The Goderich Star, 1920-10-21, Page 8all
A tihie rano of °row pretty
"tgntl ranging iu price from
to 90o per roll.
y of these meta fire
xtrft ' Width, rertairing fewer
Alis he paper a. room, thus
Coati la sad uta tell you
4w Melt room winced.
�'t�atmy Day.,"
e origin aK' thitep eese, "p lay,..
aye *rises from a, engem or the
ancient ltoriiitfi#.' A victorious Fi''die-
of recelved,m palm branch as a yin-
Nate rearard for MC britvb 4
Wen Eagle,
11 •%f.ANNO 1'
Tean&seleine Day swat' r•t' etvtd ser;
ite.E'lig' lea Cie village.
P;,Tii«a'L° R' Ntetherd was a tiettei'ie'f)
si=(t9r (MO flay last week.
sir, Joy lutist'. pi Fergus, visited in
the villege over the weekend.
Mr. anal Mrs: F. Mess spent nLlienlws.
giving-svtill trlends en baChsish.
"4 flora elotoin, of Nee filter, rio-
te Mist hazel Augustine last week,
ist Delay Ryan, of P,vt Credit,
trpent the 'iitiiday with her mother
Mr. Moss tiis;Jter, of Clinton, spent
a fele days under the parental roof
last WCr:k.
Mr. and Mare. J. It. Me%ibb and fata-
lly motored to Scafarttt ail aunde,Ye
returning :Monday nicht.
Mills' Anther McKenzie rind cantle,
miss mcKenzte. from Toronto, spent
the holidays at the fotmer's home
,tt. Mr. flicks and family rusted
the village on Thanksgiving fray. Mr.
Hicks is a former rector .pf the An1ill-
f'an church
She and Mrs. C. Tamblyn and Mr.
end etre, Wilson. frofn T.ondap, mot-
ored up and spent the holiday at B. J.
Crawfor°d's. •
We are pleased to say that little Cole
l -
sin Mei tyrt: who had his face badly''
Attuned by Faun powder ,a week, le
progressing nicely. •
Mist Cella Pentland returned Home
after spen►ling- as couple. • of .nlontht
with her hrotlier, nev., S. ti'. R. Pent
land in flrlgdrn, One
Mr. and :tics. Roy Harris. of Strat-
ford, and' Me. anti . Mrs. S. M. Wick-
ens and family, of Mensal!. spent
Thanksgiving at T. G. Allen's.-.
Alr. and Mrs. (Seo. Irwin fuels- tee
turned ;from .the Went:, where they
spent three months with, relatives in
Alberta. Mr. Irwin states the crops
in the \Yeti are spirndid.
Text Sunday • .anniversary services
will he eeitt. In -Erskine Atwell. Rev..
1r..4brahsun,.,from Toronts , will oe.
Cupar the' pulpit. • And on Monday
night. t ret. 25, a concert effeetonem see
teeth -file' end- a lecture ladle°to' hr -ht stn
the church auditorium '
The regular meeting of tt V mittes
e ev1lI be held at the home of
Mrs, R. A. McKenzie on Thursday af-
ternoon, Net. 2 th, at 2.30 o'clock pen.
A program is being prepared by the
St. ekugusttne Womenle Institute. A
full attendance is. expected.
The' thanksgiving supps and von-
cert Jast Monday night wee a decided
ueeest: A .good•••supper -vf.-fowl _and
all good things was served from t to
in elne basement of tree fled ball and
afterwards the concert, which. was up
sttiirs. The Martin children from
(iodlerictik ierrnibitcer sortie excellent
sang end . dances, which were greatly
appreciated. Miss Belcher,' also from
aoderieh, rendered a couple of soles,
and Mrs. ;differ furnished. some music
wine her violin, acconipanted by Mr.
Miller on She piano. Mrs, H. It. Camp -
.belt gave lie.ouple of readings and' so-
los :were. giilen by Mrs. D. D. Douglas,
Hazel Augustine and Miss Tichborne,
and were- all well rendered.. Rev. D.
O. Ilti'ut;ies was ehairenan for tee or
raslon, assisted by Het. Mlr, lurks. a
former! rector of St. Paul's . church.
1' proceeds were about elf0. clear df
t N4's.
4 '4
u .a
ew Millinery
dorAutumn-and f
Winter of 1920 ...
° Surely never ' were Rats
so lovely as this season,
They show the latest con
teptions in Millinery art.
Yotz are cordially invited.
to ifiapeCt our stock.
