HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1920-10-14, Page 6.11
• . ninallletlete "
0001110104 VAR
ifeelenth, LILT. tA, leen
A thor
Knight of the
neteenth Centur
• By P. ROE
h a etiatternne 01.70‘," °*A11$110tit ntnitten ehnieteril
Enure. toh, bed nereelvett ;lief
:seinen 11[111001e rueaat to bide trent Of
Ire) world. Witen has a beautiful
w emelt failed Kr. recognise liere, wore
ehipperst Out Ahem Wita nOthillir in
1:43reti Isidore which permitted ber to
exult (Wei' %%lett a discovery. Site
4'01114 lint resent its PresurePtinn invd
(het eves oat ul4tlIIi. 1UP It be••
4,401.1 more and more evident 0$ time
theecil that the man :ono Wes Master-
ed by It evotilil never voitiotarili gine
lo her the *tattiest htut of its exist -
!Mee. Site wits pion -led that ho was
a ta0 eeusibie am to recognise the lamas%
eable gulf between thee% and that
..: did not go moaning atom( the brink
• tbui nkP l pectatle u itiniseith
and beet ming an alultinanee to bete
Indeed, elneerely reeeeeted him .
for his retlennee and selr-colitreh'bul
, also miejudged him: for fie watt tbrd JR not a low one."
eatient ant! netong. and went for ' -Auntie, yott fairly tette away my
ward with Iris duties S9 quietly awl hreettil" tield Laura in -the $ante haif.
eiehillee that Abe. was Inclined to be. i jesting spirit, "Whereentave been my
' NIN'' that his feelings toward nor were enes? Pray; W110 le this ParagOn. Whet
not Neer deep,or 4,Ise,,ttiat he was ea must, imieed, be nearly pertain to,elan-
temetituted that effeteh ot the iimul it ur etlndatrii?'
• . tied rett nive On very niurh trouble.
a matteVer did for me wa.stiplc
nie• fan,'
Mrs. Arnot thelight ut one' man
whose heart was ahnost breakiog tor
tier, tied it who maletained mucii
quiet. Masterfal *if -Control tbetathet
°bled tit -his pioialon. widen had be.
come a like a torturing flame1 wok not
subjectol to even the eliehteSt anon*
owe; ette ehe '"3:6 hPU 03Alr'cal
tO-ilay, fa oelleien there are as
true Imighte now as your' fah.) tte, au.
d ribed"
YO need ettreht wee te be feline ;mem,/
hene ef the lieerner rionewlet
' W.
HaveL fries` *.;, Sent 414:14 a,,o1,1 to tto.
ye YOU AEllulit0115 ir; wapc1-4,id, with a Sentlened
„TIP, (iW intreducing a meet
wunderfel tonic. called %Wel Tabietee
Yeu one feel llte new etrenith
heettit kioUll a E. Nick to Ottif holt
are not feeling Vaiii INN' not ivy %I.
$ul'Tableta. The will build yott up.
itet a box tooley. Price 300 et hoe, an
ali drug sieve* or by mail. Thu retai.
belt iirug .ine, !notation
Beaumont woe %ideally winning the;
tint piece int her esteem. Whether he
were Welk:night thet iier auut bad In
rabid or nee she was not sure, but be,
realised her Ideal, moire eihneleteir
than any man whom sheehad ever run.
lie dieli indeed, seem theehperfeet tow-
er of hi s age." although.- the Wg6 Mit'
SO 600 Of the oak -like, nualitiee. She
often aeked nerself velte'eeo she could
find fault With 'him or ev Ili all that rt -
Iter ernhiM, 4111,1 eyert h .e delleate die,
criminetion could, eearce y tad a vul-
n Ole' noint He weatO flite-lookinga
"Not in IfillatOn." 'Iallifileil Vara, t Altar, .ide,whilike7 2,,,dtieming.bJg
nor else their disgttise Is vireo, .. ,aee from effernittaeY1 1.01,wsii hill and'
"Yes, in Ilillaton," repiierl Mrs'..,Ar. elegnitt In hie prOpertionahhis teste in
Hot warody, eapit „among the visitors his dress was quieti and 'feultleits: he
at this house. le hnow, tie mie who possesSed the most refined and highty.
