HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1920-11-18, Page 3Till-ReDele NOV.
PILES NEWOR111111,1111
Mat elitilleent Pre
There are few conpleintsntere feeninee.
thanh,emorrhoid,., Crlaritoxily conga Oki/
and georeely; any ellee gause more
trouble end onsery. . 1
. Pike 1re divided into three cheese"
' I", iteklago ProtrudinQ aud bleeding, and
Oust in a Jamie of blood end languid
circulation in the portion, of the lower
bowel or rectum.
The 'chief causes of pee* are cdh.
stipation, straining at atisale.„telirt'eke
sang of drastic pureatiees. Ties latter
we would very swinger adciac spinet
. as these strop; purgatives, nspeehillY
r those containuig ekemee and other
Mineral drugs are toriestrong Tee the
*overage Peraone bowels.
A. mild laxative will do more to correct
this trouble than anything eke* °w*td
this yon will find in Milburn's LAM -Liver
Pillet tt, pill that is purely. Vege„ tablet
small and easy to take, and 140114 -ant
gripe, weaken or sicken.
Milburn's Laza-Liver Pille are Ze.
a vial et ell dealers, or,_ mailed direct
on receipt of price by The Ti IDUF12
Co., Limited, Toronto, OAS.
. ---- - -
.4.', specialist in women'904 ittlildratios
thsesses. Acute. chrome .lana nervous ills'
order, Partial dearness, WO. Or. Ammo
and throat._ Ad maids reinevad Witlinitt
es kW., uonsultation Iree...• Oita* Ind
• /madonna Nelain and St, Andrew% Vega
back of TemPqrance 11411, eleir *We".
Office 'fours 9 ro is a 10,. I„ _•0_1;0,1,4.
---Ilundars,-, =Indus and Saturdays.
UMW% eF APPOilltnient: ...._ .
CH/ALES 64WROW. earriater. SOlitlitori
Goderich, Corner Nortr. street Ana Squire,
. 1
barrister, Solicitor.- ROPY' Public
anti Conveyancer ,..„,,, ._
.. Oilice. : Court 49t124. Isua441441`
ila9 C. MAYS !Pais* St
lasertster. goitettor, .Notary Public - *tee
Once Hamilton st., sorting Bank Block
• Goderich
Real Estate. Loans, Intuiting*
SORGE E arlEENStABIS., Ilal1914. Coe;
vevasicing and Rosary emit
.. torristers, Michela, Itotaribs rub -
i11. Etc.
• nee -On .die Sonars, Sad- goor fres*
Rinnlitou street Goderien. ' -
,..,:„,-/Irto tends to meatein lowest roam
PROUBFOOT E. c.,.a. L. Eti.L014, 11. J. D. COOKE.
1.. Live Stock gul oener.st Auctioneer.
' mamma street, eteelortre.
Sales made everylvhera gut 111 aorta
Jude to
give you sidlifactleti..
IntrOserg... sale mita., .diaeounted. ,
tafres3LLole MUTUAL VIRE .11t URA
Milk COwl
• •
; -
. .._„..
,,stria abelated TemaProperty taintree,
value of property Instead up to January,
Mk$8.0111.on so. .. .4'
•. OfrFICBES-isines..--Conolly. • President.
doderich :. Jat .% Evan% ,. vice-Prendent,
Beeciwood.; T. E.*Mays..tiec.lre2S., sem
DIBELTORS-D. F. weorerot enema
I. 03.. octave, Winthrop ; Wm. Wrin, Con
*Mica : Georg* McCartney, Tuckersmith
Jain- Ferris,- Oarlock -I. -2.W .Rimnewise.
groadhatran : Malcolm Neaten. aruceneta.
averre-7. W. Teo, titiderich ; Sandy
l , Clinton; Wm. Chantey, ssatortha
O. RinCbley, Seatorth. ,
Policy Holders cin pay thee istessments
at IL H. tturs Store. Goderich, A. 2. Bor..,
gag% ClAthing Store, Clinton, or 3.
stews, awes, .