Miss ac -Vicar
Ki*gstas Street
A Prime Di eelne fee ''Wounee.-+Th
some factories and' .worksheet; carbo.
lir field is kept for use in•eauterielne
wounds and cuts sustained by the
workmen. Far better to keep cite hand
a bottle of Dr. Tbemaw' hclertrle O1! •
U is 5ust as quirk In action and doe,
not sear the skin or burn the tiegh.
Special Bargains
Saturday, October 23rd
LADIES' BLOOMERS,"Pink .and White 69c
Monarch Wool, all colors,1.oz 33c,
Salted Peanuts,. per Ibt 350
Chocolates, assorted flavors • ' 49c
Electric light Bulbs, 55 -watts - 39c
Brooms, 4 -string K - 55c -
lien's Wool Socks, grey and khaki, 39c
Men's and 8eys Leather Gloves and
Milts 49a to 98c
' abts OI1-ds0,1 14 yds ' wide, all
eaters et" 59e
ifilliamst Shaving Soap, mug bar, 05o
Special Bargains at our grocery Dept,
First Floor Up.
¢1.00 STIRE
be °mono feet ebeit Of eke ' M nee
nit ehercb, win b. teeth 1Mfesttal►
voting tit the iome of Mett. Retie. *WA
The thsfalt-o*erieg Woosg bas ben
peetpoieed until November. ,
apentThankegt from
outside paints
Iter. #l. G. Fitt* had the misfortune
to loose Ids driving horse a few days
Mrs. 'rhos. King 4001 her daughter,
Miss Kilda Bing°, spent tho Tbaftl e
gh ltig' ilel.idale With friends at tone
"iter, Lionel >t..1, and Mks. Neftel. of
Mora, spent The past 'week at "La
Vrangue," the guests of Mr. and ;tfrs.
Oeo. K. Greenslade.
The Sterling Sauk is how, Oen cacti
day In tits ' week instead at three d$
forwent. /he business has •inereased:
greatly under the able and obliging
managership of .air. Gordon Gillis.
Mrs. Pitts. wife 'of The Rev. ft. C.
Pitts. of 'Trinity cliureh, who has Uteri
ett the Hospital In London for litepast
few weeks, returned hams, thin week,
wSheoal€. Is. titipraving, although (mite
.;lies. Mary McKenzie. of rhe Dale
field road, not with a serious accident
while picking apples last' -week. The
limb that she was standing ori brake,
allowing her to', iall about go feet.
She sustained u broken leg below the
hip. a broken rib and a badly omitted
ankle, together with a severe shaking
up. MICKenzie will be leid up for
a considerable time,
A quiet wedding took. ;place on Oct.
Gtti at the home. of Mr. send Mfrs. K.
Newton. 400 Hazi!Iwood Ave.. Detroit,
Vhen Miss Lola F. Blair, only delight -
eV of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Blair, of
Hayfield, beeline the bride of Mr:.
Harold Brandon. also of Bayiield.
The ceremony Wee performed by .the
few, ,T; W, ICue'ey,' of 1yetreifee(Sp1y
ttie immediate relatives " of .the eon -
trusting. parties wore present, The
bride looked very, (tterming in a malt
of reindeer velours :with Bald bleu*
and •i et to match,- The happy , couple
arrlveldc?ree• this week and velli `re-
-ti c n- •il
d -I � ell, where =they arc"mtxotiv
receiving the congratulations of .their
many friends..
Mr. soil Mrs. WM. Dobie hake .been
on the nick .list. Both are improving,'
The vdrioue ministers of thevillage.
ureaohed Thanksgiving sernfona last
Mr, Jahn Clark_iiasioltt hie residence
in the village to Mr. Win, Hamilton,
who gets .possession .shortly.
Mr. Noah Pleataser has purobased..the
bongo lately occupied by 'lire. Sprung.
iie,getspossession in a few, days:
Mr. Wm. Netavos hos dtapoeed of his
property in the village to Hr. Jobn
Clark. 1[e intends. moving to Clintan in
the near future.
We are , glad to - beabie to state time,so. John Mills, who had an operation
for appendlcitlslast week. bas taken a
turn for thehatter, : At one time there
was very slight hope for We recovery,
A large number of our auto drivers
are getting defective' in' sight es they
tail to read the math* on the bridge,
"drive slow." Perhaps au invitation'
before. -ones of our magistrates would
help the dimoulty.•
Our sehoot was. closed Thursday and
Friday tat lest week. ' 'The teachers' at=
traction wee .the conveption at Gode-
etch. A Veer ago It was the thousand
dollar round robin that was the object
in view, No doubt it will be .the, tweiv
hundred . vision this time. The rea
the trustees are not of so strong vision
is that their personal pocket interests
ire not so much .interested.