bide fair be fulfil ntY• itigheet id:at of, .cultured mind of .any Map whonreshe
knightittiod, and I think Thliu win da had linon; thiefarrilly 'me exceedini*.
me the justice to believe that my than- JY Proud and .orletoeratie, hilt, as faf
as there aan be reoeon ler these elate
oeteristiese tea oid and wealtby family
net ueriaturel to ow se emote, awl re -
mantic, ale thought tit fj41. 44Uat
fella a bit 444-fie.l1kaac41.. and nrotiaie
iterz elf, In her youthful and ardent
imagination Beaumont came to till
more, andemore delluitely iter ideal 0:
the modem knight -e man la 11.0iflIfl
noel up waken hinotelf the perfect
culture of his age, and who was pro•
prologti,dilate° Viet culture aenwiele-
ly as poesible. .
"You not admire etr, Beaumont:.
said Laura a little abrunthe to her atillt
one day.
"You are roietalgen. Laur1;•1 do ad.
mire lam
' "Well, in do net like blare then, to
speak' mere carrectly: he takent hold
upon your 13$1011ialltieg."
eeritere is some truth in Yottr lad re.
mark. I must admit. For some teasou
he does not,- Perhaps It ie my feult
and I bate 00metinte$Panhnd Merit Ia
Mr, flegilniOnt aapabie of strong at,
feetienin or aelf-eacrifleing aetiehlf •bee
Ur much hent?' • ..e
"I think you do him injustice in
these 'retipects," said Laura.
"Quite probably," replied Mrs.- Are
riot; adding with -a Inischlevou$ smile.
which brought the Keit color to her,
etiecene cheeks, "perhaps you are in e
bettea position to judge of his posses-
sion of these qualitles than I am.
-Thus far be 1.131i only given me the op-
portuulty eehoina soeiety's eerdict
, tonne nhoosev Iler thilind • .,
Vll Lamm: hue* your eneelte
$001'0 inellattned .Ti''., amid ee
rattoilitit.w7inc,:r abfit,ieur;
Sto feared); but inev'e heeollie ehtaird* town would be at his heels, and • le
ON eV Se**It v•-'"" .would prebable bring up at the Oat'
• 1."'11 Vi411.11.-nt .theeS7.1)rilik1- tion-Ifoitee. 'knight 'promises, tte
Wind a tihril %worth -over bin -Wenn beemue the flower of Ms own age.
Nr Pk reading arnillo .it dhsetildituoi Now '1-Thinn oh it. I do not line the
. 'teem must diseover Min. for -340trth
aeift os you say, he appears eti be but
a gentleturtn, and -would be the last
tine in ihn 'world ,to think of himself.as
a knight:air-in till ;rpm idetit of tine%
You- inuet reutember flit, eharactee
our :teen If One of your favorite
imights eltould step.. armed capea-ple,
out of Smiths pages, all the dogs In
0 eon gym) itAtiner.s thosA old rill* conventional Word Tower,* as used in
times; I feel tied 'I hay° beefl! this coeneetlou. fbr .My knigltt it'
bora Stialf, ritoturtflt too tato: in ear geotylag as strungiy and, eteatillY 415 A
how everything tS alatter-of«fain, young on, I belie IllaY ./1Vo to 6"
1:D Lit; '41" 'Llrf4:81). 11141Sdie'- 'rill"' -the Men lie With eventually beeonie."
114°11s 4)/k OVIth' 8.,t,C34Y• eniou !Mow AVen, said: Law,
wee tog„ or, to eletage the itgure, wan eh. onset I t,re Meant* half 1:110,ne
tlief Inonotontius clank oe uneleeioute, „ape • en of. our tile are eel,.
eitinery. eashIe tile abh wht1141 tainiv t‘qual to the 1311111ell, (MI shall
be Me eminterpart of those *which
neott demo:hies."
•'hientantic .o, ever.," laughed her
aunt; "and that rentwiS me, nY the
way, of the eayIng that romantie girls
• always. marry planet -Of -fad Men,
*hire, I supposetwill rine fateta
-conferee I much, prefer *our OW11 W.
