HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1920-10-14, Page 7.rielenceAY, Oter. it. 010. GOODOCH ffal r, 0. Al • r• v V ' V 4 A ; I . Double Track Rote iiiiitntim - TORONTO mem mid , CHICAGO Unexcelled dining car eerylee. epi*g ears on night teeine and „pare tor ease; en prineyei day traeas. ben Snformatison from anal ihresid Trunk Ticket Agent, er District PaStiCZOr 44(111t, F. F. LAWItteeiCE * SONS Twits Fenleasee weal Ticket AVMs 'Phone 6 New Ter* from Nov 1st CENThAL $.-trtierroso, ONT. leadkag delentercial Selma t•of Western Ontario, Commercial, Shsrthind and Tele • graph. Departments. orons,tes placed in positione. Students May enter ak any time. Get Mir free cataloguer. - D. A. 114eLACJILAN, • BABIES Ise !mite *0 lifTeVt,,7 Mi.; hat, Wil. TEE111111111 rliU1W,:i, from 0. IGGIFLUW cer. 'este was fatally biro elard Tipet/ set 4:eel:tent etepped '' hurt. litessaads.et Theo A Utile/en:sate ene. a Vicrla have been eneezeilleen teceeseto en eherstea of bigeiny. Itee lateeeed te *return, II. Every Simper. eel soldier. e.• The, Bettis -lore tntereationel Baseball Leaeue teem beat St. Peen, •••••• the Anierieart Aezee-eution eleesepietilse 04 tense% pa Whim the baby stunt to cut It teeth. by Li to S. • • et le then is the time the Noe mother throdiehliall Itios 0) - ...•4 14... under the streets of great anxiety. For some moon or other the beetle' become loose, qid diarrhoea, dysentery, colic, erteopee'aild many other Lewd mule plaintsteauifeet themselees, th° pees beconet milieu, cankers form in the reouth, said; in many rues the.eleld westee to a shadow. When ettetehild gets into thhieenit. dation the letneels meet he Nerf.elnotely looked *iter„ and for this puttee° we know .ofnethleg to -equal Dr, Fowierls Eitteret o1,Wd1,traberrye. • This. staling remedy ba e been teed for, teetliiiig babies for the beet 75,.years. by thousands of Comadisn Mothers who swear by its efficacy, and there is uo wether but, ehould keep bettle of it on hand., "e, Mrs, Gordon IdeCurdy, Tatum, .Alto.. write:- -'I have five eluldren and th.y have ell had aurcener complaint, especia "deposition"by the Methedist Mission ly while teething.; I always keep el, Board. bottne of Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild The feur-poued teat has been in - Strawberry in tny home ete one or two creased to Ilfteen pence in price in, dopes completely relieves them. I can- not speak toe. higldYfof it ferbotheltildren Brooklyn beot Cleveland by 3 to•O • "lin4 adults. " in the second game of .the world series. The Council of Academy of Medi - eine will report on the Glover serum this month. _ iSfelkete reduced to 12 cents at Till - Bandit Zanuma. whose feecks were about estonlettd in Zeliseo Stete. has written to the elenleae War elia- partment asking fer aemeety. e THURSDAY. The Tiriff Commit:sem holds see. Edmoutou. The Saskatchewan lereitlature will meet teovember 4. Tivemurderere are given the sKeth aesitence in Ontario. • Rupert E. Rtngeeerd. seconte meg- istrate •ot Toronto as dead. A vest proJect for Industrial ex* pension in, Quebec twin preeareetote • A. general strike of a revolutionarY character has broken out In Portugal. Breeze won the Veoodstock Handle cap at 'Kenilworth Perk Wednesday. • Orangeville defeated St. Simon's. 0.A.L.A. senior cheenplene, by 9 to 4. H.