The Goderich Star, 1920-11-11, Page 7Ti;It'tititlll. VW lith, 19:0. Efluble Track Route 1'11M! U etieslled dieing slat! Ors/ft Sleeping cars on lig trains and pare for ears 4u principal tea trains. Full information from and Grand Trunk 'Picket Agent, or C. V. llornlnat Diarist Passenger Agent, Torotltii. P. I6. univorset a semi To**-)riflesver sad 1'leket *eats. Vilma II • Wu Now Torn prem Net. 1st cEIiTAAL *TrwarO D. ONT. The leading Commercial. School of • Western Qnterio. CeitrniNrelsil; $iNrthaad and Tele- ' graph. D.partments. . Graduates Platted .. in 'positions. Students rimy enter. at any.y time. Get oec t e. MR a u tie Rn ire afog - D, 111Hei+lhcHLAN, • � ' Ih'iuefpsl. CANADA BUSµ IrS' COLLEGE PRAMS • Shorthand, Bookkeeping, Salesman. ship, ;Telegraphy, Piano, Voice, and aJI business aubjeots. ripen all •sum• mea Private elessee.wheu preferred and to help ••students catch classes when entering betwesta terms. Spec- ial .srtmmer course for teaolters, ,.._ Tuition Ttfteli° Dallas per month, 6 Months. 170, (including books), Speeisl rates for hall day students and etndents wishing only one or two subjects. • Night Sohoolwork and Correspon• dace courses a. epeotalty, Typewriteris to rent or deli: L. HEWITT, President. THE SULTS COAL CO. ..Succeesbre to 24cDonigb & Gledhill E CLUSIVE AGENTS FOR'. LEHIGH 'VALLEY THE COAL THAT BAT1SPIES We dee in Hard end. Soft Voa1,L,fine Cement. Fire 'Brick. Fire Clay. 'also Bard and Soft Wood,. Maple and Hemlock Staff. Fresh cars of Lime and r.. Cement Just received °pyre t 1'sortx 75 •8.7t.P.A1g,7-1 4 tnfi i .. . • ?2,5 W. W. Saux,•TS, Ittarmacce . roe 'T.' SWARTS' I1 Bus', Livery and I 11 Passen>zers called for In. any • I' waft of she town for . all trains at H. T. R. or C. P. R. Depots. Prompt Service and Caref .t: Atten►!ance. *1414,4041rF 9 Oar Livery and Hack Service 4 • will be found up•t4-dile ip every respect. -eajpese Your Patroaase>iSOilelted T. SWARTS . t• Hack Stables Mon*reaat Street _jest off the Square • ,lei: 'Busses Meet all Trains and Passenger Beata Phone 107 Montreal Street °�Ir4 DeVainis. French Pills A reliable Regulattftg Pin for Women. 45 a boa. ' Sold at al Drug. Stores, .pr mailed to any address on receipt of ,price. The Stollen Drag Co., St. Calk» - arises, oatario. I" HOSPHONOL FOR MEN Restores Vint and vitality; for Nerve And Brain' inereaiaee 'gray matter"'a Tonle --will build you up. t$5 a box, or two ,for 45, €t:t drug stores, or by mall ill receipt of price. '.roe Scobell Drag t 4., in. Catheriaea, Ontario. LADIES! LOOK TOONO,. DARKEN CRAY HR tie the .Old-time Sage Tea SuFphvlr axil Nobody .►az Mow. G Cray heir, however handsome, deftot$ advancing age. We all endow the Mak- hies of s, youthful appearance. Your hair is your charm. It makes or snarl the face. When it fades, turns gray and looks istreaked, just to. few.3pplicsitiekti of Sage Thr and i5nlpbur enhancer Hosp. parents a hundred -fold. ' Den's: stay gray! Look yonmg8 Enke prepare the recipe at home or get *tag any drug store a 5O -sent bottle Of "Moth“s Sage and Sulphur ComPound,” 'OA is merely the ptobtime recipe ha - %/re ted by the addition ,ot other invesldl•� este. Thousands of folks recoup tern this reedy -to -ea preparation Obtd►itla ii darktna'thi hair beautifully, bedded, aro +mite eau possibly toilette it darkest ra ieate rally and evenly. You moister" a -Ipso or soft brush with it, drawing tbir ttltrs the hair, taking one eemtsli Mead ai a tate, Tey morning tbc pay liiatr dies/, rid; after Wither &ppiteatkeit •r tire^ t$r frainral Color is restoralatal ba l!seste thiel, a1 end lustr'Oil, tatel atenvi p1ier lw MIlet M I a WI li+t'+ttiire I * 7r.slaeat ot,. tee 31: `.