The Goderich Star, 1920-11-11, Page 2• lbcrtcb %tar* Sieben. cl.i et, fiat ttele't`t° ee-e, f1t1r, eeeel, senewienee Tows ° Two ,rusts e r ,,Pit it is.d rtli?I! iq 8 aloiamfo decree a eco i)Lnars and tiny ♦,sits+►fat l'sarir.4. r't.rr teW.t. arl aloe _ patine f `,Mato, ism CawisWtiil a)I aamarraMen Talo fail to weir* TM liter tunwar# Rett .center a isvvr oy�f SWUM; teaw s+lmiistiers ,SI bion as pooh I. 14 1s, awsawai' # chants or madness bops Ute 414 *via sevi eaarel,.ei aboutil as 'woo, ant Aeli salt,, sats Vitally cannist rilerftew etheiliair.! ID ♦+frit per inch wads aiseruon, run or rater ; sir; months MiitIli, ter tents tare. oaf, tilt ba cents; �e Guaranteed zroewUm aai to per ver, extra, Firm lore tee per Cent; ewe. \ rearm eat Tao Star wilt Please rots tact • a tl equates for rM current *as 4r Taft Filar imbue be ii um mobs ee imp primer net later Ikea Tow** boom el each was . Least sten sour same, notertt 10 emus lver hos for rent Insertion and i toile per !lull Tor Mea lub&sipufel 11- asetioa. ![•1111140 ytf�r # wp(Iaruuu seals, twenf*tee le 44 Malmo rile 1ioni mitt volar, tte.IS per /ear, Mvertlsenxnts of Situations ,,1Ieent, S.rasuwis Wanted. Articles 1At1, not ex, foaling a dues. ss ern*sseR , Summon f .r 1 )kat soma, if cents each lnsertlion for /1YiMw uent atarinis. ldverliserne nls of muse. for Sete or so Rent, Farms for Pate or is Seen, Arileles or rate. etc., not et. 444404 eight lties: osine•, :,e cent* each inser- tWFMwmte wam. Floor, aadveer- 4lsat1anta 40 proportion. awulnesa Notices metra typo. each I'n aids°, N rent percounted line; to net: ir clued' ?pins rUat Mci tor Wonky Weer - 11.14,1 • t4ilaal1 wants per counted tUl; ane eaarce and bens lent ormaltratIuaa, teats per cantina 1 ea. 1etMertn irosars in at*seine bone* Mass sitar bo ends unit; torette, end • e< betelcd Acceuntti rend. mtifi' .collected lnsnthW. yra shun; entente' >r111 Jab work. awn. S11eit11.ne lie eteettoly I .WS0Oseru Abf t l�1 010e1, tabs*e a per adarsstuM� liouen lam Wm or sriclbse's or sininhsrr bI IU ° irasatri of pt' SO* le rsriposs1bll far Psi" fierion orders. lei paper elroonitnued im sltnit�, ti veil armee tor the pub+ltppsr OMtlnul 10 INK 11 Valli pamoos b. meteIInd '4115► collect the IM•014 141)0001 'wlMber tMPew411 Weil or not fls‘viemrte Iwo disel*+d rota Jutish** t0 bilis sow� aprre or itsa from the Peet since► ter - ru mr lad taker, there ar rueNansrl or rebus s teDtlom retrial.. 44.44* 11 ,pion rim *Mince or im+ 'TDE:41110 OF A. nignuS.. " feiys lookers' frust Co. of New - York In-* Study et likaaurees, Trade send Ocveloprnent of Cooed*. ",fhb 'Land i)t Aetelevetnent." is wh t !the 'hankers' Trust :Campeny,-of New York, terms Canada; in a study • devotedt to the"reeourees, the trade, Otte financial. and the-physida1 develop/. • meat Of the Dominion. which has Net beeti aled ro bank underih o (lltle "The Dominion *I Canada." - "The characteristic of the Canadian. ;peeplo Which most impresses, the ob- :a *Wryer," says .the Bankers' Trust Coin puny," Is shat C1 determina`tion and e achievement. • • *`Vision and courage were necessary, to bring the 'eteneda of 1567' and the vineee.