HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1920-10-21, Page 2its— TWO
eel ti` tee oc .. tut i •
AutoRepair ,Worts of All linds..
A competent mechanic ' an the job
atalltimes and repairs promptly
attended to at reasonable rates..
,r tTi?tP::tiiui t a. *:.y,. void> !'
. ,ho...w5 `trig ileac resent:leo Rev,- Me
lots I: Scold
W. rocidno05,
I''1tWa , en -4 - t, hi 'tent'-Nevechildren' cult iiM44t! ].rl, 1.4Li ii: ':li°P s�>*i1
l ethe A1u6 P .
THEY WET THE *ED. g1', Is if 'tri `i, ♦r.t .a tete of 2tteeks
Qu ter, V.o? ,'t<:,ttr l,tt' 'iu•
(stades: enterteinni,:nt, %Veer iti.ts-
It 3B not tTlC'r fault, but tat^ eweEno178TYI$ tTlsl+:rE to. Gee auctenete
thee- kid::cyw. Nemo c1u'dr.n 'hie
keidoe ,Merritt iwd Afternoon
t;t weak kidneys. In other!, itis the The Prceideat, Meese liur.ay, (rem,
s+rlu+itufrutc kr, •tictieYer,c3phttTe,tn►
1444 she 41,4'0,
t�rutvthrrchlklrscn°+:diarswtt. *liming esereises vrere cenhltdf'
league, Kidney lege are perfectly
1H.,f. t for 'i.uu, '
to end very 1 t1, rtiic for tither Weak. -The nenutee of they 'berg' da uite're
It in *Alarm. It is often rlty herd
cul evening ssi�iis, were reed
two midge a child tali rt pill, tut with an41 c+pyr�ve;i,
�l'Itxtn,a" it is patty; )lest crush•the 110. Ileo +fa'srsota of Eteter, to ft
,ll, x tuoutbfut of arz#t •r, • i1 °lire' trick ).um(cr:,u5 clavi instrnrth t a4tlrc,l
ifr dente ter 'bey boot ice' ori 1haman.t :. taut the convention, 'row he Mesta
4'ririrary,Rt tdtn(3.°•He held that Reside
Mg Was the most tuiportant slibifltt
Mt the Currieteum. ` Alt Pared that,
the. ,chit+ method le the best. "1 .
1ftw1, n believe. that it can be taught
beit lkont the ttsblet ear—dee—Ire wiruid'
it't use either wrings or script. He.
begins. with feral Phonics getting the
Initial sounds. Ile would not be too
anxious for expressive !leading t'a'r:
some time, Ire evoitld teach spelling
by sounde'Very early. ,using the'swords
at the head of the !Patinas. • ,
kveryone-dress. enjeyed the splendid ad.
..The 'resolution. resolution. !committee; submit.
ted °the' Mitring,report: _'
Resolved •
' That the !hanks of the teaebers et
•!''estetluriln.?tis eon%e cd to.the 'lin
lister. .of' Education for • the • 13 eclat
,grant of 1024 on rural teachers sal»
pries, and that they respectfullyrre
quest that the Department announce
one year In, advance the details -..en
which this grant 'will° be 'distributed)
en- that filo teachers and trustees
]nay understand what grant will be
reeeeived on „the nxte year's salaries.
"2. `"1'•hut tl+e Mie t-•33urtsit:-AnsoeIa.
Meltay elle, ex sec of the ;press
p lit i
lent at the annual meeting of the Q «
tart° Education Aesoctation. Mee
of a delegate from. each of the' Peden
&tions .and that if any of they .teitcherr
are in important oliiclal irositlone in
the D. E. A., they should be the dale -
gates. - k
0. riesoived that 60�.per cent. of E.0-
n-thence• Literature Exam. 'e taken
prone 20 prescribed leestieteTroin the
Fourth deader.
