HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1920-11-18, Page 10WAR 4 1 From Iva We have now a full rtsegrttent of this dainty litre of toile good', including mire row. brushes, comb*, trays, poster how*.. perfumer bottlers; nail fits, clocks, picture 'fklarnee,'* IN cmadh >>r'kr,. tie; 4 7E *NIXIE , • .lir. and Mfrs. 3. 0. t*entfand. bad the joy of a. visit Trani, their eon, Lorne. Ile looks Wen 'atter his city sojourn .,rm! ,i►- regw1- are 4fetteatfd to rvu. hitt aetioenitstat:, Me, and hire, t eitirh . ore payieg .ted. to sir. *ad ?err, Thos. i ki lsee, The W. M, S. met at the twine of Mr. Thomas Siteppar l on Wedne,day+ the taut Inst, wheus a large bale of goods was made up for -OtheN" Between man apse Mari at Nile.. speaking generally, it is-trever wlntee. Genie! summer vuntiitia,As ,are Pi is s to be desired too, for •"Ltries too short to quarrel," Sunday. the 7th lust, was.Qtorte$ Day In the eshureb: the totlewiar ev alai was quarterly means or th cI ureh board. To theee,who ire lip. terested these Quarter Der arra/30_7 meds are of math ftuptrtunce. ie cotnisuatty is afford to be without that isomediete and •direct influence of the Christian church. The weatherman has seemingly sent the snow and Critter winds, too soon. for there aro hundreds or barrels qt apples on the groundrrrd on the trees We hope that weather conditions Will favor the men who are interested in the uy . , 1 "Low. Wow. thou u inter vvind ; Thou art not so unkind As sows tyratitu4e. !4:.*7. 4 • Aspen* the recent Gravels at Nile Are. Mr. and ilius. Chester McPhee and Mr,. and IA. irs, Dodd and family, including' tMrs. D adds. senior. ' Conolderiug that ette, 'Dodi, •senior, into passed the al- lotted span of lite by over twenty Years, • she is remarkably bright and able. We welcome all these additions to our eornrnunity. life. Wo also bic welcome to 'airs. William Orah m, who this week removed from Strep• pardton to Nile. TheYaur�Peoplete if ileito tored to lioderleit on Tuesday. the 'Esti, to at. tend the North St. Methodist Church Epworth League service. The 'night asonable Goo Slippers and Pumps .tX0SX Slippers::,fo1`, the house,- 11EA-1 '.L IFUL BDfQ►TN"' 8lipperi "forthe bedroom, and ,a lovsiy-:ran_ie /A° Dancing, Pumps and Slippers, in hid and natant leather,• for ad oecesigng. ' Wo bawl everything you need in ti Rubbers !Cart fit every style or make of 'shoe, and ,our " AOItXUNTON BAND 'ire the best proourable, and have stood the test for yoars. Felt Shoe ref every+ dirscrip1iou for men, woMen and children, L1a not f*it;to sie., ottr snlendtd tines of pats and threr gaiiters- in various, *Was and patterns, they are extxemeli pepuler, but be. sure tend come early. while your par> iouiar size andchoice:is here: Repairing tsainlw es given our careful attention, and .undertslkenhi an expert,' using up.to.date tuethodA'and first slash materials..• ur s +Store W. Reg. Sharman, Prop. MIN119,611111.1111111111411101111111011.11.. 1/11MON ....4. - __•. 4.14111104144 •4141•1 1 ecialSa Vail larsErc CO XE] Ci'1'NG aturday, Nov.2 Horsley Black Tea, per lb...- . Ciildreit's Heavy Went Stockings. at per pair .�... S . * mar h Dew* WO, I Ott. kali, all Wears ... _ 33c. Waather.Str p. plotpkg 15c. Boys' WMt irks Caps 69e. $.y. ' Heavy Coot Sweaters, Grey 00 Lys" , : St.Clci*gs, pp pair.- 1.00 Patent Medcines IkIu 'a tell Tartly Sl bergs .......... tiara Beef; lists asu1 wee 4044444....t%i S 4•'. OS .us** r...4....r:4rr.rr.t.rr.si7cr 14140 tsar. ewi.rp kc. Maya IMk stlarguree xs.. Beres AIrFs1wTAW*. Ilk I. ileyeeelopMe 'tell {L. k TrepeiNes. 3 «. li rrrrarr9..�!,a4.e ._ lie awes Csglr Stris.......,4•.e..'3�3tc�. ifevitierme. leer.•. ... 4,44r••O...M.4....4.Jf. 1t,a.i.i.s,tir4ew Melt * 1t IMesers Wool *5i,. Owe* Sli. %vols. 4.r.loth r.4.e.... ..* . 