HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1920-10-28, Page 1pram-
s •_,....'s „T-' r • 1, .
oraggiimospwair.7%1P 7 rgrillintIrr;'!
will soot Tat tiOPIsaaott Sten how *or SO Jan,
HMI, W * sew subseribee eityieheat Catais
ode. Vlore Sala emit alad kat. sow Mead gaa
4t--400. NVUOI.E Ilt`14H2R,
Government Circles at Ottawa Ridicule Prophecy of as Earl
& Earliest
TME 11.11 IMMIE411111 PAPER
INiglahad ivory Ilatrodal-itia a Tear la AMON
tr s Weill, Vaakilles Ingtat, Mos.
Quebec Liberals Not Satisfied With Mr. King
They will he saved the wort/ Of keeping leste
eibetletts of 1110111/1 shoot tho hood*. They coo
poy their WM by simply mollies o ebeituiF-inad .
455, addition have an eCCUtitte amount of all hills •
Cr* And thy Will obtain a beast of hop%
evendence in Whit a Bonk account
, their own. . ,
y Ova
. AN
• Moe ION
weuld Ilstedt tad
-Was eeterta.esifterlitsititrama
eawattosw Woe( _TilieTr- 'sent
• thin wow weett volt yew willasees
lova lew geeing sew Itecost.
e •
„ , !
of Canada
The Rich Mane -to offeet inheritance Iakeet thus conserving his Wale. I
2. The Poor Man -to lend hia growlog tawny a helping hang they I
Den support.thernselvos.
S. 'the Married -Man -to assure Ida *Maly the beoellt Of a permanent
, 4. The Stngle Man -to provide for Ida old Age.
5. Everybody -to aid thrtfe and aeeste financial indepettele
k Su Life Policy will preirilille fir all merge les. •
. •II. LON , District Agest
Gopierich Branch.- - F. Woolcort4 Manager
rfforatS ASlinp;
GODERICII. titers! of Sept.' 10 Wanted
On the subjeet "041 stones." Ile
hatt just retently 'attended a eoltven-
Hon In Montreal.
'WM. Carey Married
Xe• Reid. CAM. ao0 Or Kr, 0, T.
Camay, 'west to Mositreeil Week
soomanaueled by MIX. O. r. Carei. 10
meg beedieeto•be trove Wateaevt.
eataisad, VIM *WA iieft ** Ii4P0e,
ad*. Thief wets married ea Teesileltle
lteetreal. The yetteg lady tts Lag
Jamie Cartier.
Poet Mee HMV
"Come, 'get. something by }Wee)
post; It will cost but * dime at Yea
tnoSt"--sat the Post Office Baxter at
• Pot Meadety twat. Nev. 1st . the sew
riate et 02.46 ek year ler the Mar ewers
Into fleet. The eutaagenteet of tide
ttepte bet Owl tame tee. OW 0040
Itareld: W. P. IL tireenlattd, 4.
Catharines; J. J. O'Neil. Toronto, *lid
W. H. Passelman, ot Chester,ville.
- PtSaeresefut Demeastratlea
skilarkhvare and MAW 'of OeL 10 •
contains a PIP devoted to the demo.-
stration of Reatty Moo.' "Time Sow
owetrip vis!itter recentiv given in Sit
1.0e's *tete. Pictures ot
epee Muter petiterd fmateitieee tem Lee. litinaelf, sit his large More WI*e
thet st Ogre* P.M stoat fer yearoa slow In whicit the dentonstration was
hetbstrintion. During the Stet hour given. and of his whole store trent*
t„ „ with the elaff grouped about the tlks
lea" It" War h'a 43a_erril"._."'`•-•;-_,F- trancr. and lastly of the Sunset �$
ply the Palter le efile eliewermen4 n't VIP 'a very large and ameessful Bunt- • •-".•
04 rite Of PIA * 1414thrise beck 'user hotel. owned and Operated by Mce
Lee." are ibeerporated in the article.
The demonstration referred tei ,Wita
a, great muctiOss. The sole of Mx •
maellines Wes direetly tracealsie the
ittemonstrations-Vverat welt actualIF
sold while the deittonstration INAS111.
prugrest4.. r.
The tollowing from. The 80..Thoreaa
Knox church lecture room *Madan. up, that htet• " we are t•talta. are'.
Nov..0th. • Salad tea froin 4 tO• 71 sale pored to Wien that It was a foolisri
of homesmade baking, candy, foam, way roe es to do. Two years ego
work and aprons, under the auspices " st n .
