim,
ando%yould-4.1.1.-toirn so. I have._ felt
sure that yeorwould come to title eon,.
elusion,. but I wished your owo heart
and conscience to decide the mattee,'.'
But before Laura could soy to Mr
Beaumont that Which- iihr telt silo
inuota and yet 'which she dreaded, for
Wesake, to speak, a sodal. eartiontake .
Look place in 11111Mon. .
Mr. Arnot wag arreeteell But for the
Promptness of bie, friends to give 'boll
/or hitt appearance, its would have
Peen taken..from Ida private •oince to
,PrItoola. toe ' poor ilaIikuir hid beim' •
year ei betore. • ,
It WOOld he wearisome to telt the
long story of his Armorial distress,
wideto he etearacteristiraily kept 'coe-
tealed from bus wite. !experiences like
lob are only too common. • '
With his passion for busineee; he
inid ettended it to the utmost Wait Of
his eapital. When cube 1 time of great
liir,'ihici Mod,-contraetion. -Prompt-
ed by a will 'that- bad--neVer* been
thwarted, and o pion for eoutine
Which- ectuld • endure, no thang('he
made herculean effort to keep even -
thing movingoon witl; mechanical ree
gularity. Ills strong bueines$ fere-
sight deteeted the corning .change tor
the better on the business world, and
with. lain 'It ' WWI only a question of
'ridging 'over, the intervening gulf
lie sank Ids own property In h1 Attort
o do . Mist' :then the proPerty of We
er things have gone about so far, the
Poiltirians on both Sides will step in
mod paten up a. eemprOMISe„ Otir Po -
hey at Ili'.'North 'Is to make an lin-
Posing demonstration; Ails will haVe,
tile effect of bringing the Beeoeatere tef
their senses. and If Vile 'wool. answer
we noust get enough own together to
.tvalk right twee the South, and trod the
noesense at • once. I have travelled
through the Sooth, and know float it
ean be done." •
"Pardon cle..tiolooel," cold Haldane
"but since Nye are not 011 the drill.'
• ar his eV*. that Ile would carrY. Out sometloing of Its people. The greatest
ids own wilt( nmertiteless, and there. IlrbriAstn 1 evet' baw manifested lu
rare she mat tits sisters reltletantly re. me 1141.0 by YOOng Southern girl, ono
horned with Alm. .stieb are their WOnten, we shull ilnd
Having safely ingtalled 'Oro in. their 1,;:it; 071), t"in.e4 'ab mion t I worthy 01
liteeally walk OVer term -Mat is. Such
„ J
of us as ere left and obie to .walk. I
agree With Mrs. Arnot. and 1 tremble
tor, the future ot any oeuutey." •
Mr. Beaumont forgot himself:1
once so far as to say, "Oh, it you iln
such. cause for tretuffiing--"but La
intlignant fare cheeked father
"1 propose to do my May," 'said
Haldane with a quiet smile, though a
quiet.- flush -showed that..he felt" the
Mile, "and it will Inv:ye-OF duty, Colon*
eit to see that I do.*
"l'ou have taught U$ that the word
duty means a great deal •to you,' Eg-
bert," Bald Mrs. Arnet: and then the
matter *upped. But the animus of
„each MU had been quite dearly. re-
.etaledi-atid Hoe question would riseln
Lattra'a mind. .'Does not the one be-
little the pension • bemuse little him.,
self*" Although .site dreaded the rim
Ing war inexpressiblel She took itah
dane's view of it. tribute' to MI
eousln Amy also totiehett a:very ten-
der rhortl.. •
Dor the gr011tIll Of 113V11118` seeureir.So,
Many reerults, Mr. lylson urged- that
ilaidatie should have the rank Of nix -
kir; but at that time those things were
eOntrolled WWI), by influenee
and favoritism, and there were still
not a feW in Itillatort who both
thought and spoke of the youltir.loan,
Pest record CIS a good I'PaSfth Wift7 ite
should not have any rank at Ile
quietly' look what was given' and
aSkett for nothing mOre.
Alt OM' know that Mr licaumont'S
old home and roved b the id Voe shall !tole d •
, Dr. alarks and some other' leading eitl
(('fl( Of IIIS native city. that, they ha
no further aeraSiOn tit seritide tIterol
selves ft0tO lite world, he returned tt
illitlaton to aid in organising a refti
ment that wcis„tteing rocruitt41 there
and In width ttle, Ivison had
him of a rommission, ,,BY means 0
the arquaintaneee he had made
througlo ,bis old mission ciao, lie wag
able to secure enlisttrients rapidly, sold
although much of the, material ' that
lie brought in (1,333 unpromising in Its
litst aPPearanee, wined to ltave'tte
difficulty of transforming the slottelq
Mg' dilapidated fellows into soldiers
mei it pasSed into geriertd remarkjbat
"Haldane's, company was the mughest
to start with, and the best discipilneo'
and. most soldierly of them ail" Vi,IWit
ordered to the seal of war."