•of Nova e otia !Old \ p1�A tteo and Nc v. -Itrusastwlek with their sparse. pars . i`olnbin- od population of • lees than three mil lion, into cerdedrration. It; took sour ege,.'in=X870, to b inta Into the conted- oration tela atm .4 ,linpltiess territaty .:stretehing \westw.e ; ,: to• the' .f'aeille and ort hrnard t fin .n Bay and fdio Ali "It took eo ra a le link. together er tais enplrr,...411nater ,•ln etivare ,miles; .: then our +a\\'n t: nitwit -States. by-raA: x1)11 running d8 u tllx 1 ata alio untroddeu vild=' er- sa3. For ni ariy•tifty years the ,nen 4(t- Canada Weri:lni'.y ronquering• the irilderonee, and tlrir)iring intofull flow great representatire government admir- ably adapted to meet ^ilia ;prohlekna of a itreat 'demote tee* .,',heirt cattle the. great tear, : Canada Vas., ready, I,nnrediately she set about 1nobilitine her rilainenne't . Great- are fee) t transported mks Were tra3as#i ii ted UVErr !the' Bea anal atao they :been things,' et fiaco eves a difficult Position to his field, a !hard: battle to be relight an Important post to be taken' the Coml. • 4lieTett )rade goof,. They heti conquer rad the wlldernn.ra g. By the use'af the . same qufet determination, the sante habit (uf achievement, they ceued and 'would conquer the enemy,. • ;•,Not only dill they tight for the em- • pre, but. Canada paid their' bills, The • TOPR 1110WEIS Rsgsluly, or Os Thy IEC ME CONST#WATEI T If the truth were oily )crown it would be hood that Leif i Slit .f life are raised by_tc Fr patios, tar *ban the how* i tit the bodyhbecometdetio csa ol. A fres Motto* of the hel elc, every do' peeks* 1ndtM. everyone arae Rio. to pee your bowels els r uler by the nee of I o lexe•Ia100 Id!. and you will here len ansalipe no billow/ oa k arniing t at'tio0 iive!r writ eE-R I Iwo Broom q t 1 am NM.* ynata. with, eooitipation, and voesete tlrl'ielledWaastiierr,w " eInn so t1� wboloveri 1 wagpend``by� s fnssd to 'ter Mame* I,sxa.l inrsr JPtlla. Theyhoe does sat) worlds eat good. 'They axe indeed sa splendid pili 11n4 «ei ksaxtilyt win to all wbo miner ize* patios, Milburierlions Liives< Pills are girl. a ,abut et Jill dealers, Or mailed direct on reeeipt 4f�rtof by'I'h4 T. i�tilbusta Co, Lkoltad,,'yewttaitoe Out. war east Canada:i)early `sixty thousand lives and over a billion and threetuar. 1 ars n net o 1 Money. This gift t mea .tied' y r3 hone in et 8 oft e y it e'ri a the limp r comp from a _people .of less than nine trail lion. • "Needless to say,' eontinues tile!' Hankers' Trust Company's study 'Such a record of achievement as Is afforded by the history of Canada 'during the fifty odd yearn %lllcll have elapsed slate 'Dominion Day,' 1897. Is not due to ehenee. Canedaas been fortunate during 'thiteperiod• in avi polite, eat lite and.. in bits . ass •oup_. at. able, resourceful, me ably rang, pa» trlotic men; wtio Were no alone cap- able ill action but capable n leader. ship. "They could, not have aehleved, :if there had not :been working With them a splendid. body of intell t,' deter resourceful t mine tad n d and'eft! 1'Yi . r711e.,-. and w(men'of moral force and courage such 89 a nOv country alone !seems tt. deve'ibp. ' As an evidence of Canada,b henom- anal"devaloippwnt "tile latest �available figures 'indicate that the Donllnfon' in relation to nine other lnduatrlal woun, tries now stands Ora in -area, second In poteetlal,water power. third in toe dal railway. mileage. fifth i tt tot al ex - Ports, sixth to Fig Iron productIan, ea - tet exports • and !foreign trait° and eighth to population. "The frienidship between the Cana titan eeople'atid ourselves Is tr dlilon-: tatfanadae InteriUge9 m C8 bust. flees tisvith' •us than with annof r Da- don). Hon, not. excepting' rih Ilitcd ltig-. don). We have only o greater eui�l. tomer lanCanada and, it the Jnr lted lingdorn. Canada has seareely begun tb grew. Her friendship and her business Wilk be increasingly worth while. We have nothing to. fear' from tier efforts to de- velop her respurees and her Man ufac- tur ngenterprises.Such:dev 1n aant will only:tneease her need Tor greter quantities of gooffit trait "outside and