HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1920-10-28, Page 7tl .. 4 TH121161.00. tN1' tet41 into. Double Track Route MOltr RrAL TORONTO 'DETROIT - matt CHICAGO ilasxeelled dining ear service. Sleeping ctl'S ,ole night trains and par. for cars an prin:ipal'(lay trains. Full infaumatien. from and Grand, Trunk Ticket Agent, er C. E. Horning', District 3'aQ,,senser Agent, Toronto, F. F. 1,AgliltENCE*. SONS Town passenger •eat -Ticket. Agents Phone 8. low Tsrm from Nov, ',lot CETIAL sTrtA'i'I^n11Q, OtNT. 'The leading Commercial Sell sol, of Western Ontario. emmeralal, Shorthandanan Tele- graph Departments. Graduates placed in po %ions. Students may enter at an time. Getqnr fret catalogue. D. ae ' ja1RLACi1L N, : , Pri cieat., WHOOPING COIGN ._. 1 ler 01,0141,ros la `Ma disease beginR like A simple cold in the head the rapidly goes to the chest. The cough is at fast short • and .ab,arp„ffut gradually eskers `ea in severity strd curs in tdiddeti spasms. Often vomititlg tollows>a severe sittaek at eoughlug, yid somet mea there isrloee- STARGODIUNICSI Well etToronto. He itae bein Manti- lla* roars * Statue, The hiteressie el eeilititf rxeta bre ttweere United States ata/ + at:ad eu Aaberreeu will b€' held eft halite* On Qctolisr 30 arid Nevcmber 1. Tllt'IttelitAY. Isolri 1liiyor MeSwellerrs eanditiun is reeorte(1 as seriOne. The St. Mary's nrgtis bv..8 been alb. sorbed by the Jourhe(1. The Yueo:t rive ; is closed by ice et Daiwe0U, tete earliest en record, The Legislature eottatulttee on Pre - portional Been-etelation is in session. The Oqtarlo Governnient otters timber ] ri toss' for .Virile by Public tender. Three reserve r+egistents leave been added to the atrttaastit rat the writ Rangers. The .coat mines in Alberta and Uritialt •Oo1nstfisraare ael. now work. Earthquake, ahoelta 'were tat Wed- nesday in the .Hautes -Pyrenees dee nertmeut, " Bridenny°fa reported to have et- tecte action with the the, ins g ts, T Italian (Government has deeid- ed o e suppress the anarehist. move- .hent there. • . Toronto morality' salters gather over 204 cases of liquor in rates on Chinese .places, The jubilee of Arad:44110 McNeil of Toronto was observed with leas pressive ceremonial, rode ends t Litt Nestor Ricard, p Ne, eral, was elected in t11e%St. ; Maurice, Chia., 'rovineiai lay -election. .. The Canadian Cquncfl•- of Child Vireltareewas formed 'Lis the outcome of the conference at Ottawa, Albert Mines is said to'•b ve. Con- fessed to thee' murder of his little boy at Port Britain, near Cobs rg, i The _missing mail bags that die - bleed. s bleed, Mothers should never, ne le4L the treatment of whooping cough, for it* is much moret serious than most people thunk, art it;map he followed by a ei/ save lung trouble, such se b, e:whitls, pneureonitt or.consumption, state the aufferera• bower of resistance are site* greatly , weekend. be' the ; violent and exhausting cough. n Dr. On the first Sip of •a whoop Woods Norway rule ; Syrup thiu'ha be ablainistered as it helps to clear the bronchial tubes et tlte'colleetcd mucous and phlegm.. Mrs, Burton, Leopold New hogs,'N.S.s, wr1t+is: -- "T.iy three children had • the winter,1 8Q bad last h whooping cough thought they would choke. 