`rnatlosel Children's Cigis IAasTheue, Montreal territeu Iles teen C.01106,18134 eurx atisr pre-empted by a tow weehall ipRi ut. QUICKLY tiPool orad ct by -Knotty"' Lee *and nalett s, oeienge. Wwrait & Frank tlkategbaetsy• The lutes- ltwone- REL EVES Pelletal hR l,i.eeouif cannot . ot:e day strike as a protest weakest Lord { Ta rs It is hard to keep the children (moue catcl leg odd. they will run .out of doors not prolierly 'rapped, or have too much clothing ea and got overheated and cool, off too suddel-ay, they get their feet wet, lick off the clothes at night. Tire mothercannot watch them all the *setae what is site going to da:' Mothers trust 'never neglect Icer ehildrett'a eougl's or colds, beat muse loot: for a remedy ou the first sign. A great many mothersurs now givit:i their Children Dr. Wood's. Norway Blue Syrup, -:t s It la so pleasant and nice foe them to, teke, and relieves the cough or cord in a 'rely short time. Mrs. S. Crow,' R.R. No. S, Truro, N.a., writee -' •Two years t ago my little boy caught n severe eold which left him with a very bad cough. IIe' could not rest at night, attd•becurne very tint►: and Weak. TO Prescription our physician gave me did not help' him mid- i did not know what to .do.. My sister, in Manitoba,. wrote me belay Dr. Wood's Norway fine 13yrep 1 Went right to town. and purchased, two bottles, end before they were used my boy's, couglf, had disappeared, and he., ecame strong agent. et/dwell atga. - tWe'always know what to use now for coughs and colder • Dr. Wood's. Norway Pine -Syrup is 350. 'and 60c. a bottle atilt dealers. Manufactured only by The T. Mil . . Co.. Limited, Toronto. Ont. NEWSJOPICSO. ortatnt : von „Wititl ._tint .mis .. _ . � til . l�.. ere Oacurr.d During. the Week The Orbe! Wont's Oive furl .. Lleoi ealo bete if psi Mgal iTa4iar°aad .AttsI d1e IlOtart tor -the ItgOkells of Our Paper +, J gelid abases ibtlery set.. TUESDAY. . . • Mrs,~ Httchbox, a noted temperance loetureri Is• died. a ' Eight 'persons, Were .killed: Monday in the elsctioas in GUI*. " • Montreal le angling for. an #tater. national Hatebgit League forth. Twenty-five Ontario ' towns lamed objectivlii in Navy' League drira Gen. Booth Makes atl+onj appea/. for volunteers for the foreign field. •Jalnbtt; , it i>xsina: Labor afa ndidate Irala. E. Toronto,' tie* : quit •the C.N.R.' . The Hamilton C.: L. Iateracholastta team beat De' la Salle Monday by: 7 to Q. British warships are being sent to 'destroy' the derelict Canadian,ehoon» e1 Hardwick: - 141:. T. A.- Worth, .London; staterr views on 'Canadian tiade opportune- tiro) 3n l'ar..Ea et.. . _ ._ The Tartif. Commission left Ottawa for Charlottetown, P.E.L. where it will hold its Arst meeting, Thursday. Xt2e.:schooner Esperanto won- the second and final race 6f the 1920 ;internacional series 'off' Halifax, a1.S.. Olaf Swanson -wee killed at „Hitch- cock. Sask., and his wife *smuded, ,its a quarrel with a neighbor over a dog, . ' .. • . The Nfobe and two submarines have been purchased by the managing, director of the New 'Brunswick Roil- ing &tills, at St. John. • n ' Ottawa retail, grocers: were notified -of another decliape of. 50 cents an the price to them of 'Dominion' Refinery sugar, making it $15,50. . Robert .'artisan, engineer 'at' MR. net's quarry, near Lindsay, was kill- ed in an explosion, which wrecked. the boiler house. crusher, etc. Three persons were killed and settees inured In the crush Monday. at, Tokio to Visit the shrine