The Goderich Star, 1920-11-04, Page 6-
• -
The clistiactive tied Row flavor._ _wren*
atriteeth Is foovi, in*vow Red
OZertost. ,
Noreer-, le balk,
night of the
Nineteenth Centur
Author at "Oeetittle A CHESTNUT Ileette" "13Ahatreitts eettnerstt AwAte"ette.
. "0 *retied Heath," 1triWtttrtifs with euelardepth of: 'terrine
'1'1;'tt I that tire: revealed tile innermost veno -
J p 4 I
Whine feurld time in the 'Plitureed
«t his' journey to write a lone
and affeetionate Jotter to Its mutton:
explaioIngafl. und aseingeter forshe.
ON* again, as he often had before. Ho
• also wrote to Mrs. Arnot « cheerful
note, in whichhe triedto put his
tion of tin heart-
- "0 peicetterte 11t1Warm,' throbtirttur.
• life I
ellth thought Aittilol,e anti. Passion
eltior to thee.
Virtu ort flu Isle in tile An wide
couree in the most ordinary and mat. Tlion are a borgue above 0. Side:
tetene-faet liglit peseible, saying !bat- ;tole tague and void Is All be„Ilie•
tlS L UII11I1 wits the most 1 cling to tette,
natural tilting in tire world for btu* in 0 dreoded death! coldparilit cleat
' Despair Is in thy lel( breath. I
Ali lie approached. Uie Inteeted etty
he had the train 'regent' to himself. ena
he ems' that elle oubming treble were
full, and when at lase he walked ite
NEW 1/4)Itit 110 NOIWIE rtiwur it,tr . e-Planee letwaort, Yukon. Territory. Canada, after their
soeeessfol night to Nome and returns, and keit previous to their Rop-reff tto Whitehorse, r. Sunday, -Sept. 5th.
showing the anelent and/Mt/dere method of *retie trausportatfou, the primitive dog team -and the Meet
modern, minute flier.
then he shook his head as if he bad -eity family 1I Your Clarice. Wad
"totter. think. Dr. Orton. this is 1 see the chlteren?" - •
little twee. "How is he novel"'", • 1. may be tile ' only " one to suffer. *May
the friend .tr whore 1 spekee Me. Itotrie *Tes. a few moinenti: bet 1.4o not
dane." ' . . ' : I wish, 'them to be in title room long"
"You- have ' alwaYa. lived at the doll east yet, ()eta, 1 -to telt
North?" aSked the physician,. e.okIng 'You the. trulteed ..fell that tieingh.
the young man. ()ter with at tinker. rather', serious bosiness. and you. ftutt
"Yes, sir." • as a Food joke-, - Call. the Mete."
11 hoe agetays tairee life votnewhat
"Da you malise the probithle cease- 'Thee etitoo Marl stood by ,thelr moth -1
elteneee at this exposure to one Opt er. Aroy was beyond tears, ;bet little
' . "`De. firtoo, I am a "elleal student bvint 4111'nettitlf" could Ite keet from
aretimated?" • 4 ,..131telta could not traders -tend it, and
here NS -111,4)e. to strietle carte -04r' N'oPt "r11$14 MY- .1 titles' me Marl '
AMOR 'AVM litelte"; '
What eletiene wilt thou 'next enroll?
Thou beet it' terror Or rny soul
Willett will nor reason can control ;
• sleet -es. it reminded him of et house. I shrink front 'Uwe."
. hold of NYttlett some Ittember" is :vet , Theu...followed a sound that was like
tle or de,ad, and the few who ever. a low sob, "rids. perely leas, Awe.
• Movieg ebetet walked as If under a' $et. Lattra's rtousin-friend, and already eh*
etarstrantt, and gloom. kin ntost fact* had wen the whole syMitattle" of tint•'
'terere fseett evIdeneeS of anxletY anti heart.
teottlele, %Odle A fevir tturt-tfo reelelesse . After ringing the bell he tweed tier
• • • • etatem obtained a 'carriage, he -wet otep,,tutd Uteri she paueed, as Ito ripe -
driven to 'Mr. Palette's residence in s ty surmised, to wipe away the tltickte.
ettetbueb. disenieSed the ea/triage At failing -tears. Ile was; aluteet startled
• tale egate, preferring to utterttly ere. evhen she appeared before 111M, for the.
