HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1920-11-04, Page 4, 4 t . 4.1 • '1 ' • • is- -'14-""4"--eihj ,a.rf 41! "11••••1 0111411111•1011411•1110.41" Flannelettes Reduced 36-ine'h bows' ph* VeY b1000 nett 44" Ilegoier 40o, • eada ........ nevem, Vihits Flannelette 9.1sellt behtvsslitY. 14stasr Mc, M 5e par yard 466 ROO*** ',Tr Military Fianna Best quality, 28,iuch We. Ice per a 7s. toyard. ..... ...... ..... 411 wrmuhr ,G,mla Bags *inch hest quality. Regular 60e. see (.*Ir5r e113$41jan' "Su/Pir"" att en rot. Large. M per dozen filighserw Eider Down'Flannel Suiting and Dress Serges 54..inebee wide, for drooling gowns, lkimousso ate. In pink greys, white, ski, ed. Az 04-inelt One Beta* Serge!, black or navy, cardinal. At per yard ... . fran41/0 lar $5.00. At per yard 046 igkE ' weeite FOR MEN AND BOYS Pure unehriniuthle. • Altaieee in let' eral weights. Special prices, ° • 3G -inches Wide, Meek ette, Dress 6illis. sample. itegular per yard .. • .... or tiavy,'Linche0e, Pail. 'Phone or write for PM. At Oi.4 ls WO GlenreS • • Ohamoisette Gloves tor women, blaok, white, Dawes, chamois, -grf.l. All • Fuzes. At per pair.. • er;ithritild-Glovetirtatierblecb-or--04-a, whit*, Special .......... . .. . . . 4SAta rarrh5°S Kid Gloves. At si .. . ..... .o.W. . . a!iiro******** 014.011.1Ur Goisart Corsets .• . The greatest satiefaction le exprestied by -every • customer• who -witars••61, Gossard Coreet They lacerin frot We ciarry all styles. SPINDRIFT mfika" knitotion for gederich. I A *kW -Notee -r Before leaving Got I had the Pleasure ot visiting the Children's SIMI. ter, and was much impressed with the order and eleanliness of the instie bateau. Abeve and beyend these two desirable qualities there 4s noticeable - - -hominess, and an -atmosphere, of af. fection, which institutions very rarely attain.. There 10 no doubt that Miss Bentley is well lilted for the PositiOn she oceuples, and that she is net only able to do the work, but that her heart is in it, Such -on atmosphere eannet be the result of duties per+ termed in a perfungtory manner. It • Is, .therefore, eery .destrable thetesuele requirements as ore neeesSary to Main- , tain this. desirable state of altairs in eonnection with the Children% ,Slielter. should be met promptly and ,ufl1ei'nt- J. The present need is for painting -e and paper hanging -to freshen up• the rooms mid bring the 'Home up to the itandarit whiff) the matron wishes to netintain. Pioneses unfulfilled -ore not satisfactory oe deeoratiens. and the county towlell ought to get busy and live SOfne work tione la this Home 1 which ee many of the people are ins terestcd. That the majority of people in the county who count for anything aro heart and: eoul in favor of keeping up this Inatitutlon properly, is toile e gerMere and -more As the yearego It might he mentioned In passing that societies and individualse eolettble platingmaking gifts to the chiltirett's Shelter would do Well to ascertain, the needs of the Institution beforehand; If everybody gave a quilt, for Ifistatlee. It would not be long before the space to contain, the supply-avould be severe- ly taxed; and the bill for meth balls 'alone would require the attentiOn, of the county treasurer. The- matron, X arn sure, will always be •pleased to suggest a list of supplies 'from which any interested donor may decide on an a propriatA aitt. . • Diu you eller feel We Van -Win- kle? I did the other 'day AYtwil I mail a round of -My old hatintee'in Toronto. On Stuidey atoning I attended Service In St. Paul's church, and heard Canon Cody preach. The St. Paure church I remembered was a small but beautiful bieldingeon Moor street •whieh waf3--a- residential street occupied by befies of the comfortably off people of Toronto. Today- the street is • flanked on both Sides by theAame old homes