• i
sgIliessik wi tbiF
is whits *iii (tali,, suit.. .
albs far trsys, goose,
oiliest: sorts,. are.
singer Sinus
A-. Neiy,ltberly Farewell .,Tendered Hr.
and Mrs. idermot McEvoy Last
Friday -Evening
The old Sayles* that "a ,prophet is
not . without honor save in 'tele owe
country" : apparently does eat apply
id the cttizen in several. ,t ali'events
it did not apply to -Mr. and hit's; Der -
toot McEvoy, for, on ,b'riday evening
of last week _their neighbors in the
towvnsttip in, which they lived, same in
their huggiee, their •atwtos, and -even in
trut'l.s, with their bask is of 'provis-
ions and .such conveniences as ware
necessary for the entertalning of the
'targe .gathering which assembled to
fare •e to those wv o--
li had lived
amongst 'Merit 'for theu'past sve•
years. Mr. and Mrs. McEvoy had no
intimation that such a gathering was
to lie held at their home:. other than
they were expected to be "at home"
of fEJUtft C IiteEV,OX
who with Mrs. McEvoy will shortly
leave for Vancouver, B G., ,,after• a
'On itrerlaeselay merpine tit 900 the number of years sojourn eiveordetich
tnerrisile took place of Irene Austin., and Cloderich Township,.
daughter of Mr. Peter Austin, -of the
9th conceeslon, to Mr. Patrick Murphy,
son of the late Mr. andChatMrs. Johne, ut rwrnnii►g, Altogether ern' , would.
Murphy. the ` ceremony taking pisco at • Judge then, **Quid be some forty' or
the Boman Catholic church. The happy fifty „pt "tile t gltl ars tresent, The couple Left in tho afternoon for a short forepart of the. evening.'was event in.
trip, taking the 240 G.T.R. train from 1( eoeial Intereenaed .wvftti games
Goderich. • a and other annisements, after which
em u:beau was served. M the con-
elusion -ef the 'lunch Ex -peeve John
.' fe lure- arose, . and by common con-
lsrnt, assumed the duties of ehatrnian.
His opetting remarks revealed thereal
rpose of the gathering. Neighbors
wvh to they had learned to love and.
speed ww'rri' about to leave them, and
hey did not wish the aceasion to pass,
eithottt some exeresslon being trade
o the esteem in,whlcit they %s•ere held
in the community.. At the ,conclusion.
est Mr. .lei lure"s remarks Counciilote
II. I. Sailaelil, who is also secretary of
the F'arnit'rt'. 41tr'o of Ooderielt tonne
ship, read the foilowving pddreass
Dear Mr. McEvoy, --
We ore gathered here this evening,)
a few of your nelgl►bore and friends,
to do honor to one, to whiles we be -
Hew honor is tlur,
'We desire to express to you and
Mee. iteevoy, ilur sincere regret, that
you have derided to sever the assoeia»
The home oe Me. and Mee Kenneth
Ma the Lake Shore Road, wee; the scene
with the naarriage of their daughtele
Isobelle; to Dr. Raymond White., of
Oblong°. The ceremony took *agent
in the parlor. The bride's p' for. Rev.
Ur. /tardy, performed. the remony.
sestfeed by Rev. V. Matheson, f Strat.
ford, and Rev. Mr. Matheson, of Knox
College, both cousins Of the h In
the evening tt receotiort WAS het for the
ittleeris assembled for the fe Wines.
The Aeldleld Presbyterian church was
Pretty well represented and among
Ooderieh friends in attendance were
bee and W. H. Robertson. Pot, the
denting Roy McKenzie and Kenneth
A:401nm' on the violin, accompanied
by 111,Witetenniut and Mrs. liketeen,
on the prince provide4 the antic. Atter
Was gleeneencluding addresses by Mr.
(lhes. Stewart, reeve of &Wield, Jas.
Thenipeon and w. it. Robertson; &song
by Violet, a young Miter of the bri4e:
and the sailors' hornpipe dented by a
maple ef yOung 'After the pee.
green dancing arts reeumed fOr Short
time end the gathering broke up in the
wee stUa' hours.
