HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1920-10-28, Page 811 • inn •1 5• 4 , al Paper A wide tangs of vely pretty t.1+Ktlrns rouging in pries from 10e to 90e per roll. Many of these papers are extra width, regtiiripg'l9wer relit' ads piper a room, thna' 1,e.:.. in s+llt 11111...1.110 ill you' bow much your room will cost. e• ,. • BENM1LLEt 'fan, harvest home services In Bens muter cburelt.last Sundae were welt 'attended, 'Pita ofleripg' arnounted ta $80. The eervlees were In charge of flew. lig- Moyer,. of (loderirh, in. the atomise', and tit the ;pastor, Rev,: 11. P. 1-etlt• ,, in the evening. Ari Sunday, ()rt. 31st, harvest�ltonte r�er ekes - wilt be ,held: in . the Bethel i�hureit just east of #3ennitlier village,• Retie A. V. Walden, of Dungannon, will /Dreamt tri the, rrrgruing at it o'clock and the pastor, Rev. II,: P.Kennnedy. in ear Milhinery for Autumn 1 u n d Winter of it 1920 Surely 'never mere Hass so lovely AS this season.. They ,show the latest eon. - ceptions iu 4illinery:'art.' You are cordially invited to inspect,our Stock , R • Miss M cVi �- r_ �s a �a Kiri set Street tee els tee: Ort ♦ ..eeteei„ effet ue ,of ikei >a twee; ilei Pr at these fikr- eteee. `rials peeler wire lonls;i,ig or. ward tow very successful lime en th,e ecr-aeleu of thee tartest Write are eherearlfe. • Gol<llkltk 1N TOWN4111P A sleeting of the Ladies' Md Society et Taylor's t7otner••wilt he held &t th lrome of •Miss Anple Hay on.-VVedncs Clay„ Nov. 3rd, (t'it o'clock p. m. Mrs, F. 1l, Tarl9r, formerly tilts 'Nellie Salkeld, returned; the pest wee to Sault Ste, :lfarie. Ont., after visiting tier relatives here over Thanks iving Rev. J. A, Turnbull, D. n,,. of Toren• to. who at one time was associate pas. tor of Union church,. with Rev. Dri are, will conduct the services' then Sunday afternoon girt 3 p, nr, • £OLBORNE TELEPONE CASE *Noway »sal eleateltr,at Board Merlde ,tettinq et GedetlekeeChesiriraru, Dee serves Verriele t A e'sel•,u'of the mmtarlo Hasiv ai• end Municipal Board wee held at the Court house en Tuesday n►€irnlug to hear t the ai4,iiietien of the Uu.I itch Rural Telephone Co. for an order restreiainfl the igoiborne 'Municipal Co. from pars 4 aiieiittg and duplicating the line.' o k the .1ttir'at Co. Chairman McIntyre t ,f the • Board diad with hint Mr. 1 8srt. the telephone expert of the Board, and, of course, en a►MMetal reporter. ' Last fall the (Ieolh0rne' eliIntcipal Co. erected a short piece of lino hong I3rivelley's Corner?, West telefoon n obe o taming the u.'eessary consent of the Railway Board. The: €taelerich Rural look me •aetloli at the time, 'end lasts October the Colborne llunioipal began the eree turn• r}f line.. on the same cone t s1lo';i, reed Stunting eta for a tits. Cance ,of over a Odle fromettie hoop dare Atte hetween tate stern 'end Western divisions. of °(ailt*ofiae Town* Ship. Both these lines ars' parallel°tai and duplleate of the'' Goderich Rural lines. Bence the application of the G"oderieli Rural Cas, the Colborne Municipal Co., also made application at the' same tithe for permission tae rue these and other parallel lines. Considerable of the history of both lines was latdibefore the Board,,stiowl infr' that.the. Uoderich Rural Co. had 704) phones In operation serving' at large .' territory, consisting • ot- the 'ioevnshi.ps of Colborne. Ashileld and Part 'et . Wawanash, and the villages of Dungannon and Auburn, and 'liad. e pontinuaus day and night service, whir one operator always on duty, and two at Certain hours each day. •The (.o1= borne etuntcipai Co, has !160 odd plinnea and operates in:Colborne�Town- ehlp only, • Chairman 'McIntyre stated the, action or the Colborne :Municipal was not in accordance with the statutes as dupli, t cation of lilies could not'be. allowed without the consent of the Board, and a •company duplicating