• neunee himself. The sultry 'day Wei maiden had inherited the peruliar and
• draWipeeto .se close as be walked up' Striking' beauty of her Mather: Sole
the "gravelled edrive thee led to taro raw arid. watching had brought
" house; Not evert the faintest zephyr,: usual pallor to heir etteeks: but nee "Well. well, as long as the fed doe, his IN't(e by that endearing name) erns
etirred the luxuriant tropical foliage eyes were so „large, so dark and ilk. tor Is. abate ground. he try to take, sure 'YOU are inistelten. I want to. eel
that. here and there path, Waite, that they suggested 810H -tette care of-yeeeend this yaung gentleman Lovett tahlaicalg,a_ligieleecitsilii:301C.IIT.:Illisteniverte.leoanuget
• • end yet the stiltnetts ate' 41tilet of no. er than flesh and blood. • can euvaltrable .1te c,an hold' oh
' . titre did not suggeot peacf3 and repose "I' think thet. this is Miss Potato] " for a „whtle :before folloveing a top be ell. Me.etteart revolts at- le tee
se mact as it diti death., The,..motion. commenced Haldane in a Manner Dias general fashion. "Cnine. Sir' 1 Nvill•eilvetenraistihloeeet.t!ee.,gri tiooveleateN‘us.oudnody_e.u.toc.
• less* air, heal/fly laden evith a certain, Woe enerked by both . -sympathy and stall you • as 'nurse at once:.
what 1014 have told. you before,- leet goine; to take my
• dead gweeteees of flowers -from 0-thie Tespeeti end he was about,' to hand "Doetoe, Doetor (retort.'
to Into, the breethless Wiener. and tee site stepped tel forward and torte voice, anti a little girl, talr and'hluie
- helehhoring garden, might well -brim her his (teed.' introdttetion, ieveters Veit broughtefee ille?4.-cricd 'a ehildisit erahiante!teee"letekieitelieteaPeuehliat*_,4,p1).Fai(.°ehre.,toharte"
IteaverIatmairphere (4. eltambete to his hand, saying, "reit are. Mr. Ita.- eytte. came fluttering down, the state% ton." he ea iWti "feebt7,„ • . •
tensest wreath are perlahlteeettogellter. eree, And wholly et. your serviette Poland's- room, • , :
6.4 oppressed wee. iltddabte tound retaining his hand, sate jooKo,,t. Ah, there's my good • little fairyle "Couldn't "e-tiu offer a prayer? rote
Itteaself walking softly and mountine tor seeond Into Itle face, as If sae 'Raid the kindettearted man takin.g.Lohleive namitth;Ointsh,(Igi jotwallatet:, to sot. tttle steps of the eittee4t with "a silent Would react tris.•sout ;anti gauge tier les arms and kissing her,
. tread. ,4o. if he leen in (teeth appeeaene. compass Of filS intOrp: so intent and In mV Peekets, little one, and OP? 'What these I°VCd ones again."
ing tee kedeste of death,. Before no peetrating was her gaze, thee 'Fieldale.. you ear f .lind." . ullaidayllreatc'tiretrrieoeir i'f'113e.reou.
uld raw the bee darer came front felt that If there had betel -airy WaNtest• With delightful 11OCOU501.011kOeSf4 .0eattne.r. a, feet- :11' if I levee clinking." • I
• Vu' parlor a tow, sett 'prelude PlaYed ing i, Wealih"lt •pari ter "shafhlws aruiluil her' -thtl Child Withotd "Vet' iresitaney or maunere
ern a small reed. wirers that, lied erre% *weld have knowet It fts truly as tette funibitel In his poeltets, 111410(1
built in the room, and a eonl alto voter, solt. telt a pittnee-book_ ism, tee •febristifin Luau knelt at Mr,
ei leveller sweetness elms th'e,e-tonowe.. lier fat. steldenle lighted up Nvitrt cantle' Yei?" she exelniated: P°12ntrs and offered as siniPle
d I trace come 'to do - le'detty %siert ciernering iteon the bed her fateer,
&pet -lone. 1 have enly one deep ease*
Inc artiletee and that is VAC I may' be
talent with disease before, I ran. be
utnulett rase. ,• SO please -give me, work
'at one'" • • •
from you, papa. I've been veanting. 10
see ,yote all day, and Aroe won't let
The doepw 'Lied ila:dane retired to •
the halleway.