Wedding bells are ringing.
tigy Lantenslater spent the week end
at her home here _
he Teachersi Convention in Cioderich
last week,
THURSDAY. OCT. Blit. ilk
Colborne Store .
'V'e bare just put into stook a most wonderful artwe of Silk, Serge find
,Totsey »reasea. There are no tyro dresses atilt@ nine aVSry ores it+ flew ;a
In, our Serge Dresses nothing but the finest grades of Serge ars itself.
This means that the dresses have a better appearance and wilt give better
satisfactionthin the cheaper grades. of cloth. The eotora are all kat, .• We
_ .. _ _ r.ct thin one« :
ger uld like you to inspemole before meictffg 7! +o Oetieet of fail tires*.
The very latest creations: are shown in Silk, They come in tat'eta,.
duchess and pailette. These dresses arc shown with, dainty out that ato
um The designs , re the beat and we know we are -showing you merehandian
that is Up to the Minute. it will°4 to your (Advantage ' to' see these gar,
14 About 2 doz. House. Dresses o:rsale for $2.96
These: Dresses range in price from WO to $6.00 eatsh, sed for the
coming week they will IA on sale at $2.98 These are real bargains and .think come fn all sizes up to
44, at' $R,qs.- *
»orthway gartneats are itnpwn £or the erwene that Efts perfectly rind t
wears Longest, with roa,l. style. to the gare>ltytitt.,
A large range of I grtbwra .dements are tieing Tshown exclusively by us
g � Yl5 �
and we know vtreR are offering a garment- that will give absolute . satisfaction. ,
'Torthway Pltinh Coats, in all; sizes and. styles. A large range to.chootie
ahildtere'ti „Qoats cloth, with .self -o' 011ar Piettily, trimmed, in
6 years up.
We will. be glad at any eime to „ehow these garments.
Spedial shbwing of Servs 54 -in. wide, for dresses and sults and skirte.
, hottany wool serges. The ool,m 'are fast and oan be had ia Week,
The House 01: Reliability.
They are ell fine
Women's Club, are met •bere- tortight eocial affairs of -the eomniunity dor-
munity. Since our organization as e me.gvoy eaid. in effect, that he was not
leaving the. home he . had built. up
Vern choice, 'but -tether es a matter of
duty; be hadenet been brought up . a
tarinere but ha"d taken farming up as
a matter of tonvenience ear lite time
beings and epeappreciated higely the
goodwill 'of hiss, neiglipors. ,would
les eto bon ims d Mrs. .McEvoy. Bay, Scaring° Beach. ProuVe Creole .
Jolly good. Fellow" led by Cennellb r
H. • L. Salkeld, and ,a rdusing-iiier41d- Peet etc. For illuetrated descriptive
litmature, with list of hotels and :Vela
by Chairman_ elceiltne, the time hav- formation, apply to any Orand Trunk •
leg reached pest midnight, the tather: Agent, . ee Homing, P,
jag beolte up with the best sviehes of Toronto. oat, • • •
Club some ten years ago we have al-
ways; relied upon you for •encouragee
mektund help, to which. :you 'have:al-
ways responded in a very generous
Hy your. remdval te 'another. land
our Club • win suitor an irretisievahle
We trust you Will enjoy yottr
tonetenenirlhat you -will find. a. eplen-
did traid of usefulness in another Ind.
ot whirl' you ere to eecome a citizen.
'Your depaleure, a loss. te ITS, will, eve
We all join in wishing- yott and Mr.
ahd many Tears of .ilealth and haul.;
"Where eurnater eklee are never
ending •
.In California's. Jahd of posies.
of vireets and blooming roses."
Signed en- behalf ef the Country
Women's •etojek
Mite. 0, be EDWARD,
Me. Nieletny in -reply Said that be
would reserve evliathe had to say, un-
til after Mrs. McEvoy .had 'seam e he
deemed it a etvionan"s privilege la
speak irast, and. in her ease. right-
ful. privilege. eras, McEvoy had
tioris, whtela have been of a most cote!
dial nature. Outside Market neporte on page g.
Its a often of our towwhip we are wheat, i oo to 2 00
oroud to van Yeu have alw4,1 done PlOUrs per Cwt., tangly 6 60 to 6 50
Bran, per ton 40 dote 40 00
Oats t 50 to 60
Barley 95 to 14)5
your utmost to Primate the well being
of every projeet, that had for its vb.