1 tried many different remedies,. but none of there a bottle of Drr.. Woo a Nelp. .At tt ay' Pine Syrupy, and 1 was greatly surprised to see bow q'uiekly. it helped them.. 1 shall always recom- mend ecom mend your 'wonderful remedy to others. { �f ]far. Wood's Norway Pine Byrup 0 35e. end 60c. a bottle at all . drugiate elteelal, Seet 'ant' dealers..: Put up only by Tel T. -•-7- "Keep your Eyes Milburn' Co., Limited. oronto. Ont. and ealthy,. It. die3f7re_ led orrGrann a TOPICS OF WER A,du1L. 11t o;Infantor ds. Write faille. urs Y Okays U* Sat* to104.0ks LSS COLLEGE t FO aoreban4'l, ° Bbbkkeoptng, .Sale unan Telegraph';, Plano,. Voice, and till busitlesS subieets, Open all sunt - .mer. Private classes when preferred +sisd° to help students •catch classes when .entering btiyween.terms. Spec - summer con* tor•terishers. , TnittooTverdve Dollars per month, 6 months. - t70. (including "books). Ihneditil rates for h alf. da Y students n i s Wad students wishing only one orte0 aenbjoots. Night School work and Correspon- hence Courses a specialty. • , Typewriters to rent or sell. President., L. H>;WZTT. THE SAUITS COM. CO. Sncces$ors to 11CDonagh' &Gledhill .' AXCLUSIVE AGENTS FOR LEI -Wirt VALLEY, rr EE iI-.:. VA E THE COAL THAT SATISFIRS' .Ve den in Sato and Soft Coal,Lim Lenient,, Fire Wick, ;.?ire , Clay, •also Hard and Soft. Wood, Maple and ,Hemlock Slabs. " • Fresh' Cars of Lime and Cement Sust`receivea GrexC)t1'xox 6' 75 I3.. j, Skate's' Regime -xis •r 275 W. W. SAtfelie-'BES119s-exit , ',102 Important Events Winch Have ,Occurred, Outing the Week. ni Cave a n World's M $s W l PPe The Busy 0 i 'and Into Billy. Oopatpiled ud t Handy and Attractive Shape for thea Reader* of Our Paper =- • A Solid Sour'$ Enlisyment. STOl) `�1 Cotiw.i n f a i u tb appeared. at Brockville teat Thurs• day have both turned up, wins • the contents intact. Vardon and Ray, British pro; golfers, are preparing Tor •;knottier in- veision,of Canada betbre returning to England. Foster .of Veterinary College won tie points 'elMe tionship, at the 'an- nual IJniversity of Toronto track•and field, meet:: Z'w :i3wh undred'ibexes% have reported. a- s t• f T Vitt-versify a to the coach at the 1Ctn v Y ronto.. The sport 3;e being introduced lit High' Schools 'throughout 'Ontario.1 now under indictment by the Grand. • TUESD AY. Windsor is / li ldln ••mace-in- �P B a' Canada" exlhlliitlion. • ice rink' will 'A $3,000,000 artificial be erected in :New. orfs,. . but ' n , d :Scan, d tto , lite p >R plc in i @ @ 'Price of not so. with Milk in -Toronto. ' Italians• In .Tteronto want. .to make immigrants . from Italys into Cana-: dfana. , J. Melaren of Toronto was re- ceiv,.ed, by the impress of Japan •oh MondaY. niversit of ,,Toroxto iaenior The t•T Y 'Ti rs l _ ge tootbalt team beat Idami ton by25`10fi`• > . •• Italy has accumulated coal reserves which will last, it until the .end .of Noyveanber. • Sir San Hughes opened a •recrea tion :buliding in Galt, as a:Ge W.V.A. ,memorial: Throngs of city, folk spand.Thanks-. giving inecounti"q and return laden with fruit. - • woman. aged, -60, jumps fibrin' a second story .ot"a burning building in Toronto. 