• Cameron. fernier) King% Printer for °Marie. ferule,. pe. R. N. Burns will appeal his sting o'` When a mar cold or toughies bout foretells the of x4;trr old bronchial trot* the best thins 40 de la tAyglik. • Pepe *I ones le synitt,I440. *ad • "' MOtbers,elen't oxiierirnent with roue be dangerous to your baby's health. eeemetemeteeteteenteeeette...............eseesteee ettier" 8ewles" the remueq that Us \the teat of time new and tentried reined which may •Ibleirka*Seldbris Price ,50e. ManufactiWeleonTy sonburg„ In Woodstock one inOweelle "rite T. Whim Co., LienitedeToronto, -Ont. 111001--Ifeep your Eyes Stnees. and Healthy. If theyTire,Smatt,Itcb,or InflitMod 'or Greuulated, Burn, if Sore,'Irritated. Me Morino oftea, ftwInfant cm Adult. AtritlThutegsts latCeenals. Write forPree EieBookt oltillassdknefeadmiff .thSwd, CANADA BOONESS COLLEGE ,stRopoito , Shorthand, Beekkeeping, Saleettaan, enip, Teteeraphy, Plato, Voice, and all busitiess subjects. Open all suM. • leer. Private classes when Preferred and to help ettuleas eaten classes when Mitering between terns. • 'epee- ial sinsanier,00mesefor teaehers, Tuition TweitteDellaeli per teepee • tbeTellthrsa4terfor (ineludingatbudtst end students wishing only one or two objects. • Night Sohbol work and Correspoe. • deuce Courses a spetialty.e. ..TYPerreitets ternene or 'sell, :• • . • L. HEWITT, President. IIIESAULT8' COAL co, • Successor& to McDonagh, et Gledhill EXCLUSIVE AGEFri.OR LEHIGH. VALLEY THE COAL, THAT SATISFIES • *Ade? in Hard end Soft Coal,Lime ,Cement, Fite Brick, Vita Os, els° Hard and: Soft .1,Voetl, Male • and Ileettoeit Slabs. • • • Fresh. Cars t;Lirne.and Cement just received • 4 OFPeseta! - '• - 75 slangs, RESXDnNcE 275 W. W. Sanas' Rnsingeme 202 NEWS TOPICS OF WEEK . . . important Event$ Which • •Have : raeet•PrIme 'Minister Lloyd George to • Octttrre&DUring the Week, • discuss German renarations.. • . G. R,. Hughes, a prominent Vic- toria newepaperfinan, guilty of -steal.. iyaege.se,400,WaS' ser,ced" arseve, Evidence has been secured showing that a' wealthy oil promoter origin - Solid Hour's Bele*Ineet. ated the scheme toebribe the Chicago . • \ e„ • • baseball • players. .. • ) TUESDAY. Hughey. Duffy, manager of tne The evoeld'elmseball series openedLeas, Is mentloned as a cendidate. to -day., • . for the prestdeney est • the Inter- Leter clears Sir,Adani Beck in rail- national Baseball League.. . • tway 'charge. • • - FRIDAY. Wheat'Ptice Chicago pit g"Elbe' Peter Manning etitablislied a• world lovethe t2 mark. * re -Thee University of Toeonto, Arts . results are published. • to Bointie • Dee won, the Walnut. ' • Cup race at Lexingtfitie-. = • "4" fr • The Government mety.'Statt. a Ville • mell,in.the Nielson •distriet. • t Two BinbrOok wdtatert liareaseess- enent'increased to keen a vote; , McG1II'University Is thont ' to laiineb.a campaign for $6,000,000. r •Peeh-in personal letter. •.; lauds Canadian cavalry to the skies.t • • Mre.--Vene. Adel= of New Water- ford, N.Se has .strangely disappeared. 'Dutch •• stearashier Companiee • ere Merged. to extent' Holland' marine t trade. Hessiyard IIMPentlY,• of Ottawa, yeats killed when a motor- Cal' was ee steuelte • ' . „ - • . Mayor •Church says he has "defi- nite plene •of action regattling rent iseue. .„ • • A public meeting was beia: I.T1 TO. The post men of Atttsterdara have, 'emoondtztioond.ise,uss lace of ,shesol accent- -igner 4,;ovetrreirand no Settees are bo?'• The French Government fs Inquir- • into reported Bolshevik loans to. U. S. authorities have arranged -to •increased cope tonnage for Caneda Vren b. papers. • •.. Five • children -were burned to death wnen fire eleetroyed their fath- e home on a free near eteeili, Wis. •cotlaud Yard non been ordered to Intl ire closely into the personel of the Dish Seindetentilnation League. Edward Corkery, 16 ears; old, was burned to death In silo ere onthe feriat,:$4Tleaothy Crough, lionlamore to sh . • . " eee • t •reborted frofn deneva that Britain will submit to the -Brussels Finatictel Conference a• plan for an international to ernianst. Two men. Impeded from *Scotland by- the Canadian Digereoll-Rand Co., Sherbrooke, Que., were arrested by the T.oronto stseitesa for breach of con - erect. •They claim that they are union men, . and cannot , net as strike.' breakers. • • • • • , ee' : 1VEBRESDAY. 