Your stnny castes mane Inc shiver
with a sense *oh discomfort; and, as
forellthenett. I imagine they are much
• the same now as then, for human ne
ture does not ,change -
• etth, auntie, what a prosaic sPeech
Melo might haVe Math,. it himSelf,
The idea at num being rather the Sa10111
nowt Why, in that day there were
• the 'widest and most picturesque d
neteences• between men of the seism
rant). There were thorrible villainse
-and then, to vanquish these °and undo
lite mischief they were ever causing's
net, Iteve to Intik far to Mal my eupere
tor in respeets. 'I roust. admit'
however, that your 'wortie have piqued
ray vortosity, and I am ratter glad ,yott
have not Wailed tins. `heart of oak,"
fon Hitt effort to etiscover him, will
bereft a Pleesatit little exeitentent." •
.c "Were I that way inclitted,"" said
Mr. Aritetaentiling, "I ivonlit be evil -
ling to wager a good deal 'that atm will
uponatbe wrong 'Man." .
Leuea .becante nor a time 'quite
close studena'of human itatere, obserse
ing nattlrelly thh physiognomy, and
,weighing !the words end manner, of
her noting gentlemen acquaintatinest
while she totted Much to Netted.
And' even to admire, in some, she wee
net SIM that any one of them attewer-
ed tel her aunt's deseriptiop. v Non
could she 'obtain ally farther light by
inquiring tiornewbot -into their antecee
• had eueit reason. Loura certainly -ll' es. 0 perfect gentleman. 1 -Wish
could not,lind 'fault witt these traits, :he were a 'lettere Christian," sire enn".
for from the tiret Mr, iteautnont's pate' eluded gravely. -
'eats had 5RI1hlt to pay 'her especial; "I think he Is a Claristian, auntie."
attention. It yees hulte .evidebt tliata 'nee% ,Jear, in a pertain., aesthete
they. lhouglit tile O1'pII.tflt'd. giri Vidt0 sense.: But, far he it Inont.trie 4o.judge
eves so richly .tiowered with wealth bine tiae eite, rent of lee Worldn't tee
and beauty Might mane ,good u Wifeepeet him es an lieriohabln heahletannt2.'
foie Mete mateitiess son asaeould nee ak...tewedays after this convt•realion,.
fauna, anti suell an onion, on their WI Mr. Dettuniont' drove te Mr. Arnotn.
Witti /110Pd a jifgll, COOlpiiMerit to Lau. nom.. aud invited haurit to take a delve.
,raes birth and breeding:. Nu. one else, When, en thetwilight,she rethelle1h. that I .could not be 'Silent. I11. tixe fa-
in Itillaton would have neenatietigitt of nehe went .straight tu. tier aunns ..hitreenifileirens'ner, you may do something
With any ettuaelmitee • ..., e, Nate parent:. mid, ruining tioeell at 11P, /or -biro. Six 1, le too unrelenting,
The son was Incline:4 to atrtke: l;rteesehas was a oustonnevien cliiida and does not -suflicientlyhreeognise. the
nese eieW aS that patert„ainea,by 141 ,sarte •"itive nue • your blessing.% 4,1111tie strejgale hatains made, and es yet mak,
parents. lint .as the party most neatly -your rongretulatione aleoe4. L !It ) Inge .arici he is, soennorbidly seneitive,
internitted, he felt 11 Ineutehent atom 11ll/1011141 0M not so sure of theta'. h that tie • evill not take anything that
him in.serutinise very.chtsely andde. hate found Joy nniglit, ttiotigh Pete even leeks. line eitelenanneeT yothaviii
liberiteiy. the woman-winoIlIlilili he. nably .'oet ._yotere...PSee". and she held IR in ix •position to ,tielre him ,toword
'home his wifee, and surely title, wee a op lier tingere with a gnat dashilln the recognition which•litadeservese fot
sensibletbing toetio., ,.* .,, dianamti upon „it.. - „,slump be, sorry, to sec him beeOrtie
There, was 'nothing mercenary or e. Mrs. Aruot Amin tite girieln'her arna lately' and isolatod. man.: ,eciuggpa,
(Terse. his delleatee analYsise and and. said, al, dpebthes you. me,* redid, you.will tie 4otthis very carefult
(nag' .obeereation, Tar 'renal It, e.Mr. nonet; think I caneongretulate you ale ly.' but your 41W1V gracefulend will
eleatimont Wain' the laet man in tbe ho. Oet every' princtple, of worldly beet guide. you in tnleematter. I only
world to look a lady over, as lie would prudence and .woridly 'foresight 1 ene, wfsh you to appreciate the brave lien
a bale of merchandise. More titan al) • sure I can. It will be very 1331d ever be is:making and the character be W
thiage ,else, t1v. 1k'awnnt ww 3 coln to gilt e tip to another; and e`et h formin,g, nod:notate think' or hitinmen'•
hioisseureeand he sought 'Mrs. Arnoehs alp growing old, ettd I ane glad that •ely ceamempidee, Well-meaning
pariere ,with inereasing.freqUenca, be. you, 'Who are sueli 0. saered, -charge it) men. who is it least trying to do %Uhl.