Mn. 11.. (itriettwe, Dreodcn, Ont.,
at'ites:• -"I have two boys, ono eleven,
nt other nine, sad from the tithe they
err, two yews old they wet the bed.
tried ererythirt, 1 'could get to, bele
en. At Ip'..tax bopt until m7
tber.in sew told, lie to by Duan s
Ctdney Pill.. my, but will you bee
IJeYelimit with one box I siereadiffeemee
In teem. I uxt Opt the oeoopd bet* and
don't wet the bid any more,"
ice Eke. a. box. at nit .dealer* or
waded diteeteme receipt elf t r > by '#
T. blith ern Co.. United.
Buy and Sell Seondulland.Cars
Fres Ale f,r Comities et P'tiltre*ll; Girt Us e< iCall
Victoria Street
Opposite Vietori'Park
*'sites Of the 43rd Annual 7lttretin.
III the West Huron Teatimes' AO*.
nation Held In Victoria School,
lkoderk'h, 'OeI, lith and 1111. 1920.
't('hr,rtirlay i errnoon ., ..•
'The ~ President; :►tees dean . Murray of
Netter, oceupled the Chair.."
'i'he Opening exrreleies• here 'eon-
ron-_ ducted by w1r, ease -S. Delgaty+ �f
• The. minutes of Ilia test session of
the lash convention held In 'Exeter fret,
PM and 10t1i. 1010, were read and ap-
prove: „
'Thr! presid�ent thanked the Associa-
tion 'tor her 'eleelion an presiding tittle
n asked r �t hear - eo-o
•r,Cr and. p d to ho t
k y p+
r e t order, to a title
,r Inn i all, in psi mak
rt sueces'sful eenventiou.
Ur. d. Elgin Tom introd lest thio
subject cit °reminar and Coinposstton
iter Instance and liraduation Etcaulin-
sWons. •s1s sIoring the; lack of know,
ledge of these subjects on the part et
many candidates, Ile :commended the
Bion of the no\v _i:ompusltlon- Book end
the leaning o the parts of speech!
Punetuatlon• marks, .t'te.& en 'the Junlor
Glasses. .
-rue d3'eeutlon' Rias' continued by
.Atessrr's F. Itnts,. who aI$o tspeclally
teintnr'nded .ttiie„ 'new. •tniu;osition
13ootr, J. ii, •'deigaty. tivhe eomtnertded
blackboard_, teat'hing, W. Dec say and
ails, Sharman, •
Mr. ''v, • tteltay took up history and
C:eosrt1liy for the same examinations.
>'s-an.e ominer of the papers in these
teiheect_e-ho found that many •Cantil-•
114105. weren't .Well trained In the
Imoiviedge of maps. and in the Intel»
lii,ent reading (if ttue'stlon't, The re
41x41 der �ut • he, questions K sv 1•e very'
u s n
t o
well 'answered:. le History,.ttte great
•est number "f Mistakes were niasis' in
the tonfnralaon 111 gine ,liars fir event
for ,notary. He thought too much
leas .required of : Entrance Ulassee.
Exaluination din• History ere now bag-
cal on,ntt' (11114. ttenadtair and British
• '3'lte ,div ciyhs.ton was enlilinued ley
't°,,in: ttelgety and -Johns
13ton:'.awl eller �s& Sharnedi and More
r t- ?hive : harinati theuKht 14_'aehers,
etJoule tinilei's'l:tn•l whet. would be ate.
trine(' as a 1,n ,' answer to mane'
queeti011e e:In •-History-.and.-. Geography
Miss Jean: heady read an able limper
on Literature.. in which she thimed
that to make a success of teaching It
the must aim AO secure. .a deep -Mc
and a'ppreciatlon for goad literature.
The lesson to be taught must he thee -
mighty studied,, We Mee have some
aim in view, We inust combine etas -
'sea 'where poselble. Literature bas'
nn elevating elfeet on the eharaetee.
of tt'C pupils. '- She illustrated lien;
fanner of _ teaeliiMg the subject by
taking the lesson _ The ltluisleat In-
strument trout the High School Read-
�• er. _
Inspector Tom, in thediscussionof
i'rithtnetic% retrongle recommended
the careful . training et pupils 1n rah
p1d addition, the muIt 1
leatean tablet
the learning t 1 r ng of the cvMpound ruleist
giving easy questions et first, ete. in
decimals the pupils: show know the
reasons for all work, done. A great
deal of mental aritrirnetie should be
given. In teaching Spelling he ,would
have the pronunetatlon taught •prat:
}.' Adjournment;
Thursday Atterttoon
The minutes of the forenoon ses
filen were .read and approved.
