HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1920-10-28, Page 5'IHERSDAY, QCT. tb► 1M1. 4'v+anipie tilt?irony C?i tear cti iter lute t'k+.^ a numb(„^ r: f gears.” Adieursitd to Nov. ark After the beet part of two .rage cad beim spent tsa the neurit; ,ttidge"s craw ltt.il ee3urt f)vt'f• a chark;e" ;Against a iron 'train tiranti keret of alta mgt to pro - env, obortlerr en gar about Sept. ;ird, an ;idlournment was made on ,\Vcines day afternoon untili;riclay, Nov. 5th, on account of the dtte of the, alleged offence. not Wing been put d .v' a or - redly. %!r. /narrow, eeunsei for the; accused, sato. he was prepared with a' defence of the charge tot or about' Sept.. 3rd. but there )night be other evidence wvhi'eti might • box procurable and which he• should have, if the date were to be thanked. Mr. Seeger, for Om Grown, argued that the matter o>t date 5,ra8 unimportant, the question tiraa. Wee the offence committed? However, if the defendant's eounselt felt he should haver time to prepare a defence for a new date, be Was . quite willing that this should be done. The charge was amended: 3o read, "Ott or about Oct 3rd "instead of "ort or a 'bout 'Sept 3rd, andthe case wag ad- join -tied to Nov. 5th. Mr. Harrow further argued that the Crown, instead of trying k prove "an attempt" bad ?Wade an ineffective effort to prove a complete cast', but had failed because it had given no'evidence 'that the pails giveh vvere a •" drut, or other noxious' thing:" Ills 'Homer e fudge Dickson 'held, however, that so long as it 'was shown that the defendant had given something which he believe ed would accomplish the result, whether it was shown to be e, noxious drug or not, a ease was made out, and also that the feet that' the Grown had gone further than ?tying to 3irove "an attempt" did not weaken the case. •'rhe young'•13ir1 inthe case is only in her • ii)th year, and seems to have been pretty free in her relations. A charge of sedeetlon brought by her fattier against the accused in the pre,. sent case was settled out of1eourt, thq money being paid over by another man, though the plaintiff .could not say where the money came from in the first ease. . BRIEF TOWN TOPICS Our I of Merchandising Is • - "To sell goods that won't . core back", to "people that will." CAMPBELU$: RUG 1310,RE THE PR$S'R, STORE' •licit Minor's 1uts Story ° (Ant $Ids Square, Ce rlsh TOWN TOPICS. t(Continued from page 1) A'MESSAGE TO YOU will be' given on Sunday next. October 3.1st , n at the ■a r gf11 Montreal Street y • Rev. Geo. Goxnine K.i icardine . Morning, 11 o'clock ' Evening, 7 o'clock 3;p.m Bible School, s,m. B Y. P. U. Meeting R 1 You are Invited All Seats Free: I was performed ley Rev. Mr. Ross, pas- tor of the Auburn Presbyterian ehureil,' in the presence of Afty or sixty guests. The bride wore, a ramm- ing dress of white charmeuse, with overdress of georgette, trimmed with•. onalescrnt beads and carried a bout duet of Sweetheart roses. 'She was: attended by two oousins.:vlildred and Alen. Sallows, as Blower girls ,and was given awaybyher father, 'rhe wed- ding march was ,played by the bride's sister, Miss. Jean. Young. After .the ceremony the wedding dinner was served and high festival held sway. The house decorations were of aut. ulna leaves. salvia end. ferns in the drawipg room, Ind. ''Pink, and White ditryeenthemams and ' myrtle in, the ' r oou to left i p dining, , .i'aoin. � Th $ppy eel' •,o groprtt'r farmamid showers ot. rice j•.an4 coffettl, and old boots and bests; of friends its country and town unity' .in wishing sir. and Mrs. Lawson a long life of (happiness and useful- ness. To Form .Hording Company • A good meeting of the Board of Trade was held on Tuesday