HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1920-10-21, Page 1• • e d'Idligeed for on kinds to bb Print:mai from si °bank T0443111 .10,1104. 71 MANE of mu PiUMN FOR.TY CENTS wilt *WI TM* f lODElelt•H STA% from Moat to,34a. bet. jWt ao a mow euneemiscse anyetiume (Soir Ma. Ware late An* ;ad leave your tread acos TIE 11.11E.Wilk PIPEI " SIXTIKTR YltiOt. ,' /NO. 4o-telo. Nirli01.1 IttlIegnISIL • ONTARIO. CORSA. 1111123DAY, OCT. 21. 1920., , British Columbia thfea Prokibitiota and the Maj • 4r .:'rs ee*/*: FARMERS It** 1* ise tittialter, Weft, or Awoke convenient isiotbod of matting woof Oulu 4Y **otos* sionerower. Arlcelpt is gives at the thus of stitchaiwid Oa*T nionay oloier 11 coshed it constitutes , * ponnenest recelPt 00, tio Should the Money Order he beet4in new one caw be obtained: The Outer Is payable at par sir any Mattered sank In Qmewie, except In the Tukoit Our kw Breech wit quicklY iaus 114"sr °"1" ter'741i et any' tins* . • „ . • • • •-•••••••••.••.'‘,, , • UM **est Slaw Tobs o to° 1 Al** rigor bop is tssAoosis to.ssars‘ saps. a Iambs. 400011ott fer MI. Mau to -day, sod lot Isit% Pr*Pare to mostbis Wispsooponses. . Thisesemat win ems* 'woo *ekes *a lateen be at Wel* a Odle,* SOK* leadeiro -SLIM emeol4e* to usa.. wow MII4..1 se ampasit ern NW eit iION BANK s OF CANADA Goderich Branch- F. Woolcomb, Manager 11 CARD 'XIIANES T :CREDITORS C1A8D OP THANKS . -We wish to c xpreSs VOTICE TO CREDITQRs, ki to the people or Gouerich anc vi. 4.1 0. Ttlerldokro.Wile Year tet „ficrealeal Artertre,' Valallet Iatallal„ reit& Cabiaet at Ottawa Reyokes Board of Comerie Sagar ****111011 II 011111111111 IGird'rtilnirteesrt Medal ., ITERIPERANCE UNION i ' ut4 naer 0.411$0000, a - ' TOE WOW'S CHRISTIAlf a Will be he'd in 1 NORTH. ST. METOODIST I CHEW% GODERICH , on I Ihunday. Oct. 28t11 : beginning et fi-tecicteir shirt) I Siete** gen ea Gide gi will compete in friendlyttiveity Mr three Silver 'Ueda S. one eachEo Singing. instrarnentei . a Et t. Hon. K. 0, Oitneren, among inmost TOWN TOPICS awl Um Literary SoeletY arraashol to PrelealaS tielt Area or those ousts* We 1400,1141 tho „boo, ..mtot, am Loos Kr. Cooke "Awes- 1Weot What The public will be aged, _ o Many friends wilt learn with regret way .*Ifid,0004. Furt!ler Oliiii%)0110*- ot the Wet termination i'il` Mr. H. J. loll 'Mot* . D. CoOke'S illness this morph* end , * V. P. IT. Melly ,ot Medea 'all syroRathise deealy with, Mr& (Woke A osity of eighteen front tile (lode - alai 1.°114* Mt''' t•-;(1013" lad been for .rich itertist *buret% took ha the annual; .scsue •'ears a Iselsbt? 1)1' th° Itlw tklo la. v. P. tv,. ruit,y ot the Walkerton A* Or Prm'Alt°°I, EllWrab -40"1 C°00* Of sort:Won winch Vrati held at Tiverton ' _ „ ea Monday. These :Irma ioderleit in • Taylor•Porthr &Attendance Were Mr. and Sire. Heavers " ef• tinted Wedding ioek: l'tlaee at Knox -- church. tuakse on TueRtay after000n, teontinued on Page, 4) . when ;Alis.S Porter, daUghter et .40mothio; oc,,,k. -post omet, banar, Me. Jae. Parte 'Taylor. _of Owen so:enrd. 1\vrner%St 1116fteirCdY Nft\'` Gith 1"8"ve * in tnatrinunly. Rev. Mr. '31elleradd oill. electing. Hest wishe8 attend the bride MISS /11' 111M1/11411", TIltilltnr 94, $0 Or ne.w twine. will take pupils in !Mole. Sirefte Hind earten hiesic idethOd, Hie Barnet "al 14teeived "1,._wwsiliti tuu ht in 'reroute Conservatory et We note the mune or 1)r« Win Music. Taugilt in „elciss or indirldual1 Cimmerian Willionr grandsen ot the bite 1Y. PI me " "11). Ocil 101:4 Lozuletr &eters Who have been Oven in Cowin, alai aajay a sositiii the degree ot Fellow ot the America* « when eatartaimmeat• ColloRe t•I SerfleOne. A emtveritiell of paper th the Amer100.11 Colielts nr adriltditd was hi" Into Cousideretitle« Malty our appreciation of tue Meru sup, is THE NATTER OE THE ESTATE OF • Adiniellilein, 2Se ; *id. 1 ••• • • - SAMOEaLKER11eete or the illageor studintis lb coats?OMtheyhaveIvenOUPstorehere Mr ig the past wek. Tee gredet pt- . a C, sto DEPENDAILE PAPER . au stbeerbe ter 1 retwo esental pgialo rookie NI receive V more_etartety lthe ounty of !Throe,Retired can we seryyou. Fanner. Deeeesea. .••••••• Per J. le. McDevitt. NOTICE IS 'HEREBY GIVEN thst all par- cel* having Claims Or elettlandS ageing the said late sarauet kerr, who died on or CLEARINO AOCTIOlv. SALE • 01* FAIN' THE L. STEEL COMPANY, LTD., TENDERS NVANTED held at Modred last weak, nuke auto that you subieribe tor * FieminiTuNfirromowir IF,4a!, paper friendly te your hate*** out. whelk. friendship bee--heeu Prelreir. lifiglairilieilinianifilliMWOMMOM*11111110111 Ifflitio• moriiing'reel 1111S8 ,seeood„s‘ mewspipee that ta boos" , OOS Joeephint Healey); daughter of 31r. ,emitorbiday. otwoo ileperobthes *44 • AUCTION SAT4E6 about the eighth dy or Mat A. D. 1917, STOCK AND IMPLEMENT& • irot THOS. E.L JOHNSTOTs TENDERS' ASKED. ere required to *en on or 'orate:- the ist . • , • day or November, N. D.. MO. by pOst. POR PURCHASE AND SALE OF 7 ACRES grepaid, or deliver to Ann, Jane Uranium the property or the- Ate Samtua kerr, IN DODERICIL • heopardton P. O., aoministratrix of i'entlers will be received b the under- Mete nanlea and eases wala ful par - Aligned, for the purchase t East 7 ac- .ttenlars Writing, 0 nude elating and Inc res of Lot *O. (',-n '11' D • derieh, until Dature eecurittel it any. held at 5 'o'clock the arterno n, This' pro. 151 dar or November, A. D., te20, the sole Tuesoy, the and day or le ember, Ma, AND TAKE NOT1168 that atter • e said perty suitable tor ,rearic t garden purs actirenstratrix win proceed to distribute poses, and is Situated a sh distence East Inc eaSete• Of the•satil 'deceased. among Inc of the. Baylleld Road. persons entined 'beret*. beving. regard TERMS OF SALE.- • er cent. cosh to• only to the clalres or ivbich she shall Melt accelltanee of tend! , and balaneir when bac had .notice, '•nit Met Inc saki Ad - deed i•eady tOP del ery: The, hIgheat eit hataletratrix will 1101 be Mita. tor 1310 said any tender may ria 'accepted. astiete, or any part thereof., to any person • Miter% October t, A. D,, 1920. • or woose Matra she s'elli not Shea hare R C I YS received notice. oaten at Goderich Mia 8131 day or de- tober;°%4.,,D, 1920. • • Sell nor and agent tor Owner, ' , %%ANTED • BMW BARBER TRAPE:-Few weeks- roe We!t, Write r r catalogue and tull pag Queen ,St. East, .TOronto. . IMPLEMENTS mat SOME HOUSE- Solleitor for ttni AdminiStratrix.• %mired. °god. wages, Sure ' ensploy. • nvcroN xnnues Reuters. MOLER BARBS'It COLL,EGE; OLEARtN0 AUCTION r op FARM STOCK-. HOLD EFFECTS -TITANTED.-REPRESENTATIVE WANTED - • • • va •For-DOdericit end HurOn -County. M _wi1,0437.7„, sos, . represent "The 'Old Reliable Fontbill Nur- series.' lag Morley is to be made selling" Nursery Meek during the reconstruction period. A splendid opportunity for a', Dye ealesman, Highest .commisaiona Paid. handsome free equipment, large line oft . • Will offer for sale by public aUction al their premises, Lot No, 23, Boundary Line, Weat Wawa:matt,- on , Tugenalt, cf0T. cOmmencirig at one o'elocle, Inc -roliovitar• , 1 awed Clydesdale btood Mare, role; AND WELLINGTON, 'Toronto, nut o heavy mare, rising 6 years; t• mare, 5 years' old; .1 sucking colt, 4 Montt's; colt rising 2 yearS old; 1 better, supposed to cave Aprii,eth; 1 COW, 3 year ow supposed to calve April 25. COW, at yea'rs, :supposed to; eaters April'*27; cOW 10 years, supposed. to be In calla. r cow, I GIRLS WANTED GOD , st Street.. _ 75 yoUniaeiek; t con cow; 1 Massa. 