the lines of another company is required ;by. ata tute to pay' the other company. Ile said he did net know of another inti stance : in the •.Province where - the linesseof two cornpantes were so -inter- woven, to the disadvantage of each. tile remarks seemed to .favor the con- tention of the Godericliw Aural Cora- Pane. om Pane. The e chair 1' 1 h Cir m6 n said the reaction the Board wase to endeavor to do just tice to all, and advised that an effort be Madebythe two companies' to ate ,rangy ►nattensr, Ile :sus'ponded `judr� ment on ;thirty 'dayli to allow : of such ail effort being made. Mr. J. Z, Killoran appeared for the eloderieh Rural Co. and the Colborne :Municipal Co. was represented by Mr. J. N. Kernighan, Its ,secretary,. and Mci Cordon Young, Reeve. Mr.. Wm. Balt- Ile, . president :of the Goderich,; aurae Co., and'Mr, VVm. 11111, gave 'evidence. for tbe.Goderich Rural • Company and Mr. Kernfteban and Reeve Young- for the Colborne company..: . AV* URN ;Pl eese SLtiltieileeee.t the Uburo anew, oe Thursday, October 41st. Rev. 14 aJ. 1lloilo tNseformed' the cer'enao*yr ' usltI.ag Agnes Eltsrbteth Eluker, eldent' daugk10rr of lir. ;eho'faker,: Aubersr, to Mr ;obit Pepper, of Heausll. Atter. wards Mr. attd Mrtt. Pepper left for thou house on the itroem's farm east of Reneeil, Oa the previous Wednesdays evening the •Knox Httlpera' Othie Close, of which the bride WAS a charter rent+ 'ber, meet et her home and presented her with gifts of silverware and an-otidress. In the awe home, on the previous Friday evening, friends gathered And presented Ms. end efrs. Wellington Good, whose witeelage was .recently celebrated, with.an address and several handsome gifts. Mrs, Good Is a second daughter of Ur. Anker. • SIIEPPAW) TON Mre. pert roster motored with blonde for Milverton one day last week. Kerr, of i)etroit. is visiting with hie aunt, /Ars, Green, at present. Mr, Dave Orem is spending a couple of weeks with ' hie mother and sister here. . Mr. crank etaytten returned from the West last week* and reports a tine trip and good erope'but threshing was being delayed to imam places on account of the rain, • ,Mr. and etre. Gavin Green spent Tuesday -afternoon . with Mr.Green's mother and sister, It being the occasion of hie ° mother's birthday. eAltbona'h Mrs. Green is *bout foueteen years over the threescore and telt she is. still Halo, andthoart dway be Seen roost any day liriping In the garden or at other work,' ASIIIFIELD ; - • In the account of the \\tilts-M:cLen-: g►an wedding given 'In • our last Issue, the beide's name, was wrongly writ ten.as .1Ichean, instead: of Me ,ennan, The bride looped lovely. in, a gown of. white charrne>use satinWith- averdresai of 'white silk chantilly lace .and trim-° minge , of sweethearts; The bridal veil- vas caught UR With orange' blos- some and .she carried a:shower of bou- quet 'of Swveetheart: roses. Little Miss Praiieis .'i'hornson, the • flower giel, looked' sweet and dainty In a dress dp whiter organdy and earryina a big bas- ket .cit white asters and carnations. Miss Margaret 'McLennan, cousin et the erlde, sang ,pleasingly, "0 Prom- ise .dr'." At the wedding' repeat ap- proprlate'.apeechees iron the Rev.10.: Hardie and the Messrs. Matteson were given, and the mom responded. The greent�ts'gitt to the bride was a plati- nutn bar pin set with elamonds; to the Rower girt h` green, gold bra e1 ta to 'Me ;pianist an emerald bei+ -pin, 'and to 'the soloist a :platinum bar pin.In. the evening a meeeptlon Was held,' at which about 150 guests, were present. The bride, who fora numbec'ofyears r has been a nurse, In (.hlcarxa, earriea With her tri her new home in that city the alToetion of nunthe rlese friends 'I'he bridegroom is •a clever young dee. tat surgeon of Chicago. A large and. handsome areay of wedding gifts les - tilled to the popularity of the;, young couple. pecial ,Bargains FOR WEEK COMMENDING Saturday, October 30th Laundliy pthit:619 tend Coign, Dove Brand " Cern Makes, kelloggie Michele!