HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1920-11-18, Page 7laffelenelleneeseseste.....
littelteDAY, 18111,
BOLISR F Vier 0 R 4r1811°11}%
Qivts a larger return for life than lit obtainable "
from Puy other form of invratment with ahaolute
Eree. from Dominion, Income Tax.
Any person resident or domiciled in quvada over
e' e aeu15 may porch aye. tO begin at once, oat any
Liter date desired. an Annuity of from $50, to$5,000,
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lay two persons way inirehase Jointly. k
ts,atp °yen', may puteZPoto for their `erriployees.
APP;Iro VW. pOUrnaStfV4 Or write, tentage free, to S. T.Itasteelo,
%Went* tryi-nt of ,pautuities, Ottawa, for new booklet and other
inn - nom retolited, ftlertion age lost hirthdaY.
A Knight of the
• 19tk Century
(Contieuell from page 6)
h ad searetdy hoped to escape an at-
tack, he had never before realised how
distratrous. It would be to the very
.ohes he had come. to serve. Who wee
there to take care of Mutt atm. Pole
and was. almost helpless from nervouti
prostration. - Amy required absolute
u ule4 to prevent the mOre fatal re -
lase, winch is almost certain to fon
low exertion „made too eaely eon-
- veleecenee: He knew that in be were
in the 'house she would make the at.
tempt to do something tor him, and he
also Anew it would be at the. rifle Oil
her life. Old Aunt Saba ,was worn out
in her attendance on BerthannnaY. and
Mtn. Poland. Her husbeno,.. and a
stranger who -had. been at inet secured
toassist 'him, were required in • the
household duties.
• ' Ile took his decision promptly, for
Whielt to act. nleieg- to -Mrs. -Poladd'e
ilk. n- • he felt that he had but brief time in
• • room, he said .to her- and Anne—
•. "I am • glad to lint you both.so brave
• •
and doing es well as you ere on the;
.„,• sad, sad .day. •I do not. think you. will
take the disease, Mrs. Poland; and You.
Miss Amy, only neeti perfect: quiet ie
t• •
order to get well.. Please remember,
. as a great favor to me, how vitally
• .• Important . is the trenquillityj of Mind
t • .and body that I am ever pre'aching to
you,•and 'none Met which 'fatigue
• • • .
you In the slightest degree, till -oon-
' Mous of your did strength. And now
an going away for a little enteln
•. This Is a time 'when every Man shown}
• be at his pest of -duty. I .ant needed
• elsewhere, for .kn'ow of a ease that
requires immediate attention. Please
do not remenidrate," said, as they
begat'. to urge that he shomild -take
sortie rest...emy ,mission here has end-
ed tor the presnut, and rny duty iS
• elsewhere. We Walt nay goodeleye,•
Inc• I shall not be far away;" and al-
though- ' he was -almost' faint from
vvea.knesa,- his hearing -was so decided
. and strong, 'and be appeared so bent on
•departure. that, .they felt that it. would
• hardly be in gooti 'taste to say anything
"We are almost beginning . to feel
• that Mr. Haldane belOngs,to*Us," said
• - - --•Anty-eo- here mothere-atterwarde
. forget that he may be prompted by as
•• • • strong a sense of duty to others."
As Haldane was leaving the house
Or- Orton drove to the -door. Before
he could. Alight -Abe noung man climb-
.- ed tnto his buggy with almost deeper;
• ate haste. . , • • .
• • • "Drive toward the eity,"' he said so
' decisively that Abe doctor obeyed.
• "WhaVs the matter, 'Halnene?
Speak,'.mann,you look sick."
• "Talce me to the city hospital. I am
sick." • .
."Take me 14 the city hospital. t' am
. . ;Wk.".
• "I shall take .you right back to Mrs.
Poland's," said the doctor, pulling un.
Halddne laid his hands on the reins,
and then explained his fears and the
motive for his action.