evening, T♦vjith President' A. Saunders in ,the chair. The'nieeting• was Balled yo' deal with arrangements ',to make poesl'bte the locating '"of three industries here. which would come if reasonable .beck- ing is 'given. To this phrpose it has been decided, to form : a holding con►•' Pane', • `and' a committee •consisting of .Messrs. C. Wurtele, J. W. Fraser and. T. R. llarrison, has . been appointed to work out the details, the expenses to 'beincurred'by this committee being lirnited •to $250. The company would then be in a position to acquire bulld- Ings and sites and' lease them to in- dustries or render assistance by guar! antee of bonds or otherwise. The de fails, however, are yet to be worked out. The Board, •or the industrial committee of etlhe Board, as five or six Industries in prospect and three est; thein ere' advanced to the stage where definite action is necessary if they are to be located here. 'It wee also decided not to Join the Ontario Associatcd Boards of Trade this year, but. to send delegates to the Western tinted° Vaned' Boards of Trade, meeting early in 1,ecrmber Chatham, and ;President A. Saunders' air. J. P. Hume and Mr, W. S. Bowden Were appointed as the delegates. ELECTRIC SHORTAGE. 'Hydro Electric Power Supp Y Cut Per Cent:.' The shortening of the days ''and con- sequently. the greater use of` electrlo 0urrent for' lighting putpottes has made the alreaity iliortage i+f eleotrie power noire acute than ever throughout the. whole • of the Hydru system supplied from Niagara, The llydro Electric newer COnernIs sion`lias• ilydered :the' T'awn to reduce our present load by 2N per cel. X very consumer -is d,errby inetrueted to reduce , t_n+ithe emoted f eurre nt a corngty and d if v�lnnily done et once, 3t will be n roessary to 'slake 'u general survey .of tile system and to lamue4-restrictive r,'1=ril;,tinone. , Where possible every electric; appare situs ,should be di eultinued. Reduce the number of your lights land be Most economical in the use, of: rent in emery way possible{ electric current by the 'immediate I•.x rs hoped t that •1...,..t'... co-opei tion of our coltsumers thie imperative order will be carried out.' ` Water an'd- Dight Commission, Town of *Goderich. The managers' '0t fnoet church ex- mortgage m $ ,off 1000 n . theB a o � Peat.topY 9 this year, 0 , Mr. 'Weatherill bas sold Lis property tint the Huron resat() Mr, Newell, lately csme to town from Saskatchewan. The Huron.. County Medical Associa- tion will gold it$ next meetleg.'in the Board of Trade 'rooms, Goderieh, next Wednesday afterneon. Finer tall (here never was, becau se 'finer fall there could not be. Guest --Johnston' An autumn wedding' of interest was solemnized at none Oct. 14th.- •1920, when Miss Belrpla (Btlhej "Tohneton, -youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Johnston, of Godericil, Ont.,' became the bride of Clayton, Ltonel Guest, only son of Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Guest. Sault Ste. Marie, Ont. The iHerbert ceremony mon was performed by'Rev. "the presence of immediate relatives and friends, taking place at the hone a the bride's sister, Mrs. A. H. 'iulloch, Brock street._ Sault Ste. Marie, Ont. The bride, who was' given in 'marriage by her brother-in-Iaw, Mr. A. H. Tul- lock, wore a gown of white satin and georgettewith a veil of tulle, caught with orange blossoms and carried a shower bouquet of Killarny roses. Mrs. 1. A. Edmonds played the wedding marche--A short reception followed the ceremony, the guests sitting down to luncheon 'titer. The dining -room was prettily decorated in -pink and white, while the living -room wav made -attrac• Hee with potted plants and ferns. Mr. and Mrs. tattiest left