2g44004utter+, 41 611* 33.. terertail.404116 I ear. • ser torr,* Mru11e lithe 10e. Men"s . al Tina's Slays ilalloriwsar,. - ....S1 00 *'i Liaise Gloms ,Hyrtl --......414. to tle. Mei* *wry Wog Sucks -.Oct, its SO& nines Weil aim ....erw. 4V• .,4.+4.44.4. 4 MassNeav r Pink Caps, filar 4.«..4......• 1 00 Illon'i Nult Ties. 4M+.ii.w......... i `M. 1 00 1 ": spoillist* ri' t. do e. Visit oar .Cure Departmast. .fToys, �i► i Siaa istittlaii mottos Ins e 1►# a s su Visit Our111 fork .. R. STEEL CO Sc. TO i1.0. STORE GOnliarailL ocrr. 14 is white 'au ecrL, °wit- sltlile fes treys, centres, afelis.sr scarfs, etc., Slt' Supplits X155• SUSIE NOBLE tlleatissit Wpm* Regular- $vr! & $i Vs. These Hats •are fresh, new, and extremely smart, and are selected from our regular .stock, Specially, Reduced ,for Friday ssd Saturday Ss11,. iirit{ *t.... , 1 iss MAcifICAR Kiirgstoti Street wee cold and very stormy but not- withstanding a .goodly number made the trip. The service was briglit and anteresting and •+seemed to be very brief. An address entitled, "Tales ot. the Ice" and an ent?pyable .saeisrl ex- change, were important items in the program, ttev. 11Ir .. Moyer led the .song' service, To judge by the attendance one would be inclined to say that the affair Nasi a ease of Nile. in Cioderieh. the rural folks in.the eity pews. When tsliit istg return under the modern Her.: ubbabel' begin, and the city foils come to the farms? •> . • . MMTH'S ART STORE have uowon•display a splendid: assortment of CHRISTMAS" IOOKLErS FOLDERS CHRISTMAS POST CARDS • GODERICH VIEWS CALENDARS A larger and mire artistic line. than ever AirL AT TRE -MAR !RICES Mets avAl Milos from It. ante ° Coate in anti get yours early,. while you have full °hole.. EOM *wow. Phew.1itto. CORNICE E I(E . 44.4.41444.44 Outside Market Reports on tale r. �y 1i11s r, pa. owI., f&ftr .....4e 00 ib a Sett ls'i�Nmt'1�lymak�euart ���471110/04 �y Brea, ps 100 4444...N•....a...4Y 00 `o el' fBnbdti►1lwr 406' 44 Otto 4711 NM Seo $ lie IwtietO4....,,*...... 4444440.•.,•4.4• tial i3O` 1 '00 Alrookwhett...... 4.4444...41 00 to 1 9r lit1 , }4.� Sea il0 ecD t lei 00 tl 1iatryr.-•4.4.44440 Mt to ST illias, per desert $ IN �a4, ....AS W i SS tiaefet:inMM,batblsrentebetnr.;.4 00 to 000 ,btaoNeeeeediaaryr 0i f 00 001 Dulls, peelb.tl.,... 4. y •. 040� f.o.4� 0 get lb .•.e44.M,.ei ss tM 010 , new. 10 boa .4.. 1�r 4101* 1y�0004 �,��•,.�;4444444444,. 444, .444444444.1 ie to 0*00 ....•4..44 ..••.......4N 0 ria i0 014 riendship's Perfect Gift e aro stet Bit* sleet t NeM1at e0 'ate lleciive. be 41.1111111111( and * ore 'its *NM* 1ipIMaier1 rwrr e, tar • wenty Per Cent. Reduction ale TR 1NOVIMBER 20 , IS THE LAST DAY OP OUR TWENTY PER CENT. RED 'C' ION SALE. In t dal) a great number of Lines �.a� go back to the of rice, but we will sib have WONDERFUL BARGAINSto offer on in ft at many departments. Flannelette , i'an ets Flannelette 'Blankets regular $4.5o for $4.40 1i1 firsts.told $3.85in seconds. This Is the largest size Blanket made and tie heaviest weight made. Rain Coats ht only Rain :Costts'' regular $18.00 for $/3.Qo each. Sixesrange from- 36 to 42. They come in a heavy tweed material in grey and brown shades. Be sure andsee this bxrgaThey will not last long. 4 inter Coats until ither am all sleazed- out our Winter Coats will be on salf. at a reduction of 20 per- cent. - ,y. I Yuet"in,a pgop' ithave taken .advantage of this spec- ial offer on Coats- do .not delayouts too long. Bn. y g Y. w1iaft(011..hav1 b1 real choice. 