of the late Emperor Mutisuhito of Japan. Lloyd George stated in the House, of Commons that a two minutes' sil- ehce on, Armistice' pay. (November 11) would' be observed: throughout the Empire. • WEDNESDAY. .Anglicans may 'not enter inter - ,Church Cool/ell of Canada,. It is .said there are •13,004,000 doten•cases of eggs In. storage. •'W .O. Harding got large majorities In the tl. S. elections for President. Maxim- Gorki has -Written a rirama satirizing methods of the Bolehevikf. ,. W ti. J: Costain, a prominent Al- goma` Inntbernian, died at S.tz'atford. aged 68, - Premier .Drura announdes relief in the power situation may be expected within a week. • .An Easter lily is blooming in Cain - town, near Brockville. with 38 bio-- Soms and buds. ' Southerrn army leaders In Chita flout the mandate issued by President Hsu Shi Chang at Pekin. Alphonse .Desjardins,.founder of the Caioses Populeires, eo-operative banks, died in Levis, !:'cue., aged 68. Ex -King' Constantine of Greece is depressed at the opposition of the Allies 'to his return to the throne. Government will ' order investiga- tion before a county' Judge4ilto en- forcement of the 0. T. A. at. Windsor. Dr. Ilugh Milloy or Detroit was� found dead in a relative's garden at 'Nati, near Guelph, having eat kis throat. Jack Dem/fees. will meet Jess Wil- lard again on March 17 next, accord- ing to a statement by, Eerupeey 'in Moritheal.. Captain Welch of the Esperanto was presented with the North .Atlan- tic Cup,and a purse,of $4,000 as coin - tier oif the international iseltooner race. Hughey 1)ufty,testalager of the Leafs last • Beacon, will either be manager of, the 'Boston, Iced Sox. next season DODI)'S KIDNEY PILLS !A'rerbullae`a decapltatiun of his por- trait by, Augustus St. John, and burned "I.everhulaie ist edgy fe a THUR4AAV. Dr. Altredotcyats haat beers elected President o1 Cuba. Polish vsluuteer farces`are report- ed to have occupied (ille4,--• - The Catbinet of Premier Dela Croix ° of Belgluw bee, lined. An alto� jt is ng made to have Princess Miry visit Caned* next year. Mr. Leo Weinthal, South African journalist, statte bis Nitwit on Stairs of the Union. LOWS* Imogen Guliaey;-the Amer-: scats poetess. is dead at• ChiDring- Calz)pden. Enttli;naf. ' Sand McCannmuon hits resigned the town clerkship of Gananoque Af- ter 67. years' service. President Hanna of the 'National rends reiterates debunk -dilation to. Polities its system. harry Bali, five years old, wane kilted by touching a live wire blowu down, in a gale at Moncton. N.D. The University of Toroute beat St. Michael's by 6 'teg, 0 in an inter: collegiate intermediate football game. fi Mr. justice Latchford scathingly; criticized harmful niovlss at the Su:l preine Court sitting lit St. Cathariness. The . soldier patients at Speedwell Hospital, Guelph. are to be removed to Christie Street Hospital; Torouto. t The Ontario Agricultural College junior football team won,tlte West - era division title of the Ihterool-d` legiate Union. Clifford Parker, son of Seth Park• er, provincial ihalurntn-ploughntan Won Uie cirampionst ,n at Salttieiiti ploughing match, For ntto13A n ar]nt ierv , route home from e Z� fere pimple "games • gave • an 'exhibition at the Central Y./4.C.A..:'Toronto. f#iwtiagir: a +- aeotti7k In,—..the. iyae' !Artsao*set Trade and Commereee 141041114 bairrlirg 'export Rf power.. by the "Maron:to ~Power Cdwnpany, ' # The 't;tiwkeitchewan _1 gldla€urs ir; a�aw 6ri'te.fion, The') othaidtst Social Servile. Roared, wural,:, agaivat nemployment. • •Cotnpuleor' boxing tfs being advoa` coated