• "Ood bless you, old tellovv; but yet,
• are -right. Any -effoet now wmild .eost
Amy her 4ife, and she would make itlf
You were . there. But you are, .nol
going to the hospitaie• . •
. Br. Orion's intimate acquaintance
with the rely enabled him to place
alaidane in eomfortable -room neat-
, his own Weise, where he; could give
constant supervision to his ease. He
also procured good 'nurse, whose
. sole duty was to take cam Of the
young 111:111. To the anxious question-
ing of Mrs. Poland and Amy from time
to time the doctor maintained the fic-
tion, saying that Haldane was watch:.
ing a very important case under his
rare; "And You. know his way," added
the old eentlernan, rubbing his fiends,
as it he were enjoying eomething in-
ternally: "he wott't leave a case till I
say ins safe, even to visit you, of
tebom he speaks every cheatee•Iie
gets;" and tbus lite two ladies in their
feeble state were saved oil anxiety.
They at length 'learned ot the Mere'-
, ful ruse that had .bilen played upon
there hy ihe apne,aranee of their 'friend
at the 41110r in Dr. Oeton's buggy.„As
• the old physieian helped his patient,
who was still rather weak, up the
etens, ha said, with his heady laugh—
' "Haldane has watched over that ease
that he .and told you of new enough..
We now -turn the ease over to Ione
Mise Amy. tint all he requires is good
menace in the Jaw tam her inert
began to beat in qutek, short. Olenten•
ate. times. Mot it would peso that
nothing could rter disturb the even
rhythm of Deinemootte pulse. Ho tried
N dhow hie sympathy by testate his
mind W all Mat wait =manful sad
sombre in ert and lititrature. One day
he brought to hen from- New York
what he declared to be the Swot ars
rangement nf dire musk for the
piano extant, and she quite leafletted
him by dentering with sudden newton
that tete could end would not ploy a
note of L.
In her deep sorrow emit deeper an-
aletY, in her strange and utleerable mil
I rest; Whitt •Itad its bidden wet hi s
• cause not yet underetooth She turned
to him again end 'again for sympillty,
Ann he gave her abundant opportunity
to seek it. for Lure was the Most
beautiful object he had ever rent and
therefore, to feast net eye and gratify
ins ear, he *pent =eh of his time
whit ber; So mutt, •indeed, that she
often grew drearily weary of him.
But no melte? when or how often she
would look into his tate for quick,
heartfelt appreeiation, ,..ehe saw with
instinctive certainty that, more than
lover, more- than friend, and, eventual-
ly mitre than -husband, lle was and
ever would be * connoletiettr. When
she smiled he wateadmIrIne her, when
elm wept he etas Also admiring her.
livens., old lel trust to you for thati
a trump, If he es a Yankee. Bun
deat him, I thought he'd spoil the
joke -by dying, at 000 time."
'Phe sentiments that people like Mrs.
Poland and her daughter, hIrS. Arnot
and -Laura, would naturally, entertain
toward one who had served them as
Haldane; had none, and at such risk to Whatever she did of said wail' 000*
himself; ten be better Imagined than gutty Imbue looked At and studied
ft,ety mere than they were ever persr eehes'e tostidiotts taste she had
should lose my beauty, what would
he do?" and the instinctive answer 01
her beart West,' "He would honorable
try in keep all .his pledges, but would
look The Other WaY." ,
Before. she WAS aware of it, she had
begun to convene her amanced with
Haldane, and she 'found that the one
was like a sublet of sweet, rich wino,
that WAS already nearly exhausted and
cloying to her taste; the other was
like a mountein spring, whose waters'
are puee, ever new, unfailing, podia,
Rally abundant, inspiring yet slaking
ortray.ed. They looked and, felt Lunn- from. an aes.thetie s'tanrdpoint by this .
mined ` to say, for any -expression of thus far satisfied. More than -once she
neation was evidently. painful to., had found herself asicing, l'Suppose
He speedily gained his old et*or, and
before the - autumn treats Put an end
to the epidemic, was able to render
Dr. Orton muelz valuable assistance,
Amy became more truly . his sister
then- -ever bis own bad been -to him.