NOTARY ',prime
General Conveyancing done
Good Companleo Represented
' Phone No. 1911. Goderich, Ont.
ti. LI
The'rsadinu '
- funeral Directors
. • and Nikita:ars
Orders carefully attended to ' 1
at sli hOttrs-night or dal,
H. Se IKENil P
6 4
, 4
Vatshas, CH*, sts., Cisised sW
Ripens! satististerilli
as raft Pristisilaggramin
Reek Iles 941 r0
Na Want er glob* seam
, lipargis
mx* inse, Si the:selieri
gsonsitIcni. ohm
• _. 4
' 1
Children Cry i
• iftori"„
, twer
. v fiom
v lirt . .
• RREVMArzsg
44***.Newftrato,ter.st ,
',At"' pi*tratio • selar.I.P.linfers is
ttit Pena*, yr. orsialootioa gob .
Oniedetvervaierc .
4 4 i
' toolitNIMEN iymrmiivtis.T' HI
Tonne -eV 7441101,14116
TORONTO. Nov. IS.-Tko latest quo.
• tattoos on the Baud or Trade aim as
tinware: '
llooltaloak WheatWhe*$f4ti etre,
NQ. 2 northern. 23•04M. -
N. 3 northern. 3Q.04.
N.% 4 wheat, 31.14.
seasetowa Own Oa Store.itort W11144009
No. 2 C.W., 4256,o.
Na. 3 e.W., G4144:.
Extra Na, 1 feed,
No 2 feed, S Ian
N9 file4. 09Rie.
Isanttoba noir/ Oa atm, WI4M0ollt
No. C.W., 1147%.
No 4 V.W.. 21.07%.
Rajected. 112c, •
• Feod, 44o.
Asseeteem Ca= (Trikat. 1441`4410
No, 2 yellow. 41.14. nominal.
9441440 640 (Agiording to *height
No. 3 white 400 to erg.
Owterte ellbeat•044.16 etessenn POO*
No, 2 winter, 41.24 to $2.
No. 4 aortae. 4140 to 3143.
Remo tfteweitetan to Deenato Owe**
No, 2. nominal. •
• names tAmoratan to tiVOistrto 40.OMO000
Whine. ft to *LAC •
leseltwaseat idanerding4.sermande
I nominal. •
11141 Valiattitalon Sirital.001 tbataidne
• NINA ILO to 31.45. •
• maimt•ba. Onator.
elPirat patents. 412.20.
aevend pateOto, 112.41. •
• •
';441117.- • .
TOE ELECTRA' Rt. 'ITS LIAR IWO/CAT. Tire Ott OCILDRA1(.1•.-Tile j(i.alr Cooper) and the .New Lord Mayor
chines. Roll) standing on Ile) fitePta 'e Guilettalt after' the ceremony. ,
DISTRICT ,..CuLEANIllraL bee)) teaching toe sortie time in the
Lower Whet -ham school. She had
-thatnt-DP Ktiss-7-1161.1014hbrinem*
• government standaire.,..uontinal.
jUta Kontrea. aretai. Mt.
Sage. Toronto: WI& to nominal. es*
41442/44 Woo lieh; Meleveithe liteemeat
11111V40444, Nee* landolaviel.
Dram or ton, 431 to. 340.23.
Shorts. Itof,ton.-444 to $411.20.
• goo* Aelit acme. 2244„ ta 44.
Tem* Irmo Levi teresoiS.
• TORONTO; Nov. 11. -At three watilis
resterosi afternoon the receipts at. ma
Union ard. With snot* cam • o& tho
Waage, as reported by officials Waif
4441 Oar* 2.421 ,Oattli, 171 coarse.' 1415
Atnrirnma LIVM lITOOK. •
. "AST RUBTALO; Nov. 11. -Cattle re -
ciente. TRI. dull. (Alves; receipts 234;
Sec lower: 11 to $11.44.