eonvert- ed into shops, or by commercial lieu- ses built on the sites of the old tutu. sets. The new St. Paul's eliureli Is am Immense strueture. The Main body of the eleureit sewers above the steeple of the old ehurch, which seems to have shrunk, rather than to have lat,en transformed, into a parish house, When yoU mount the steps of the great eathedral-like edifice, and nese through the- massive doors, you are at once impressed by the Immense spa;, elousuess of the. building. There is no feeling of being closed In by walls or roof. A man COOld PLOW a good long furrow in 'the distance from the. en - teepee doors to the alter, and a dozen good-siz barns could be placed end to end the main body of the churele and 54tI1 leave room for a deem sinal. ler out to be tweed away in the side aisles alts! transepIS. The plainstone givesa U!isit!ed end austere finish to the Interior, and will intensity the beauty of the four memorial stained glass windows) for which the contract was let last week, and which will re- quire .a year to eomplete aful Walt 111111111101111111101k1111611111111801001/11111111 TAKE NOTICE VS OD SAUERKRAUT P Ciittll by a reliable maker 'who MAMA &number of years exper. lest. etiolting this wholesome in **lee Sold' In any quautitY train lib. to barrel at a reason» able price. • at hid 1.110 Whist COWS * ihm* 4, by As bemicad at ISM loweraii 111 KEATS STREET is sweassmusamsnmssams: _ lis One of these windows will bo in- corporated stained glass collected by Lieut. Col. Mitchell from ruined chute ekes ih the battle areas of Europe, vhere -Canadians- fought e- and - died. The organ in St. Paul's church is a wonderful Instremeet, and Its beauty pf time dud eventleur ef paptiaty .are exprefteed In Its capable handling lby the organiet,"Mr. Willien. 'There is a splendid choir of 00 voices to cOittplete a musical equipment capable of rene \tering the Services of the church in keeping with the monumental dignity of their surroundings. Canon Cody supplies the reverential, human touch, which Is so necessary as an aid to real, inward 'worship in congregetional galherings • After service I walked to the new Bleer street vi.sulget, NI, hli'll is pol t to with arks by Torontonianes us a great engineering teat. It is -one of the indication's of Toro to% great \IN growth, and, like the new eyal Bank huildhur, and` the new regi try build - the, it denotes a certath degr e of soli- dity which,rnere growth of p 'Illation or area does not always indicat . It was when I ('ami' to the east end of the viaduct and crossed over to Dan. forth -Avenue that i felt most Illie Rh/ Van Winkle. Twenty years ago I en- joyed running out. to the country to see my folks who lived just round tiee earner from the top of WInchester street hill, off Dantorth. Road. The sidewalk ran about forty rods beyond the house, and from that east and north was nothing. but farms. The property was offered to us at: $1,500 and ,we could not see thee that it was a good buy. Now, standing beforeethe site of the old house, there la a solid built up sectian to be seen for miles to the east and north, with store.e and bouees in endless sugeeSsion. Today the property. whieh we refused jj buy for $1,504.earinot he Purchased or $10,- 000. • Opportunity is e,-iinfl a great thine', but it is a gre r thing to be able to realite it wile it comes rin molt MetViet liev. C. II. Schutt, M. A., 11. le, of the Home atission Board, of 'Fomonto: will preach in the Baptist church next Sktfiday., 411 -welcome. Mr, F. E. Bibbed, who has been elm - ducting business in Fort Francis for the st few years, has bought out the Interest of Mr. Hugh nen in the hard- ware butthese of Hill Bros. Auburn, and he and Mr, Nelson Hill twill con- tinue the business. Mr. Hibbert is a eon ot Mrs. Ilibbert of Clinton. • - Bra:MILLER NGANNOlti lt itorlisast Iit.k.Elemieeywasuv,e,: week -rad vis - Mrs. W. 3. Elliott -and daughter re- turned to their home in New Liskeard Mrs. A. E. Treleaven is at present suffering under an attack of the 'shin. 