p p
Me.. It. it. Redmond. of lheigrave, in.
traduced the subeeet ' of Music. (n. our
schools. In lits own happy wayhs•
explained how he Onet"rentecr a .plane
for use in his school, and when :he
demonstrated.. to the 'section , the tide
vantages of a piano his trustees paid
the rent. Soon he and hhs 'pupils, be
'headstet -. -a concert. • prilvlded the
means of buying a piano., He heel
that music will make selinol lift, plea•
sent and belated by the pupils. >+:ven
ttashful • eblldren can be taught .to
sing sale. with EIS ,little tliflrrlenee at
to read mono, • .k, t
AMR1.,l'. Sharman intrrid'tt�e4T•1ir l
C.n.tnposition. 'There Is great need 'fur
training in this 'subject to enable peo-
ple . 'in later lith to cohvrrse- reedit,
and easily. She. would In the te.tch•
ing of the eubje'et have the pupils de-
serhae..a ricer, a country, lt'.w to make
a rake. i'tr. The 'varieties of ,r0mpo-
aitkin, of scntr'aee"; etc,. should he
taught. Children should •br 1an h1
Ru conn' to the, front of the roost and
make mi ili secretes. tieing i'aretul to
enunciate clearly, ts+, look ' .their au -
Itntori,cowx4s. sawitzszlax.
Battery, made by Canadian workmen.
The X14" is made in all sizes a liftable for
all makes, of ars.
4 A year's guarantee with every "I X ttery.
No better Battery is in service. Nre etter
is sold. No better Bakery is'inade. There ar many
not nearly as good. •
We have installed a eomplete and ttp.to.date re.
kharging outtit, and can attend to all mistomers' needs
romptly and at moderate cost.
'You should have good lights
on your car. The days art get.
tin shorter., the nights loom
a* better light is always destr.
able. Have on "I X 14" flattery
noodled on your Vord car. It
tins all right, but it los poor
ights. The best that _intrear
can have is at your (service—
head, titir and dash in.
stalled and st small cost.
We will be pleased to talk it over with you. Let
ns".t\ell yon mc?re about it, See go any time at
0. N1601111
ade Storage
diener In the dace and to talk to the;
audience, rather than, react` their
spt:ephes. They should' be taught to
criticize ,their fellow pupils', work in
a. broad and.,, i(bcral sptrl3: 0cetisiof.
;ally peeing should• be asked, to make
tan address; without provions prepare
Oen. '
Mr.,S. K. JC avidsen, of .the Loddon
Normal Whole). toil► up 'Representa-
tion to Colors, and en a eleven way
snow&'' the .valurteot eceors and their
eelatini to r' lr 'ethyl: lit then -eV.
pia edint,, fitenetty--oto-
would gave puttee draw or paint raps
Idly endboldly, as itett.s r progress 'Is
triad. In .frits way. After organielntt
a erase .of tegehere he taught how to
Paint a maple heat and an apple as the
mould teach It to a junior class. The
sddress was an •inteeesting .and in -
Weeny() one, seeuringe the: lively at.
tentl'oiu. of all present, • '
r. W,. H. Johnston introduced The
Federation of Teachers.. airing the.
history of the. lnovement that has re;
suited In. clines organtzatlons, vlt..( 4, That the entrance examination
The Women Teachers'. F'edoretlon
The High *hoot Teachers' and lastly
the, Pubile School Men Teacherts;' Fed-
eration, e alsoexplained what had
n a car n ofhe
leen ash Rh oil
salaries - Ign of the pest ,two
years.. fit a"ras> followed by one of
Iivelle8t diseuseions we have had for
Some years, 'during which gr.ttitede.
was •expressed for the liberal way in
attar- many boards of truster't;::.l,ae
increased their teachers'. eateries, ee-
eu though, there are :many teacher?
atilt ,who, aren't receiving as inch as
cantor' laborers with ,no edueatlon.
