HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1920-11-25, Page 1TIE MEM STAR in equipped for Alieide or Job Piet:Awe front Bill ter iteeek ltarnale Temple Building Toole 71 1111 NNE OF MOO MIRROR cric A TALK "OP 11111 Tiers ~et swami failassli INF 1003.011. No1341111.1t easIsates.14.• aaratikiete iwramMary nonweetase Salwattigaisspasell eft pails • le Wit wirsolft Imam« Ts Stems is meet ••••,•beswh. React "Th. Opal ilikepant" SIXTIETR YEAR. -1,440, WitidE et AMER We CODERICII. ONTARIO, CANADA, THURSDAY. NOY. 25, 1920 1.010,01441 etes.c Thin -Alas --tin.) 1-,w in A3voitieil s"vil tr Aftevilt4... 11,VVIA NAt tki, Pub* Sir Hamar Greenwood Reveals Sinn Fein Plans to Bomb Liver* and Ilanchister FARA/1ms Our Bond Department is in charge of ex- perienced executives, capable and willing • to advise you regarding the safest and most satisfactory investments. It can recoMmend to you at any time a splen- did selection a higk-grade Government and Municipal Securities -and in addi- tion will transact any Oond business speedily and efficientlt. • Ask your- local Manaeer for our latest list of investments. HE STERLING BANK OF CANADA Sul Life ssurance.Co,of Canada 11 1 _ ._ ., __ . - THOSE WHO NEED LIFE INSURANCE • . 14 The Bleb. 1'4t0,11-0 offset Inheritance taxes, thus cern:prying his.estate. c2. The Riser Illan-tO lend WS grOWing faMUYA helping hand -data 4 -They clan support themiseIves. 3. be Married Alan-tmassare his family the benetit of a permanent income. ' 4. The Single staa-to provide tOr Ida Oa 040. 6. trery§otly -to aid thrift and create financial intdependenco. A sun Life Policy will ororide for all eniergenciet. .-- • ' - ' II. R. LONO District Agent BAIIWAT TIME TABLE , • ;.c. P. R. 004erich-Leave 6.00 a.m. 1.25 p.m. IiImailtou-ArrIve 11.10 a.m. 8.24 p.m. %%Winter- " 10.35 a.m. 4.116 pan. Toronto-Lea,re 7.40 aan. Hantilten,- 7.2011.204 4.00 p.utt. • GoderielarriVe 12.35 p.m. 9.55 p.M. R. . -1510der1eh-Leave 6.05 a.m.. 2.20 p.m. " . 7.45 ails. - reoronto- Arrive 11.10 a.m. 785pm .Hamilton-Arrive11,22 a.m. 0.53 p.m. -Toronto---Leave_11.30 ,Hantliton-Leave 7.15 a,us. Goderich---.Arrive 4.44 MAIL CONTRACT! QEAtED-TENDERS, addressed lotus Post - Meter General, will :Jr 4eceiVed at Ottawa WW1 noon, on FRIDAY, THE 17411 DAY OF DECEMBER for Me eonveyance or Ills Majesty's Malls. on a proposed Contraet for four years, 30 times per week, on the route,. ooderin. Post Ofnce and Orand Trunk Railway *- *Ion, front the ist day of April, ext, 12,155P.P.Annfiriialigg .41gitlit".'„otnplZosietii 6,30 P.M.i Conn ct may be seen and blank forms of /.15 p.m. 7.10 p.m. 11.41 P.m. •• •g INSURANCE AND REAL ESTATE B[ot'sts. norses . ALL RINDS FOR AT VERY REASON: AREE •PilitEft. , if you Intend buying- a funne, It WIII be •• to your interest .-to iee me, as I May have just what you. are looking Tor. No trou- . te show you the places • I have for sale. A large HI prioese front. Call. la ./ , and ••ee me. • Il -al Cvlate Instal:0er O. F. AREY, se o Rept on East street. For Sale, Two erouses on Peewit ° street, one story frame, ''$900 each , • For Sete', Tivn Floases oa Oxford street, one and a half story* $100 each. For Sale, One and a half story _ house, corner Cambria road and Gloucester Terrace, $1000. -111MISSIMIRIGINNEEMIIIIIIIIMMI inlitialln al in I GRAIGA° lit la M I ASSURANCE ND REAL I mi . . in . Mt Nil fl 11111 TO RENT . Z at • ' . . el 6e• iacres or good land with first. fb a--- • a ..-.1ass buildings 'situated In •Gode. le ele rich Toivnship, just ,agress the ni •II tra&, on the Huron Road. This AN 111, MI n i fano Wil.1 be rented. tor one year.• 111 • II ' FOR SALE • • ._111 "Villa Picton," 2 -story brick, tut. a . ; ly modern with fireplace i • . ._ ,,, 21, - as rooms, large: lot, situated .on the ii 51 south side ot Piton Street. This • •a st . is one of the most mddern As a homeS in town. Immediate pea, si •is - • • a AN scesion. § -Pe-stare frame. house, with 8 al • rooms, electeio light and water, • .6 felt lot with orchard. Situated I a 011 the west side of Cameron St. • fee , . • • • , IS nivegnitENT SECURITIES I . • Itt 1 Vietory Bonds bought and sold. as . Provinei of Ontario Bonds due 1 A , • June 15," Oak price. MO, to yield MI III ▪ 6% • . f41 J. W. CRAIGIE. : • 1 4191111111991999331311110111111199913111191013301111 r3...