'*uftilhe heehelleved that he Would there liar phosen one who -stands en
Med tile Weinan nest 'fitted to be.eorne 'Mgt} In the .estimation of all, and who
the nitternernament ot the statele tato.; is 'se abundantly able to ,gratify your
11)' mansion.
, -• • •e
' Intaraehainnoon becomeacepselouinof,e-eenee, auntie,. jet/tint X ant foreunete,
thin. eltise. telliatien eeenthey, and It leak leaura NAM enmplacent..eraphas .
test etas bad been inclined to resent: have'found a man net tardy able to
its tool dellberateness. Bute-renter:0P; gretify. all ran, -tastes,-and, Yam .itnow,
bering that a man eeetainlY itas*a, right I thee. many of' thetn are Tether expert,
to learn well the tharacter of the 11(1 -not himeelf eatisties
toms whom he may ask to be hie wifei mest edited taster and.Pev out
Mired 'rut Agit
From hies in Stash.
Pilot of the sataary and. that
" burdamal with otos boo
of the storatek gni
1110,0010: yos; holies eat at
Nava palms 3*raw soar
a taw Milan& War
NIL Taw will ha siarpririsi bow quicklytaw will Lariat up,
NM AIL A. litinrit, Ititrdssay, Ms./
writaii:"for over two rare T angina
mat spay 6'00 1.1t the arosipair,
I triad, several remedies, but soh no
raliat. A friead *Woad roe to take
Mbar** taxastivor Pills. I 'tatted
with two vials, hat Wore had used come
boad saucla IOW. I IlOatintied Until
used ax visb, airol they have oat.
' Isarrotsivor Pill! are Stun
Mt& WAISY to take sad do not, gripes
wake, and sicken like moat larittive
pills do.
Price 2,5c. a vial at, all down* or
assiled, direct on receipt' of_twico by The
T. Milburn Co., Isinuted, Toronto, Outs
- -........swwwwwwwwwwwwt
tura no tercet is ever lest. If title be
trtte 113 the pitysical world. le certaittlY
should be 111 tbe spiritual. I also be-
lieve that an honest, unseuish tove cae
enrich the • heart Mat gives it *even
though ,it regeives no other reward,
flat ,you have un oceasion to blanui
noureelf, Laura. ht Is one of those
things which never Attain hot been
helped. Iletddes, Beldam) Is serving a'
Master who is Pleeteed ellene, Rena*
ing evils tor, his. good- had ntl
theught. of epeaking himearall. only
your remark seemed so like injustice
were )41.1/01°4 83°8 Petit' et' 8348 *dente. . As for Mrs. Mann'. :site wee, eelt-
siderably misused; but coetinued Iwr-
After • .Laura bad quite looked
through her aequaintancese Ildelane
inade eineeof hitt -Intinquent eats, hut,
ae Me, Beatinlont was also.luneent. she
gave to eiter quondamlover seareent
anore :than a nindly word of greeting,
„and then forgot ids exititence. Ie die
,oectut td tier, any. more tteen 11
wottiti to Ilaidaue itiniself. 'that beeevae
the, knight. • •
Mr. Aenot, partly out or a grim
owe peculiarly ills Own, .alid Parte to
extenuate Itis e severity toward- the
youth had sent to his nieee aihthe
papers containing unfavorable ::refere
enees 'tit Haldane, and to her mind the
aseoelatione ert,ated by those disgrare*
fule scenes were still inseparable frOin
Min. ;Site Itoneetly respected him for
ine resolute effort .to ' retort% as elle
