HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1920-11-18, Page 9•r.
Pe1111 WAR
it Rote
I E.111A1`t'
+i:M !N
t1inexcelled dluiug'ear service,
Nevelt* cam en night trains and par-
lor cars on principuf -lay traiv5.
Full information from 'awl Grand
Trunk Ticket Agent, or C. E. horning.
District 'Passenger :hlgeet, Tcrsiuto
?suers B*ttrtager steel Tieket emote
New Tenn thin Nat ist
er ritATFOt?tll, ONT.
The le 7i#rtr CoMmercisl School of
Western Ontario: ea
f onttnercitl; i$hertil#atl and TO) a'
graph Deparimbgis.
GraduatesPlaoatl ,;;,,1n positions.
,tudents ,,may enter at any tiro,e.
Get our tree catalogue.
19' A, '$ILAC1 LAN,
Shorthand, Bookkeeiping, Sale mian-
ship, Telegraphy, Plano; Voice, end
ell Vileness subjects: Open all mum -
Ver. Private citcstlesrwhen proferred •
l to nta ,catch res
god- to, help 19 fid, Clan
when entering between terms.- Specie
•Ia) outinner course for tea..hers.
'Ultima Twelve. Dollars per month,
11 months.' 070, (inbluding books),.,
half is
� t ha da students
' ratter or d
sal. y
hionlyoneor w
vis two
n eats wishing g
and >i d
Night Sebael stork and Corrospon-
denoe e;oirtrsess a specialty.
Typewritersg o rent or sell.
NV/TT, President.
IRE sMuIxs doAL.
The oak Hillis of ameetee;My het fee
reaciag, as the irritation of the re -
wintery Igu is one of the chap.
seteeisties of this disease, and very
often there who' k ?been robe*,
beamelsedelicateand liable Willi irtroubks,
hence m^aslei should never be regarded
atilt tnhisiltmwteu.
Idea -4e* are generally full eted by an
sante stark on that *meow memheet.es,
The Maecompenled with awstery disc , sometimes bleeding
from the nesse, e. cough of a *host, fee-
quent and noisy character,, with little or
no expectoration, htlareenesMof'.the voice,
Once the cough starts you theta
rrocure a bottle of 1)r. Werod'r Norway
ine .syrup, take a few doses a day
and ' thus pteventbrronchitir, pneumonia,
or perblM. ps ponsumption getting $ foot-
hold on year system.
Mee, Oliver Kelly, Belisle Station
writeseemTwro yeeirr' ago .1 had
the Magee, and they Ieft . me with, a
bad coulh. 1 kept ettwg worm until
at last T, Could net deep. My neigi,;bor,
told me of Dr. Weed" Norway . Pine
Syrp, X stent an get a bottle,. and
beforehad .. u
my cough
1 find. it #►heetiire.? at family medicine for
the home void* and , and I`nerw keep it tn'
all t
Dr. 1ood'e Noniav Piste 8yrapi its
fi6e..a �# 'bottle title., at dru-iasis
'de tu:ony�
ala • i The i
Tunitejn:.. To'ron O!4't
Milburn G►
l+i`" ' -._h t Events AWiia•fi "•Have
Occurred During the Week.
The. Bov.Worifts Happenings Caste
fully Compiled and , Pot IwtO
.41oind '*d. Attractive Shape tor
'the e Menders of Vali Paper A
solid Molts'. ouoinselet.
• 'Xing; Alfonso ot Spain j0at party.
.baeti arrived ins:,ndon.
As. decree •has been Bated in Italy
rainingice o
the pr o f tobacco. •
The Toronto and York :Patriotic
Association are still disbursing large
rums: ,
•. Winnfeeg shad: its drat snowstorm
on° Moriday, a~ mentli Iater than Iaet
Opinion is expressed • that unem-
ployment condittons require • prompt
attehtion. - •
Republican leaders say there. will
be noreduction of taxer in United
States till 190.'1
Toronto Italians protest against
Italians is Detroit being blamed for
murder epidemic, ' . • ,
Capt.- JOOrnston dew:.' Vote :Camp
Borden. to Ottawa via Deseronto; 240
The Prince; of Siam, who has been'
insthe'tlnited States, -has _left for.