'The Labor executive is considering emend for an eight-hour day from Premier Drury. Serbian troopshave entered the Klagenfurt plebiscite area to protect the Slovanic population: • "The Metagairia,,arriving_ at Mont- real, reported •snowflurrieS outside the Strait of. Belle Isle. London visitors to Port. Stanley in - did ed n-dinged in bathing in Lake Erie, a ° record for that resort for lateness. Christina McKay, lel years old, was accidentally killed by her 16 -year-old a • brother, •Charlie, ,1n Ottwell, near Wiarton> The, Nova Scotia Wholesale Gro'- cers'. Guild protects to the Dominion Government against sugar . prfco reps will oust It. Die* y'e$r aaeatlt Vekw* the c+oialgit Is troublesome* heti the Insdlctnai °taper that 1s liberated 1tiieesthet ' to 'thio moots* porta of the air tom" ashes ant Immo. It **odor) and heals the Intiatwat *eanbramea. thus -ending the Irritation Watt *tondos the sou.. lEtops ere egua117 tag brOnelltttll, lore throat an ary'Dettu. All dealsts, Sec, bo*, or FOS Co., Toronto* EPS Stater utter* No'retkligr 1 are 'te be -subject to quarantine .regulations, .paYld *Well was acquitted at Welland of the change of •murdering irtttle four-year-old :Margaret . Bou 'cock. » • Ata Impressive memorial .un''eiling to fallen soldier students of the "eine. versity of Toronto fecis.00le totfrplaCe' on Friday. Mrs. Belltnghanl, CO years old, "was knocked down and killed by a motor 'truck lit a blinding eleet storm ti't .Calgary. ' The settlement or the Vilna inci- daex4 between Poland and Lithuania baa :been'turfed ever to the League th of Nation's bye sillies. Thirteen playersandgamblers are. •.t : A1DAY.. Jury'At Chicago for particilestion itt Three Bolshevik'gunboats.are oper- ating in' the Blaek Sea. Prot Reynolds of the Agricultural /college addressed Toronto teachers. Thomas 'Birkott, el -Mit -for Ot tww4 .and •ex -mayor, died at the age of TB, •• Sean extensive, though mild out- break •break ,.ot -smallpox, ds reported :at- 'Ottawa. • The Militia Departreentlbas a. num- ber ,of 1914-16 • Stars :yet• undls- ttributed, - Prescott% tax rate is announced as •40 1.. mills, :as ccmpared • with 28 milia _last year.: . Won the 'team w' it tennis The Me Gill 1 i3n Intercollegiate championship in1Toa ronto on Thursday., Many Mosler. • women fonent against the Spaniards in defence the sacred city of Moroeeo. • Advance polls opened ,for voters: unable 'to vote on Monday on the Nova Scotia prohibition .plebiscite. finals . •A gang of"interriational' Crim, are, under arrest at Frankfort for sfealing;,a valuable ehemfcal receipt. an A Montreal importer says many U. S. firms are a"ecepting - Canadian currency' without regard to exchange rates. . LaPramboise' won the East ern Canada indoor tennis, title by beating W..L.• Rennie of Tennis in the, final. ° ..The Montreal Charter. Commission 'bets adopted :amendments enabling"i woman to. be elected.a city couneillo( or even mayor. Prof. Veddal,, the . French} expert, who went to Athens' as consilttaet ,in• the case of long Alexander, was paid a- Yee of $60,000. Two young men ;plea'ded guilty t attempted murder of., Mrs. Nelliel Coron, at—Brennan Harbor, after she, hadgiventhen:ef004. • The ,latest -returns. in the British Columbia plebiscite•`show 75,964 far .Government control of liquor sale, and 49,225 for prohibition. - The Ontario Government Boxing Commission declines,' to issue'_ a per- mit for the National Sporting Asso- elation to, hold a boxing show. e al f1919. Rev.; Dr, T. T. Shields, of Toros o. declines 'summons •, of United States committee t'invel tiltatitig'" conditions ,in Ireland to . give: evidence at Washington. ' Taj.SW A ' Livery and 'HaS t a b l, a ey' i . Geyernriient against sugar price 17 Axing. Between. 