The Goderich Star, 1920-11-04, Page 5R, •0 4k.16111.1. 011144r •40. THUrifilDAY, Noy elk ewe .ereella aseassaa sun PM min Moos 'oho are portico:Ear in ,the choice of t STATIONERY will find our lin* atriet17 in keeping ieith their ifoire We have Just received renew shipment of fine Sem and lawi papetsstioso, containing twenty -tour eavelopea sod :twenty-four sheets of Peer, cut iu the very latest style and enre; to appeal to your refined taste. ' Prices range From 30c to 75c Saturday, Special quality Checeletli Regular 7$c. r'For 50c lb. COPIIELL'S DRUG STORE THE .Pit4111141a *TORE ext 1111414 Wok ;tin int MO 411040401 LEEBURN ANNIVERSARY ore Rev. I. A. Yoruba% D. D. of Toronto, a Former Pastor'Preaches oe . Sunday Last • Sitiday last was a .notable occasion in the history,of Leeburn Presbyterian • e eel in irre way of *Peewee, Mee e, Pete preileied et the e'reteu and the program epeued %beat the in Mg of the beiiiii, "Blest be, the tie that bindle" after whet the fallowiug numbers were ftivro. Trio. Mises Nur o and HPIcticP 41141. Mrs. 1)111110,14 $0103. :Sit* Belcher. Miss Scrimgeour and,Mr. IL Barker; readinge,,Mlie they- enlock; addressee by R. /L 0. eite- Wreak,: Pastor of Knox ehureb, Gude* rich, and Rev. Mr. Turnbull. a Tore onto; and a duet by Mies Nairn 1444 Mrs. Dunlop. Rev. Mr. MeDermid epee* briefly slid brought congratulate:ins fermi the *de- ter ceweregation of Knox. ebureh. Goderieb. to the pastor, einem *ad member*, of Leeburn eliureh op the successful 411111VM1411 0e4ViviNne akUt referredto the late Rev. De. Ur*. whom, he had not had the pleasure of treatment ' of AMsubject "Christ, the Only Supply of "the World's Greatest Nee Thesubjeet of the sermon at Gode- rich Township in the afternoon and of the sermon in the evening at Leeburn ;was eThe Greater. Biestaing," based Wen the words of the Lord.Jesus, "It is more blessed to give than to re- - congregation, the services marking 11 ceive," One feature .or the service WA, double anniversary, the fortieth of Mei thereturn of several ,members of the founding at the clivreli and the Weil- (Moir of forty years ego, the organist - ty-fifth of the ministry of Rev. Jas. P;.• 01 that time, now Mrs. W. F.• Clark, Hamilton. The preacher for the deer presiding at the organ. °Others would was Hee. 3. A Turnbull, D. D., of West liked to have been present'had it been thumb, Toronto, a pastor of Leeburn possible, as was, indleated by tr letter church of the early days nearly forty from Mr, Harry Horton, ot Bala and - years ago, and for the past thirty Years Florida. ,,The services were, notwith- a tenant of the -pulpit he now oeou- standing the wet evening, remarkable pies, hearty and helpful. Miss •Serinageour His text at the morning service Was and Mr. /telpher, assisted in the set. Aets ea, and the large congregation' vice of Raise throughout the day. • was delighted with an, exhaustive On Monday evening a Noy one sole and entertainment was held at the °buret), the banding being peeked to el Thea re In ba8 lsiderably after the 8 o'clock immune- ! the doors. 'A row]. supper was serveU the ement from 6 o'clock to eon - PROGRAM FOP Wasik -Nov. eth to lath Monday and. Tuesday, OpcnIn ot NeW°.sleeep- 1921 Series ef, Paramount Arteraft Pictures • This Series t all the VERY NEWEST.PARA- • MOUNT .M) ARTCRA1FT PICTURES. _PARAMOUNT _PICTURE • • • CHAS.. RAY • "Egg CrtWallop" Starting a New Serial DeLux JACK DENIPSEY afe.