Quebec en route home: -
A North Bay man dug 14 begs of
sound potatoes en 11fonda .' in warm,
September -like weather.
Walter Knox of Toronto has been
secured to 'coach the Regina. Victoria
hockey leant of Saskatchewan. `
J. H. Gundy makes interesting
statement regarding meethig.
Brussels of Financial. Conference.
• A Bowiilanville citizen picked a
(inert , of average -sized ripe rash
berriesin his•garden.on Monday.
The last 5t patients left Speedwell.
Hospital, Guelph, 'for Chrietie,Street
.hospital, Toronto, with 2.1••rnembers
Of the staff. •
De la Salle of Toronto beat Hamil-
ton Collegiate qn Monday at Hamil-
ton 6 to 2 in The Interscholastic ser-
ies of the O.R.F.V. junior race.
War was "declared at Chicago on
Monday between. the National League
and three American League clubs on
one .side and five American League
"clubs'' on the other. The New Na-
tional League will be formed im-
mediately. •
Successor* for -Omagh .& Giec}hiil
e d •in • ad Soft Coa),Lime
Cement, V • rifle, Vire Cl+ay,; aiiio
'Hard ' end Soft; Wood,' Map)*- and
Hemlock Shaba,
Fresh Cars of Lime and
Cement just received
OFFICE BOONE :• .• ...Ai:, -.....7S
B. J. Sautets' R tsrnmiCE • 075
W. Severs' RESIDENCE . 24*
'Bus, •Livery`: :4 .
Hack Stables
Montreal Street • L`
lust off the Square
'Basics Meet all Tratnli and
Passenger Boats
Paeseggers called' foe is atty
Dart of the town for all
trains at G. 'r. R. or C. P. R.
Prompt Service and
areful Attendance.
•ler i gar-
ur Livery and Heck Service .
w 11 be found. up-40.4am •
in every respect
Your atronagelEoilclted
T..: " WARTS ,
Phase 107 Montreal Street
', tr. DeVan's French Pills
•A reliable Itegirlatin , i'i11 for Women.
16 a box. field at al Drug Stores, Ot
stens dTbe sensate Dr. (-+.,r et.ipctido-
a Atlee, Ontss$0,
ilestoreif i ,.,, . and Vitauthr' for le.,rta
and Rr,Gtfn' ncrearea "gra ialatte� ; sit.
�onrc-.-�cvfii build you utr: >t3 a box, er
41.70 for $5, at drn Stores, r by rn.til
€ •k receipt -0$ prise. neobert Dyes
air., St.atha:does, Ontario.
iuoiai SEGBEE TO 4.
' DIOKEN aur I
stlareliie c ittt date trifid Lotto
with Gradates Nap
Tat Itealps;
Coinfaa6 garden Loge t;reee3 • bite n
ikearyr tea, with sulphur aril idealist
eF added, will turn gray, atreske4 sad
faded Bair 'beautifully dark mid Iieintxi•
ant, Mixing the Sage Tess, andli air
reeipe at. hoiee, though: it trate
An easier way It to get the rendy-tattle
":reparation IsrprsprM lig' the soli 11on of
other .ingredients, coed* about Mi motes
sa Iargei bottle, at drag "torte, known as
`,tt,Wyeth ii Sege nett ltn1eem a poised,'
*bee avoiding a lot of %sols.