20 per cent. redue- •tion:on.all,wot n's aiid children's Coats. x rbM a' . •-• • • (fur Serge 4 e0 *Silk Dress- continuez •',a+nii a31.r nit -re "�`dtY tion of 20 per 'yenta if yott need a Dress in•serge, 111;11;11 rrlcotine, ''poplin or. any ,quality of silk be sure .and see these values.. Dozens to choose from • and every one is correct in . style as they are all new this season We carry city _ _.range or Dresses at much below the big town price. A 20 per cent. reduction on all -Dresses. Silks Eyery piece of Silk in the store is reduced 20 per tent. • We have a large range in navy blue, white, light blue,; maize, mouse,. taupe And inane other shades, and they *re all reduced, a per cent. Ribbons Our Ribbon' valuesare real. Vaney colored Ribbons for nuking Christmas gifts 414 to s% a lin. wide and priced up to '$ r ;60. zt yard on sale at '48c. Plain duchess Ribbons 5,14 itt, wide in the very best duality, regular 8oc a'yard for 48c. Plain taffeta. Ribbon 4% and ,5 a in, wide at 28c a ... yard.. Plain taffeta Ribbon 3r2'...and 4 iar4 wide at /24c a yard.• - A K Sweater Coats And Putloirers.4 All Sweater Coats, will be retuced 20 per cent.. We carry Sweater Coats for . women • and ' chiildren ..and they come in all colors 'and the styles are. all this season's; Be stare and see them before 1 buying.. They can be had at a reduction off •eo per 'centt.' A large range of Pullovers at '$3.5o, They _ have been selling up to $6.5o each and are • now reduced. to $3.So. Blouses:_.... All Georgette Blouses reduced 25 Per cent. • +' Voile. Blouses 'reduced 25 per cent, • . CrepelleChine Blouses reduced 25 per 'cent. Hdbutai Blouses • re- duceda5 peer c+�nit We carry everything you -cold---wis17 for in - blouses. Dress Goods Bvery piece of Dress Goods- ,in the store re- duced 20 per cent.` We have picked out . a great ;,;number of short pieces up'to yards, and in plain,. .a and checked se wed have markt d,th9tni> ucli`be4. plow cost price. You will"be`able'tn buy •iyonr Dress , Goods .at pre-war prices:. A y . Tine Botany Serges. in browii, bine, `black,., taupe and green reduced 20 per cent.•. t ", All Coatings, andwe have a ' real range e 'to choose from, reduced 20 per cent. Un4erwear Special values itv ladies' and children's Underwear. They are all reduced. Flannelette Every piece of Blannelett: in : the store, reduced. n e on sine rill be sold f r Ca , o .yy _andnot' a cIzaar `eable. CO BORN THE HOUSE OF RELIASI, How do you like *Inter? Pretty cold for a start. Me., Elwin and Miss Latera, Rutledge of titxterkb, spent Sundey under the Parental roof. Mr. and Mr+. R. R. Rutledge and tamer spent 'Sunday tet wIth;akiende at Marneek end Donnybrook. lieu• Mr. tiieyerett• of ftodecieb. be - 'ivied the pulpit at ffbessedtr ern alar. day Init. Rea. Mr. Roy* tektite hie work in Galeria'. • • Mies Lotus Gibson, who teats beef visiting with friends at Donnybrook. returned home on Sunday. Arthur Sprague, who has been threshing with .Walters Bro. of Col- borne, is'visiting In tide neighborhood. 210 'ane need endure the agony of 1 corns with. Holloway* . Oorn Remover at band to more Mem. 'When building materials Come down, r7 e and Qsjalit r� Never Was a, Time wdtttrt you eesltl Wort b awe et !OurRye. slant. pawl* years need aMerttputi NOW. We can repl*ee stay hrOken LMtst> ee �yy� �+++ (� r�II A. w•+T!'COLE �r!�1�r r E E RIS 1 �tiacH, oEe ■ r EVE E . c. ; .• PEC IAL15T P It • pe C nal„ ., � o°+;.1 ,. ., Tia<ds{.'ti iV+�YI - n of •v • ,a v VI TORY LOAN 4 ,GOLD BONDS . • 'wilt be eppereat when + rnditiona return to a nal .. , e. Shrewd itis inure ire eatticip tteg the barite esit lttlyrleg Mieee bonds at *Wins peke*. r ,ylter� Who* 0(1 wattittlle$t f »1151•r If.ice a u • 4 ry BM% e. * rgey I botaSt • r yr •st *' ° 12,4 4.a 411111S.410.,•••,* • i44.a.. A 4 n 4444.44.4444400444441 lli „ a .4aa '1�41.YIHia,•bxs �•�, 1 a.4&...4,g .a4.c..,• try? 44a4a440.40.4.4Y0.000 US " 11..........•......... 11 .4.44,4a.0a444....... 1 1:80 1144uu4.4494e4 444044 •* 7 1i1N141, +...ea44444444..... 1$ .tl ,.,4.0•.0 • ,r..I., 4t. 0rue....,...4.e...4.a..flie 44 4:4,4,3,e,p`4 1.0* dlettoiree• Or year Walt ane opt all eletiv t alt birch jerohtlrges!.. P iit>ttb r '1'leai 314 P.110.11,0 314 A as