HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1898-5-20, Page 1•
DAY MAY 19, 1898.
Sensibie ]People
Come to us to have their eyes
Ivied, in the Went.
Many int this locality will regret to
leant of the death of elr. Thos. Young.
sr,• a former resident Of '1'uckersmith,
which sad event toafi place at Ross -
burp, ,Manitoba, ou April 25th, fox the
920 year of his age. Mr. Young was
born in Black Isle, Rossbire, Scotland,
starch I808, and imnngrated to Can-
ada in 1849 settling, on the 2nd eonces
Sion of Titckersmith, near Kippen,
where he resided until 1882. In that
year he removed to Manitoba with bis
fainly and settled in Russell couoty,
He leases behind him his aged partner,
six eons and three daughters. The de
+eased was a grandfather of hiss Emma
oung who recently left here for Man-
If you need glasses let us fit them for you, We give
you the Best Expert Attention at
T. Fitton's Jewell* Establishment
We are pleased to state that If Geo
:Ilewson's little girl who has been very
with while:plug cough is new r'eav
' g- e rograt to have to report
Mr. Joseph Amos has been vera
II, but we are pleased to state that be
ow recovering.
,llzddulph Stephen ,Between the Couplers.
D1P0 --There died at the faintly res
idec:cae, concession 3, on Friday last,.
;Lira, .l=ihn Rodeins, aed her remains
were in -erred at St. Jarnee' conneteryon
Sunday. Mr. liodgiens has the ssmpa
thy of a larger circle of friends in Ms
bereavement, he being now left alone
to battle with the vicissitudes of life,l
his family having all grower up and
1tictres -Mr. Erney Williams, a pupil.
of the A O. C. Guelph, is visiting' his
father. Mr. Wm. Williams, at Claude
boye, who bee been very sick, brit we
are pleas, d to say on the mend at pres-
ent. -Mr. Bea Abbott, who has been as
resident of Minneapolis, has returned
to his home in Biddulpb to re'.ume
Iarwing.-Mr. A. K. Hodgins has pur-
chased the Guest farce. concession 2,
for NOD -Mr. T. Neil, of Ottawa,.
brother of lir- Adana Noll. of tcGilli-
rey, is visiting hia many frieeds in
thisi neighb arhond thle week, He seems
pleased with the looks of North Middle
sex. There will he an eecursion from.
Lucau to the A. 0. C., Guelph, June
the Ord.
Rev. k'. ;11. Holmes, of Leamington,
has not yet accepted this c ll +ertf'rdt•ti 1►lessrr. Duncan and Goo; $g, i:ititla'r
to Mtn by the congrettecton of Fluty t
Trinity trhnreil hem__ ;Isle's Kato smith yd i�tr � relatives in I.oa+dola Snu•
One of the pioneers of this, towuship,
died ou the 4th inst., in the person of
Mrs, O'Rourke. Site had beet* ill for
several months. Deceased's maiden
name was Barry and in the early days,
with her husband, who died some years
ago, settled on the farm near Mnunt
Cannel, where she remained uncil her
death. She leaves a. grown up family -
of sons and daughters to mourn the
loss of an aftactionata, mother, The re
mains were followed by a large con-
course of people to Mount Carmel cem-
etery where they were interred on Fri
i i ertb, Oaat, May 13.--A. terribleacei•
dent happened at the Canadian Pacific
Hallway Compauy sithere about
four o'clock Ibis after000u, in whichMr. Phillip Kennedy lost his life. Toa
shops are being ran to their full capac-
ity, in consequence of which there is
always a great rush, and the removal
of the cars as they are built to make
room is usually attached with. more or
less danger. usually
lf.eunedy bad just
completed his part of the wort{ on a
ear, and was talking to twoeompanions
'engaged in adjustinc; the coupling_ to
the almost finished ear. Another bow
car, almost completed, was eight feet
distant, ou the saute track. Mr.
