HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1920-10-14, Page 8r• N • Wit• W e • s •.40- 1• t• 4 A 0 A� le lista thew a full stockthste hooks fall dal l the rogss 1s •sl Wsthese oei it :kight for whiter.. • • (.DI E*ICIt 'i'l)W''iSHIP -There wilt be a� special nicsetln[ at. is. 0. Ti.. 141, Uoderioh Township, October lStn for Initiation of seandlilatcs visiting brethren welcome. ,t the September meeting of . the Country 'tYumen * Club, thar tlni o ween mostly taken up .tali buhtness. Mrs. Bev. Hamilton Mar present and gave a utostttatotettleg rais,dlag the "Story of the �[a1Kto'wer mut retorted to the tercentenary .ae}ebrsttottOf the Amain 1 of the 1'11{rima.. Mrs; H. L, Slake! Ware an. Uwtrunaentul selection. The JfiiiYtf lit will. be at the home of 'i1W r , , was -hew to rensr'trl tie .di flits .4 rap" ielinat a t•,wn Jtt►, was aiaprrletetdrtif ca .ire*e•r te. ,4►trial 11, sweaty per reit *taut from Aria t, i17 rnrie•'ut ter reel aid braeiltr fE , ,iu•trilrtl+;tt Q11(1 in.loV•fiiare.. which �wriitttl antotint to welts' SOW. nisi 1 .±tett!.•, Ivan diecui;rcnt id the .July snow- ed meeting but 41 watt derided t_ei wilt, ilntil tittifr townships had 1fileCr -ttie erne riib.nt before takin0 Action. 1 However the clerk received ,further t)uiJ urtication from 'the deRtrtmment lot the Minister of llighwaysoamnia the township coulee'. to take &th n- tage Of tin. Ooseremeet grist. slating that they would allow the twenty per Cent on Gail construction and withdrew ofree� tear the yeereacepthyg statute ;Ia. abor. As the +rounril had not time to advertise 'for applications John llutten lofferett himself for this position end tt0 •wt s a engaged, for tl e lista t+ l balance of year at. flue ollars per Ably when em ' pulsed, the illosernmenI 'laying forty per cent. of his salary. ,laid a by -lase WAS parsed authorial* the abpvei � Must other ttiwnsttipi in the' county have i. r acct, at d roan supi'�ntendents and claim that they would net. -go back to the uld yystetti{a>aain, • . ' The' Gt;niversary' services in Soul) Zion church on :+tyhday last were very fine mead were wwe11 attended. The clrureh was s nicely . decorated with ttowters and. fruits tit' the taeastan and the services meant much tie 'lain pee?. •ph, . tip Sunday evening Bev. ,'dr. Campo br�•I1 tool: far his subject the question. "Is i'.ttristiauity a living thing todayr"' .anti chose as- his teat the wsrds, "I ~gels the vine; ye ore the btdttelles." • Mr. i:aitpbell Allowed 4itxw the vital union i.f.the brandies:►,Atli the nine was neressary If' then wvere to brinp faith fru'lt'ltnt} 4154 pointed lint that It was ltirmugb the l,raneltee tliat fruit in this �w•orid was roiluced sothat ]� , eat the.__trite t Kristian was neceseary to the.earrying out of aiod's plans to the kvor1d. The substance of C lirlstlan- xy 'consisted la this vital Connect! 7'lre? spirit of lhrititiantty wear v., unit, just. In ,pttol)ortion ag win acetic, exerrlse :tate spirit of Hive; we fallen o be Christian. Lawn and the punish•'. esserp M1 trent of infrawtione were at lint the speaker look• the eta puttlshrnent wase i t1 , last Vito it Dower. of Tuve.1'sad .alga :Mrs. O. V. *twin, Thureday, t)otober Last FrGley event to slnrrlal meet Irowver of love 'wvas 'the ton t!ti• i'mirt to save a roan ken wrong.M. m 1' Campbell's disco{tree a well -thought-out diseusslon of . the. source, constitution and' effect of true Christianity, and -the austner to : tris question. "Is Christianity . i living• thing today?" seemed 'to alit, involved in, the intention. Are we in vital union gist�,at1110 t~. m. • vain over the trslre to punts ttltL.'