for +tho.Toronto schools. Police ,resignations in Irelan arta'. reported 'te be on the 'decrealie.. �. Robbers earry off salsa and tants dram two stores in "Toronto. Mone Manning Doherty" .promises action ,an trait ata lie problem. Sugar prices to d• stili further •eit Motnraral nd 3 an`,. ► �t a J r,aa#dy. are rtilreapsr, A 'Toronto jury failed to come to; a. verdict on John . Atkins' .mane *laug1''i(ter mase. . Vancouver is likely to have a civic: tioal yard, with prices much- below ..dealers' present prices. ' The,Chilean Legation et Berlin has: beei>„entered by thieves and rugs vei- ned at '200,000 !narks stolen, -Canada's national_ debt was . reduc- ed by niore than 42,600,000 through . ea Panditlg revenues' in. October., Premier' Lloyd :George has not yet decided whether he still attend the •League' of Nations, conference'., in Geneva. Mrs: James~ Young was burned to death in a fare w;hie destroyed her home`near Kaladar., in, her husband's absence:. • David Kellx, 88 y ars old, was found dead in a 'field on •,his farm near Simcoe, -evident] having been attacked by a ram. The demand by the members• of the British Parlian 'nt for a billiard and• cardrooni at the House of Coni - mons has been refused. . 'James Fleming.-aecountant;, ar- rested on a charge of robbing -the. Royal. Bank at ), oodbridge •of'•413, 000, was honorably acquitted. Mrs. Wm. Jennings, aged 44, her daughter Gladys, 18, and .her ]sus band's stepmother, 82, lost their lives in a fire which destroyed their'home, six miles from Smithville. SATL`RDAY. . Capsules Ho.vo brought ;Rend: boonl+t pct half-->eaillia;rit waterers. rs. , Ahealthful, moue ,oeviegreeledy; WIt loam* for 6' teen yore; pre. scribed by doctors,, eelitt.bfr drug* gist*, .$1410 a bor. Askew agents or write for a trialparkage. Tetepletons.142 Kitag W.,,Tarw►to Local Agent -a i 1. $t M.OP array ty aaltnost one -nett. Manitoba vetareale well ask the Government tor a ceeand referendum on "bone -tire". or dispensasrles. fia?at*. gDempsey ttte es t box tdrpthe world'at hvavygeitbt batting title. • The British , customs etuthorities helve seised geantittes Rl -opium Qtz two 'British ateanrexa front Mexico. The bonot•errdegre.e of Doctor of: Laws baa been co4terred on Chester Massey Ins the University of Toronto. Vrederiek Tinges of Gravenhurst,,, is Years old. AIMS mortally wounded by the .aecidental, discharge of • bis gun. .' A,.tripartite agreement by, Prones, Britain and Italy, has been signed di, Wing Turkey Into 'spheres ot influ- • Witt. Dt l» an, Qttawat, •civil ser- vant, =liming ettite'.Octaber 21, was !bund alive, baring fluttered a loss of inetnwy, A Moderation League is to be fornt"ed III Saskatehewan, with the o Iett •oX askan GRvei m ent control 1 of 11quo>ti : ° 1:Pre mer VenIielos tot• Oreeee ,has stated that. it be is beaten to the elec- tions he will retire . dehnitely .•ti°o the potitldallTeld , a _:.. •;r10NDAfir.' Robbers. entereof` threats Toronto ohurches and steal mission money: dlh oua nehcauelpnne to hoMasve ns their» own have-latemple.nched Trinidad ie revising her; `customs tariff to' give: preference,tu Canadian geode.. - Rev. Dr. Berridge spoke in- Toron-, to on :the. relations of latter and. capital. • James Harris of Chatham was killed by a. trainon a crossing near North Buxton. • Lumber shipnsente from British Columbia to the :United States have The timber ' probe bas been .re suifed. ' - Better dropped 2e "a pound retail of Montreal. The `Ontario Legislature may tart on • January ,a5. Mrs. A. Tanton is probable member of the Minimum Wage Board. / The