1-2 Mile south on T WAGES PAID years, sapposed to Mavis Aprii 20; 2 heafty Apply to , steers; 2 steers 2 yeara Old; i steer, ten CO.. • sow; ilee'iltre r, Twos- aboto -ticnaiiti,..ei.v eaSt'Ot Blotter% and • • Harris binder in goon repine With tonsil% . MONDAY% NOV lst, eve Ea MasseYatterris mower in good re! VANN 81900931111101161ffilE al 98 tee pair; I reartaaahox; cultivator ana seed. commeneing at 1 O'clock sharp the. rot - year oleo better, On • arar 'xildr steet fi terrING Ltd tev ''14m* • Wm, Healey, 1,1glittiOUSe • ,Street. was with teem rcartreta reporte Viet ant IX • quietly Married at the Enox ehureli *wooly accurate as possible, Seep & ingnse by Rev, R. C. 31efterned. lo Mr. "pee is Tee reemets: eue, Totookay, Wm. Earl Pierre:ago of . Owen Sound. owned sod published twice a week The bride is a former employee of.the by thntattriere 1eteree1 et She Lot 8:01.1 bMYertrabilidiC - sellocrieleitkesitiotn.N, °01"ohdePrtael'ht r8rtlaerritIS°Mlent* wain:1111111g" 1 Wit; IIIMIIINClittlt Ina pa p47- rotokr. car. 99th 4• I.• Mary ncillYlieeed Township. on, fe0nuowing; nelleni8. a -t emeiUek-Liberp" the tcil' i4tro -death tOolo-piam-xt-Ino Ahno• ewe, sioeic-.1 general purr:nee mare, r andra. Hespital ° On Sendai of Mar)" Years oid; 1 cow, 7 years old, due te an old and well-kneWti reel- freanen March 5t 1 tow, 6 years old, due In freshen. march 1: 1 eow, yeos ala, dent octlic town. She was over 70' due -to rreabea may, eteer oat r years or . Otte and WM a datIghter 01 months Old; 1 Steer calf', 4 Moat* old; a tlie %late John Reilly and. Nate heifer r, Go:Months old. • . Ity both of !Man . The fOneral oval- baplereents.-1 leesseY-Illirrla hulder• ta ., , . . . Met mai i big la° Massey-Ilarris mower, lied on ,luesuay Morning to moo. 4 -root; MesseY'llarris seed drill 'with bridge cemetery, i serviees being etiltivatOr arid grass aemier attlehment; 1 aorldneted hY Der. Pat er Dean. Steel hay rake; I steel land roller; i a- , . . level'- Maseey-Ilarris cultivator; i 2,rtirron Cock Mat gang plow; I tanning la II; beery wagon with box; 1 hay rack; t era, Vol Dot'. single b411441rt 1 80 of bob. slMghs; buggy poi% whiMetrees and meck yoke; t gram create; 1 ditchins scout); I DeLaval cream seperator; about 400 adneh drain lite; 18 4-inett drain liter a bomber of small artieles too numerouS to mention. The Implements are. an • met on. WedneadaintternOOn and Al shape. - tweepted Miss Clifford'ameignathin and TERMS. -All sums or "00 and ander. decided to „advertise for a teacher to cash; over that amount 12 Inent119' credit mtitodkraehreneelitcyheeas tapichie oetrootodEv• edlotth wound, will be giVen Client:ening approved joint notes. /4: discount or 4 Per ecu. straight allowed jor cash on credit lantallati. be sorry to see les Clifterd leave and „IPtc,k „,"I'„,ro'',.!)',,4,‘,O411)St*"1 °tun' "Pro"riellio‘rl."1181". TH°8* AtlutIcNtleonuArere'r. fboeerhinerantLftribeerniasillitligimbea,ry bebt 4°Pea 1)11(111/11r)&v• ' isa reanze(1* ND LI farroOrel. TWIde weak« 104 berm tor She old price. 1114%). Yon ehould. ham* thift sure friend in OMR, bows. , • . Altr‘VEON SALE-4E010M FRIDAY. OCT. Und-Atletion sale d farm stoek and IMPletnetits Lt , eon 3, E. '1). 001i/erne. tOrintlenehlIr at o'cloek. 001.1.1NSON, proprie- tor. THOS. <AMORY. Auctioneer. •TCHSDAY. Oct« 20th -tearing an. 4.0 tion sale or farm Moe itnolenterita and Seine !leasehold- effects et lot 23. miss ailord iftestins tulloeunneciinagrYatt.lnite,Noio.eurAwitAtls.0,11w. 7110001: OVILOg •$Q the iliness.of her. Mother, MM,14 and SON, ProPrietOrd, TIM** Miss Clifton% has found it liecciosery to OUNDRY., AlletiOrteee. resign front the teaching' Matt et the 'WEDNI,ISDAY.' OCT. Miha-Cleoritief COtieglater /netted* and him asked to • be, auetinn Sale ef farna Steele, at 101 , "lisIed as -Ssas-- "-Saa"niaaS" cett 3, H. 11. Astitield. comnieuelimp,S4 o'elotk. DAVID M..JOIINSTON. Pre- ,Prietor.- OUNDRY,. Auctioneer Oot. 28tit-Clearing' aUtte • non sale of taro) stock and implerilelttS ' • nIsPtitsioN AucTrox SALE OP PORE Victoria St. Thant:Salvino Supper I.• .11.." BRED • REGISTERED SIIORTIIORN . FRIDAY, ()et.' Seth -Clearing' Mellon • 9'lle .1`hanksetsing- e Der. tield in ,sate of farm stoek anti implements. iii • carrt.n,. tiORSESP and sWiei& Victoria St, churett on th accretive of, The Undersigned Mx; account Or his law Tilaillieglville, DaY 'WAS a N. Part lot• eil, Maitland ConcesSiOn. d ed Snit,' tioderieh TOW-nefilp, eOltilrieneing at 1 . practise. requiring all or his tittle and at- tention, hes decided to rent hie farm and ..freelDell. T110S„ . 'M. 3o113.ST0N. Pro- , sell Ide entire stock by pUblie auction et, prictor. TiloS. AltiNiiitY, Auetioneer. 3.11 1 c 0 "i a s• • . 11 , ue oneer. ems • from •,every istarliffmlint.- After the large eudlenre, had enjoyed -Wen- iselVeS !the stainer , theY were entertained. hy •the !Miming program, with the Pastor.' Hey. Mr, itcypaat, ID the chair: Addresses lay Bev. Ate. Me- Deennid and Rev.- Mr. Hardy; a tette and otheraselectiong hy Hie cheir: solo. by Mr. Mellooald, lollss • Warren. er and Oliss Harrison and Mr. Swat - field; readings' by Miss Rivers arid Miss Jeer% . MI • . WIWANT Es a reliable tweet for es presented • district, to It k o d N - a %en an tg % trees shrubs, • hi ry Unree €(§ Srll our 53 relaMeiktal 111 a er conibined; 1 Mirse rake; roller; . towing property ; Cockshult seed drill nearly riser; 0 Sets ot 'nor:res.-Ow registered. Clydesdale Mare, Iron harrows; 1 single plow; 1 eat of dist .9 years ot age, Lady Oswaid 4e6032) sup. harrows; 1 2.furrOw plow; 1 Scorner; 1 posed to be in roai to "CommodOre," one fanning 1 •waggon ana hay rack; 1 tive.year-oid gelding, one yearling colt gravel box; t rept Pulper; 1 set of bola arid one surking 1111y, both sired by Com. • Sleighs; 1 good cutter; i open buggy': I 11106,10." • . • • 53 0001) PAYE CLIJ kl TERI- top buggy; 1 DeLavai separator; 1 churn, Cattle. --One red row, Pie Crust end , VR im get of Whitiletrees; 2 neck yoke's; 2 sok (104401) Calved January 24th, • lino, This *m TORY GHTS. N of whiMetrees. unironed; picks; 1 crow hail been the "beat paying. eow elrer own - Es Our ' a s 'volughle under vg b•1 a ku• ed and she•is now supposed to be in calf lbs:; 1 good set or double harneas; l' good set or single haniess; 1 collar with harnei and tugs; set ot plough harness; 3 Pig troughs; tackier; 1,sleigh tongue; 1 wateo •barrel; waggon tongue; 1 good heavy logging Chain; 1 grain cradle: a nutilbei of grain bags; a Miantity or r oiltS and buckwheat; a rew elm planks; a quantity of ,stove pipe(); 1 range: 1 handmade churn; 2 Washetatuis; 1 mall box: washing machine; 1 hope 1 clipboard; s nUmber of bunde;* a number or sap buckets and wiles; forks, Slibrele, hoeS, rakes 'and other. articles too numerous to mentiOn. TERMS. -Mi sine ot NO and under, task; over that amount twelve Months* credit will be giVen On furnishing approv- ed joint notes. A discOtint of 5 prt carat attaight allowed for cash- On credli amounts. Grain -cash. JAS. WINDMILL & BON, GUNDRY, Proprietors. Aintieneet M to St. Patric* (115825). Ono red roW calv.