*:••••.................. -.............km, en , may e obtained at the Post Offices of Ooderien, Hoimesville, Auburn, and at ;tie °Mee of the Post °glee Inspector, Lou - *Post Oillee Inteclor's • ()Mee. London. 0011. 'November 5414, 1921 CHAS. E, If. FISHER, . .Post Oince inspel.tor. AIITIGLES FOE • SALE FiOR SALE.-Blacic Ilohe. Apply to J. A. ROGERTSON, • TTOLSTEIN COW FOR SALE. -Apply to .1-1- CA114 WORSEI,L, Keays St. TIAMAGED WilEAT POR SALE. -in Opera L'-H0na0--B1eek----I1ftge49n i204..- W, ,11feLEAN. VOR ,SALE. -A quantity. �!...113.11(1 picked • winter apples. BBid akiwins ann. e No. 3 grade, Silita!ble for tinnily. e: • Write to 'JOHN SOWERBY, R. 11. . Ociderich, orinfone la. on COL 21 FOR 'SALE OR 'TO .1510R• SALE.-eFrame, him' oh Wells St. Apply at sTAIt. 0 3011. • Vert sALE.-The lance .01 Dr. W. Y. .22 Hayden, leneent • street. white brick, seven soms; .hot-water heating, fire place, ty. modern; large verandah and _mice Apply to JAS. 'YATES. 0 . E, F011 SALE.-Briric, to rooms: with 6 acres of land, adloheng the WI) of 000erieh 00 SorAU, 110118e has hot water heating. bilths'55m-and Neetric lights Also a building lot on Arthur St., about/3 minutes' walk from square. An - ply. tO GEORGE McOREATIL MIMIC GEO. KENYON. Mus. McGill Vniversity" Teacher's Mamma Plano and Theory Teacher's Diploina Singing Pupils prepared tor •examinations. For terms apply Box let • ave for Lifeinsu Tly1{ Inaurance affords an oil. 4-01 nimble opportunity tor reas tion of a substantial estate, ani provide* protection tor yetue eat:A- iley, in the *vent of your death. Open si allying* account with .0* and make regular devoid% so tint you can meet the premium* as they °fall due. 44$ UNION BANK OF TT" rovinolal 0. F. 00 Convention Next Month to • tainct. %Oral', hf, .Nlis:ii Itc.111 Nowill, • 3 :fifictit taicliti-it iiiit'llti011tfit (it Taittniti.f. P.Sift'll. firr, tati.iatil fii.ni tiol„pe Htic..'" t";Ilit': t;:14t if titmliptItIoTtlia:e'llte:041 • V , 4:14Vi:dlat3 A 4,'F. I hi li.filir I darifitf.ttaf* 4tiipping rarl:4'.. . a. ' n. ce .. Eleetion or oftleers or Ifuren 'Ea. equip:meet fWeeinesilay night ot laet weft resulteti as followez titter - Pee 1 -• tteareh. T. Wellist Itigh Priest, N. Me- Aulay; senior Warticn, W. Patton: lila - ler Avarden, .T. Vroomou; V. S„ D. W. ii° Clarkt gorilla, 1 Newefimbe; trease twee Jae. ("ferrite Canoe tettit Serial • A- very lieweevent was. the alenesta lung- 1°,:ettue Chill mob' 'on Thursday :eveuingeor teat \keeti. The eittert.atie lomat eousteleit tff eartie attd dancing, the itieferielt Oretiestra Providing VW -meek. rim the dalfee. The prikeS tll cares were wen tes „folitewer loathes". Miss Etta S011its; getillientiol'fi. ..NIP. etrieeter, of Philadelphia, Alemoriol Croeses Tire silver ertare ,presenteil to reeve Mrs ttf -those who gave. their 'jives in U ' great War by the. Militia . DePart- • meat' ta Canada is a beetdifol totem. . A 34411. 1344' have been reeeived in tiVivit. • ./keeompallS'Ing. the ernes, whiter. is '.eti- eleseti Mei neat feather ease, is it nee . with the folliming" wordliee. "Tige eToss . Ls presentee. to put in memory ' or one Who,in the tlrearWar, died flit, :Kin g and. Country, 11.• Iltithrle, Min- ieter or -Militie, anti Deft -nee." .. Ifitren. 'Old litresee-Assoelailoneor l'oron- , . • - to e . • Tile Annual meeting .• or: ithe Buren Die'lloys' Astemlatioil•of Toronto, evill It- ;Reid in „ROOM Vi, Y. iki....--oz,....1/4 mind. 