HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1920-11-04, Page 8ir
0 BP.' ,' IfiVitir " - '. The HowilfSi.CtilliSi...,
erica, by gxpeo
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STORE ,--• .- -.: .„
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c434 .,...
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'4472m-rj'71.11111"10,. a ,
startIng, Ordat-Novenibor-itit,-and Confinuipg Saturday, loiiember 2.0th.
A niduction of -20 per cent.. *Ill fbelMade On -every' bill that amounts to $2.00 or over, no matter 'what the merchandise is.II
Elre7thing we have. will be reduced.,, from a spool of thread to .the best ready-made coat in the store.
We have not Picked. Out a few .poor -selling lines, but have reduced the best seasonable merchandise. No matter what you require can. be -bought at a
reiluctionof-20-per:•cent. On sale days. -This opportunity to bay fray merchandise andsave20 cent.- on every purchase over $2.00.
'This store wilt be the first to give tic. public Ur reduction in mites.. !rake adilantige'rof the opportunitylandiay in 4 stock of "gOods to cover your.wants,
for this Fall and Winter while you have opportunity to buy at a 'how The prices below' will list for theseotwwweeks only,, and will then.,gOliiik to.
the old' prices. solos Imes a reduc `on of more than 20 per cent, will be offered, but tlisre will be at least,20 per cent. on all lines.
, account of the decided reduction, overithing *ill 1)4) sol4 for cash.' 'fhe following..are few of the Mani lines that are being (Nero!:
Flinrieiette . Underwear Silks: - - Dresses ------
A large stock of Flannelette, in tvitite and colors, in wide
widths, Itogular 35c, 45c, 50c. Reduced 20 per can .
Flannelette . Blankets, in white and grey, reduced 20
per cent. • ",
Grey Blankets, in wool mixture. Regular -$8.50. Re—
duced 20 ger cent.
White Wool Blankets reduced 20 per cent.
White Cottons
A very large range of Cottons, in nainsooke,-marlapolarn,
cambrins and heavy eott0e. Rearmed 20 per cent.
Grey Cotton reduced 20 per cent. - ,
White and groyaheeting, reduced 20 per cent,
• Pillow Cotton, reduced 20 per cent.
Ctirtain Materials
A. Hue w are disooitinuing. Every Pair of Curtains
and everY Piece of Curtain. Material will be reanced
20 per centuntil they are cleared. Suet a limited
• quantity left. - •
'Watson's'• Underwear is well
known. This is the line
we carry in ladies', misses'
. and children's, • Our new
stockarrived last week
. and it will all be. on sale .
at a reduction of 20 per
cent* •
Ladies' Combinations, with
Alice t sleeves and low neck,
or long eleeves'and V nook.
All reduced 20 per cent.
Children'e Vests and Drawers;*
in grey or white., Roane-
ed 20 per cent.
Knitted Scarfs, Caps
and Sets
A rips assortment. of these gooda'arrived lately, but will
Corsets - be put on sale at a reduction of 20 per cent.
Infants' Bootees, Mittens, Wool Coats and Suite, all re-
duced 20 cent. „
•I'Ve are the 4izeltisive agents •-
for D & A Corsets. .A
. . new stook 'has just or..
rived and for the '
they will all be reduced
20 per cent, This is
an opportunity to huy
• your fell Corsets at a
reduction of 20 per
8 014 pure down Comfort. Silk BI
ors. They,range front
$18.00 to $ar30,00. Each.
on eels at edttction
274 of 20 per tient.
Dress Goods
A tionierful range of dress materials in serge& in black„
nikvy,. brown, grey, reds and grout. These are
ranges of the beat Idl.W001 leSikee. We do not sell
cotton mixtures. They are all wool. Betidessoots,
soots, marty fanny sloths are shown id' colors.
Every piers* will be reduced 20 per cent. They
range in pries from $2.00 JO $tlX/ a Yard.
Brodelothe and light treWit Valeart, for matt and
gas, up to$8.50 a yard. Reduced 20 per cent.
Tses cloths come in all the vfentea shades. This
it an opportunity to buy your fall suit at greatly re.
Booed pries.
Silk Under-
wear and
• Camisoles
A nice new range to choose
from. An opportunity to
buy gifts for Christmas.
They are all , cut 20 per
A spotiololfer will be made in Blouses. Every Blouse
in the gore will be reduced !t5 per cent. Every
odlor that could be wanted ls shown lb crepe de
chine and georgette.