would' express it, andall a sincere
Christian girt she wished hint the vney
hest of eticeess; but thls' seemed_ as fae
as her regard for 'hint (amid evergo
nite treated blin kindly where most
.4: •'- 111 ber station would not I'l'l. 41'
Mee Jelin at all. but, Snell. Wait. the de-
lieaey anal refinement of itch future
that she shr.ank, front oneevho hoe
leen (hosed., aela .liee hh), Theo
V‘hki had her with hie
theelan, whom site had seen' fell upon
litior in geese Intoxiration. witty
feta been '3!' ,:1.,t through. the street.e
reproelle. But litiW geatteman is e
gentleman, and all made up very Mitch
in the satne style. Ilke their tire$5
eats.' I would like to haVe seen at
least one genuine knight -a Irian good
t1001.101 and tbrave enough to do and
to dare anythieg to whieh hn could
,bteimpelleil by a tnost ettivelrie sense
of duty. About the lutist heroic thing
. et,
• •• K.•
Only Tablets vt,„Ith "Baiter Cross"
are Genuine Aspirin
'It .cla don Gee the "Bayer Crone
MI the tablets, you nee not, getting
an' aten imitation.
Genuine 'hicteer Tablets of, Aspirla"
fire zow made m Kaneda Ito It hauadtan
CM:neatly. 'N'tdr$t•-iL aral Who twice had beer,
in jail, leas a.eivitt memory; She
rompandieele :elites', Went, •anti
411,1 not Understillii, the inall of 1,0-itty.
Ileyona the general feels that ne vehte
ttoitier Welt and tiohnr it was evi-
dent tin% by "reaciin of. 0141 anti tlfs.
agrenalite etesoelations, she 414 not
%vigil to hear 411001 oillittlit Wm, and
hire. Arnot halt the wisdom 10 SPe
tate and tlie young titan's own actions
would do more to remove prejteillee
eratte the mind of her Mem, as weinag
tem the memory of soeiety in general,
than *could any words ot hers.
11 pbuil'SP snit A girl as I.eura bad
many Mituirtere, alai among them Mee
elite telt that there was nothing in his
aetion of whith she could' complaint
arel it soon lieoarne a matter on pride
wItinhereate much as anything else; le
Satisfy those fastidlous :eyes that httle
elle had criticalln looked, the worth
over.. and in Vein, .foretepeer' with a
lustre 'eunielentle aleare-She begets to
study bis 'taste, to dress for Annie' fp
sing -for Itirre to teed bee faverite tito
there; and so perfect. WaS Ills taste.
that •slio 'fodnd ttekeelf ittlen .andeen;
etched by it. Be was her superiOn in
theseematlers, forhe lad naatteetheen
his lifestady. The first hour that/ she
spent with hirn inaa_epletarehealleny.
Was noncrentembered, for never bee
fore ihad those fine and athletenaarkei
which make a painting:,)great' been ed
(gnarly polited out to her. .'hite...eVas
brought, to helmet, teat Attie mate cOulit
lead her .to the highest point ...of cul-
ture to, which site could attein, nad.
satisfy every-rellned tasfe that she
possessetl, It 'seemed • as if te, could .
make life one long 'Watery of beautt.
rut' objects, through witiell she might
strati in elegant leisureeener coliscionn'
that he stood by to minister and ex.'
plain 'Waslooking away from all things
nine iti admiration of Itereelf. '
'The . proswet was too alluring.