The ealoneley 'th0- tVgillikPai
given to Mr. 'Beaumont, not only on
rtecount ot his position. hut also be'
covet of his large liberality In fittingt
it out, fle.,.took a vast interest in the
• aesthetie ficatures of its equipment.
.styie of unitorm, and like matters, and
• he (lid most exeetfent serviee In Insist-
ing on neatness, gtwri rare of weatmns
and a soldier -like bearing front the
While a'etiNe too this work he rose
again in Laura's esteem, for lie seemed
More manly and eneraette than he
had shown lotonselt to be before: and
what woe still more Ir: ills favor, he
bad /09 tittle for the indalgence ,ot lits
Only Tablets with "Ram Cross"
are Acpirin--No ()thee
It yen floal are tins "Bayer eren
• ea lb. *abide. refuse thee -they are
bet Aeptria int ell,
Year draggist okay give yea AO
insralas "ilayst Tablets of Aspitio" be -
*now 10041100, Aspirin now Is mute by
Caeadiamt stod award by * taaadiaa I
tuitaiporty. .„ 3
Theis Is NA rertVe werdro Getilakit
tateres4 it A , all rightt belog per*
arid inititioas wet* f4
'ant boxes sh,i vAripin
bet Weir rAt rats r
planar etempeti t h
*insst `Come A'4r1 Lt
by ams hr rth
Fasasis. Ilbsemeatimak LVOV
Ifaidas. sad Pala gescoagy,
Seem at IS aalotets-also f
wire and which. he held in
trust.. Then tame 'the .great teMpta.
tion of his life. Pe waS joint trustee
ot other very large property, ane
the No -executor Wati In Val,ope, and
,41irejilktprgreeo— ---a,o-Tate- •
di it
Ten nee
As a
fat Is lialmvs*
Jo the tommatk, •
CI a** are Vito
# la the '
fart* tal haenso
orettelokImIlW tia
the brie* sled•
cease tote
tote tfot etoweca
licts0440:7;041044,01lasthesil srett
• 4, tpratect IOW
1e gime iSofferilig 14
beset kasteltittite
oatketst, stIght
estatigho etc. All
dealers tag Peps
. elm TRIAL
Co., Taconite. 44r„,
box, tot $1013., 9 •
• 301411101.141 isdirer•
thosaseat and la.
atasaJO for protege
la Paps Co.,
Toronto, and to.
• vele* .1frett trial
Pile !ores
in tr:very #017%;,'
0 IQ
wo d he absent for years. In order
-to use 330(333' Of the funds of this Toro- t
CANADIAN alltA; Tgi JE **1W Of
EARL ‘ 11111N70,—Earl Mint°, son of a
former Governor General of Canada Is
engaged to Miss Alarlon Cook, of Aiwa -
/real, Miss Cook, who to a favorite at
the Ottawa court, was a very frequent
dace, partner, of the Prince of Vtralea
durInt Ms vI8It to Ottawa and Mon-
treal. .`
. .
are esseldial,". Mro. Arnot- had said,
"and wilt ;valeta tie peer to you as 1
1403. Indeed it will be easier f or Laura',
amt..' to commence our new lite there
nom here." • •
The men had at last beguo to rea-
lise the evloole troth. True to his na-
ture, he thought of himself Orst, end
saw that 111$ crime, like a great black
hand, had dragged him down from his
Proud eminenee of power and waiver -
sat ...rtspeer.. away Train tiot'betewed
business, and had shut hini. up -1411M
narrow stony sepulchre; for what bet-
ter was his prison cell than a tomb to
a map with his tireless mind?' The
SUM mind which, IMO a giant, had
earried itg huge burden .every day was
still hiso but now. there' was nothinfit
for.it to do. And yet It Nvould act. for
eoostant mental gelled had *become a
necessity from a lifetime of habit..
