HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1920-11-04, Page 7• PAW Vriat i _IMCUN , NACKIN*: COU cats Re (WWI► IllsOt►frssi 01 'Or.. til i ed'e t lrTwy Pli s 5IXTIRTO Me. lw , 44-4,0,04. WHOLE all :MIth Login Ca few Term Loom Nov ' ;1sfi StI!A TFORD. ONT. The .leading Commercial School of , ,0 Western -13,14, femmerolal, Shorthand aid Tele. graph Departments. in ositi s. e plume, seat sn . P S udents may enter at any timet, Get onr tree,9a' toque. O. 1. HeLACIILAN, principal. The terrible, 'melting, iespg.rtucipd cough that sticks to yO in spite of every- thiaag you have done to get rid of it, hi a reel. _danger •to your health, and the longer.. it sticks, the more eeriest* the !maim becomes. The oonstasit colleting Ie'epe the lungs' and ) ronchia,' tubers in such au irritated and inCi.w d eosadition they get no chance to #u il. you will And in Dr•. Weeds Norway rine Syrupa remedy pot, loosens .the pblegra and'Iteale and eeollikliithe longe, thereby fortifying themeagsinat aeroua • pulmonary disease. • • Mr. J. W.1'. Whitely, Vermilion, Alta., writies:- -"I wish to rexprrea my thanks for what Dr. Wood's Norway Pete Syrup has done for. me. For a nutubee of weektt I bad been eufferi ng from a very esvetelisieldng coughs and all the remedies it to relieve ane . .A het I I a +bottle of . "Dr Wood's," said after tsk i ng it I secured .greet relief. Needle* to slay it els Hoar any intention to always keep a supply on hand." "Dr. Wood's" is 35e. and dbc. a bottle at all dealers. The genuine it put up in a yellowy wrapper; three ppins trees; the ' trade mark- manufactured only by The r Eyes l armed by 4= sons W Ass. Tills >. Welter lends and W.ter powers near Lake f'ileitelii%a,tue trout soomtoa • Q'Rrien, of 14efit'�. Georges Carpi etier. tt.cl leg I)eaafpstlr will ease elor s it.etri to take place to the tette i States, teen - ads, Weet Radice, Ott* or *alto *MAW the Stst i'rw of July, #filk. The verse is i1�vfNielet, THURFIJ: Y. There are seven sesta vacant in the Senate. Army leaders ici Italy they plan- ning militat'y coup d'etat. Majoe E. L. AleCall. is Canadian rade Commieelener to Lresil. An Eduettional Asscelltitam has beets organized in•!+worth Middlesex. - ltuesla will returns Rounteada'a gold reserve it peace is toneluded. Polish troops have defeated chs Lithuanians in to three hours' tis. Sir Thomas Martis.,. -eget ttgs d tor orate IH s i>eehelle NOY issit ?ur coureq ter Ztat I'IVI t7 of Tomato. In s i� Cap football Lamm, Victoria Collage Leet Trinity, by 1 to a.' Gramdted EYCiU5. T. 1tlburti'Co.I Limited, 'Potent*, Ont. .:A •A Dist and quickly relieved byHort* s EyslMtMx Comfort..At o fuse � 60c per Bottle... ea rya free writs .. ma Sys +R si y Cschlorite.n CANADA BUSINESS" COLLEGE STRATFORO Shorthand, Bookkeeping, Salesman. ehiP, Telegraphy,. Pian'o,nice, and ail business subjects. Open all sum. nier. PriwateCl asses when prefeered and to help students t catch eta ssee whoa entering between terms. Spec- ial summer course for teazhera. Tuitlon Twelve Dollars per month, 6 wontha, 670; (including books). Special rates for belt day students and students wishing only one or twit c , -rneilaJe t� ldigBp Scllfooi work and Correspon- 'Orme courses a specialty. Typewriters to rent or sell. �' L. HEWITT, President. E S ULTS. COQ CO, , Suctessors to a11cDonagh.& Gledhill - EXCLUSIVE AGENTS FOR LEHIGH' 'VALLEY TEM. CIyAI,, THAT SATISFIES .IRae der to IatTaud nofi-Coi4 Zinn Cement,: File Brick., Fire Clay,' also Hierd and Soft Wobd, Maple and Hemlock Slabs. • Fresh. cars o Lime ar d Cement lust. received 45i3'1#IC'E PFro m . ^ . • • 75• R. I. &KOTA'S' RESinniscu. ' 27$ W.. SAtLTs' I2tastne: CZ 4O2 T. SWA'RTS' Bus, Livery and r NEWS TOPICS OF WEED impoi tach Eriet#a . Which Have OCOOrred During the iRlheek. The Busy World's :ifteppeninge Care. • fully Compiled and Put Into' lhlsmdy and Attractive Shape for thw Benders of Our Paper A .timid 'hones En�tioytne»t, TUESDAY. • i . • Sugar in Hatellt'on in„ graphic at 16, eec a pound. Montreal sugar refiners Cut. the price of- sugar to -1,7c. ; • `Toronto's old. Union Station 'may be the terminal for Hydro radials. la The, Russian Scv'iet is p •# nln 6 to have the tivorld'as greatest, air fleet.. Teterboro' bakers reducedthe rice of . bread to 13 cents a large' oaf.