160 and 200 convicts at Msiaratreat St meet - just off the Square nes Meet all Trains and '* •' MONDAY. , ., .repaneiie may es ish a coldnyin rh n�}n T i tares. ote Anthracite e coa l is. selling in St.; ,Thomas at $22 .a ton... The condition of King- Alexander of ,Greece remains .very grave England. defeated Ireland. by 210 V. in an international. soccer' match,. Th University of "Toronto , settlor toot il•team beat MCGiII by'13 to 7.. Frontier }las' P r• r o_. T h II6w' .Swedish.� chnica ex arts. tot.te p 0 rr ins #. ch � . suebec City Council has voted_ $5o,0;00..to Laval University, Quebec. The three Prairie•"°Provinces and Nova Scotia vote . on prohibition to - 6fiAY.11JiRBECOMES'\ VIBUND 8UUh1JJj, Trt Grandmother's O1& Tif fits twx Recipe of Tea and ; Almost everyone know* that Elaghtl'+a and Sulphur, properly eompouadedit brings back the natural eider and Intro to the hair wben faded, , streaked, or gray. Years ago the'only way to getthis mixture was to stake it at home, which is mussy and-troubleeome. Nowadays we simply ask sit any dilug store far ItIr nth a Sage and Sulphur Compound," You will get n large bottle of this old time recipe improved by the addition of other ingredients for about. '50 cents, Everybody .uses .this repass. b p tell tion now, because no one can• pow ly C't that yob darkened rear hairs** it. dont do it qo naturally and evenly. You dampen ' [� a sponge -or soft' brush' with• it and draw this through your hair, takingone small 'strand at .a time; by' tannin the grey II - e a . 9 e ar hair ditGaplxearq,:rind.aft r . n liP • cation or two, put hair becomes nano. fully dirk, thick and glossy slid you look years younger.. ♦. Wyeth. s Sulphur Compound is a irelighttel toilet requisite. It Is not lntexided,`for the curie mitigation or prerentionni bisale. : 115 tamweicauesommarvernarow • LOOK s sulphur. p /Mager Boats Pasaeme rs .part of the t trains at O. T.R. o • Depots: • Prompt Service an Careful Attendance, Our Livery and flack Service Will bo fottnd'up-act. in every (resp • Your Pritrett*CerSaiicited cal i Kthgston. Penitentiary struck on Sat urday and have refused since then to. work,• in consequence of the frus- trating of their plan of a Jail delivery. WEDNESDAY. Fed for t! any Residents in. a portion of York wn for sit . township want to joie .Weston. C. P. R. A' runaway Motor truck crashed- in- .01 n - 0 to a portable school' in Toronto Peter Manning won the 2.14. class trotting' contest; at Atlanta Tuesday. 'heejatest. figures of the cost of tying% Britain shtiw ail increase of par cent. uildinr; tradereof Toronto are to demand .25- per.cent. • mys have t sh Government prociaim- ts, in - rTw SWlARTS ' #�Itoae.107 Morit`rlsat Street GLASS OF SALTS F • YQIIR KIDNEYS HURT 'ieri Best i yea feelilookaoky or ka!i Madder trouble- fee iv Kidneys. •. Wad' kW! e ode thich. fa one s the eye in thee' Corti to Inter it from the sy'stein. Regular *to • tai' of heat must flush the ki ocher sioalilly. Xon tntut relieve theft you relieve ••yours• bowel.; el.; repo: bg ell the acids, *tato mol point), else You tit dal raster in alae kidney.o�, pikers pas tt tete beak or sick head di+m abase., your flteins,eh sours, togas Boated mad whet the weather fa heal you have rheum tis twinges. The Ides Is elebdy, full of rledinoenty the iltasrlele' Viten