While gray, Adel hili its *et stabil, ere
all desire to retain tlnr IMAM appear -
*nee and atira'tleeM sss. By darkening
!airy hair with Wysttk I iistke a crd itielpkar
CC'erspotied, eo see eta tell, beam* it
dee* it so eaters%liy, Mt gvarrtt', yoo
OA 'leen *wear or fife brush with
se *tat draw this tires* yesrr ` ,
etre Midi t� a titre;
Avow** ell gray hairs have dimes
After mother app ieettel►• a two
hair teems* heiretifelly
mit *ea 1us
It Is rat Mewled for the ego,
sr J
Lumber and mining camp* ai•e.ln
need of men.
church census of St. 'Thomas is
'being taken this week, • ,
The *Kitchener Q.H.A. senior hoc-
key teem his commenced training.
One hundred and nine Cornish
Miners errired at.South Porcupine.
Ctvit ena°ineers' Inay form union to
protect :their calling from "quacks."
Toronto bakers say flour market
,pled etabilise before pread prices can
be reduced.
Kingston citizens will vote on New
Year's Day on the .question of .day-
light :sawing.
Victories qualified for the Muloek
Cup final whean -they beat tailor
idents. Tuesday.
The gas problem in Western On-
tario is being considered by msruibers.
Of the Drury Cabinet..
President-elect Herding went tar-
pon fishing on 'Tuesday, but failed to
land any fighting Ball,
Holland has established a, cordon
along the Getman frontier to prevett
the influx of Reel agents.
Leonard ilde1 thbon and Everest
tllAeruan, nherinen, were drowned
off Salmon loin, near Pieton.
Gen. Wrangel, the anti -Bolshevik
leader, has Completed his withdrawal
behind the Pereitop fortitleatiohe.
Windsor's new police magletrete,
W. E. Gandy, will opeji..eourt at
9 a.m., an hour Earlier fllan formerly.
Who O'Dowd, former middle-
weight. 'ellampiloiir boxer, beat Jeff
Smith in fifteen rounds at New 'York:
Tine` Canadian Sapper was launch!,
ed at New GIa gow, N.S., for the
Cstiadlan Government Merchant.
'Marine. _
Two Sinn Feiners were killed and
two Miele prlseenerst when en attack
wirU Weide ea .,:ont.AS silt en Irish l
polite motorti al, . �, •lzeu air ~
8cotlandY detectives milled li
M♦ horse of H- L. Meioa., ¥.!'-, the•
der or the (aaeimunlatiparty, who ii eleMstfline Saltithille Neffilthe
money erste st. reltulutfonaigr speech t
la LWreloa. Nauta tlotti>tssts were
1'HICRS 1PA't'.
Wheat advanced 11 rents at Wine
nlpstg on Britten buying,
"Tbe old General Hospital building
in Toronto la to be rased. -
Tb Ontario liortictrititral >ihsbitri«
tion opened its lith mutual display.
James Pleeasing lists Ia.ued tt writ
minima the Royal Bengt for mist'
Flint, Mach., is in the field for the
Nattoasl Aruoeiation convention of
Megineer Couiillrs Warne the public
of plat to Mallet St.. Lawrence Vine
er and canal project.
libikoW°..A. Me>aowretl o1'. £lessura-
drla deedd In • the Hetet chef ot! Corn-
wall, aged It yearn.
The Montreal police are asking in -
cremes in wages triad employment of
91117 'talon members.
C. S. Elliott, a farmer of Ruckton.
rime Iianlilton, tiled from a falloff
a load of cornstalks.
Ex -Col. C. L. Malone, M.P., was
arrested In Dublin last night, before
he Was to give an addreuit on laol,;
The settlement of. the Adriatic
question on the line or the Treaty of
London is reported in desplstchea
from, Italy.
The City:. Council : of Sydney. ,Aug-
tralia, has refused to accept/the of-
fer of war trophies from the,Fedei*l
" France' wants its colonies. to have
the same status lathe Lasgne.,of We -
Gone Assembly as is accorded the
British: dominion.