Heretofore lois vast business axed eve
ery. faettify to ehe utmost. 6 bad to
keep MS eye On all the grea markets
of the world; he had to ovv polito
thins, diplomat sts, a 1 t monarchs In-
-to their seer o Bs, 138(1 guess at
their p011 order to sh pe his own
bnainess to • cy. His Inter sts were so
large and far reaching Oa It had been
necessary for him to 4a e a glanee
ver the world -before he could pro.
perly Weed hie atairs born his-- Pete
vs4 Office. Por yhars he had- been
commanding a small army otMen,
with consummate skill and constant
thotight hadearravectlhe Ihdustry
'ot his Arno' against 4-ile labors 04 like
araties ,under the leadership of other
teen ha cOMPatition with birOSelf g
ttbout to .pertertn the ORO heroic ac of mind had learned to flesh with increas-
perty, it was neeeitsary to have the Mg- hts life, but she waS eruct enough to
Intatuatiero of those who dally Wit
thOt kind of temototton. Mr. Arnot fel
nature of this sentient:on • With th
b his whole career to one earosistentlY
sure that' lie void(' $003 make good al
I prevent even that, one, and so reduced
that he•sloould tostrin ids present toner
geneY, and. therefore forged the nano
of the.eo-triistee. The gentleman re.
turned front Europe -unexpectedly, and
the erime wa* discovered and speedily
It Was nosy tloat Arbot proved
what a noble and womanly nature she
oessesaed. Withottt paniating bbs
fault. she ignored the 'whole seolling.
chattering woeld, and stood by • ber
loolehand with as wifely devotion •ao
le lois crime had bees misfortune, and
toe himself bad been the' affectionate
eonsiderate friend that she believed
ire would bp, 'Whim aft a obtioiog
maiden 'she. had *Tooted the ham,
t elegant alio aitalished surface.
Ile had taken her band, and ?tv4S a-
bout d' bout to addeees.her is the most appro
oriole language, ancrovith'oll the dig-
nity of `Selfesacrillee, when she lidera-
rooted him by eaying briefly—
"Mr. Beaumont, please listen to me
first. Before the most unexpected,
vent occurred whieto has made so greet
a change in my. fortunes, Mid, 1 may
'add, in, so many, of my friends, 1 bad
decided to say to - you in all, sincerito
And klndness t e t
you; I could not give you that love
wbich a wile ought to give to a huso
band. I noiv reoeat ray deelston still
naYroltrfr6.1)711vvenialhattemtlian.VYA.e:vf assVoam8'4anin stunned
to marry bhp ,
'Can nothing change -Yalu' de018`
too?" he faiterdi, tea4ng that some-
thing might.
• "Nothing," she Coldly replied, and
with an involuntary.expression of 000e,
Oenopt ;hovering around' iher flexible)
""illittitit.‘vhat will you do?" be asked!
promoted by not, a Milo curiosity.
"SuPPort myself by honest work,"
tsvvia_estion" quiet, bolt very deetslve one
air. Beaumont now felt that there
IVO nothing More to 'be done but to
make a little elegauClarewell address
that had grown so hard, anti cold and
havy.. • •
Mr. Ileaurnorot was stunned anrl
31- wildered, At first he scarcely knetv
vthat to do, although his, sagacious
• father and 'mother told him eery plain-
ly in break the ebttagement at onee.
But the trouble with Mr. Beaumont'
'upon hila occasion was that he leas
a mon of honor, and for once he al-
most regretted the fat. But since 110
wee, he believed that there wab but
one course open tor him, Although
taunt was .pow penniless, and the
same almost as the daughter of a man
who would- soon be In State 'Tarboro,
he had promised to mtr q
view was not correct, anti as the eon.
ilitt.thleketted and &Vetted. tint elc.
gent gentleman became 33103''j 130(1 more
disgusted. Not that hog tacked person..
al courage: but, aS litten remarked
it Wa5 31(4."horrid stYie of living" that
tort could not endure. lie Nada not
dad an aestitetie element in the blind.
ing dust or unfathomable mud of
PtiAnisakwas usually the rase, thero \VW
in the regiment a soldier, gifted with
the POWPP 831.1 (eV iPII(TAtaiting
an) he kelat the beat papers qulte
imsted coneernints affairs lot the
rekillient. One item poi:teeming Beam
moat min indicate the ronditiOn of Ilia
robot. .Aftor dP9Cribirot the "sector
nstore of the node untt weAther, the
vriteradded. "The Colonel !Wks as 11
a chronic ttake of disentst."
Soddenly the regiment 'Wag OraPre'd.