• ta . Gental : Bramwell . Booth passed wa t o 0 on,: Y ' Tole nttr. fa through, . Ottawa.. • Premier Meighen, spelling at Win- nipeg.,-'t►leCiged a._: new tariff before the. . next election.. " Cyril Flatiagal , stat' o'f 'thee McG111: 'backfield, is. undergoing.tre`gtntent In a Montreal holzpttal.. Irish Self-Detertninaticn League. in Toronto cables s3rpattfy to the .Widow of Lord,Mayor 13,2eSWene.y, Tubereular •soldier patients hi itteat0r1tenecraslting aid to,establiah. a' community eentref near' Hamilton, -Capt. J. B, .Home -Hay. •of the C. A. P. flew from Moose Jaw to Winnipeg-- 31a. miles, in two hours 50• minutes: ' • . • Toronto • fintinciers promised :.Sir Henry, Drayton co-operation. in ob- serving bserving the "embargo!! -.against out- side securities. " An American brewer, Patrick,. Rooney,. who is. visiting 'Britain, thinks there Is, great danger of the United Kingdom. going.' dry. A nevi late'in Italy which becomes operat1V o>g Novetaber 1 forbids the sale of :.neat•'between Wednesday afternoon and .turday morning... Freak,btunehaw, aged flee, of. To ronto, died at- the Western Hospital Monday afternoon, as a result of l;r- juries received .when he was struck by an auto. Hack °Stables � Moritiwed street: Jost off the Square 'Brieseliteet all Trains and a Passenger Boats Passengers called for in any ' part of the towkr, for all trainsst 0. T,,R. or C. -P. R. Depots. Prompt Service and 'Careful Attendance. Oar Livery' an, Hack Service Will be found ftp-to•daite is every respect.. Year Patronasefiolielted T. WARTS.. Those HPMontreal Street DARKEN car HMR, IOOK YOUNO, PR Tett constables elj .the Irteeh Con- stabulary have be�fn disanireed for various offences. T. G. Smith, Poltnuaster tit Mount Fore$. for more than fifty years, died' In hire 90th reale The Carl►entter-Dempsey world's ehatuptoneltip boxing bout will be 3teld in Havi na, Cuba. Lorne Helmets et the Sinncoe M- elees was found guilty or manslaugh- ter Learn. 0 James A. Lear Fred' Watts, a trapper, 0,t0,t Wolte Island, near iiingeton, wde 'hurtled to death in hisr•house.. • The fifty-fifth `0.111mM etln1itnt0Am of the . Ontario -Religious Inclematign. Council is in session at Belleville. . The schooner Espeianto„ ,_ whieb will' compete in . the Internatlotial Fishermen;' Cup races, has arrived in Halifax. ,lie ote pion 'Gotrernrent bat Is- sued neer regulations to its employes. lio;: :are ordered, to eCoffomi5e: SS z e •11,-1, s ib , w r. R os.l ,its J. Hanley ended ;a 264yegr- ' :the- ilassachuaett$t state prison; and maintained ;a silence be' gun ten 'years agog . 1 USE "DIAMOND DYES" Deo right! :Don't Yiek your meteriel. Each ,pail.. age of Diamond Dyes"me - Mins directions ssoo simple that any woman can 'ch sew, rich diamond -dye color iuto old'' garateats. draperles meetings. sever thltig, . whether Yawl, teTule, linen, non or mixed pods. Bay "Diamond Dyett".