- gil i ed September 12 19.12; ,Laura Pinches 4th Si (12498et With mai null ealt (Tarmahilli at toot; ono red row Flora Macdonald (122706 calved Ociober lst, 1916, with hotter fair at foot (Laair_Da, floverle); one cow red present conditions ' 53 ACRES OF NURSERY ESTADO LIMED 49. YEARS, Era t Write for particulars to AtieneY • Department,- o • gi o. - PELHAM. NURSERY CO.; 141 TORONTO, ONT. WM FERIMMEMENNSINNNEFINNINEMENNIEN ;.: Maimmmageemmmiemisimemilimaimmiii • m LIVE POULTRY 'WANTED I /* WEEKLY 1 sw 3000 Chickens I • 2000 Hens Es 500 Ducks eg To pricea will be paid by .is NE for all kinds ot Poultry. • Taken in lg in at Clinton every 4lay and at *I • HolmesvIlle every Weduesday as • morning. We pay tbree cents per 41.., 143 lb. more. for preperly tattooed • 11111k.fed Chickens. - \o, 141/4 GUNN LANGLOIS dc CO., LTD., Clinton, Ont. le N. 1#4 TREWAIRTIIA, 081 53 Local Manager. NI alaNENNMINENNEN, mugic r OPEN NOV. Mt. Dederick Society orchestra music Studio, entrance betWeen F. li. Wood's and a. II, Lauder's stores. OENCC, CONNON 'tuition given (11) 3111110. c. itEsItV, violinist, tuition given oh violin roe beginnere and those adVan. red. FOr inforinstion applY at eturlio. Violins repaired, bridges trued, anal* trete set slid 310131 hoWs rope yed, ete. Goderieb Sortely Oreheatra. 4 Mom. airrotessionall Art •••••• genial St. Oeorger antitese Church .4\ For t tans apply ta Memo, So Patrick St. Plat , Lipe(),rgari and Vocal Insatictioa. Five -piece OrCheStrs N. IL WESTON;;L. L. C. M. Licentiate Widen C.ollege or Music. Eng - 3a66. Organist and Choit Director or North St. iMetoodist church. TEACHEIt OF MUSIC iCARING AtcrIoN SALE OF FARM STOCK AND OTHER. AtiTiCLEs. Nr, DAVID, M. ,TOIINSTON •lvill sell at his pretelseS on Lot 8, Con. 3 E. D. Ashneid Township, YO11- ; WEDNESDAY, OcTonEn 27111 commencing at 1.30 o'clock, the roilowing, f general purpose gelding' rising* 7 yeart old, 1300 110.;1 driving gelding 10 yearsold, 1100 lbs.; 1 pUre-bred Shorthorn eon No. 162602, rising 7 years old, due to freshen Aprit 20113: 1 pure-bred Shorthorn bultam. 141280, rising 1 year old; 1 pure. bred" Jersey eow, 0 rears old, dee to freshen March 26; 1 Mad row, 9 years Old, dna to freshen Noy. 1st; 1 grade row,, rising 5 yam cod, due to fresher Jan. 27; A grape heifer, rising 2 years old, due to rreatien may. 131; a steer& rie• ing yearns old, good short keeps; O steers, rising, 2yeers oid; 3 1391(027 r1105 '2 years old; 1 steer, rising .year oid; t spring ralf; 10 good young ewes; sow due to litter before time or sale; 11 Radiant Home heator tor cosi; Menem cream Separator, ten vow eapiteity; t Chatham incubator; i stave elle 10x20 ft. _.. 7E13515. -All sums of IMO and under can; over Met Mount 12 months' (redo win be given ote approved joint notes, or 5 1-2 per cent Off Me mien on credit • amounts. No regerve, as the proprietot giving- 0 v arm arr. DAVID M. JOHNSTON, T. DPNDRY, PrOprietota Auctioneer, LCEARINO AOCTION SALE OP FARM !ZOOK AND IMPLEMENTS. 0 „. Upile*preparect for tatimittationa ta eetion with Toronto Unlverelty, Urinate oriServatery, Me: Every pupil entered too ummesi ettem hog basSed. tnefiSrWilh hortore. For terrine *May at reeidenee, est st. (ne:4. door west or skating rink), Goderich. rilltLIC NOTICE _ _ ITOTERS' Las? coRIIT OP REVISION. v, TOWN OP• GODEMOH. _ • Natio it hereby given Mat 4 Core win be heti, pursuant to The Ontarta voters, 1,1519 Att.-by- 131 n000r Inc Judge Of th County courtof toe Gomm or Homo, at Mr 'Court House. Goderich. on the !drat ay Of No/Maher, 1020, 44 10 o (lark A. M. to hear and determine eomplairit, Of erl'023 *ud 001)133003 10 - 111 the idottieloalliy of VW Town or 604-Orlell or Mee. Dated at Goieeleri 3.109 Orb efee of 0014 Ober'. DM L L. KNOX, Clerk or Town of Gocierich, Mn. solo: 3, PITBLADO, Sr., win gen by publie auction at Lot EL con 3, E. It., Colborne To., On THURSDAY, 04-1 23131 rornineneing(al1 o'clotic sharp, 111, rol lowing Itiesee,-1 team Grey Pperberon horses 4 years sad; t geno al purpone mare. r years oil; 1 goner* purpose horse, 0 year; old; i driving colt. I Year DK Cettle.-1 cow. 8 years old, supposed to he lu calf; 1 'VW, a years, suppoom to be jai fair; f cow. 0 yeare suellosed to be in calf; 1 eroW, 6 yeses Old, supposed to 130 la reit; 1 caw. 3 yea% eumosien to be In Milt; 1 cow 4 yraris o d, supposed to Ito Ia ealla t con?' 7 ?para oid, stionosre to Mr in calf ; 3 raw 7 yeare suppoeed to lei it% caif; 1 Cow 4 years oil, supposed to b. in .-raii>a tao.yesto old nel1et5; 1D.5tehr, OM (Teel's; 1 ii-oear-old /wirer; I -Year -010 S1�.(. staal ;.It:, 3serW. lisialeattetsta-4 Mosey -Harris 1 Deering inarittre eprearlee; 1 **Gorelick mower; I set or lien drag harrOves; 1oat of Massey -Harris %tem barrowe; 1 sot ol trucks ilia basket tacit; 1.(.1nitilain tannin/ Mier; 1 hay fork car: and numerooe 01..ee a1tI01e3 ntiMerette° to Mentino. Everything tidvertlaed must be sold at Mr. Pealed° one family are iesving rof I, TERNS. -An 8011te al *BY and Under. midi; over thyarragoat twelve rnontr4i'edit will 31* ot 4 S .4 n , ng ap peeved joint motel. N discount of 0 vet rent, alieleeff for Cast Ott tredit areaorats IOW% fi, PITSEADO, ge., 'Y. GUMMY. Proprietor. , Auctioneer. - - " - ----------- Make to haste 40 ba tar.% it you !would prayer., Never ran in debt unle03 lini !lee it Whet/ yoti epaak to a, persot lack way t3 get oat fagaia, rant kr, fbg feet. • With some. white "Mary Queen or Srots" .4131289) calved • MU 8111, 1017, - with red lielrer colt at foot: (regale • Flower of Duteiniane). Highland Mary (1210$0,-,audn. ealved Attgust 2etit, 10)0; 'one red •uriter, Maggio Lauder. (141376r born October 6131. 1918; one rod heifer "Bonnie Jean" (1)233a1 born November 2611). 1018; one red better teabella (124049) bon% Septernber 27th, 1019: one grade: cove nine Yoare of age, ati eellent minter; ohe large fat steer:. .one Year-old grade heifer, and one two.year. old grade limo., . shecp.-Two Leicester ewria two year:, oldf two year-oid Leicester owes and three lambs, aiso live pigs. TERIns.-Ali shine or eh) and under, .cash; over that amount three months* ere. dit_eiven on furnishing approVed bankable joint noiett. A diseount at the rate- or 0 per- cent., per Annum allowed roe -rash on neu of notes. C. W. lioniNS01; .W. DOIG, L. IL it . A urtioneer. Proprietor. OLEARE' ri AUCTION 511,11 OF PAlim 4-o •STOcK, IMPLEMENTS, ETC. . 1%1R. (1E0 -111 -CE ateNA. LI, will sell by omblie auetion at ble prem.. ea i.or le, Con. 11, Colbortie Townehlr, .(otie mile West of fillet, on • TrEeDAY, NOV. erid, 1020 , corrunenelog at I,31 °Vim* sharp : t heavy Muse. 9 'years .91d: o light hor? to freshen Mardi ea.; •cow, it, years oka due rresben April 3; t eriwa 4 y.eara oat duo to freshen April 4; i purebted Due - ham bull, 2 years old; 1 heifer rising g Years; 3 spring calves; 10 young Owes; i P012' tired ram; 1 hinder, nearly nett*: 1 1110151), 1103113' nearly nett% horee rake: 1 Seed arm. 15 110e, neW: WEIKOn, run one year: 3 walking Phatvel; %I- twin furrow 'Owe: I set harrows: t get er dim* bar- rows; set or sleigleo seemer. new: putter; I steel tired buggy; 1 •rubber sir. ece buggY; Mgr/ pole; 1 fanning mill, set or scales; 1 my rack; 1 'gravel box, wheeibarrow; .e. sets -heavy double nar. ;less; 1 set heavy harnesa• for third borse„ 2 Seta single hernese; 7 or 8 tone of mil. let; forks, Chiang and ether (alleles toe numerous ,,to mention. eunot or $10 aael_ linden* erateldtit. tavvneir btr Itativeannitaum nrturnellsolleitate iikapopnriwne: Mint notee. A dieroutit of 6 per rent sir tri allowed tor Olen on email amou s. OE011() ' tilefrAt.1,;• T.' fircatitlf, AP1/7TeiloN SAI.E OF Alit! Slunk AND Auetioneer. • gee, 5 years out, 1 cow, • years old, due imPLEnENTs. 5311. W!tt. J. iflioMPsteo Ivill oiTer ror, sale by pubiie auction at Lot 2:7. Con. 6, Weat Wawalieeb, on • Tiff neDAY. NOV. 411i, to roonnienetitg at 12 04eloek sharp r 1 3.year•o311 gelding, 2 rows atitoPOIn'ql ealye Fehruary„8 cowe nuppoami 21, be al eau. 4 twtoyear„old lieirete. 