"(livi- Inc your hand.' old -fellovv. There wag+ an, unutteeable look ha
Von' do our profession credit, nol deing 'mane:env:es cis lie fixed there
Italie' fledged. You are right: we must on the little group. '. -
all do what we can white we tan, for
the I.erel only knows how, many hours
are left- to any of tee. But. Amy, tny,
dear, it metes .feel like praying
and .SWearillg in. the same breattt to
'End you Mill in this: Internet tette' A
friend promised to eall this morning
and take you and your sister 'Iteefee:'
"We 'tannot Oh,"
"Ilow:-cen 1 lease youe hew can
leavNeott rite gemmed. • "
At thisethe. rhtlat• began to wry, and
-again struggled to: rearlt fathee
ehe wes evidently tits id 11,:' alto let
prayed, "Wherever r goe-wheteve; be-
cOtnee of nue'Clret. grent I inay sett that
(111 'I
%%Mother." he said the alveaysicalled
• '
which the lifeless rorm and the radii* dale. 1 know II at A glance." tottreepting them- tlie wave tee] -The dorter entered, leavers. the doer
and natural,a prayer as he would have
• gratitude and triendllness, 001), she 'said dieaePoilltirtent. '
.,-nestlYde1I, ..,1 eott for confine. ."No eattdy,• of all, littetha notelet snoken to elite divine slate in pi,rsbn
• rableti without "Sayer
sire 'not Aspirin at all
• Allot genuine eBiever 1' lets`of Aspir'ino
• in "Ilayer" partage lainly marked
VIM the safety -"Be s.'
Otemine "Ihwer %lets of Aspirin",
are *ow node in Caned* by a Canadian
Company. No German interest w'hat.
°ever. all rights being purelissed from the
iTnited States Government,
During the war, acid imitations were
sold al Aspirin in pill boxes and various
• other containers, The "Beyer Cross" is
your only way of knowing that you are
getting pentane Arpitin. proved safe by
outmost fdr Headache Neuralgia, Colds,
Ithentitatisat, Positigt`i, Neuritis, and for
rein stmentni.
Handy tin /woe of 12 tableta-idso
larger aired "Bayer" i)ackageti On be
had at drug atom,
kiipitin Is the Arade mark (registered
la Canada). of layer Manufacture .of
mos•seetiocihetst esikytiowil
1 had purposed asking 'you not .to Lieu hilt good Teeth rood ,tni neeIt %%entre. titivasd ahgeo,goinne, iltoehHalitm'olnt. Jaudferfile,nede.rityleise
so gr* at t ritefor t
: ee but to retttrn: tsere 411 Yoe make this . suppose:" be
for, fir be, frank NVIII1 you, our- Ow. Said significantly ti, the elder sister. faith was "sb absolute that Ile 'thee
terribly great: but I see that vou are for you here.'
wattsrod, blese you, tvItoever eon Uee,"
enee tp those who listened.
They. aseentiefl to„ a large OIry room
one that would not Oen. hack." said the siek men. ."ob, that does me
"rdeeare right; Niles Poland." ellen ph the.seeond floor. Even- to Ilaldane.
stelae has told me Uwt vele .riftk o. "Yes, as far.teg„,possible.. will•walt petitioned became o living pre.
added, With a frank smile, "There
• is -nothing* terrible to me in the rise
you speak of. 1 hopestle feel It a pre
yilege to come to your aid, and, 1 hiv�.
but one request , to Make; that yin,
will let me serve sop in any way and
ettePoland appeared far dowel in the
good , 0.1.6 s less 'dark. It seems to me
dark veneer but he was in teat tfhlet that -Ise got bold of ft hand that •carf
and -COTISCIOUS--state which follows the, sustain
first stage of the feverre Melt; In ills "Iiress de Lord-!" ejaculated an old
ease, owing to Ida vigorous,frame. had negress who sat in a distent eorner.