',aura Was not an advaneed fetnale
with a ' mission; site was eimply 1 a
young eand lovely woman, capable ot
the noblee action atilt feeling; simuid
the oceaelou dentanil titem, but natur-
ally luxtirlona apd theauty•noving In
tier teRtee. anti inelined to eiliune the
1')' 44.44' shie of life, • ,
:She mate, as Brannen) feel that silo
else w•thith•el e 11 xacting. S114
hail liVeri tiro 1011g • Eider ;Mrs. Arnotel
ithIlvenee, In In' K3th-41(41 Willi .0 man
mho merely lintel for ilie planotra he
could tria eat of eat% eueceesie'e *.laS-.
lie , haw- that she sientarolett that, tie
shout4 have a purpoz.e and .atm in life
, -
and lie shilfully met this requirentenl
by frequently 110.Sealtt1ng lin aesthetic
eilltlIre as the ginat lever.anitielt eritild
Move the world, and by' suggesting
that the great il1lePt10111 of lila futuro
was how im routil hest brinFc this' mil,'
lure - to the people. As a ilitristian.
she took issue with lihn as to its being
the great leVee, bUt WaS enthusiastla
•-tiCels it 'OS a most powerful means Of
gyrating themasses, anti site often
foupd, herself decanting over how much
0' Mall gifted iNitit Me. Beaumont's ex-
nuisite taste anti large wealth cent('
lio by placing within the reach of .the
ntultitude °beetle of .elevating ort and
beauty. : • ,..
By a line instinee she telt, tithe:
titan fil'W, Ittat Niro: Anna did Did see -
teeny like UP liPmnitgly realt3es-3 Plant
anti was lett lo believe that her white::
,.......e.....- ....„...„...---ea
ever, all rental neer pareitasen from the
trelte4 Statea Government,
P Barite the aar, nen! imitation% were
cold na Aspirin in pill boxee and various
ethereantainera. 'rho 411aiyer Cross" is
01ty only, vrt.y of knoorfn tfmt.yott are
gettitg gentiltle Aspirin, proved sitio by
znillizns for lieadache, Neuralgia, Colas,
Illicomatsm. Lumbago, Neuritis, and for
Pain generally..
Bandy tin boxes ot 12 tablets -also
larger sire 'Sayer" pitektigee tan les
neel at dreg entree.
etepirin is the trade monk lengistereil
141 teettailea, of Bayer Menufecture of
MoiteasetiCsithletter Of
la Newest Shoe Fashions
To new ay/CS fee NE ka/a tho !era men
..uty oft 1,30:141n.' -
baro,tho v• ,--;Woft„,mcitvzcx.itpbt11,:3
stIont 3 1133 falu-31. 100210 ex:a 111314eas'el in feats
weiro. ME`-`3Vicaeo. cevno anii PIN &Trion 01
st:r022 tats i3 0:411• - tho ttmv lesthef3
tho late,:t'L-47.eahIove:stliimr„
&AI Law io Gt:Ict;
1'i11i: ZIO0 1,k121,VAJNA DIX
the etdeal of ray Miley. • .=
Mrs. Arnett 3111." 14.' eaddeit sigh.
"Now, auntie, what, in the 110110' (f
wonder. een • Iniee forebotlIng ,sigh
, have not,seid that he aatistied
your heart." .:.
"Ii. think he does fully," eale
Leave hastily, titounit with a faint ads -
giving, oenitese 'tender, feelings °web
cpme ha their- own goodetime, WC'
hale apt gat far .ertouglt "along fos
thei.t•eet: Besides, I neeer could -have
endured pitesionate leyer. I was
eured of suele tastes tang aati, Yon ,re*
ntember," eehe .added .aveitit _faint
langtt. • - e
,....,,p0ore.ngeterte• ejaCulated Mrs; Ar -
nut with suelt tad eninhasia that Lance
loolted. up into aterhaeii ete
etteetaked- , • •
"You don",e, titian he will care
YeS,'' Lialtral . VOU know lie will car..
perhaps _more deeply than I do; but
bellete, that Ate will wish. leeu beppi-
nese aa.truly-tAild honestly' as myself."
"011,' how ran It be' tat
as unfelt as yeurselfht ,
"Is it peesible, Lrtuea, tbat you have
failed to detect vegard for you in
alt these montittet I -detected It at ri
glance, and felt strm that you liad
"So I did. auntie. Jahn ;since, but I
supposed it Was,- as alp say, a mere
regard that die not trotehlnliirit
should be sear:hie think that it wee,
."At all events, it lias" not treublee
emu intleta wha enter it may hate tete.
