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The Goderich Star, 1920-11-25, Page 5
117;37s1 cAPIPB Bronchitis _ii;;,a ,� .: :: eRtnr Bronchitis Mixture I oap Special : The life Sever ; The Lan Elver u See store window for exceptional 7. e, 75c, values inoutommatoosoimsaill rummastaamatoonsorso TOILET 50A S includin • Baby's Own, infant's Delight, Jergen's Peroxide Miss��Dainty, y - col ate's AlllRound, Olive Oil and Bath, l�al �� g =mho, Oatmeal and Cream, and Palmolive. SIMI'S ART STORE C.hristrnhristinas Suggestions resents of. Merit,Beauty andUtility? and at _prices that • sly economy I oda► s. French Ivory ''otlet Sits 1.1.1111.1 wan Fountain Perls Neverdul rdul Pencils colates rovnie Cameras 1 French Ivory 1� Manicure Sets T : nos Bottles and: Kits =� Shaving Sets Stationery have alt their Artistic ekristmis Gifts Kayser owes Store on display BEAUTIFUL FRAMED t, PICTURES MAHOGANY SERVING T, TS WALNUT MAHOGANY, rod IVORY, CANDLE STICKS ENGLISH CHINA A force chola. line of CHRISTMAS BOOKLETS CHRISTMAS`OST CAItDN aoi CALENDARS 8 cos. to 6. pa., S*tmloya 14 p.*. Plum Skop Ugly THE SloTori TORE, BrniiIi's JTt 8torB^ rit>Ir+.r tlttM IH au1t Worn Olilanonnt. Our ttuub, 3tme ZOO, 1041 Ott' ti to tikibtleirk Noy. anti , toZd ears under, existing cendttione, to de- tertntne, for inst.nee. whether It le on the better to bled' IO d and eget the ee tit -aft -Own ere w" •through eo re 'quickly). Where- nen ere paid overtime . rates for ,all eve; to 8 -hours day It can easity,be seen that getting over .a run in a speeiiled. time might figure as much as an ee- enom as carrying a, large Load. Ot -lbte. t P,' fie has been _handling about 70 per cent. of the grain traffic out of tloderieh,, and the G. T. R. at bout 30 'per cent„ whereas the 'pro- portions used to be -just about 'ate - versed. With. the increased traffic on. the C. P. a. Ib`, becomes important to know ekactly. 'the' most economic loading. Divisional • Superintendent efeKillop, of London, and. Master Me- ehanie Ronaldsan, of Termite), arrived in'town on Wednesday night in eon - election with the 'test. • •tin W edtteeday' -et last week a num- ber of O. P. 1, officiate were in town in their private ear, the party consist Mg of +General Superintendent Grout,. of Toronto; District Freight Agent leh H. Browne' Of Toronto, and fir::. Neal, inspector of telephone service. •et -'1'he C. P. R. water tower, vvhicit 'burst last week, is being torn down preparatory to rebuilding.. Numerous, Separate , Pieces of French Ivory o, SHOP' EARLY :ANip THEREBY SECURE THE BEST triOl� Store ��11�: Drug PENSLAK STORE E m▪ oor C IM▪ MO s 'Phone 490 • GODERICH; ONT. �i i nrrnumurrnanr�ruuumrnr�nuuulr - �mrrminiiir�iir�mi�n�niiinmrrlirNrvirauuirr�iuiriunniriuninnirirrrumiirmri i r • TOWN TOPICS ' • For Perjure' A charge of perjury against Charles and Homed Showers, eons . of Mr. Jas. 'ShoWers, of .Wingham: came up •before Ms limner Judge Dickson on Tuesday: last. The charge came as •the ;sequel I t 'el of one McLean 'of Wing and the, boys day' therefore senten- ced to ones day in jail. A fine of V2-'0 and iecets, the code "amounting to i i3a45,. !was'. also imposed, . and - the father gave his bond for .