HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1920-11-25, Page 3.7=7,-31•; .1L
WLsa gawr liver sate .tuggish a44
moth* your wolf llosith suffers.
Your bee* beeaaae 000stimated, head
itssouitte metes, lxit :
Sot b ere your eyed, you ctrl
n lteat'ibur2, water 'bmik, iau.wgos,
Von Milburn's L•xa-Limtr hitt, to
stake tbeliver resettle its proper tuoetr S*
by the bite that ss oireulatasg
1•i the hi and payao ut% the
Mr.L}Y Men; petgieid, N. No. !teed . tiae
writM- ,Mara toestiogiaiaa1t",ene/
seteewgt. Walton3
for tea relief #liura'e Istandknof a 1 C1(M:iso.
Pi1s bays gwea tree. I kid been IRIS= Itsieetod, 47M',°.
ma for tltr.s 1+ tt+1. �i7See.
AO" lead baMadaehee. I, tridk i fMet. ' kose,rtnin Born Orson*. %W a ns
of ut got no relief, Atli PAP rem* $11Aaaeaitdk
either told tae game No. i yellow, 11.14, norateal.
tried l
them and soon Rot , ani now "tut* fait. ' tA,.xaiMrai Nd it'1c lrt”
Oatso el
n <. No. 1' whets *te= to ole..
I would not IM without thew sn say
Mfiibuta'e'Ips Ewer Sr* MIA '` Ottttlnie. Wiwi* (m.ar.N,.to , 0110/00014 71.00040.1
Old our to take, do not gripe.17,114 a ate• Reiner ilea8
nick.* late thedrwtie purgatwll e,
No. ! winter:per car lot. 21.26 to alt.
N. 2 ,peter, per oar lot, 32.10 to
Price 25e. a vial at all ! a M, sate. 31.22.
oe b Toa to
' . ofon Tomato, t t• i4taateida3?
'led receipt, .d► la'trslst>r
mailed dereof ossa ooaasN
T. iiMtlburn Co., %;united, Tomato. w• t
T�SR, tlEOHOti BffiLEMA1'1l(. Oa .
1v spectuatet to women', and ehll*rea'I
*tseasss. Route, chrome and nervous dis-
prdaas. *artist dearness, e0, err. 'teas
and threat. Adenoids removed wittsout
the tette. Consultation tree. ."lee wind
residence, Nelson end. St. Andrews Buff"
beck of Temperance tau, Nertlt street.
Ofece hours. 9 to 12 a. m.. t to 4 P.
Renday6, Thursdays end Satureen'.
lersomFs by appointment.
TORONTO. Nov air. -..TA+ latest quo.
tattoos Balli Oke Boat* oe Trees are ss
36aM*sba W sst On stsare. Wt. MOW*
No. It **Mote, 31.22.
No. 2 .dottier.. 21.97.
No. 3 norther*. $1.24.
No. 4 •wksst. 31.82.
2limetaelh► Sato (apse atom W1i111adii
No. i V.W,54%e.
No. 3 C.W.. •i7 c,
Matra No. 1 feed. eeKa
No. 1 reed, 4I%e.
Mrs. Kae, Meioaoo, * former Ave`1t,.:
Imidan res.deut of Wi gtialt. Parsed
away tin Fresni, Cal., Nov. 5th.
Isabella Aru Itrot1,3, react of the late
Hobert Weir. passed awaaen Thurs-
day afternoon, Nov. filth. In her Watt
year, 1 her readenee in \\'Itib'.iam,
Misr- Flbrrnre Louisa Triebner.I
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Triebs
tier, of Exeter. was married to Mr.
Stewart A,lexrnlder Mc4 ails. of Did -
„Rev. A„ A. 'bumper ottlefated.
Mies Gladys Dew. daughter of :111:
F,van'Iicw, Of 1Ts)borae, was married to
t Zomba Dot sukii
arduIphw fah
Whoia you darks* your hair with Soge
Ted add Sulphur, to wee eats tell, kw
.heteto it'* dose so taatursliy, sal treaty.
Preparing tide mixture. th. ajh, at ImamMr, Witham S. Situs. •of Exeter. at Tri- : deesucsy sail trtwble.e ae. Far id radar
vitt Memorial rectory. Exeter. Oa roe eats buy at stay drug its.. tete
Thursday, Nov. lith, Bev. A. A. Tram WOO preperatiO*, improved byte.