Jed. the•hetterment of the condition of
life rural districts: end areliap-
py tonight to assure you., that' You,
inen 'lave been appreciated.
you have shown marked exeentivie ab-
ility eoupled eviiiii the desk* to fur -
Hier tho ecometinity spirit and we
feel the eeedse sown during Your Fa*
farrinv amongst us. you have shown
no mean ability. us Is ovidenerAl. by
istr. Leslie via hili ot ,,e,,,s, successful iiimminve.erayndinetrikelnirtapnreoovdernvileninot foot yothine4
tulle last Thursday. The weather- was land, (Mee being aequired by Yea and
tO !Roderic& The beet wishen Of alI go journey, arid nia7., health, haPPiness
tines and tbe tutees were good. The aim-. trEvoy.
Mowing day Mr., and Mrs. nick moved teire wish yen e safe and pleasant
with them to their new home.
On Sunday erre!** es three weU ro4urc‘nwei.rvY IPitiinl."ItY b(' 1:cinl `..4)11. in
for home trent 4 very pleaseo$ onto trip lath, W.V. ,
to lthteatilline plow ovotistraoll the ear In
'the ditch just north et Leehnra Chard; al iliN AletIldrfiE. Past. Pri=s.
NAM. SALMI:IL a leo Pres.
They all waned belie hurt very badly. HARRY SALEM% See.
Drs Whitely Wail **phoned for mg H. KEITH REVEIL •
:Auxins ousel; tilt; easpott. ticilIgh.le Is soother . DItIll MIKE.
After which et-Couneillee ftleetirc
ahem* warders will be held in failed ona nutteen* of the men pre,eni
the Probibilleinn church her* enletlaVI 1 lor short wildrews. Amonft those
Oct SIM, Renishia Will be held a% II 1 who spot& Isere% Gaunt...111SO George
alelihk64 111_0 ch..crth has hell* bunt ° die. II. N. Revell, tieo. Leitliwaik. lt,
Ir roars_ !ea lee ..r. N" J. H. Nivel' and ii. F. Edward. All were
moms am .1to* 24 ran united in tht rxortnaimi of Mt
ascriclet here. The Rev. lir Turabull, thought that they Were, leeinK lee
otersio. sat *gouty, *act ow tad, follow. vett And,* gent!einans one ;wend en
et %West% will Wenn, the Phi* both 1 their midst a ‘alned and esteemed ti
,...1141_,...,..x."619r.prokiaa,_____a foo_f _omPlte will, ly te Ms good Nage. After the tibov
T1 Mint II Mt nays
iladerierbi Tens nab ip.
Too United kite has one ttletittoile
inalrumetat to every eight inhablititlis.
rot rtmotin
near trtend.---
20 00 to 25 00
Butterper lb—Dairy 0 56 to 0 57
Ego, per " 060to0 60
Hoge 19 00 to 19 00
mar., enteherteheitmee 10 00 to 11 00
Cattle.buteltersorfilnarY, 09 00 tel 10 00
Bedell Umbel, per thee, .409 to 010
Potetotte, new, per bag 1 00 to 1 00
Melee 00toli 00
Greeting CR 8
for Moo occasion
Birth husomoussest
'oo, Post Cads
wee' Fames
Nods, Casty Se,
kith Rd Stara
all for e safe, journey arid . a happy
time their new home eel the Pa -
eine Coast. •
The Grand Trunkoffersda,yamenight
through service. between Mthatreal and
Portland, leaving Montreal daily at 8.0e
A.M. and 8.20 P.M., arriving Purbland -
car seevice on day train, sleeping oars
onenight train.. No change between Mon-
treal- and Portland. The comfortahie
'route for Vortiend, the islands of *Cason
Victory Loan tax freesebonds at prescnt 'prices
are absolutely in ,the bargain class •
The Suppler available is limited. Prompt activ is 'urged for those.
who desire to take advantage of the present orp.orturdtyL
'Interest of
lf13373 "98
1992344 ,TAXX117/.8712SHES. •
Renee delivered eo your Rank free of fel delivery or 1;1:age ob.argeg.
111"4"14 T R HARRISON
Thanksgiving Time Is
and %ire tette this Opportunity of extending our sincere thanks to
our many eustentere ana frienag for their Unfailing and unstinted
not a dollar bill for nothing, but good sound vahui for every cent
deal Ofourra.,Isit.ock
you with any kiml you wilt' frem tho. tiniest over.
rubber to the substantial, susg-proof luntherrasiteo -rubber; Getz
yours now, and he prepared for the fith.w04 tintl stn8hY 41s*
.ding Shoe Store
ittic SHAMAN