Nona receipt* 2,40a. steidy; swag
=Moo and yellow*, 311.31; light Yank,
• - Wad p1.. 411 to $111.114; reggae,
$11.14rito !Is* *taiga 31 to Stir. •-• •
Mai* ivesipts 3.434;
Iambi and Tracheae, site higher. LIMO&
44 1. 412.74 yearlittien a/ to $/e; awn%
$12 to $9; withers, 1112.14i to Pi 44944
sheer. 14.42 to ett. 4' • •
*Tat •
CITLIOA1t0. Nov. in -Cattle -L•••
°opts., Liss: estausirod with ow* awe,
beet ow* 114 steeds arcking ;ensign
Whore, in..Uy 14d, to eite lowerieweele
tete ellems; 'bele native. 410 1. •314
man. weetwas. 41.31 10 ULM; Ina
Cattle •sensvoady 21st 1o.14srlawnr; egg.
nem aa4 suttees. •iteady 414,40c.iollon
light land, 111,11k. weight' -row • carg*,,,
t .Xt% eiSar'.4411401
lewor;•_firethre. *Maar to Me
oall-R0041001. tiftrAlloatile 1.0 I�
lea higher than krldny'Sltve nags t
savor NOVA 4t11$14.0.1zAlta.;
$11.9; bulk a1ats.
p1*;- about,
,,agkeap..../taceight- • 3.494: 0044118444
with h wont airs, rot lames owes tee
to 2So roofings steady;
fair -go-gr lower;- feeder mimeo
'ambit', *teddy.
ausriBe Adnot Inopector.
WINDSOR,. Ont., Nov. 1$. L.-- Rev.
Arthur Dpracklin, a brother -of- IA.
eenie Inspector Bev. J. 0. L. Sprach-
in, with another liquor Inapeetor
tamed )3611, held kip. W. L.
manger of the lewd branch of
the Postuni Cereal Company, and
C. C., Chauvin, reeve of Sandwich
eat Township aapthey were driving
along Ojibway Road • about 6.39
'clock Saturday night. epracklin told
Messenger and Chauvin that -he was
an inapector and was going to search
heir car., •
Misaenger strongly objected and
pracklin infaPPed a pair of hand-
uffs about his wriet. Upon learning
01 his iniatake, "Spracklin redeemed
essenger, who cause to police head -
natters and reported the affair. Bo
ye he will lity .a complainagainst
pracklin and Biel for assault •
Renate to (Ink bight. ,,
EXIRTRE,, Nov. 15, --Rev. J. O.
praeklin preached to congregatioes
hich titled the capacity
Viet Iliethodikt Church Sunday
°ruing situkthe jamee Street 'Aura
t night.
Beetling briefly to the shooting
f Beverly Trilmble, he declared that
• did it bp self-defence. No. one,
a ealak could appreolateothe strain
to hid been under during the last
ve Months. not only to connection
th his work, but on actount of
pen threitte made regarding his life,
nd numerous letters of the same
ture. it. intends to ,continue in
he work. Ile fa noir renting, he mfd.
Revolt et Btadaepet.
LONDON, Nov. 15.7 -According to
delgpatdli from 'Vienna -to the s-
lay a revolt of workors Ikon
rekqs sot at udaps.t. Ttops sing-
ing the nen Ot = Adiairal
intim the liu ries •regewit, aro
eeupylig all pubiie butidiags.
Saturday nibrnisig, It Wad. report-
, desultory fighthog wag in progress
n Buditkeit, Wad the Whole eity wit
Whited to be. on the verge of an.
chy.with a isrge part of the popu-
non in eight. The establishment
f a military dictatorship was give*
s the cause of the revolt.
Sugar IVar Renamed.
MONTREAL, Nov. 16: -.The sugar
rat- is on agate lit fell for. aed
git wholesale firm wilt 481 Dont
midis Pure eine granulated eager
t 12 cents net, following tie redue.
oti by the Dominion Sugar Com-
ity on leriday to 11.40 cents net
wholesalere. •
The Rig Mir rtifintriee, the at.
wrenee, Aeadia. Canada and At.
ntle Sugar Refineries, were Quoting
t 12 cents, lees five perectint.,
Retailers bate been selling at fro*
4 to 14 cente Penad. but many
got* eat their ptiees this iltetati
' .