Per ofticisting tie et attar i.gredleate, 0.134 "'Wys*b's
Mr. C. ;r. Hallowell, B. A., who vv*9 Drib Anil Hatplaslr COaapemad.t Toa just
ordained by tiw Bishop of Huron at
-Saint's rhumb, \Windsor. 411 Sue?
day, N'ay. 14th. started tris ministry:
at Middleton, Holmesville and Solt►-
nlerldli on Sunday last.
�,:,Aytlulet wedding took place recently
alt" the . home of Mrs. deamle Currie,
East \V a vauosh, when her datlghter,
Margaret Ward, SAYS united in mar-
riage to •Mr. Wilbert E....ltennedy. of
Toronto, by Rev. Di'. Perria
sister Mr.�
r 0 t
Afrdl,+ f
Paul Winer, S
Ford, of Eater, died Nov, 0th in Flint,
Mieh., at the age of 63 years...She vies
a dative of Stephen and dived .in -the
vicinity of 'Exeter until 3" Years ago;
When they moved to Idichtftn,
41X.G141► CAIRM
(1HARs S °ARROW: darnels... tlellCitOr.
,vllitd/ ertohr. Ontper 14°rtl; itr'eet aha 84U*r2,
nerrlster. Sofcltor; NOtard Pubetu
and 4onveyancer Godetl t. •
orrice Court 80uaa,
O! .G. HAYS 'Phone IL.
t ornate., sot odor. nota. teublic Etc.
OQke. liamuton St., sterling. OWE MOW
Reel EstateGo,. Loans, In;}p
GLOTtGE• E aREF.NSLADE,-Ral!tteld:.COn.
• veVauolnir and Notary Public
' Uarriaters, Solicitors, Near* PIM.
etc, Etc.
vtgce-fin Ate Square. Sed door tram
RttntltolI street, Oodericn.
Yrtvate rands to loan at bevies; rate*,;
, 1. L. lULLOORatt,. li. J. D. COOICE..
somas, OUNDRY.
and 4ener4l Auctioneer,
Live Stock
Bantnton threat, OOdOrich.
-.Sales made everywhere and all *forte
olWe to five you. ,atiafactlon. •
Faralere, sale notes • disc9unted.
.220. 8, -notaiiitIl.'
■ .seep' txsse.il+s; to *'sweats a nsesi0'e!
7[uttte . lie to at..
a.rekw bsatt *Seemed'ea* to ..oldies
Aso. 2 nominal.
"al. +(iieeeadiaaal •t. Irrelghts aatelie#*y
Na. 3. 11,60 to 11.96. - •
3iaaid1e.Ra Flee&
Yiret patents. 112:10.,r
Government standard.' 112.40. fij
0atarte, 'leer erre pt ritatpaatesit)t I,
tiltial, s
jute bark 1in iWt9
i' b
t0•` - nar
a 7 ra
11MUI1feed (Car•II,ete. Delivered a4**4r al
Braili. es
2Rto 340.25. •
8Ao Der tat. *4210 142411 ...,
• Geed' sed dour. $2.78 to. 33, <,
CO. .-"-.,".
Aide ate. iselatei Tows Property Insured.
value or property insured up` to Januar'.
M.O.. 012.376.1)0. • of ' Prdsidgnl�
OFtiCti ; =James • inott Flee -Pr ettdent,.
underfelt , 71s. grans,
' • Oaleeniivvuod ; T. E. Reye, See. -Tress,. Bert.
DIRECCTTORS-I.;.'F. McGregor,' 'Searorth
T.. O. Grieve, Winthrop d Wm. Wrenn. 001-
joM Perris, Oare lock McCartney, Bennewise,
j°pn Verne' Malcolm iucEwan. Brueenel i.
,A0 ItTS-7. W. Yeo. • Ode 1 lea dandy
'Aitch, Clinton Wm. Oi y,
'icy ley, 9
Policy Holdere•CIw.A�' their s�sessmettta
yt R.'B Cntt's Store, Goderich, . J. Bor-
rieh's Clothter store, Canon, or i. B.