'ICS. lifter OpellILIPS a couple of months with the formers mother. ;Mrs. Jacob Ban. Mr. and Mrs. J. Patterson, of Wing. ham, are guests at IL. A. MeKeltaie'S this week. I, Mr. Benson Case, of Toronto, was home this week attending the funeral of his cousin, Jean Dialler. Mr. Thos. Culbert, Of 'Wel-vomit,, fell from an apple tree last' 'weeV anti- s under the doctor's care. Mr. Mattes Elliott left on Wedneile y of This week on his annual deer hunting expedition upt north. A Hallowe'en birthday; party in htmor of Mrs. h !Wt.) H. P. Kennedy WAS held cit the Methodist parsonage on Monday evening. Noveitibee ist, and was attend. ed by a large number of Benritiller. catiwns, ('hl and young. Fouir young ladies dressed ita white gowns and Masked laces, forming a very ghost- like, appearance, acted as retention committee, tb the amusement and de'. light of all, The rooms during Rhe lint pi of the owning were illtimin. ate& by large.- pumpkine and NarigAg colors ot tissue Impel', making a, verY soft and subdued light. which added meek to the &wetly appearance of the whole affair. About 10 o'clock these lights gave wey to the more brilliant lights, the who* and gpoots chsuged their garments and the 'remaining Part of the evening 'was -spent in gamest tmusic aced social conversation. Mrs. Remedy* who was the guest of honor, sang two bcaullfut solo", "Let us ILA' Peace" and * deeeriptive eong entitled "Rescue and Pardon:' Mr. John Long and SEM Ifellti. me Berne very delight. tali Instrumental numbers. While the Young hiellee Oiabe Popular choruses, Mr?. Kennedy Wail Made the recipient at Some very handsome birthday gift*. ell as hatdkertAkfo. Millet, hais4 pasnt4 china, and a besutiful ether c sserale and bread tray, the two lat- ter 1)fIDK *ken by the people of lieu. miller ehureh cad emaraualty. Anse luncheon Seel several cvwr mils. soll Just before the party brae so is Ilbs midnight bison Itew N. P. Ktilaely made a abort addreek *Whet the prole vary anaeb for wadi* the ay. igoilt lortlb AN** at the partotiagt and aleo for Illie7tteurtiful ?dila to Mrs. Reline*, trahief k. twee' as a turpt11,e to. her. .Dunganuon was well represeeted at the' !Owl supper atsd ceecert at St. Helen's on Monday at *this. week. The • home of Mr. and Mrs. ?rank Jones was brightened Ufa Thuroday by the arrival of a Young daughter. Mrs. Thos. Finnigan went to LOMA lest, week and underwent an operation, and, we are glad to report, is improv - Ing nicely. ' • , Mr. W. IL McClure has bath Over the- stOrevacated Iry N, J. Treleaven and Is 'Serving the public with dry - good * and groCeries, old resident Of Ashfield Passed away on Monday ote Obi week in th person of Mrs. Jon Piot. She bad been ID poor health for mite time, but death came as a shook at the last. The 'Dungannon Women's Institute entertainedethe St. Augustine Women's Institute on Thursday of .lest week, The. St. Augustine ladles gave a fine prograny WhiLe-the evillaeseia - ed lunch. A very enjoyable and pro- fitable afternoon was spent. - • eAtiether one of Dungannon% old re- sidents was called to rest on Friday of last week in the person of 9Mrs. Sloane. Deaeeased was 83 years of age, and had made her hoine with her 0011 for a number of years. She was a staunch member of the Presbyterian blanch, where she Will be greatlbr missed by all and by a large circle ot weittig. The ` funeral' wais from fhe Presbyterian church ea Monday after Veen to Dungannon cemetery. The death of Jean Distier, of A. P. Dialler, occurred on Sunday afternoon, and caused a globin over *HOW,. Jean had been bedfast for about two months, and was but 17 years of age. She was ofa bright and cheerful disposition and *iILbe great - le oilseed in church, Mune and schools She is survived by her Parents and oemn llieNEVIN.