'lege '40 :Alellege it., ..l.tionday 'evenin ' gOth. InS4 at 'S :o'ffloc..E, for thp elect fl or officers and Abe traneaetioli of en- eral hotness._ An aildress on , /ROLM Regenteeenees". will he del -ered "be *Me', .i..A. 110hInsone Or 1. teilittil'e church,- Sp.adlila Ayenue; • nd aeroerner !Termite, Addresses A . I also beegiv- en by preminent otters Of ,the As - solation, Metres! webs eelli be .tterv- me at theclose t the otieeting. ° • ,,Ihinlcrs Return . Venise has been a popular dish or ; late- round elotterlelee the several hun- t('!'from toWn .and vicinity having re., roed during the past fortnight_ rVerearilltkl nStelt no tiitelev so nv 'est off! Idei a y,a teevaitt it oarrialbvag. of Partridge. In addition tO the legal .ktiOtlitent Of deep, Mr: Seettnders was Wile a .perty, at Blackstooes'etittlie; II. .1. Fisher, .NVen..Cliksliolen end 011 - ver tioldtiteirpe arrived 'hOffle-• Ott Sat- urday night, Nov.-iattt,. from - their bunting expedition near' Sudbury, and J. Donaldson, eyhte was up with a par -t. ta, of hunters some distance front- the e Sault reactiell :home the . rollowinere trIondey night; lir. elabee, whit W3a eilP ()teethe Frettelt River' landed -ht on ,Thetiteley Ast. ,Thre legal 4110,Ayanee of gante..waS heellglit ,haelt. • • A litoelfeyeRoonk . . • ' ft4-1/0 Goderich Branch F. Woolcomb, Manager SP QUIST R, F. .4.8. BOOSTER,. EYE, Ben, Nosel, taee Irouse surgeon New York Ophthalndo and Aural Hospital, assbitnor at lfloorelleliCit rlye lloenttal end Ooldea Square Throat lies. vital, London, Nog, 53 Waterloo et...a.. 8tratford. 'telephone 267. At Redford Hotel, oodericie nom Wed- nestio,y. Jan. oth, at 7.344 p. h. to Thins- daY, Jan. Gth, p. ru, . NOTICE TO CREDITORS' 00.,00•-••••••*,.. NoTien TO CREDITORS. IN THE MATTER OF TIM .STATE OP D. 3. D.- ((}OKE, LATE THE TOWN OF GODERICH, IN THE COVNTY OP 'Wit, ON, BAIIIIISTP,II-AT-LAW,. DECEASED - la -hereby:- given, puridiuit to ilie Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1914, Chapter 424 that all Creditors and others having claims ageless the estate or said IL $. D - Cooke,. Wito tiled On or about the 21st deal or October, A. D., 1220, are required. QI) or. before the 20th day of December, A, D., 1020, to send X' %1St prepaid. or deuver to W. Proutifoot, 1110 Exeeutoe of the Estate of the said deceased, their Christian ant.j surnames, addresses_ and descriptionst the full particulars or -their claims, statement of their accounts and the nature ,or the seeurities Of any) held by them. AND Ft31111E11 TAKE NOTICE that after stall last mentioned date the said Execm, tor will .proceed to distribute Um asset1 or the said deceased antOng Me parties en. titled- thereto, havin% regard only lb the claims or which Ile 43 all then bave „notion, and that the said Executor' Will riot bx liable for the paid assets, or any pari thereof, to any:, person or persons of whose claim notice shall not have beeq received try him at ties thliM or such ills. Omierich Dna earti day of Nov. ember, A. D., .1920, • • • W.° PR,OrD1100T, Esq., Exectitor.• " • NOTICE NOTICE. , - Allinembers of the Canadian Order(41 - Foresters, Court GodefIch, No. 32, are re. miested to Meet at tite Lodge ROMs (wet, Here's Shoe store at 14 PG re, sbarp. or Tuesday, Decernber., 11e20, for the nornIna. Ron of orneere foe ate tontine year. ALnERT E. ,BARXXII. Recording Sec? y. MEETING OP lirlION COUNT'S; UNCID, The Council or the mime. too or our - on .vviiI meet in the CpOrIelI Chamber i,ocierich, at 3o'c10cli l3Ythe afternoon ol Tuesday, the ,th day of December, 1020, Ail, accounts agains the County must be (landsIn Ole e Clerk not tater than Monday pieced g the count% ineeeng, Do:Udell, No . ifah, 1920. • GROROR `A(;'0,112i3461.1,. AUCTION SALES Anti FOR SALE BY AuctioN. • MB. j. 3. O'REILLY will sell' ltis rarni, Lot G,tou. fi,' \V. D 14341111e111, . by publle auetem at the WM. BPS at two o'rlock 9. 01. on • nEe. 1st • T1103. AncIloneer, A ectioN- 3141,13 OF Ailf/UT '3544 CORDS 1-1. ue DRY WOOD, MESSRS.. ELLtorT ANC) SYMONDS. will .901. hr Pithile- auction at Lot fn. an 8,• Wawanoslt, •on MONDAY, NOV. 20111 , connnenelng at 1.24). o"elock leti'arp About 350 cords of dry wood-mostie hard wood-reut III inches long. 314111 be sold in lots to sult purchasers. TEI018.