ear was expressed that unless . al•
•aries were increllsed 'there would be
large desertions from the teachers'
ranks to other walks In. lite. thus gbe
Intlour schools Into the cart's of 1m-
imature atel untrained boys and girls.
as is now dune in many .of the' eerie.
ed 'States. During the .past year/ !lid
Ontario government giiie ba ssecial
grant at e400,B00 to encourage' troetee:
boards to pay. better salaries.. It: vas:
;tpportioaed on the following basis:
To 4seboo> seetlons•'•nvht,se i.assess
rn tis are et
rn 0.000 trub;:lc4s than Ii300e'
000, there is no grant on a eater Jess
than X40O, but when the salary is <ate
lerast, $700 the following peret'ntagrs
pre paid On all above $300:. u .per
cont.: un',•i, salary of $700' hutlees. than
@SJI. 10 per tent:-1144,,,;4''ka10.ry of .82010
but less than $1100; 20 Or cent. on a
eatery of $000 but leis than $21000, 40
pe ent. on a.s
;alar MOO 00 mid live
ere' This • is for ;princlpaI s salaries.
;i or the present year. September,
1020, to thug) 30th, 1021. the Minister
of ' Education says: 'Che basis for
epportionini,' •this grant next year wile
probably _ hs' similar tp that used In
tuakintr thealltetributiiwefor the cure
rent 'rear. although .it Is piss ibis. that
It may be neeestary: to' sltgtitly mods-
fy the present scale." 1te also pays;
'Ines , tvittiaitt doubt in the interestte
of the trustees both financially and
ellueationt(11K, td see that the .teaehers.
reeeiee, at 149.4.111e salaries in the
\-arioue groups Upou,tvtticit the high-
est. peree:lttlges are" jpaltI." Such. an
expreeslon {rr .opinion .1s encouraging
to trustees and teatnera,
OP Thursday Evening
dience -gatheved tor the evening en-
tertainment. -
enspeetor j. "E. -Toni presided; .
Miss. Jean -Ittureay,40ilveeeet„tha.pres
'eery (lever and sympatheeie way
took Up thO . subject under the fol.
-erwing heads: Service Is what we
learn from , the Great Exemplar. Ali
'ace 'celled , to serve. Some In a low.
ly - wee: ',serve so -that a brother meg
obtain an educatitin. etc. The teach-
er niuSt Sine 'the Meld in %verities
mural plane .of ;the pupil's life, and In
home,. and surrotunliogs. The spiri-
Me, 1);ISD490.,ikgalaVk,4 eplendid Mtn
stealer) lecture tat area! Palatere, *ear -
teen rind en -Aerie Coneneneing with
,gep Ian Ate he explained that It wee
chten e the eoloetteweee laid on hat
n tempt at shading coed Nefer 8fint.
T etigh we time wet of theitepainte
nikW, feeler the eritieton et -great ten.
t'0110354:9 thoy time. A gent mutterer
NO paintere i'd Ike Nth and Ilea Ceti.
Vince „Mlentel Angelo. Itembeaedt.
ThCSO Mr.,..leevelson Peel were' the
Ont. CoUft -WOOS, T 're were ehoten-
wally of rot Vete. et mere tuedern
rail paintere, tele Janina-. Reenelds,
f the Pith et,' ototy. Romney tieing-
aroueleeetill pertieps unequalled fa
w-ritto, Then the, arliete et the
gib ee.htete. "Teener the otlii
landseepe A.m., marine, painter; Mers.
-infra' the noted Frenehmine Alnitt
th. WHO time *A Haw pastille -gee;
emple sr Thisbe. in 11:01PC the' Pew
therm aknOl St, Patera et /tette, Toted,
Th. Cathedral et Floreare, eltartrese.
trolly te the eueetee Of the tee
In history bee taken alternately from
British and Canadian History. •
G, That the thanks of the Assoeia-
tionex ec - ther ub-
tend to tl de ich P
n 1 Boardf
a hoc or the use of a
schO 1, also to theeelottrd of Managers
at the Presbyterian church- for the
use of the haven't for the evening
The report was adopted! with.
exception of No. i, which was amend-
ed to read that the Entrance Examin-
atton ineelistor'yw. be taken. from lee
„, anusltatt History only.