0 the far Sontinarst. This IC1.4 Mate'
ban Dram -not coca endure for In
its view iito in that resin would .b
t tnirdt% nishir any? circumstances.
fp nutty thoutht the matter mot.
roi cAncholed litat.he would rather,
.• home. marry Mora; ankl Atake 11
,,nr, in Europe, and promptlyvevernt,
d the first part of his man ,by
/lung on account of 111.1uellh, flr
sit a bad cold, it is true. whit* had
firefly ostte to hit bead, Mid MS*
lin arse urteomforiable. and no,
mist his ow that the eXarnitther
IOlid411 misjudged the etereplary
gosalletnen. rerorriMeadloor that Ns P.
. lieeteted. 011036 from the
ear that . him haktle wets bad than
front any other row., ant br the
thy he toothed *Illelos his 11*** was
seat Avaoks, mod lbe MOWS 44 ow.
Woo *Mho *Se 344 hog 3140.
must heeorrm the mistress of the an -
(dent and aristorratte Beaumont man.
sion. He braced hirogelf, as ha4 been
his custom when a battle was itt proi
swot and went down to, the beaulltu)
will '
, be Laura's home
but a few days longer.
As 'Ile entered, she saw that -11:3!-11:3!
an depart, and he would make 11 in
spite of all Hoot, she could do.
The next thing she beard of him woe
that he °had started on a tour Of Eur-
ope, and, no doubt, in his old charac-
ter of a connoleeur, whose judgment
d p
Another Igetslit ,Anneers
The Preeesses of law were at length
complete, and Mr. Arnot found himself
n a prison 000, with° the prospect that
ears must otapse befdre he would re-
eive a freedom that now Was dreade4
almost more than hie forced seelibion.
Atter his conviction be bad been taken
Front Itillaton to a targe prison of the
State in a distant city.
"I shall follow. Thomas, as soon as
ran •complete such arrangementas
Itie greatest Invention of' the age,
now sold in Undo, grows hair,
brings haek the life and 00104
hair beaullhol, Price in Canada, $1.00.
Sold by one druggist in every town.
Caspbelloe'brian Store.
Mg speed an aceracy to one arid a:
Other of 'alt • these -varied •interes-ts
But now the great fabric of business
13134 wea , which be'brad built by a
lifetime of labor, had ,vonished like a
dreant, andtuothhag, renanined Mit the
ithat had cnstructedit.
(Tebe corotinued).
The Peer tIan's FrIend.--..Put up rn
einali bottles that are easily -portable
ond sold for a very sone& solo. M.
Dr, Thornes, Helectrie 011 posses poweir
In concentrated form. Its cheapnese
and the varied uses to whieh, it can
be pat make it the "poor man's friend.
No deale's stock is complete without
‘Vith a girl In a barrimoelt it's a nese
et suspended animation. •
Terrible Sufferer
From Her Kdieys:
Virben the kidneys go, out of order
theback 31 uriN to btoome affected,
and dull mps; sharp pato.% quick
Orb:ogee' all point to the fact that the
kidney.* need attentien.
111s1e010 and liniment/ may relieve
loe a Short time, but to get rid of times
two YOU Mutt set, tiglit at the seat of
trouble. You eta do title by using
Doan's Kidney' Pills and thus nhtlun
Mrs. John $tephnson 114 Stephen
liblicitna) Ont.orritek—ui certainty
must praise your Dottna Kidney Pills,
twat P. terrible iutTeree from my kdneye,
I would have severopainelo my btek and
awful headache*, i became very weak
rodfust 1431*1 if I were beinf dr*
doers. 1 trioi ono bog of Num rift I
Pik And to my gurpristi felt better.
coma work hard sot dity,tuld ay bock
would not pin Inc at cat praise
atm too notch,"
Dana Kidney Pala art il0t'. per boa
at all dealers, no mailed direet an reeeipt
ot price by, no Ta.xuburn co., 'aited,
Teteatop Qat.'
• A.
hrto ev. 1. 13
ah3t Arid ki lest
Mites oot
„ ho int "Doctor eartiera
• 0*
•sy .
• ,0 #
'121Dcfril BISCUITS
are baked .in the finest sunshine
biscuit0 factory in America by expe.
rienced bakers in sputNss *its
uniforms« .