Mut. Y' (11 hardly du tale:rue jtistlet
Your alter:ion itie lormer 1)314 (4
14114 remind you that he still poseee
trial*. ardent and 111143'' Lu' Oa -
titre, 'brit It "Iti ander veined., e
eannot return his. tieep, yet unebtetts•
eeehive. arid, raFt the WOrht Is ertIW:
titled. it le probably well for 7.,•ott
thie is true; but I eannot &ear that if
ettmild have no better rewerd than
your )(tel., rather eontemptionte allu•
altorgive me, attntlet I did reit Mena
ine teat lie felt as ,you scent to think.
Indeed, in my, itappiness enti preoceu.
paten, I line AearPelY thOught of hiw
at all. Ills.love has, to truth, been Uri-
sprupolOusly has ho
kept .i1,. from trty nottee that I had
thought and Itimed that it had but lit -
tie plane in hie mind. But If lieou are
I ant very. very sorry. Wily Is
the 'Waste -or liteee ioreetoue lteart-
treanares perinittedn" anti gatherieg
tenet attastett her eineetitY.
i(TlattI in an idd, end eittestion, whiele
the world has nevot answorod. The
selentista tell tle that by a al.v of nal.
and who will be fairly, content with
104 he een 'sectire his bread Ind Met-
ter "
eh will renienibin what you say, and
alo.ray .very ehetara eerneet.
lyi "eop I do nineerein reseed- hine Het,
dano for his ,efforfts ne retrieve the
and should -de -spite inyself did
I not appreciate the clelleate constdere
atiou he' has SAMNA for me, Wile bas
slier; feelings as you euppoea. Aun-
tie!" she declaimed after:. a 4°1nel:it, o
• sudden 'light, breaking in upon iter.
"Mr. Haldane els' rode lenighte"
.nAeld'at, plain, prosale nenight, 310
doubt, -he seems to You." e
,contess 'that hn does; *4 Yet.
Wien I think of It leadmit that he has
fought Ins NA'aY up againet tremendo
odds.' Indeed, „his present position.; in
ontrast with What he wain Ineoly
We much' hard lighting that I rano
Mink of blot as one of those plain.
rugged men who have risen from the
, "Lonk her the plain and rugged char.
OT111,11 but lea
9Atell therfit aUgar lett anYweY, HatTY I can gee *
roil, fortune in that s YO Make the ,nintley, and heitt
on the savings by' using.ls tic, It certatnly takei len*"
As finesstassiva.si snowy wh as the boon in bora** rehrtentent ya
tts thrifty goodastasorns tor Lan a hearty welcome Al thiltOndgest hen* "
Multiply your saving of sugar in eachcup, -tr own roOal. Mr 36$
Ond ;he rad*/ saving, by using Lamle bocomw considerable.
.0fr •
eiletnio‘teirinV litelune !Da*.
Wnte for 1.sorpc-Lrbrary
Thrto nor -cook Banks
Prfterfint eeknond Condit*
atert Paned* Sent mutt for
.4 Ited
ftom a wit or Intro the to .
letoot of* Loran; Orton
rot thorn Wait •
In Nib. on 5-.1b. cartons
0;14 . 1046. anti tOO-tb bag •"'
acteristies when he next calls,"
Mrs, Artiot quietty. "One -would eieve
enneosed that such a rugged nature
would have interposed some of his an.
gles in your
"Porgive me, auntie. 1 am incline*
te think that I know very little about
your knight; but it is natural that 1
ettoold Tanen prefer my own. ' Youe
knight *alike one of .those remoreeful
melt of the orlon time, who, partly
from faith and partly, in perfume Mt
ea$,teedileileeds, done a suit of plain
heavy iron armour. and noes away to
parts tuttnnevn to fight the iefidel.
My knight is clad in sinning steel; nor
'ts the steer Inee-true because overlaid
with a illagree of gold;.and he win
make the'everld better, not In etrikino
rude at& ponderous ;blows, but by
teaching • something .,or his own tale
eourtesy and niseown rich centime."