-All Burris ,sr esti and under cosh; -over Abet amount 3 -mouths' credit will be .given oil furnishing lapproved Iola* nOtes.- • • • , EI,LIOTT add 44I11074044; 'T„ riENDRY, ' Proprietors. .Auctoneer. .ccTinet or FARM sTficx AND eitPLE. • IVIENTS. • • E. 14 CANTELON „will sell by public atiction at Let, 31, 0011. 0, Goderleh TOWnship, on WEDNESDAY, DEC. ist coMMeneing at 1 o'cloCk • Llorites.,.-1My gelding., 5 years old, weigh, ink 13444 lbs.; Meek percheron, 4 years; black mare, 6 /years, in foal to Diunire tiartley; agricultural gelding, 3 years out. .Cattle. -Durham grade eow, o years, nue to freshen *melt MI; Durham grade cow, 7 yearS, due to freshen March ttl; Due. ham grade eow, 0 years, due to freshen April 1s1; Polled Angus (OW, 7 yeare oid. clue to freshen April 131.4 red heifer, riSv Ing g years, rlue to fresben April ieth; roan heifer, rising 3. years, due to fr.-,neo April tOtli; roan heifer, rising 3 years. due to rreshen April 2011,; 2 choke steers IS months old; 3 good spring calves; Re. gistered Durham bull, t 14, yeirs old; 3 dozen young. hens., Dripleinents..-Dtering binder in gooa palm McCormick mo1ve1', 5 ft. cut.; 1041. sharp rake; iteture driii with grass seed attachment; Mosey-num &horse etriti- voice.; Massey.iiarrie 'disc harrow; set 3. neetion iron barrows; land roller; Bain lumber waggon, double box with !MMus seat; pig rack.; hay leek; e eruct boxes, tarining min; set -weigh vales, fee lb,. new oilver walking piow with lead pullea, Fleury mow; Frost az Wood twin piow; Fieury sooner; set bob SleighS; spring W114401( ; new binder tongue; Portland cup ter; 2 dozen grain bags; new rubber fire top buggy; Stem tire top' Inigiry,• road cirt; yore elm stone boat; grindston44. pick, wileelberrotv, 2- sap kettles; esti barrel; 3 ladders; a quantity of turned rork end larldPr rungs; 0 seta Of beat• whiMetrees; neer yoke; lawn mower; ex. tension step ladder; set tetra luirnese set single harness; see. Dlow balms!: pa* teeinch rollers. pair et-Incli eotiare; spray. er; loaging chain; crow bate vetmlnaret ayringe; bay forte, root and Norris- met sling ropes; a -quantity Of t.tarli plaiik; 6 quantity of dry 'wood; * .1111M.Iltir of Villeb lumber; aorne eedar posts- Mark, hts1100 robe; lirge 4415141141144W114 rate; Mot Mall a quantity of earbenter'S lanti; enettagr fork; pair wool holm, bliinkett; About IS tens (Mire timothy bey; VI leaide of airier feed; Nebel flag seed: new Daisy elan% I NO« 3; eres'n seParssor. good ts new, lee lb. +=Metier; large butter boar]: about as mimes good potatoes; good WOOd Cobh t stove; targe Art sempretur Fewer with oven, also pities Intended, and outer Musa toed effects; get eisterrt rim* and raisins venom; strap iron, spades, anovels, eataina and other stories too ittlineriMIS enntion. Everything tei be sold gs pfdprielor sold his fan% Tritnli 44(1.43.of ele *M 4.o rem; over tett amount it Itiontait, Ortitilt \till be! Nivea att *Drava jelra CAM A dterottet or 4 4144 -04411. allowed for east, fia treed temitatee. • 11 IL eitellELON. GEO, IL Irlifortr. trapritter. Alt 140140444', To one NOV. 13.4-. clodertme society Orchestra Musie Studio, entrance between/Y. H. Weed's gild J. 11, Leuderei stores. OeleRee, (pialliste), tuition given on plum MR. C. we. HENRY (violinist), tuition gived on violin for beginners and those advan- ced. For intotmation imply at atudio. Violins repaired, bridges trued, -round- posts set and. violin bows rehalred, ete. Goderiek Society erekestra, 5 pieces (Professional> CR LES BUCJ11..ET ' Oleg let fit. oeorge's Anglican church Piano, Pipe Organ and Vocat instruction. elecePlece Orchettra • • --- For terms apply to Studio. St. Parick St. 0. IL WESTON, L. L. C. M. Licentiate London College or ainsie. Eng. tend. organist and Mohr Director or North St. methodist clittreb. TEACHER ,OF MVSIC Pupils prepared tor egamlnationg in eon- neetiOn with Toronto university..Toroato ,:onserviitory, etc. Every pupil entered tor tousicai exams his paSSed, twiny with boners. For terms apply at, realdeileb, West St. bleat door west of