Csimerli CaollSis Cavell
Catarrh is a Meal dime** green). Milo
by constitutions/ etedithwia,
ininnfros eenstitutienit
saes „internally ims t
is Dime on the ileuevai Surf/oft
1. aratorat. RALlinr, C A *I' A It 8,
DDIC/Nig dente* the fewolation
1. eisems ergo OttlOOt Ottength
the **foetid beidth and itasi
Mee In &dog its Wart.
,da it Co., T
Ali _Ivrie.....7:aaremliZee.
If your hands eannot be utetnilly on,
yeti, attiet.1;14. Mei cultivation of
•ssitritior or •
I%Ingham euelers have re.aiinittelee
for the. season. .
•• .eirs. Gertrude Hess, Zurielt, lethe
misfortune recently to fall and break
The wires have been •.ig to Aftw-
er. Winghem station 'Is' expected.
that 'Hydro Power Vt 7.., itirneti on in
Wingham in about e.-- week.
Mr. Richard 'Morrell, Exeter, Passed
,away on Monday of last week, follow-
ing• a paraietle stroke the 'Previous
Thursday, She Wari. in her 1)7th year...
Mr. Anne.Y Armstroxre, 04 the 'Mill
Road, near Brueefield, has Purchased
Mias 'Turner's house on Joaeph street.
Clinton, and- gets almost *mediate
possession. ...e.. - - - . •
Air, Thos, Meir Thomsen. Only eon
of eirs, Thos.. Thompson, of Seateethe
was married in 'Brantford . reeehtly to
Helen -porta. only daughter-ot Mr, and
Mrs, 1'. G.* Truss. '. •
Me •Wm. Ruby, for many years e
familiar figure on the streete of Sea-
ter*, passed away at the home of Mr.
A. .A. McLennan, on .Sunday morning,
NOV. Ith; in his 92nd year. ,
-: Nem. A.' Allen, Exeter, winlunges tho
engagement. of - her - granddaughter
Charlotte Allene .leticee to Mr. Preston
'Dearing, only son of Mr, and -Mrs Wm,
11. bearing, the marriage totake place
this men*: ' • - -,
Mrs. Gee.. Lytle, of London, sister of
Messrs: James end..eltotrtas Sweet. of
Exeter, and of Mrs., Jas. Modifies, Cree:
Alton, died recently at the home of her
daughter, Mrs. Geo.,. Winterbotetun, in
•her leind year: . .
Ae quiet wedding, took place on Mole
day morning; Noe. sth,.at et,' Santee'
chureh, Sertfortle when Margaret, elce
est daughter of Mrs. G. reek. of Hen -
till, becarne the bride of Me. Thos. le
Andrew, of Seafortte ..
Mr, August Korb, brother ot Me.
Geo. Hoch, of Deshwood, and of Mrs.
Wm. ba.err, iAt urn,. and .Mrs. Jos. AI
- and, lies, Henry Weseloh,
Zuriele pasta a fly Get. 30th, at Se -
hewing, Mich., In his Milt year.. ,..,
The Marriage was solerntilfeil -at
Holy Trinity church, Detroit, on 'Wed-
nesdae, flet. 27t -h, by .Rev. Father Hen-
nigan. ot Ella' La Nina McCourt.
dattglitiqqf Mr.s. ' Wm. Butler. of De.
trate formerly ' of Clinton, and Me
, . .
Thoe. Jae. Brady. •
. .„
eilss Elizabeth • 11. (Belle -Miller.
• dautzi,ter of Mr. and Mrs. J. 'De etillet,
beratne the bride of -,:t1r. Peed. G. Hate
tie, , of Wroxeter, recently. Ness- Mar,
gene Nelison, of Coderich, and Miss
Madeline Walker. Of Wingearo„ eang
eft!" Promise-,eieet
ToVelf 'Clerk John Groves, .of Wing.
elate, has handed In ',tie resignatetan at.
ter giving faithful ,service to the town
for 10 years. Miss Barber is in charge
until the tneeval of ler. Groves', sue.
eessor, who -ill be Mr, llowaneechool.
teacher at Whitechurele
The marriage Was quietly •so (entered
on •Saturelay morning, Nov. 6111, in the
Trivia Memorial rhumb; ENeter, of
Miss Charlotte Edna Deem, (laughter
of Mr. and • Mee, Thos. Bisset* le etre
NV*. 1". Newell. son of Mr, and Mrs.