-Devir ack • This was reeommended to es as the very best Serial to be had. Don't. miss a simile Episode. • Free Matinee Monday 4 4.13 p.m. sharp ,Only Admission le. War Tax Wednesday and Thursday A GOLDWYNPICTURE MADGE KENNEDY "The Truth" CAPITOL COMEDY "The Widow's Night" • • • Way and Saturday A SELPICIC. PICTURE CLARA' KIMBALL 'YOUNG IN ."Glooling Gheaters',' SNUR POLL? Y ty. COMED • • BRITISICANADIAN PATHS NEWS red, end there was plenot good -things to eat: in fact the good people connoted with -Leeburn church hal provided im lavishly that, after the large crowd of Monday night had flatte- ned their appetite tee theIUU, there was enough left to have a ten -cent -tea. Minotilleed Pie the following eVeiaing. When it ;eame to seating the ,people in Pe eeditariumeof the,. aura for the entertainment following the sup.. pere the eapeolty at We. church wee ftleed to its Utmost. The .aisle •was closed •up 'completely with chairs. and the choir • seatseaiso wOe Mled. The pastor, Rev. Sas. Hamilton, presided ID happy mauner, and an excellent pro: grain Was given to the evident delight 'of the audience, which was very lib- knowing but Who had had such an influence) on bath the • Lgeburn Knox chereimi. Referring to Rim Mr.; Turnbull Mr. eteDerMid pointed Out the tribute to his worth which the fact of his IlO-ar pastorate in a ten- tre of culture with to Toronto Implied. Rev. Mr. Turnbull. in his remark, had a pleasing combination 42; huMor, good trainmen sense and deep rellieloue feeling. The Desiree 40-15-304e blue been displayed at the 'front Of the church and. thee() Mr. TOrnbull Used as his text for a sort et historical *ere Jes of reminieeeneeti of the ehuroh. Forte Years ago the Leebure eleereb was organized and- it was the follow- ing spring whet the speaker carne to tete • charge of Leeburn andKnox cherchee. Mr. Turnbull said he was born and brought up in Huron county, attended high school here, and began his ministry here and, he always Mon a pride le the good old County-ofRule on. • Coining to the second figure on the scroll, "4" Mr. Turnbull recalled that it wee 33 years ago when the present pester of theeeheireh was ordainedi Ills father, the late Rev, Dr. HAIR - ton, Wai'. moderator of the church. in St. Marysto which Mr. Turnbull went after leavingeGOderich, and •the Speak- er paid a high tribute to the epitituan. ty and to the ;helpfulness of Dr. Ham - I11011 to himself, then a 'young minister 111 the church. His son, the present pastor at •Leeburn, , was but followtng. in his father's 'fobtsteps. MR sPenela kven years in Ste Marys Mr. Turn- bienlirsaid he had 'gone to Toronto. where.heehad been for the past thirty years, and What suoeess be might have had in the Master's service be laid in large. measure to the credit of the late Rev- Dr. lire's influence. .• About the , time. Mr. Turnbull tame to 'Ooderieb, the ladywhe afterwards beesene Mrs. Damilten, came to heath in 'the High. School here,- and thirty' Tears ago he had united 'Mr. and Mrs. - Hamilton in, marriage. Then twenty-; live years ago. Rev. Mr: Hamilton en- terd on . the pastorate of . Leeburn church. Me. 'Turnbull paid e• very, high tribute to Mrs. Harnilleies ability.' placing her in the very ferefrent of women "'church %niters. • • • The Inileence that had gone eue from Leeburp churelieduriee the 4Q.years of its 'existence eternity only:. wind re- veal. Looking back over',his own m 'tatty Goderieh, in St. Marys and in • Toronto) the, speaker daid lie, often wopdered how much of ateemplisle; ment for the Master there had been, and asked himself the seriouti "Mee, I 'done my best, roy veyy, best?" • He closed,.