Kennedy's head was in a line with the
couplers, when. without the slightest
warning, the shnrtting engine struel
train of Cars, seeding the two to-
gether with great force. The couplers
caught his head., smashing it to a jelly*.
Several other weal -wet sierra 0y es-
caped with their lives, Deceased
halves a wife at:d (sadly=,
-lir - 'a,,,1 M,,1id:'le.--- t hiking maetltler-
• :!lain street, is s,'ria,atsly lel -tee ;►[r.
'BE OZWZY TO LOli.N• i eVialiabt Armitage. a Biddulph fernier. ; adt- pa, ' 'l�t➢frceu,gh hero one t'vk'tiins; ,,
Thu Exeter Bicycle Club hereby offer a
• , salerohalap. A�oneL^ to soba nn easy terata
The uneertiene'11: s t;. fe*:. getnd ferns for : o -at leo". ':.: t''4, :t,at h cr•'alteat mite: aid
reward of Ste for information that will ,lead
to the colit,v;etion of the guilty party who Samwell•s shock Exeter
Maliciously and wrongfully scattered tacks
t F.Y
Private funds to level an imrrove+l ferns
ou. Huron and other atreete
T. J. LOCEVANT, Preis.
Containing 144) songs. more or less, being
lot letter A, con. 10, t'aharne. On the pram.
ist•s are a storey :and half frame hence with
triune kitchen; frame barn, cow and horse
stable with hay loft: good water sanely; ''ii
,aures good timber. 1?i miles from wood -
ham einem. For further particulars alel•ly
to Thos. Naugle, at his residence. lot ,to,
Swath llameiary, Dlanuluard, or tit. Marys
P.0 , Ontario.
vi -V a..
CoultRtl s>;o11 lll�,,e of�xt:te>,
otico is hereby given that a Court for tlio
Revision of the Assessment Roll, for the i°il-
laa of Exeter, tor the sear tie•t4, will be held
pursuant to statute in that behalf, at the
Town 'fall, Exe=ter, ou Friday the twenty-
w•e•nt -
Bev. .nth ,late of May, 1>•J:t, at half -past sem a•n
o'clock, in the evening, Persons Ravin
business at the said Court will govern them-
selves aeeordingiy,
Exeter, May 12th, M.
The undersigned is offering for sale that
desirable' and valuable property, situated on
Huron Street, being nart of Jot _t, c^oatain-
ing over !lye acres. There is on the premises
a good laiek house, con raining seven morns,
with stone cellar, franc kitchen and wood-
shed settaehaed• a frame stable and other
necessary ont-haunting•,; •1.5 choice fruit trees.
a good well of water awl other conveniences.
'ferns reasonable, apply' at this orrice or to
SANTINI, Ptal.: 2l'ATolt,Ext•ttr.
acttieaural::1t+ants abal. per atan4.
d 1'Tly to
.ELLtos.% tnr.Ar EAE.
• Solicitors,ete,
FAlist 14.11 A;.E.
alas•-llitnar•'a acres,. pot 11-N C tD sy. 4M
[';borne. with good e gent; luau, t axe,. and'
uLhi r 2i....c ou l n,lal:,.ro, -. sacs-.- runt rt.4'
and part frame, The farm is well ,mined
and well fenced. and situated 1pnart, r of a
mil„ from cooed sand pr,A.e1.-•i . lfnnt�r,l a
by duly will he re I.te.l For i �.artteitlara
aildr..ss hely, Ise;l.a;r.r•A ANNAN.
cerci Ina ; frt+cu rely iPt,arat:, to !lits Lal
Inge on Thxitt'cday, his horse ran away a+'scp-t.'I, ee!. Tbia Wa$ as "s alar and
€t. s'• ze i a'.'°- env 8< t- ''a ala'
aartd tliraa`v tlt,� ti:+l faeraaan fr+1in star_ m'a' r tt ,.•lu l ] i n t
llar;;nr•. iia, ri': ,iycal a bad. li:k,ia, , f'haslr j�a aGti:"ae least Friday anal b'lad'ed
rr-a hut ,. ur v t'te - a'',,elii:,E is ow render rf the!