her. ability :to pays for .them.. "As bar:r earest.anderngst Convenient. ti)lrket,".declares the'. Bankers' frust Company we will•11av' oily ourselves to blame it We d0 riot hold our present) trade merely, but also „add immeasur- ably thereto." THE 'FALL WEATHER HARD ON LITTLE ONES • t;aiiadia1) fall . weather is extremely hard on Tial, ones, line day is \Sarin And bright and the next `ret and cold.. These sutiden changes- bring an colds, cramps, net -toile, and unless baby's little stom,cll is kept. right the result may lin trexious. There lea: nothing to. equal Baby s (Mit Tablets In keepinti the little ones well.. They sweeten the regulate stomach, l . flue baxvrls, brealt: up colds and makes baby thrive. The Tablets are at 2,3 by medicine dealers, by mall t 2,J ernes a box from Tho Dr. Winans' "il ar s n Medi tine Co., 4 1lrack\it e l• int` The most valuable "system" is a good nervous systetre. • spay ooet ao tudebaker• Motor Cars • without doubt two of the best ears on 'thee market _ todays SBE ' THEN! rest -elite 'StoPragetat. aeries and Celumbla Dry , Cells.. All Tires on sale a t i reduction in price Oils and Greases of all kinds `,peeial relic. b on oils bought in five gallon lots. 1 Chevrolet Cllr for sale cheap This tear is in good running OrdCtr. • • Glou�uli�e Pird Parts Benue 1 '10 ThRai.s! flee wean aflaira are compbcated ere asii ssatiieet vetiog on a ballet Oi tee hes lento by 29 6Cclaes ciaoss. "flow tii;u d $04 Niko is Qutu ora aTau➢ ��Y 91k�i thea?" cusps d .'Joint G. Leiner, of CJii. cam, 9ti sending Tide star saruaplt bal- lots aucla eas were need in the rceeiit eleetioee in the States. trader :each Needing. Vemoeratie. 13elanbtiran, SO - detest, Socialist -Labor.! Prohibition, FartneteLabor, a;.1 allele text a full slate Is lined up, consisting of :sand:= dates for preeidrnt, for vice president, fereleeteors"et president', eel sine pre.. sideut, for trailed Mates S patslr, for Governor, tar Lieutenant tluvetnar, for Secretary of State, for Auditor of Pub- 1ie Accounts, few St0,te Treasurer. for Attorney General, for Clerk of the"~.i'. prcme court, fair Tr!steee of -the tine varsity of lltinols, fur ltepresentativti' tri Congress -State at Large. for. Gleety of the Appellate Court, fur Represpee tette° in Congress, tar Ifepresentetiva in General Assembly, for Judge of Coity Court; for State's Attorney, fee Recorder cat Deeds for Were of Cir. Olt :(Aur1, for talent ret Superior Court. for Coroner, for members• Hoard of As- :sessers, for itfember hoard of Review, ter County Surveyor. for judge of Lire eult Court, ter Trustee Sanitary Die - .trice of Chicdgo. These are alt :melee the heading "Third Congresslonal .fila trice," Bub even that is not all, foe under the treading "SeventheSenatorltl District," are columna for the follow., Ing:ardint3•Cmol id o Rc ub ic an the: Co-operative Party 4f America, Lib- eral, and Independent. These sample ballet* give one some idea of the sort of voting which the United States syr-` tem of electing so many officers who are appointed Jn Canada entails, and also shows What •voting the full Re- publican,. ticket or the full 1)emocratie ticket means. These specimen ballots are on exhibition ip the .vind0W of the Star office, ' " Publle School Boat The .monthly meeting of the publiq se'hool bard was held on Monday eve ening last, present Trustees Saunders, Saltows, McLean and .Cratgie, and Trus. tee Gundry in !the ehair. miss St)arman, ,principal at •Central. soboole reported as follows for the timulli" "of 1September: Boys ".on • tithe roll, 02; girls, 01; total, 183. Average attendance—boy , 83; girls, 881; total, 164; 