4 two year-old skere, orie-yrde-ola hoifera, ohh.car.old ewers, to cahe4. 1 741 Mo 1'101We* binder. 1 Mt Mitseey-Harria framer. 1 1246. Maseey.11errie hag reale rake bar Masscooliatrer bay 101307. f Memeey-liarr15 drill 1 •meeminick mit3. vetoer with seeder:I Manure 90103297, eteel lava faller. 13 walktate 510we, 1 two. rorrow riding wow, i pot diee Starrowa 1 DALaval croft separmor. rant lailprr 1 gram member. 1 powor waiting me rhino :sea wringeve 1 set light botosteighe 9 rem berrels. 1 spray pomp end buret 1 40_ga oi at* gas Isok, site Wog 001111 9 16 II. P. Stearn engine 0014 Water tank Wilkirixan lakaag A mating VA. 1 84, It, 4 pig 8 lo. telt, 1 130 -ft 4 p17 7.12. telt maple syrup outfit Gritian flatunotor, team -or -amt. gatnering auk. soppiy snks, Mc) buckets. eeonto corere. TEItS114.-111 iteln3 Of M3 and owlet eish: 6701", ltast anietait six months" ere dit wilt do given on IturoiAblor ipprovaa Joint notes • A diaCannt Or 6•per Cent, Per inn= *towel for 01,3h co erten *3119131119, VIA, THOMPOA. !nl.tcnv,, PrOprieter. ittletiOltef. • After baturolaid aside ter last wee with indisposition the- principal. Mr. Hume, is again at his post this week. The tennis coatis are being used _to the fulleat eapreeity these nue iltys by both, boys and nets. Nest spring regu• Tar schedule intetotorm tournaments will be arranged. The Commission of Conservation at Ottawa is furnishing, free of charge lectures mil topics ot 'general Interest Dit F. J;11. 1TRIA. • EYE, EAR, NOSE. THROAll; Late Hone° Surgeon J•few York Oehthalm10 .and•Aural Hospital, assloaut at '51-ooreileht'a DEgaeill.Looeupditrionl.atingolden Square Threat, llaa• 53 Waterloo St. ht. Stratford. '1,eloohOne 217 At timlifOrd Hotel, tioderieb, troirk Wed- nesday. Nov. irth. at 7,30 p. t. 11 Thurse et!, Nev. onto at t tr. 111 7 AUCTION SALES, I Colin SALE on' FARM eT0coie LAI nAloss, ,IMPLEMENTS. fames Renee, or oiltettell, Ittot rrettived 11, strurtions frotn 1.lOytt ahatatt, Pr eel° bY aurae!), as ine. nrotolittor unt grdqg Ms dative rarm in future. at Lot 15 eayiteici Road, stabil% otmoritarter mile east •of Varna, ain ' PHIDAY, NOV. atil • volume:wing at 1 p. hut fnilotteitig.i agrieultaral team. Ciatle.--1 row, freshen early part Novb flanking. •Ileirer. 5 two.year.01:1 helfer4 IWl. will frordien moon,,, 1* two.year.old heifer mar by shle, i yearling heifer, ic three-1year-old steers. 61 two-yearoad steera, yearling eteere. SwIne.--a_ Mutate.° e menthe aid, Potiltry.-75 While Legleirne. • Imetentents.-.1 Masevy-liarrie eide rake i Massey -Hartle hay loader, 1 allineey-liar rroislienr lIPPe'ott b°olblvearlebigeharcrt, we'aglognt.ePit ot°1•PdljoittillfeY'hairtigePezef 2 111)11 leer eh, 3trilblocle'kl art:, ttieklo. 1' Dot:Pail erearti eeparater, arid IfhPlomolus IIPV4 Plain'. 3 banging tango. roet4, turnip. InlitiaTitga.•-at driveler abed anti peultre barn essoro taw rie, and plate, I liorPle etable eo356; grain hula, anx46. 1 3813 rivIErillttiri'41 an- EttnPlirivir IlenFroamillniidot;ele'x4r141 montirs1 •In fur 1114111115 appri/v011 311r. 11144.1. Memnon of O per rent. 1101 xs)riii.iiriltlAa)111111,tt Trotitv.rAirarq,l1. JA‘s. jolt; • Proprietor. Auctioneer Tut:SAW. Nov. 2, -Clearing a:Wpm :sale of farm steoli and intrilemente at iot IL enn. •tl, Colborne 'Pp. •'one mile Nvest of Nliel at 120 o'clock Share. 0E0.1 MeNAtelo proprietor'. THO3. fitINDDY„ ouelloneer. • TIHIRSDAY. Nov. 4 -Auction sale Of lane stock Curl implements, at 144 22, con. 6, V, s( Wawanosit rommeneing 11•Welock sharp. W31 J. TROMP - SON. proprietor.' THOS. CONDItY, Atietioneer. . _ FREEIIAN.- In l'eterbororiget, tint.; on • Tuesday, Delober 40111, 1920. Miss- II• Freeman. • IN MEMOHIAM 0 * -•• ' ••• memory 01 pla, Lama W. 1. AIME wive gave Me life Inc 1311 - 39,11141-4-55100 l2e11:1339' 24, 1917. WA Memel* when wo said geed be, • 'that tv0 tad 31011011 tor0e0c 'filo grief that Ice felt words 'cannot telt, iliac wo lae▪ • ▪ With you to hid yOul farewen, . Away (pinworm! ,e0;11 eountrY'a ran: Tou,gave your pro „roe 0)10-11711 all. Itut ttio untinown grave, '434 toe bitter blow. None but.orse. arhlure 3103124 03111 Maw. onne 'but far from fro gotten. FATHER, MOTHER and }AMILY. (IMOLKY - Di lovirm mouse* et Playa. Arartlaret, dearly lovao 11511514101 0? wle, ead Me*. 1rs1130 tlauter. "'bodied oce 2ist.1315. I ieofele.a•afeir tethered W., Reg tfOUt )(maw, free (rota cia 1 fierie.battgqireltisitligg;i11),°41% For our la.s we) 011141 11)3 weeo. ' Noe Out toved °intim:It too keep VIthe home of rest and 1 M mace, Whew alll Pln and merow cealte. -.Mother, Feats, sat Ecitheela • • 1; ( WHEAT PARTIC1PATION. CERTIFICATES Leave your certific s with this Bank, and we will collect for you the final payment which will probably' be *Alt- OrlRed by the Wheat Board about the end of Octoberi E CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE PAID.UP CAPITAL *15.000000 itatIWAVE FUND • MOKPO, , GOti1itICI1 BRANCH; tt,,VCritihitia. Manager. 1 .JHETERLINjliAK. • o ; OP...CANADA, . ._ . .......0- ,...„,...,- -_,.-.........,...,- - un-iife Assurance Co.ofeanada ., _ • THOSE WHO NEED LIFEINSURANCE ,4„. The Rich Man --..to offset inheritance taxes, thus eenServing his estate, .r. A. Tire Poor Man -to lend hiS etrOWIng tatrallY O. helping hand until they can Support themsebrea. 8.. The Married Man -lo &seize his Itarally the taeheflt of a permanent . income, ' • ' .., ' ' • - 4. The Single Man -to pratde for his ma age. ' • 5. Everybody -to aid thrift and create flialocial independence. • - A Soo Liie Policy Will provide for all enterseiries. H. R. LONG, Distrkt Agent i • RAILWAY TIME TAI1L,E ;MUNI) - - 0,, at. eg,, . edderiehl' Leave 6.00 a,m, 1.26 p. -.w. Votirire.--A. sum or money.Owner can X get mseession of same _on_appliga- lien .at Tar' :.8TAlt P?1-10E---°--- - Ratantam-alirrive '1.10 aan.' S.24 p.M4 Toronto- - 4" 10.85 a.m. 0.80 p.m. alrittpLES PO° SALE - • Toronto -Leave,:- 73 a.rn. 5.101Lita• Haritiltoia-a 't '1'. .20 a.m. 4.00.p.m. 1W0R SALE,--Cholee milk cow. Apply to & ems. VoCNo. Itegent street -00derioh-- ve 13.85 p.m. -CO p.M. G. T. R. • , - -- th-Leave 6.04 a.m. 2.20V.Irt. toOR SALE. -Oak Treasure heater, cheap; -a• RaYrnonti. sewing Machine _practically new -latest, mOdel. Apply at STAR OF. VICE Mr address. -.Uti-1?.Tirallg,•_TOLmRlALaE.--3-pelleee Toronto- Arrive 11.1Oa. 7.861),In. litraniltouro Arrive 11.22 a.m., .6.53..p.m. Zomba...7,1411mo ,6,80 a.m. 12.56 pan. 610.p,,,al, - thweiltegtooLlealfer • - 7.15 eelit. i MO P."034, Goderioh-Arrive 11.45 a.M. 7.10-palt. t•trog. F' al i parlorrug; i leatherir gluirleiied aeoUett Alt le-itret-class condition. Can be seen Mend/1Y or Tuesday, Om, 25th and 263h, a the home or - rauuta goad, . - MRS. RM. SHARMAN'S ' il ,„••• • uaig pm, . arIAMACIED WHEAT F Opera) ALA House Block, 'Xingston street. --.- • - • INSURANCE AND REM ESTATE !OLEAN. • • -N. - 'IVAN° FOR RENT, ---- „ 1.10USES i 110t1SES 1 - -'/Mone 351, Dodo - 1. • • • ALL BINDS. Felt SALE AT VERY REASON. " FOR ALE OR .TO LET - • , . MILE pluces. - , ' • - ' rye . R SALE,A bouse, $ rooms convena ,,,. ti Yeti intend buying a` home,at will he to your intetest te, see me,- as I. may tare ' , on sy a ° • r 'I '. MkneeITCHINSONeaterms Ari Y,, just what you aro' looking for. No trou. Die tO Stio wyou the plares Vltava- for ale. --A large list to eimeee.yoni. Call in .3 4e:•°*".1e,* 'la a-, Ramat- I, . • • . Real F.state and lasurenee, OUSE VOA, SALE OR• TO •RENT. --Com. II fortable, %modelled house, with el - ,,,eetrie light and ronVeniences. All re -Ie - conned,' Good e mene rbasement, Two- =trite t519°d11 tralligs' 4%18 t9 8)1117 • . "61011 SALE. -Frame hOuse on .ells___St, Apply at STAR OFFICE. - 0F• CAREY • • • • • HEWN to Rent on East str1 et. Per -Saki. Two Houses 011 Regent ' Street, .0nri• Starr !ratite, 1490 0 LET - m it-rooedhoml, toligt,* zinc," T electric lights, 'Apply to C. J. liAltr PER, Qtrebge St ------6. - , -....