•-ime ether kind—then perfeet re- sults care guaranteed even if • you have,never dyed before. p)regq ist has 'P iatiartd Dyes Color Carr -.1 d rich colors. five Tee, and Sulphur Darkens So Naturally that No- body can tell. 8 Ikir that, loges its oolor and lustre, or When it fades, turns gray, dull ai e. Ito, is rauaed by s pack of sulphur. the hair. Oar grandmother .nate up, a mixture, of Sage Tea and Sulphur to keep' het locks dark and beautiful, and thansands of Wooten and men who value that evens color, that beautiful ua!IC alea4i of hair which is so attractive, use obey this elf.time recipe. Nowadays ire get this Sammons mixture vett by the addition of other ingredl«, 'by alkciag.at Argy dreg store for twatS8111* bottle of Wyetles Sal' a �siltr* Compound," which d'arke:la the *al*" naturallg, Se evenly, Cid sly ea* possibly tell it has py bet. (limpet ponseusoftbrush with eft rind drawn this threngh your ,sir,`tsk' :sing One smell all attend et a time. By morn fOg thea hair disappears; but what deI is the -ladies with-Wyeth's Sage and Pia�ar Compound, is that, bides beau- alarketting� the flair sites .as Vr.tions, it u sa brings back the gloss Andre and glees' if as app..at•anft at rksmsdesiee„ filiWytiles Sage and Sulphur Comp hi a delightful toilet requisite to impart ler sad te emithfntl appeetance to the hall' It is mot iitended for tto ere, 141340400,,t0g PPWratista of ,digasei Louie-'gs.fi, fernier Minister of Jus- tice and member of the French. Cham- ber. of Deputies, was 'struck by an autouiobile in the Ione de Castiglione Monday' and. died a few moments af- ter having, been removed to a hos- pital., ' WEDNESDAY. - FRIDAY. Farmers have d'ecided.to.ismer the price, of milk.. King Albert of ,- Belgium .honors Hon, De. ii,: S. Belanrl. • . • ; St..Andrew's„Society- held its'eta;1 null meeting •in Toronto. ` • Hon. C. C. Ballantyne addressed n in t.,- Toronto, the N League, a vy t °f the • e • sri ed r Candidate;$ tare'no lea Northeast Toronto by-election. . • moo- cue Hail plans to enter a team. In. the Intercollegiate senior hockey aeries. -• . • The` PenttentiarY Commission has held,' itspreliminary meeting in Ottawa. ` The Western: Golf Assoctatiee bas effected drastic;channges in the plaY- ing rules,• .. Drittttn , has submitted .16- agree - b oed to entsar nients•'yyttto Gtevernm the I,sague of Nations. . All.inerehanta_.sellitig articles; cam- in'g ender the luxury tax must have license, on�tovember ,1,,;,, • Piet Seleeteels, Member of Partici-, nient in, the Union of South Africa, gave,an address: in Toronto. A. G. Mitchell' of .Owen Sound has a raspberry, bush thatis,now yield= ing its • third eropthia,:,,yyeer.. ' r Republican' Brotherhood The. Irish eP in flit theited'States has .severed its connection with Clan Na Gael. : Southern Ontario Gas Co. custom- ers 'latae been notified .that their sup- ply will be enut off Novemlfer 1. The Greek Parliament' has elected Admiral Coundourcotes Regent of Greece till the new king is crowned. • Germany must.delivOr 275,000 tons of Shipping ,, to the A23les as corm- ]rensation for, .sinitirg •its In Seeps: Flow '.: .. • Lazne .'Helmer aivits s ^stashed at Simeoe to 18: moz:tlis the reform- atory for manslaughter of Santee As Learn,. ' . The Baptist Convention of. Ontario PARK* -, 1h lONARY (OPENS C%M- PAIGiN.-.,lir. W. T. Ierelefcll. the great missionary worker, whohas arrivt.i in Toronto to inaugurate a caMpalge for the .mishit of an endowment fusel for ,the pef'petuation of his mission. in Labrador. Ile opened ett elofnvoeation. Ilnll. Vui- ver'aity Of 'Toronto, and preached' tt• an inamensl audtenee. The great church of Cannon Cade on Ulcer St E. eves crowded to the door ion the Sunday night uteri I)r. Grenfell • tee sallied the pulpit. 'i3i.reet,negotiations oft"tbv Adriatic issues "wilt,,bin between Italy and. ve Jingo SIat,ris e• rly in Nomber: W. HA Stewat, Ba oadelew avenue,. Toronto, has an attackof the heart while cranking hiscar, and dies. Fuel Controller an Strength of the conduct of the animals in the north- ern,woods, predicts, a mild winter. ;=Inability of the O. X.'Rys.'to fur= nish cars a ausea .itantninent serlons coal shortage in the , Prairie Pro vines.. ` Rev. 1)r. Shields denies right of t6 to a s"committee" St. the United gratuitously undertake to investigate the " atroeltles in Ireland.' Hamilton 