'Ken: 'George 'Langley eoeiel for tbntinued wheat control. ' Some dealers predict a turkey shottage for Thanksgiving. William Groves, . more than 100 years of age, died at Renfrew. • Methodists "ita.ve established the Arst Christian. university it jaPen. Hector Dumont, at the North Bay Metes, Watt found guilty of murder. Thirty-three. delegate o will motor from London to a Washington' con. sem:Mon. . • . It has been •decided at the Riga t onteretice to sign an armistice on VrtdaY. • .-. John Briek, a:teed 66, succumbed to buena received in a olio fire in Eintismore. ' The seven teachers of the Prince of Wales College, Prince Edward Island, are on strike. The Toronto podia elf Control will et, eight cents. •. • ", Sir Adam Beck 'discussed central Ontario power, shortag•e with- Pef€De bore' delegation.• • • Italian and lugoeSlavittn delegates arse) to •meet .at Venice to discuss the Adriatie,euestien. • _ • Premier Delacroix of Beigtum telfl The BUSY 'Weirldto HaPPenings. Caro - fully Compel' .atie Pee Into . Hardy • and Aiiractlye Sfiatte fo1r the. Readers of Our Paper A T.- evirARTS' Bus, Livery and. ,, :. Y/Hack St ab 1 e s , , • mont..1 st....,t , ... . pi/een the Stenare e / 'Busses Alta all. Trains and •Palmeager Boats • Passeagers celled for in any , part of the town for all trades at 0. T. R. or C. P. R. •/, DePotc• 4 . Prompt Sorvievand Careful. Attendance. . . , .14.41.0 , Owr Livefy and flack Service will be found up.toodate . / • la every respect., ,,,,, 11.11400„ , Voter Patronagelt3olicited , WARTS „. Phase 107 • Montreal Street cord at Lexington, ,Wm. 'Musa Mouers WAS Menced deetli or murder. • itentrew bread --deale cut price Qin 14c to 121/4e. •• Pratt en elen".• Niagara distriet. con- iitties to fall in piece. Many public works are keld up ow - g to cement shortage.. , The Cabinet's' judgment leaves new ailway rates nee thei..0.,rd. Fuel - control order follows. closely: he scheme of two years ago. Herbert C. Hdover, of, Food Cone.. rot fame, is to 'sneak le Toronto. sato Canade. Ifiroeddyn again beat Cleveland (2 Spaniett 'troops • are vtithIn rCPUr ) d wont into the 'lead in the kilometres ' of .Tetrart, Moroeco's world series; • sa.cred ° Mr. and. Mrs. T. P. 1hfrke, Oshatva, A Toronto wholv,aler says S. ere hurt When attrain hit their eitto suga.r can benald (16-N'vti here nt 16 n Toronto. • cents a pound. • Heninton. oontrollers approve Dr• Seskatchewart Grain growers' Ae. Roberts' plan for a health &entre, to sociation places recommendations be- ast $9,761, • e tits asst. ' Whom 4 rips ta)* 4 if taken from its preserving silver *rapper and allowed to dissolve fii,.usit moutit,it gives off powerful niediekrtel and germicidal fumes Iliat,iliMedietioly circulate, with, the .1340.4,....gliii90.-.,.41 the sir.. part*ilele *00..ctiostrordny.„gertne that have got iniii".•,...... see ***et tee. , . e e,„ • 1111 • Roatrilaand throat. At the eau* / • time the sore, inflartied Inecpbriurik. isstoothed, healed, and protectitt phlegm is released irdmitte Iliad*, breathing is .troailreasy„ and that dietressfn(4triik and throat sorettes5,41siipAar. By this slitnelf4reatment Peps keep trnuhlr,..011 the • /16...11 ,u,,ge, and the worst weather 410, be faced without fear of evil tArteequences. It is theistiest plan tO\always have a few Peps handy %arrest * and.