ot the Arthue, Clrete. We lth t . •Onr . I scribers for It1M fee
A mai, %moms. camp . ' - the service we Wert:1'006g theta, end
t.o.teabalos.'ettaolub.ae int aniekeeenttatonrmweidti,1:slt Itiveee nwleAenetroonfallyate maitt its111"nertelgtre irtitil:
'der the MUM' of The Trull Rangers'
Me Trail °bier la (1°°' •IlenrielVfoef pliGape*:4°Itt'iStitnlio' relitetreite47dioubibilheed ciTtIlialterrereV.M1.13jratres
ra: Trail Sub Chief,. ROL MeQuillin 1 - ere has heen eonsiderable ter of bit sister, Mr.. Jaso. E. Naltioas
Tally, Wm. Longrutre; Cache, tamp, end also tit • Bt. ext4orona ..Tne movailige woo
requirea few eOptes Tilt .tai'
' Tenders will be reeeeled by me _under- scse•Septess.904,1- NIA he glad 1,0 PaY
Signed. tor the purchase E.., 7a;
res ot Lot it, CORI. "C.' ericli, until for a raWlVaPlealt tett at "ur "lee lit
2tut dey of November, 1020, the ISOiirse Or the peXt daY or two.:
at 5 o'clock in the nfternoon. This pre- Thimksvivano Day swum;
poses, and is attested a seort dastence East Hunter and Fred Toole won Ott
party is sellable for market gardens,Pure
TERMS OF SALE. -44 per cent. Cash on in the Tbasakegiving Vey bowling ton
deed ready for delivery. The highest ox Rev. R. C. lifeDertnid second. Th
or the &orient Road.
acceptance et tender, and balance when non:tent at doublet!, mdth A. Taylor
s -Dated-October •elstsse-seDs• vtere twelve paled of...doubles' i
any teneer Mity not be accepted.
R..0. /TS. . tournament.
Word Was reeeived M t
Solicit r and•egent tor Gwner.
• wAteTED -
LEARN Bedirft TRADE-FeW weeks re. 1110111111K-Ot.De. p. Itennedy
Dr. Kennedy Dead
'Tuesday,. of the sncidert de
wired, ood Witetla. Bare employs • d wa t
ment. Write for catalogue 'Ind foll Peri
Oculars. MOLER swan cOLLEGE. sae
Queen St. East Toeonto. .
• TY For Goderieb IMO Buren thoultY na
rePrisent "The Old Reliable Fontbill Nurs
series." Big Money 1$ to be -made selling
Nursery Mock during DM teconStruetion
As peeled. A splendid opportunity for a
live Saltzman. 'Maness cornmiesions 01110.
C. P. '
Gtederich--Leave 6.00 5.11'. 1.25 P-131.
Maantiton-ArTive 11,10 a.m. 6.24 p.m.
Tagonte- ' '10,35 a.m. 6,50 p.m.
. Torento-otaiave 7,40 am. 5.10 p.m.
ftIflUtoTh " 7:20 a.m. 4.00 pan.
, ekoderiolt!-Arrive 12.35 p.m. ft.55 pan.
G T •• •
Eodertch-Leave 6.05‘.e.m. 2.20 p.MS
S' • 7.45 a.m.
'Poronto-s Arrive 1T.10- a.m. 7.35 p.m.
Heamiltons-Arrisre 11.22 a.M. 6.53 p.m.
TOronto---Leavo 6..30 t1.01. lt.r14
IT,arniltan-Linive, 7.15 a.m. 7.15
s,,, Goderich--Aretire 11..45 a.m. 7.10
. , • , • 11,45 p.m.
:\*L'ItStneD.--On -Nelson Street, a gold ring
41: with setting. Coramenicate wan
- ,
A 8t600 -PROPERTY l011.$90%
„eve been instructed by the Exerutors
Ot Ss • late Wte. Matte Estates° serer thts
prooe, ty at a sarrillee prise in order to
cloge ttie estate. Fran's house in, good
state sr repair; (*entrees 8 ;smuts and good
basement. Stone wall tinder whole house
and e laege lots. ales is a bargain. Poe+
sessioa at owe. -
Real Estate Bad Insurance.
• House' to Itent on East street. ;
• For Salo, Two Houses tin Regent
Street, ono story frame, 6900
Foe Side, Xvt(6.Hous.es on Olferff
- • street; one and a half story, 5900
• For Sale, One and a half story
house, corner Cambria road and
Gloucester Terrace, $P00. •
• f
figitipment, tarp line Or
Du'''. J.n. 2 Olintglt., *.t,ND WELLINO'roNs Toronto, ow.
. .„
Apply tO. ,
' East Street.
si WIEVANT . 1
LI a reliable agent for every unto. 1
El• presented district, to sell Our 12
A isen-loloWit fruit and ornamental 10
gt tree*, shrubs, ete. 1,
Our Wiley is valueble under go Wising Mill; 1 'waggon and MaY ra
ss gravel box; t root power; 1 set or
ti, . * present eondtions ' • sleighs; 1 goo& Cutter; 1, open hint
Sa0 ACHES, OF NURSERY &STAB- FA top buggy; 1 neLavat separator; 1 c
I Write for particulars to Ageoey 03
Department, fie
21 ' TORONTO ' ONT. Is
a tie . 9 at
Hutt end oroamental Meek to o er. STOttill
- EYE, EAR, islonE„. THRoAt.
LcolgOUPOS16tge03 New York 'Ophthalmic
and. ma Ifeepital, assistant at moorellelie*
Kr, Opted end Golden *Mare Throat Hos.
pital on, Hem .
63 r Olga. et. Btrattord. 1 eleehone Stre.