Yatchutnenr of.Watertown, N.Y.,
have notified the Lake Tacht:.itacing
Association that they will ehttilenas
the R,C.Y.C. for1F'it� the iieorfie Cup next
year. , .
` Arrelatice Day,,obsservedwith: alar5c
impressive serviceee.
Mining official say's tll`e Noah #0
euffering from labor..shortage.
Four• children: were burned to
death at Big Pond; Nova Scotia.
The, Belglass •coal strike tit the ten -
e1 districts his been.caii
InttCatio Mare brighterht�or
a set,
tlenent of • the power
l apuakasing Cann) is to be the le-
cation of .the new town et' Spruesi
Rapids. �. I
'There is a • prospect' of Caitisa;dl►'ir `i
oirtr debt being discharged by' the• end
•of 1937.
ii. ,fi won t. alt � s
Y the in erfac 1' occur
championahtp 4)fthe `University of
Toronto. ;
Premier" Lloyd' George hopes to at-
tend the League of Nations minter-
at Geneva. • •
The Government- of Great Britain
has decided to continue to be reprise
sented at the Vatican.
Alberta's@ dry majority is now state
ed to be 111' 04, with rural West Ed,-
mmonton Mill to be counted.
W. D. Wilton, chief inspector un-;
der the New Brunswick Prohibition
Act since 1917,'' has resigned.
"Joe" Welling has been matched
to box :'Benny" Leonard for the
world`'s. lightweight' boxing. title..
A general reduction of retail .prices
of meats in 'Eastern (*sada is pre-
dicted by .a Western cattle man. -
The Bolsheviki..are attacking Gen.
Wrangel's troops in strong force on
both wings in the Crimean Peninsula.
De la Halle won the Interscholastic
Fobtball :League Central Group, title,
beating Hamilton C.I. on the round
by 7 to 4.-.. _:. -
Four rioterts at. Welland pleaded
guilty and' were fined $100 or three
months in ail. ,Fourteen other men
were "dismissed.
A : •veryimpveesive., ceremony wee
held' in London, .Eng., when an un-
identified soldier was laid arrest with.
Britain's illustrious dead In West-
minister Abbey. The King personally
laid a wreath on the eo16n.
Italy and Jugo-Slavia havesigned
articles of peace.
Cork hun e -sty kers have started
to take nourishment; ".
- The Government will protect claim
holders'of mines in the North.
Vie Coal.. problem in the neighbor-'
hood of Toronto is reported to be
Charles Edouard Areteuil has been
awarded the Nobel prize ,tor .1920.
for physics.,
Dr. W. H. Sutherland, Revelstoke,
has been returned by°aCciaination`in
B. C: Legislature.'
Henry Miller, who ran down a:'boy
while driving an auto,etras found not
guilty of'Manrlaughter.
Louis Levenkron was found by his
Wife hanging, -dead in the cellar of
his home in Montreal.
Canadian protesnlonal hockey
teams have been guaranteed large
sums to play in New York. '
The Armenians are reported to
have suffered a disastrafis defeat at
the hands of Mustapha Kemal Pasha.
Many teen are moving into North-
ern Ontario to relieve the;ehorttsge of"
frzf%ere In mining and lumbering
• y("e pl tc n's
RhSMa nese
Ilsettla halt S.
Aitealthful,iooae -saving remedy*„
"eh keowa for bitten years, pro,
toothed by doctetu, sold by dt
store, p.(11)p.(11)a born Ask cure's**
or writs fee after triat kage.
Teyaptetons,142 King WToronto
Load slyest `•r► M. C. 114.1n014.
A 10, per ten Matt reduction in
tae' St. 'Mums - shoo of the Pere
Marquette 'Railway 15 10 take effett-
Regina fuotbell team, champions
fif Western Canada, is likely to �e
Invited by the Toronto Argonauts Co
play in that city,
Dr. John Moore of Shannonvtlles
wan fatally hurt In a collislen bee
tweet a G.T.R. train and his motor
car at Point. Ann.