-It !vats moved, seconded and adopt-
ed that the membership • fee for the
Association be $1 each in sueeeeding
Inspector Tom 1ueldly e'plainr?d,
tetany of the school regulations •elPid
manner of pinking reports. '
The -election of'officers was - •tlien.
ttroeeekied with, °with . the following'
result t, President, Nelson E. iiahn�sl
vice president, iii. ;Sean Ready, Wood-
ham; secretary treasurer, W. II.'
Johnston; councillors, Miss ilanneh
ltinsman, Miss Mabel dative, Miss
lioward. •
it vas rirelded to •irierease °the see.
retar1's .salary to;,$a0 annually.
'tire en. and women of the : stro-
,iation s v - met in .different ,rooms
and, fore .d local 'branches of the pro-
v'incial,_ i•' . mations of Teachers.
The uuditnrs' report. showing : a
iiaianeew of;: $10.75 nn eland, wag re-
ceived and adopted
Mr. S. K. ltavldsoie gave --.i elves
practical lesson tin Pictorial Perspeet-
tve,which was inttclt enjoyed by all
present. This sins tiie lest of three
Jaunty and youthful. with a ,wide tree
rel is this iwitra wa8 man
rlJ»rt and
Metqr Cees
i tt,
-at ass • WOMA.N 1158 lE IPECTvS Tn t,
-For the first true, although eliewas ..
103- :years . ld June 23, Mrs. Samuel
Marren np,00dbridge, N. J., expecte"
to vote 'tels ,fall. -xilsi voting Tor Mel
tirstF time will be her daughter aged
80,ant.liersongra.m' elaughtet',eaiid, hen. great
Than : is What bousonds of People
Thruuphout tike Country are leolxoi
Thousands of Canadian housewives
are svoi`lting'1"rom day to day on their±
nerve. They ere`°ststlY drawing more
end more on their 'reset:ve' strength,
,knowing full well that they •are using
up that vita' Puree !which .often metal
lite -or death hetelhe eristst of -disease
They acre the victims of a feeling of
hopeless ex'hau'stion after they perforin-.
atice of even the entail tasks which
• were once. the simplest and easiesni'.
parts of tete day's work.. They end.
the nppetits fa1Ilig• sleep
3s disturbeded
and bnrefr'eshing; they lose -weight.
and always - feel tired' and depressed.
in -tllls • condition a blood -building ton.
'tis is needed to restore' health and ae
tivity,, and for Mlle purpose Dr. Wil.;
lianls'.'Pink Pills are :unsurpassed. bf
ten the trouble will have progressed,
to a point vvh'eh makes; till recovery
clow, but the teeatrttent should Ile
persisted in, rind retlewed •health and
activity will be the result.
The ease of Mrs. ''V. Schooley, A. R:
.No. 2, 'ritsonburg, Ont. well illustrates
the valus.',rof Dr. \Vlillaritte ,Pink Pins
in casae of health iireakdown, through
eveak, watery blood.. Mrs:, Schooley
says: For upwards' of live. years I
telt uiy.strength : declining, until at last
r could net do. digt 'chores around
the place. Then a doctor was called
In; anti atter dgetorltre about a inontif
he 'said that .only an operation Would
help. me. I . did . not feet like going
through this, and deckled. that In any',
met I .would wait a while, I had no
appetite. ; ulteett had 'headaches aceunt-
panted ily .dizzy; speller several limes
I tied tainting speine. and : my legs
would _ swell; slid I rated r of even
sweep a floor without- keeling sevsrat
elutes, gain a deetor vvasTMcarind in
and he field tate troubrei Walt general
debility end nervouzs breakdown.. The
treatrns'nt, ^ltove•t'vasr, did not help ine.
and then one . eveeing is niy. flu-bitnd
utas reading; ifitt'pairer. he carne across.
a easy in many respects ginner:lo
Irene. curet! through lite•• use -of 1Jr.