skating rink); eloderich. cOLO., FACTS - VR lt then ft PRICE AND HA.RD CET, Stoma Sash will saYe & large 5m0u136 of your fuel account. We are, reeking *loge numb& up within the next few clays. °Pik NOW CUT DOWN EXPENSE The Goderich Planing !WHIG) Ltd. mos/8 41 P. O. 130X 13 • • TOWN TOPICS , - Donation to N-Ility. Fund The, treasUrer• Or the .X-11nY leiend aeltnowledgee tiel-Teteept of e'en from Un' toisaanuou -Wm-1K Institute, e G. C. 1, Comment -emote The tt. ie. I. Intentie holding the ae- rated 404 411111 er Knox ehurtal Oil PrideYe Bee. ettle - The eltier„enter. Consulting Engineers ' laB E. A. JAMES O., LIMITED '., ., E. M. PROCTOR. II. A. Se., nokage .., 11 TOMBITO IT., Toon SAW.. Bridges, 'Pavement& Waterworks. Sewerage Systeme, I44041eratOra.P1M- lie Hans, Housings. 'Finstorles, Arbi- trations, Litagettiont ' Our Fres ....-Usigat brfAttirt out of • Ike 'Mosey we eavoi oar etieste ..,....,..,,,,a,e,...._,,,,,,.......,..,„. 1EX7ANTED.--130Cond IIIIIM cUlting box, VI' Imply giving partieelirs to P. O. Box 34, -6oderich. e.. -.- • rUiTANTED.,---gooti cook,,111gliest wageS, , 11 11.i housemaid kept, 4V III la lanlily. W. ply to MRS. WIIRTELEi St. Vincent ste iloderIch. • , . • fillEACtitil •'1VANTED.--440 S; S. No. i -1- AShneld and Westi W'awanosh s. 0...coona class Professional; Duties • com- mence January ist, 1921. AMA stating salary. . 10 JAMES SPROVI,E, 11 4. NO- 31 Auburn, Ont. . . 1LI714NTED.--REPRESEN TIVE. WANTED TV Fee' Coderiell Hum GOIMIY te represent "The 01. elitide. PontlIM Nur.. series." Me me • 113 14 be Made selling Nnt-sery stoc during Me reconstruction perlo, .. splendid importunity for a IlVe--suie an. inguest .reMinisslOns ISM handso e free equipment, large line of Mil nd ornamental Welt to otter. STONE A WELLINGTON, Toropto, Ont. NvANTED.,-Akito- • -, it .404Meetiatnee. Vulcanizing. Ss :10 ele per daY. Men wanted fill present dernead automo, bee meehaters, driving, trailer operating tire vulcanizing- , oxyacetylene wading storage battery electoral work, practical training. Only a few' weeks requirea Day and night classes. Write free eata. logue. Big wages. Steady`.1- erriployment HEMPHILL'S AUTO AND itAS TRACTOR SCHOOLS, 163 King Gt. West, Toronto. -.GIRLS' WANTED ' sicuEsT :WAGES PAID Apply -to • GODERICH KNITTING CO., Ltd. East Street. m mauve Klemm moms mm m om HI , If pg • • WE WANT , di ES • . FS a reliable agent for every unite- n3 FE presented, district, tO sell ,our isi 1 weR.known fruit and ornaniental : trees, shrubs, etc. . ,pg Li: GOOD PAY, E.,:cLITS1111 TERRI- Ps is • TORY RIGHTS. ' al al Oitr . agency -is valuable under ai 11 - present conditions IS i. $111 ACRES OF NURSERY ESTAti. I as • LISIIED 49 YEARS ' *I : Write tor particularS to Agency 143 fig Department, ' • - ad si. PELHAM NURSERY CO., . is RA TORONTO, ONT. .{AZ is alrEalatEileglairilitgallisie333156313 3111393113304313311 siliENCESIttig LigESSIESEISEESSEIMattigliMESIS II PS. re REAR ... .' of • • M. I DR.SARA'IlETUEILER I ft • ._ ..,- III 1 . . speak in 1 VICTORIA STREET METHODIST : in in in , SMIRCH- le• - 3 at iii on 111 INII „.. , •• et i • Thursday,Dec. Ind 2nd to .. • . IIet in ° 'at $ p. ma ° is si1*s ' Good Musical Numbers i . anN a A Treat in Store s • • • W. C T. 0 • , . . * • al I 11111111111111111111111111111181,1111SOCEMMOOM . . . Iouna===101111E0====11071 BAZAAR 1 IDo not forget the Bazaar to' be . held ln the ., MASONIC TEMPLE ()N I Satunlay, Nov, 27th i under lhe allapiCea of • &at St. I•Aise Ail Society 11011101ADE MAKING • CANNES APRONS' ... FANCY WOHK, ETC. 0 t•.:.