-.--;.--aa.a...._,....„._a_. 'WANTED AT ONCE IF POSSIBLE -Me. rr dium sized comfortable•house with conveniences. V. c. CHAP51AN, at 'Huron Canning rectory,. . each • •• ' .1"0P'S*10,, TWO Housesoin Oxford . street one One itrui a half 6tOry, $000 • Melia , ptet eslefohe aria a halt story , "rotOR RENTagGood eontrortable • brick je _ !wise on St. David Street, close to square. Conveniertees. Reasonable rent to suitable tenant. Apply to A. S. ciiiirs. IAL at the Post °Mee. house, corner Cambria road and Glouctereelejtro,ce, $1000. , • •-• 0, „•'• ' • 1,----),....-= T.T.033St FOR SALE.-•Corntortable , re. -Le- modelled belie° with electric light and conveniences. Alt re-deeorated. Dom! gement basement. Two lots and good fruit trees. Terms to stilt. Apply 10 T. 11 \VALLI* Victeria' Buret. MMIEWAIMMOOMMMOgiewwwWwWEEMMII I • 1 sw ' GRAICIE'S " sw Ps NI * 1 ASSURANCE IND REAL ESTATE 141 m mi , B.C. SHINGLES', Always on hand et MeGAW STATION . Call C. A. ROBERTSON '? 6 or JOHN TREBLE: FRALE 181 LI Pk •Story frame cotteire. ot, ' AO i go- light. funiace, bath: and i,diril .. MI also. garage. Situated'eu the g w (jorner ot Sent!), St. 111.1 F:lgi po vi Ave. Immediate priseseion. a 141 "Villa Pleton," 2-stotyb:rieLful- I ly modem with firTito', g ; rODMS, large 10t,sitUated on the 141 ill $03111Lside of Pieter. Street. This s, g IS one of the most modern a liN 1101110S la lOWn. /minedlite Pr;06- -;• w session . la • • It 11;a -story feline /Mime. with 6; 1 : rooms, electele light and w,tter. P. te full 10t with Orchard. Satiated et II o olt the WeSt skie of C.iincron St, a II 1 ..... .. VI *. • i= =, • . ois.:•fA • 1/4 s* .. • .. miner° . THE OARIO ItLVAre_A NT . a___, ANMNice L ' 110/uM (P. P. 1433-').: IN THE liATTER of the AD pileation of the Commissioners for thetelepitone sys- tora of the Municipality of the Town. Ship or GoderIch rot authority to in. erease the chargee Inc telephone ser. vice APPOINTMENT FOR HEARING The Ontario Railway and „Munielpal Ware laving directed Francis Dagger, Es , quire. Telephone Expert. to enquire and is , • roma444. a • INVESTMENT SECURITIES', p * .ea g. ,^ ill l'eietory Bends holig14 Andeld a- - ll V a Provinee of Ontario Bowl°. cine el II JUne lo, 1030, price 4100, to }P I Kg o 61,', 11I It , ai. w. onmri/E. P. w ; w le011ifidelgetilMetralallegagEs0R43mglEggM - revert anon the matter. doth appoint Tues. day the Twenty -awn -d t Iwo . A. D. 1920. at tite hour of a quarter pest one/ Odor* in the. afternoon thTown Hail, In the Town of Clinton:at e for the hold. gee°rausuattittriffl. at which time arid ntereated in this Mattel and desirin t b attend. Dated at Toronto thie Film day" er Cm. tober, A. D., 10Oo. • IL C, SMALL, ceemz,,, .9ecettary. _ - Sii . ' ()fie Cai)' One Car • RECEIVED , The Godench 'Pins 47 . \ -1-• • ' . , 5 X B. C• I a 01 3 X D. C. THIS WEEK . Plaiting . LINITTIW. . _ - - - ... _ _ , E .. . -. Cedar -- • . _ , . ,. 'Cedar -. . ' .. Mill o., gib ° 1S . • •-•••••••••.••.'‘,, , • UM **est Slaw Tobs o to° 1 Al** rigor bop is tssAoosis to.ssars‘ saps. a Iambs. 400011ott fer MI. Mau to -day, sod lot Isit% Pr*Pare to mostbis Wispsooponses. . Thisesemat win ems* 'woo *ekes *a lateen be at Wel* a Odle,* SOK* leadeiro -SLIM emeol4e* to usa.. wow MII4..1 se ampasit ern NW eit iION BANK s OF CANADA Goderich Branch- F. Woolcomb, Manager 11 CARD 'XIIANES T :CREDITORS C1A8D OP THANKS . -We wish to c xpreSs VOTICE TO CREDITQRs, ki to the people or Gouerich anc vi. 4.1 0. Ttlerldokro.Wile Year tet „ficrealeal Artertre,' Valallet Iatallal„ reit& Cabiaet at Ottawa Reyokes Board of Comerie Sagar ****111011 II 011111111111 IGird'rtilnirteesrt Medal ., ITERIPERANCE UNION i ' ut4 naer 0.411$0000, a - ' TOE WOW'S CHRISTIAlf a Will be he'd in 1 NORTH. ST. METOODIST I CHEW% GODERICH , on I Ihunday. Oct. 28t11 : beginning et fi-tecicteir shirt) I Siete** gen ea Gide gi will compete in friendlyttiveity Mr three Silver 'Ueda S. one eachEo Singing. instrarnentei . a Et t. Hon. K. 0, Oitneren, among inmost TOWN TOPICS awl Um Literary SoeletY arraashol to PrelealaS tielt Area or those ousts* We 1400,1141 tho „boo, ..mtot, am Loos Kr. Cooke "Awes- 1Weot What The public will be aged, _ o Many friends wilt learn with regret way .*Ifid,0004. Furt!ler Oliiii%)0110*- ot the Wet termination i'il` Mr. H. J. loll 'Mot* . D. CoOke'S illness this morph* end , * V. P. IT. Melly ,ot Medea 'all syroRathise deealy with, Mr& (Woke A osity of eighteen front tile (lode - alai 1.°114* Mt''' t•-;(1013" lad been for .rich itertist *buret% took ha the annual; .scsue •'ears a Iselsbt? 1)1' th° Itlw tklo la. v. P. tv,. ruit,y ot the Walkerton A* Or Prm'Alt°°I, EllWrab -40"1 C°00* Of sort:Won winch Vrati held at Tiverton ' _ „ ea Monday. These :Irma ioderleit in • Taylor•Porthr &Attendance Were Mr. and Sire. Heavers " ef• tinted Wedding ioek: l'tlaee at Knox -- church. tuakse on TueRtay after000n, teontinued on Page, 4) . when ;Alis.S Porter, daUghter et .40mothio; oc,,,k. -post omet, banar, Me. Jae. Parte 'Taylor. _of Owen so:enrd. 1\vrner%St 1116fteirCdY Nft\'` Gith 1"8"ve * in tnatrinunly. Rev. Mr. '31elleradd oill. electing. Hest wishe8 attend the bride MISS /11' 111M1/11411", TIltilltnr 94, $0 Or ne.w twine. will take pupils in !Mole. Sirefte Hind earten hiesic idethOd, Hie Barnet "al 14teeived "1,._wwsiliti tuu ht in 'reroute Conservatory et We note the mune or 1)r« Win Music. Taugilt in „elciss or indirldual1 Cimmerian Willionr grandsen ot the bite 1Y. PI me " "11). Ocil 101:4 Lozuletr &eters Who have been Oven in Cowin, alai aajay a sositiii the degree ot Fellow ot the America* « when eatartaimmeat• ColloRe t•I SerfleOne. A emtveritiell of paper th the Amer100.11 Colielts nr adriltditd was hi" Into Cousideretitle« Malty our appreciation of tue Meru sup, is THE NATTER OE THE ESTATE OF • Adiniellilein, 2Se ; *id. 1 ••• • • - SAMOEaLKER11eete or the illageor studintis lb coats?OMtheyhaveIvenOUPstorehere Mr ig the past wek. Tee gredet pt- . a C, sto DEPENDAILE PAPER . au stbeerbe ter 1 retwo esental pgialo rookie NI receive V more_etartety lthe ounty of !Throe,Retired can we seryyou. Fanner. Deeeesea. .••••••• Per J. le. McDevitt. NOTICE IS 'HEREBY GIVEN thst all par- cel* having Claims Or elettlandS ageing the said late sarauet kerr, who died on or CLEARINO AOCTIOlv. SALE • 01* FAIN' THE L. STEEL COMPANY, LTD., TENDERS NVANTED held at Modred last weak, nuke auto that you subieribe tor * FieminiTuNfirromowir IF,4a!, paper friendly te your hate*** out. whelk. friendship bee--heeu Prelreir. lifiglairilieilinianifilliMWOMMOM*11111110111 Ifflitio• moriiing'reel 1111S8 ,seeood„s‘ mewspipee that ta boos" , OOS Joeephint Healey); daughter of 31r. ,emitorbiday. otwoo ileperobthes *44 • AUCTION SAT4E6 about the eighth dy or Mat A. D. 1917, STOCK AND IMPLEMENT& • irot THOS. E.L JOHNSTOTs TENDERS' ASKED. ere required to *en on or 'orate:- the ist . • , • day or November, N. D.. MO. by pOst. POR PURCHASE AND SALE OF 7 ACRES grepaid, or deliver to Ann, Jane Uranium the property or the- Ate Samtua kerr, IN DODERICIL • heopardton P. O., aoministratrix of i'entlers will be received b the under- Mete nanlea and eases wala ful par - Aligned, for the purchase t East 7 ac- .ttenlars Writing, 0 nude elating and Inc res of Lot *O. (',-n '11' D • derieh, until Dature eecurittel it any. held at 5 'o'clock the arterno n, This' pro. 151 dar or November, A. D., te20, the sole Tuesoy, the and day or le ember, Ma, AND TAKE NOT1168 that atter • e said perty suitable tor ,rearic t garden purs actirenstratrix win proceed to distribute poses, and is Situated a sh distence East Inc eaSete• Of the•satil 'deceased. among Inc of the. Baylleld Road. persons entined 'beret*. beving. regard TERMS OF SALE.