al�lti,al:atete 4erS asreenetat teenaage'
q, tl G'.�w tj:. very r� S; r .,iQ,> at U3P}•
the bit: t. a'tr4'n se stns of the ;'tdamr women I.
are .,Es ",zll"tia; /the 91wies Cs'r, tere-Itetnewl,
e' a si' are . .' 4 ling, g toils "
Mr. mod ;111•x: T�• rnr:ex, of 1 •etre'➢n'?3, , F lam r p� a E, tlnratR„h i
„ia Meson .,
. the -. , Mr. ,-. - dairy, ., . tie L4 auV r¢ rel L➢e. Rrliai 'out'
were „tae,.,l, of G. Beaver P r d3•.r g'
k. -Mr -a i'1°tan bsunauz sal4 Mee Mey i h4' to a ''r, Iia• EIONIYilw riioviaa a putt
il_a" l „i � ?.i. e as .s' e r ne.
,,,„ ,- ; �, Utz to a,.azs' ulyit➢i. rt,. 4➢a3, air,
,€r. u.,.,,.tl, ref l'i..tt. P, ttt!r.. int illi, 1 *HJ.Aa,te ,,
f •,• g
'� �l •, , ...-,>dlQa4 "„�,., : .-, P� ¢aFsa•.a e'k1➢u.'t6di6 ,.a:$q .e„nE
9.1 t l ltltr.11a�, 9r. ,i.• 1?:.'8t:na P. rt to _ r,.
of tietit'riath Haigpeeted the ,,choral here "rain baa a; l!'‘.47.00 -Miaatice,, Rlip. Dee teal
>• l 5,tan d•:i; :, At:,.,i --(fair burp b;;°a;yals of
1'ritln,'.�,,ir� 4sQaattar.rtf 1DrY�1fS4tit'tI, a,alr j. . ,a � Q.. „ ,� � � ,
t, gn st Of )h-1, C. Wolfe lava l'rid +r.. aptalt , a a t: fa"." t ad r s eel leek tarn for
i!lle;,tat ti,a'nato- t,il �e7.n, al, ,sf ll:le+h:sna,:➢, V
thea '. 1 ;, '•Ift5t►.rt —Ir> D tis t4lerC s rlrt
II our village a call ,tnaitlaay.-Mise
Mary Ann Morleelt is teaming' the
dress umlaute at Nisei Marra' ti'tlle' —.
of sirs. Benny Paarso11s. of Exeter, for a ; mets (t 4L .�>.a'1t tsamk' al sptan around eon
few drays during the week -The a1n til Ove :n” ,- "2'37q g10 11rl' Priming' anti.
'ti , , g e , maga' ,, rprno-e of to little butter than
lin of , fr• Daniel Sevrit�a r is ra les
1: p .+
sing na 61t ^+Trtflintily
�P eli
bre tmtaa
e 4.-
O r,♦.
6t .
Finkllritaer etre iti with the diphtheria. a rata til t Peeli , n bandits of weld)
We wish them a speedy recoverye. 51WOntr:•al took Pate.
Pickering. Ont,
1 aT
] . r.At;nrTr, Clerk. i Ga idley'S epos, Hall, Exeter
'Tuesday l.t
The undsigned is offering his firlended
Ltrin. In the township of Usberne, tor =la,
being lot 0. coneessam eontstirling
aeros. There is on the prereises two good
barns (one bank), and other good watemila-
ings; a good frame housp, good wells and a
splendid orchard. This is ono of the best
farms in Usberne, and will be sold reason-
able. Intending purehasers should see thiS
property before purchasing elsewhere.
Apply to
DevOn P, Ont
Dissolution of Partnership.
Notice is hereby given that tho partner-
ship hereto fore existing between Arthur J.
Rollins and John A. Williams, carrying on
business in the village of Exeter as millers,
and known the Rollins & Williams
Companyhas this day been mutual-
ly dissolved.