Al Boktford' Hetel, Goderieb,• from Wed.
lieeday,'Islov. 17th, at 7,30 p. n% to Thurso
dins 'Nev. 1811), at 1 p. m. ,
• ' ssilc.... E4 ios sox
F" SAL -E.-4)04 Treasure beater, thesis;
ntymong) sewing machine practically
new --1 eat ellel. APIMY- at STAR BF-
F..I E foe addrese. -
rE. ,i-4.._,,., ....,... Ulster, in ex -
driving: D. STRATrORD, 81 S. I.caeountrs
:. Celle% fulane.s MI
residence, Victoria Street, r
VOR SALE. -Choi( -t1 melt cow. Apply to
-esSCliAS, YOUNG, Reg nt Street.
yolitiatittLaEn.y-Cgrocre tealbailieo.gsi
parlor rug; 1 leather upholstered couch'
All in 11rstneass condition. can be seen
-Monday or Tuesday. Oct. 25th and 26th, at
the Mome of MRS. REG. SHA.RMAN'S, Bri-
tannia need.
JD liouge Mork. Kingstran street W
• W.
steLEAN. • '
riOn SALE. -Fumed Oils BOriet, • $35;
x New 'Veilliants Sewing Machine, 315;
Empire Quebec Heater. 515; i Range with
water trent, $15. Mt in fleet class condi-
tion. MRS. "WILSON OKE, Huron Road
(house formerly occupied by Mrs: Geos
Morrow). .
VOA SALE.--Vsed furniture of all kinds
x • Beds, Chests of Drawers, Otid Chairs.
1 Kitchen Cuplmard (white enamel). 1
Baby Carriage,. and 1 Seif-Feeder stove
Wen Street. .a..._
1G1011 SALE. -A hotter, 8 rooms, convert-
-as lenee, on eifest terms. Apply owner:
T. HUTCHINSON, St: David St.
vtl Ore
f Wings
address at the urinating of tie liuroli
afodloal AsSociation next Wednetideta
111)f_EISTa. and SOME BOU
HOLD EFFeasse,,
will oiler for sale by *WM auction al
•Itts premises, 1.01 No, 23, Boundary Lines
Welt WM It on "
HONDA? NOV.181 „
• nenuneneing at one oteloik, the tonewItte:
t wed caydestude brood Mee; in foal-,
1 PeetrY mere. rising o yearss.1 heseS
mare. 5 year' old; 1 stlekiturseoittesse
Mentes; 1 cell, thing 0 years old: 1 waft,'
supposed to eilee A ell ilth; tseoW. 3 years
old, opposed la c 'April...9,5; e-coW, te
years,' euppoited to oleos April 27; 1 eoW.
la years, suppoeed le lacier- t .r.Q1V, 7
Yeare, Supposed to Calve April 9.6; 2 heavy
steers; 2 steers, g years old t t steer, Ono
year old; 1 teeter, olte year old; 4 steer
calves; 7 sheep end 1 Leicester ram; 1,
SOW. due Novietber 14; 14 shoats; abolit
75 Sousse bens: A Collie dee; 1- Massey.
Harris binder. in Mgt repair with longuo
'truck; 1 Massey-IlarrirMower In geed re.
pair; t mating -bats; iseultbuttor and seed-
er cetribinees i• horse rikel 1 roller; /
toekehutt 'teed (bent nerally new; 2 sets et
iron .harrows; 1 Single plants 1 set of dist
harrows. l' 2 -furrow piowest seurner; i
ck; i
CY; 1
Itudie. Rev, Mr. Hardy is at preeent Increase in cost in, procuring ski d
Ile Ettna.liuriel Nelson 0.13(1 Dr: Owes*
acting as NlentOr. but Intentas surrend- help. To help meet these advanced a. as, metetnop wag goleoutised Haug-
ering.lbe .duties to the hands ot Mr,
eosts our advertising' rates have day afternoon. Oet, lith, therateiffeele*
Feed. Stiirdy„ A Sunday session. Inc
b d
advertislog and...the snelY.
rates are considered quite reosenable
no. our husittess people, 'We to snot
expect a deerease lu the paper market‘
or any other conditions alfeethig the
prlotino tredes for a year at • least+
'Those who are qualified to etpress
4910,1l1n1911. wit!k _any \.*.dre -U.utb"
oiriti'state that In a years time de."
crease lit the • priee Of nape is pros
liable, as by that thee European eenas
Wes, • alien its Norway, Sweden. and
pessIbly Getaway.: w01 again become
large exporters of paper inaklrig'lnas
WHO -to the Culled States,l-thus re -
Meting the great drain at present .upon
the Canadian Mills. Shold the priee
of paper drop to any degree' „worth
while the ptiblishere of the Star last
sure' its readers that. corresponding
necrease in subscription prices wilt
Igo or sbe perents, Itr,atel Um, .70.,
ond out- ou.s
(Oble study mid a week -night for nelreOse steleolt, eg Welltngton Ore.,*
games, etc, eonterise -the regular itts
traction of the Club.
Harbor' Notes
-Wiiii-stearaer Winos., Unloaded 118,000
bushels ot corn from Ghteago° at the
Trio:lint Elevator on Saturday. e
steamer Home Smith unloaded 225
boshalia wheat and este on Mend** at
,theTra sit Alevator. . Anff0ii Wednes-
day the Glencalin 'unloaded -1115000-;
bushel: o oats and barley able at the
Transits pater. The tug Wilbrose,
from ties rd eiaretite to Lake Erie
aretved in it On Tamale andis abet.
tertian. The, steamer rtian is • ex-
pected with a cargo ot wheat and (Ate
for the W. G. F. M. and Transit Eleva-
tor. .