Ask for McCormick's Sodom,
4111altent of Biscuits far ea *is,
Nice fresh stock of Peels if 'CI kinds, Raisins,'
and Currants, Choice 'Shelled Walnuts and Al-
roonds, Cocoanut, :Flavoring Extracts, etc.
of *it Mob
mom. AND toNG Int%
(Prim, ',The, Golden Gate," the oill,sia(
,,•,Pulgleation .of •The Goderleit 'Board
ges • on ,certain line of o a
. , Sr
twenty-eight and'three-quortee,,of one'
mot,. per ligndreid pounds', per Owl
hundred miles. .11110. rate on the-sanoo
Hoe et S'OOdit shIPPed in the Same
form • :distance 'two thousand eigitt
hundred and llfty .railes.. Is only :sls
and onthatt rents 1:1er. 'one, -hundred
Pounds, per, one lotottred m0e !phis
ts.a reduction, or ia ofetere.nce 'in favor
or the loogbaul of motet then seventy4
seven per cent. The "C. P. ft. et
course 1a-A-voivatrr corporation seekaintsgo ntoat, e 4Oirodlyatrato vbseryvl tahildpeulibtlitee;- lit:abet
stookholdersi nevertheless it %gives,
consideration do the shipment of -goods
for a long bout to the distant pets of
Canada when goods are sent to. these
Parts, This is eonsistaot with the ;7.
assititanee 'Web 'the C. P. D.,recelved
from the CajladIan Goverornnt, and
the neon of Canada..ovhen It is pro-
posed t or railway through
atad e itoe. remoter parts- of the
eounterso that the land might be telo
led and the natural resources develop-
ed; but the Hydro :Eleetric Commis -
of 'Ontario who are appointed
to.; administee the affairs. of a gyse
tem that , require fl1)4, dividends
but should have mutual assocla-
elation and eooperaion tOr one at
fl olijects retase tck give any -cow&
eraiion to ehargeS.• In A einollae way,
but on. Me contrary, 847 Ip), to any
suggestion for an adjustment of ratest
and. tall for the "forilture of the
peionil of flesh," Of making the more
dietant Pox the flroaxionaricr charge foe
every mile of power transordtolon. A
Untforro Rate for Power is theretorel
demanded'a*a remedy,
of remoylog the diserionination that , •
at present exists in conneetion with
the administration of hydro affir*.
Allirt0,404.1111•Ze41:0 3101.ZA:*
0•4 rot Oro 30 3.143
Dr, DeVates rrench Pins
A reliable Ikeaulatiu* Pillfor Women.
a3 s toot. Bold *1 all Thing Stores, ot
1rtalleor to any acttlfeatt on feeolgt
prie. wale &when Drat e. Mt. came
terletete esdarho
ileatoece +Int and VIt fatty; ..fOr :Vert
nod Brain:. ineretWit "gray rtult10.." n
TOnte—ollt bulki yOU no. SI 31 nor. 4'4
MO PO 13* rtgdruge titores,or
on reeetot of prieo. 411w itetattlt
L'84, t'avalivmeek. Whatortor
Cocoa Rolf
1 tablespoon bntser
1 cup sugar:
• .1 anja hot .
g teaspoon
1tO4U100011 belting
K teatsalt •
3 tablespoons Cow..
Mstikoits--Net eggs ttatillight,
add wow inadaajly. Add r*llk
Milt and art nOtit 141eil*Olow-
der sad conga% Cocoa.
Ad( to above agitate. nalttelt
ibot'ONISIY Add aog
*team butter, I,tae *alow
pia with paper. butter paper
aid U* Of So. Coyer *attar*
ot put aritit mixture aacl agreed.
eltealy. Make IT *Aosta, I* *
*todrate ores, Take !roe* dor*
sod tat* Olga, paper tigatakted
oitk powdered sugar. Quickly
restiovii paper, god cut off* tit*
*trip !root *Idea *tut egad. of
ofik Spread with ere** Vis*
StIltig, iron quickly soul eansr
with ooceafroettag.
• ofq
4. %..A.Olu ott
4ainimaniMmallaa ham1601:•maioinomi itimilao, loir•
timormaa woWlnemaainelma•mar noon
• ItikEwen's Specials
The beht X X X Vinegar in stock, and Sices- foe pickling.
Corn Flake, n few to clear at 101) package:,
SfeRwint's Otvn Daking Powder, 25c, wortit
•Ittinto Tea, with either spoon, fork or knife in the package.
' c Aternottin,, old se,G for 25c.
Some odd lines of Soap, 3 for 2e. •
We 116.Vstock
Ir. *Mikes arigisat Wade wEtasUs, lostip hits
They take the place of invisible braces and outside belts, bio
tearing of Shirts. Simple tea convenient. Support ths trousers
equally as ',Tell as outside braces. Call 40.*Ste this novelty.