--A very sudden death was teat on Saturday lest about woe of Mr. Alexander 51eNevin. Ile had been at work the day previous but not feel - tug very well had the ;lector to see Isitison Saturday morning and it was Just after the doctor had left his room that he ealdred. The doctor, hearing a noise as of someone falling, stepped back into the room, to find his pa- tieut's .spirit had Down. Mr. MeNevin had been troubled with his heat for some time. and, Of ceiarse, the f5isnre of this organ was responsible fe ° hie death. Mr. MeNevin was a native 'Of Ashfield, had worked at the milling buelliese in Exeter for years, and for a year in Seaforth, before cawing te Goderieh'at the time the Big Mill re- sumed operations under the convene! Mr. Stegaw organized, And eince then had been- engaged at the mill. -Mr. MO - Nevin was rnaroied'in Ooderich to Miss ,Lily Kerr, and IS survived by his WI- ILOW and a faintly of three children, Melville. Isabelle 'and Rhoda; also by two brothers, Messrs. W. J. and Don- ald AfeNevin, of Ooderich, 'and by a caters airs. E. Fowler, of Dungannon. Mr. hieNevin was a member �f NM% church and a highly-eSteenied citizen of the town. The tunerel took place on Tuesday from hie late residence, Essie* etreet, to Maitland cemetery, the services being conducted by Rev. Mr. MeDernild, pastor of Knox church. A. a. van AMcLean,Wyv ep%a11-13, care, D. Weremeasn, a - Mil- lar, J. W. Fraser, Wm. Somerville, and W. Shipman. The deceased was a Mei:ober of the Canadian Order ,of For- esters one of tbe Sons of Scotland and Court Doetrich. No. 32, C. 0. F., at- tended the funeral In a body. Among those from out-of-town present for the funeral Were Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Gan. 'nett, of Wingham; Mrs. ;Deeps, of Wingliam; ;Meg. Straughan, of Deus-. Ise- Mrs. luoi-Mcbievill, 0! -London) and -airs. Richardson; of Slmcoe. ty, and about 8b who are wardof other C. A. Societies, are In charge of the Huron County Society? And the motet is alWays showing other cases that should be dealt 'oeth if the little onesare be get a right start in. life, and be saved, In many eases, from e slife of shame or edam. A report will be -presented- to thee -county council' al - • CASTOR IA For Infanta and Children, In SAW For Over30Yestis Awatbear. Oiratine Iwo brothers, tor' -whom Mueli syna4 ' pathy is felt. The funeral took piaee to Dungannon cemetery ,04 Tuesdefy of this week, the pall bearers 'being Fred Fowlee, Lorne Itiolferikie, Melville Culbert, Willie Stotheric Tommy' Web- ster and Plate Wigglnk The ilorai contributions Were many and beaute, ful. • SIIEPPARDTON There Will be service In the 'Metho- dist churth next Sunday evening at 7 ceeinck. It will be conducted by the W. M. S. • • We are sorry ta,learn that Mr. Jas. Hayden had the misfortune to fall- and break a bone IA bis hip. lie' w111 be laid ute for a long time, 'While returning from Sheppardton tkrith a buggy full of groceries one day ast week, Miss Coihneae met with whit enight have resulted in a very seejous accident. She bad) got out of the bug-' gy to straighten up a bag of flour which was tied on behind, when the Mese started to back up and crowded her' into the creek. which was full of water from the -rain of the day before. She' managesi to get from under the boggy end pull the -flour out' of the reek and with...the help of a neighbor sot loaded up and got home feeling a little nervous and vely wet., GOOEMCIII TOWNSHIP The Partners' Club will •hold a meet. fag on Tuesday evening, Nov. eth, at the Orange Hall. The question of af- filiation with the U. le 0. will be tale en up, and other business discussed. A good attendance is asked. -Every- body