The Golf (hub
At the • meeting of the (Mit Glob on
Wednesday evening it waa decided to
vontinue the eaneass fort the sale Of
shares- in the company to be formed
until 150 shares have ibeen soh'. when,
a charter will be seeureit and the doh
bouse eretted. VA to the present
about 50 shares have been subscribed
tor., A five-year. lease 01 the grounds,
has been secured from the C. P. R.
The Iteeting wen adjourned to Nov.
A Hospaal for Senforth
A -public meatIng washeld at Ses.forth
on Wedneeday evening atlas week, at
.aothicla a. ocontriiittee was ap toted to
ascertain the total cost of a. h steel of
,not more than ten beds and the pprox-
irnate cost of annual...mien uance.
Wben these figures Are obtal ed a
second 'meeting Wili he held whe the
project will lundeubtedly take grin.
The committee etntetste of Messrs. Ji, Je
Merner, M. P., aaa. Coves*, A. 4:).
finthigland, F. G. Neelln, M. Brodertek
and R.-Perke. • - - \
tie • LISHED 40 TF.AIIS al or whiMetrees, unironede 2 Melts; „I eroeiwt
Ai I set et whImetrees; 2 neck yOkees .2
bar; 1 sugar kettle. 1. set of scales, QOM
lbs.. t good set of double harnese; 1 good
set 'Of single harness; 1 collar with heinto
and tugs; 1 .set of Models harness:, 3 pig
troughs; 1 ladder; I sleigh tongue; 1 svatee
illennifffillinSelisirMsellenists::12: • niftlfeiteMM Isgedits„ lenflaggn gnilicfunajle.good neave
a num er
1 LIVE POULTRY WAN. TEO I (clurissiPvi *44itlIfettuill'uTinIbrigi g°%ti.bu'Asall m "
.,,...„0„„,,,,,Ecarosavetetemaimints or *vain bags; 1! quantity ic or oatetioann.d
tie e, , m btickwheat; a tee, elm plan s; a quantity
Irs blinds; a number of sap buckets an
mac..ine; 1 PI p; c p 011 ; 3 1 er oct
: WE LY -
Eil . gi spites; forks, shovels, hoes, raires and
.. M other artieles ex) numerous tO men
ssai TEIIMS.-All sums of $10 and uonnteirs„„
' - Cash; over that amourtt twelve m
1 ' 3000 Ch. k
83 lc ens ' si credit will be given on furnishing approv-
Ai ed Joint notes, A discount or 5 per cents
il 2000 }lens ' . straignt allowed for cash , on• credit
EA amounts. Grain-eash.„
ES • -'
ES -500 Ducks . . , et OSCAll WINDMILL, +'+' T. CIUNDRY,
',.• 3 Proprietor. - • , Auctioneers
fie ..
91 a' D
go Top prides Will be paid by us ee BRED REeiSTERED " SHORTHORN
al :for all kinds of Poultry. Taken I CATTLE, MOSES, SHEEP Mee SWINE.
rilt in at Clinton °Very day and et l'he undersigned on account Of his law
gi Holmeaville twery Wednesday in practise requiring all ot hes tints and at -
08 morning. We pay tbree cents nee II tentlon, has decided to rent hi far 1 nd
al lb. more for properly fattened a sell he; entire stock by pnble auction
Se le Lot 64. COIL 2 L. Tuekeraml
14 Milk -fed 'Chiantis. ‘• • II1 Township, 1 1-4' miles east of Kippen and
1 G•VIIN LANGLOIS & CO., LTD., 1 1-2 Mlle south on
MONDAY, NOV tst, 1020
Fe t Clinton, Ont. SW
Ft !ommeneing at 1 o'cloelt sharp the fol -
:3 N.. W. TREWS/111%A, es sowing property : ' .
le.TOUSE FOR SALE OR TO.1tEsT.-imm-.
AA, tellable,' cemodeped houtle with el-
ectrie light and conveniences. All re -de-
corated: Good cement. basement. Two
lots and good fruit.trees. Ternr ter sults
Imply to T. R. WALLIS, Victor a St.'
DOR SALE. -Frame hoase on Wells St.
-11: Appae at STAR OFFICE, •
rire , LET -se -roomed Wino, toilet, zinc. tn • Local Manager, . st
.11. deetric lights. epPly t+! C. J. HMI; 84 .
PER, Quebec SL • litsilitiewillei eitssimismientisisinuissaim
Fon ItErris-000d , comfortable brick
Square. thmveniences. easo 0r, OPEN NOV. 1st. , • •
° saliteiniagsmilissixatailienaessisilettexat
Weise oti St, pasta street, close US
. le to Minable tenant. &piny. to As S. zilityS-
ORMGIE'S IN Tide's% the Post 0 cet
Coderich Society" Orebestra Mush'
'VOA. sALE.-The residence or Dr. W. Y.
X entrance between F. M. Wood's and J. le
Lauder; stores
briek, seven rooms; hot-water heating.
Ifiletlen, St. libeent street. White stores. ' •
GENE COeiNON (Planiste), tuition given
nre lace rUlly MOdern• lar veranda/1 on patio..
MR, C. V. HENRY (violinist), tuition given
en violin for beginners and teotte telvett.