„prevent it `oileacliirg... the lungenr,„, . starting chesrw"talck*.,, St. Staten's in Tblento by se teed, hand Won tbe -0.A.L.%. title bT 26 to 10.' ' John efeenveu of Dehaware. Kest - dent of the Byron Teletiltene Com- , Pante and a prominent ferreer, thetin. ped dead. Peter Doused, a farmer near • Rutleven, ban sold v.iive.aere gravel hill for 440,000 eash. out of at ;l- eery farm he bought last miring tor $12,000. Lloyd Sehafter, uged 15, ot C nelph, Vas Wile* aceidentully by the discharge of his rifle •When he tried te- knock eitve. with it an APS off tree. Premier Poles e• lenverronent (Libetalt WWI =tented. New • . • n eiese being; ttOltt remente 24s Onnosition, 13; .s, 9; 9; Laber..2. • TIL 'earn alk ins DEISR-$ net\o ,Plieltigtabh• - Pope Betlediet• XV. shows. Ills Holiness at les desk iti the Vatican. It '11,,;,4,. • brought to Out United States by one of Bit Mgt:WS oeColuntlets ptlerhue re.1 eently returned • fronteltenteee USE :!DIAI4OND DYES'' • Dye right] Tenet risk your 'material. Each pack. age of "Inamone Dyes" con- tains directions so +Maple theit - woman can diamond -dye n. new, rids, rotor into ole garment% draperies, eoverings, every- thing, whether wool, silk, linenteetten or mixed goods. Buy "Diamond Dyes" -no ether kind --then perfect ree milts are guaranteed even if you have never dyed before. druggist ties "Diamond Dyes Color Cattl."--10 rich color* SAGE TEA. DARKEN5•14 fore Ti Conunissiete. Tolestine has been completed. Sir, Ne eepetee is Litt 't's eyelets, becalm,. • PDEMIER. 1:(1111 ;trilloran,i, who le -ng prominently ment,en0,1 as a cetevessor tU 11,,sen ttf,, I. as Prk..1.11.1it id Frame., - HAN FEVER and. -.AST1-11(frA. „t• The net0Widened gauge rallwaY.en Pre-les•nt 'anew/line he ea.; erbert Samuel drove the last spike., Or in ;shun, Itco4sin.,0. is hong cunivlorod hr lite, World's en/y tee„). Tofe-Teeettory, a forrnereGerman etreuelit 'leen Pr-uner. to I 'bottle Itefordy: • Dinee esentsee 'es- minute possession in eentral Attica, latiflineti nevelt( b. tiend tee. , nee. it .ie t eto ate me -se we" '1v•rt.'" need,. leolei size tee. and Sila'11111•9'11:. .11.1/181.11i, the, vin lake Peet& •turned over "to the Fe•ench by the etisl, t 1 - ' ' • I tls-thY -324141 ttt- C.- H. Endertort, Winnipeg real Britteh. estate man, lett tin: estate et over It isiestimated that at least Snout a millimi dollars. • thOusend. fent ever° tumble, to secuiT Albert *orence, a Montreal youth, tickets for to-day'pettorld series game lost his reason through confinement at Oefeviand, • in a refrigerator. '• l MONDAY.• Ron. lioeore Mercier will succeed 1 , Dr. W. P. Gienfell epoke twice in the late Hon.° N. Parent as Serest- Toronto oei 4abrador. dent ot the Streame Commission. - i Tee Feet •cemmiereetlee tee given - Wm. MellonalS, of Beachville, near" • ", te • let*CKLEV, tTionlist, 97 Dundas St, pl., Toronto. kow sti•;!4ratiticna Arcee_ cause the eiksi hr • stiplawen to '\ sae :1;o1 511re 67 ritiO brE ast ,and in, afar/ day' your kidosyg IIENIt..111EAT:tk 1kt leo meat if you, Aug. iskaoh,y gig • • hare thodder trouble-Take/3r • etettita * t • . • No menet woman 'Who &VI hied fliftf6. larle can make mistake by, flushing the kidneys tweseeionelly, eays a wed•kocns authority. Meat forms Itrinsekl excites the kidneys . they beceine rose. worked from the ettfais, get, sluggish and - fail to filter the Waste Arta poisons front. • tbei blood, then Wo get siele.. _Nearly alt vlioupattem, headaches, • Veer treed)* tiervouences, dizziness,eleenlesineas and tainseT• disordere coinct* f*0 stunt* • kidneys. . • • , Tho meraeot you feel a dun itehiln their kidneys, or your Wig hurts or if the' • urine in cloudy, offetudee, full of . menti,irregular of' paamtete or attended Int *mutate= of scalding, *top stable Meet and get 'about four ounces of aadi t3 nits -frees any pharmacy; take 'se nfulin a glass of water 'before ,•Tee Pride!, sesp.,teinItat street! se. • . tabt have talieis Pl.lee on that Soule fr"nbled WI/C1114 .ottitid t wall act fine. This. button* salt* is mitd# • A • • tsetteie•'Worm leiterniniater. ' 1 from the acid of graiicel and 14:1011 jtk. persons think it to. urtito;ki, to spilt' ,-..