HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1920-10-21, Page 7ie 'r. ;t -t, [',RAN) t RU h h ' DoubleTrack Route MONTREAIL I 'maxim - DLIZOIT r ` : rapt CHICAGO • unexcelled iiiuiug ear server*. ejeepiht trains god lex •caaa on pri ele on Pal day trains. par - roll information Soma and Grant? 'Wren Ticket Agent, or O. E. horning District Passenger Agent, Toronto. F. F. LAWRENCE * SONS Town passeatier • and Ticket A.eat, 'Phone $ enieseasos New Warm from Nnt id griRAT . 'ONT. The lesAing' Commercial School ' of Western Ontario. entnmerii*L Shorthand and Tela' graph Deparimnts,._ Graduates 'placed in positions. B udents *nay enter at any time! `Get our tree cap -MeV e. R. A.', MetACHLAN, Prtheipal. *WesksitSHOW,., *eia your Eyea .find Healthy, li Smart,Itch,or, It Sdre, Irritated,! f Yr rilr� t� or Granulated. t Intent -or Adult. " rite•forP*ee' • �YN !�!!!R �.c i �IIEI 11118 w OVERSEAS Will MIM. Mr. Welborn 4. Packard, Shanty Bay, Ont.. write: "1keing a member of tbe G.E.}., I hate had many briilimat Opportunities of reeliuip the bene(etal 'voting derived frons the proper use of Dr. b'owler's Extract of 1,Vild Straw- berry. ia, E gland in early fall after as very wet summer brought many of us to the doctor°e office, but got tittle, i£ nny, relief there from dysentery and severe ctutee of diarrhoea. l am glad , to be table to say: that t lever had to eaDI on a doctor for either complaint, a* I used freely the supply of "Dr. Fowler's" which relayi purchased before erabandes for our trip overseas. 1 can Mao say that rusty others tan testify likewise." .VC** you are troubled with. diarrhoea, dysentery, •colic, erainpe, pahui *elle . tomtits% eholer* morbus, summer 'coin. plaint or any fluxes or looseness of the bewails ,do. not olefay in •getting ;a. bolt e of Dr. Fowler's Extract 9f Wild Straw - betty sand see how dluiookly Pao will be relieved. • • 'ram can always rely on it in 'thee of noesis as -itches stood the test sof tittle;, hawing been on the market for fixe pant 75. years, .., . • There. are ae many spurious "straw- berry" preparations treid we would ask you be suss and nee: that our name, The T. Milburn Co., 'Limited, Toronto, Ont., appears ori the vi'rapper. 'Price rill cent, _ • • ' — seelaiesnolooseeede CANADA, B I`w: t S COLLECT e i Shorthand] B... eeQtngs'Salesman- • ship, Telegr b ?leap, Voice, and nail business su tn.. Open all sum-. goer: Private clq'a es when preferred and •to help sttl4ents, Glitch Classes When entering biilweenterms. Spec- ial summer mattee for. *wailers. .. ,'Tjxition Twelve Dollars per :month,, i 6 months. ta70.. ;(inolud nk boons). Special rates for half day students 'subjects. Night wishing oply one. or two subjects. Night School work,and Correspon-. deuce Courses a specialty. t> Typewriters to rent.or sell._' L. HEWITT; Presideet..°• • • SAULR COAL: CO. Successors to Mcnentegh &;Gledhill $ZCLUJXVE-AGENTS Eon LE! -i k.IGH VALt.EY .,TEM COAX., T$AT SAT !SPIES We dee in flard an£1' Soft Coa1.,Tc,ifne Cement, Fire Trick,' Fire Clay, also Odra and—Soft Wood, Maple. and "Hemlock Slabs.' Fresh Cars of Lime`and Cement just received QFFic>: ja80NE, - 75 R,-,n.'Solitee' RiiSunusCE _ . a75 W. W. SAUV18' RESIDENCE 202 T. SWARTS' r iVery sadi Hack Stables Meniyraaai Street - just off the -Square {l nufr+•las 'Egsses Meet all Trains and - Paksseneer Boats P*sseagers ctal.1e jf or in any part- of the town for all • - trains at 0.T. R. or C. P. R. e' , :. Dept