- • er cent. cosh to• only to the clalres or ivbich she shall Melt accelltanee of tend! , and balaneir when bac had .notice, '•nit Met Inc saki Ad - deed i•eady tOP del ery: The, hIgheat eit hataletratrix will 1101 be Mita. tor 1310 said any tender may ria 'accepted. astiete, or any part thereof., to any person • Miter% October t, A. D,, 1920. • or woose Matra she s'elli not Shea hare R C I YS received notice. oaten at Goderich Mia 8131 day or de- tober;°%4.,,D, 1920. • • Sell nor and agent tor Owner, ' , %%ANTED • BMW BARBER TRAPE:-Few weeks- roe We!t, Write r r catalogue and tull pag Queen ,St. East, .TOronto. . IMPLEMENTS mat SOME HOUSE- Solleitor for ttni AdminiStratrix.• %mired. °god. wages, Sure ' ensploy. • nvcroN xnnues Reuters. MOLER BARBS'It COLL,EGE; OLEARtN0 AUCTION r op FARM STOCK-. HOLD EFFECTS -TITANTED.-REPRESENTATIVE WANTED - • • • va •For-DOdericit end HurOn -County. M _wi1,0437.7„, sos, . represent "The 'Old Reliable Fontbill Nur- series.' lag Morley is to be made selling" Nursery Meek during the reconstruction period. A splendid opportunity for a', Dye ealesman, Highest .commisaiona Paid. handsome free equipment, large line oft . • Will offer for sale by public aUction al their premises, Lot No, 23, Boundary Line, Weat Wawa:matt,- on , Tugenalt, cf0T. cOmmencirig at one o'elocle, Inc -roliovitar• , 1 awed Clydesdale btood Mare, role; AND WELLINGTON, 'Toronto, nut o heavy mare, rising 6 years; t• mare, 5 years' old; .1 sucking colt, 4 Montt's; colt rising 2 yearS old; 1 better, supposed to cave Aprii,eth; 1 COW, 3 year ow supposed to calve April 25. COW, at yea'rs, :supposed to; eaters April'*27; cOW 10 years, supposed. to be In calla. r cow, I GIRLS WANTED GOD , st Street.. _ 75 yoUniaeiek; t con cow; 1 Massa. 1-2 Mile south on T WAGES PAID years, sapposed to Mavis Aprii 20; 2 heafty Apply to , steers; 2 steers 2 yeara Old; i steer, ten CO.. • sow; ilee'iltre r, Twos- aboto -ticnaiiti,..ei.v eaSt'Ot Blotter% and • • Harris binder in goon repine With tonsil% . MONDAY% NOV lst, eve Ea MasseYatterris mower in good re! VANN 81900931111101161ffilE al 98 tee pair; I reartaaahox; cultivator ana seed. commeneing at 1 O'clock sharp the. rot - year oleo better, On • arar 'xildr steet fi terrING Ltd tev ''14m* • Wm, Healey, 1,1glittiOUSe • ,Street. was with teem rcartreta reporte Viet ant IX • quietly Married at the Enox ehureli *wooly accurate as possible, Seep & ingnse by Rev, R. C. 31efterned. lo Mr. "pee is Tee reemets: eue, Totookay, Wm. Earl Pierre:ago of . Owen Sound. owned sod published twice a week The bride is a former employee of.the by thntattriere 1eteree1 et She Lot 8:01.1 bMYertrabilidiC - sellocrieleitkesitiotn.N, °01"ohdePrtael'ht r8rtlaerritIS°Mlent* wain:1111111g" 1 Wit; IIIMIIINClittlt Ina pa p47- rotokr. car. 99th 4• I.• Mary ncillYlieeed Township. on, fe0nuowing; nelleni8. a -t emeiUek-Liberp" the tcil' i4tro -death tOolo-piam-xt-Ino Ahno• ewe, sioeic-.1 general purr:nee mare, r andra. Hespital ° On Sendai of Mar)" Years oid; 1 cow, 7 years old, due te an old and well-kneWti reel- freanen March 5t 1 tow, 6 years old, due In freshen. march 1: 1 eow, yeos ala, dent octlic town. She was over 70' due -to rreabea may, eteer oat r years or . Otte and WM a datIghter 01 months Old; 1 Steer calf', 4 Moat* old; a tlie %late John Reilly and. Nate heifer r, Go:Months old. • . Ity both of !Man . The fOneral oval- baplereents.-1 leesseY-Illirrla hulder• ta ., , . . . Met mai i big la° Massey-Ilarris mower, lied on ,luesuay Morning to moo. 4 -root; MesseY'llarris seed drill 'with bridge cemetery, i serviees being etiltivatOr arid grass aemier attlehment; 1 aorldneted hY Der. Pat er Dean. Steel hay rake; I steel land roller; i a- , . . level'- Maseey-Ilarris cultivator; i 2,rtirron Cock Mat gang plow; I tanning la II; beery wagon with box; 1 hay rack; t era, Vol Dot'. single b411441rt 1 80 of bob. slMghs; buggy poi% whiMetrees and meck yoke; t gram create; 1 ditchins scout); I DeLaval cream seperator; about 400 adneh drain lite; 18 4-inett drain liter a bomber of small artieles too numerouS to mention. The Implements are. an • met on. WedneadaintternOOn and Al shape. - tweepted Miss Clifford'ameignathin and TERMS. -All sums or "00 and ander. decided to „advertise for a teacher to cash; over that amount 12 Inent119' credit mtitodkraehreneelitcyheeas tapichie oetrootodEv• edlotth wound, will be giVen Client:ening approved joint notes. /4: discount or 4 Per ecu. straight allowed jor cash on credit lantallati. be sorry to see les Clifterd leave and „IPtc,k „,"I'„,ro'',.!)',,4,‘,O411)St*"1 °tun' "Pro"riellio‘rl."1181". TH°8* AtlutIcNtleonuArere'r. fboeerhinerantLftribeerniasillitligimbea,ry bebt 4°Pea 1)11(111/11r)&v• ' isa reanze(1* ND LI farroOrel. TWIde weak« 104 berm tor She old price. 1114%). Yon ehould. ham* thift sure friend in OMR, bows. , • . Altr‘VEON SALE-4E010M FRIDAY. OCT. Und-Atletion sale d farm stoek and IMPletnetits Lt , eon 3, E. '1). 001i/erne. tOrintlenehlIr at o'cloek. 001.1.1NSON, proprie- tor. THOS. <AMORY. Auctioneer. •TCHSDAY. Oct« 20th -tearing an. 4.0 tion sale or farm Moe itnolenterita and Seine !leasehold- effects et lot 23. miss ailord iftestins tulloeunneciinagrYatt.lnite,Noio.eurAwitAtls.0,11w. 7110001: OVILOg •$Q the iliness.of her. Mother, MM,14 and SON, ProPrietOrd, TIM** Miss Clifton% has found it liecciosery to OUNDRY., AlletiOrteee. resign front the teaching' Matt et the 'WEDNI,ISDAY.' OCT. Miha-Cleoritief COtieglater /netted* and him asked to • be, auetinn Sale ef farna Steele, at 101 , "lisIed as -Ssas-- "-Saa"niaaS" cett 3, H. 11. Astitield. comnieuelimp,S4 o'elotk. DAVID M..JOIINSTON. Pre- ,Prietor.- OUNDRY,. Auctioneer Oot. 28tit-Clearing' aUtte • non sale of taro) stock and implerilelttS ' • nIsPtitsioN AucTrox SALE OP PORE Victoria St. Thant:Salvino Supper I.• .11.." BRED • REGISTERED SIIORTIIORN . FRIDAY, ()et.' Seth -Clearing' Mellon • 9'lle .1`hanksetsing- e Der. tield in ,sate of farm stoek anti implements. iii • carrt.n,. tiORSESP and sWiei& Victoria St, churett on th accretive of, The Undersigned Mx; account Or his law Tilaillieglville, DaY 'WAS a N. Part lot• eil, Maitland ConcesSiOn. d ed Snit,' tioderieh TOW-nefilp, eOltilrieneing at 1 . practise. requiring all or his tittle and at- tention, hes decided to rent hie farm and ..freelDell. T110S„ . 'M. 3o113.ST0N. Pro- , sell Ide entire stock by pUblie auction et, prictor. TiloS. AltiNiiitY, Auetioneer. 3.11 1 c 0 "i a s• • . 11 , ue oneer. ems • from •,every istarliffmlint.- After the large eudlenre, had enjoyed -Wen- iselVeS !the stainer , theY were entertained. hy •the !Miming program, with the Pastor.' Hey. Mr, itcypaat, ID the chair: Addresses lay Bev. Ate. Me- Deennid and Rev.