!Mat-Lt* Fsltetld &it,a, ytet.insr apples *opt din $IM p, t•t•,.•ei ar.' lite) rhtivt .L+IV,trtr, taz4he 1.+ t'ai les 4 ttt� air::i at taw � His many trtivk of alar, iieilditsgira CAA are Oiied tc+ n« i Mr. rause& wtilu alt payitte a bllort virt't to Air How utter .ars ralrii•nee' of Ma year* 11i Cantonal. ttiat,'eu piling ladies of this tow wrunity qre irking part in a patriotic • is nreatit. under the direction of ties. lit. P. keaaedy• hey commence Alicia rsctiihtasr this ee ek ant will continue a weekly praetse i until about Christ- mas time, when they will present 11 to the nubile. '1'Ite ,tally tiny eerti ees in r gneetiertr with the Sunday acitools on the One tnlilrr circuit i%-rre quite to sueresa nrel very well tatlended. r The prograag i P +veto Interesting and - the oArerinara amounted 10 e11. A -campaign-48.1e be hula, ,ted this fall for the, purpose of Increasing the attendance at the Kant day 1elt4+a1 erwigfs. rtanKelletie wortin The Baloney school Ile WOO to he enlphaelited. The *Whiner htetlacrdlet, etiureh will held its harvest •home, anniversary on Sunday, 0xtober 24th. There will be morning serwilee at R)' o'Cteek eondur't- rd by Bev: II. p, Afeyer_ gat 0oderieh and. an ovenln,4 service. at 7 it'cloek, cit wilt preach. There .wviil b etas tartish' conslstirig of chortases, ' quer tetter, duets and solos. The thumbs wilt be:apprnprlate)v decorated fur the occasion, and a thank ofrerint of Oi00 Is being asked tor. The general; pub.', . lie •will be made wveleeme at- these ;ser vices, civet pxepar, ttems' 'are being'. made for the tharilysgiving supper and eon. rt to ho 'held at tate North Zion s` urch next Aon i iy ei'enlnst, -(pct. 18th The •telecutionlet for the evening 4e Misr,• Rutty Kitewln, at London, °and tint nI!ss Campbell as anniluneed ]act week. . flsli ' Kirwlu • is on . honor . graduate' tate London Conservatory of Iira- alir .Art and comes highly recon,. mended. Do not.tall to hear hnr, Mist Glo s Perry la a .noted soprano s oges anil4.-treii1mcdtltat, fine is Ciinst,1 G re that tied a altar among the London lovers 0 1n � ar iR' d tlesl des these v wvhe .. two London o nd Th: artists, We eXPeet rouge from :hiss M► t d '�iearrener, Mrs. tt. Ceuits and firs. Fl. F. Kennedy. Addresses will be given by •Itev, 11. J. Boss and, ttev. A. 1. ells of A,ubur'n. Vire :aro 'looping for a big cr wil;..a big supper. and a big time, Come and 'he}p make 1t t. pr? with •Christ, as the braaitches'are•with the vine, 'Where this, vital unrorl ceased the branches died. • or Autumn ami inter of 1920 Stately never were Bats t so lovely as this season. They show the latest con» ceptintis h Millinery art Yon are cordially invited to inspe tour stock.. SHEPPAIIiDTI)N rive inorntp 'a rein will make the p. i w tw bettet ; the- ground. was g , :'t* ,tty.dry._..