$1000 for two years , for the boys'. good behavior. As 'intimated in our last issue the man convicted of ;operating a gaide of chance•.at .the Blyth fair was on Sat urday.aast Id, go on suspended sere North St. Entertainment Tableau :,'Canada" • Singing -"•Colne, Thou Almighty King." \ National Anthem.. Reeitattone-''GanaadaP Chorus—"U, :Canada." Children's 'Tableau :loin •and. Chorus -'fl, Shepliertl. ' llecitatiun 'Still, Still with These that. in the worst i*of thein there is much good, and in the best of them •a great deal of good, They :are •alt hu - Man tragedies. They respond to. kind- ness quicker. •than children do. Nona' of ii but might some clay have to en- ter a home for the aged and infirm. lust as they.have._.donne; They are not paupers; they are our venerable eld- ers. on whom fortune has frowned." Pham, ,tinder the temperanceIn'. legisla- tense by the county judge. • In Huron county the Home for tho. etion.dense, sCharles tated thathe net fest'. the. Livery Inmate Assifnetl Some 't'Vor'!‘feed ', eeff .of an MrI nrl?Mtwas lieonohFted and by and' All Il<appy ^tn:lan ii4inLean hying ton the railway' :. other paid assistant.. There were 9t tracks in a drunken condition, lid' So says J. B. tlpiynolds, superinten- inmates. •How was tht$ accompiish7-' •b the Hamid swore that !t was dent of .the Huron House of Refugee,of ed? Simply by Making every inmate • . ment by Class sof Girls, camp ti e'ne^ Singing �Piheti,in-(�olip1Ir�h 'ollety 11i 1u tea. 1 ibltral Tabteauit `• , • • (All with "musical accompaniment• anis soh)s, quartettes t.horpses, Readings or Recitation Joseph Sold into Slaw*. ese Found in thml 3ulrusher,.. , Miriam's Song of Triumph, • Naomi, Itutb, and urpah. Ruth Cleaning. . David's Bride.• The Queen :'cif Sheba Visiting Sol- . omen. •- :1. Jewish Maid in Captivity. Returning from Geptivity. The 'ffetnrn'. ' 1.he 4Shepherde Listening` to the Song of ,Angels, The Nations elembracin•g, Christian- it • • , . Doxology; - .. No tedious waits. Preggrain S to IC - p. Fn, liusir :by• the' Gn lerieh Sanely Orchestra between numbers. • add obit .• Special Features in The Star The. Gotterich . Star has secured orf other special feature whir!' we be. I read- ers. be e 1t our ad. vI rwwit r v wit lila it e I P p . ers.. This i4 a series of plain talks an "Public - Speaking" by Frank Horne Kirkpatriek, Mr. Kirkpatriek of . 9r c Curer in public speaking' in Knox. Coi. lege, ele'tfaster university,' St. Augury- tine's Senueaiy, the ()Mario Veterin- ary College, and .lecturer -in English expression in the University, of • t ornn- .w n no man' to . iedir 1' •Echo 1 and m n knows a better •than be bow to impart to the people the knowledge that snakes his services as a •Ireturer• on •public speak - his ra r - -he and net hie brother wtio helped .td .the, conditions ,in our County Home. piolts.•the man up. The strongest pe -{.Tho first,'annual meeting of the On- tttion for leniency, which His Honor tarso ' Association ' of •managers of the Judge Diekson has ever received lvaeI Homes for the toAg d nd desnfrmday was �rtfuresented on behalf of .the boys by held at Hanwhich ;►n on Tulsa was•ter- er Mr. Vanstone, of Wing- noon,.et v it lawyer, h fact. Reynolds deplored red t e a � e n p t . tr. R r - sent. Y 1 11 the c le ed a gY n was . si by Itg se to i was men. of Win>;ham, by the Mayor, )issue , that so much of such In - *Ad Councillors-,. of Wingham, and 'nape economic He a ould f remind•_hhon- the Reeves' of the 'adjdining townshipd) stltut Of Turnberd Howick, as well as by a age number of other resident, of the district. In view of. the fact. that : Ie was a first offence and in .this stew of the petition, His Honor mad the imprisonment (which he .Iso by law to Impose) as light as possible) continued Mr. R Yedll a acids. "We feel concerned that the eeonomie phatse 0 ev .vas, secondary. What was essential was the human Note .a spirit of kind Gess. " r in- mates Huron we look on all 0 u mates as our ovvn.. flesh and 'blood," a trusty.hlr.._ asalgnitlg .'halm or her some task' to do. 