power situation in Ontario is narrowed down to a question of price. "Benny" Valger stopped hankie' Burns „„Ise four eounds in Toronto last night. • Farmers'around Kingston are sub, tering front daring .raids of poultry, thieves. stahe United States Government Will open a consulate ,.in London, -Ont., next week. The eut-rate sugar war^ -1s going on, Ottawa retail .prise being 14c, the lowest this year. . The Board of Control of Toronto recommends legislation .exempting clubs from taxation.. Holland's Parliament w11I, conoider a proposal, to •rednee the kinndont'a EOT. Wal 1E7013' MP=A litosTCOMPLEXION .• Says ..we' ean't hel but look Y P better and'feel. better after 'an : insldty Garth. To look one's best and feel one's best is to enjoy"bn inside bath each morn, ing to flush from the {system On oris ✓ iews day's Waste, sour::fermentattons end poisonous 'toxins before. it Is ab•• sorbed into the blood. Just as coal,' when it burns, leaves behind a cer- tain amount of incombustible material in the form of ashes, ,so, the food and drink'taken each. dayf leave in the all-: mentary organs a certain amount of, Indigestible ' material, which If not' eliminated, form toxins and poisons Whish are thentsucked Into the blood through the very ductswhich are in- tended to suck in only 'nourishment to sustain the body. ' If you Want to see- the glow of healthy bloom in your cheeks, to see, your akin get clearer and clearer, yon are told to drink every morning upon arising, a glass of hot water, with a teaspoonful of limestone phosphate'in it, which is a harmless means of wash- ings the waste material and toxins from the stomach, liver, kidneys and bowels,' tints cleansing, sweetening and purifying the' entire alimentary tract; before putting more toed into the stom- ach. • a - Men and women with sallow skips, liver spots, pimples or pallid °com- plexion, also thoiiz. who wake up with Coated tongue, bad to nasty* a cos t Bu , Mate, breath, others wbo .are bothered wit headat.•ches, -bilious spells, acid stomach oreonstipationrbould begin this phos- phated hot .water drinking andane secured of very pronounced results in. one or two wek es. A quarter' pound 'of limestone phos- plate costs very little at the drug store but is sufilcient tot demonstrate that just as soap and hot. water cleanses, purifies and freshens the skin on the outside, so hot water and limestone phosphate act en the inside organs. 'We must tllvayts consider that internal sanitation to vastly more im- portant tbaa on-portant-.than outelde cleanliness, be- cause the -skin pores do not alicorb Impurities into the blood, while tbo bowel pored do. ., NAVAL IIEIIOES-110*EB ON ANIVERM t'k OE' *AMC Ott' `fMtI 1''If1:.44lr.=4tt forfeiter 21,1 a company fa gids of tine Beige' Naval 'Brigade, undo' Captain 'Mattllewi,,,fsn'I t preecatatites'of the Arany and Navy Vet& a111tr' ASIoeltthr! of Canada and of Si ti olge'a Eseifty assembled `at" the monument. ':tie Army. and Navy Veterans' ASsoeiati©n bid a flower -WA. anchor on the foot of the statue, 'tiles Navy League of 'anada a l'ucd',s wreathe of roses, and Mt Et. George's Society contributed a G,;real'ai Ulf white doRers 1,1,,iM a centcrass, •r' l .iY� a . A 1 _ A alts tote,teasels. Premier 'bights of Ausstrtli,a says .161 there is need of 'a defruee rope to keen'. the country whits. . Serious statements were made be. j fore the Public Service Comncissiun regarding Ontario jails. Edgar Bubble, "‘aged, 22, • rtes ghi a to death in the co of ma- c n t t De minion. ruinioft Sugar Hence, dry at Watlaeequrg. Theownersof the f:.oeton schooner Josie de Costa have issued'.a chert. lenge for a race or aeries of- races with the .Esperanto. • • ' .Tete touring English c cricketers. ° (� made' two: centuries against Soutn. liustralia on Saturday. and ululate in- ed the lead they rieettuluiatcd on the first day-ot the match, • University of Toronto lost to 14e- R 11 t.