The jury could not agree in the.
careof .Rev. G.'A. Black at Cobouri
The eotupialnant Is a . young girl of
Hamilton township..
Subscription lists': are being ctrru
lated in the Marine Provinces to
raise funds •'to build a schooner, for
the International,. fishermen'srims
next year..
The monument erected by the Ger-
mans eft Couillet, • Belgium, was de-
ttroyed byorder of Belgium waked.
ake i -
ties On the second anniversary of the
sinning of the armistice,:
Sterling in. New York is quoted •at
'Brantford, t Industrial.„ situation is
'very briflit: ::.•
The Greek election returns will be
known to -morrow..
Now South Wales is about to issue
a34,000,0'00 loan
A oto • di. shoot t'meei motor bandits a meet
n o
the atreets of Toronto., .
The.new Union Station In Toronto•
M ready for:Intapection.
I'.. A British omoer was shot and Mr -
lonely wounded in Cairo. ,
The Frineston University football
tease beat Yale by 29 •to '0.-- The Brotherhood/ of Railway ' ear.
men are to Convene in Toronto.,
An extra 16;000horsepowe
s salt-
plied to Hydro transmission lines,
• The :Bier)ot airplane works • in
France have been closed: down,throw.
ing 2,000 persons out of work.
John Doughty,, missing stcretery
to Ambrose J. Small, 'ef Toronto, is
reported to be at Portland, Oregon.,
James Lawson, . residings near -
Clear, Peachy Skin.
Awaits Anyone Who
Drinks Hot Water
sayya an inside. Haat, before break-
Brig Stai , i x., rru Illi, t 1 by 'fa
N. sty train en a croeeing near
McGill and University of Toronto
will play trifr.far the ;Inteietoliegiate
cinior.tootbatl title at; Kingston next
Sarnia flax mills has received In
Order which will kesp,lt bupY, Rork-'
lug three bouts daily overtime, untilk,.
next trpring. •:..
Amnia Corinwafl, A. -plea* farmer
near Cainsvtlie, war - tataily hurt by
his clothing 'Catching 'in the shaft ot
a gatoltns eagles,
. Two. 1;T. of T. feetbssil tame tri-
upephsd ' over Qitssn s4 n Saturday,
the *shiers .winning by $4 to 1 and
the intermediates by it to S.
Matron A. J, •Hartley, 11.1t,C., of
Brant 1100eltel, Burlington, has .been
appointed•• matron of the ,Duiulnton
Orthopediciltoepital, Toronto.
An automobile bandit at Vancouver
in broad• daylight rabbis$ an Xtnperiel
Oil, Co. accountant` ot a grip with
$1,500- eaph anqd„$20,000 cheques.
Miss Jessid Irene Thompson of Bak -
bank was instantly killed neer' Dar-
too bytelephone polefel -
.Sasa one i
yore an' atom b �
its �y l a o l! in which she
WAS a :pabsenger.
Dye right! Dent risk
your, material.. Each gists
age of "Diamond Dyes eon»'
tain.. directions se asmple
that, any ..women can
diamond -dye a new, rich
color : into otcl garments.'
(draperies, coverings. ,every,
thing, whether wool,' elkr
linen, cotton or mired goods..
Buyr "Diationd flyers' —no
.other kind—then perfect re•
nab ere'gnnrenteed even if
you have never dyed before;
Thtnggiet has "Diamond iyeii
Color Card" --10 stall colors.
fMet help$ tit loots and feet
clean, Sweat, fresh, ..
Sparklinganand• ! v cions merry,
bright, alert—a good, clears skin and
a natural, rosy, healthy complexion-
are assured, only by pure blood. 'If
only every man and woman t ould,bs?s
Iinduced :to 'adopt the morniippg Inside
bath,what a gratifying chadge *Meld
take place. Instead of the thousands of
sickly; anacmle -looking men, women
and girls, .with pasty or muddy
complexions; Metes,' : of the multi-.
tudee of "nerve wrecks," "rundowns;'
"brain fags,: and 'pessimists • we
shouldsee a virile, optimistic throng
of rosycheeked people everywhere.