--...-.,-,....-- combined with Jidda, and has been . The Oil for . the Athiete,--In sublets,: .1 for gtnerations . to. mutt sad ititmilait down, the quitit te ,v,or, iin,i nutilltni the kidneys, sisto to neutralize the Midi. 11t";' than !se, eettoneee littleelrie ell.1.1 in Urine In it no Ionger 6144.111 hrit4141110 . ' ' thus abatis bladder vrealosese, 'fite-liandt, that rob,. it 'in rule; the , ,„ jisi Adis is isssipsssise sia trawl paiti away and ini -this aecount there bil jeduret Inaba 6 ddigl4tfall ilSairriatellt nu preparation that elands eo bigh lit i 1161s -water &la . nbiali emend publie ,''.Leiin, Till.ro is nii f.ticer pain- t- abould take mow ista then to keel the lAlier proeurabif, as3 iliotk,andq ran at. i kidneys *least sad astire and tip total • test witit"itave owl! it stit.m4.folly /It rim tilerebx smions Woe kids** treetine many ailments. ' A. new low record was made In tile wore power in s pervising beenuielt 1in •New York sugar market. One ,tora- pany tredeted the price to.rleven IngersoiLwas'itilled by a train. • Gen. Townshend u abouIt to Join cents. „ Arrangeraertts are being made in ,Gen..Wrangel in the CrIMea. Bporditoe.s... Five ersone were injured and two in to welcome the Prince The meeting of the League of Wales on his return /rathe Anti- p tions has been postponed to Oct. 20. m Na - WEDNESDAY. • fires recorded itt Torontoeover week - Sterling w• as quOted in New York end.-• A breech of the Inelependent at „ .1tietlipditits are to survey church work in all Canada.' . •Fresh violent earth. treetors have- been felt near Mantera itt Italy. Hamilton factories must tease ue. ing natural gas on October Sit • Presbyterian and Methodist Sun- • day school papers ainalgamate. • Uncle John captered the Guineas Handicap at Benilworth Pah Friday. Tie Mayor of Windeor proposes having civic coal bins at the water% edge. • Dr. W 3'. 'Oilmen, dean of Belle- ville 'physicians, died at Rochester, Minn. • ./ Chathant druggiets have been noti- iled to restrict the sale ot Merida water.. • %he Ontaeto Government prow legislation governing rents early next ses.elon. Anti-dumping provislono hive/1.1 againot importance% ot ehene swear AIR . 0. my sH rot TergertrioDnr.t117 forirentaregulat. 1.I and two zeconds- Don't stay Gray! lien's., p Predictions are being made tbat . . • Old-time Recipe that .1k711,4 • Cuba's cane crop would be inferior, et?, 1t11 a mileoand a quarter in two minutes body etin to the one of 1919. Cleveland bagel teem beat Brooklyn by' 3 to 1 in the, opening The use of cage end FuIpbar Ter ,111- game of the.world eerier. kering faded, gray hair to its eaten' Prank Merritt, 71 years old, of toter dates back to grandmother's time. Wellaud, 'tepee fined $1,000 for breach fhe nM it ter keep her *hair beautifurti of the Ontario Temperance Act:" dark, glossy and attractive. Whenever is7 ego t ratio itetween thd "Nome - SP hair took on that dull, fa gian Government and „LitvInoff, the *treated. rippearanee, this simple Bolshevik 'agent, have" been tiroken was lipplied with -wonderful effea. off. Pet brewing at tome is muggy ettbobdate. Now -Mole, by aPlong atsy drug store for * 0 cot, bottle 01 '‘Wyeth's Sap and Sulphite Composted," • ye* will get this famous old, preparadoe, improved by -the addition of Other hi. gredients. Which can be depended upon to restive natural color and beauty to the lair. A well.ktiown detentes= drueeist eays it darkens the hair so naturally sad evenly that nobody eau tell it leis bent sipped. Yon /limply aniceo aePolgoi se *oft blush with it and draw OW ikreiglt ebilt hair. tidol§g ono strand eit a thee, Jt- moping twe 017 !Air 11...