„r f 29c ea'a White Handkerchiefs . 2 or 25c Flannelette,;36 ins wide, ali colors, 29c yd. Maple Leaf Teta Cups, cups only • 50 Ca, , per Ib. 17.. HBe Ckeeelatee,. assorted laves W M .49 Hallawainii„Ilisks ovelt ,,9e &ilk Visit Our Up -star Deets 10c R GO LIMIi�tX 51 to X1.00 SCORE OMITA • „LieEBUR F ° }le'. J. A. Turnbull,D. De'ot Toron- to, will ,ronduet the anhlversary ser- vices cin the Leeburn etrureh Sunday' Opt. 31st, at 11 a, m. andel” p. m. ane the organist for: these services will be Mrs. (Dr.) Clark, -of t;oderich,. the first organist of Leeburn church, cap. Mon- day evening from d to 8 ,a hot fowl supper will lee. served and. a pretreat •suitable to the occasion will be ren- dered. ' • " ':1itr:Vaf.AN%OV • D s `s'. to v Mr. Wes.' �t .lea ►u, ot Toronto, .ls visiting :in the village'. Mrs. 5. H. Sanderson Is spending `a couple of weeks with relatives in—Mille broa)r o - Mr ' and , a 2atrs S. Bte►ttters, of (;lin• tong -were callers Mettle village one day title week. - . N.J. Treleaven is holding an auction sale 01 nterehaniltse, furniture, .etc., on Saturday of this week. Several from here attended the, fun- eral uneral of the late By,.. a..1). Cooke in (loderictiest at r 1 a days ,Rills are 'out •annonneing lite Inas, querade. dance :in the agricultural halt on Friday or this evicek,,..•, itev. I). 1:).' Douglas, B. A., attended - the library ronwentton in Brantford a couple of days last week.. :•- Mrs, Campbell returned to Toronto en her way home -after visiting Wittt her son, Rev. li. R.- Campbell,. A meeting of • the Railway Board of . the itoderich aural Tel. Co. was held ln: tiodetieh- on Tuesday of this meek. .•firs. Donate Fowler . under'isent an operation for 'appendicitis In Winghatn hospital last week and we are .pleased to report is .doing nicely, , Anniversary services were held in Erskine church last Sunday. Rev, Jho. Abram, fee A,, from Toronto, preach- ed at'both morning tied evening ser vice. , •• Rev. and :tars.. 13.: Gomm vielted friends in the village lies week. Rev. Gomm is a forinet' pastor of the Pares= byteriata, church here and is now sta- tioned at pine River, • On. Monday night a eoneert was held In Atte Presbyterian 'chUreh with a large number present. The concert consisted of solos by hiss Ilarel' Au- gustine and :Hiss. Nora Gomri;, read - hags by • Irs,a R. A. Atelieilitie. and eIrs. 11. R. (iannpbetl; violin seleetiens by Roy McKenzie .of Kintall, and also a %girt' instructive and helpful •reading wvas gt en by lfrs. kRe'.'' Gomm. Ad- dresses were given by Rev. G. Gomm; Rev. A. V. Walker and Rev. Jna Ab-' ram, U. Ii., froom Toronto. Rev. II il. Campbell acted as chairman tor the oe.- casion. 4 When a mother- deteete . from the wrlthings end fretting ot4a •ehtld that • worme are troubling it, she vett :prto- eur-e• no better remedy than Miller's Worm 1a'owwdets, which are asuaranteed •ta totally Cited 'aortas trans the Sys+' tern, They may eansr' vonaitime but this need rause no anxiety, t►eeause it lc but a manifestation of glitter Rime elute work. No worms Aran tong vexed where' these Powders are need. 'VFRY bear et the holiday • seasnn wwt+ are "rnawraed tinter" by the volume of work we are called on to d3 for our patrons. This some condition has oe Burred each year. This year promises to be na exception. V Ori`t sou tome in nnw when we can site you every: rattesntitet and guarantee that rraftaleeite we 4* for you will be+ esilsfatetory. J. T. FELL tbs.