been...unusually peolontred, el Metall „title young man as your,
Peery way possible. By any tweitanev • Wittmtit a word the doetoe feu the n,,urse 'to -night. said Dr. Orlon ?leek.
allft Utatillt, 4Jelieacy in this eespeet yoe Oleli--man's pulse, who bent upon hen lit.• "I'll be 'here , in •the n•toreinge
will greatly pain roe." ' his, questioning elf,p§.. • From .the fare tome iittle girls. ge now." f
'etre shall'ITIPP1 again, Amy: we shalt
'(/11,s! SIM P.1401a1Meti in a mw and at . ,
meet agaite."Bertle, daeltrige element:1
liter side of the bed, mre. Poland. site
tinge feebly In her choir. also Reed
upon the physielan 'the same Intense
searching gaze that Haldane hail suer
Wined front the daughtere (orlon
most .pessiouate -"1- am so geld
elm have einue. ter 1 was almose (Wee
tweeter •
"Your father?" •arteed II thew very
tookeJ for a toottletit into iter pele; 441 1i'' linie (ind bewildered sisters, no more. Now. surely, eyou will yield
. 4 teas000nerAtynte's •
• Cocoa,
2 cosialcing talainr
2 IIflcotd3
Wattle* bot
• *mit of WI-
Illtotiabigt..illifix bates 'tarty'.
sietticeli ititer,1441the *Ser
*ad edit .fot sthietaa Add
•Ilavoeiar mad sidt. Add swat
014411011740,r, ts. of the rigid
.05341401.47 " IAN".
Cocoa' Frolibitg
• . •
3 teb314.000 caosioi . •
toiopooi yawns
1% CUPS conbodinkipe.
Add tenet onlatitaultdd asinine -
Add.' beet foe Ave
tubbable. "pekoe a, very
goal fraitlajotior AetwrgiseA.
eeleseetlf "
r: •
• • " • Iv 43' • /0/4 it/
ereer tecteerter COMP:NY v
the •areasion, • bribed, the wile. waif
simply appalled and overwhelmed With
toter gaud hoefeite- for ,the poor mate
uneonselous of all save, Min, and- 111
aceordanee. With. a -common. phase of,
the disease, filled the eight with tins
cannily cries 'and "breaks. But •before
the morning dawned, instetd of tos-
ber pepaeattl it anti beUeved serenity of death.
sing one delirium, there was -the calm
SOW .1 strange blending of tS4.‘' 5111°38.1ildastilalaeart'nP;:se' irfsl P1,77:31101°141"1L:dtt, ti);OPI-1 r''trafilit tiff:
love and terror lit ewe's it I* st
geode. .s as ti wahet es ended; your husband sulfere
he le better, but doetor won't say lila; eo. as a model for rozontste one e ye .
• "lie is mitre quiet, end to k to think !bin face, which might .have been telt. tram
Lewes hie . -directions. 41414 -
he Is. Me lion". in, is coming flower. Add then looefel away again. ter r'thi114
i lier eyes dilated' wite hoe -
elitist.," he saltle"intheatee that
, - I t orten toeft Itlin to one side "nil' t°1:igtettinZalt ired d:rthof your .(111%,
ror, he found- poor Arnee
• "Is welter dead also?'' site gasped.
'este •Miss Amy. he only needs
Mr rare to epeedily revive. Pleas,
lead. the. way to 50Itir rnOther'Iti apart.'
"1 think there Is a (Ind, and that He
sent you.4 elle whispered.
"You are right," he replied, in the
retturat hearty tone which Is so potent
111 -reassuring the terror-strielien.