Dated, May 2nd,1898.
paid to me, on or before the 4th day.of June,
All accounts due the said firm must be ToE ExETER TEN
1808, and all legitimate claims against said
firm will be settled by me.
MAY 24th, 1898
Orana Literary,
Musical awl
a•'amatiC'niter ,3 ,w +,.e'n'
F.LeecTioNtar -Miss Elmo. 0. Fisher, M. Er,
graduate O. L 1%. Whitby,
soul/el'', "Miss Letta Whitney. the leler.ted
Sti) Vino Soloist, of floilerich.
PIAND-72, Miss Kato Cam przigne.
When there will be presented the eelebrated
Comic Dramas entitled
by the following excellent oast z
Felix O. Callahan - MIL CITA.c.W..1.74nnEivii
Chas. Rivers - Mu. ALEX. MACDONALD
Doors open .71..15; Concert 13.11.5 Sharp
Plan of Hall. and Reserved seats for sale at
Statement of Election Expenses of
Henry Eilber, the Conservative Candi-
date at the last Provincial election, held
March 1st, 1898.
1 Personal expenses of Henry Eilber 112 cts'
2 Livery and Horse hire i4 50
3 Printing and Stationer'y 43 05
4 Travelling expenses of speakers 10 00
5 Hall rents for meetings 25 00
Total 249 23
I, Fred Kibler. of the village of Zurich, in
the county of Hazen, Returning Officer of
South fluro.n, do hereby certif'y that this is
a correct statement of all bills and youchers
received by me from Charles IL Sanders,
. Election Clerk for the above Henry Either.
Returning Officer.
In the matter of
of the Village of Exeter, in the County
of Huron, Grain Merchants, Insolvents,
Notice is hereby given tha t the above
n am 0d Insolvents have made an assignment
to me under the provisions of Revised Stat-
utes of Ontario, 1807, Chap 147, of' all their
Estate Credits mud Effects for the general
benefit of their Creditors.
A meeting of their Creditors will be held
at the Offices of Messrs. Elliot & Gladman,
Main Street, Exeter, on
WEDNESDAY, TUE 25tli NAY, 1.8914,
at 2 o'clock P.M., for the purpose of appoint-
ing Inspectors and tice giving of directions
wi th reference to the disposal of the estate,
All Creditors and others having claims
against, the said estate are requested to file
with Messrs. Elliot 8z Gladm an, partion-
lars of/their claims verified by affidavit as
required, by said,Act, on or before the day of
such meeting.
A fter the 2oth June, 1838.. will -proceed to
distribute ,the assets of the said. estate
amongst the parties entitled thereto. hav-
ing regard only to the claims of which I
shall then have notice and I will :not be li-
able forThhe said assets or any part thereof
so di,tributed to an:v person or persons of
whose claim shall not then have had
Dated at Exeter this I6th May 1808.
Main Street, Exetei:, Assignee.
Assignee's Solicitors,
Are now ready to do business with
the Public generally. All kinds of
Flour, Feed and miD stuff for sale at
Leave your orders at the mill. We
delivery every day to any .pert of the
town free. We hope you will help us
to make a success of the business which
Means a success for the town.
„wallow k era worklnete oeler now. Gall
!lel se • the peat+eet,---Mr John Prattwant
tit It =,a*;a'n h. t week areal seettred a
1•1 « u n •�• a ,Fitttnr” l'�,1"ehaer• -Bites+re. 1D. Rriotnteil
las. Henryllenrti' 1 it k l,ltl t was the �,u,st
‘00,="'"—.111.3mIxest Prices paid for
Wheat ad all tiniest.
W.3s37..41E7a-X011-= 36
I beg to state to the citizens of Exeter
and surrounding country that I am
ready to deliver Flour and Feed to any
part of the town at CLOSE PRICES.
We handle
gogall & llasftwoog Flog
Our Bran is warranted free from
smut and dust.