David Newell, Stratford,
Mr, Hugh Ross,who came to Clinton
front 'Swift Current, Sask., about a yea'
ago, suffering with gangrene, -and wile,
itas spent the greater part of thetime
since in., hospital,. had his fifth opera.
tion in. Clinton Hostetal recce). -
Piece be Piece both his legs have been,
adputoted above -the knees. ' . .
A very pretty wedding watt solem-
nized ot St. Paul's chore'', Willomedele
'on. Get. 30111, by Rev. Dr. Cedy, when
Jean, daughter of Mrii. W. Argent, of
Clinton,: beeame the bride of Mr. John
(Nemeth son of Mr. and Mrs. Quinnell,
Willowdate. The happy 'coupe" WIll
reside in Toronto for the Whiter.
Miss Mary Patience Sheriff, beloved
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wore 'Sher -
riff, Wingharo, passed away on Son.
dee. Nov. eth, aged 28. yeara. She hart
been ill for abooteaweeketnrietee.reena.
dtegone eel,. operation for appendicitis,
Nuptiale-of wide leterest were fen-
emniZed in'St. Cblumbare chureb, Ort
Mondev Nov. tete at &elm*, when
Elizabeth Irene,' eouniest deughter of
the late Edmond, and Mary Matthews,
United In marriage' to Mr. Thos.
„31eilann, son of Mr. and MeseTttos,
McCann, of 31ohnt Carmel. formerly of
Following anillnese of several
months, Mr. Geo: Harland, head of the
George Harland Printing Company, oe
Detroit, and former past grand Mager
ofthe L G. G. le, Michigan, died at his
residettee Wednesday night, of last
•Week. air. Harland was a nephew of.
:ateliers. J.' T. and W. S., Harland, and
ot Mrs. Weenie, of Clinton, andewent
to Detroit 31 years *d 10tnont2. ago.
A well known and esteemed rest.
dent 4, Egmondville, passed, away at
his home there on Wednesday morning
ot last week 111 the person of Mr. Jahn
'Prendergast, lin his 85th year, He Was
a resident of Hibbert and Tuckersmith
townships tor more than -70 years -and
Was the 'bet Survivor of the original
ratepayers. of S. S. No, 4, Hibbert,
which he helped to organize In
For a number of Vara he had lived re-
tired in Egmondvele. ^
. - -
3 One or the old and esteemed resi-
dents of teeiltorth 'passed away in St.
Michael's Hospital, Toronto, on Wed:
ISTERNiA110,01, NC
•-W. 11., eefillls,-Pfellriehlr of Kalifs*
• Herald, who dlasied trnyby far Ca
ntion to
our Hair
- your hair is fallingout, 1.1 it es
turning grey-, if the lite has gone from
it, youcan bring it back by -using The
Prone,' Tonto Delmaea "Vitalene." It
makes hair grow, gives tone and lite,
daintily perfumed, It Is not a dye.
Pelee In Canada, /MOO a bottle. Use ne
other. Sold by Campbell's Drug Store.
Mr, ',inflow SosfBeiti, of, town,
willow to The tleeforth
I read with a wilt deal of Swerve;
the two 1ettew. itt your paper written
by lir. Powell and Ur. liteNaughten
It setons to me that they were epeak.
• If yest Wen k4Ins NiAfortli and Ilarputhey about
avow difor Ma
the time° the latter moved down to
**forth, Whoa t* railroad roma aapeary
treatilelat WOW,
01W. VarruirititoL started to belid at
seaforth and put up .1* first boo*
on the eouthwest copier of toe erode.
roads. 2* the fifties when I travelled
the raid tom atratfordto tiederIeh,
there Wan
no SeLiforth and *t*
The Luxury Tax Sistaig3.
hut there was a place Vatted Caron.
• brook, then llarpurhey, - and then
there was a platet started West of
IliarPurhey called Alma, he the Bus.'
siert war was going on at that time
and the Battle of rtAlina bad been
fought, that is probably when they got
the name. Bowe housed were built
there but I think they were moved
afterwards. The 'Queeleo'busit was *II
• about the spot in thaw days Mu] Mt*
Priee of laud was one dollar per sere.