-:• .. getting :Tont ere.n,, at Pott A,Ibert, tai working on tho.it1tcher with• Witt It'oster. They are at `err.. ;Llnkkleter a lake tarot cit Ditelnia- Mrs. Graham sten purebttsed the Pro* Peep recently owned by bur mother at Nil and wail moye up there Mkta .tau. The house wan built`e ferar years ago by 116 Wm. 8awkina end tea, Comfortable dwelling. . . • • On Sundae ati into toad, canuiattng .of the, Mime. Smith and I'ennabaker, and Messrs. Crlstcli anal Howe*, all of Clin- ton, ,tatted, at hiss Ittarro*re' and' also attended church. Mrs. • . Peunab*ker retarded to Clinton with then,, Mr. aid. Willie his ootd his farm- to ItIr. liaison Pierson, the prlcu being onto the properttye this tall.d } d.�wilt hate,4 gala of stock and implements in a couple of . weeks and. 1ntende going .Vest neat ttpring. Site filling will soon be completed again. Will drown bas three or ,four more to 1111 and then be will commend) plowing, '$chats 150 *area or'• loom to • plow it the weather eontinuee nae, .'Re Kiegst0e Strep' ' tntendeti -building four or fire bridges but. whet held back on aceoat of the Nbortage of t:ein nt instil taw Belson waw • . too tar advaueeilt. Miss .car. {Special Bargains. FOR WEEK COMMENCING Satorday, October i6th PaimOliveSoap, 3cakesfor Flannelette, 38.1nehes wide a ~ 5o yds. Turkish Towelling ' 35c yds Chewing Gum, all C1 de, pkgs. 10c Chocolates, assorted flavors ° Monarch Cee -n Rel Black'.Tea Sunlight Soap `nuns Pow er, I . Ii. can ,j w . a. 49c 50c1ht . 39c ib. Visitors ti the 'store or �11y lltvittel to visit torr 1 airs +1+ wrtswats. T era sway BUS well weeds STEEL CO. U ITIED 5i1 to =1.00 ST 41100114$011 E DU NGANNO , tr. andltIrs. It. 6. ItIckie, of Hemi,. Apple paekerst ,aro busy ih t171a vi- elnity at :present.. 11. Fowler intends holding an auction sale of stock ' on 'Saturday. ' ton. were renewing old suquatntances around the burr Iaat 'Week. .%!rs. Shaw and danebter, or Landon. arca: Visiting at- Abram GuIbert'a _ • . Mr, and ;wets. Jas. Wilson, of Elora were visitolts trete over •Labor fray. Threshing Is • pretty well nlshe_ around hercr,Arlie 'grain le tuning out well. • i►11<. atldt .Mrs. B. J. Beniuger, of Wlitghar, visited' at John Il an's. lafit week, • . . Wm. Mole spent last Sunday at Au - INENS' ilkitltatt ttltrrtifir is whit* for trays. «t trey ti etii, ;fids, ate. r:kk I 113$ 81181Et1OBL iiht�MRMttMr 11111. r`+�eyr •t,. i * ARY TILT; ; ----The i' fo11owv!ng from the• 0r. an evllie Paper .�wil1' be real wvith re- gretfui 'Interest ,,,by Doderiell people, who wtlt.aytnpalhite with• tate relative in Mite death of our former".: townsman. ;11I. Wilt. Tl ,KIi:" '1It tvai ' a uieiril, . of the iiddfeliewwa order: for 28. years: 1tn Friday avenins; a +volt»known and Marbly-respet'ted einem. of Grange. title ,passed, away in the aaersnn of Mr. William Tilt. ,for severe' months lair Tilt nuffered from acute stomach trou. file: And oww.ing to ill.luerilth had to dis. pose" et Itis billiard, parlor on. east' Briiadrva.. . Deceased • was' shorn at Dinetee, l'atertoo .Count; Gri:'' years ago;had been les}dent. itt .elrangevills for over, eight years. Qin wv is re gen. emus., wvhate-rouged 'man' with a hi8'. heart In tte,rigtit place, ultostentatieus; in; Itis etturtttes and always • avoiding Publicity, ;The late ittr.