Will add a general line
, of SEEDS shortly.
Charles ll'revethick,
has sold his farm on the 8th concessiou
to his brother Hugh, for $2,500. The
:farm contains fifty acres,
ltr. James real;it' is the owner of a
i eee'a h* t for /alit weak, i
Rev. tiituor preached his first sermon
the ;relate i'ii. at clove➢1 Sunday
rn armlets st ruts tnit,:1P 00s-
prolific SOW. She has had torn Utter ; s , ,' , t , el !It" 0
ilk, first ninnnt're' W, the 1,' r i.! ' ' r ! l_,teteis ant. t iia tl :7:11.1;172°tlu
dt 1 t t 1?, a 1 1' i v. Willett l s atm read; fen aato :Muer
the third 23. -On n ,eionday, when illi' r t
' i79 iliac prhs: tr", lll:IiG line, having ('rafa.t•
ilamas Jamie'S.m was working Ctl Vial'
,d i1 l;r+ail,iiti„ �utiaabl,' afor(l his work, Op.
Thames Road, he threw his coat on the tl, nti;l ircttt fe at. S' Buell staid
fence, in ogle nI the packets of which 11,1 Rriuta:ei!, ,v,'ra' pn lurich,1108511
cysts a waallst a:ont:ainilin bt,twoeu O11(i' al:al I,4utitr ole tiundsty cast. -Dattel
and 8120. When he nut his coat on Ile motli'ih :tats Pearl Nicholson toots a
foued the had reme mberiung to tram p had pbeenl� betemidl eplu to Zurich Sundayelieveuiltanon d ties
tandivmSteen near the place, others
constablery Cole, A wpt:daiins ,w1.0ill 01111.deeboyo Sun
day last. -Mr. Samuel Brawn was ill
town Sunday.—Our pullie school ob
eersed Arbor Day on Friday.—Garden-
ing and yard cleaning is the order of
the day. --Mr. C. Fritz was in London
on business Wednesday last.
quire Russell, an, him
chase, and he was overhauled in a
bush not far distant. He was searched
but none of the money was found on
him, and he was allowed to go free.
Much sympathy is expressed for Mr.
Jamieson, and it ie hoped that he may
yet recover his loss.
The weather is very One though
somewhat cold, and vegetation, is not eo
far advanced as it might be. -The
Young People's Alliance celebrated their
Rally Day on Sunday. In the evening
the program was taken up which re.
fleeted much credit on those who took
part in the same. The collection taken
up will go to support the mission cause.
-It is reported on good authority that
before this appears in print one of our
yoang men will have joined the army
of benediets. Full particulars next
week. -Rev. A. W. Sauer and family
have now got settled in our midst and
we hope much good will be accomplieh-
ed duriug his stay here. -On Mouday
several members of the Evaneelical
Society here, came to the china:" yard
and dtd some work which will be of
great benefit to the church. -Mr.
Henry Willert male large shipments
of lumber during the past week. -Oar
bicycle club made quite a display on
Saturday evening Sunday afternoon
they took a run over to Crediton -Mr.
Ronald McIsaae still tcontiuues very
low and very little hopes are entertain-
ed for his recovery. -Mr. Fred Ilse and
Company, have been holidaying in
Dashwood for some little time. They
purpose starting out again in a few
days. We wish them every success.
Spriollilleetiog, Mall 24 '98
3:00 Minute Class $150 00
Free.for-all Trot or Pace 250 00
Running, open 100 00
President. Secretary,
Mr. and Mrs Andrew Turnbull and
their daughter Jennie visited friends
and attended a wedding at Woodstock
last week. -Mr. and Mrs, Geo. Eason
visited friends and attended a wedding
at Stratford last week. -The little
daughter of the late Geo. Godbolt is
very ill of inflammation of the lungs,
which disease caused the death of her
father, but at last accounts she was
some better.