A carriage ertiae rapidly ta the dont-, :ettuld not endure Ile exeeees -• he violent -during the night: if tio
So, ire:
1111;' °I"V`" Said Mr- Pelt° t Apubt u Ilves till. morning" Ile'
.thielt 'Merano%
.tetv.etear mend, it elite me. In a .1 tilt fo tet
anythine seeelal that 'eon would like The horrors •eannot
to say to Your Saltlike think yoii ho
k PC se) it now. --
"Theo am goilig to die," said the
an. and hoth .his tone and face were
and the physietau sprang up the steps
49 If the etours were short for the Intl
ereasIng pressure of Ids work. 'tense
Amy. why are you here yete I hom0.
that, sou and your little sister were On
!mete way to the mountaine," sakt.
taking her hand. -
'please do not speak of It again,"
ebe • replied. "i Kunio! qeave fatitee
and mother, anti Bertha, you' know, le and there remained onle a diseases
„ young. and nervous a child to be full of awe: while poor eirs. Poland
foreeteto go away alone. We 'meet all looked as it in extremis herselt. t()rthred he1.1Z1-• The awl"' black "ma
"den- me the truth': 3)‘*.`sine" dine ellee. Poland to retire. it possible.
then told •Italdenteeof .sneft preeautitetei
hav" owl departed.
tite heart to say lt, hut If 9 10 4i-1011 n 50. 10!)',
'portrayed. As the fever ruse higher
and higher, all evidence of the kind,
loving hushatul and father perished
remain .toeethee, and hope the best "This return anti rapid rise tif fetter slum 5.01 siruritr PhYsleal
from your skill." 51; thi4 Imo day Tookg vers. , tore in Its tlyine throes taxed Halt
shod knows l'in -doing all in I thioplaysician gloomily; "and yout in, "Iv's. powerful strength to ttw ut.
. power In 8a10 my dear old mem tmoste'and only by constantort
ed on knoWing the truth."
lend," said the physician Ineeeii
es •, ereu pveP were an , hoonion: i *now you 0.I2.5 donnest friend% Purer keep, the sufferer
In his bed. etre. Poiand and' the old
o yo
heat, and, although woreed to deatu),
h eolortel woman Ishii '14.45154041
einemessimegjemanammen base come to eee me often. teave '''"uhfhive clieeii totyunpquotr
Newest Shoe Fashions
The Ithw rit,Nles for fall bola the leal jftuaUy Ana
beauty r..4 design., 54
We have the Wiest, wittiest, mostveartbio
Masa se 1* founi, livaryono can ht,lplbasei 13 bele
wow a, mi‘evicaes. elegance and pezfeetion of
fit eve ninsig paints in out. favor. All the now leatlicra
mit latest styie3ittevetetbite.
Over-Otitant tni alrollete in static,
Pltirt$ %RE ItOST ItaNSONAItLit
° GEO. IfitteVICAR
- ' •
kV,IPMPAnr wont VIM NvitAN
wag" inn.* p!!*:.tsko." mAtt h
4a11.11`.' VP% *wen of Spain v,
.).n the -rival Stitt
A tense wen
o sr at the ratce.ii at;
bo fatintilis Realtic *44
ake Care of
'Your Hair
Ladies as n eels pay a lot of attention.
to their fate. but neglect the most
itopertent thing of alt, the Hair. Nice
looking hair, soft and fluffy, with plenty
of life; gives tone to the We, elves a,
sort Mellow appearance. • Delmays
tAltalerie" Permit Hale Tonic, di...ed
once a day. 4gtates Buffy hair, full of
•life. Price in Caned* 51.00 a bottle.
Sold et enropnews Drug Satre.
rtansafits.W.116. MI
.416•04.11.: Att.* ;."7*":".; ''-.L'-7''''''''''IM"."* ' .....
0 4.14 .... .. •44•41016444.••••444••••...."
$ "
4 I •
; le
el `
li I
. JeleSoCAreanl
are baited in the finest sunshine
BiAnin,Ssepri,.),.Cd,b1,1:11: eyirszheiete.
4 Oil4
Noorsdr...*::„.....i............„..„.......%%._fol........_r_.............._1410Cortniele6 ...7as.1.7....i: .....t..4.v.:,
o ri
o I
uniforms. , -..,
14: °I BIsculf:11. 6271111444.4i2n4 .........--..
••••••••••,.....• -
Special '• Bargains:: at Leach's -
'Polar ,Soap
cakes for 25c. A -good, white laundry soap.