welcome. Annual Meeting riff Children's Md Society The annual meeting of the Children's Aid and Humane Society for the Coun- ty of Huron will be held en the couneit chamber at Clinton on Tuesday after- noon, Nov. Oth, commencing at 3 o'eloek. The business will be the eon- eitteration of the various reports for the year, election of tinkers, and deal - nog -with anymatters which may be brought before the meeting. This meeting is being held.en Clinton with the desire to make as easy as possible attendance front the other parts of the County, and a large attendance is slot Only' hoped for by the Executive, but very earnestly urged. The work of the year will be foundsof deep interest to all who attend, and it is tutt too' much to say that some of the details will be a surprise to those who are not familiar with the work of child rescue in this county. How many of our The art et Whist is great: the art at listens is stater; the are tt tiara int stIncibing le greateet, Friendship's . Perfect Gift There's no gift like a good ••Portrisit- Ne_thint al to distinctive, st enduring' and so sure -to please. An ' inmointnient new will assure you "Personality Portraits" for gift giving time. Photo Studio • ,..0Weeareeeeeeepegeeeeesdewieveeenot 1 Hydio-Electric ARNING The town has been ordered to reduce the amount of electric current used by 23 per cent and the loral eqnsumers are request, ed to rednee . their load accord- ingly. 1. Diseontinue use of all elee- nee apparatus where possible. 2. Reduce the number of Your lights and always turn -off when not absolutely required, 3, Be most economical in use of electric currant in every way possible, That one eetra light increases •our load -turn it off. Until further notice electric irons are to be used only be- tsverri the hours of 10 a, m. and p. m. or In the evening after 8 o'clock. WATER AND LIGHT CORMISSION SOotnicit 1 readers realize that not less than el Children who are wards of this COun 0 EYE STRAIN *MM MI coaataailly saale est Mb, our advise* eta. Iseelee. The swot pease& adpierteut called fon without aye *bit tba tweet artimee ie helpless and HIP is one* a fallore throe& sight. We eau give yen lb* bese vietoa A L. COLE, Eyesight Specialist riot Mot St.) CoxiorkA. ,Ootigisms rr 1 1.1 a TitriedDale eteL ite===1140 Chocolates Liggett's Patterson's Elizabeth Best .Fresh shipment of these choice makes itist received. 11 e AS Take a box h to4y.. DUNLOP. - • The Rexall Store OO OO rrr••••••••••••••••••.......".""'"""..' its December meeting, but you can Mr. (1. M. Elliott gave an illestrated ain information and sharein 311jg lecture on Children's Ald.work at the . O work by ,1,111s annuall_meet- annual meeting of the Children% Aid Soolety in St. Thomas last week. AftromillintmOloomoo. 14 "Martin Tailored Clothes" are thorpughly reliable, built to give lops, bard They are silk sewn, and the trimmings are the best the mills produce; and they have theo style. F. H. MARTIN, the Tailor WHERE wiLL THE MONEY GO P Canada today Ts reapingtheraoitViduable harvest in her history. The value of the five principal grain crops (Wheat, .eats, barley, rye and flax) . will alone tote1,nearly'11,250,000,000. Other farin products will bring this total to nearly 112,500,009,000. • • In addition; Victory Bond Interest totalling 135,000,000 will be paid ''on November 1st. Interest on other Investments will 'add 'another 533,000,000 to the savings of Canadians. • e • . . • For three years theserFall fonds have been invested in mw 'Victory Bond Issues. This, year there will be no new • Victory Loan and the money:will have to be absorbed by existing issues. That is why It Is opinion of all financial men today that Victory Bond prices will not rest long at their present low leyel. • . • Prices and yields are npw as follows TAX FREE ISSUES - Due Price and Yield -- 1922 • 98 6.54 • • 1923 6.24 1927 ...97 ..... 