SUDDEN DEAT11.-It has been truly
said " In the milst of life we are in
death; be ye therefore ready, for in
such an hour as ye know not the Son of
Man cometh." We refer to the death
of George Godbolt, J wevho was sudden
ly removed from the sceue of life's ac.
tivities on Thursday, May 12th. De.
ceased had been sick only three days.
He was out to church on the previous
Sunday and took his place in the choir
but complained of not feeling' well all
that day. The family doctor was sum-
moned Monday when he pronounced
Ms aihnent inflammation of the lungs
and despite the best medical attendance
he passed away about ten o'clock on
the above morning. He was a com-
paratively young man, being only 42
years, 8 months and 7 days old The
deceased was highly respected as a
roan of honor and a neighbor, and his
presence from among us will be great-
ly missed. The funeral which took
place on Saturday was very largely
attended, something over a hundred
and forty rigs followed the remains to
their last resting place-Kirkton ceme
tery. The coffin bore a handsome
wreath from the Sunshire Brethren on
which was inscribed in beautiful silk
ribbon " Our Sunshine Brethren," The
deceased was a highly esteemed mem.
of the Methodist church, also of . the
Sunday School. He leaves to mourn
his demise a sorrowing, wife and flve
children -two sons and three daughters
-bia aired father, four brothers and
two sisters, The fuueral sermon on Sun-
day by Rev. Jewett was very solemn
and broUght tears to noarlyall of the
congregation. The church was beaut-
ifully draped for the afternoon service. many years,
STATFox NOTES -Peter Lamont, o
Zurich, shipp ell a carload of cattle tt
Tornuto on Thursday -Gilbert Dick
Meda a shipment of (tattle on Saturday.
D. Urquhart shipped a carload of
lumber an Saturday. --Cools Bros.
made a shipment of flour on Saturday,
hIcelwen shipped a carlead of
salt on Friday, and a ear of wheat on
Tuesday He is also shipping five ears
flax seed this week.
Mores. -••-Jt hn Steer left on Saturday
for iiesp jeer, whew) he bee secured a job
tiles aatsa.erl m.illa, Chas. Boeteal-
berry, of Zariele, was in town on Ste
urdtty.-:th. Geo. Tarsier and Mi:s•ee
Ain+ titnraiock and Emma Johnston
spent at Sura -ea, in i'Trl h611. -Wet'. R. Hind
iris rats in i,eiridon rani ]lontia; . - :tlr,
Weir, cif St. Marys was in Lowe on Men.
day on business, --Feta lurch and
Alex. Tattler wheel a1 to Parkhill on
Sutel<av,--g1iseee elieri.' Stetter,. and.
Jtiuniee Dick otic eteeel to i'arlibii➢ on
a ettnrday.-Thediewnet nli'ae'tioe .Jf tae
jlethedist tlltlla9"=,.•sr 6L,;y ane l'i lin ttaq,
Meth* dist cf,itur h sena d , '
iitottiat-. These
l res geed unite edatte • T ▪ Th a distrct:t
rtP ieta.� of ¢➢, ➢a,; Gin "y Is+ ..:ins ssi•. Its:
»n �l
➢la ..,1 fen t1al:,. A iilal„er sear I »e,r« � i�l�-, ,➢Ql'aN
eaL ••As Frank ttleteliali was 'step
• 'ago t to 6, levee ouee
plea., u t the rl a r,,,ilt r ll line tat.