• leetd'0, Dlyneld,
,(701. BAILIE. -
General Conveyancing done,
Good Companies Represented
Phone No. 390, Goderlch, Ont..
t.YDER A11NG •
ooflcU Bro$.
Th& dhip'
and I,m 1 : rsa
nded to
Orders caretulIy a
st all 'hours—night.
TORONTO,. Nbv. 22.--ltse.ipt1 vt-IiV•
stock at the union Y s at 10 o'clopk
last night coinpri.eid 2e•#hcare, 4.119ticatr
Lap o and 6,4111
sheep and/Iambe.
CHICArGO:-'Nov. 22._Hosa-Reeeip n.
6.000; mostly toe to 160 higher
E'riday'a average, with spot mora; clue-
ing Otto.. Bulk of Wes. 111.60 to $11.$ed,
top, 313; heavy weights, 31L60 to 311;
Medium weights. 111.46 to 212; lights
1 ht -
wee hts, 311.60 to 311.90; lights Dints.
111.49 to 11.10; heavy pacticing sow's,
smooth; t11 til 311.40; packing sows.
rough. 310.75 to 111; pigs. 111 to 112.21;
with desirable 100 to 150-1b. pigs, 311.*0
toiii 7fi
t1e, 192 calves. L $ . ge
114,10Ipttt a` 4314411,0 far soft brtleb• wit !K
said draw this. your hair, taittttg
oat+ mall strand ata time. Bar sserassg
all gray hair disappears, and, attar• as.
other application or two, your bale
comes beautifully darken . glossy aide
luxuri.at. �li�r
tiny, ;tailed bait, tem as ' 1
is at a gtt. et fate would *a we a t.-
sirs s ellttliful satd **troth*
sae s *ay at ataahwitb' Wystb's
easel i ylpltwr Coespiated IIsi look yews
youigsr.Tis. rsady40-114s 1911$111101012
a ellghttttl Wet trsyttidlea
tot latoadodlor the alit%
laltigti. q'! ettilestae.
After a long dints. Janet ,Robertson,,:.Ir. Bowe e Arid Mr. II. 11. Ga
beloved wife of eitr. John Cooper. pat«- has sold his form en tioderich Town -
sed awaY' at. her home its. Wtlenit'am on ship: to Mr. E. Grigg, of Colborne,
Noonday, Nov. 25th. in -her 814 Yeah * f \ir. Isaac Ila
Niro. \\ m. Salter, of East Mrawa1 Wah,
is. •it daughter At the deceased.
....Cattle--f eceint., 8,000; mostly Cat*.
A pretty wedding took 'place at Tri -
vitt Memorial glturch, Exeter, on Wed-
nesday atternoein of (last• week at 2 o-
°look, tiyhen atlas Charlotte Allen Bice,
granddaughter of Mors; A. Allen,. of
Exeter, •was united •in marriage .to Mr.. is at present quite i11, and tee's. Al'
Preston E. Dearing, non of Ni..and.here taantelotn, of to derieh Township,
Ams. W. at, Dearing: , . She had resided in Clinton over since
A (Inlet Wedding took place at tale her
marriage rorty -eight years ago.
Luthran parsonage, Dashwood,' Afen One.daughter, Mrs. George W. flay.
day, Nov. 15th, at 6 o'clock in the eve ton, of the London Road, survive.
ening. when Rev. Grnupner, the pastor, The uneral of • the late Tudor J.
united : in marriage., Emma Matilda, Warks,. who died at Kansas; City, Kan -
youngest daughter of . the 'late Fred gas. 00 Thursday; Noir, Iltil, at the age
and _Mrs. G ntner, of Dashwood, and of 87 years, took place front the .regi-
Elmer Oesch, of Zurich,. deuce of aan�is son, Charles Marks, of
'lr. John Bowdt'n died suddenly a Stanley tOWnehiP, an : Tuesday. atter-
noon ot last week. The Rev. W. Pitts.
his. home, An- the 3rd concession of of Trinity ehureh, • Bayfield, ofnctated
Stephen, on Tuesday, Nov. 16th. He at the house and at the grave, and tete'
was in excellent Health and that morn- pall -hearers. were, Medysrs. John and
Ing .was helping, hie son to pulp: tur- D.. 11. Miehaughton. Thos.' Cameron.
nips at the barn, when ,he was sudden- Samuel Cleave, Samuel 'Horton and H.
ly stricken 'with paralysis, and lees e*x-. Darrach. He leaves to mourn his loss
pired a few moments afterward. I two daughters and tour sons, Mrs.