„. aypesti, aid "Air another applications it ketone% beentifally dark Wyetles fiege met Pelpistor co.drodes • *sotto toilet vequielte fof tdoss gas *Mr* a were yeettiftil appeases*. least %Wig for the tang iiiiigrke preitiselit Labor Party has teen formed at Owen Sound. o Anti-Soviee peasants, fed, by white officers, • have occupied Tornsk, 81161reitateland beat 0Brooklyn on Satur- day and repeated the perforhiance on Sunday, .•, Toronteenemayor calls for aetion.th beat Montreal opposition to deep waterwaye. • The Terlee are attacking the Ar - remnant; at the head waters of this proses rivete eaet of Ergerum. • Fuel Administrators are empower- ed to caw cent in ears remaining un- loaded longer than eight days. • John W. Fish, aged 21swas killed by a falling limb at the Golden Lunt- • ber Co.'s campenear graosniere. Queen% University eenfors lea to McGill in the fireC Intercollegiate teen - for pine of the ceaeon. by .31 to 6. • The Oreeneeefile interinedietee beat las leeariot seems to be spilling Sr In Da Arinci's picture.. • Others ihink -that it Is because ssilt Is n symbol of incorriiptilditty, and' spilling It is, .thereforea sign, of', broken friendships Mid general up; sets. Whearnatism sciatic.; Neurals. Ternpleton'it Itheutnatie Capsules • Have brought 908 health to heilf-stindllion, soffetera, I " A healthfol, money -saving rental, teen known for fifteen years, pre. scribed by doctors, sold by dray gists, ;1.00 a box.; Mk our agents - or write for a free triatparkage. • Templetone,1,42 King W., Toronto Liteal, %gent - (e, DUNLOP • 0 LAW IN 1114114 Cork, tretaid, 10,ftrafrod for any outb mops. vtt,A1 k by eins 'Fein eta -yells" ERNE Eng_KNia EinrEIEWErtainiffirg L. O.() K • . • IAN • v. 10 • , ,. •.0 Le 'LADIES and GENTLEMEN.i , VI '1 lid [ta irhrciugh arrangements with l'he Bell Pian ' 1•4 ,, • 10] Co., at Guelph, Ont., .1 wilt act a.s their Agent for rttl Goderich and surrounding ..territory, and will en, Fit deavorto serve you in a,business Manner if you aro • in'the market kV. a Piano -.Jvhichis .vcrthy of your - • Fl home,; • - . r•!-.? • . iviy system. 0;i selling CtliS Mit any high corn- • missioned salesrner„ and many heavy expenses which •7.1 clE, add much to the cost of most .Pian s sold, and adds Ergl nothing io the quality whatever. 'Make, it your husil, ness to he.i'e me call en you before you buY, by n 10 •dropping ineoto my nddress. ,r Bell Art Pianos are \ endorwd by musicians JAI' the world over and take second place to. nothing on l the marke, They are the 'first mak s of ayer, ianos itt4 pi, in Canada, and are also the oldest and larg68t IRMO- facturers of pianos in tho,Brital En -Tire. rtFil • Full value given for used pianos, organs or - 04 Fp. phonographs if you deal withme,as have custom, ers for them As prices 'axe rising, don't wait any longer, as 1 can give you terms anj get your goods shipped at once, which will mean $50.00 on all Pans .$‘11ippqd through:001y trders placed at the factory. all eeeneesene, 4 n eattel tisk in Vi), cii,o'u"19 of V • Vows 6r business, address • JONATHAN E. HUOI[1 . Box 229 Seafor0), Ont ; • r,V6101.134110611111115111 - 1 4 . " • "•., .1i a • 1