day last waet'l; hae ar itle?natally slipped
and badly s ,larained leis ssl,l.te =-Jay these l
worth was ut L,orulo.t en Monday for iI
the purpose' of hlsyira;r :t Jersey - cow.-
ow. •Robaert Carl:she, of Why, i P :!`la$linl;; •
t few dun 1 1town-eltos Ateite (.' 1'tll
auto, of Caledonia, is visiting frieedsin
and aroturd Iheasall.- 'ifiss 1'.ittistan, elf
MTh..G. F.ArMold on
Monde etre 011eve wane, et Ripley,
formerly of this EIace, s.peat a fel, d:t, s
int town thin Yeta1:.--Jtl t'ple elaerris of
the Detroit 1)o+utal College is visiting
his relatives here. _ Fred l field and
.airman Colt wheeled to Bruesele .•aged
iei;;laitrtl.'alt Baccata • 'R. Burnie, of
tit. vlairy S, is to tertu tide we'l'l: on bus
trete - -T it :lflisivereer► SPErvill faf'
1i• ;lnedist Church wilt lie held nu
1,000 Uez s, $1,0004
Themes Praiser, of .Montreal, l
tetter le the Globe, says: ' Clue t
scold hens of either tate Plymouth or
Wya ielotet breed *:.11t care mile then',
steed th.l!ars, Lc:, .',ai' ut aid N3peln,r.,
' in twelve menthe. 1 know, right now,
that not oat'. farnier ill :t'- uty^ will
S r<"die tee st•atPnit•it; it 1tt true, ieyer-
ttta°itS,, act fl that is teliires, there are
tiei:t' a fa'v. *" C' in* ti a tee live, sand
➢lt't' wa :l, weenie:: ei'ener, tete it. :'puw
here t`i a eat ee . e a it the farmer
delicts av in IV01110'2a evil,, lot her
perm''." tot time R.eetureelee it be dime
cal tP °'"., ,a:•ei a1'415., C.•a:e„ e up to the
bene, al; et ',•a s et seen . rues rt to leek
I� 1 l,. i t`.
t after Het f-. -4 ae. etoWa. rite •, r ueggs,
'.tne.tz' a4a^ It Il raarmers
h '
oat.' !tee ,,.:a a.y nee-, ::,1.e..; tee +lYYre
new t 8 nits:,, S :tat e`.j3 da.3<.', auric aiirtiwl
It 1
1101.1 e`., 14,0 aa• tlta'ra+ f•is • reel: tarns
light, Pn.a'te.-alatLc." {r more r.1t'aTfin
tuculiatore Aril attesters alae ere,:, ette
are as mprctaiees
il, l;th ;
, p
chase Millie, :week ited eggs Q'i been
with, sprat anw +11011 lime a lie en*. •'S, t
-a eowp.t'tt- Went illi of tee i:kat3ke
charge up to eelpital neeuuut. Keep a
curvet ra'tattti til ta..t ,'a, dia;hure•tu e'atS
'e ,teSul/smile
u .
t t. c met t t. more
an 9
poultry entreats, •ail of which charge to
:tpil'isGi'.3I,I tin'lows. lea, tiouni e'r•ti'-
mou souse and acre. You will and
that after deducting interest on capital,
exptclot'$t,.f reeteareineet stun fie ditr,
after one: yiter, et ery beat wiU bring
yobs in more tial, tate d„liar of revenue
Smiley. May 221,d The torment wall
he preacheil by Rev .1. W. cf
Mitchell. The, ladies of the ehureit
will serve a [CA rrt,n4ay, the '21th,
-Amu:Mem from here will attend the
rates In Exeter 011 tint 24th. -Alfred
Box, or Seaforth, was in town on Sun
day, renewing acqualutances- -Mr.
Hicks and family, of Exeter. were in
town on Sunday. -Dane Sperling and
Will McCrea, or Clinton, paid a visit to
Herman on Sunday -Jas. Jackson and
John Box, of Seaforth, were in town on
Sunday -Comte Cook, Will Moore and
Abe May wheeled to Lucan on Sunday,
returning on Monday. -Miss L. Phelan
has returned from Detroit, where ehe
has spent the past few weeks. -Will
Hawkshaw, of Seaforth, paid our town
ViSit on Sunday. -Fred Lurseh, of
Londesborough, visited in town over
Sunday, -John Pope, of Dashwood, was
in town on Thursday last. -Jas. Dick,
of Seaforth, gave our town a call on
Thursday last -Sam Kitt and 'Wallace
Wheatly, of Clinton, were in tow., on
Friday postino• bills for the celebration
to be held Sere on the
Maggie McLean is visiting friends in
Brussels. -Misses B. Petty and Myrtle
Hodgius wheeled to Teacart Satur.