* Moils L, HENS SirAtsuJ 4suirls width& is white stud ecru, suit" Cede fir trays, sires. outliers. Ph, etc. • :aa MISS .y 8USIE.NOBLE •i ltIsh'tltoa CHANGE 114 BUSINESS , Neiw. (Proprietor:I H T. Edwards! Hees •slaasrant Makes, His Annountenrent o e eo le d sic •'I' tee P p 4f h and Vicinity.' Ladiesand (;entleineneelfaving pur- thased the ice cream mei eoufection- cry business hithetn conducted -by Mr. }l. T. Edwvards, I wleb. ;to' announce that';1 have taken: possession: this week„ and, .having been in business in the irarne line for • the past ten years it Brussels, _ I .,att1 prepared to continue the One service' you { have. had in the past this nopular, restaurant. The __at • state -of Yining' ladles olio =Were wlth sir. .Edwards is continuing with ''me, so' that there' will be no break or in- terruption in the: sert:ier. Inviting the continuance of your patronage, and guaranteeing your satisfaehon both le eonfeetionery and: ice create 'I an*, • ' ]our truly, : S. C. WILSON. OBITUARY BISSE'1'1'. After a Ions illness •Mr. George. Bissett "passed away on Thurs- day last at the residence• of his son,'. Mr. (I,' L; Bissett. Ooderich 'township,, in his Seth year, the funeral taking Place ' on Saturday to Maitland cenae- tere. 'Rev Mr'., MoDermld, pastae: ef; Eliot' ehtircli' •eonducfed„ the ; services, and the pel(•lieavers were sons and 446411 1-111W at -the deceased. nanfiety Chanes, Roy and Con. and Wm. Moore. Mr. Bissett wee for years the janitor at the post office previous to ldr. Chry- stale term, and, bad been. engage* In buying • grain. , Ile .was a '• native of Canada and Is: survived; by one broth er, lir, Samuel Bissett; Saltford heights; and thi!ee' staters, Mrs. Geo, Young, 13ayiteld' i oad;: Mrs:' Howell and. Mrs.„ Fisher, In. the:' West, also by a �. family' o :live t dte L. f # 1: n Oen 'Mar* 1 4M 1 � ,. , Cr Ie, and Mrs., Moore, Here and . lies Mande Bissrtt, rilarrtiiton, and Roy'. Ills- sett,o ,S - If w sett f , t Thomas, as wc•h were re , Ist , a e e for .the • funeral. Mr. Bissett, . was a highly • esteemed resident. He was a member. ;of• •'Court Goderich, No. 32, G. O. P., whish attended the funeral ih.e 'body, and a18c of the Workmeq and Sons of Scotland. • c 'UOKE do ' v .q' u ,•�•-•,_et m is titers w ids. pread sympathy, railed out by .the death of o citizen than eves: the ease in rennet, ,Cion with the death of Mr. Il. J. D. Cooke, •whieh,, des mentioned inour }art, issue, took'p1at?a''n 'Phnrsday'morning last. Me.• Coolie •was • a native 'or Gode•, nen, being a son of the lata' Major' Cooke, and studied tawewith-the Drat of : (larraw• and •Proudfoot, and at Os:, goods „hall and wait called to the bar at" tyle age of 2i years. After.praetic-. ing successfully In •Alvinston, Blyth, llensall and 'rorento, he returned to tioderich• in lleeember,-1915, and. be- ranre connected • with the late; :firm of Messes. Proudfoot, • Killoran and Cooke. Mr. Cooke was a slued member.. of the tome eounctl in the yeaar. 19i8 and gave gond serviee especially on committee work. vin~ ti` his bus i n Res:.rnnneetmnsrequiring. tris absence Prom town frequently on Fridays • he could not be present as regularly nit he would. Itavo liked at the public council anreeting'i . on „Friday nights. lir' wvas•aetive in the work of St. t.eor- Pre's i'iuwch, being a 'valued and loyal member of the -thole, until .ill health prevented. and he had held the poeie tion of vestry clerk. Ile was also ae- tivelyi interested in •thewvork of the Mee conic order.. At the funeral on Saute day there WAS a large turnout of the membersof Maitland lodge and .mem- bers of .the Order from • llensalI and* other- points 'about the county carne to pay their last respects to t Parted brother. Members of the ban. from Ileusatl, 'T'oronto, 'SVingham, Seco forth, Sarnia and Detroit also attended the obsequies.. The servjces of the ehurch the deceased. Loved so ‘veli were t'anducted. by Rev. Mr. }lardy, teeter of St. George's, at the shards and ,c rave, and the Aiasonie burial re. ' .,. $ TO ;12 PEI'` DAY &T TO TRA(TOI't MECHAP es, Voiro fANIZfNG. let to Sett pet days. Men wanted 1111 present demand ranimeo- blle mechanics, striving. tractor operate lag., tire •viiloaalatng, oxy .iesetylene welding, storage Witty eleetrlcai wort. We teach theme trades. P'ractieat trate.' Big. Daly few Weeks required. Day and ntghb claws. Write free Catalogue. Big wages. i teddy employment. Ilentphtll's Au end Oats Tractor o,:lrotil�, � x Week ..To:eiatoa Rhode. 