�Vllliatns'" Pinta Piles. 'elle next illy
he gut lie a strupty of the Pills,' and:
to their eontinued faithful use for sev.
oral tnoitths..1 osve my present stolen-
dld health. 1 matt say that soon after.
beginning the use of elrp pills, I tette
grain -al irnprovc telt!ittetil. _city-eandition.
lily appetite improved, I began 'to Peel
restful• after a night's ' leap and I gain,
ed In weight. My friends were tone
lineally ea'pressing• 'surprise at • net
improved, condition. Its it was gener-
ally believed. I had become a eiironjp
Invalid. 1 always talk a delight en
telling .!hemi that hr. Withering Pink
hitt.% mare reaponsiblt -for my present
!rood health and as they have .been a
real blesyinq to •1tts .I .shalt always eon-
lHnte. to praise them."
If you are s filtering from' any con-
ditis,n, slue to, poor watery blood., or
\Seak,,nerverse begun teeing, 1lar.. ''Vile
liamea' Pink Pitts itovw�??, and nota' Note:.
y,, ' stunt -11t arid• hen th will improve.
You .can get these pi115 through an;.
denier -fel 'medicine, rsr they- will he
sent by mail, post paha, at -10 cents,a
box or six boxes for t2.50 by '1iie 1>r.
epic, Id and InStrnetive addresses
. understands his subjeet.
A hearty vote of thanko WaR ten-
dered Mr. Davidson for his excellent
atirlressee. Stieses Pearl Tiernan and
SlarfrarPt Peek gave very bright. ann
insteuctive addeessea on Busy Work
for Junior leassee. eliss .Tiernan us -
p4 101411;w -I esereisco, reading front,
tee Phonic Primer, • writing from
drawirig teem litele wooden animate)
Itt them is spat. We sari yea
seotatwo qv/ay.
Pearson tok lea Ike
lair at eat Ark. Saieploo
free ley men, aloe froo
eeralegoe lid* *tiger sell fen iatotima.
alets. Sod More et peat oat& "Seal
floe iterefies esti polo* of *oaf
sot pattitelato of Irma DIN
without 'doubt two of. the
best cars on tine - market
(iRNNE FUOM O�It lal11,E MEQiOA 1roM►•
'Prest ' te_ Stora ;e ':Baty,
encs u elu bin Dry
\ veils
,ill Tire on •sale. at a big � -'. reduction•int 0004
il kids .
Special prices on aiis.bo ht
ft e•
td lots..
sale �.. V 4l8t. Car for a� cheap
This car is.in good running order.
eAHtn For a s
sentln* nunkets, sewing yards, Mee*
Mons 'of ter • own .and she would have
ono pupils responsible for Me distri-
bution of. material, used,
been molly 'pills pet uoon the market
and pressed upon public attention, bui
none has endured eo long or met with
so much favor as ParittOWS yegetabh
,Pills. iVid speead use of then tin:.
attested th great -value.; wed, they
need no ether- advertisement than
nits., Having firmly established them -
rank without a peer in the 'list of
There is one thing to be a-
vor _of homely girls -they are riot at -
Wyse running down town to get Mem-
Children Cry
Watchea, Clocks', etc.;" gleamed and
Repaired illitietaiderilY•
letlearals „,
litale VOW
SIALLIDAY 00011,00114
II•riLYON----**100-vattati•firiii CUOMO
Acetylene:. Welding
Repair and Machine Wet*
" WORIIII AT THE DOCK, kto010110e1 "Phone 250,
Farmers sod others haviog foam coltiogs can have. same repaired
, good as new on short notice; it :moderate cost.
tubem-oil-repairs of
any kiroibt if it's asilerr
ear, cone to us.
We are equipped tie
itroply all your needs at
fair pierce.
One bf the mist ini•
portent rectors in the
efficient Opentiottef Yon
,c t is correct lubrication.
Vien have the thret
trade% of Imperial Polate
Jae, and the Imperial
torrett grade 101" et-ery
*take of car. Let ral ohm
you filo (lien and explaisk
tire tis ht rads of Inver
?shore etery time,
guy in
Specia 8aIe
We have a large supply o
Tires On hand, all raakes.
Ro3fal Oak
Maltese Cross
*lifted for moo