on the .afternoon train for Goderich and eastern points. Tho bride wore a suit of navy tricotine with taupe bat and fur, the latter being the gilt ot the B ro m.The onn B couple le ere ul gifts, therecipients 'iPwhich were Many numberifof pieces of Community • plate, presented by, the .gentlemen of the 1'urehasing Department tot the Algoma Steel Corpor- ation, Ltd., to,Mrs. Guest, where, prior to marriage, Mrs. Guest was employed. A handsome -par , far lam • P was of the gifts sent from the Purchasing. Depart- ment of the Spanish River Pulp and Paper Mitis, Ltd., of which't111r. finest is .member. • Goderieh's•. New Itesidents Fedi Tann geyser (roves Store Hews : 8 sa to 6 p. THREE-PIECE $VIT I;11 SMARTEST MODE.—This "cine three-piece suit is inade of green 'velour and is trimmed with fox.• -The straight chemise frock has touches ot colored head embroid- er - mbroid-ery from Franklin Slime Co. • Huron Encamprnent, 1. 0': 0.:•F., t ' norm wE KNOW Engineer Beek, Salmi?, was in town the past week. Mrs, Egener left this week to loin tier 11usband at :riinneapOUs. . . . Mrs. holt end: Miss ii6Tt•=•-lift this Week to spend the -winter in,Itoront0 Mrs. John \V, Vanatter is visiting 're- ' latives and' .friends in .Toronto " tis, week ;iieS, (.Revd . Deacon, : of I3idgetowlti arrived -on VUednesday,night on. a visit to her brother, Mr, Jas. Yatee. Rev.' John :iilllian'and Mrs. �tililan, of Shedden, are here on a visit to Mr. Militates. parents. M. and'Airs A. Mile resutning..ttffaAtivities for, the fall and winter snit next Wednesday: night? Nov. 3rel, will be Domination night., H. C. Dunlop,• local agent for Te'th 'pletoe's llheuinatie Capsules, . and RAZ. MAH fors Asthma says these two stan- dard 'remedies are selling' better every 'day. Mr. S. 0. Wilson bas taken possession of Mr. Edwards' restaurant this week, which he recently p>arebased and he and Mrs. Wilson and daughter are oct;upy: Ing». Jos. Knight's white brick house on. Wellington street. • 'The sum of money which Mrs. W. H. Tremblay found in the post office .1ast Thursday Morning has. been returned to the owner, Mr. Steven Andrews, Huron Road. The money coneiste'd,.pf. ,fives, tvwos,and one dollar bills. ., e were Quite :a number of ttiwnene oPl in attendance at tile, t1.„ C. 1 Literary last Friday evenime The views sent oat by the Commission of Conserva- tion proved very interesting, and the accompanying lecture, :read bi-; Mies Ooventock, -was on . the aubiert, 'After the last West What?" The prizes won: at sports recently were presented, and a few numbers were giv ji by the stn - den te. AMONG, THE CHURCHES • Baptist church,. Montreal =St., Sun- day, tact. 31. Rev. Geo. Comte, .Kin- cardine', will preach at both ervices at ii a, lit. and T p. m: Bib school 3 p. tn. and B. Y. P:'Cleat g p. ni. Last Sunday. spit nal servicers , were held in Knox church; the morning ser - vier beini', for the trld people of the, congregation and the evening service for the young people. . Appropriate messages were given ,at each service by the pastor, . Model Theatre PROGRAM For Week—Nov. 1 sta tod th. Mondny and Tuesday A PARAMOUNT PICTURE DOROTHY GISII LI -' . " llr.r•" Nu��et Ne ANI) HAROLD LLOYD IN • `An Eastern Westerner' tiv t tt H -1'"OR 4eNt)t'`GE'111:.117S of onr new St'PElt .EIt1!tLI Wednesday and T, hairsday A GOLDWYN PICTURE f WILL ROGERS 'files. Call me jim", CHANIrfII CHAPLIN "The Coant • Mr. and 'etre. 'Wm. Jacques and.,ialn- fly,• of Hamilton, . spent Thanksgiving with theft• brother, as. Greenway,. Mill Road.. . lr1r. and Ctrs. Chas. -Cake and family, of` Hamilton, and George hake, of Lon- don, spent a week visiting their -broth- er, Jas, Greenway, .Mdil ;.Road.' • Mrs: Hi -C, Dunlop anti Mrs. Walter Naftel' returned last Thursday from their visit to Perth, where. Mrs., Nat - tel • was visiting hots old home. The medal coilteet under the au' 'sprees qf• the W. C. T 'U. Is being held, this etiening.in Neeth street Methodist Church, At: report will ,loo given next week. .