1 in lit W T We give free trusters to nor branehiwt. Saiioda is. ••S:-• Largest await matt prettiest ardent motor aehoole la the world. Endorsed- by rt 1110 'a!imelatlo*s Mad iraoterr Oraftaa. Be encs it Is Hemp. IMlll'a. Aeo,s seat eni etltnte. COMM MARKET'S. • 0tttstde M1tke4 Reports en ease 3. WhelkaoSo*ofieripdpa.nn*aapasannt *�/0 000 *- 7l,'' »tie ,l a ewe., t Uy tl►a iai!i� 6 ie s ales ', t,.,_. neaa°aaaa.ann�,,0y 4!t' 1* 1 00 erect' too .N.,nian,m.a.a4O 00 t0 ix *0 ' pet tee; 001110 000 O i,e.�tye.a�,flyyan��.;;.*fa*,a,* N..f laai.asa, Se' to 00 311141, p 114 11' 00 *(♦e* hss*aa0,.. *ool*..np*pel 00 to 1 1S .. •1., ..6,.6a,.L0 .Jn6.aai,aa.ai,6I0 00i*0 0,,»6 0 Cbl paa,ia60 00 * IT aannananeJOy ,00� to ON a.a„i,a1 ase 0 is so 10til•tis1t06 In Otto 10 ani.aaaaa 'tt iMM' tr 04404 a06ill 00 **Pk . )AMriR.spa 1 Nino I: .af, a,.af.a.a,6aa0' aaaapano,011 110 to MI 31aafrap:4.::4406a1164,p.,. 11 0* $ a The Col&orne Store. DRESSES We have just put into stook se most wonderful range of Silk, Serge ens larsay Dresses. There are no two dresses alike aztd every tine ie new in design, - • - In our Serge Dresses nothing but the finest grades of Berge are jtsed, This ruesrii that the dresses have a better appearance and will give er aatiiafaetign than the cheaper 'grades of cloth. The colors are. alt fast. We would like you to inspect this range before making your'$eleotiqu of at fell drele, Ths•gery. lotted creations are shown in Silk. They come in tel a k duchess and Deflate. These •dressea,are shown with dainty` toueiaes ter*tats` • new, . The designs are the best and wit' know We ars Showing you tierc:linn e that. to ups to the reheats. It will be to your advantage to see' these gar- meirta. a HOUSE DRESSES i w About,2 doz.. House .,Dire saes onsale ?air $2.98•. These presses range in prise from _$3.00 ala 0,90 030h, and for the 44, at 1oWwg'vveek'they� will be on sale at $2.98 These are real bargains and they come in all Sizes up'to ' $2.98, • COATS Northway garments are known for the garment that iits' perfectly and wears longest, with real style to, the garment. A large, ron ge of »orth ay garments arre being -eh -owe exclusively by US and we know we°are offering a garment that will give absolute satisfaction,. g Northwav Plush Coate, in all eize'i and styles: A large renge to choo$e from. • NorthwayR Cloth Coats with fur trimg irrin in all sizes and prices; •: ,• Narthway Cloth Coats, with self-oollar:in shawl effectand also in small- er collars. WQ havereal values in these garments Children's' Coats in Cloth, with selfrd6Ila,r-prettily,, trininned,•inisirjes - ,frona 6•years'up, C - 0, We will be glad at any Close to show these/garinernts :._. , SERGES Special showing of Serges 54 -in. •wale, for dresses and suits and skirts •bottarty, Wool Berges.... The .colors are fast' and can be' had is `blue black, taupe, , They Are all' fine brown, green and lborne. mi.Houseof pliability 1 131281 . ual n a t m neat. to t , R tether with a bonus of' 2 r. dnrin pe g the yearend a> indication tlipt ear re . wer e a cent, or this. year only;. __ . .... i tea it v y advancing through f ll`•l s-•: iressiveness wast al 1 ob erved' . Thlt . 