matte. a muter truck on wbtdt he hie *toren a ride. lilies Meier* ilw,t*near. Bele. of Pert verbose, Mettle era wui_�1au in Wel- lIn ayarlt)and couttty to be called to the Bar. ma; Wainer ¥orr-it ou hanged her- self at Collingswood, supposedly in Inmate' aberration fdtllowlug a violent burst or temper. A deputation narked Attorilen-Gen. oral Raney to NWubit holding et Irish Self-1>ettantlnatien League tlleeti alg 1 Ottawa,. John Strickland, termer, near Wial- vertOn, Oxford county, Ont.. was kill- ed when trying to Wins stalled auto off a railway crosslus. Tl�l Wil1t•,`F. Violent 'street at$tttin1 occurred at Aloseolla The tilnbero invkstlg tion at Fort €*ones, clotted • abruptio: Treace Henry, the exKaisee's brp- thssr, is on a. vielt to, bootie Women's Ho +ital Ain a of Western 'Ontario convene se St. x'homas. Baltitnori' won its f'onrth game of the t etersleague series With St. Paul. The •stripping strike 1* Dublin hu. ended, and the Alen halve reeuarted Work. . ' • , , Miss Barham, Port $•lope, odes brated her. 100th btrthdal' anniver nary. <' • An important conference is being held in fiatigiiton do nominal accozn tuadation. , British miners are jolting ujt a ma., eority ag'atnet acceptance or the Da- tum ,proposal. The sophomores of Science p'aeulty • at•theUniversity of Toronto initiated the ereshmen class. "- Gen. Gen. Zellgouskt's. central Lithuau- ian troops Kaye .4auhed"" with the Lithuanian {forces. Hamilton Plowites wort the O.H. A.A.'senior. chainpiopsbip .by. beating Peterboro; -9• to 4. • .Adparty of Shortish settlers -arrive for •Bishop Fallon's farm a't' Raleigh, near Chatham,eOnt. ' The entrance standard for medical students entering the University of Toronto may be raised. Oen. 'Wrangel bas ordered all Rues sign •civilians iu Turkey toy report et once four military. service. s Which. Have • Important Events ;Occurred -Oaring ,the, Weeek. The Buin ntrea+Mts iJappenings awe- - folly Coati:piled and Put Into Mandy and Attractive shape for tilde Reader* of Our Paper -- A Solid Hour's •Edjoyment Metre yon beatd *bone Pert? Peps lea actcntifie prepetratloit pot ftp In pastille fora**. Which enteeldan entirely new end etfeets eve treatanentfor evasive. colds.cbdi:lt and threet trouble*. Peps contain certain medicinal Ip- 'crediente, Which. when pieced upon the tongue, inimedierelye turn into vapor. and are breathed downthe air passage* to the lungs. On their Jour- ney they soothe the inflamed And Irritated membranes the bronchial tubes, the delicate walls of the air passages► and. finally enter and entry toiler and heeling to the lung*., In a word. While no Ilouuld or solid tion get to the lung* and air psasseges. these Pep.. fumes get there detente airEid et Once eom mence healing. Itilist TRIAL Gxic e'. ritte ft +�aMtiai"' Article'. 'Write *Creel it that nae Lad date of this paper. and snail It fwrltb le. stomp to pe return postage) to Pepe Co., Toronto. A free trial packet WIU neer be st 70u. MI druggists and shortly asU Wiz!. .•'1".otoi o houaewleeaare-creasing; to protest against sugar prices de- creed by the Board or Commerce: i :l Tho•Mayor ot Toronto is indignation at theleek of interest In deep vette- ways-prujeet by Toronto citizens. Sir Arthur Currie, principalgf Mc- Gill University, begins „a .