Plain white Rabutai Silk litotes, in all sises from
34 to 44. In sailor high neck or low neck. All
reduced 25 net cent.
Voile Blouses reduced 25 Per cent,-
A sperial shorting of 'louse Dresses up to SAL For
'215 each.
Scotch Brewing Urn, in white, Utak mid grey. :Reg-
ular $3.00 s lb. For 51.08 a lb. For sale days only.
Whirs* range of Silks in blacks and colois
Bleck Silk,• pailette, duchess, mesSaline, crepe de
(shies and Georgette, at a reduction ot 20 pei cent.
If you ere thinking of a black dress, this 'is your
Colored Sills, n all the new ligheand. dark ablidesein
duchess niessalitter• pailette,Torepe as chine and
geragetee On sale at a reduction c'20, per cent.
Do not pass this opportunity. A
Velvets all reduced 20 per cent. In colors and- black.
Towelling and Towels
A wonderfu'Vrange of towelling in all linen, re:linen and
cotton mixture. All reduced 20 per cent. They'
range in price tip to 50c, but will now be out 20 per
Colored Rath Towels, in all sizes. Reduced 20 per cent:
/luck Hand Towels. Reduced 20 per cent.
Huck Towelling, by the yard. Bedueed:20 per cent.
Winter Coats, •
This is the heartof the Coat season
and we are giving tho people
who wish to buy a Winter Coat . •
an opportunity to buy their
Coat at a -reduction of 20 W' ,
cent. • . • ,
, Every Coat in our renge is absolute-
ly new, both in ladies'. and
• ehildren'e.„
• A very large range ishere for you to
• choose from and. you will he
pleitsed with the assortment.
• They come in all wanted colors, —
in plush and dab COOS.
Childrea's Omits Worn size Q years
up, at reasonable prices, but
are now redoes/ 20 per dent. A
reduction of 20 per pent. on
every Coet in the store'.
A large range of Pullovers, itt all Sites sea olore. Those
garments run as high as $6.30. On the sale clays
they will all be sold for $3.50 each.
Sweater Coats, in alt the latest shirdee and the newest
design, in every sie for belies and children, at it
reduction of 20 per cent.
Ladies' .Bore Dresses, in a sizes
• from 16 . year size to 44. In ' ,
many qualities of • serge. - In
blue, black and -brown. Every
dress is new and this season's
style. They are made by the
Wilt manufao urers. On sale
days these D esses will be re-.
duced 20 pe cent. Every MI
Dress will be reduced this -am- IfillE
. • ount, no matter what the price.
.. Silk Dresses '
A large range of Silk Drossesin
•taffeta tied duoliess .silk, with .,
.. georgette /and weol..trinuning.,11.:;:,
These garments come in'
gee, black, light' blue, brown • • ,, .
find taupe shades. .Every' size..
is' represented. •, For the sale' .
they will be reduced 20 ;per
cent. If you are in need of a
dress, be sure and see these
values at 20 per cent. off..
Ladies' Silk Hose, in black, brown
white, grey and navy. In all sizes
. from 811, to 10. These Hose range
in price from $1.25 to $3.50, On
sale at 20 per cept. off.
Ladies' Cashmere Hose. all
and white. Ranging in price at
soiozoos, $flro.00m,$
,ti.t.o2 k;$..7n
)100, $2.25 a pair, mid every
pair reduced 20 per cent.
Children's' Cashmere Rose, in black,
white and tan. In all sizes from
4 to 8. All reduced 20 per cent.
Hearty Winter Stockinus, -in all sizes
front 6 to 10. Reduced 20' pe
' cent.
Heather mixture "foolery, Regttlar,
$1.75. Reduced 20 per eent.
Coatings •
A: large range of heavy Coatings, in blook, navy, tauPe,
grey, brown and mixtures. All cut 20 per cent. for
° the sale.
number of „pieces of odd colored dress goods Tri.1110• 3
on display at 50 per cent. reduction. These Pedal
are wonderfullyadapted for ebildren's dreSset /414
e them.
coats. Be Sure to se
We want you to come every day and buy the merchandise you will requii.e for Fall and Winter wearr
This N a wonderful opportunity to buy seasonable merchandise at a greatly reduced pisice.
Everything will be sold'foe cash, and no goods are returnable.
) • '