'Chamber' of Commerce opposes measured telephone service, but would let the Bell Company have reasonable increase in: tariff. With •practically unllinitetl demand led I the -Milted for +f,en}dian ;relies n li >t States market, Niagara district, hair only 4,500 acres of vineyards on its 200.inmate .Miles of suitable land. Power shortage In the Trent Val- ley is 'relieved, • A second revolution is now inpro- gress in Bolivia. There are at present 49,006 Brit- ish troops in Ireland. Senator J. B. Prince of Battieford died in Saskatoon on Tuesday. ' Italy 10 expelling all alien 'anat.-' chiete found fn Italltn territory, The steamship r Sa:.onian brought ;110,6006,000 to gold. to the United States. Retail ell,Q�titters and oboe dealers claim fzl.lnciirl assistan e; 11 it is giv- en the sugar `rretinet s .... Two bort were badly crushed -in colliotoa_ between an auto and a To- ronto street car. One nsay vie. Mr. Justice Kelly blames !Wee of home authority foripart of the ;s,eva- lent unrest and seriouu crime. Three port Colborne eitizeno have bought land and deeded it to trustees for a elyle athletic field. A bomb was exploded on Monday in the vicinity of the - monastery 'int= tla Capuchin athere in 1lareelona, Sp1in. George A. Hines of C;obous•g 15 charted by he ecroner's jury with murdering his little son, near Port Britain. - - - Principals and nietttbel•s""of the state of Toronto High -School a, in- terelewed, are in favour of the intro- duction of boxing. • Day and night uliifts have been ar- ranged cot the Thorold section :of this Welland Canal, owing to, power re - auction front 1,5110 to 750 h.p. The It1otdon Co.,. Ltd., has bought more than 1, 23 square miles of �lillet''s 'Worst Powders- et se 'stun. oughly that .stamachie and intestina: worms are literally .,corn:1 up and para front the 'hitd- without bring: peewee `and wvithout Inroncenieti<ce to the ;;an- ferer. They ere Painless find parfevl -in actilon, and tit all butes wwi1I he Mg- 90 -infantile stonmrh •and malt. r}' f''t e?e” i,�smlf { t° emprom .lilt ltd L O O tP LA . S t.f al LADIES and OENTLEME14; Through arrangements with. The Bell Piano Co., ofGualp . Ont., Iviil act • s their Agent for territory, Goderich and surrounding, and will ` en- re y l' deavor to serve you in a business mariner if you are in the Market for a Piano. which. is worthy of your home. My system of sellingcrus out anyhigh comm y missioned salesmen, 'and many heavy expenses which add •:much to the Lost of most Pianos sold, and adds 7oth1ngto the quality, whatever.', Make' it yourbusi- ness to • have line call on you before you buy, by dropping a line to my add ass. -Bell Art Pianoby rm Pianos are endorsed. usictall thetheworld over and take second place to nothing •on g . the market. They are.the first makers of - .found a healthmedleful int,.strengthen-1 n� L tainizfeit in vigorous ` opi'ratlut,.:. tha Basil!' beltig''aan effective) kest,ni•'[ tit t. . fu of ahoy arc totiial• and it.eatth•r_nw* Mg in their, effect-,.' • .. i' 'Star. the iignrt,ub• of is listi for Overall Tales Sterling exchange in New York is quoted at $3 44 Hamilton Tigevste.a.tArS onauto n Saturday by to 6. A Peuesion jumper lass coinposecd a new hymn'ed hate... • Ernest Seyunour of •Madoc was found dead fn' bed. --• London again is threatened with - a '.street car strike: . Thousands heurd General Booth speak in Toronto. ,`. The vote bn ilquorevestriction. Scotland' begins to -morrow.' -. Two.. Toronto'. elCurcltes unveiled tablets to their boldier dead. - The lirst snow or the season tell in Montreal on. Saturday niornielg. Mrs: Joseph Gibson, wife ef Inger- soli s 'Veteran poslz.iaster, is dead. .