get irritated, obii'rg yea 10 alp two or three times duck* the Tc neutralise these s niram1 ig see bosh off the body" W#boat four ounces of d'ad eats pm any pbaraiacy; take eigliteire enemata in a glass of water betote kook - loot for for *lois sad Jour kiitirekte will alms stetbladder diemho its. ▪ . T among sats is moose ikow Sao d of resuatualessottjaes,sose Wed rwh mot hal l each trial feet hib►!t'fm fool is *at ▪ 1lt+hreyr,tw ivs; hour al. aa sawbAmato awl foel ltor iea1 alibis, ` fauvist ',Wok r►itieb ono* et Soak aaal1 *Mgt Mk* glee easel t .•. imet *maim LIQ 16 pro a wag Po been he faring increase.. ty-eight enc old by the Bri. eh.purehasers. - A.state of'sfege flan tree twelee fluesian departure ''eluding Moscow and Petrograd. Reginald C. •L. Covering, aged 20, ROA of 1tev. R., Y. Overing, Montreal, was dt'owir.ed in ILYictuis tter May. ofthe Arthur Colby, of.Ednionton, while two-Chc.n_ with a huntingparty, was kilted ify Airplanes his gun dlecllargiih tccidentatly. Woodford -Cloae,_et Devon, N.13., was mistaken for a bear by a bunting Companion and shot and killed. '7'hotnas Livingston, lleg;na, was instantly killed when tvaa ,Auto- mobiles collided hear Rfocse Jaw. About 7,000 C. N. Railway one - ploys have secured wage. increases , amounting to about ,`200,004 a month. Catharines has been ordered to - retluce its %hydro° bond by 21•i per cent., and further voluntary f reduc- tion 1y coked."" a<hviile, while James Greet, of tricking apples during a visit home froth Montreal, fell from a tree and was fatally Inert ._ The pope sends p. personal letter =of Congkatuf flew to, Arcidaishop Ste- he . curY Government rnxient oaY s np. ' Toronto by-election.: A,•_ Shoirtt, a farmer or -Breaker. township. near A1Vinston, is' missing since eaely Friday. -- Margaret Grairford of ;Marmora, aged seven,' fatally shot herself- in port labor "'candfdfrte lin Northeast e6Ilegi:ate .ar eaii series by ro d 19 x the un �- C. . beating M. ., eat � to 17.: SAA anti rigarette'•entipatgn tneelg Students to oe launcbed soon was an - flounced at St. 'i'honiarr by Major Fred Smite CJ the 1;,M,.C.A, National Council* " her parent$` absence. , rgonuts and Hamilton won their. genes in the Interprovincial Foot- ball Union :on Saturday.. General Bramwell Booth of the Salvation Army has ,arrived in New York 'on the Mauretania. The'exeettive of the Labor party expresses confidence. In >Iion. Walter Rollo and Hon. 'Harry+' Mllis.t Prof. W. E. McNeil -of 1 Queen% University Cas been appointed regis- trar, succeeding G. Y. Chown. " ` 'Queen Mary has presented to the people of Canada the dress worn by her at the coronation festi+Ities. tritest Colgan of B E art was. fatally shot by. Reddenschemeof a gun In a motor car n Lefroy. Queen's 1Jnivetsity Intermediates won their group title in .the. Inter- * C.A. me or � _.®., . (. leaaabsra movs For tar 34 Yew. 1 4., O the n e fit`>� HAY ' FEVER • and ASTHMA t, PIANOS LADIES and GENTLEMEN l Through arrangements with Co.,- of Guelph,. 