In Toronto Nov. 13th a very pretty -tephenson and Mrs. Miller, of Kansas,
but quiet 'wedding was solemnized at and Charles, itf Stanley Township, and
BonarePresbyterlan church,.when Mies James, of Colorado Springs, and Harry
o t e b rta.
r f h of e
ate ire' . Al
Margaret C. McNeil, clang and g , � .
tate Mr, and Mrs.:vleNeii, formerly of
'Adan and northwestern grassers. Tied.
lag light. Week's receipts total 116.920.
a neww • yard record.Compared with a
week ago, choice prime corn fed beer
steer*. 606 to 15c lower, other beef and
butcher rattle unevenly, 3.1 to 12 lower;
canners and cutters,. 21Ro to SOO' loiter;
iia;ht• veal calved., 22e bower: heev!
calves, average 21.60 lower; stockers
Mand feeders, ,mostly 75c told. lower:'
Shoop•-RoeeiPte. 2,000; •,.,•caihp*red
'with a,week.ago` at sheep add.latpis.
60c to lee sower; year1lige, *aa to 21
**Whig . t0 listed. a k seek 11
lilioto '*suets, 1 as* leakiay 'pedal
yOducliplt ler the *ext few wields
..►Mels will t n*ble yea to lte4 Il+a"
URNS for' ChrlstNas jUls at Very 'issil+.1
vete 'tritest
Photos, uedtaarlly *t ,s down,
ltedered to AS a derett •
lt• At, SALLOW$
then thea', 8 y the use of .heir oppor•
'unity, were, able to dtspo3e.et the en-
' tire amount of power they contract
for .(n .a snore' profitable way. than is
Anne Steel), wire or . a dd,':nossible lav other members of 1111
of Clinton, ,passed "'AY quietly an dro Meddles ''M tilclPttt AsSoetatiers,
Thursday night, Nov. stilt. .he was. • then. it inevitably follows that a
r i11 e:oderich Township, being a larger plaees..and' those ulose-to tat►
daughter of the late Henry :Steep, the source of newer, pegged+ and enjOY a
eldest of nine children, four of whom. threefold advantage over their leas fats-
ve • a s. -and :firs. John Wise ore(' associates. the smaller plaeee and.
surd ,•Ja Steep - 1 i w ._ every
i trlct;= air
r xss
whorural .
Miller, th
� .0 .1e
and Mrs, (leo, r
semblance of 'mutual association,
Which is supposed to exist,. in the Uti-
lization ln-
ii�tlon of a provlmlalassit (the o
mon waters'of the 'Province, and its
guarantee 'ot the bonds) now; earried
An in the name of a Municipal Asso-•
elation. is. destroyed, and the. whole in-
stitution is thereby' rendered a greater
and more vicious monopoly than that
held by any known . private- corpora-
tion,' Thts is certainly a condition
that is out of .ilne with the spirit of
Canadian business and progress• est the
present time. -
lower; Esc to. 76c bower.
PIIO'A'&LO L1vnt '•liTOCIC.
ST,Bi.TF2 ALo..N.T.., NOV. 32. -Cat
e aReceipts, u stead
Calves—ltecelpts. 3io, 1', 4:lif) to
21Ha a--.ReceiptI._ 11,200. good:. tic to
26o higher; others steady. Heavy and
mtzed,,112.l6; orkers, 112.66 to 112.7*;
T ht . o. and � e, 113.?*' to PI; roua;hst
ti 260 dull.
23,11.76 to $11. stage, $2 to 110,
Sheep and Lambq--Receipts , 4,441..
slow; lamb*, 26c lower;. yearling*. 41
lower. Lamb*. 36' to. 111.60; yearlings.
36.69 to 37.60; wetherir, 36.6`0 to 34.6;
ee 6
6 to
t e sh .0
0• mixed p
o- .6 d 3
e a 1t
t lel
w 3 ;
Canteen 3iefugeee.