> Burglars, naastiueradin; as Hallow- e'en merry-snakeip, ope#ate in West Toreanto, George S�icienham, for 51 -years a G.Te.R,'conductor, died in Brockville, aged 79, An unusually -large number .of motor accidents were reported over the week -end. t • and, Quebec at Bsantfdre tools the Sixteen soccer leagtt:e games play - first step; toward; union,' of Baptisstsed in the .01dr Country on Saturday In 'Canada, ended In draws, • John Elliott, manager "of Standard • Wilbert- E. Frederick'', of Windsor. Bank at Belleville, tendered his 14th annual banquet to the Belleville Cheese Board and dairymen /of the district. ' - - "SAT 12IiAY. . l Ex -Kaiser Wilhelm has decile.l to grow a full beard. -The. Allies' have ordered Hunsary •to ratify the' Treaty of Trlano. The :Hydro Corantlehion issues statement oat poem. . sho tage: Leeds farmers are to organize a branch of the Farmers' party. "Willie Jackson kxoeked outs"Ed- die" Fltzsiinnwnsin the tenth round. Graduating exercises . for• nurses were held at the Hospital.. for Incur- ables. - The hog cholera outbreak in Went- worth county is less serious than first reported.. . 'Three thousand workers are want- ed On taring and in lumber and min- ing Camps. - The British Government's Euler- geney Towers 13111 has received the royal "assent. .: ,The McGill tenets and !laid teas.. won the Intercollegiate title In Te. roito on Px'iday. Emile and Ernest Boutin, brothers. were found asphyxiated its their lutich wagon at Sherbroolie. i shot bin wire tour tints, -'but not fat- ally, thee kill• ct himself.Toronto boseahs won all the titles at the into a nn., tonal • tournament Which closed ie To: onto on Saturday.. Theresult of the recount .in St. John ohly leaties the four Govern-' inent candidates -elected,' as first de-' dared.' The Inter -allied Admirals' Com- mission has deelated'-a' blockade in the Black Sea against the Russian Soviet. 1 A. Toronto girl makes a .complete retraction of ehaegeupon which two Serbians receivedseven years in peni .tentiltry, Fifteen thousand Germane, armed and equipped, are reported to have Joined the .Lithuanian arm to fight the Poles. - - HAY FEVER • tntxd ASTHMA rnnepaorpd by the World's 'Only Two- bottle Remedy: Dent suffer a minute longer. Send to -day ei 32 -due treat. Ment. 'friar size tie, and guaranteed W. IL EMMET, Mfg. Chemist, 97 Hondas St. E., Toronto. he m Neuritic!.. Sciatica. Neuralgia, • Templeton s Rheumatic .. Capsules Hssve brQUytht ao+ ia _ _.health to- half-a-mllliou sufferers. . A healthfgl,.moneyy-Saving remedy, well known .fot jiiteen years' preb scribed by doctors, sold by drug- [L¢ . gists, $1.00' a box. Ask out ae ns' free trial.package, or write for a f a ,�� Tem letons,14i King W'4., Toronto IJ�L'i' rBra iEery `M hood' Anent --' II. C. BUNL.oh pri it'll- --r t9._oS. i- Canada, and are also the oldest and largest manor W.1 'facturers of pianos irk the British Btnpi;e. :x ' 't Pull value given • for used ;pianos," organs or .phonographs if you deal with me, as I '. have custom ,trs for Mem. As prices are' rising, don't :vv*it=any. linger, as 1 canve you terms and get your goods shipped. at gi ` once, which wilt mean $5000 on ail :Pianos -Ship d ° Through early' orders placed at the factory. Yours f6r business, addreSs J: O N AT H -A N E.- ..H U'G1 LL. ` 4, Bo;. 20 Scaforth, Ont. `7 IYlil".tli` TAUS PART IN RIG ,AIR ti, lf, itt, tele 5 ANL rcottetion s. DECAY Any tour** that is coveret1 with Glidden Einduroce Paint is welt, *nd t decay easily, for Gads" protection is good protection saves th oist of frequent repairs. Mid den Endttraiece Paint. preve Is wood and resists wear front changin n\.i Weather conditions withbut scaling or ,, cracking., 14, 4 Glidden Endurance Paint stays fresh and bright for a long time, wears well, ,and, looks well—and heeaate °fits dura. hility it the cheapest paint you Can huy. For everything bout the home or farm tha needs to be painted, stsitittl,, pi way, there it a Gliddett DAM* made.' especially for that pu 04.0- 4 - •