I renternber two familiesthey144 from
Berra to Alma by themansei of Buckle
satati Daluvine.t. Perhaps woe, of them are
I was in Stratford for a load of
tOods tee night the pestotbee 'timbre
Was burned, *nil the poidesester **d
a chilli lost their lives in the fire. At
that time there wag nivern et Car -
*brook, on the., boundary between
PAM' and Huron and it little +vest of
s• Thomas Downey bad * tayern
ca..ed the Deer's- Leap. The next stop
wee it Ilsrpurbey where -Mk -Fowler
and Knox had *terns. There Was not
Count fifty!'
e&tarrh disappear*. toorkeionest„peeK
trite will Open, the air passages of your
deer lindLYoUt 044I alireeth*
freely. NO more hawking,
mucous diselsorge,.dryneol. or ,heasingnit
no struggling for brsith-nt night
(let a *mall bottle of,IIWit *TM
Balm from yotir druBliet-nlue aP147.0
little of tills fragrant antisePtioefesan
to your *nostrils, It posetralea weskit
• "very air pomade of tke
and boiling -this orlill.144m4
mucous Meatball*. Slain you „Rloataitat
Tenet Head coldeoand satairk,
like magic. Doh% oti* elluffedealtsai
110frimbleow-Itollet-io osaik ,
nesday. Nov. erd, in the pet's* 01
Anna D. White, Wife ot Mr. F. D. Nee -
lin, Customs Onleer. She bad been
an invalid for maul' 'Years and about
two ref% ago went to Torento tor
treatment. The body was brought to
feafOrth 'for interment. the funeral
taking place on Friday, Nov. 6th, front
St, etemas church.
A quiet wedding WAS solemnized at
St. Paul's ehureh, Clinton, on Satur-
day evening, Nov. 6th, when Nellie
Florence, second daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. John Watkins, and Mr. John
Powell, son of Mr. John Powellt
of the Heron road, Seaforth, were. un-
ited. In the absence of nee: Mr. Mce
gegney, the ceremony was performed
by Rev. Mr, Roach, of Hamilton. An-
other dauglitqr ot Mr, and Mrs. Wat-
kirks, Miss Jessie Watkins. Is to be
urneied Nov, title to Mr. J. It. Giese'
ford, Algonquin Arbor,
After all, You've got to give foie
fair -value, or you won't- last..
Wide sad Itimellitis. *worth* ka
seism* ell those trosliths a* as*
town to os tebthelesefe vantiaatew
11111,1111$24 weettiol you fest like mu*
it, a trial If
PIPS diaeiffell I
Pepe ors little tablet,. asatidaiast
ovum tuartd*ala. IOW
wham placid *pit Ike towns. Siassodh.
Moly turn tato *Soar. sad are *moo
breathed slow* the eir beelleee ink
14441. their Ann% Mee cos**
the iallsais4 irntateel was.
of the bronchial taboo. the debeato
of the air miss% sail holly
tont carry relief asiallsis tit
s, word, while Da littdd
atm got le the laws and air
them Pepe fames rib time Owl,
at, 9494 ourisillaps Mak week of lsontrell.
33tir._ Oat sit ltila
artials. weak
sines it the saw sad data alai, !POW
sof sail it (with le. ONO tapir re**
jamiags) la Pope ea. Tool^ A boa
trial kat Will thew issismayess. AIL
oitalsrse sal rip•o lies.hays,
a toot of gravel road in Ilurou tben,reee'' ---- ' ,' - • . .
it was ell laud, mud to Gotterlele Ou that the bees were, ht. the Wet Illsee,
One trlp from Stratford we gotne far. There was nothing for it but to gat i.
so revdee's in eleretirltee, where we out my team agella Mel go 04 • to
lied to stay 4 few .days, and when we. Mitchell, which 3 paella about elertla
started again we only got our load o'clOck.