hisquick intuition -soon discovered
his secrete -eve the changing exPres-
sign of his eyes at the mentIonsof Lau-
ra's name would have revealed it to
her—but -he would not let her speak
otf the subject, "She •belonga to a-
nother;"- heesaid; "and although to me
she is the most, beautiful and attract-
ive woman -in the world. it must be
-toy lifellongt effort, not to think -of.
h r "
But she soon saw whither such lc elle.
par/sena were leading her And recog-
nised tier danger end her duty, She
His parting- from Mrs. Poland ,andi had -plighted herefaith to another, and
Amy tested 'this self-control severelyi 1 he tied given he no pod -reason -to
bz accordance with. her. impulsive tie- 'break- thht faith. Laur& had a eon -
tete, Amy put her arms about hia'sCienee, and she as resolutely set to
neckties she said brokenly -4
You were indeed God% messenger'
Le un • and you brought us life. .A.s,
father said, we shall hitimeet --aga"
On his return, airs, Arnotts greeting
Was .that of a mother; but there were
traces of eonstreint in leaurins maneer.
When ale Met met him she took his
hand in a strong warm pressure, and
said. tvith tears in -her eyes-- • •
'Mr..Haidene, 1 thank you for your
kindness to Amy and auntie tie ein.
cerely as if ithail all been •rendered
to me alone." .
Biit after this first expression of /a-
ttire). feeling, Haldane wee • almost
tempted to- believe that she shunned
meeting his eyes, avoided Speaking to
work to shut out Haldane from her
heart, as 4* poor man, had tried tio
texelude her image, land from very
much thie same eause. But the heart
is a wayward oggan, and is ellen at
swortin-point with both. will and eon-
snience,",and frequently, in spite of all
that she could do, it would array Hale
one on the one side and Beaumont, on
,the other,- end so it would eventually
come to be the man who,aoved her vere.
susethe connoisseur who admired -her,
but whose absorbing passion for him
Reif left n place- for any other strong
• „, becontinued).- .
him, and even .tried to escape front his jek FOR LITTLE. ONES
soelety'by taking Me. Beaumont's arm .
and 'strolling oft to sortie other apart-
*tient when he was ng on Mrs. Ar, Thousands of motbers state positit
not. And yet, If this were true, he yen- that Baby'4 Own ,Tablets are the
sf;a0Bmanigoo imaeakdeofterriteenedi iitaheastsitc:rreessuteneemi best medicine they know of for' little
ones. Teter experience has taught
on et• part, them that the Tablets always de just
She fears that nay old-time passion what is °Wined for them and that
male revtve. and into. _would teach me
to put a watch it the entrance.of its
sepulchre," be at length oncluded.
"She little Waits that my love, so far
from being dead, is a chained giant
that eosts me hourly vigilance to hold
in life-long imprisonment."
But Laura underfetodd him much
better than be Old her. Her manner
was the result of a straightforward
effort to be honest. Of her own free
will, °anti without even the slightent
they -eau be given -with -perfect -se
to children of all ages.. Concerning
them Mrs. Joseph Therrien, St, Gabriel
de Brandon, Que., tvrItes: Baby'e
OWn Tablets are the best medicine 1
know of for little ones. I` thought I
would lose my baby before trying the
Tablets but 'they soon male, him heal
thy and happy and now I woulit not be
without Wenn" The Tablets are sold
by medicine dealers or by mail at ga
tents a box from The Dr. Williams
. .
effort oft the part "of bee uncle and, n .. rocky& , n . .
-aunt to Incline.ber toward the wealthy • . • • e •
• •
and distinguished Cdr. Beaumont, s
-end accepted of an hie attentions nd
accepted of the man birnselfj the
world's estimatieti She would bane
the slightest ground to iblid taut With,
him, tor, from the first, both in cone
. • .
(From "Tim Goldin 'Gate," the, ofinnal
Publication of The Goderich Boa,
duct and Manner, he bad been irre- " trrade).
proaehabie. • • Controlled by one of Canada's expert
When the telegram which announced promoters, the Ontario Itydro-Electrie
Mr. Poland's death was received, he SysteM Is a ..one -mail institution, By
tried to comfort tier by words that
kitcr HEALING.