•, Tilt lit sur" vived by hiv:.Wife and one daughteiti DIts3 Edna; whiff • did +nyerything that tont,* heaa'ts..could il'ol toe.alievtafe .the. sufferiti ''ofInc husbiitid and fatter. :t lesion ' of friends_, exttslid sympathy to diet,, In their bereavement:: The following': brothers survihar H. Our - Jon Tilt, l ideago; Jos. Tilt and. Marvel j.. Tilt, 'I}etrialt;' Edwin 6i:, Tilt; Mon, treal.: and twvo Ester,, Mrs; 1Vin. Lit- tirjotsn, , of DOOR:.end Mrs. L. A. Mig;jw,' 1, C1lgar ;The fu'Ierat, wvhirlr' Was by motor. -i41as held . oro ]els late residenee to the Forest Lawn cemeter Monday afternoon, and was largely at. tendOd, Rev. ,.that 1-.-T, tt. Ste l:Artr ri etor• of St. Mirk eluur'eti . ;officiated at;.titn pause and Brave. Three broth' ers, Waste- 1'.dwln 13' Tilt..#os -soil Hlrvt'Y J. 'lilt; two nephhews, Fred Tilt and Blakle 1'airkati'n, _ and Mr, '1 R. Greents. acted as • • pallbearers.. The o a tributes bora born visiting his .tatter- ,•unit other many beautiful 1T r t both st mute testimonyof the high este-nen in xwitiett Mr. Ti t --was held. These in - Rev. O. Coma and tummy, At Pine eluded: A- pill 'wr; the family; cross. River, visited friends In this vicinity brettiers surd;. sit : ''casket bouquet, List week. 1 a Or. and Mrs. 1, ;.t. Maxwell, Calgary, Mr. and Mrs. S. M. lhkkiens of. lien• ltda--; �wvreathc ,>ttr- .arid nits, A., lMivore tiail,...vislted T. G. Alien's a few days and fatnity, Lr ndon r Spray, jar. land last wen:, 'lira. C. Vroutnan , and • family. Gait: '1' G. Allen is hiwing..a kitchen bu in wreath. 1i'atenino L•ddge, I, 0. 0. at the back of his new house, U. Gicnn Gait; three. 1tt11tS, Maple Leaf Lodge doing the lob. I, : tl;` <i. i'' -e i)rangeviite, sprays, Miss' 'Mr. P. Boss an'rt.hil,4s 7'1rh27o_ use st';eta Labe, miss Oeee irntu,,..tort,• the convention In ' Gitletich Glare ratrgev e; wvrea , lwir• Thursday and Friday. Dee lets. re •1t •Mr. 3 and .Rte. Lloyd eagle. wreath, •lir- and Mrs. \Vatter utManson ti een . Aced a crowded house •1airbairn and Mr. • Hlakle. Fattbair t; after tete concert wvaa, over. :. ebildrenn of i''oronto.arr e ,visiting and the fomiter's mother, .Irs. ;1';d. Fowler. 'attendingI t tare Ilattnah U Ili th y ll s o -t me dance in /lie lied Nal 1• .spray. The Git'J,''Auxtitary SW:dark church[ eresr..nt, ►li'. Fred Til wreath. Mr, and Mrs. C. g,, A wvdd •Nits. nary . McDonald • and tittle 115+18hter. 6.iariorie, are visiting friends andacquaintances In this cern ,sonny. fire and Airs. Writ. 'Jetfoil, of Wald• sor.. visited the fortner's .sister. firs. Arthur Roach, ..on their honeymoon trip. on account- of the •se'areity of apple barrels the buyers are intending to sauek some of them and„ ship them !n sarke: • '• 'Wilbur Johnston anis t.anie smart re. turned groom from the West ,last Frt. day, the ' former having dbroken shoulder. • Annite'rsary serviees will be held in rat,ine ehureh on .tletober 24th. .i preat' I -i' frons 'ioritnto will . occupy the tuulpit. Mr. J, tate owner of A. new Sherlock»Mantling .ttlatrn. Quite .a number in the'village have severe colds, we aro glad to report'that Mrs." Rine dal -son Kahle to be 'around egaln start spending a couple of wweetts in bed wwlilt a sore felon, rhhothve I;ilexes tj•uwitanyhaiety if a in. [aright bring the peek tnrlsatre balls and leafs' it at.the post attics' and not have any mesa trouble alsutit It. Duel fieto t Lite tans supper nest Manda9. night. An excellent' program lir given by (iodate!) talent: as- sisted Ely lord talent. (s'ut&i'. every ed.F.., and ent,y't to treat of elle sea- t% iV#rt. L'ar', is agile. to ate taart again atter beteg tale, up for a flew wp'' ks cairn, heifer kicked by a horde. It �, ui?. the hasp strayeit in off the nen anti, M:, Carr wan driving :t ©tit. -twhrn kicked Idea. Iter .w th;tt arra tarot tY the road to pasture should be put in the pO')m1 t, foil they are a nitiganee. Iaulrgaua.itr fair watt held last Thurs. 