PARIS, 'Nor. 22, ---Pitiable condi-
tions surround. the . refugees from
the Crimea who Red to Coh.tanti
nople following owin the debacle' et the
forces ot Gen... Baron Wrangel.
At least a thousand '.women and
children are succumbing to starva-
-tion and ezhaustton, and latest de-
spatches. Altogether two hundred
thousand refugees are in the most
abject misery. There is food for
one meal every 48ltotirs.
It was.announced_he R r Sanded
that ;2,OOO,D00,rt>f'd Cross
supplies weer. tured by the Soviets
3n the wake of the Wrangel armless.
Aberdeen, Scotland, was united in mar-
riage to Mr: ilobert -J. Little, youngest
son of Mr. John. L. Little, Wingh1m.'
Mrs.. Isabella Davidson McRae, an
eldet'ly lady:: of Clinton, died on Mon-
day of last week at her home on: Rut•
tenbury street, as ,the result of parat
lysis. It is 53' years ;since she : left
Inverness, Scotland, and arrived in
Canada as a young bride to •.asst* her
husband in establishing, a • home, settl-
ing in Clinton soon afterwards, where
she had resided ever since. • •
latches, CI.ai.a aid
Rspaltad slat#ht�le ilk.
as yew* pestle* exper1IAee •
de Hato" sr Oleek tie g0 3e Oa* with sate
Ohara* mederete .
Mottli►N 'ILA, entlla;iesaie
simmottotoomooseeseasemenivem' 011";#
�;hildre • 'Cry
Cl aa, F. Tilton.
Fra rvilie. N.B.
writs: rt wish to
lefsrntyou that we
consider your
1C1INARD'S i.lh"•
IMENT a very
yu etiorttticle,and
we tote it as ti sure
rd6: ffetaorethrost
nm.d Ant, li woulel sot he without h. if
ibe pritt wad* collar a bottle.•,
• Labor Suffers Defeat. '"'
Nov. �2
--. Although
London had no municipal • electio**
on November 1, the result of the by. -
elections in Eastham, a huge East
London industrial municipality, on
Saturday showed a heavy defeat for
the Labor Far y, : similar to (hit
which occurred
the country,• S
d bye
cause tb
counciltora to" a
two Labor candidat
Jane Laidlaw, .axed .91 years, one of
the oldest' and most highly respected
eosidents of. Seaforth and : widow of
the late J. P. Brine, died on Sunday of
last week at her-restdenee in. Seafortii..
She had lived for, 70 years in Seaford'
and five of afamily survive,
do t
�� connection tidl
1iolmstead, 5eafortll; =firs, Peter Scgttt not be overlookti
Brussek.; William,' of Toronto.;' and any contemplated change. In the policy.
Misses Jennie and Frances, at 'home. `- or system of adjustment of hydro'elec-
On Nov. 1st, Albert Edward Cook,. trio rates.if there is to be a due re-
youngeaat son of the `tate -Abram and gard: for air..,dealtng. Cities, and, moat"
Afrs. Cook, Brussels, passed away at of the larger towns: have a great var-
his horde in Windsor from pneumonia iffy. of institutions and manufacturing
Ie power r. at different
sthat fur p
plants q
after an alineofthree weeks, n8 periods of the 'twenty` -'Our aggars.
.38 years. The deceased was born in many of • which are able to adjust' and
and edam sly.. alts nts to to determine at what period of the
Canada.• The family : ed in . Grey say they require to .use' (he most pow -
peak "load, • and the. municipalities y se-.
"The'-�its Oficial
(Frbm -Golden Gate,"t 4
Publication of The Goderieh Board.
of Trade). ? '
To reeelve a 'certain amount of pow.;
er and to be able. to make full use of
ail, of it during every'period of: the day
is a most. important matter with every
municipality using hydro-eleetrie pow
er, This cans only bo dens by the lar-
s`er towns,and' eities..that have .sufl1-
tient industries, and a variety of pure
poses for which. electric power can be
used,: and to'a very great extent is the
determtn8'factor as to the.itmount of
revenue that. may be secured by the
operations of each. and every associate
municipality of the Hydro Etectrle
System. This i *something that should,
Liggett s
Elizabeth Rest
Fresh shipment of these choice
mattes latah r.' �'.
Take a %loo. today.