'They take pride In their work. We 'make them feel it is their home,and, what Is more, we feed then. on the best we can eure. The -result is we are a .happy family't• ` . Testing the Hauling Powers of C.11.14' SATURDAY SPECIALS Loeomathes A large C. P. - ft. test car Is here .^to, day for the •purpose of .making a test of° the hauling power of .locomotives on the gradient - out of . Ooderich, This is a periodic test, and is made. probably, with the ,object of deter- mining the mast economic loading' of y, e>r ' A 1ar�e shiplxt� t � Graniteware l rived which we are . oi! Just � td SVS to this pttb�1C g at cost. Besides these ,few items which we have mentioned below there ' are numerous others wthich are too many to -mention. .Come _early and get the advantage of this money saving sale. Safety Kettle with granite cover, reg. 51.25i.25 , 75e 69c Large Pres. Kettle, reg. $x.00. 69c Larte size Dish Pan, r . '" , , Round Double Roaster, Sx.2 r ' 89c Deep Pake,Pans, reg..loc . . .. a ie • ti " large, reg. 65c . 49c 4. Sauce Pans, lipped. . • . 29c Palm Olive Soap Spe.ciai;, 4 cakes for . . a . 29c Butcher Knives 5a per cent. off of our entire stock which brings them down below pre- war prices. Sunlight $oats . . 1Gc Sacrifice - Sale in Ladies' Underwear Now on See large display of Real larns i our north window. These prices will .save t aaie4" Hose, Specie.: "Value CasbniereHese reg. $ I . . . 73c Cashtatrre Hose. reg. 7.1C49cc ' °.•• ' • . . Min's Heavy Socks Special , . Canvas Glove), special . 4 • C a r 19c 'P'lstntne STORE ISYNDICATEgas �., Model `theatre l PROGRAM Foo Wosk---Nov. 2 to Doe. 4 Met*d iy and Tuesday` A PARAMOUNT . *RTCRAFT PICTURE VIVIA� MARTIN • "His Official Fiancee" AND EPISODE 4. mourn our chief, .taken from us almost withiat warn fit . A few days ago he • was with us, taking. part actively in the busi* nese of the store. Now he has passed on to the rest that he had so well earned. His death vras..as _h , would _ have,wist,ed --a quiet passing ... e __.. away after his work had :been" well done. e , had' fully achieved the ambition with which: he had come to. Goderich a little over fifteen years - ago; in building up here a prosperous, flourish.... ing btr5�nesst and and those who have been associate ed with`" him: know with whatdiligence, earnest- ness andhonesty of. Pur oe he strove to • lid We wish to thank the:'people of . Goderich it and manyfriends of the store at -� and r�xciox y,.. the confidence which, during a. distance, for h r.a . theymanifested in our now -lament- these years, , . . , which was full merited, ed Chiefs a confidence Y. feel, was never misplaced. and. which, we P ft Phone S l • ° . Ifrom c the County Yet eernor General ht Gonnelf, nit the t4,. ,!s If 11Pet4 ) i fit 1 , rd to it i lettc tt hetir ,t r bOfbee star sought h the P Er Inc t i r cam r e.i rl > , )Il.r m ing t,ei g' Y of rho .teen and Huron, in tl►i I ens int f.• ► , tothe training , : he lir, 'tate :end in pursuanfa•'of thee. pt'Uvi•> tlt•votrai far, itis, rrvtiratfiin of t wvompri of ttinuu'rnw. Ile 'e ritEti t; be ; .41Pr ing r e Pfi.V: and v dmr in' Connell which brought, Tian If -ions et Chapter :l(ti 74 George V. abrbve* 10cturr1e, avitti limpid el a 1ff: 'PSP Onnaeta Temperance :tot tato referred to, is.plea.Ofli "lo ittopelit( 4tol if l force i ttlat County ' • operation of .,,ttie provisions of T(o' farm he its intimatelyj nni1fterted naturalness. Born nn arquafntrd o a n Y k owe :\nil wwherie. s such petition 'appi•arn ("Amide Temporaries Amt let 'Wb C'i0tltitl 'l P .Iii. n �" I and doth hereby .declar't; life batno t;^► to* wuspendierl, suets attttpenaIoif ll menet. teen Ytay o after the elute Or t Ad. pulihr,ati..n . Seer eA In the Canada 'tla- z,ette arid" t.. eonthnitte es long itc. tlt,t prnwiriei•tl l sw- remain* are rrstrirtit;p rural and urban tits alt t that move thin pmnplP to to eatie,fy HI, requirements of rho Act the questions tae t t. ) ru nl n � � and • a desire to di evertun in !While. . 