'I anal jridsY, su t•wwas a dc. idhl a.io. e "s% i t' clay;t z'4 ,na, ado/ and the:. roads '(1.11, tiles,» VVA4 s large '.metal :although tin, eNittbits WIT, not rt txritertlug aas tact .VMC. !ttsil •tare i1 4h 1' %vas excellent. The bads', show gave the lodges an mulling tints as nr %%P'Pr _nett splendid speelmens of yOtintr Gan. iela, 1hei ?asitia rev." were well "its• heated ,and anleve rat of this epert sp.=pre'e'eat'.,I the ce'ult. Marie %%AS Attp. tali''tl tlt'ongtnnt the dais by the Mirk - /TAW Nod. The Bliscit+t'.4' ' booth fur, niwhcrl eat ;pest brings mart was wr>i t'smrt ntie,'t > The rr'ste.'rt in the even. ng was Vo'It attended, the 411 )excite fiat tFs rtp,teltt,', to (i14 fate *het tw+ta Belt, este' snsis until the wee sinall hoot, of the morning. The +11r. a'c.t,rra are, welt pleased with lstanrt)at xr nits. eseawreeeirotediloworereerreevale Hall 'Nits eiese Utt. *revs wether worm* grin to to Not a► Whet t10111i1W' bit wit* a !Akar shag', mem moved tato moo $Mst 1* Ore not', ilei mew "iv* IF iM' Sighaine IMA eglitlid: -1140 1.411 Tried thin tai aMX 4.11.464. witMe imi moist r Among the frlehds from a disttrn were: :►le,a srs, Chas. 0., Rd. and A m Thur: Vrooan• Galt; Messrs. 11•clw Il.. snit" le D. Veoeinaa, I44rEtnet Rf Nelson l'ra„Oman, Tilrontot ilfr. Ethv B. Tilt, ytnntrr'ai; Mrs. ' Win. L}til yolun, 11r. and Mrs, Tiffs ''1st, Mr. an Mas. Harvey Tiltirnd Mr. Fred Tilt. •1 ,i Ht) . Oat +X. Yea Colborne Store DRESSES We home just put into stook a most wonderful •raz gs of Silk, sera and �S•rtey Dresses. 'There sires no two dresses alike, and every seta is um is design. ©t;r Serge Dceassea uothin but the finest grades of Serge are uled. kit1 tz►eaas ,thin the dresses hate a better sppearane° ansi ssifl giv bitter c� I satisfaction �� ac ton thud tela cheaper grades of cloth. The cw ra are all fad. ,W would like you to inspect this range before making your se'e+:ti in of a tali dr.**. Vint.yery latestcreattions are shows, .in Silk. They come .in. taffeta,; duobe*s and jaaitetie: "¶t'laeelt dresses are rshown with 4kint3 teuet a that ars 110 . ' I• designs 'aro the he.b zua' we'lttt4w we are siiotring yott•merclrandirie tbs Is uo 10 the minute. It will be to your advantttgp to sew those ilk I gtar- m jets. ,HOUSIE DRESSES �.:._... About 2 doz, House. fiesses on se*. for .'2.98 These Dressea range:. in price from $3,00 to 0.00 eaeb, wad for eetning week they will; be pan sale at . b. and the oto 44, at $.98.' These Are real bargains rb y slate-iztl;li sixes up ,Cs 4orthwii.'y:.garments -are It fr for the. ar ' n that sperfectly and read t h fits WOMB feu ash with real to ., , x al style to the garment.. • Ahern'. lame range of Nations Y .galEiite►ptu aro beim sbltwn esolusivel}r by urs dad t'rA fCiitaRr; we a.re offri e 11g ixgarmetat ,tat will ive absolu a •satitfoctidn, t g t • Nottliwa Y �luslit Gouts in aTl . ittzeff anti styles,; A targe range to cliovse G : .roan: T• Nor t bivYu Cloth Y star with fur tritiamin �+ S, 1n all sizes and Frites. Nsyrth wa t;t h y o cats, with . self -collar , _ S o tar ii'`sba�wvl effect and also to email• et cellars. We;hone regi values its thew garments, -Children's gists : in . cloth, with a if lar r e -col. r prettily, trimmer3,=in sizes .cern ' l ars . up, e will be glad 4t ,atiy: bane to e1R"azv' those � . 