Cream of Barleir ,
3oc package for 25c
4 -String Broom, 59c
Sweet Potatoes
Freh Fruit awl Vegetables
Choice Teas and Coffees
s •
Ottfeller .12f et • • "per. he ontetial oriel ileapailotes -
1t4441".44W4."1°‘96A..".1"149464"..*°•6441114."4"tiWIWIlaect' .‘
• es
Mck wen -s- Specials,
. ,,, . " ° • • '
The. bet,t X X X Vineigar ,in stock and Spices fur,pickling• '
Corn Flakes, a few to clear at 10c paekage. . *,
litfoEwea's Ciwabaking Powder, 25c, Worth 36e,
Mint°, Tea, with either spoon, fork or kuife in the package.
Some odd lines of Soap, 3 for 26c.
5c Ammonia old Size, 6 for 25c.
- -
We have in stock
Dr. Hawkin's Origi!ial Insideion-Non No.slip Belts
' They take the place of invisible braces and outside belts. No
tearing of *Shirts. Simple and convenient. Support the trousers
-equally as well as outside hraees. Call 44. see this noveltY. '
. _
. •
- 'Phone„46• Seed* side Square
, .
• ,•••••••••.••••••,.
"Ceurage,.Miss Amy e all 'will be wee
fit last. .NLAN. let me help yoo
brother, and,,, when your mother ret
vives, I wilt giveeTtee eomething 10
Ariake her sleep. I then wise )011 til
!sleep also." • . •
The mior lady revived after a tine.
and tiled to rise- that. mightr
tern to her. husband's room, but -Jell
bark int titter weakness. •
"Nos; Poland," said. Haldane gently,
"you tart do no good there, nind
4(1"eenreitl‘i clytoiatilre7tKITO.4. Miss Ant t ?" ask-
•strIS faltered; hut hes-
large, dark eyes looked as If they,nes.
er would elose again: •
Returning to the room- pver whielt
sa deep a hush had fallen, Haldane
,gave a fe,v,v directions -to the old tie-
gress whom lie lett in charge, and then
sought the rest he so. greatly needed
linisPlit' :To be etintinuedt,' .
These Pills. Care Rheumatism.- -To
the many Voll0 suffer from rheumatism
A trial of Parnteletes Vegetable Pills me
rerommended. They have proneenced
felon upon the liver and kidneys and
ley regulating the" etetion of these or -
gene art as an alterative in prevent-
ing the admixture of uric acid an
blood -that causes this painful (Mor-
dee They must be taken according tee
dirtetions and used steadily and tlte'y
'will speedily give eyldence of thete
beneficial effeets.
When In a Ilx, svveating will gob
yeti feether than swotting. Let mules•
tio the kicking. •
DOES your skin get rough, rashy, and irritable? Are you
troubled with outbreaksyoofurpirnikpilnesandandeibelaorteahwesa?y Ihresose.
ngworm 15' itmkorted sores. Zen: link alene ensures speedy anti thoreettli cure.
' troubles like (icy or weeping eczema, ulceration.
,..atin9yZinagmliiisuriklittlwrtilml esoontst.he
If afflicted with more obsiinate ,
' Zawi.Buies soothing. healing and gerrnicidai powers sit derived fecal
' title blinding s' Concentration of nainres herbal oils and extracts.
Earrt.flok PAS feedationised the treanttent of skin troubles. Where ordinary
coarse ointments act merely en the surface. Zam.Buit's refined herbal juices
eosereetvis to She andori.einel tissues, destroying disease at its• very riot.
- Forgedeli. item heating of everyday cuts, burns, scalds and wounds, or tor •
- ritidldkle larva* id/mations and sixes Zam-Buk isinvaluehle
tett aad eattmeats nethmg nowtd
im b,4 fwetittinesoltiziol :at:. her fate pen** by _teething, &Meath' hied
reed any Sike410000,47s110. it gretteastall i.a awes Za0i „, Thind a rtt - "h6-(1,1","'"kLIP,La
' litkVellair12.0... eateeatvettres • "1 treffered bang ttetereeet, !CS...lava: ' My basy
Zi00, buena 10
1011111t11*. re Cateirefseel, :to itaivisItACilt IOLA Mei e 311 •
, _ _ _ntaiRiire dischano,
nate ef eeetase," ire* mot atm effected ahtdr I --
, theta. et a true tatm.....A..-- .. --.
valet fel OM
easize r 4* 4. 14`6.....r.........:
a BU KToDa 14 !
Z il M
kin Troub1