- . II will he 013 sale room 2 to 6 ft"- 0 dock, Afternoon tes. wilt also bI' fo-rved. This *in fat a grand opportunity AO laY in it supply Of preseete ' fier tlie f.thristmas season. licsaerithes tiit doe, Nov. ra,b, and the p4.ep Temple. L ] e The aost enthusiastic hockey organi- zation meetteg in Goderich in years was held on Tuesday evening In tho terwei couecil chamber. There. was &large attendance. Walter Buchanan presided and the following Officers were elected President, elec. Hays; vice preeident, A. r..t. cote ; eecreto.ry-treo.sulereWalter Buchanan; committee, Capt. Ed. Robin- son, Wen. Craig and Iteg. Sharman -1 dere-gate to the-Geltea.,- IF. -PeeStranger. manager. Thos. Thompson, of the Brit tab Exchange. It was decided to place a team in both the ju Moe awl intern ciliate O. H. A. A town league is aleo to be arranged fOr and 31t. .1, W. Fraser was appointed eonvener for tile town league, any team front town or surrounding' Country 'wishing to enter the league to notify Mr. Fraser, and his and a repre- sentative erom each teatre to, draw tto a schedule. e Ladle' s' Aid .of Knoe Clittrids Itold Site- ' - ressful Entertainment • The legit tea. under Die ausidees llie Ladierk, Aid err Knox .eletireli held lasterliursdaY evening 'wee 0 30071 ewe cessrul event, and over $200 wae rea. lief:il. .Foltfaing the meal sertee ei the leetore Morn ail interesting pro,: gram was given in the auditorium, in- cluding tee, organ and twe vocal seleetions by Mr. Kenyon, Hi: netv orgaoist of the- rliupeli, who 'dire played good ability as a stetted as 'well as on the instrument, ate emnpanimente mere we:it played be Mrs. Cameron. vole by • Mrs. Miller,' a viral. sole by 'Miss leeelter a recitation by Miss Cibbe, And a fleeting ity Mr: !Mende •were all well rendered and eAteit appreelated num- bers. The Leal -ere Aie is devoting do proeeeds towards the paementnn the mortgage on the organ whirl, ft has lindet'taekP:s1" Men banquet Ulu littertess . At the invitation of Die ladiesi of lee - (orb el. Methodist churl+ the men of the reelect eatne together on..Wednen. day night for a banquet and'about lee tsat down to a splendid supper. A short, Mistrial proeram followed the ,supper. Theft! ;taking part were 'Mee - ere. E. neither. Melionald, Barkeresene • elew .and Serdetteld. Rev. D. 'Wren, IL A. of Mount Foresi, deliver- ed a wondeeful address on the subject "What Would liappiln if Fite Hundred Men ot iloderich. Began to Work tor. Code" After the eddreari, the, pastor. - Rev, J. F.. Iteyeraft, called upon the .ATTENTION Reserve Tuesday Evening Not pth •/OR THE Spectacular I Eitertaiumenti efet Be hEmy V1 TIIE - North St. Nothodist Church loom ohomi ADMI$$I$ 2S.C1111.1111EN, 161. 311117 tot clibl"titt taint tit IOW thin Ot 0 Mslett 41-1atim, ant he .1 eltuilifig tote thee tireetett .34 euppert. lam. TR., eflieere reeetrit %Noce.° Pres, 11. It. Me: revert:try, It. Bele; troasv tire% 4,1. KilidefNcm. t,93434n41r..‘--NAt34 McLean. Clvee 4.I010`1, Salliterson. INCIs ' 014 it ,Strit 4400e044:4 43 atl eresent.. A Mfg noodliitg sif e::ralitt • 'The elegiac; ales rot bet levet, the Transit ..Weetter imbeettet tie Wok than eittetee 441) :'!o4 4,0f groin itiotilP fit cid Itiotlrt-, OP ,:111 Mo1,04* bushels an hour, Mut Min l0113e41 twe of the beet -et Pate( or grain that veer went out of ttoileriele otte 'contailaing Reel liusitele anti ett lbs. anal othee 1,9It lensitets anti AO litre Ott Thursday 'bet Die steamer NUu'. lleit unlimited fiteelltel Intstrels of whea3. and llas, at the Transit Elevator. The 1. 11411' thy the tilletiopotts ,u,seharwil moo b11 -.h'"\\ heat anti i1a19. tut tkittirttAy Ithe eioillnewood onliettlee 285,000 buehele Wheah t, itatarot bar toy. I111 Monday lite Matthews watt tied up alongside thet'W. 0. r. Mille elevatoe and disellatiged e00.000 imshele or wheat tout int .Wedueseav the Ben Smith uttlimited leteheis ot wheat. anti flee at tile Trourelttea. tiThe selretanheellug Pied. e• l'fb'P .4.4- l'''1111, ivith a cargo of ettal round frem sartriusey to Depirt 1 L440'r eltettereit in ilodertett Harbor eutotaw Aut ar- oma le the Eaeter gale and 0141411.93 (111 'Monday on he sva;)' lie her destine- 111),11.IItda ,Celd.leittnete • ,• tin Treiteee'etfierttoon elp, and Mes. 11.414. Cerey end Mr, I.