- Mr. Hardy; a tette and otheraselectiong hy Hie cheir: solo. by Mr. Mellooald, lollss • Warren. er and Oliss Harrison and Mr. Swat - field; readings' by Miss Rivers arid Miss Jeer% . MI • . WIWANT Es a reliable tweet for es presented • district, to It k o d N - a %en an tg % trees shrubs, • hi ry Unree €(§ Srll our 53 relaMeiktal 111 a er conibined; 1 Mirse rake; roller; . towing property ; Cockshult seed drill nearly riser; 0 Sets ot 'nor:res.-Ow registered. Clydesdale Mare, Iron harrows; 1 single plow; 1 eat of dist .9 years ot age, Lady Oswaid 4e6032) sup. harrows; 1 2.furrOw plow; 1 Scorner; 1 posed to be in roai to "CommodOre," one fanning 1 •waggon ana hay rack; 1 tive.year-oid gelding, one yearling colt gravel box; t rept Pulper; 1 set of bola arid one surking 1111y, both sired by Com. • Sleighs; 1 good cutter; i open buggy': I 11106,10." • . • • 53 0001) PAYE CLIJ kl TERI- top buggy; 1 DeLavai separator; 1 churn, Cattle. --One red row, Pie Crust end , VR im get of Whitiletrees; 2 neck yoke's; 2 sok (104401) Calved January 24th, • lino, This *m TORY GHTS. N of whiMetrees. unironed; picks; 1 crow hail been the "beat paying. eow elrer own - Es Our ' a s 'volughle under vg b•1 a ku• ed and she•is now supposed to be in calf lbs:; 1 good set or double harneas; l' good set or single haniess; 1 collar with harnei and tugs; set ot plough harness; 3 Pig troughs; tackier; 1,sleigh tongue; 1 wateo •barrel; waggon tongue; 1 good heavy logging Chain; 1 grain cradle: a nutilbei of grain bags; a Miantity or r oiltS and buckwheat; a rew elm planks; a quantity of ,stove pipe(); 1 range: 1 handmade churn; 2 Washetatuis; 1 mall box: washing machine; 1 hope 1 clipboard; s nUmber of bunde;* a number or sap buckets and wiles; forks, Slibrele, hoeS, rakes 'and other. articles too numerous to mentiOn. TERMS. -Mi sine ot NO and under, task; over that amount twelve Months* credit will be giVen On furnishing approv- ed joint notes. A discOtint of 5 prt carat attaight allowed for cash- On credli amounts. Grain -cash. JAS. WINDMILL & BON, GUNDRY, Proprietors. Aintieneet M to St. Patric* (115825). Ono red roW calv.- gil i ed September 12 19.12; ,Laura Pinches 4th Si (12498et With mai null ealt (Tarmahilli at toot; ono red row Flora Macdonald (122706 calved Ociober lst, 1916, with hotter fair at foot (Laair_Da, floverle); one cow red present conditions ' 53 ACRES OF NURSERY ESTADO LIMED 49. YEARS, Era t Write for particulars to AtieneY • Department,- o • gi o. - PELHAM. NURSERY CO.; 141 TORONTO, ONT. WM FERIMMEMENNSINNNEFINNINEMENNIEN ;.: Maimmmageemmmiemisimemilimaimmiii • m LIVE POULTRY 'WANTED I /* WEEKLY 1 sw 3000 Chickens I • 2000 Hens Es 500 Ducks eg To pricea will be paid by .is NE for all kinds ot Poultry. • Taken in lg in at Clinton every 4lay and at *I • HolmesvIlle every Weduesday as • morning. We pay tbree cents per 41.., 143 lb. more. for preperly tattooed • 11111k.fed Chickens. - \o, 141/4 GUNN LANGLOIS dc CO., LTD., Clinton, Ont. le N. 1#4 TREWAIRTIIA, 081 53 Local Manager. NI alaNENNMINENNEN, mugic r OPEN NOV. Mt. Dederick Society orchestra music Studio, entrance betWeen F. li. Wood's and a. II, Lauder's stores. OENCC, CONNON 'tuition given (11) 3111110. c. itEsItV, violinist, tuition given oh violin roe beginnere and those adVan. red. FOr inforinstion applY at eturlio. Violins repaired, bridges trued, anal* trete set slid 310131 hoWs rope yed, ete. Goderieb Sortely Oreheatra. 4 Mom. airrotessionall Art •••••• genial St. Oeorger antitese Church .4\ For t tans apply ta Memo, So Patrick St. Plat , Lipe(),rgari and Vocal Insatictioa. Five -piece OrCheStrs N. IL WESTON;;L. L. C. M. Licentiate Widen C.ollege or Music. Eng - 3a66. Organist and Choit Director or North St. iMetoodist church. TEACHEIt OF MUSIC iCARING AtcrIoN SALE OF FARM STOCK AND OTHER. AtiTiCLEs. Nr, DAVID, M. ,TOIINSTON •lvill sell at his pretelseS on Lot 8, Con. 3 E. D. Ashneid Township, YO11- ; WEDNESDAY, OcTonEn 27111 commencing at 1.30 o'clock, the roilowing, f general purpose gelding' rising* 7 yeart old, 1300 110.;1 driving gelding 10 yearsold, 1100 lbs.; 1 pUre-bred Shorthorn eon No. 162602, rising 7 years old, due to freshen Aprit 20113: 1 pure-bred Shorthorn bultam. 141280, rising 1 year old; 1 pure. bred" Jersey eow, 0 rears old, dee to freshen March 26; 1 Mad row, 9 years Old, dna to freshen Noy. 1st; 1 grade row,, rising 5 yam cod, due to fresher Jan. 27; A grape heifer, rising 2 years old, due to rreatien may. 131; a steer& rie• ing yearns old, good short keeps; O steers, rising, 2yeers oid; 3 1391(027 r1105 '2 years old; 1 steer, rising .year oid; t spring ralf; 10 good young ewes; sow due to litter before time or sale; 11 Radiant Home heator tor cosi; Menem cream Separator, ten vow eapiteity; t Chatham incubator; i stave elle 10x20 ft. _.. 7E13515. -All sums of IMO and under can; over Met Mount 12 months' (redo win be given ote approved joint notes, or 5 1-2 per cent Off Me mien on credit • amounts. No regerve, as the proprietot giving- 0 v arm arr. DAVID M. JOHNSTON, T. DPNDRY, PrOprietota Auctioneer, LCEARINO AOCTION SALE OP FARM !ZOOK AND IMPLEMENTS. 0 „. Upile*preparect for tatimittationa ta eetion with Toronto Unlverelty, Urinate oriServatery, Me: Every pupil entered too ummesi ettem hog basSed. tnefiSrWilh hortore. For terrine *May at reeidenee, est st. (ne:4. door west or skating rink), Goderich. rilltLIC NOTICE _ _ ITOTERS' Las? coRIIT OP REVISION. v, TOWN OP• GODEMOH. _ • Natio it hereby given Mat 4 Core win be heti, pursuant to The Ontarta voters, 1,1519 Att.-by- 131 n000r Inc Judge Of th County courtof toe Gomm or Homo, at Mr 'Court House. Goderich. on the !drat ay Of No/Maher, 1020, 44 10 o (lark A. M. to hear and determine eomplairit, Of erl'023 *ud 001)133003 10 - 111 the idottieloalliy of VW Town or 604-Orlell or Mee. Dated at Goieeleri 3.109 Orb efee of 0014 Ober'. DM L L. KNOX, Clerk or Town of Gocierich, Mn. solo: 3, PITBLADO, Sr., win gen by publie auction at Lot EL con 3, E. It., Colborne To., On THURSDAY, 04-1 23131 rornineneing(al1 o'clotic sharp, 111, rol lowing Itiesee,-1 team Grey Pperberon horses 4 years sad; t geno al purpone mare. r years oil; 1 goner* purpose horse, 0 year; old; i driving colt. I Year DK Cettle.-1 cow. 8 years old, supposed to he lu calf; 1 'VW, a years, suppoom to be jai fair; f cow. 0 yeare suellosed to be in calf; 1 eroW, 6 yeses Old, supposed to 130 la reit; 1 caw. 3 yea% eumosien to be In Milt; 1 cow 4 yraris o d, supposed to Ito Ia ealla t con?' 7 ?para oid, stionosre to Mr in calf ; 3 raw 7 yeare suppoeed to lei it% caif; 1 Cow 4 years oil, supposed to b. in .-raii>a tao.yesto old nel1et5; 1D.5tehr, OM (Teel's; 1 ii-oear-old /wirer; I -Year -010 S1�.(. staal ;.It:, 3serW. lisialeattetsta-4 Mosey -Harris 1 Deering inarittre eprearlee; 1 **Gorelick mower; I set or lien drag harrOves; 1oat of Massey -Harris %tem barrowe; 1 sot ol trucks ilia basket tacit; 1.(.1nitilain tannin/ Mier; 1 hay fork car: and numerooe 01..ee a1tI01e3 ntiMerette° to Mentino. Everything tidvertlaed must be sold at Mr. Pealed° one family are iesving rof I, TERNS. -An 8011te al *BY and Under. midi; over thyarragoat twelve rnontr4i'edit will 31* ot 4 S .4 n , ng ap peeved joint motel. N discount of 0 vet rent, alieleeff for Cast Ott tredit areaorats IOW% fi, PITSEADO, ge., 'Y. GUMMY. Proprietor. , Auctioneer. - - " - ----------- Make to haste 40 ba tar.% it you !would prayer., Never ran in debt unle03 lini !lee it Whet/ yoti epaak to a, persot lack way t3 get oat fagaia, rant kr, fbg feet. • With some. white "Mary Queen or Srots" .4131289) calved • MU 8111, 1017, - with red lielrer colt at foot: (regale • Flower of Duteiniane). Highland Mary (1210$0,-,audn. ealved Attgust 2etit, 10)0; 'one red •uriter, Maggio Lauder. (141376r born October 6131. 