$ALE ' esi
• a
al "Villa ?Tenth," 2s8tOry brier:fele II
• ly .modern with fireplaee,- 7 a
. a rooms, large lot, situated en the
in south side tot Pieton Street. 'Thit. IN
a is one of the meg modern ••
homes in -----Immediate pos. s
▪ ,s-siorY frame house. with $
rOoms, eleetrie light and Water, 1
: full lot with orchard. Sltuateo •
on the west side of Cameron St, I
, •
s .s . • •
e Mon
and *teeny. Appiy to ATES,
rm SALE. -Port Albert general Store
i and dwelling house, with barn and
Stied, sit ,licres (More Oe less) land, Me
chard and fruit trees. Price MAXI. Ap-
DIY to I. W. AR5iSTRONO. Parseres
Pair, 00derielt P. O. BoX 89.• .
, IVictory Ronde bought and SOld. 11.
to 'Province of Ontario Bands, due :
. • June 13, 1930, priee 9103. to yield . •
1 6% •
.1 4. \\*. CRAIGIE. u‘
' N ;
111411411111111111NRense reasxmaixisetil011111
Apple Barrels
for Sale(
'Kole 98
For intoeMetion apply at etudio.
Violins, repitted, hrldgee trued. Smitten
POSts set and viOlin bows rehaired, ole.
Coderleis Septets ,Orehestra, 'pieces
Organiet St, GeOrge's Anglican Chords
Plino, Pipe Orgen and Vocal instruction.
lierses.-One registered Clydesdale mare,
9 years of age, Lady Oswald (26032),,stits-
Posed to be in foal to "Commodore, one
five-year-old. gelding, .one yearling. colt
and one sluicing filly, both sired by Com*
Mociore." •
Cattle. -One red row, • Pie Crust end
(104401) , Calved January :nth,' 1013. This
has been the best paying cow I ever, own.
eri and she is now supposed to be in ealt
to St. Patrick (115923). One red cow ealv-
ed September 12. 1912;.1.sura Dittebes- 4th
(124982) Will) red bull' calf (Tannehill) at
root; one red meet nova Meedonald (1.1,406",
Calved October tst, MM. with, better calf
at foot (Lass 0, • (1owrie)i, one cOW red
with Verne white 'Wary Queen of Seote"
(131869) (*erred May 8M. 1917, with red
heifer calf at foot; (Jessie Slower of
numblane), 1figmand Maey (1219S1) roan,
relived August 26th, 1010; one red heifer,
Makele Lauder, (1413761 bore Wolter sus.
tom; ttne red heirer "Bonnie seen". (152325)
born NOvel•nber 1018;• One red -Better
leabell 4049) born september 2711). OM;
one cow nine years or age, san ex-
ec/let milker; .one large rat eteer; one
Ye *rade better, and one two-year-,
Five-Mece re old grade heifer.
wilt -offer Mr sale by Public auction
Lot e2; Con. 6, West Veawanosh, on
riOV., 4411, MS0
commencing. at te teeters sharp :
3 -year-old gelding, 2 eoWs supposed
to calve In February, 3 cows supposed to
be le calt, 4 two-yeateold heifers, 4 tw0.
yearoed steers, 3 one.year.old lositere,
one-year.old steers, it) calves, 1 7-11. Me.
0001111121 binder, 1 art. atassey-Harris
'mower, t 10-11. Massee-liarris hay rake
1 mete bar Massey -Harris hay loader, r
siassey-tiarris drill, 1 MeCormiek otitis
lector with seeder, manure spreader, 1 -
steel land roller, 2 walking ploWs,.1 .twto
furrow riding plow+, t set diSe narroWS
t DeLevar creatn separator, 1. root limper,
1 grain (Tuttle% 1 power washing ma -
(thine and wringer, 1, sM Ught bob-eleighe,
3 rain barrels, spray pump and barrel.
i oil or gas tank, slio Oiling outfit
1 16 P. steam engine Bed water tank
Wilkinson Climax A cutting' box, i 85.
ft. 4 ply 8-tn. belt, t 100-11. 4 ply 7.10. belt
maple syrup Outfit, ore= champies
evaporator, gathering tank, 2 supply
tank% 600 beckons spouts and eovers.
T ' sums of $10 and under,
; over that amount Mx months' ere.
dlt will be given on turnielring approved
Joint notes. A diseOunt of 6 -per rent. per
annum allowed for rash on eredlt
Proprietor. Auctiorieer.
HenderalliS Oftleriiting. The thrtde was "
nrettily Owned In a gown ot maga
great ehartneuse with eOreligot bonque4
Or Orelddlk and aphelia Mae% A oleeljr
appointed wedditig luneheon wee warvold.
to the gueats, following the elarereettY•
after Which Dr. end Mrs. Kelittlor* len t
on rioter tXti, the bride travelliaget*
navy blue tricettne." s• • , s
-Looking-Fornmed to MOOS. WOW
bast Friday evening the nielleSettlnit
Canoe Club held a banquet as. the op,
ening event of the fall.and winter sea- - •
son. The elub is lit a very Ilouriatitng
condition and great enthOsiaten lires
marks were made' by vartons onee et '
atthaelledme. titter:es: atillliteboamnpnittleinate.obtleine: es;
preSidentspir. al, T. Edevarde. 00, the
sueeess of the club under his Areal-
deney and 'regretting the hushlese
change which he is making and whlett, ,
will mean bls resignatien of the pests
non. • ,
,The inembert'or the Club are. look- • .