'e'en � in f whereas the: Seer'tery• err Slate' believe! Pias m ver Wats' a thee when 41 K e the opinion that ten and avers: flat keenly de, reimrle that he 1 of R n the desire of the petitioners wee did hi in tlirmi rite w in e of expressing e u rent• air las hilt and this eerie.: of laths by �lr, met by the suspension r I CO Chili ..t 'Citron, in the Prorineo of onlitylu, `Uare•Ueril Jul JACK DEMPSEY ....A - — - IlV ,``Shanghaied" Wednesday and Thursday A GOLDWYN PICTURE MABEL NORMAND il+l �•. "The Slim Princess", It CHARLIE CHAPLININ "The • Rink"" Friday sad Saturisy ,4 SELZNICK PICTURE` NORMA TALMAGE `The Heart of Wetona' iiie4l' (COMEIW pu I tions of the Act in a Kirkpatrick, which will eotnmmnrc.. n our next issue win be well worth tile.i� prittlalo1 of tiliapt trot 31,n 41 lie 'rh,' 4 `Ittii z '1 4Ep H(lil alAti9.. study by both yaunii aitd older pep- in ale +,f pe itInrfal totiirhin•e1t ieridri t.leek of the 'privy Council. pie. biting or Pe trtmlints tin. r.rhf i,r nee a t1 lnotlrle Uro �er f"•aturp in !file filar intoeleatittn' liquor"" .end i•e r*:iti,.rl'4 ielmieeetll tit tile. 'unique Entertain. fs< illy ptrturm ramrvirr• of r►bIial ilt.t f j that the p4 ovfsians of 'rite Ontario merit• its North St. dwelt only 2:ie. Whirls it' baVe been publishing , , some time. Virtu +if the mptitrklin t"Prui�`ri,si hinge+, ;• re t iii t d insane 'r. tI .. ih'• and "The lil.iitld ))sense' home and the Outwit Rause are `1' 0 .ii"'•ie I .' 't. i,•' t'"re+" Lunde" tine* cttIreturc recall mong )hese presented this tepee. 'Pies' Therefore p iiia 1 ei' lrnvy' lite' �lnw: •:s Maio evenlnlf, Nbv. et6tlli;► pictures are an up-teryelate eereire eov� erina eurri•nt event . in t,an114, mei Britain i hfpity. ')'hell Wynn dhl itr,t ,;fu1 t t e :e•lintr our new: serial hist .week, he mire to iq.eit it ntr in ally laat i44ue .teff Mart rtowv.- "nil ir+et the Serene) in tatrnent, in Cite - ieene. ti"uu trill tinil • 1'he" t Tat err, sent" an ail abeeritie eerie.- Wm hatie ft•wi''1'1114te' e•1 h .l wwee•i: e eller 1011. if !eel neeeeal the upenitu • eh pter. ran Anel ped .:i t.,iew: ii ,ride'. l., by til "TIP. e,tRG -eleteit • ft 1. t. Di Fried pre. tet . Pis+ f"I(uwwitiu a rte lee ur tit.. •t;.iteet r i,.e. •: 1 til 9-:.. leets ave ear ti a tSr 'r.dndet t 'f nue. 1' u+e'•" o lief Net 0 ••> t ^e ye0 ,•.0;!.I >n ilia , . „Ciof.eeilll3 t ..in 1. 1 ti ref 11 her nevi, (hat hi int! 1 -ir• ltd; irf. M p the ]rubileatiaen ,ef the neige••. int 1"u- t rntte et • Teintu r tni.e let tt . S• fele ee.rrli 4 initi eCio't tie,' ii1-t f ee et month. Whereo :a. te=.ai,ti..n ha' le• e u ri ° e te„ .t • FURNITURE RE-FINIS111NG .�...� r. WE WRITE SIGNS REFINISH OLD FURNITURE , in the iedt fnigLi rt,cgible. a . Goal awl !tenable Usk. Give tie 0, trial. Ordero rre<:eived lit R• fffensy"ia recideueo, Cambria Load, North. W. R. HENRY & SON NOW is the Time to Select hristmas Gifts V4'e hove new in i110e4 0 k:! Ce e:.l;t e r iauitaitle Iloliday Rifts in tVoaaleri q. soft 1.1ottl .iia 41t1 1 i r., of t evern,' color!. Women's felt Comfy f''..011 o ro><•iety•o lice en. ' W ruen'o felt. Howe Jlct a b,i3 C61eek stit:t:et . 'Wuis:eit'n mud children i.. ...rt Alocecwitis. In' fact sue havem Innis variety ,tat &intly o(°gainvers for ©v ihetllher o the farzivy. A Club i ag, Suit .Cassa or Trunk a.r riaal'te° a very rr,tnlia and )fisting gift. For this wet weather get a pair of RUBBERS at y He-rn's foot Shop •••••••- r