6 00 ' 1983 96.30 5.89 1937. 98. 5.68 _ • TAXABLE ISSUES 1924 • 97 ' 635 . 193( 08 • 0.u5 'Phone, wire. or write for your selection to be delivered free of other expense to your bank. • . Gesoral Inoutance ana R•HARRISON ''"gne 316 Mooicipaia Bonds • • P. 0. Box 214- 4=111MMINIMMI. OEMS& OMINIONO. Special Bargain FOR WEEK COMMENCING Saturday, Novembar .,141.4444....•1111441.4111.10 Sugat,'1 istiated: , pep lb. 180 GENNETTE ,RECORD' - L oo Om and song umbel, Monarch- Wool„ 1 oz, ball 33c\ flannelette, best quality, 29 in. wide, 44c yd Leather Gloves and Mitts, 49c to 980 pr. Water Glasses (cut glass). - • . 19c . Common Clothes Pins; 3 dozen _ 10e China Cups and Singers, tam 25c Enamel Double Boilers " 98c Vi*it Ow p up -stairs Depts.: 1.4410.1144M4111•041MIMINOIMMINPOW is I LIMITED to $1.00 STORE 000IRINICHIs ONTAM110 1 .. ,.... . Potatoes ' Wanted , We will be ,ading ears kr •one week only, itt this section, commencing Vri. only, Will quote prices upon request JAS. LLOYD & SON East Street 4 ..... 0 EYE STRAIN *MM MI coaataailly saale est Mb, our advise* eta. Iseelee. The swot pease& adpierteut called fon without aye *bit tba tweet artimee ie helpless and HIP is one* a fallore throe& sight. We eau give yen lb* bese vietoa A L. COLE, Eyesight Specialist riot Mot St.) CoxiorkA. ,Ootigisms rr 1 1.1 a TitriedDale eteL ite===1140 Chocolates Liggett's Patterson's Elizabeth Best .Fresh shipment of these choice makes itist received. 11 e AS Take a box h to4y.. DUNLOP. - • The Rexall Store OO OO rrr••••••••••••••••••.......".""'"""..' its December meeting, but you can Mr. (1. M. Elliott gave an illestrated ain information and sharein 311jg lecture on Children's Ald.work at the . O work by ,1,111s annuall_meet- annual meeting of the Children% Aid Soolety in St. Thomas last week. AftromillintmOloomoo. 14 "Martin Tailored Clothes" are thorpughly reliable, built to give lops, bard They are silk sewn, and the trimmings are the best the mills produce; and they have theo style. F. H. MARTIN, the Tailor WHERE wiLL THE MONEY GO P Canada today Ts reapingtheraoitViduable harvest in her history. The value of the five principal grain crops (Wheat, .eats, barley, rye and flax) . will alone tote1,nearly'11,250,000,000. Other farin products will bring this total to nearly 112,500,009,000. • • In addition; Victory Bond Interest totalling 135,000,000 will be paid ''on November 1st. Interest on other Investments will 'add 'another 533,000,000 to the savings of Canadians. • e • . . • For three years theserFall fonds have been invested in mw 'Victory Bond Issues. This, year there will be no new • Victory Loan and the money:will have to be absorbed by existing issues. That is why It Is opinion of all financial men today that Victory Bond prices will not rest long at their present low leyel. • . • Prices and yields are npw as follows TAX FREE ISSUES - Due Price and Yield -- 1922 • 98 6.54 • • 1923 6.24 1927 ...97 ..... 6 00 ' 1983 96.30 5.89 1937. 98. 5.68 _ • TAXABLE ISSUES 1924 • 97 ' 635 . 193( 08 • 0.u5 'Phone, wire. or write for your selection to be delivered free of other expense to your bank. • . Gesoral Inoutance ana R•HARRISON ''"gne 316 Mooicipaia Bonds • • P. 0. Box 214- 4=111MMINIMMI. OEMS& OMINIONO. Special Bargain FOR WEEK COMMENCING Saturday, Novembar .,141.4444....•1111441.4111.10 Sugat,'1 istiated: , pep lb. 180 GENNETTE ,RECORD' - L oo Om and song umbel, Monarch- Wool„ 1 oz, ball 33c\ flannelette, best quality, 29 in. wide, 44c yd Leather Gloves and Mitts, 49c to 980 pr. Water Glasses (cut glass). - • . 19c . Common Clothes Pins; 3 dozen _ 10e China Cups and Singers, tam 25c Enamel Double Boilers " 98c Vi*it Ow p up -stairs Depts.: 1.4410.1144M4111•041MIMINOIMMINPOW is I LIMITED to $1.00 STORE 000IRINICHIs ONTAM110 1