` Mrs. 'Rachel C1i►aint)ey,,.of West IVa- wanosh, wishes., tri ,announce the en- gagement of her.yyoungest daughter, Hannah May, to Mr. John T. Thorne- son, ,of West Wawanosh, the rarrl. ge' to take place early in November: Mr. Marshall, Government. Inspector of ;roads, wan14° .town this week h connection; .: with '- an -inspection _'rt (County Good Reath; andfs.now coin - Knox church: Divine wor;tl3Ip .next Sabbath morning and evening'$onduct- ed'by"-the minister. Subjects •of„ser- monri, 11 a. m., "The ChristianeHomr';” 74). tn., "A Basis of Work." feabbatti school and bible classes at 3 o'eleek. owing to the regrettable illness of Professor iltillantyne , .he will 'not be. able to conduct -the anniversary sere vices in Knelt■ cihureh Nov. iith. ;A very. able and eiolltert substitute has, however, been secure9 in the person of Rev; (1.''A. Woodaid, M. A. of Zion. church, Brantford. owing to the briet cposte 4 to P.. ar cp been n y e as t melee It_ h , c Soh. the' ttllr . versa Pone' ,anniversary 'North L. Methodist church servlees next Sunday will 1»' heal as follows: lova m., 'class mtettng,-'ltissicn Bann and Men's Ciub. The elub topic ii be "Thrift or the Value of Saving"! and will be taken by Mr. J. i'urvIs. Public. worship at ii a, in. and 1 p. n`?; The pastor will preach at both ser- v1-ea.The .to1tFservice will be the beginning t,f a 'erica of nieetinge to be held each Maid during the fol- lowing week, for tete lextekening and deepening of spiritual life and •evange- lisin.. The publlc are e.irdially invitedt The pastor will he assisted: by other nrinlstet's and laymen.. The :tiovembPti quarterly meeting will be held the Rol-. lowing :attnday. Pilis That Maw Reneged Thousands. ---Known far and near as a sure• rents rdy itt tate treatment of dndigesticn i and all derangements of the 'stomach, liver and •kidneys, Parrnelee's Vege- table Pills have brought, relief d,•tbort sande ss'hen other seeeitics have fail- ed. Innutnerable testirnoniala eau be tprodueed to establish the truth ref this agsertiotl. -Onee •?tried they will be feun.i superior to all other pills. in the treatment of the ailments for whlelr The 3reesels Post last week had the following i,fer,ne" to '!r. S. C. Wil- son, the new proprietor of the restaur- ant hitherto canductcd. by air. It. '1', Edwards: "After a residence in Brus- sels for the past 28 years S. C. Wilson and family removed to Goderich this week,, 'where! 11,E has purchased the iea cream and 'confectionery business of IL Edwards....lr. Wilson was in parts nership in the monument bu;inene with the late Jae Hunter and after- +rvard engaged in the grocery and iced, cream also line. clerk o f P t peeth past ;eara he Division Court Botts Mr. ant Airs. Wilson were 'setive wortcern the Presby. terian church, the fernier being an clef der for eight y. 1 i. Mrs. Wilson was president of the Willing 'Workers and teacher of the young ladles' bible class In the Sunday school. They carry with Mende who of wide them to the good people of Elotiericit all a trio. wortilv Of their es - terra." The fust ale() gate, the fon twinge dee team: of a. +prese•Iatation to Tif=s. WIr- tza,.t: 'on a' rsret)t er+'tilntt the c:..un$: i. ' I etre chew of :1lelviile Sunday: >< Frillsr gad S*tariak I A SELECT PICTURE �I ELAINE HAMMENST II y � "The Shadow of R. • ilf yroes Mit .P01,1,0410 011soma tilvAa4N ,1011.„. 1J ri Oft as.