s„,_ $ay, that it tha.• log forward to Meese dMtler aenta
.147esteraPlileigvvatetre5owt lauffnialre 1911011111 *011; w4inel:tellucrtonl?t0411.Seglit.. Porttl:Siltee. Winere4°
early enough. In the coming ' year tit Home.SmIth a few days ago ott ktunitte •
:taroks! It.yowoorrths;owbsiteirlespitiong ilsoot,e we h' We told) Idlaogw• telt Ps? 011 tel a ohoasSe.PTII8VatUteuleatt . -
-enough to eovee the difference price. esillearda3b, ;it% Iteatitl,(i...e.l.a.b- are la:akia4 rar6
A ;real mina' of our subscribers have Lawson-V*0mi
already Judd up their subseriptiOh fOr A Very happy everit look place Ma
Saturday atternoon last' at Mount
Pleasant Farm Colborne, the reettlenca
,of Mr. and Mrs. Rod. Young. when
Their eldest daughter, Miss Florenee
PenelOpe, vssis united in Marriage 'IX -
Mr.• Eit:*, V. Lassion. ,The ceremony ,
1:Cont,inued On Rage 0)
MISS M. MIDDLETON 'r ofalgar St '"
. • •t,
itindergarten Music, Method, the sung
aNstulacti.gtTitaullgleTt'31%.("lett)a34-19.°11tor itrdigitlaut
ly. Phone 105, • °
For termS 13 10 Studio, SL Patrick SL '.hep '11141) Leieeeter ewes two yeare
old; two year.old Leteester eWee and
C M three latfibe, also five
71103144. .421 Suing or erii and under,
rash; over that amount three months" (ore.
Mt given on' tarnishing Opproved• bankable
Mint note% discount et thoi rate of
pee emit. per Minuet allowed for eaelt on
nett or notes.
C. W. flOhrNS6, W. M. DOM. B. it,
Lieentiate London College of Muele. Eng-
land. Organist and CtiOir Mercier of
t401111 St. Atethodiet aura.
Pupils prepared for examlnatiOns in e0n-
ttectiori witti TOrento University, Torente
Conservittory, etc. Every pupil enteeed
Auetheleer. Proprietor.
tor mustiest gene nes passed. Manse With s -. DR. LLOYD MOFFATT, JAS. IONEil.
honer% For teethe apply at residence, riLEAtteett AI-CTIOai 1.-nit.E OP Pedal PrOprietor. Atletioneer.
Weet St. (Omit door west Of attune rIMO, vs note, 1mPL_ESLENTs, ETC. '
`"- ,sTocti AND OTHER AterifIlLESS ,
.......ess....,....,-,... van gon es. public eseetee Iso hitt prem.
NOTICE TO enE___DiTenS. , Mee Lot le, Cou. 11. Colborne r. •t'
Mlle inue west of Nee, on • sty. Iselin) M. 401iNsToSt
EW.iiii.EssAlqillantillaitsTopwreitibleopes, oonn Lot 8,
MATTPR OF THE LWATE OF 1VEsDAY, NOV. tto1,153) WEoNlesnAY. Nov. nett
conithrheing et LIO ceelock, the fallewitig;
1 general parpole gelding rising 7 5151f 3'
next year, taking- advantage ot the
$L50 rate. This money has been est-
Perlited In PurchasInii 'paper at current
Market prices,.which win enable us to
get through the •greater part of trio
tontine' Year wale**. tondows less, hid
, r
further advances likely lei. take place.
wilt of cottrse hove I0 be Mel as illelf Will take pupils in mu lc. Myers,.
. .
°emir. ' We thank yoH all for your
microns •suppert in the Past and hope
that yeti- Will continue te 'aid uSr In
fu visiting you• With the nest local pao
per oublisited In tbis aisle/M. .
\IONIAN* NtoVe .1st.--Atietion sale of
APter imaging to a limb Of An aPPle lionsehold elteets, eomineneing at t
implements and sOmo
'tense Man injured In Fall front Tm'e oleo., „stock,
tree tor flee Mintiteis awaiting possible
assisitaners istilne Rennie, Hensel]. peers tors THOS. ttUNDItY, Atictioneer.
terSiOek. OSCAR WINILMILI,, lsr0Pries
chard anis choir • leader M. Carenet! Tr Nsi)Ay. No.,,.... 2.ssoparing, auction,.
eture(relaxed Ins hold 'anti fell. lo -
461111 hr. bill' stein.. and IMPleinent$
feet, suffering the fraeture three
ribs, a thaeltured wrist and tii"Vere,01111.. 11'.) '(1 or sale at 1:30 51,doeu alum).
enti. olhoette Tp• one: mile
be laid up for some time, but kis In- lot 12,
trislOns to the • thee. Mr. itantilie tv.111 efaesstn„ proprietor. Tilos.
GUMMY, Ouctioneer.
jisrles- are not regarded as. tiantrerOtls.
e TittertsnAx. Nov. 4.e-Aucilon sale Of
NaInt'd°gRoatitt !liti*a‘teiltr'n bnptinelt.11:11041rPePale114). ,if41,11•11.1 4d,h‘it‘...h.esdt11\dvailinst.alnIsaliel.IIi"0104.1intmsleontettils ---,-
the fruit. When ip, Se.lityped he
unable to space tiles tandse aloe ii‘e'voai;" wetork sharp. '\ %l J. THOMPe
N proprietor. TiloS,
fror five ininntee. .11j4 cant f(tr 1101P .
were 111)1)1' 401 Alir "I.!" " • .