T brings you the Solum, of deal -
Mg with the host ot skin
*Mimes and injirlu *it
*very member ul the
Zin-Bekta away, sefeand reliable
**ways ready for instant VOL
P41101441. 1.190S. $44000161 litVitti4C
gloons, airatjt eerie *Ad other
distressing akin saiseewss which
fatty Other tnethede yield to ths
Zara -Butt treetinent.
Bernal Dila and essence*deo*
*Meetly blended and refined, coon
hint to make Zaireauk a unique -
and powerful skin balm. Zein -auk .
contains no animal nee mineral
demi. 190% pure medicinal effi*
eisncy. Zinn -auk
inda$6,0474 iffitatiern
like -nothing the. can. Doctors and
nurses highly commend ZatinEtukt
first-aid specialists say there is
nothing like it for eats, &easier,
ewes, .Ills an.<1 *aim,
Whilst Zam-Bult is soothing and
purifying a wound or sone, it also
stimulates the repair of tne chtilaoged
flesh tissues and „ensures perfect
healing. Zam-Iluk's herbal juices
are of such purity and refinemegt
that they penetrate where ordinary
ointments cannot, Zarn-Buk-tecto -
out disease Kent the underlying
' 'tissues. "That is why it cures per.
momently, Get a box to -day ant
nrovenoe yourself that_Zem-Bult Sit
Of sit Intalars.1
ot e utot j*tilt in working order
Med it weakt wet oily reasonable
that Hiconneetiou with the hotter tleld
Ot a:betties uudertakell by the Ilentet
Electric Canlialssion Of tide great Prteen
viuee it shoult bz: no means stand still t
in the matter or the working out and
adoPting * more 'Modern and equit-
able system, of rates, This has not
been done. and the .pre*eill system is
int antiquated oue, and unsuited for
the pUrpoite, and should' be tileemeted,
met as Mete praetleal andeniudera sys..
lent adopted et the earliest possible
So tar as is eatown to the Peolne
the. Province tine IlytitesEleetrie Com -
Mission bane net made a survey or the
allinitton with a view or making any
improvement in the Lenten) ot rates
roe power supplied to - the various
municipalities ur the provinoe, and
•when the'idea ot a Uniroyal hate tu.
all is suggested they at onee rush ,to
thereseue of iheir present system, and
by the use of every Weapon at their
eonemartasseek to nip it in the bud,
and thus to destroy It. not willing tie
t outsider Da Means• or to enderteke
any eremite or . luterovenient n ann
form whateVer, Many nrontittent, in*
telligent end well meaning men in var.
bus parts of Ontario fully reahee the
ittmottalico and seriousness itt this
feet, and ItaVe give he 'question very
Careful and neri011e Consideration* and
nave Come to the conclusion that the
present, system 45 not Just and fair to
all, and elso then owing. to the enorm-
ous possibilities 'that are (men to de
velopment %the present. system of rating
is abselutein unsuited foilate require.
"lento and that lhe entire Hydro ellecn
, • tele enterprise eshoula be taken over
by' the Government, of the Pro/ince,
and further developed and extended,
end the management-ot it plaeed in
the hater:ore Competent
or other controlling body, alt the mem-
bete of mittleh should be vapable mete
willing' •to. tonmerate in the admlnls-
fr[Fotr f-- the-a.mdrs in
with the entire systentO in -"the
este of all the npeople of ttle Pro.
It 1 1 b linved to be a
sneemeset—ste—eaneteneee-n-Tessenen question of vital amportance that 'a
competent stiff of engineers shooldette
engaged, ihe chid of wheel thould he
a man of extraordinary ability and an
authority On Hydeo-Blectrie matters,
and whose advice -*mid
•all matter of engineering, and in
preparing: estimates forprospective
tintlertAkings, a natter which in the
nest teas been seriously et fault. nest
have been subjeeted to strong erlti.
eism, perhaps to some extent unjustly
ethetgeause they were tneenioneers In
this line and had no precedent or ex-
ample •to folloW, and could not there.
fore be expected, et the .beginning, to
produce Inveffect sesteni of rating
that would be fair to a11: But the law'
EVERY fume, koala t
profit to be made iu rsii
tug hogs. There is a
market ready tq' take• every
oue of thein off his bands.