90 per gent. •Penny. Bank depositor,$3 OUT; llumb't' of depositors, 79. Miss Farrow ` taught one day • for Miss Elliott .And for she month of October her report vas as follows; Boys .ernthe roll, 92; girls, 90; total, let. Average attendanec--4ioels, 78; girls, 19; total 157; or 86' per cent" Penny Bank deposits, 457.12; no. of de - potters, 121. , :ter: It. Stonehouse, prieetpal of Vie» terla. school reported air follow.:. Fos the month of September—boys on the roll.78; girl 192,' total 370. Aver- age attendanee-grove,' 153; gir1s,'161.7;. total, 314,7, or •85 per. eent. Penny Bank deposits. #1t'>a.27; no. af. dep'asi- tors 282. Miss. Farrow . eupplted for Miss G. Sturdy Sept, 8th, And for the ill4)nth et Cletober lloys on the roll, 175.; girls, 189; total, 364; average at- tendanee, , boys, Ai63.1;' girls, 166;.to, 1, t 3"29.3, or 00.4 • per.. gent. •Penny Bea ole Its 12 , f k a li 782• o. e p s . n o d asl. oro;, 301; _ ' . r p Tlia, .statement of eke 'Bank of Mon- tri eaI showed balance at credit of fife. Hoard Sept. 30th, 381.17. ,A report from the ' General. Accident Assuranee. Co., dated Sept. 22nd, re- eommended certain repairsto theboil- er at Victoria School. 'these repairs -had--air eadr= been lnade,'--•srrd. the re, Port .was .Med. , Aire ort of the, Penny ,Ian , hov. log average monthly (LOOM :for Pupil In several towns, was referred to the ;Nuance 'Committee to adamine and report` upon. An application from fir. John Cott for an increase in his salary as •care, takes" of Central :school was t'ead, and an increase of',14t0 !per annum, slating from Nov, 1st, 1020, Was granted, mal•» 111 the log sit er1100 per annum. A supply of sanitary towels for. Cana tri1 school is to !be purcleaeed.. It was decidedto take out two 'tnem- 1►erahlps in the Haructetural Society; one for Victoria school ,and one tole Central school, and that the ' fns 'of 82 bet paid, tills on motion . of Trustees Cralgie and Setunders.. It Was ,decided to purchase the 12. volumes of Winstan'e Cnmulatiee En. ee lath„ ett: ,in . Victoria school R um�.�•�y,'•e' :Gfr. J, If. Johnston. foot. the :tum of 83:i, this on .motion or True- ices eteLean and Crasgie. The Board- then adjourned. ATTRACTIVE HAIR One'iannot beattractive it the 11010 Is dead, ane whose hair bristle's with lite and stealth, attracts attention. xu have *pallaifut flair, use Deimos "Vl- taleneFrench Hair, Tonle. It maker hair fairly bristle, a beautiful. non stiek1' perfumed r9)alr tonic. Price 81.00 a •bottle. Campbell's firm, Store, Everybody tdmite .that, team• Work is a good •thing. bast too many want .to be the team and have the ether fellows do the work. maw= cow cowi DRUM..�I Oaf rs sinaati peek's(' 'sr- liataleteg Breast Tea at any phen obey. Take a tablespoonful of the ton, put. a cup of bolting water upon It, pour through a alare and drink a toecap full at Any time during the day or before retia LI hi the most effective way to bei e colel and cure grip. so it open* the L18 of the elciu. reilevbeir enngsstlonn, 100001 the bowed,„ thee breaking• sip a cold. Try it the *enthuse you eater how " se cold or the grip, It is faaexpsnstve. and entirely tegetaa'blte therefore date nidi bondeet. RUDRHEUMATISM STF ON Salt lemon f jal*i ualN witk a atoali tabid ItotOo 0t' oil it. Imola Ori felon*"Itissinnahiasi. II% pate wain sot are epee is thea s0lr.sIMIOI M t 'it'elatrNM Dinh ss&sobs OW ss- root& *ad by the lbw gle yes !MJF nate; dltsraYsower MI s awe wltl m am oar - rest tIA M Get tit SE net bs Is et lel, a sbil1114 14.6 tom I . *Nig ,hofs eM' eie ll'lll t�1 1;�, 1141►'. hitt, 39 U. Clitl A 'talk Too Captain • Rene Vase Fx