KingtSiewort '
.• .
tht Wednesday afternoete iet. 271,11, . 41 11 00 Toesejle, nee e4:4 men, to Mrs „
there. was golemnieedsal the Manse. anti WA. celtin one a son.
East Si., the marriage of Anna, nautili- DIED
tise of Mr. and Mee. Perry Stewart, of 10 tledertets. oil Thursday, Oc.
totter 1920. H. .1. II Cooke, beloved
humband or iirem Sinrray. In ,1113 %AK
filesterr, In coderich toWnslep, „att
morsels., ljetobee ‘.:1111. 13244 licorice 'Bias
sett. in el. sinit year. •
In ON. In sallford, on Healy, Oct. Httur
etemereett Ilya% youngesst sonata
sir tom sirs, Imes !Wan, aged year, "
.19 days,
en hair ferns. The young merino took THOMPsers. -In loving menlinT or Mb*
'pet t. Ttemeeion. wesi died Oet. 20th. 1011%
This dos. bruise arti "
Or one who has gone to rest;
Arid those who think et' Ithin ttolity
Colborne township, and Mooed!. 11111S"
Son of Air. and mitres -Albert Stott.
Itullett township. The Rev. 45s. Hams
ilton, B. A., Performed the ettrentelly
UCTION SALE OF FAUX STOCKS in the presellee of the bride'e only
wore a navy blue Moth soils white
A. awls, IMPLEMENTS. • brother and her twin sister. The bride
tames ;ono, 'of -Mitchell, has. received In. ..s. ' so . . .
to Deli • il‘t; and Weil161 Talbetan ' fur, • and it 'eor-
structione from Dr, 1.10yd attoitatt,
by public auction, as me proprietor • win gage bouquet of pink reeei arid Maid,
grass Ms 'entire farm In future. at Lot 15
'Hayfield need, Stenley, one -smarter Mile :
east or Varna, on
FRIDAY. riOlt..5th •
countomeltur at 1 p. tn. the folkswilliff
Morses.-1 egricultural team.
Catt1t.--1 eow, freshen early part NOV.;
honking heifer, 5 two.year.Old !lettere,
ttvo will 100111011 3005. I two.yeer-Old
teeter ran' by side, 1 yearling, heifer, it
three-ySar•old Memel, 6 MO -year-old,
Steers, 2 yearling Steers.
Sovietise -3 ghosts. 6 months olds
Pontirys•-7t; Writte Leghorne.
loiplenteni%-.1 Maesesollarris" side rake
t Massey -Barrie hay loader, 1 Motley -Har-
ris moWer, 1 Oliver bean cultivator. 1 steel
roller, set bob Sleighs. t light wagon. 1
top buggers' set or castle hermit), 1 set
ot double harness, O milers, 1 block and
Male, 1 Delays2 cretin separator, j
morn, 3 •hgeging tempts roote, turnips
and mangles. Implernente purehased nen
Itarow.-1 driving shed anti poultry barn,
rittMl, new reor and pletee 1 horst Maisie
seecr,e; grain barn, sexas`
TERM Ev eryth I ng under' . egch;
over that amount 12 months' fexeept barne.
0 Moraine) reedit on furnishing tivpreved
Kent notes. A dierount or 5 per tent. pet
30611113 allowed for reef,.
the 0. T. -it, train thr eastern pointe
and 00 their tetiirri vslit reef& testi
Auburn. ,
-:, The i'nitOrni Hate Conimiseion Are Moe° NOD tortes .
flueiteeded in bringing, the agitatein for
11 Unifinen rete for HYdrn Power illio
the forettreiand, and the eeeretarat. Mr.
W. le, inemien, was Neerrdell a viva
attentitt. ait11 sympathetie bearing Itt oss. dpar mother; Leith mimes o egs
sAmt.}.3, KERII, um oe oee,..villege et
Farmer, DereilStd.