(''.5 4., Carey bait ao mitpletteaut es perience. one witich iiilgkt' have been attended WO ta. ity fuel tile young men not hnnn. gonit-,SwinItoers. ortiu -trio -hadgone down the river ht a boat, intending to row iin to the Carey mileage pate Menesetung Parte P0 e>- were eareled down bylite -eiterellt, ot Me ri% er. and out Into 'the lake and, ,getting broad- side to the oaten or .the -Wane' ('3.9- 912441. .e Mrs. Carey 'eank and liebert went dOWP thn eeseue end got hold ot eentethileg and watt fortunate in finding on coming (t) eurraer- thee he had hold or lite ordeal clothing. The tad NYtird Only a few minutes In the water hut It wag; Uot a pleasant eineelence. They effected a , Landing and \emitted up to the FletnIng 1101140 eloping to get \\ACM and dry, but found Abe house elosed up, ,so had to walk to Jowl' aeross • the C P. bridge. We trust thot wilt no Re effects. • • . • • Dible ' &Kitty -Annual. Aleethiti • - , ' • .. The annual .iticeting otthe tioderich• Branch ot the Bible Sorlety ltoi held .Thit. Wednesdae y :vening. of last. era her the . Baptist eltureh, taking the pinee et, °rein conjenellotQlth, a "unktn iteiyee Meeting Or t e varioue Pro- testant ehurrhes. Th'e old officers Were re-eieeted, With tite exe.eption off Mr, M P etric wo askedhto he 're- Ileeed of...1110 .dutiett 01 sepretarn and Mr. J". A. Campbell Act,. ahholtlfra. in his Mace. The president, Mr.. A. M. Robertson, presided, and the. treasurer, tar. Walter leaflet, gave a report 01 ithe fones rained the previous y(' 1'. Tee mittietere of the toeyn. ere vice ri)frm,erseitelePniftlastlivres"TosfuLeirini.ttY, Wcxi-t1611141elli„ell-e-e.. 441'. ports - an eke -enlist. • e014141141 (444•: 'WPM named frofeeetlie!‘Oviiiils. eh tirehre follows: .01(noX rt. siatows anty Miss E. Wiggins; North St. :Mollie Me. ATiestrong And elfiret Florenee eienney; Viet. 51. Awn).- mor-47.7ur IT; •Ntillion anti Anglieaneeire. . Carrie anti Meg. W. 1. Horton; itaPtiet --eitistirre 'inn. Mallen ,ante A. J. Wil. Mini. Arrangements for s canvass were made: Rev, Sir. iteyerall 11144 1111,1131,14 04 titi" ' Peening,. and the oilier eelvegylliell Or WI' toOk part th the eerytees. • , • , ' At, litte The 'merle enteoleat lite 1,1„*.....1 egreet skating riee ifeeeltol iitt last. Timehtlay by the- iionunittee iir mane mitawitt -Spy r waY. The /eminent between the tett Nouns at the rear or thr has beta; torn down, the IWO rOMiltzs WON 40ri41l Mai one, making a more etininvolloira poonlemen'a dressing room than :eXild- ral heretofore and the 'rerrioA al 'of the partition pheees OP° 1.41110 room v. I th I gt v iow t h . the - Window at the baek or the ,,Mee, of (alpine op.. enityina the offiCe, and 1 1114 maltose possible eupervIelen of the contimet of those using the tenni" The narroW passage way W bleb used to lead tr) the reer rooni .and to the gtairs 10 the aide galleey has been , Mooed up and tlie entrance to the' slide otillory nifv. tram the 4)6,18 111, tlw Nat end. A gentle- illatte4 POOilt 'Wing PrOVIdnii af thn efid_,Of 'the rink. These ebanges Sh011id do muell- to provid0 toe better conditiong at the rink, •greater .ronvenlenee •for pairong and eettee (.11 40'l". etre Leon 'will a- gain operate the Hatt 'the veering, rem. tion, Armistice .Eitehre sue &nee The 'armistice feet re and dare held in the Masonirt Temple Under -the as- 94ie,' of the 0. W. V, A.; eggieted by Vete Wawa's Auxiliary, Wag a great sureete Those who tripped the lieht fantaetic etripped" into' the "%see sms hours end then ,soine. 'rim conical( between the daneerg and the, Johnson Orchestra was easily won by the plaI. erg: lhey well1111 JIM'S played all dee Federal Platforms iblic $ Is Easy The Goderich Star eivee .eritt tire litteetirrior tit:that aseertitet ±11 tts teette oft miet Boole,--NyFees Correapundfaire Om's* No attendant, at Sehools, of vuti or Espression FBA n Winn 4 tujdfi.e!* f' Foremost Lecturee•atia the, Art nI Piddle Speaking/ ev11 • loll you through the Star -how 10 • do it. %mute' met obi alile? Yolk he alibi to...understand Ille pleinar_ worded articles alittl Olt 9:muse4te.