1918; one rod heifer "Bonnie Jean" (1)233a1 born November 2611). 1018; one red better teabella (124049) bon% Septernber 27th, 1019: one grade: cove nine Yoare of age, ati eellent minter; ohe large fat steer:. .one Year-old grade heifer, and one two.year. old grade limo., . shecp.-Two Leicester ewria two year:, oldf two year-oid Leicester owes and three lambs, aiso live pigs. TERIns.-Ali shine or eh) and under, .cash; over that amount three months* ere. dit_eiven on furnishing approVed bankable joint noiett. A diseount at the rate- or 0 per- cent., per Annum allowed roe -rash on neu of notes. C. W. lioniNS01; .W. DOIG, L. IL it . A urtioneer. Proprietor. OLEARE' ri AUCTION 511,11 OF PAlim 4-o •STOcK, IMPLEMENTS, ETC. . 1%1R. (1E0 -111 -CE ateNA. LI, will sell by omblie auetion at ble prem.. ea i.or le, Con. 11, Colbortie Townehlr, .(otie mile West of fillet, on • TrEeDAY, NOV. erid, 1020 , corrunenelog at I,31 °Vim* sharp : t heavy Muse. 9 'years .91d: o light hor? to freshen Mardi ea.; •cow, it, years oka due rresben April 3; t eriwa 4 y.eara oat duo to freshen April 4; i purebted Due - ham bull, 2 years old; 1 heifer rising g Years; 3 spring calves; 10 young Owes; i P012' tired ram; 1 hinder, nearly nett*: 1 1110151), 1103113' nearly nett% horee rake: 1 Seed arm. 15 110e, neW: WEIKOn, run one year: 3 walking Phatvel; %I- twin furrow 'Owe: I set harrows: t get er dim* bar- rows; set or sleigleo seemer. new: putter; I steel tired buggy; 1 •rubber sir. ece buggY; Mgr/ pole; 1 fanning mill, set or scales; 1 my rack; 1 'gravel box, wheeibarrow; .e. sets -heavy double nar. ;less; 1 set heavy harnesa• for third borse„ 2 Seta single hernese; 7 or 8 tone of mil. let; forks, Chiang and ether (alleles toe numerous ,,to mention. eunot or $10 aael_ linden* erateldtit. tavvneir btr Itativeannitaum nrturnellsolleitate iikapopnriwne: Mint notee. A dieroutit of 6 per rent sir tri allowed tor Olen on email amou s. OE011() ' tilefrAt.1,;• T.' fircatitlf, AP1/7TeiloN SAI.E OF Alit! Slunk AND Auetioneer. • gee, 5 years out, 1 cow, • years old, due imPLEnENTs. 5311. W!tt. J. iflioMPsteo Ivill oiTer ror, sale by pubiie auction at Lot 2:7. Con. 6, Weat Wawalieeb, on • Tiff neDAY. NOV. 411i, to roonnienetitg at 12 04eloek sharp r 1 3.year•o311 gelding, 2 rows atitoPOIn'ql ealye Fehruary„8 cowe nuppoami 21, be al eau. 4 twtoyear„old lieirete. 4 two year-old skere, orie-yrde-ola hoifera, ohh.car.old ewers, to cahe4. 1 741 Mo 1'101We* binder. 1 Mt Mitseey-Harria framer. 1 1246. Maseey.11errie hag reale rake bar Masscooliatrer bay 101307. f Memeey-liarr15 drill 1 •meeminick mit3. vetoer with seeder:I Manure 90103297, eteel lava faller. 13 walktate 510we, 1 two. rorrow riding wow, i pot diee Starrowa 1 DALaval croft separmor. rant lailprr 1 gram member. 1 powor waiting me rhino :sea wringeve 1 set light botosteighe 9 rem berrels. 1 spray pomp end buret 1 40_ga oi at* gas Isok, site Wog 001111 9 16 II. P. Stearn engine 0014 Water tank Wilkirixan lakaag A mating VA. 1 84, It, 4 pig 8 lo. telt, 1 130 -ft 4 p17 7.12. telt maple syrup outfit Gritian flatunotor, team -or -amt. gatnering auk. soppiy snks, Mc) buckets. eeonto corere. TEItS114.-111 iteln3 Of M3 and owlet eish: 6701", ltast anietait six months" ere dit wilt do given on IturoiAblor ipprovaa Joint notes • A diaCannt Or 6•per Cent, Per inn= *towel for 01,3h co erten *3119131119, VIA, THOMPOA. !nl.tcnv,, PrOprieter. ittletiOltef. • After baturolaid aside ter last wee with indisposition the- principal. Mr. Hume, is again at his post this week. The tennis coatis are being used _to the fulleat eapreeity these nue iltys by both, boys and nets. Nest spring regu• Tar schedule intetotorm tournaments will be arranged. The Commission of Conservation at Ottawa is furnishing, free of charge lectures mil topics ot 'general Interest Dit F. J;11. 1TRIA. • EYE, EAR, NOSE. THROAll; Late Hone° Surgeon J•few York Oehthalm10 .and•Aural Hospital, assloaut at '51-ooreileht'a DEgaeill.Looeupditrionl.atingolden Square Threat, llaa• 53 Waterloo St. ht. Stratford. '1,eloohOne 217 At timlifOrd Hotel, tioderieb, troirk Wed- nesday. Nov. irth. at 7,30 p. t. 11 Thurse et!, Nev. onto at t tr. 111 7 AUCTION SALES, I Colin SALE on' FARM eT0coie LAI nAloss, ,IMPLEMENTS. fames Renee, or oiltettell, Ittot rrettived 11, strurtions frotn 1.lOytt ahatatt, Pr eel° bY aurae!), as ine. nrotolittor unt grdqg Ms dative rarm in future. at Lot 15 eayiteici Road, stabil% otmoritarter mile east •of Varna, ain ' PHIDAY, NOV. atil • volume:wing at 1 p. hut fnilotteitig.i agrieultaral team. Ciatle.--1 row, freshen early part Novb flanking. •Ileirer. 5 two.year.01:1 helfer4 IWl. will frordien moon,,, 1* two.year.old heifer mar by shle, i yearling heifer, ic three-1year-old steers. 61 two-yearoad steera, yearling eteere. SwIne.--a_ Mutate.° e menthe aid, Potiltry.-75 While Legleirne. • Imetentents.-.1 Masevy-liarrie eide rake i Massey -Hartle hay loader, 1 allineey-liar rroislienr lIPPe'ott b°olblvearlebigeharcrt, we'aglognt.ePit ot°1•PdljoittillfeY'hairtigePezef 2 111)11 leer eh, 3trilblocle'kl art:, ttieklo. 1' Dot:Pail erearti eeparater, arid IfhPlomolus IIPV4 Plain'. 3 banging tango. roet4, turnip. InlitiaTitga.•-at driveler abed anti peultre barn essoro taw rie, and plate, I liorPle etable eo356; grain hula, anx46. 1 3813 rivIErillttiri'41 an- EttnPlirivir IlenFroamillniidot;ele'x4r141 montirs1 •In fur 1114111115 appri/v011 311r. 11144.1. Memnon of O per rent. 1101 xs)riii.iiriltlAa)111111,tt Trotitv.rAirarq,l1. JA‘s. jolt; • Proprietor. Auctioneer Tut:SAW. Nov. 2, -Clearing a:Wpm :sale of farm steoli and intrilemente at iot IL enn. •tl, Colborne 'Pp. •'one mile Nvest of Nliel at 120 o'clock Share. 0E0.1 MeNAtelo proprietor'. THO3. fitINDDY„ ouelloneer. • TIHIRSDAY. Nov. 4 -Auction sale Of lane stock Curl implements, at 144 22, con. 6, V, s( Wawanosit rommeneing 11•Welock sharp. W31 J. TROMP - SON. proprietor.' THOS. CONDItY, Atietioneer. . _ FREEIIAN.- In l'eterbororiget, tint.; on • Tuesday, Delober 40111, 1920. Miss- II• Freeman. • IN MEMOHIAM 0 * -•• ' ••• memory 01 pla, Lama W. 1. AIME wive gave Me life Inc 1311 - 39,11141-4-55100 l2e11:1339' 24, 1917. WA Memel* when wo said geed be, • 'that tv0 tad 31011011 tor0e0c 'filo grief that Ice felt words 'cannot telt, iliac wo lae▪ • ▪ With you to hid yOul farewen, . Away (pinworm! ,e0;11 eountrY'a ran: Tou,gave your pro „roe 0)10-11711 all. Itut ttio untinown grave, '434 toe bitter blow. None but.orse. arhlure 3103124 03111 Maw. onne 'but far from fro gotten. FATHER, MOTHER and }AMILY. (IMOLKY - Di lovirm mouse* et Playa. Arartlaret, dearly lovao 11511514101 0? wle, ead Me*. 1rs1130 tlauter. "'bodied oce 2ist.1315. I ieofele.a•afeir tethered W., Reg tfOUt )(maw, free (rota cia 1 fierie.battgqireltisitligg;i11),°41% For our la.s we) 011141 11)3 weeo. ' Noe Out toved °intim:It too keep VIthe home of rest and 1 M mace, Whew alll Pln and merow cealte. -.Mother, Feats, sat Ecitheela • • 1; ( WHEAT PARTIC1PATION. CERTIFICATES Leave your certific s with this Bank, and we will collect for you the final payment which will probably' be *Alt- OrlRed by the Wheat Board about the end of Octoberi E CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE PAID.UP CAPITAL *15.000000 itatIWAVE FUND • MOKPO, , GOti1itICI1 BRANCH; tt,,VCritihitia. Manager.