NOTICE IS HE VEN that ell per. fa treaties legrela Pk I row. o ye
' Nillt. In tbe county ot Iterate touted commencing sl 'IN o'clork gown t ,
s ses, 5 ,years Old; i cow. 5 year; old. due
1 ticeavy berms. 8 yeari old; 2 light hor-
a!4 11114 old, non tbs.; t delving gelding 10 yeses
tone home claim ands 'tallest tbe dee to /regain Alent 3; t rOW. 4 yeare eld old. Het IPS,' 1 Ithres-bred SiseIteerrt (ew
risiss-e.Boyr doeim
One Car 5 )t 11'. C. ceflar ' *bola the eighth d1W Of May, A. re. 1017, nun ..,a I, sc
are required to send ott or nefore um 141 retest 3 spring calves; 16, young ewes; i nu sit, N.O. 1400, 1151,11 1 Year ehl; 1 Mises
said late etunnel Kerr. who, died on or duo to freetien Allrll I; '1 purebred tmr• , No. ieete.1. Aline 7 steam eld, due to
eaT . "n 1 t !log 2.1 freshen April 20th; 1 pure-bred /Menthol;
dey or November. A. D..ft trOn.6 Ingest, pegmbred a rtna: tie lfintlig.sltele Iliewi,e3 area ser Sr ld, thie to
' IAA .. VeSliti ei; dettv"," An :,.....taigli Tries .1s1"Iirs:. 'awl it srvad;orti, %I lotte tra,"rineMitbrti2144 ilaole. rag' la. Ores'
. One Car 3 X B. C. Cedar their tunes and addressee with rut par. plows; i set harrows:A Set or dite bar. 2in. 27. 1 trine better. rising 0 Years
tietilire tri 'elitists ot their thorns ane the rows; t see or lifeline; i Pieuffiert,_new: t Me, dee lo fresnen WY 04: El stlePla ris
Ille PrePertY .01. 'the /Me 'Statue' Kett, Yeas: 3 walking piewo; 2 Mkt Jarrow row, 'rising 5 years Old, dile 10 fresher,
ic ft or Pentair% if MeV. nein by them. pulper; i Wet tired busgy.• t runner tir. mg 3 240111 Oid, geed short eepe; 2
' RECEIVED THIS WEEK , , 141 day of November, A. ta. Om, the geld t set or lealee: 1 11107rackt t travet•box; 2 years onto I Meer, rising 1 year Old; 1
,•. sem mtratrix von proceed tO diltrlhate t , weeeiberrow; 2 tole hetwy double her. /coring rot. mg_ ,irood volley move i ROW
",tern TAKE NOT14,E that efter the gold ed buggy+ 1 buggy pole; s fanning nun, steers, risme' $ IrtIrS lekl: 2 heitete rising'
, the assets of filo sala dereased„ maw: the eeion 1 sM heavy Morisse for third Mews, due to litter wrote time Of este; t Radios
, • PersiOtie OntiLed 'fere . or e sets mingle Itarneteson ere g tons or mii Howse heater for •eoett I Mellete (ream
sent to the claims of %hut ehe sham men tet; Mk% chains oil ether *Melee too himerater. tee row comity; 1
The' Gotierich atiting 1V1ill Co., 1411.,ggalictativrtinvporsiiia,riti 11114=7,, -$ti"1.4119:::' 6r to am under
i, . , . . , Incabstor; t stye gm MOD ft,
Sestet -Ali Moral of Mg teels
IJ*TfED. WI"' er tiLtarehelal0 ftterlergre 4;t:elit Irltit I. ea; tv r :!"(1141 eg rt: I frl glifseprer. 1416eArtogitottil"%g Inantrzw.'
. tee re* settee. 02 Pi _ ., ' f 43 fer eeat 5 1.2 Der tefit, for caik Ois ere
47 sox is .. tee a,t‘Ge&dch 1,111S, SW day et Oe. Name allowed roe 'coat§ oo treat, aniottete. No ro44rve. t4 ma prOptie -
i , A. 2.1.4. 1.1.6
11, 0, BAYS, • Othattrite. . ,. R
. sot 5101 or tha kaaahttloattic eFmottetdriemortfe.NAt,t, ' Tier:161W. DAVID N. JOSIffeltiN, .r. 41111DriT. 1
. .
• , ttsPer01117etedre! Ikttle fralitlic Auctioneer
l'he itoacd hasYcere Dave .0VOl 512311 passed; stifiltx nese him;
faiving heart!) shell always unger ,
s Around the grave wbere Ile le laid.
:13eY'11.01eVle,444.tt VtiallEelleAeh.1) FAMILY.
ePROISL.--In sad and !Mang Memel Of.
the Legislatitrs efillinlittee 54,1tIVeif 3i1te fit tivtd sprout. cit West .
Wawatereh, who pegged away ortobee
In Toronto recently investigating into
the praetieability of adjultithr
rati,a• more equitably. • Mr. this, den
11114; 1,1310 12021111 1+1 deal With the 11108
lions end, While not Inettnining '111,14
thPir report would be in favor er a,
uniroem„ rate, the enttunittee nase it
ae Hest' belief- that their. report would
be thtit .-..II 1- be saitettetery
Neither dear. you've parted front sig.
'Th; 0613 year Nos today,
Since we felt that awful sorrow.
44 YOlie S01r15 paseett away.
WP %awned you /coffee day by day,
it reused us bitter grief,
To see you slovvly tittle swat.
And tee could glve yott 613 Pellet:
ur E;;;;; come sweet day went Meet attain,
to the &rut itate As.ioeistion„ beyond Me to 1 an
Ancl, clasp each others Doti (oleo more.
reengi dime Coolinlitteo eelisiste crt I. In !leaven, Mat hippy tire.
era. ,r. Letfiltridge. of i0.'0i'.i:' 11.egily rellSsed bsv Husband and Cegdren.
_ amoliL
-. -s
-Iltasiiti ' - eliMee-iniaMI
i__nlidEllikr,"TA.11;Zeorst INFP's,.s. ) ,oioilltillig
IN,e have recently opened a, Bond De-
partment at Toronto, through whicb.
we hall be glad to arrange the pur-
chase or sale of Victory or any other
bonds for our.eustotners.
RitaltitVE FUND ' *at
PA1040 corm.
(women Hiregfat W. Waitaau, iismatt.
. _