-' 11 reciting the hymn, • "Trust 1111 God 0. do the right," and,thie was the sage and, exhortation he lett:with, the ; •ople. UNDAY, NOV.. ith Rev. J. E. McCauley will preach at the s Baptist MoMontreal Street •., SUBJECTS;• Morning, 11 o'clock 'When. Work Is Service' fivening, 7 o'clock • "How Much Power Has God P" • ,3p.m. Bible School, 8 p.m. B. Y. P. II. Meeting -4 • A heartywelcome to all. • T&iit. means YOU. .............~...A~..Arvi.A....." BOOKS Now Copyrights $1,75 to $2.00 "Tit P;okis v"--lisialst aitlastie The 004"--Igmls -141..sf NO Ude' — CAP "Da ilisleass"--lhAtior " Voila %Misr -Mk "A "' Poor Ileik"-.4bosibist The *moot Jot** "-Nall* °no liver al kids"- Clotlei "I% TOWM .1 ot Do"- sok %nitre" foe •tin Keyser Dloveo Stem Roars *.s. te 6 p.n. *0 if Porsias woo,* Airsolmmarttlitletetwiliiimaintiiappio ship service at 10 a. m. The Men's Club will meet with the elassea in this service. A Jul attendance of ehurch's membersbip is anticipated for this opening meeting ' The 'Mission Band evill held a rally service at the same hour. The Lord's Supper will be. celebrated at 11,.;:eelooke Service in the evening at the usual hour. The Quarterly Official Board will hold its regular November meeting on Monday night at o'clock. ° . The Epworth League will meet on Tuesday night at the usual houri The -Nile League will be our guests and the topic will be °token by their :AldenRev. Rev, H. Boyle ex -president of the Newer foundland Conference, Let -Oer! member he elite() -gm our visitors a cordial welcome, Messrs, Wm. Etaillie,; Charles, Garvin and Andrew Millian attended the No- vember district meeting at Nile as de - legatee on Thureday. — • • • 18 TO 512 PER PAY AUTO TRACTOR, MECHANICS, vur, CANIZING. 48 to $12 per day. Men waited 1111 present demand eutome. bile mechanics, driving, tractor operat- ing. tire vialcaniziere oxy-acetylene weldIng, etorage battery electrical work. We teach theme trades. Practical train- ing. Only few weeks required. Day and night classes. Write free catalogue. Big, wages. Steady • empleement, Ilempbill's Auto and Gas Tractor Schools, 163 King St. West, Toronto. We give tree transfers tosotir branches; Canada and U. S. Largest and most 'practical syistenl Motor schools in the world. Endorsed by auto s.ssociations and tractor firms. Be sure it is Hemp. hill's. Accept no substitute. • Ali Canadian and British Pieture Ser - Vice • The' Stet is pleased tobe. able to announce) that it has secured an up-to- date picture service, which will in uture lie practically alb Canadian and • tish. scienee_ of current .entetera, Peo• and events of the day, will be e• ted from week to Week, and t will, in the main, be of Cleft-, n and British doings and persons. rstatitortmmitsti tattatamotat.t. ottwo emtammi Seasonable Goods Slippers anl Pumps KOSY• EUMFY" Slippers' or the house, "BEAUTIFUL s; BOUDOIR" Slipperk for the bedroom, and a lovely ranee of Dancing Pumpii and :•,:ippers, in kid and .patent leather, for all occasions. ° We have everytiOng you need in Rubbers. Can fit every style �r make of shoe, and our " DOMINION " BRAND are the best procurable, and have stood the test for years.. Felt Shcies of every description for Men, women and children. Do 'not Nil to see our splendid lines of SPab and OVer•gaiterS • in various shades and pattern's, they ote extremely popular, but Le sure and eotne ,early, while your pardcurar size and choice is here. • Repairing ialways given our Careful Attention, and undertaken by an expert. using up.to.date methods and first class materials Sharman's Shoe. Store' W. Reg. Shaman, Prop. 1. The singing of the Nattorial bropght the evening to a elose.