-..t arreto raise $5,000;060 for the university„; Young;' Athletics of `St. Kitt's "won the O.A:L:L altnior:` title, beating. Hanover on the rotted by 18 goa h. . ' SiT liain'alr Greenwood sass Vie Goverment intends to continue with the 3fome'Role bill which it had pre- pared; and would enlarge it in the most .genions 2'nala Itrr, *especially in the • direeteon of %natrces. , Hamel/ making' a comPlete and final e ettleg ment.ofthe,IrAsh p e17i Fl1m i. , e .TUESDA7is Lamb prices'tbrenle from $1. -to $1.50 per mete . • Five arrests were made in Toroto en charges ot:auto' thieving. ( Whelesaier'says sugar refinery can considerably ►reduce . prices.. - Two eons'.•df ex -King Constantine,. of Greece have arrived In 1t!aly • Trotsky has given. orders for the mobilization. of the 18'87-8 and l88& Hatnilton'Rubiic Sehobts are ban1 pered by lack-of'teachers and Of text, .boobs. , Over thirty thousand fans attended.. the race betweetl Man o' War and Sir Barton:: A..sliperannuati'oii fund • of nearly 4260'4)00.for'"T3aptist 'ministers -is to be di, to • e. ere a Boards for ' • Mothers? :A,ilawance. B a,rds the counties- of York, Peel, and Ontario ares appointed. ^, er lvorthest :Toronto'. Liberals are planning to ;noglinate a 'soldier as their ;candidate. Torrefitial.rains in France have re - suited in :heavy loss of property and great datt'i e. '• L'eauiin,gtoit.•citizen.e eharge man]- • Puletion of gas mains,'cauSinglow pressure in:theatown. Montreal •ChInes#e are celebrating the ninth anniversary of the downfall of the Maimitu:3noniarchy. ,In an eflitercoliegiate. junioir_ gafne the ;University of 'Toronto teaui. beat St' 1Vlichael?s' College'22 to 0. o• pr'omOt Service and Careful Attendance, (igwr in be f ung- Hack p Service -in every " respect... . °Peer Patrena=eL5o11cated ; T. SWARTS • Photee 1`07 hiontteal $treet, If HAIR IS TURNING; CRAY, USE' SAGE 1EA Hbre's Grand13tother Eeripe to Darken and BeOily• Faded Hair. The Briltirh and Irifr"hLaborr par- ties pare 4* confer_ • The. Trade CoJnmission oMcMe_t1s to elose,•nt the end of that year_ 'rererto mothers' allfowanee pay- mentt* state an about twe weelrs. • Avalanche of protests against the ugdr order sweeps t8s k'om 1n ten A nautaeal school is to be .beli,1at Windsor to accommtodaste. Se., aboys Single-• Louie Gra n• le the 2.02 pace at Lexington. Thustsday. Allied warahite bane. put o . froth Constantinople to head orf-_ "riled.''. ,vessels. The Russo-Finnish Pease ,Treaty was signed on. Thuisday at."Dorpat, - EEsthonia. - - A colony of 50 to 100 trumpeter swans has been discovered in British Columbia. •. nubile utilities ate assared ef coal uhipments., is the word of the Fuel Controller, - - ' Chief 'Engineer of Hydro justifies' It is leered Mood, poisoning may . radial estimates before,lxlvestigating result .frons the wound King Alexan• commission. der received Irani a net monkey. The deep water route;is ardently Cleveland deteated Brooklyn by 1 11 1c1 ion ed. by incluntrial 'and curl to 0, and'.Jieeds Jot t one more victory therciai chiefs. The Canadian 'Cereal Flour Mills, to sten the- wwred'ez harnpionehip. Ltd., lose$ lig *hill and elevator at United Nine Workers in Nova Sco- tia' Till,'onbnrg by, 1 . propose to import.medical men Prince 'It ropotkne.veteran political and set up a community drug store: fighter of Germany, is dying of hon- Princess Mary was so seriously in- ger, says a despatch. ' • ,j'ured at Lextngtrnl Monday that :she Everymerehant to be under license was withdrawn ,froth`- the Phoenix from November 1, for the purpose of Hotel Cap rata. collecting luxury taxes. • •London ` Collegiate Institute • will The Board of Commerce ringer or - lave ascourse where teaeherssholdimg der has been suspended by the Gov - lower than firstelasa certificates may Improve their stunning. leteGiu University le to have a course 11 engineering phyelps. The etrtlte of the employes of the Parris -opera Rouse, is still in force. It is reported Item Finland tbat''a Red 'terror le raging In Archangel. Eighty Lancashire operatives left Eiaeland Fridgy tor various points in Quebec. • Four persons were injured on Pre day 1n automobile aceidents on,'.Go- rento- streetn. ., Bandita early Wednesday InoriililE robbed the Linton Bank ot Winkler, Man., of $39,000 The Carnelian G'aV rnmetCt Me`r- chant Marine, Littoited,, 'wllI enter the Passenger busineat. 4• - The • Australian Government on mo-: tion to reduce the 000mates secured only four of a ntagarity. Than'ktgiving turkeys are selling at -70e_ a Pound undavened in St. Oath- arines.and 75e eit Ha1tfax. That beautiful, teen" shade of dark,:. glolsey !hair can only be had by brewing ass mixture of Sage Tea and Sulphur. 'Mr 'hair ie' your .mattes charm. It tt kir, - tests tbe face. When it fades. oor gray or streaked, inlet lin application two of Sage and Sulphur enhaucex its apprarance a hundredfold. glon't bother to prepare the .mixture; yon can r et this istnons old recipe iut- "rntef r 60 tents a large on of le, ail oath for use. It is called Wveth a Sage on'1 pulphur Compound. 'Tins can aliens ha depended upon to Pring bask the natural toiler end ,*etre of your tEverybody nsee yh'a' Saga oird Pelphur Compound now beeans° it dally .sled so naturally and evenly that mohein data tell It has been applied., You simply i'Iaaspe* k Omar or soft brush with it sod draw this tbrbitglh the heir, ton ne ase stnalt sties& at time; by tnoruine yheirappiieattion t)ie 151uLEatit tally doh 404 darkappears g1e'sy *Si las. draw. Tido ready -Sant* prcgaration is • as Jeligktfil toilet replete ter those "ibo *sot £atilt bait asd ft youthful approx. saes tM t it not intended for the elope, sc rf d e- ernment till October -2(). • • Argonauts,. who are leading the The Shelburne 3uvenhle team won Inter -provincial provincial reotball Union race, the O.A.L.A. title, beating Mtmico in nter as(seriously crippled, several of their .a sudden -death game lasel2 to 2. beat 1nyeits being insured. Jugo-Slztvit are Inadsing troops on . � ' thef•rontier of Carinthia, as the pie - WEDNESDAY. bisc, ftevote has gone against them. First fatality occurred in Toronto n The cotton mills in ,the north of on Tuesday during ""Safety Week." England will gip out. short time; they A eommiaston begins A sloven 1°1 will .-close down on Saturdays ante shaping future policy. of Methodism. Montoya. ` • - • Wild strawberries are ,growing The Bolsheviki-and Poles aro? re - gear the Hudson Bay' mine at ,Cobalt. Men of 'War ' easily defeated' Sir 'Barton in a match race at Kenilworth Park. , • Reports from Vienna say the rote in Carinthia is going inelavor of. Ott tt�.ria. United, ; Farmers of Ontario decide to appear before Tariff Conintisslon• In Toronto. a Cleveland won the baseball cham- pionship of the United States by de - feeling Brooklyn. 