1 -b du s P f y C rete order hre rr(remiters oP. Athe ltasc t o Tho bank desired 3t'to •be understood; from Uoderldb (Dr. Galiowv and . Mss- 'that there has been no increase in its Interest rates to borrowers: -in Qanada and that the itdditional distribution to shareholders is the result of a success -- eel year's business and the .ephanced value of .money outside of Canada,' srs, O. L; Parsons and T. 11. Mitchell) and three from Henson, (Messrs, •Cbas. Mctionell, I3. J. Bonthrou and' Alviq 7lemphiii). Mr. •.Cooke was married In Hensall to Miss Helen IL Shirray,. to wham and her three daughters (therwhere the banks reserves are 10 an eltsses Helen, Jean and' 'Louise) o se) is x. extent carried, tended the sincerest sympathy of t This.bonus to the shareholders' is a community, as also:, to the:othea slat further evidence • of tho bank's progress ties, Mr. •Cooke is survived by tnreR sisters and a ebrother, Miss Minnie, ftiook; of `"Billings. albnt„ Herbert; Gook, sof.Livlpgston; Mbnt,;. Mrs. Bud - 'son, of Nye, Mont., • and Mrs. ••Moore- 'h4pse•; of New York. Mrs. Mo, e= tense was here • for ttie funeral an. Is still with Mrs. Cook. astir No Increase in Interest Rates . Thh Bank of Montreal has announce th' useal quarterly dividend 44 :3' pe r PROVINCE of Or Ie 6G•b ITONDC, due Jan 15, 1930. Prine d half - yearly interest. (June le and 1)e ber. 13) payable at Toronto Gr Montre Pelee $98.52 and Interest, yielding 0.20;"x. PROVINCE. ` OF SiSiiATCIIEW.tN 6' DO:VDS, due Ort. t, 1940. principal and halt -yearly Interest. (flet, 1 and APO! 1' payable at d'or8nto, Montreal 4r Regina. Price ?'W..02 and Intereee < yielding e.i6i'oa CANADIAN N'0111'IiERN. RAILWAY' .i BONDS;' guaranteed unconditionally by the Province of Manitoba,. due June 30, 1930. Interest payable ;halt -yearly in Canada or New 'York. Peters $91.50 and -Interest, yielding t*nS5%. • - DdMINION OF CANADA 'El BONDS, issued by ., the Grand Trunk PeakHallway Company, due Jan. 1, 062, Priiieipat and halt -yearly Interest elan. 1 and July 1) ':payable at .liontreale News York or London, Eng, )!'rice $67..7 and, Interest, .yielding - rr.1. SIENETON A COMPANY Government, Municipal and Corporation Bonds tiomhntoit Bank .Biillding, TIONTS. CAMAIM Hallowe'en Greetiogs Sunshine'bringa happiness So have -no ears or fear, Make IIMlloweeri a day of fun Brimful of jo and cheer, •-=-a by 'baring — 11aMortmems Liatora , Coady* IWO, T� Favors, Fake Fay Iliac Caps. UM*. Phis s.J gosidrits tsps last Cads. IaitEslrt 1(111 Silt ar • - Canada s e ' d the reconstruction period to soared normal conditions. • Muscular Rheumatism Subdued.-- • Wben one is; a sufferer from muscular rheumatism he emote dcbetter• than. to have the region 'rubbed with Pc, Thomas' Eclectric Oil, Let the rub- - bin i• f3 be brisk od continue UIIti1., ease' is .secured.. Th a Is.more virtuein.' t bottle . of it thafi -can be tally estimat. Pd, ainsInnonos', Victory roast'* tax' freetbondr at +present*prices , ars abrfohttely, ;ifn the bargain class'' • , . „' •0* - The supply available is limited ?rernpt action is iirgi for Olose,.' who desire tq take advantage of the present opportruiity. YOUR CHOICE .013 PIVl MA'flJRLT1ES , e : ". I)u P �— Due Pelee and 'Yield Interest " ' of 1922 98 . 6.37 'A ' - 1923 9e 6,13 ; ' 1997 ' 97 .6.00 1933 06.50 5.86 1937 98 • ,.r . ,Lee • TAXABLE ISSUES 1924.........,.....,...,. 97 6 27 a 19 03 .r, ' 0.25 ' Bonds deljvere to your Bank 'free of all delivery or okerage charges, T: 1T.. aili ' i*' UI\ t �i 'rt»Ae 316 .1tII P, 0. far 214 Goma! lacca t+�r Important Announcement: S For the benefit of those who have Foot Troubles deny description, in greater or lesser degree, we blare arranged for the attendance, at this store, - For One Day Only of an expert, direct fro.n.lhe Scholl institute, Mita"' • • a,• go, and we would adi+ise guy who have the le st diiecemfort with their feet to avail themselves of t its opportunity to get ' •. Expert A vice Free You will be under no obligaat remember, be will be here on to buy anything, and Savvy, Oct. 30 's Shoe . Store It e- d