{en7ltled at t't1e home of B. �•, they are preseribeeL . THE Scoter' TORE - armerWothing Noiem;bor theMunth»of E hanow ve had an exceptionally mild and delightful•Fall, but mines chill November when it is netting that n every member of the family replenishes their stock of am ,er Woolens• e, ti ilttonr►rch Knit it smart aLy�le, beautiful color effects good fit and Sweaiter Coats exquisite and tttrAetive garments of the season. Style I 256 Monarch Sweaters Style 1...262 Monarch Sweater - .. `�' * at $1435 at 12.5O one of the new fall models _hiS is a-deexded,ncvelty Ssv�ltr�x. 7.1115. 1�; :. is'extremel attractive, dimes in ,Coat with•all the nevtest features,in- beautiful and I , 1 shades of mist, oriental, buff, clud` g bell cuff, shirred skirt, tuxedo turquoise,' S s r s co ar new weave, in' all the popular ' sailor .. collas collar, turgtlroise, strawberry,fa11'shades, special Sxq.yS.' and tie belts, special $12.50 . p "L �r�-rr f' n 31, Popular Priced Monarch Knit Sweater Coats $730 Coat for general utility wear,. has shawl collar '• ,, ; '::. - This is _a ,S�ext Sweater Co . ,._., . belt,in all thepopular shades, special $7.50 each. • • and�_ .. ,„ , Pullovers r'. this season,we have over -200 td, select from in all Pullovers are papula � n combinations. ,' They are • s styles of the'season,in plain colors.and fancy the, be t y priced from 3.g5 up. f . hovers in great variety, Boys'and-Girls Sweaters and. Pu Mills bull s M tom the. Well.. Known 'burn Underwearc: h m de•int Galt and is a credit' Canada.:` No Taxztbull � ii11nt3erwear xs. • a ,a U. Fear is to: be had. better ud • - ' Wool. 'Cee.WTee u bull a Natural Women's Tu�nbu�l's Wom Combinations rwear hese .arment ... are made • from w s o l T R • , . Misses, Turnbull s natural 'w o cl stock of Australia l,ai31�S t>voal; , _ selected , . . _ .. t kable itiwhite with: Vests, Drawers and. GombinHa-),� gitaraizteeil 'or hr n t the best for growing childr hoer lon or short . or sleeveless; knee are. Llo eft g high, or, low neck, 'Vests 'and Drawers. from `. i oo . and ankle length,- . . g. .. ' bnatilelis from'�2.0t� .' ..; p • per garment $8 50. Derror , s And Tu. rnball, s . Natural •ural Wool Sleep er .r s ..�Sizes..� w The Largest Stook of Woman's ° ad .Ghrden's H(1816 4-10 the , MAn,,,AND 'PHONE ORDERS A SPECIALITY. Pro>i56MILLAR'S SCOTCH r G • 4 the f,ghtiet ;Glaciiatota of 'ieient-11,-ine healed their Wounds and • -.ores with rt' ,i herbal °il5.:and .balms..,, .'These are ,.aid to have .knitted the' damaged tissues together • in miraculous fashion. Though the highly-p'iicd . :secrets of those precious healers ' tvereiost with the fall 'of Rome itself, . the introduction -of the great herbal balm Zana -Bek. has [u rmsh el their te ir true sa c- CCS3oI is' so velloustv :- • - like them in action. The soothing and healing touch. of Zam,isuk is toed.y known the world over. •Whereverthere)s g Cut. Burn or Scald, 'a Faltering Of Poisoned Sore.a patch of Eczema, Salt Rheum Pimples or Rash. lam Dolt ends rho trouble ince and for all. The same wi,M Ittra. Ringworm. and Piles. eo else k n i7cr. e qown to Srae Performs suck n,aivelioue healioig, or dispels disease from the tisanes so thoroughly** Zatn•Buk does), This is due to its pure herbal character and origin. Its absolute freedom from, the aminal fats and minerals found in present-day bintments is egotists valuable feature. With ;*eduction .costs,*?