- number from Godericei and epregeerene •GriderieN-Townehip attend) ane, as. well as the people of the sur- rounding country. This anniversary oeeasion will be one long to be ree membered. ' AMONG: THE CHURCHES MISS' Maud Deemer') is Attending the Provincial Sonday. 3chool Conventiou at St. Catharines as a delegate from the North St school. eunday, Nov. 7111, Baptist church, Montreal St.; pastor, Rev. J. E. Mee Cauley, will preach. 11 a. ire, "When Work is Service:" 7 p. m., "How Much Power .lias Ood?" 3 p-; m., bible school: 8 p. m., B. Y. P. U. meeting. Victoria St. Niethedist church, Revj J. F. Reycraft, pester. Services for Sunday, Nov. '1th: Morning 11 a. m., sheramentel service; 3 p. rei. Sabbath reboot and bible class: evening, 7 p. m., subjert, 'The Day that Never Comes Backe' ' • • Evangelical Church, Colborne and. Gedericb Townships. Rev. W. H. Campbell, B.A.,R.D.. pastor. Services 'for Sunday, .Nov. 7th. At Colboine, missionary service at 11 a.m., Sabbath Sebool at 10 a.m. Service at Zjon South at 8 p. m. Pastor's subject, "The Uniqueness °of Christ."' The pastor will preach. the Nth Hermon in the series. Knox church:" Di'vine worship next Sabbath morning and evening conduct- ed by . the minister.' Subjects of sere mons, 11 a. me "The efainfesto of the Bishopee" 7 p. we, "The Stress of a Great Enterprise. sahhattO school and - bible classes 'at 3 otelock. Y , Mr. Geo. Kenyon, who has been.. en- gaged as Waist . and choir master in Knee church, will begin his dutlee next Sundae. • ,eerbe fit. Andrew's Club and the earls' Bible Crass held a very jolly Hallo. we'en party in the leeture room of Knee eluirch on recto evening last; when about seeenty young peopiepar- ticipated in the fun. lender the lead. ership of Mr. :Wilde, a number of in- lereteting (and arniesing • ernes were f piayeel. , and all entered eartily hit( the enjoyment ef the eve ing. At the dose. refreshments, suitable . for the occasion,' weee 'served, this part of ,lij entertainment being- in charge of 'Misr; Stoddaart and the social committee oil the Girls' Glass. - ; • • The best compensation for doing things is the ability to do more. • • GODERICR MARKETS. ° melee market Reports on page 3. Wbeat, ,....2 00 to 200 Flour, per owt.„ family 6 50 to 650 Flour, patent.., ••• • 6.15 to 7 00 Bran, per ton 40 00 to 45 00 Shorts, per ton 45 00 to 47 00 • Oats 50 to 00 Barley , 94 to 5 Buckwheat 00 to 25 • Hs.y, .20 00 te 25 00 Butter per 1b—Dairy • 0 56 to 057 Eggs, per dozen .. . .. ..........0 60 to 0 60 Hogs 18 00 to' q.8 00 Cattle, butchers choice10 00 ter 11 -00' Cattle,belchersordinary-00 VO to 10 00 Bologna. Bulls, per lb • 6 to • 7 Lambs, per Ib 0 09 to 010 Potatoes, new, per bag .... 1 00 to 1 00 Hides 4 00 to 500 ieheete4 a • 005 to- 0 06 Quarterly meeting servicee will be held in the North St. Methodist eliureki 'next Sunday, beginning, with a felloW BEAUTIFUL • ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS that will brighten your • home this fall • Large Roses, All colors .10c Small Roses, all Mors Sc • Carnations, 411 colors Sc Daffodils, yellow Sc • VioieSt$111M1111:1111111.. 