Now is the thue to increase
your stock. If you neen inan-
mai assistance, consult ,our
local manager. .
GODERICIII BRANCH' A, 4. Mande Manager,
foresight in regard to
why Sir Adam Ireek, with ail his all
lite, and Rein f
many things, should decide and de.
termlne, to remain a stand -pat of 'the
old school in this retveet, is very hard
to understand, or at least is 'Very much
to be regretted because the great Taa4
pray of the people of the province
Would be .most delighted to see hint
adopt the prinelpitte of eo-operation
in general, and Ito launch out on a 1114
of enitsereative, but, progressive poll.
Cie4 adMilliSIMU011; and to More
successfully complete the great en.,
dertaltings that ore open and awaiting
development tin -so Malty: sections of
the Province. ' But by whatever means
may be devised the Hydro-rectrie
terpebse muse move torward; le meet
the growing deinande or the people,
os far, as this Is reasonably possible.
NOW associations 'b rnuntcpaUlles
new eontemplatinn the eStoblisltnient
of Hydro elleetrie Systems for use by
farnirre in the V nett States heve'
tented the .prinerple" of a I:Minim Rate
for Power to all, tend os a prerequisite,
have ilenided to Mike use ot this plan
only, In Connection with their opera-
tions, and we in Ontario should eon.
tinue no be leaders in all phases of
Hydro Eleetrie developmentettimV ad-
thineetretion, aitd.not revert to any se-
cond place, or become mere follotvers
of these whtedecide to naive forward,
The mustwidelyetatown paper cute
reney in the world Is the Dank of Eng
land note,
"S'pell our named" said the teed
clerk sharpie".
The witness began: "O. denble
doutnedouble 1, &Able*"
"Went?" ordered the cleat, "befit
.The witness replied: ttin, dettinie "In
I. double V, at, double. I., double V.
double "
"Your honor," roared the clerk, "I
beg that lids mkn be cominitted dolt
contempt of voU.rtl"
-Whal ift your name?" asked the
"My namty:your hoar* is OttIvrell
Wood, and 1 spelleit (t, doable st,I
double II, E double L. dOubls nt, dint*
ble it, le".
nes bed a *umber 04 year* exempt.
im fence lu making tide Wkiollietn
IV * an
ticle Head fa may ittia*SleY
/ !Olin 1 lb, to t barrel at a roilarn.
a able price,
. Seed Send Alter SA.
111 1.14 slam Of by iiho lanifrodat Wie
014.11 14 MS
the nynamie energy, tireless attivity
were so peculiarly elegent and sombre. •
that, in spite of Laura's wishes es, and sterling integrity of Sir, Adam Beck,
think otherwise, they struck her Hite supported by a certain a:thither-of spe•
an elegiac address` that had been care- •elally interested 'munteipalities ani
fully 'preerranged and ; studied; and
when the eldings of poor. little Ber- the influence of his personal admirer,,
tilts death came, it would oceur te and by the daily papers of London.
Laura that einulteaumont had thought Hamlilton, and Toronto, and backed by
his first little address so perfect that unrestricted .1politicateponter, and with
he could do no better than'to repeat It, the aid •of an (Mtn:Want euPidY Ot
as one might use an appropriate bur- „ „ „ „ ..: , e,„
lel service on all occasions.. He meant mune, the wheelo nyarnerecetrie sYs-
to be kind and onsiderate. He wae tem 'has 'been so far developed, that H.