'C,ynx., [ will a �io�lerich and surrounding ter deaVOC to S�rVe you irl a basins in the market For a, P'ianta vvl°iic harts:. My system of selling c rtissiarlcd� salesmen, and many h add much to, the costQfrnost t ` t e unlit whatever nS ll/Tl$ to k1 , Vii•..:..Y a ihess to have rte .call• orf „ y dropping a line`;t'o. myaddress..: • Bae1lArt Punas erre flee world ever and take seoarld the rtlarker, They are the first Ria �, Pianos old st and lar est'.manu to e `� also � a are h a nd in Caned , facturers of pianos in the British Gtripire. ivert° .for used'r -.ianos, organs or `.. R f'uil 'value g p ° i - • deal with me. as 1 have custom- • ph©nagraphs if ydu • :ars far them,. ' d rr't-Adait an longer, as • As �r1CCS , ar(: rising, A .. , y, , S e d.a r adds h 1 t a pp va d e u {•:can give y(Fau terims�; n >,� y R ce t vvhi h will mewl $50,00 on all Pi,nos shipped an s through early orders placed, at the' factory, : r b `.sines address `CQurs f� u , � . Iiox 229 Seafarth, 'bnt. a ith The Bell. Piano ct as their Agent For ritory, and verill err,, Ss manner if you are h iS worthy of your uts out any high cont- eavy expenses which Pianos sold, and adds Make it your bush.' Q u before y buy,by endorsed by musicians place to nothing on makers of Conqu red by the World'" fefe"rwte. I bt)ttl'c"' Rem"tlye-lum't .stiffer a ti! .t.,.e ! a . loner. ,Sand to -day 1-:;-,1 !v ti:, i- l 6 ., Sled,' . r .1 .. >( t ,. tib ltil .iTrt( Ment. '!`clef ' i7! u.l . r_ _,,! M i e} w t'F M l `ilk t �� W. K. Ill.'GiaLILY, Iiftr. (hrmist.. �l��u �1� � ° 07 Uiindse St. E.. 'forouto.� 1 •• SATURDAY. • The Canadian Board of Commerce bas. resigned. 'Large partie:eV Toronto teachers 'visited Guelph and Hamilton Prider. H. G. Dyct3 won the all-round: tuck ,and field championship of 3tcMaster University. • john Meriarity nearly lest his lite' in Toronto trying to save his horses front fire. . eWholesate clianges in the staff of Kingston Penitentiary are said to be •immineilte The Baptist Convention ;sr Ontario. and Quobec opened Ito annual :session at Brantford ' Windsor, citixena litve to curtail use of Hydro power for lighting, and use none fon heating. • ohtnd's Ii,et hue passed the clause Conetftutiorl providing for a bet* Parliament, • . (*owing the 13nttu • Asthn a Positive relief, ie sure, 'renewed. health certain. ' RA,Z..MAI3' Iteetorel( normal breath. Ing. m stops us gather - o' loss in - e bronchial ' ,tubes, sty long Me q se sleep., - A Health -building remedy, put up in capsules, easily swallowed, prescribed tby doctors, sold by druggists, $1.00 a box. Ask our nearest agent or. write us for a free trial package. Templctons, 142 King West, Toronto. t Locar;1(0t'nt - - - 11. C. IWNI.OP - anSi` etre ASO Ottt 0. MANAGERS OP 1020WORLD AWES CON. • TESIDE1S, . Leff to ,Baht, lifana.ri' Wilber tiebfnzen of the Hreeklyne acid :• semester Tris speaks of the *ie%elan4 Team, talking. thing giver $nst be. { fOrc rite weigd s' Eels elbow' aR E!berts 'Itr�clliJd. in f ., Se tection ' ECAy .Any surf to that is covered" with - h`dden Endurance Paaint isvel • covered' and Willi not decay easily, for Glidden protection is ood'prot protection' and saves.t le cost of frequent repairs. a 0.n. -. 'N! o Glidden Endurance Paint prevents decay, .keeps out moisture, from the j,. wood and resists wear "hoc i change weather eoliditiona without scaling or cracking. .,.,. Glidden .Indjrran.e Paint stays fresh and bright for a long time, wears weill and looks well—and hecrzuae efts rls�r�a- R bilily it the cheapest paint you C4 it Amy: ' For everything about the home farm that deeds to 8e painted, space enameled, vx" nished or fipit its , vim':,tire •is a Ghidtr' 1 for that iiihmidiebartsithimmedid to* •