9 An attempt was made to assassi- nate Prince Alexander of Serbie,tinr- ing his tour in Bosnia. W. T. Maley, to Detroit magazine egent, the Imperial as fatally l ime by a rial MIotell,Windsofall In Windsor. Mr. Justine Ilobidoux' of tate Quer bee. Superior. Court at Terrebanne': has resigned after twenty years` Ger- vicP. Renfrew is to have a cotitmueity playground at a coat of $1,700 for Installing .. equipment in the Fair grounds,. Georges ' - Carpentier wan the world's light heavyweight boxing title by knockings' out •"Battling" Levinskn. Adhennar Bernayd.- aged 12, was Vied in Mbiitreal toy' failing off and Friday's • intec4eague game be- tween $t, Paul alrnd ;Baltimore wait postponed ons ignorant of rain. John Shettneel•of Grantham town- stip, patiusing Intim digging pont holes to shat with, 'et. nel,ghbcr, dropped deed. N. S. Johnston of. 'Cornwall Was eleetr+og*t+ decd foci :the -root of a build- ing uild-1 s tieing mould' Diekinson'a •'The sold ns' hosplteis in Montreal. are to he cioaed and the care ot sot- dens •connolida,ted at Ste. Anne ode Bellev ne.. Ol • Tbn se Cabinet has nodded to witlldiuw erste,postal service /rem dia- tries in Ireland where employrs ware held w,'P, Ste. Augrele, Que., reports fresh raspberries and new buds on Cherry. trees, and eniTheatiey; Ont., butter nuns ape Inventing roars. - •A.o: Arame a i relildennoleSnlanglatti, ' China„ was lined 420 -1 month for ,nineteen• yeurs to the widowsot n Chi- t se lahrorer killed ley en automobile eriven by elan. • IL S. Warner, of Chicago, secre- tary -of the /s:tnerlean Studenh+i' Tem- perance movement, while addressing a • prohibition... meeting in Sheffield,. Eng., wee kidnapped by t. udents and driven to t ie moors, wh 'e he was left. He was ^uninjured, d Anally s?rrived- back 'In. town. City ;Dwellers Feat Foote.. Detects ,of °Vision and Slat feet'were round more among city dwellers than those in the country, by army physe clans' examining those entering the' 'service deriv:Abe bear. iiSIFNDNEYS;* Ok131,ADDER BOTIER Hairdos to gush Ziatoyet ##.*Pahl„, its irritating asoids—Bplseiii ter system orad Bladder. weaktfd'I i from a acid, saysit tested] authori n .. The kidneys• filter this .acid frost blood and pan it on to the bladder, where tt oftsns retrain* to irrittet,to and sni[aIss oa tr burning, ..otsldlitg reneatice, or tett*b up an irr� a atethe' tont of the r, ob1i ' Tort to reek reiieL two or three times during t3fe- night,. The sufferer is. 3a eonatant timed. tie wthWhietearede isidetdsrLiyifcn weeka eatiretatne ttycaniiaaaiUmg l'enryaam.vdiwoghgkaauri anl•deldave tmemost�mmpaipnf leulal,imeantsisray to overdiome .f Get • about lour ounces of dad Salto from your pbarmseiet Ana take a table- spoonful its a . glum of water for* bresidaat, continue this for two br three day... This will neutralise the. aeidt► in • the arias• so it no longer i is !.ohree 01 ireitatisou to the bladder and urinary or' g . tidaieb: then set nor 11. n. iv�armless Jed Sae is inexpensive. . and is mads from the acid of grapes and lemon juice, combined, with lithia, :and is need bythoesFpd* of folks who are soh** to urinary disorders •caused -by tnri�c acid last&tion. Jad rialto is apses- did. *kir kidneys and causes tie bat eff,ets whatever. • ' Mere you have a pleasant' enervc.cest lithia�•water drink, whiok guickig mlieve. itlasrjslsir ?