"Your description a Bilden; Is vete
%mint and a little far-fetehede sale
'Mrs. A0)0." leughing. "Should I reply
In` like 'I would -only add that I
believe that. he will heneetarth keep
the `white tress', on his knightly mate
tier unstained, Already he seemsv to
have won a place in that ancient and
Nolv4:0:111111;:itOeiudr,riei hi t1L.44 at etrtlrrt is enoi dot ee!Srin,it ihatt:::.al ta„ae 70;ohtill xoalwti nut. it
Oth a city.' But we are carrying tide .
fanciful imagery' too far, and bad bete .•
ter drop, it altogether. I know, That,
ybit wile& for Haldane all that wom- •
dray delicacy permits, and that is alt.
wish, Mr. Beaurnent's course .teward
you eornmantie my entire respect: Itte
'long since aeeed both your uncles and e
my -own Nowa to Pay you his addres-
saeptip.reathydai.wiNINiii:t wil•lev,00fiecfoinrseo,4gazvetiooluaell
free to follow tbe•peenaptings ref your,..
own heart. In the. World's estimatien,
Laure. WM be brilliant planets
for eaeh party; but any prayer shall
huntettiheatnnitioron,aaynbdetiamtiaypopuyinanayd tstnettpuberr,
unfailing end hi:Crease ontent • each .
other's society. Nothing call compen-
sate for the absence Of' a kind
heart, and the -nature that'hs :without
.it, IS like a home, without. hearth-
stone and a Jlee,--7.th'e larger and more
stately it is, the milder and tnoee enema,
lLS 11%I."(raTso:ine continued).
THE mintier in which 2.a4kattli.
draws disease and poison out of the
akin has been aptly described
netic." Sotes and 'wounds are cleansed
and soothed, new healthy hitlit grown,
hi a way vvhicli as a po'sitive revelati00
the -.art of
Even ob3tinateaitd lonnateeditiasoree
yieldin an astoui Ain; way, Or Zatn-Bak
hos antieeptie and germicidal properties
that cannot be itetinn in any °thee prep-
arationh ,attl..1101i. -
Draws ,Disongcl,
°�l the' Skin.
,The naarvelloiw success of Za
is dila to 1tS. rare herbal °right ai. thd
scientific metholis misplayed in -its Wend-
leg, refinement and concentration. 1.kiten
io entirely fret from die ammal
fats and mineral impurities whieli make -
toragsOn ointroetne tont sa1ye3. harmful "
and oven .daugerous sore
tir 1.'aiters31iShibtey.cl hzt.l.Wvoinhog
Avenue, 1Vashingon..0 tt. writes*-
. "Per alatectircars t taro usort Zain•nrilt •
le my i341Cticeami trtrow bridling to cornmre
with 11 in skintronblo.from meghtiess and
' -30itat1e3 te chrome skin disease: eautplluk.
*Mica dm11,5a tvcaldtgrui ttagove ow
pet -lies, the 1 otways reanmaiend it tri
;reference to other reale1i5s.7
rif s31 ritsgeists and stores $0c. rerbs.er fram
Zara-Buk ce.„Tetante. MUM Trial sample on
gertuest if 10.411100 is stat lfer return -postage).
▪ at,..
IMMO4. ar 1K t from I ;to. ernop. 1..Irist &4)i* Di nevi* neat. et
MP slate at Was 4'apsraer /4 It meet mt4 Wait '410. Betties Of :tieing, rosy be. twit 13ine in the eiterf,
wen's Speciale,
, The, be X X X Vinegar in stook, end Spie for pioltliit
Gan Flakes, a few to clear at 3.0c package.
hteAwelets Outu Baking Powder, 25c, worth 35c. ,
Minto Tea, with; either spoon, fork or knife in the package,7
. 5c Ammolia, old size, 6 for‘25c: • :
Soule Odd lines of Soap, 8 forlbo.
We have in' Stock
‘.brit Iliwkin Original inside Non -Elastic, -No-slip Belts
They take, Ihe Woe of invisible braces and outsidelyelts.- NO
tearing GE Shirts, Simple and convenient, Support the trousers
equally as well 'as vutsi.de b'raees. Call anti see this novelty.
Vhone 46
South 5i(hi'Squaro
16115 rids,
14 mice,13ucts
Special Itargairis at Leaih!s
Polar Soap
cakes fo 25e.. A good, white laundry
Cream of Barley
N 302 package for 254te
4 -String Broom, 59c
• Sweet Potatoes
Fresh Fru4 and Vegetables
Choice Teas and Coffees
J. 14. Leach
Coor.stiontrimi'st. mad Samar*