The Retail Store
RMtI • fl•
Oliee a mallet has used Baby's Ove.
Tablets for her little ones 'she would
not be without Them. They are the
ideal home remedy for the baby; being
guaranteed 'to be absolutely free from
opiates or other harmful drugs, They
are a gentle- but thorough laxative
and. have been proved .of ttie greatest
aid In eases of constipatiotda indiges-
tion, colic, colds and simple fevers.
Concerning them Mrs, Ernest Gagne.
Beausejour, Que., writes: ' 1 have
used Baby's : Own Tabtets "for consti-
pation and rade and have found them
so successful that I would not be
without them, I would ttrongly re-
commend every • mother to keep n box
in the house." The Tablets .are sold
by medicine dealers or by Mail at 25
fonts a . box front The Dr. Williams
Medicine Co.. Brockviile, Ont.
e s Of
ether Part
en vacstncied were
ovation of Labor
risen, but only
s were returned,
the remaining .sea being won. by
Eatepayern' Prote tion Association
ndidates, ' - -
Routnani to Wed;
an Preece
%,T7. ERN10, Nov. 22.—Queen Marie
of ltou s' ante, arrived here Sunday in
connectio - with the announcement -of
the .'engagement of Crown Prince
Charles of Roumania to Princess
Helene of Greece.
Prince Nicholas, brother of. format
Xing Constantine, will join Prince
Andrew and Prince Christopher at
Brindisi, and together they wilt. rs-
turn to Athens. -
• Prince Christopher ie repoirted to
have left Rome with Prince .Andrew
on Saturday.
Fortner Gerinan Empress 111.
THE li 13.L& Nov. 22.: The °eon-
ditton of tate former German Empress -
Augusta Victoria: Of Germany -grows
increasingly nerioue. Prince Adal-
bert and his wife arrived _tat Daorn
Castle on. Sunday.
The temperature of the patient
was anflounced as 104, and it was
said she. was -very weak. Dr, Vanden-
bergh, a heart specialist of Leiden is
tieing runhed to the bedoide of the
former empress.
Armenia to Continue I� tght.
PARIS. Nov. 22.• ---Armenia, AR-
cordin -to the Foreign Office, has re-
fused to comply with the ultimatuat
Of Mustapha Xenia Pasha, the Turk-
ish ,Nationalist leader, tor the deliv-
ery` of war materials, and has decided
to continue the fight with the Turks
to a finish. -
townthip for mare- years .before se-
and so determine the time of. their
ling: the rm end locating in Brus- b
Raring this . information and acting
a . Edward .nevereux, not upon It, are' enabled to -Make the best
the pioneers of the Huron tract.' • and most protltable use .ot the power
•T ec
. da ell. in Wednesday
on W Ythey' buyand
sed away • `titch eYs3
last week. Her of maiden name was Mar- of smaller towns and villages, and in
garet Dorsey and she was bort.,; itY"'Ire- ,rural districts, a silnllar manipulation
land 89, years ago. About 63 years ago of the disposal of power to :their lim-
she was .harried to Mr. Edward Dec- itcd number of customers and restrict,
• c t farm byno
the a power'P
Of ov e
settling On a use
r ua 1 d p
e itis
e ,
Buren road adjoining that of her par- sibte, and for this reason the larger
ents, :and she resided there continually places. haat at their cemntand faeilitiel
until herhusband's death seven years and an opportunity to, on the whole
ago, sinNi vvhlett she has made *her of their transactions, secure a far
home with her daughter In Detroit. greater return on any stated, orrequal
r :of
as -
\Vakirag in the midnight dreary.
With a toothache thumping weary,`
While the wrinkles. crept and deepest;
ed, .
Right across My rumpled brow,
While I nodded, nearly napping,
Through the 'window curtains flappidg
Came a sound • of something yapping-}
Yapping like a dying cow; •
And the burden of that yapping,
"Do your .Christmas shopping. now,"
Medely this, and nothing
f .