8 garmleiits,' CE"tS �., ' •,tea- -: 'Special showing of • Sergee A4 -lit. wide,, for egresses and Suits and batten word e r , . - skirts-.Tlxe�u�e. all: fine ._, Y. e des. The. s 4ors eras kt and tau be had in blue, black, brei Wipe. wit, *tacit .:aad;�. Win/ rte Me House of.Reliability tv 13130 r! Loral Board lUnd Motheu, Aliowa anceo A,et• tinder the Mothers' Allowance Act a beat board tor Huron County' has been. appointed, consisting` i f G. W. iiol•, titan, chairman, Godorie ; Mrs. ;Lr 1. t''nwler, vice,-etrairruau, Minton; .1tev.: •Etter.. Garrett, secretary, 'ilensail; Mrs. Geo., Cruickshank, Win0:1M; and, ma. ,%r°" l. S. Hays, Seaforth. 4'ttse_aartt< hers of the Hoard have `blank plica taint fortes for mothers Who ,}vista to avail themselves of the benelits"of the act. The : mother so applying trust t: .have been . resident art Canada at the lime of the death or total disability of ce, the father, of the children on veliosE•. r.. behalf then allowance "is le' ' be made. 1n •and fora ,period .of three years the r•: mediately prior tit the applicetlen, and icy Amici hie a••resiiurnt Of Ontario at thea e- ti!n of the 'application - and for two Sears •tinntediatele prior to this date. of n!# must have two or more. of her 'I"IPPERAR'i:` ' Threshing, silo titling and app !ng and packingare titian awe. Air.. Jttiiaes 1te)i1, with hi outilt, hag again .passed,ti neighborhood. . visillftrs. J. G. • Steepe'a d a1 er Atrerv, are this week visit friends. i Ilurtato. RYC,wish them a pleura , M. l;, 1 .,Gra'Stnei two rsa hu1iire�ata aty, presenoft visitiratfordng rr. Gray's father said tr outer here, Mr. and hers. Jesise Garay. Our feather Miss Maggio,Mck;achein. spent last Saturday anti Sundays visiting frtendstn Stratford ens, f'tintott and this eek she will xtfeacbcrs copve*tfttn hr iI lthe (lode i!. ,rintelon had the mistor- tune to let JiII.Is horses get the beet of him and run *way with a, hay rack tacit • of apple . wo rain roads. Thetneekyoke, notable en thetr9O and wagon tongue were broken and Mr. Ctantclon bawl t► very netrow escape from being eerionsly* burn. Auniveeesrnftary stag, OctoberviIt' I, iv eee y. Will, efoeeiq, Of Hombre, who left here about four years ago, preached two Sind nercaoles to large congtrsM elkins. Another Jobetr wan well liked wke* here. T8a1 Proceed, of the icy iiacounted to 186. Sharon people ate thankful to the sdr raualting pappus for their help and preeene . A Towline aterrn of rain, 'thtmder and lightaislt°paseed over thita.i1Klebor- hood on Mendel. in which ai largetree in 'MAX At G. Ilii Steeping- gale was *truck. *Bath talitng on ilte. `phone. wIres iareki'iirent sad caused a slight', delays. Mr. George Ceettell'* bath wee steo tttruek bet so /*dove damnit. was done. The with elgrt blew down ail aptiO tree belonging to Alar. Reuben Grigg. 