about 4 mile where we had to put k In the fait of lssr weRatted for - -
into a barn end walk back and eter011 1 Xtuettriline with two 100de Ball II04
a while Omer,- I believe this was in ; to, Port Bibert where we .saw a 1444
the fall of 185T. Another time I got i conte oft thelake .with Aliorse lead
my load AS llitr is Dr. Cole's!, west *P.:cutter, • We thought We Would, • IVY: . •
...tainfon, Where I had,,to •leave..it fol that route, so -p1114 the two. Iciatik ea- ,- •••,''. ,
Onee coming front Stretford I had , that the .sleIgh • Peened al the
a week, as it Was 'nothing but mud.up 'to owl eleilth and Stratk ot on t/60 t '
hill end. down hill. .. • . !lee for 'Pew Point. it was so.sissosh .
a passenger_ that Wanted' to get to a I It.. wanted to go by the borsea..-Wo ;
place by the- name of Bluevide, so got through all right. but the inn:
II -tried -to and the .place and turned 1 cracked under int ail • tbe • way 4.
OM at the • corner where Seethrth is . never wanted , to tir. It *Oath..
now. We peeled through. little iilMt Mace took * load of goods 11,000.
Called Ainierrille.. now . called Erni- or tried to for Peter Murray, et'
lel" and 1 ottea wander If It le .11.,•,11algu'i, but we got stuck Q4 Dualagli
big as na.nebealte. I 'steer saw, the:Hill and bad to get another tell* tio
pilot before end hare ;never seen It rlinth It. I got .n then *sill 'boot..
sinee,,...Mte travelled over ign.itips and foer miles past ThaligaOn whim .I
creek* and through the bash till we/3.d t� 'leave the 10001 In' the beak .
found the spot we Were looking for: I where they *toyed Until len Muffs ' ,
left my load.- there and set out again wail' -yet oxen and lit throes*, -to` .
Inc Ooderleh oa -a rood that wacjitat thessi as there WU ING 2211114.7.0011
a tree* betweerr the tree,. - The see.' bail. A .few usilesi further -on la *Wes
and day *e Male to a elraring which, Lueknow noir 'Mandl. • -
was &Wind. There woe no Wtngb.m J There were loth ed Wayskle'. lamp
ie those days .either. •From ZetlandZetl&nd1 in the early dais. There were sit
We Went to Ntanchoster and from there: .between Goderiell and tlint0*, s ale* •
on to Cioderich.'. .. • • ' tance-.of tereiVe tat* *ad an Maltr - ..
la my travel!, I onee ** A sign between Onderich and -saw* Hill,
east or Stratford, wideb. addl. • • a dietanee of six miles. All are gime .. •
Within this hire, we ort all alive,. . new With -the mud roads- .,, • • ...
COO liquor undies us-fitriny . •• • • • • _ William flansilield. •
'And it YOU are dry, step In and, try . ' Ooderiebi Oct. efilit, 1020., , ... • : ' •
The Astor..of our liOneY. - - • ' t ' L. • ., .
+airier a iiiii it al° °tad. tanta •' If you ' have half an flour to Spare,.
1)n". -----1. - ".--.' -"` `‘.-- ''---* /Iota Spend it With semeone Who hero - -
Goderich to.tear Stratford ilia .winmet. .. - , .
ter, it beetimebiate,snd cold,. ea X , - • 5 • •
halted it the Caronbrook 'hotel and
side to get *mem 'Upper I found the - •- . . FOR FLETCHER'S
Children Ory: .,.
pet in 'my' team, 'When I Went, in. e
looney- had 'got • itueb is hold on the. .-
erowd that you would lave thought- ' , - - • • • • ... , el
/ -
inT MACDONALD'S "BRIER' has become
a ,Canadian institution. Smoked by the
'nen who made history. In the bush, on the,
trail, in mining camps, prospectors' huts, factory
yards, on trains,, steamships, in the juxurious
home and downtown clubs of our Canadian
cities-kfacdonald's has always been recognized
as the smoke.
r •
q• MACDONALp'S CUT. "BRIER". --the same tobacco
but in new form -maintains every Macclonakt tradition linos
1858, and gives to aniokers-:-mto,re tobacco for Of moms,
4-ead pc/tea/a
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• .