'needy to do enything.an his poinen," can be made the nucleus off a great
as he often said. But what. was lit
his power? As telegrams and /atm system whicit may. be utilized to serve
came, telling of death, of desperate in- the people of the Provinee in a *ho-
use and uncertain life,, of death again. nellOtte Way, and to an „extent, with
of moray' help ond -womanlike self- proper management, that ivilll far tut-
. pass the, most ardent . et/WM40e of
. . .
the people of Canada. Orneinallie the RW
mommieneam iessenenies•
For Palo ome
Wee undertaken by private corpora"
development ef Itydro-Electrld Power
It you are run down, feel worn out, Hens and the system .of rcqing which
no ambition, you lack the supply of they flrst adopted has been practically
blood that is neteksary, YOU fry Vital copied, and With. minor .changee, cell
Tablets. -
Sold by CaMpbell's Drug Store,
Scotia' Drug CoMpany, Montreal, Que.
. and methods of The parent cempanies.
Commiselon of Ontario. The principle
Price toe per boor 6 for x - A
$2.56. Sold at all. drug stores. -The in 'useby the Ilydro-Electrie
AISE the standard of. liying
lathe home and the standard
Of ihd nation rises with it.
Canada was one of the first countries to
respond to the now,world-wide movement to'
. beautify the home. And there are no people
in the world who are in a better positionto
afford and to appreciate the best and truest
things in life than we in Canada.
Furnishings ,Mould Character
•-• .
tarAlielig IT i 1tflh1Z fAXIMMTIOS. MAO" sta.-awl raw: Mrs, D. M. Sutherland.
VMS*: Pil$,„ tie°. A. PutmanTo
, ronto; Mrs. Geo. Edwards, &mole, anent; Mee, Alined Watt, M. It. Y., eV..
SOW atm VV. Ir. Meade, Blenheim; Mea, tinily rine*, Toronto; Mis V,dkant Todd, Nail*, PO -
owl/ president, After the conteetion the delenittee *Waled the opening of the pest Wooten's Institufe SChool
.., .a' AJ I,. al. tAltaltilL.J1k.'316111
The important part that the furnishings of
the Lome play in moulding character and de-
veloping a true pride in, frunily and in race is
better understood today than a few years ago.
How are children to be led to appreciate
the solid, substantial things in life—the beau-
ties of art, the love ,of good literature, the
• desire for culture—Unlees they have -the pro-
per surroundings fn the home?
Improve the Horne
Beautify the home with furniture that is
designed on truly artistic lines. Make the
bine a place of cheerfulness, refinement and
restfulness. Make it breathe warmth and
heartiness. Make it truly hospitable, solidly
comfortable a home that inspires- intefeLl
in all that is good andoworth while in
and it will mould chatacter and develop true
pride in family and in race.
To procure furniture that will elevate and -
make the house a home of which you can be
•justly proud, does not call for extravagance.
Good taste is more necessary than a large
expenditure of money.
There are beautiful suites and individual
pieces of furniture obtainable at moderate
e cost, which are true works of arto,rnatty of
them being correct adaptations of the designs
of the "old masters" who created the "Period
Furniture" so much in vogue today. •4
A "queen Anne" Room
As a suggestion, study Our sketch of a ,
"Queen Anne" bedroom. It shows the beau-
tiful and refined effect obtained by the selec-
tion of an artistic suite of bedroom furniture.
Just two or three pieces of artistically de-
signe4 furniture wilt raise the level of an
entire living room. And by gradually adding
other pieces and suites in the different MOM*,
you will; before long, work a magical trans.
formation of the home.
Every advance in' refinement and culture.
every unprovement in the home sturoundinp,
• every influence that raises the ideals of home -
life, makes the nation that much, finer aid
nre living itt preigretialva,c,proSpertla
tin:ea in a country with a glortOus Intim
therefore, Canadians have every incentive and
can wen afford to beautify their hornet eeftla
net: r. a better furniture.
tills announcement eis inserted by .
Bank of Hamilton Building -.- Toronto, Canada
NOT8--The Home Purnisbings Bureau doe* not eel!. furniture or
goods of any kind. Ito object is to potaote a greater interest
in the furnishing of Canadian Lerner), Vous' local dealer will
he pleased to give you away infotenationyee dealt° ntut suit-
able furniture for Your Logue.