*cribra •ported to have arranged it secret . treaty at Riga whereby the 'Poles ob- fain titnber sjnd mine concessions. s 'SATURDAY. • Sugar dealers hesitate to begin lin-' ,sorting from. United Staten: a (Rheumatism Neuritis, Sciatic*, Neuralgia: Telmpleton's , . Rheumatic Capsules' Have brought good. health to half -a -million asuffeferi. s A healthful, money -saving remedy, well known for fifteen years, pre •scribed byy doctors, sold by drug- gists, $1.00 a box. Ask our agents* or write for a free trial package. Templetons,142 Icing W., Toronto ]local ntient: — 11. C. DL'NILOP s Sotnetnnea a' Haan is is badly fria:ltt-' erred by an huaginery snake as a. wo- man n es by a rral mouse. HAY. 'EVE. and; a d; ASTHMA Conquered by the n orid`i fly Tri o-. bo'tt'le Remedy. ' Been : suffer: a minute Unger. Send to day 9i--32-day treat- meat. Trial. adze 25e, and guaranteed. W. K. BUCLiLEY, Mfg. Chemist, 97 .Dundee St. E.. Toronto. r ra1� LOOK! PIANOS t•,.LADIES.and -GENTLEMEN : u Through arrangements .' With The Bell Piano Co.„,of Guelph, Ont,: 1 'Will act as their Agent for Goderich and surrounding territory. 4ixAd ,,will 'en- avor to serve you in a business manner if you are de y in. the market for O. Piano ,which is worthy of your . . My system :of sellingcuts out any high'com- issi. y y and ' hea. . •e enses which ;.zllussionei�.salesmerl, n ma y_ , 'U'Y._ ?iP .-_ .- . add much 10 the cost of most Pianos sold, and•adds nothingto the quality whatever.- Make it your busi- ness ,to have me call on you before you buy, by dropping a e[ line to tny,.addr'ess.. i[}'� Bell; Art "Pianos•; are endorsed • by musicians , • the -world aver and take second place to nothing on the rxiarket. They are the first makers of cos • a a r. a��y �i-n8tai in canada, and are' also the;oldest and largest -manu- facturers facturers def :pianos in the. British Empire. Pull value ` given for used pianos, organs or phonographs if you deal with me. as 1 have custom, ers for them. As -prices are i ' risin , don't wait' any longer, as g I canive you terms and 'get your goods shipped at $ •.�rj: •once, whichu• vYallo•�m1res.a- n $SO;Oton allPianos n. os shi ved C through early ordersplaced ar the factory. for business, address JONATHAN EO up] 5eafrth Ont. rE: 1 M•;ii " ll t4r COUN1`K4S WFT1. N1Ct-YifitK"ifi vi,''EtLTIIirsr 'fl#f11F�0At•� The Countess Gonna Walska, .Itussiart petrosa, talars sere sseinily sed td, etanander Smith ith Ochre*. New Ye,rk'st teaaltleestt %morsels,?. in pars, else 4t:aa ii former favorite in ietregrad And hey hushantl, Mesa Areeei'' tl'Ein' payor, a Captain iter the passion ,be T y, stag killed *luring• the teat. She flag platJei7 en, the Ar eriesrl stare. Meta nine' smith t,c9efiran et a apsrc1 100.n with all iaternatienal rep)tatien, ills Ycsetut, th %yeille, dlcfendeal tile- eulp fen America in 1yIIi froareie `IClt- niae leptere3 ClialD nasty, teat enonier of his tents. tine Wastxtar.t; defeate;l the nail •e'o elstiee the ismer**' gee, its Biel in IJfa. lt^ i4 fees iii Le seestEl tieres Mat e's0feeeel. Ile ea ia. Protection DECAY r Any surface that is coerte»d 'with lrilclen Endurance Paint is sell covered and will not decay a sily, .for -Glidden protection isgoad pryotecttan and saves the cost of frequent repairs. t Cali Iden Endurance Paint prevents d + a r,.. keeps''out moisture from the. wood and resists wear frozn°i hanging1 weather conditions without scaling orr' cracking. a ' • O1idd r, Eruliir?rice Paint stays frc>i; i. and brig It for a long time, nears welLi and look well -and because fits dura- 3 4ility is t le cheapest paint you can buy. t 1. For _everything about the • home or farm that needs to be painted, `stained, enameled, varnished or fi i she ris i . way, there is a, Gael* p esially for aha pu We fixe them. 1 • et A