10C 10C CIlryil Poinsettas.., :Se .... Have a few for your table •Smilliari Store iast Ste Plums lee • ILSTASLISHED 1872 l'IsTST HAD of carrying the I proceeds from Grain 'rick• - ets, Sales of Cattle, Produce, etc., in your pocket, deposit 'them in the Bank of Hamil- ton, where they will,be safe. You can then issue cheques to pay accounts, and your -pass book will afford you a (Pm - 'Atte record of all your trans- actions. K 13 14 MILTON 6001811011111101%** A. J. ekey, Wager. ..„ • THE SCOTCH •STORE New Me-cALL PATTERN—it's printed A 1k:evo1ution ltL Cnljtes Making HE• M;CALL COMPANY - flounces the intrauction of its new Printed Pattern.h No.event of the year 1920 is of mort significance to millions of American _woolen. After two years of research, and experimentation. we have' invented and • brought to perfection the new McCall pattern. Not since the introduction of the sewing.rnikchine has there been any• which' will so revolutionize home • dressmaking, • ._ It is no mere improvement on the old pattern. It is an entirely new work, ing plan for_ the ' _home manufactu of clothes. DURING the last century a new world *vhas come into being. Within that world has • grown up New Home: scientific, Convenient. and time -saving: Electricity and gas do the work that formerly made.Wornen slaves of drudgery. The sewing -machine, the electric iron--. these ate milestones of' pi -Ogress 'id scien- tific housekeeping. • • „The pattern alone, of all the domes- tic tools, has remained its familiar, con- • fusing self—a thing of notches, dots, dashes—with intricate detailed directions,..' im ins the expert. puzzling the * teur, and terrifying the beginner. WoMenwishing to make their own clothes for The sake of economy, and individuality, have often been deterred_ by its complexity,•" 'T'HE new Printed Pattern eliminates • 1 the fear element in sewing ,It should double the number of home *ess. makers. It substitutes for the Perforated paper puzzle, printed parts so kfinite. so . clear that even a child can understand them. The use of each part is 'plainly indicated on that part by printed direc. tions. There is no confusion, no chance for error. •- The home dressmaker, spreading this new pattern out before her; is work- ing with a simple, understandable sewing chart. An old and difficult -task hes be. come a magically easy one. We offer the new Printed Pattern tMeCall Street, confidenrthat it will lighten the task of home dressmaking and release more time for living. lIt is One more channel of service, one more thread of communication between us and, the World of women. • Speciitl. Values in All Wool Ilan dsoine Chanteuse Sign _ °ergeS These handsome Silks are greatly values the ever. popdlar black and We are sIlowing some splendidi- demand for evening and dress wear navf wnsoi, $ei„ges fropi $2.95 tcc . in all the new shades .40 inches wide 7.50 per yard. , . i3..§5 per yard. Special' Yalues-in Winter Coating Plain _an.d Fancy Materials Fron$2.95 Our Mail And 'Phone Oulu Department is Getting More Popular as itlBecomes. KnowaL- ) • • ImeoNmeme. imommee=losese• 'Phone 56 MILLAR'S • SCPTPULSTORE'.'""" 56- 1111111111111111111111111111 • • • • • • . . ; ................... . . ;. • l' I te • I I t) 0 e .0. R CUBE R fg RCRBER'S PUMPERS RUMMERS DURREAS 81,311311ENS IIIV8118804 14018188 1)816E88 Trepare for the wet season by purchasing, your , -------: Rubber Goods here. . We guarantee all our Rubber„)1Jany prove unsatisfactory because of Workmanship, we replace them. We stand behind our goods . •See , our lines fer special hard.wear for youths, boys and en, These Rubbers have re-infOrcee toes, soles and heels. Get Your Rubber Footwear at 0 Hern's Boot .Shop 8138148.8 81.31148;$ US te 111.118E118 ateitits