The re -opening services of Egmnnd amount of •power; in comparison to
'•file church were 'held on Sunday and the smaller places. This of course Is
Monday, Nov. 1'ittt, aha loth. 'During a, condition than: naturally belongs to.
the summer the western wall of the the larger municipalities and it Is their
church was removed and a three-•stor right to make the besCand fullest use
ey addition to -the church was erected, of this privilege; but at the same time
The lower story consists. of a western, Hattie hydro • E:lettrIe- Power Commis -
vestibule and a cellar for` eoal and sloe •of Ontario persist in giving them
wood, the second story serves the puri- an unfairly low bate for .power, :and
pose of an assembly room and cloak place upon them a mueit smaller.
room for - the choir and a roomy Wes. charge- for power transmission, and
try, and --the third storey is an alcove
and .a..,loeation for a Targe pipe of are
to be installed later.
Mr. F: W. Powell has ,purchased.
Mr. John Perdue's 40 -acre farm on
the 16th roueession .of Goderieti Towne
ship, this "giving Mr,. Proven a nice
farts of 160 aeres 10 a block. Mr./
Perdue has puteha.sed the Izzard home-
stead on the 14th containing 120. acres.
Hr. 7'. A. Tieek has sold his 80 -aero
'farm on the 16th to Mr. E. 11. Wise.
Mr. R. A. Robertson, of the-Bayfild
road, has disposed of 'his 20 -acres t(1
It you suffer from headaehes, 'there,
Is a' cause *for it; there is some nerve
in the body that needs attention'. If
You are a sufferer, you try a treatment
of Vital Tabletq, yot3 wilt be surpris-
ed. The Frenett Nerve Tonic. -Price
:,(lir, a box; 6 for $2.50,• •at all drug
stores. The' Seebe1i-*)rug Company,
Montreal, Que..Sold by Campbell's
Drug Store.
due. Jan, !a
2030. Ptin I
al a
n halt -
littered (June 15 and December
15payable at Torontoor Montreal.
398.22 and Interest, yielding
BO1WbS, .due. Qct. 1, 2010. Principal .
and half -yearly - Interest- (Oct. 1 and
April 1) payable at Toronto, Montreal
or Regina.. '- •-
P.rlee 206.61. and Interest, yielding.
BONDS, guaranteed unconditionally by
the Province of Manitoba, due June.
30, 1030. Interest payable half -yearly.
In. Canada'"or New York.•
Price 681 50 and . Interest, yielding
Issued by the ':rand. Trunk P.artt&e
Ra4iway Company, due Jan: 1, 1962.
Principal and half -yearly Interest, (Jan.
i and ,duly 1) payable at Montreal,
New York or London, Eng.
Price 36743. end Interest, yieIdtng
Government, Municipal and Corporation
Dottlinion Bank Buttal dg,
ver age.,• . ! M th• M
liar Clothes ar4t ltot just average.
We know of no •espeoiaat reason .why rt man shook'
some to us for a Seib. 'Tat if a (eau wants not only
n Suit that will tit him, but a Suit that will suit hide,
that:is a different matter,
`We're busy"
F. Marl in.
Bi4er PIu¢
Cattar'rh"Carl Be Cured
Catarrh is sC local disease greet', Mew
fumed OP (onatitu'tbna I rondtttmtri, 11
tbersfere redulred cor±btitutiMutl trent.
Rent. *HALL'S CATARRH saittnetra8i
is taken htteretaaty artd arts throng ►
the Blood on the Hurous *urfaeea et
the HTaRem. MUM C A T A I S 1314
MEDIcIN16 destroys the foundation s!
the diaeaae gives the patient strength by
lerprovleg t11e geturrat health and amulet*
stature In .doing its ..fug.
All Dreggiats, Orbiter* free.
1 '. J. Cbe.sy & t b ► Telede. (*1*.
Ms. Salnael Johnston, ZVingllatil, nag,
tical away at hide .tome On Saturday.
Nev. 13111. ice his i'a th year. lie moved
to "Witigttgtn front Bipie'y about tool
ealra IAD, but rontinned to Wer* MMI
bon in Hara.) tGt% M'iip.
A$401(1140 TOBACCO
,Ater years of doinitiation
Still ►'s. mace
A WNW 'igfe11,4,-Thls new ebwwer. to- titer ltivesdatit los. Toronto,' i9
inol.ed open as rather an outcast by lite Redbreast family„ *Nett refsrsz 10
Irate:elite sditii it In any form. Tills !photo was Sakti * few Bats $3G.