el"Ace o! Ac�s, photagraphedat P uc France, where he took part in the great aviation tournament recently. It was b'onek's first .public appearllneo as a eller since't c war. President MIller- amongand, who was among then interested spectators,,cong.ratulated the daring flier► eu his 'pertor n.nnn UN'IFORII1TT :. PRINCIPLE AND Worms in chi dren, it theyba IJIlEltt . APPLlIC`.AT1iON °tended to, eats. eo vglsioa and of- ten death.: Moth r Graves' \Vere pax. . (From "The ridden Gate.". the official terminator will +rotect the chiIdeen Publication et The Goderiea Board .from these,.distre• ing aJictions. of Trade). . The prinelple of :unlformiter is- ex- • • lif elkertou Is .plain ernplllled in a `partial equalization of :and girlie reunion tor• the. cost, or by a general.distribution July 1924 . 4t the ,expense incurred in connection withmany things that"are deslgne and utilized for the benefit of the gent oral public; and It Is one of the chfef, functions made use of in regard to the ggreat, integral err oink commercial ene terprises and ,aetivitiee, and mite seas saving . and preserving • qualities are very necessary in- order 44 --protect.• them from decay, and to Increase their uaefulne. ss,. and also to permeate. -them with that :quality that makes • for popularitye and that which veld insure tor .there a .lasting andever increasing success. This is particularly, Illustrat- ed d by many striking examples in con. neaten with !;lot al..tcvof the :Mean of our Canadian enterprises .that figure. so prominentlyt '141 the world of basil mess -:affairs for their function' of lite nes to• :dery thepeople. s a Letters ttars are carried .all de/times at the same rate 1'. log an old boys' he lastweak of "THE PEOPLE'S GARAGE" UNDER NEW MANACEMENT Having taken over, the business cif "The Nolen. n. 1;rage,'t Mr. J. T.. »EMEJU UNG announces that he ready for ALL KINDS OF WORK Being a first-class a mechanic, who has served his true both as machinist and auto.repairer, GUARANTEES ALL WORK FREE for alt GASOLINE, GusraOt R ' re Cars -Stored for Winter ° at Reasenablt:Rates:• ;. DEMERUNG, L. VICTORIA STREET, OPPOSITE VICTORIA tRRIE b:U� .+��-�•• afr' �h , expltroalillAA,�lil`tiltRtRti,. fl tltrbirl,+�hwtNt, Lina huyi ar eti• -.when e + ex couthinig, bout;forstetlli titsredid. , o ur of i o d t:rou e fr broil bi a -fife' hest thing to da is tox,{tM'{cr Acetylene Weld/0 OF - AND A1.L KINDS O Repair and Machine THE DOTY. `ENGINEERING. 'C r.,d. � 0 y L.tdr, Wilms AT' THE DOCK, GODRRIC4f 'Phone 2150 1 Arnuere nd others having broken dastinks can ba'Ve sand repaired !as new on short notice at moderate o ek °obit: �.t 4 of postage ,milk is collected in our:, r:' rural distrlcts and delivered to the ° at ones „ter st$enitl .3 feetoi'y at'b. uniform ratio toall iuem• •_ y ' ` bars .of the 'factoryassooiation., *hoe's are erected and the cost see cured by the levy of a tax on the gen- eral public, end scheol. taxes are tole leeted to meet _the ..operatine :expenses onproperty all ro r a d i I? 1) y eg r hiss of Whether the owner or'oeeupantehas any child- ren 'to attend or not.. County bridges are bu1'it on certain highways and the cost assessed' against the property oI the whole • county :when . many of the a kr tax . a rs ins no use ,of th In many of our'r0Wns and Citiessew- ers are c011114tructc,11 of; different sizes; andat; variitus„'eosts5,per foot, but.all property owner's in the 141unleipallty 'htfse'land Is served by a .sewer. arm ('Larged a . sewerage ter at a. standarel rate# per ftl4.t, 'without regar'd. to the actual Cost of the solver serving they property, Hallway c oriipan;es also re- :