An, inside bath 1ss had by drinking
each mornings, before breakfast, a
glass of real hot , Water with a tea-
spoonful of iinreatolle_ phosphate in it
to wash from the stomach, liver. kid-
neys and ten yard* kit bowels the pre•
vious day's indigestible waste, sone
.fermentations and poisons, thus
cleansing, swedtenine and freshening
the entire alimentary 'canal •before
putting more food Into the° stomach.
These ibublect to sick headache, bit.
!Dueness, nasty breath, rheumatism,
colds; and particulary those who •havo
t% pallid,sallow complexion and who
are constipated very often, are urged
to obtain a quarter pound of limestone
`Phosphate at the drug store which
will cost but a tritie, but Is sufficient
to demonstrate the quick and remark.'
able change in both health and appear -
dace, awaiting those who practice in+
Vernal sanitation. We mast remem-
ber that Inside cleanliness is more Int-
portenttllsun outride, because the skin
does not absorb bnpuritk'g (o eon•
tami'nate the blood..w* le'the pores 1*
the thirty keret bowels, do:,
t- AA&
HON. `(' �C. IltALL(%TLN BIIt
rilotisteroflfaa+ne and Fsstt rice, wit's bag Len in Torrnto, a tressed tate
radletes. of the Navy Liven, e t aineaisrtl $tin liners Edward Hee
Vi isl4rcecd the Boys' ?nivel 1lr1Sati on the °°troo6a.mLdero Jarvis" al
Pieture sts:A :4 frith lett to VAN! D` '61ody, ehmErromlat t e Tor'r,tisiti
• let a&Kyr Eommitteeg\Nbr). 'C. G. Bitiran%izv, Mr. TiaGara-g il, p, ai i e?c.
D. 11. Illln+sl, P:CKtVrit of the sdEi.i ti` atiast.`,lt Ct�ific0` Vis.
to O I
Through arrangements with, The Bell Marto
Co., of Guelph,' Ont., 1' will act sa their. Agent for
:Goderich and surrounding territory, and will ens
deavor to serve you in a business manner if you are
in the market for s►. Piano which is worthy of your
home, •
fly ,Aystem of; selling cuts out any high com-
missioned salesmen, and many heavy
add uch to the -cost of most Pianos sole,and
noshingto the tjuality whatever. Maks it your bust.
ness to have me call on you before you buy, by
droppinga line to my.sddress.
Bell Art Pianos are endorsed by musician$
the world over and take second.lace :to : nothingon
the market:They
are the first alters of.
Player Panon
in. Canada, and are also the oldest and largest • manus
facturers of 'pianos 'tri the British Empire,
P p
Full vA1
agiven for used pianos, o sens
phonographs ify ou deal with me, as l Have custom
ers for them
As -.prices are-rising,Y
don't, isI can give you terms and get your goods shippe d at
once, . which will mean $50.00 on all Pianos shipped
through early orders placed at the factory,i,
Yours for business, address
Box 229-Seaforth, Ont, E
A1C =•t.L=''r 1 � momm i�::J iYY��=_��
4. ter•'•
' t •
`r w
"Protection is a�'' tecctiot
Gildiaie t Rnduraf ce Adios .Okeventt
decay, keeps out moisture
wood and resists.. wear. iron i
weatherconditions without kali
. A
t'' idiar Eistkiresiree Pis stays 1
• and bright for a long time,. wears
looks well -sand ifetwuas tr,'
4,110. is itht ,cheapest firms* rasa
For everything , bout -toe ho
farm that needs to be pained,
3. T..f, •araf‘411
_ fished ...iib
4th flit$ G&W.* t1