*intro,', i . tittt �d b G a .on Saturday .� Y. y 7 to 3. At°lemurs of Toronto wan the later-proxineial Vaibn cltaitrpionsitip by defeating Ottawa its 'Toronto by to.5,:, • . Bread prices are lowered in sea.' 'Western Ontario towns from' 14 to 13 cants, bunt, biscuits attd pt:s nt� Glee "being cheaper. Sugar is selling l'= in Brantford and in.•, Montreal a.t 16 cents.. ..., t Andrew 'Mooney." 'nlannger ofthe Dank of, Nova Scotia branch at Pert G7 Arthur, wan fined $8.530 for having in his possession, t, itftottt Govern- ment coupons, 461 be.v;'er°/Alts and 62 muskrat skins. ' • o.da.sespetioax. ... - In Use Waver 30 Yews ' Bear* the firnaturla of You- can't hit the bull's ;rye' with the ••bull.,• sE ;"DIAMOND OYES" rtaveumustrormarmaga LOOKI 'PIANOS • Dye right! Dint t risk ITF,J: your material. •Ea tit. peck* age Of "Diamond Dyes'con- t,•tins difeetiona iso simple that any • woman can diamona-dve •L mew rich 1 color into old 'garments,' draperies, coverings, every -t. thing, whether wooj, sil, linen, oaten or mixed goods. ran Buy ';lliamond Dyes" --no . . outer kind— ..then perfect re- Ia sults are gu,trafiteecl even if you have never dyed before.. Druggist liaa ilusntond l)yea. Color Can1"•;-10 rich colors, LADIES and GENTLEMEN a.Through arrangements. with The Bell Piano Co., of Guelph, =.Ont., l will net. as theiir Agent for Goderich and surrounding territory, and., will en-, deavor t serve nyou' t_. n a business malacic: if You are in the market for a Piano Which is worthy of .your home. -My-System i • of selling twats tungly:high trlm-. missioned salesmen, and manyheavy expenses which add much to the cost of most Piai os sold, and adds nothing to the quality whatever. ' Make it your busi- ness to have me call an you before you buy, by dropping a line to .my address. Bell, Art Pianos are endorsed by musicians the world over and take second the arelace to' nothingn the market. They . .first p Makers. of Pla .errPran -.s" in Canada, and ate also the oldest and largestmanu- facturers or pianos in the British. Empire. Full value given for used pianos, �r ans or phonographs 'ifyou deal; with ,,e as rgans w me, as l have' custom ers for them. Asii rces -are rsin don't t � g, n wait any lan;•er; .ttS 1 can :give you terms and 'get your gdods shipp • d 'at ©lice, which will mean $50.00 DA all : Pianos' sill.. d through early orders"placed the -.factor Yours C r 'business, address., JONATHAN E. F IUGILL Box 229 Seaforth, Qnt.. i� ! J LT , .iarg,�' ata u ry r0, ti LAMM - +S er s .f6 tit , i r 71 v �n Aiyl' � ��`�: � fioiet�� d�e#: rtdur'�rtza«a� Paint is well, sr � decyfor, tidden protection is:pod protection the, ont of frequent repair, ,. ask Glidden "Endurance Paine preventel ' decay, keeps .out:,; moisture frorrx the, r. wood and resists wear from changing' weather cos ditioja without; scaling or Cracking. Glidden Endut ance Paint stays fresh and bright for a look time,, wears well ;and. looks weji-- aiik erauserofitsdura- u hility it the cheapest dau•nt ;Fete can .fuy. ' for everything about the home or ''faem that needs to be painted, stain *enameled, varnished r finished iii vat: ', there is a �CY/'d en' product ma i'1 Y for •• 'fie have thorn.. !r t)lc ' t a . •