°ligb- water Mark. the price r Zam•Buk remains at ba tents. At to ofd price you still have the same bleb standard of curative old healing value:,,lsed wetld•widc demand a11nWs tins. Ml Anterior Zaen•1)** Ce..Tosente. MOO. or * totes der *ZVI Trill Sample FIZZ if le. sew etr*tgru . igoslase).temenseeiei alopnuliet. l 1fl BUk 31rK. Hamilton Was a r to inspti'tion of township etiadzl;uuI '+t.:,'tlary's. ,,.r. ',cut .lnAs% itnlc. til .nc) 13 L t - pupil ,+,f qtr, 'tin,- t, l r s r: an life fr epic+r{t N,r1y 111`: ,out Awl ;rotor, •\Ir: and Mrs. lir°rnli,t \tt 1',vi,y .Pit l.nndon: whIeti erre re+chivinl; ,,eye•rnmcn . ;1K a+i t• til'. ifrlb't'niid a boyhood 1 i'lutn► . of 1 1 �l t un 'ruesday•pn thea' tilt:, ,t,t Va,teouvt r,t he iietPnil to reeidi'.• They 11t'.- and •Slrg, 1 eni.s+t .1%) tors wane lxprrtere t y t remain at' •To4nnto for n marriage 'at KFlux chilrPh Alamo- �� on Alayt,i N.xpet'r, i t, oat Hill-atlzt'le :and chi- TuPKday .of last vti�Pek, vva+s sns 1�rti n augo", ll ro els c+ en routs., ' °n S�Istt thrnl a safe .. our last i€iatte,: event fo itrrt Oil hoot duce their new kr and a ter pends south f t l� jot? P,y a,nd sucet+sa. 1n tel , eyinui,1, .alter whiclll they will rt -aid -i canon. , .: Pattie, of in Gwen tiuund, 7h Past ()raid rtaater C. . Toronto, watt in town Noonday evening gnat Tuisclay and looked in at t! a meet- ing -of Duran Lodge, No, 62, I, i.. 0. P., an Mondtiy night. Mr. Paths ie -see. dal agent for the 1{ingvinri Belief A. e s eciatioh and was toting to lhlnlcannon cin. ,. ctnn P to •in t hitt t t t lo» Meese ,an 't n Ir and e ref • ',tn- delver, 1L C. dre visitors to , th old Immo town. It is a Mlle more than ten '',fears since they ..'were. here last, and sumo •1: yearn' since they' with their faintly removed to the Paeifiu Coast. Their merry frict*is In line N c them t , see t pleased r' tleit;bhid'hpu 1 are i, tt'P. Mere. Chet',,�evas•an interesting couple in ,he persons.,'f ;1Ir. and Mrs.A..K..SitP- r,reu„r, „f .L',iulun, viwitnrs 1t lAnuu and East 4t. manses ttiitt week. They eelelrrait d their guide) wedding three w•eeee ago anti are taking a ' holiday tue'tattt'r. guing trout here t•, Strafford t+ , cel. urs. Scott and presented their) b ' hie e4tsefned teacher, Mrs. S. Ci M atson, who was removing to lauded riett.ay. th i'ti,Plretrie iron and srreedll lcindkerettiefe, 'Alfse Ella Hers gave a ahprt extemporeaddrrse and Siige 1!t' gie titissr': tete ereee[itetierft. 31rc. 'Wilson's reply v.'as a trent an. ps'uprlate one. >!! pleasant: time '6aut cn!!o8Cd tin+Ced vteiHt regpct ote tilt' fact i'ost the ; helots=; relatio!t :; ii as teacher and pitfalls would aeon ' SW ie:I ithde `bwo e YDr Cpt NOW Grocery and First Class Meat Market ... . Li Com *quays and Kingston °pe l for Business Saturday, October 30 to s affil Usk sal Cosi Mph GrafiIt r tap ihr..galr bi t' 11110111; 1t.11700t:Rti • a Elf NEM P brit e? - nrrnec t Mist Inez Porter) was married pili u Cetiy tee1,1•1ltnir.. quit• of bruavn, and th;.• ,'.'rr'nit.nt a deitcrtttfitl lunch wet. seree,t ,It Um tonne of 1110 :bride's" par• rlt•t, fir... nil Mew; ° Jan. Porter, ii'.t-M :eta .d1• ehtidreit etre subiee.t ,let r, w:,,rau,..rm! tnitny are ,born with thein, Spare .re them %offet'ing ley: tieing Motion* i;i.tr,.' Wenn latternIifatrtr,. an eV",. ce•llent a til, . . wants o go to Ttu, fellow that n t Itear.•n ,tltm•, wilt nCver get there. to hes f �'a�lare �'rtxn arel thoroughly reliable, built to. Owl long, Jaard service. , . ,.:........„a.,.,ry„, oewflare They are silk , and the trimmings the beat the mills produce, and they hese the style. H: MARTIN the Tailor • Prepare for the wet Eseason by purchasing y1u; Rubber Goods We guarantee all:our Rubbers. If any prove unsatisfactory•becanse of workmanship, We stand behind ,stir goods, '' See our lines fer special hitrd••wear for youths, boys cand. teen. • These Rubbers have re-inforcee toes; soles and heels., Get Your Rubber Footwear at Hern's Boot Shop rt s>1itrtlrf ' NEnlr> k0i 1 >R1 i1111 its MANN* e place them. r' 8 Ests *0 Rg BBO