1t'stko >NAtR� 7tie� iiia'latite committee appointed 'by the, fgisleture It We telt metetlist to mekee an int eatiratti,n inter the pine.. iic!itlility sof adieettag Mee for hydra rt.'r•ten tenser me as to be more equity ante le silting at Toronto this neck. The eclisraltsre ceneiet4 it lire mem- ben at the Honer. and come from Ait. releertt occtliwis .1 the }'rovInit. tale. .t. P Haste. t'a'rtewttttrkr the ltntttrin tiydrei letaaw.e uniform Hoe Aimeei4• Roe. ,tad ate, W Fe Rtotiwden. t. r thea atederie'h Beard of Trade. were ,tette. an411•4 I. *p *r and present 'eer'isirt f' I,I efi of the cave • n INedneri ay brat the tnrsegiege of the Il"*M sifts rt_ poet A report on this at the test iitattttti" aal►rtaatt. 't+hisell will he sr ramie• far as snots de ills plV4I4 iii 1110* it 4 'M4t,ll+P41 IMI, il')SIAHmr. AO. ttiM seelseMr's, "Mr. lirwrten, ,frit r»- tarm4a tots e"_ ut * tify the members of pick- g bore. threshing rough this r• nwvn children under fourteen Years. 0e1"' tge living with, her and must shown t" ewltts • cannot . properly care. - for, them tvt1JYout the. assistance of 'an allow-' ante under the net. The' Neal hoar., met in :Clinton on Wednesday" of this week. Canto, Chersct.rietto, Once in, a while you meet e•' titan cyho Is, like a .dog. Re would rather stand still and shiver titan 1i net ,rut • and' hustle and keep nett Eoq,tirar ' GODERICH MARKETS. 'ttut'lde Market Iteports on Aar'' as • litheatt, , . ` ''"t'00 to 9 flb Flour, per cvet., family ....6 40 to ft 40 Floor, :pat nt.. & 75 to .0 75 Itran, per ten ...s..... .,t......45 to 40 di' Shortb, per ton 59 60 to e0 00- }its y� yO� to y OS Battey.,.•.. ................. W tail 1 VS•. Buckwheat ....1 7d to 1 96 Hay, ,..40 00 to aS00 Butt rper lb -Dairy ......... 0 lin to 0 67• Atgs,per desert .0 00 to 000 00 to (st ie,hntehersehaiee10 00 its 11 0000 Cattle,buteheritorslinaryr 09 00 ib 10 00 Belognit, tlul11, per ili..t, 0 to 7 Berths/Lambs, per% 0 10 *011 • Potatoes.. . a0 ttatoees,' new, per � .,.. 1y t3 60 tots ( d BMW.......4........4. .......,.a. 00 t0 00 Shur' 0 07 to 0 OS Picture Frames K Pkt me F.I Poiret fot Bettor values than y u eau 'g!'j atyyllthefe., tl1e • At~,tigtiel�+Gisfld t3iiver, f;irme> sin %Aunt, *bony. tory, oval anti Munro trance. flailt.tiwiott hit Gaels I1aitewa'eu hot Conti Quo Ili Nor r• •r 4, .;, + 4' •t' 4. otatoes ante e wilt be loading - cars for one -week only, in this section, commencing • Fri. day. • quote prices upon request. AS. LISOY1)* SON - East Street- rgains 111111111[141 Victory- LOati tax free bonds stt plesent Woes The dupply available is limited. Prompt Welton is urged -for those who des.ire to taint -advantage of tite present opptirtunity; YOkIR CHOICE OP vivE MATURITIES Price and Yield . interest 0.37 1922 1034 ,ee 93 13.25 Bonds delivered tn YMIr Bank free of all deliverY or hroknrage chWer4' ""hmrsate am' T it HARRISON Yhanksgiving Time . Here take this 'opportiMiti? of oxtendiug our sincere thanks to edir many' customers and friends for their unfailing and unstinted A Patronage and *tipped dining the pait. At the Mame tinte Vir0 nt:t 'bit" bn,.1 f()r anthingi bnt good mound WW1 for every roof you /spend with. us. rianest gOOds, Ic,w6sti prices and to spun fleal for all. Our stet* of • Rubbers ' int% aoztrhournarekleinctin;:wiryndentaatt Ltd tehr tintstrerefibildtto"vuoi:. n?Ifieheand"bebgtAprnepereitlII44 "fegr'tPltr°46 firelunlivubilerent4anslitlybbeder;S.Get 'SHA MAN?