* to address audieuves eleefey ,atni e. In el ngle., 18101 th" eNtcytinintiegrIsi t ititf etativet:;--eliso:r11,dt empei enebetly • to- dance that 1.14g. Mee. Partionsefee 1011 tionated by L. lits Steele Go.: 2n14-, Mrs. Penni leether inneee donated by II. Et lop; Consolation, :Strs. It. Sturdy. gib« lin', soap, tionaleit by J.' Ile Los*. Gentlemen.' MeNcella, 146I ars; donated by. P. Cralgiet.21td„ Otis. Themato crocodile leather p130041, 00- 4114t4'll by 1', wish le eXpresa titeir ;appreelatiUrt to• the. eitizens for 'their 'kind resplinie 4344 e3410,'lss11111,?(4.°14:e.;-1-.anit:10:, N%re...eVe.IAti"'" eens giving, a. caeli dOnatiOn Instead of 'refreshments* also tothe merchant*. Avila-, generously donated' tile Tittles. Ali seemed to come lite way of ib.* t V, A., even the 'first prixe win. ner refusing: •to lake' the cash primes donating It to the fund. • The .rMeng Stokers". like ()liver Twist, etre &Skin* for more, . ' $240 for 44111451014 40 Sauset . Niers Itellette• deationess; leipreeente log the tipper Canada Trtlet Society's N1,t511:1rn1"Salnrti°DlanlaitSAiters 11tliaikAllekigirteBdet Goderieb. who donated an eresit_ $200 to the ,work whiell she reilreitente• Donations .:froin the.. sehoole; 611t fors lows. Vletorieeai.e2it Centleld settee', itt4.05; and re , co leelate stitute, e8.101; will..be Used' In Abe fOltal libreries III eonneetion with the Mits. lion to -sailors on the great lakes. chore!' • • • . , . lieginning Sunday evening...IA'. • Otir, an eight' days' .mission svIll be he'd Its iSt; iteo1'ge44' 'Coder1tsit4 'The iniFsioncr • will be -the Rev. tknere M. A, or let lietharinica,. 401111,. for ' the page two years it** edit.: due tell the sueset: fl('et) 11,01131 'serviceelee 104., t....niehlering summer school. Kart( Ilay Or the week,- beginning Dees .. 311i, there mill be a celebration or the . lioly Ilommuntoti rtt ,3 a. in.:: Bib* alltclaidell;res3itlind Slrii-tr'v'vreee8641tit°*8 1114 3. TPliergi3; two latter MIT% 1103 , will bo 'held on. Saturday, iler. 1114,. The nilsslon. will conclude on Sunday reettInfle Dee. 124h, with the 7 p. in, service: The Puelly‘lt, 4t1.1:.-4:14h14;:4WIfD1:1;Fir8 vier and firtteien the spirltuat 4 ttos11o1.7andila11re41, ,1 anti &mitt ate' earelessneSs, and, illeC-0 ontil, • to' .kairourage and help those 1.31(11 are %%Aldus ill ttie way of life Pk, Stleirltretirebfil tUnt: t di tor •ef oryonN Accros; suds mown* mi 'may. Ni ,v. 'sm.-Auction silk ef Altera 41710 ...lois of dry vvood. 'as 1.31. V. eon. 3, West Wasviniosh, et 1,30 sharp. • El.LitiTT and $Yttlfs 11ropriPt0r3.1 TiltiS. (SUNDRY,. HASSIED m tarot!, ticiloAALD.- At tittOX eintreft inao.e. .10 th.otow, vov. emu. me I. aleDermid. John WallInt Th1441m0 awl Pearl 31eInniald, DOM ef 40101,1111I. M1'1:1 1.1.01 nittsCoutiiNGs.-As s11 tiettiodio church. oil Wednesday, 'Neat 1,1 1.514 Jit the Rev, J. 8. Etyma. liar. Mad tfreullough and Evelyn Laura seog, 44 lags, bop et (nalerlial tOwnship, HIED " .11)11 3844) 4)4 tioderlen, on Pride% Nov. 13111, etrariotte Pritztey. beloved Witt FIVI14'194'k Johnston. , , • In Goderich. on Not loth. David lelltar, in 1114 90111 yew. memioolust - 1111411. 10 loving!, MitinOry nt hilSband and father, Mr. Willlant sem wit° lie - :parted tine Iire one year ago. November 10i0. In a near but silent *reverent_ • Whore the trete their branches, wave, 4.04,3 trite Ind loving Lanier. In his "old arid •allent grave. We mourn the RSA ot .one so dear. Our hearts are sad stelae. To think tile one we loved so Weil Wax xto quickly elated away. Far ene erten nue thoughts do Wander •rir teatgrave not far away. Where they mitt 11 husband arid rather ewe one year alto SO -day. The 1131413 noise& we once enjoyed, brif40a114401 14 tmeapv"Yangtip"' „ The Pol'Pa can itneverVill1,1 . WIFE ANO FAMILY UNPREPAREDNESS --FAJLURE A bank account Ix a* assistaat,,, In character building, It establishes the confidence,independence and pride which Illatrailel ;aloft and paves the way to SUOMI& Open an account to -day and be Arellosted. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE PAID.UP CAPITAL• . $15,000.000 RESERVE FUND 0 1113.000.000 131,W1C Ifiestet 1{` eeeee . ••••• 1