day. -W. T. Hawkshaw, of Exeter,
was in town on Sunday. -John Boyd,
of Lucknow, was in Hensall on Monday
on business. --Communion was dis-
pensed Carmel Presbyterian Church
on Sunday. Preparatory Serviee was
held on Friday. Rev. Stewart occupied
the pulpit. -John Chapman, of London,
wheeled to Hensel' on Sunday. -Miss
Cameron, of Chicago, is visiting Mrs
Alex. Murdoek.-Mrs. H. Cook spent
Monday in Zurich. -The enlarging of
the gallery of Carmel Church has been
completed ancl affords considerable
more seating capacity. -The founda
tion of John Miller's new house is com-
eleted.-Rev. J. S. Henderson Ieft on
Monday for Glen Allen, to visit his
father; Mrs Henderson went to Sombre,
to visit relatives. -Rev. C. C. Kainee
formerly Junior Methodist pastor ou
this circuit, is in town renewing old
acquaintances. -Mrs. (Rev ) Fair, of
St. John formerly of Heinsall, is visit
ing friends in town this week. -Mr.
Cook, of Varna, spent Tuesday in town,
'X pensee.
Yes, , ea i.i1 vete tl -neted barns that
farr,iel ; elle will earn mute m'wey
than the farmer et i'li tyi. 1 25 :t;Feralge
Cows Lie evert: layette. open to con-
viction 1lispetlte this5 teat ttlOut. Lethim go into the t of Reepinng 25
cows, such as the re. • help, etc. 'Then
estimate what the c,••.t of keep will be
for one thou:teed iw1 s. Take the,
gross revenue Ecom the cows and gross
estimated revenue of the leus, deduct -
lug cost of each, and he will find the
hen beats the cows.
"The experiments made at the Gov
ernment Experimental Farm will show
what the hen can earn. Do not worry
about disposing of the cockerels and
pullets. Tbere is a market in Great
Britain for all that can be produced.
Every farmer in Ontario having an
apple orchard will find it of great ben-
Which arise from impurities in the
blood and a depleted condition of this
vital fluid may be entirely averted by
Hood's Sarsaparilla. This great - med-
icine cures all spring humors, boils,
eruptions and sores, and by enriching,
and vitalizing the b:ood, it overcomes
that tired feeling and gives vitality
and vigor.
Hood's Pills cure nausea, sick head-
ache, biliousness and all liver ills.
Price 25 cents.
Mitchell: Another of our old citizens
passed to the great beyond on Monday
evening when George Challenger, died
after a long illnees, at a good old age
of 76 years. He has resided in Logan
a great many years. Ilaving given
up farming, he came to Mitchell about
two years ago. He leaves, besides his
wife, a grown up fan3ily consisting of
son, Laing, who lives on the farm, Mrs.
McDougal, and Miss Mary at home
Re has been a consistent and faithful
member of the Methodist :church for
HACKNEY -In Stephen, May 3.2th, the
wife of John Efackneet of a daughter.
HoDGERT. -In Exeter, on May 18th,
the wife of William Hodgert, of a
Manse, 1?,xeter, on the 18th May, by
Sreinhagen and Clara. 13, Lindenfeld,
both of Dashwood.
Buson.-In Crediten on May 17th,
Agnes 13usell, aged 66 years.
HENDIDASON--In Seafortle on May 8th,
John Henderson, aged 88 years and
11 months.
Rose-eIn Brucefielel, on May 6th, Jane
Rose, relict of the late Thomas Rose,
aged 49 years.
GoDeovr.-At WincheIsea, on Mew 12,
George Godbolt, aged 42 years,
months and 7 deys.
MeNevne-In Exeter, on. May 1.7th,
',kindle Zeller, beloved wife of Wm•
and 12 days Funeral taday (Thurs-
day) to Eleter cemetery.