HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1920-10-14, Page 5• • • . , Our Idea of Merchandising Is "To sell goods that won't come back" to "people that will." • CAMPBfLUS ONG STORE.. , THE PENSILAR -STORK ), Ilillatos istshlt�Fe Last Sidi Siam Goilorich AmmommommIE*0000 •••• GUARD IRE CHILDREN FROM AU'IliMN COLDS rI'll" F471 ;-8 the° mest ,scasie .;,NVI..40 fttl' Cl.41!)--ill)s nay us waerne 11-0' fou Ittliel4Sth V'11) her grant the little once are seized with colds that 1113Y bang' all winter. Babe's Tablets arc. mothers' hest friend inepreveuteake or banishing cold. 'lathy uet as a gentle' laxative, keeping the bowels, and atom- aeli freo and 44Wed. 41111 occasional dose of the Tablets will prevent i!OhiSt ur it it aloes eolith on stuhlialy their eronipt 'ateo Will relieve the baby. The. Tablets) are sold in? Medicine dealers or lay)Mall at 25 'cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Ate.diene Co., Broekvillo. Ont. • • HOS, •••;,, *MILL flet pen 'Aeon bolesa-lae, AtitOni best ton, any age or breeeleallas. Al- ton; best isow, any age or breed---Zate Alto" Dr Mare& Aged bar -a. Attars SOW having raised pigs in 1020 -Jas. Alton; boar, littered In 1020,-eTae. Alton, 1 and sOW, littered in 1020 -Jas. Alton; 1 and 2 - auleiPeeloNOW0Pieeeleeeeweseeeeireequeueeleipoorly displayed; being tett in Hie bate , • .. ket and covered -up in such manner 40d boar-fiAlton; boar, litter- P. Miller, that it. could not be seen except bY tee ea in 1020 -Jas. Alton; eow; littered lteige-Mrs.. W. T. aturney. • Judges and those who had authority to in 1014--dae. Alton, 1 and 3. - Loops. worm . examine it, and certainly could not b4 ' ,'Tamwortb. em.............,....,... classed an an exhibit, There. were ° Patel" qpilt, in tottim-W. A; CL Aged boar -Jas. Alton; boar litter- bert, Mrs. O. Bestow: Patch quilt, in Vt---u, Frani. aletava anawaaa la. ilia- el•te 1. atelle•reluateu. Paallesa- Mrs., ea Desna, W. A. Culbeet. Pippro---1,V. A. 4 aulboet. J. -- Pieria -Ile: Piceatnate... llavleara ,;tab oP14-Frank • aLitie. J. Planate/a, as named aoralica,3 Jet earla--W. Canberl, J. 'Masa, Peers, Ete, • a named' 'varieties Of Pears -a -W. A-• Culbert. Bartlett pearee-AV. beet', le1reast •Blakea. Flotilla!' 'Braude' peartia-akire• AlLaErringtort, W. A. Cul. berta'Plate of pears, ;my other varie. ty-Frank Miller, Jas. Alton, 2 named varieties 4))f.vhinis, 5 of Barke eta. Ernest Bkika,..: i 'named. variety - el Pun -P. Barker, (1. IL Mown. tad, leetien at grapesaele. Barker. Mr. 11 Plate •ot akeacilies--,R, Barker. Judge ---it. R. Sloan.. -11eFlield. - FLOWERS 4:1 arters, net lees than tt$70 eoTeesaa • Miss M. advingetone, Frank Miller, deletes. net lese than two eolorfe---W4 I. Miller,. Miss T. Dreaneta 6 gleci101us, not lessthan IWO. eoloria-a-MiSte. T. Dreaney. -0 hexes, Perennialnot less than two. vOlorseele. eitarlieni of Millet., Gerona% double, red,. in bloom -0. Brown. Gerentein, an other vet -let -Y., a .iireeve: • •Follege- lerank UUer. Table- ' bouquet -a -Fa Barker, F. Muter. INA boU:104. Barker, Baeket of annuals - NOTICE Arlr Arundel. Lamb Will occupy, the pulpit of t Baptist Chute man splendid samples in the root and 1 ed.° in 1920 -Jas. Alton; eow, littered silk or velvet -Miss M. Livtoestane. he'r rots, sample. Mr. F. Barker, of ,F9Wle ' Livingstone, Mrs. K. MacLeod. Bath towel and avaeh cloth. knitted -Miss ts. esPeelally, might be noted as a judge -Jas. Snell.. Olintane° - Purley tobacco, which attracted a. good ton, 1 and 2; L(Thorns, brown, chic* 51`, Livingetonea • Ladles' allancy woo towna had air • exhibit of broad -leaf Legborns, white, chlekens-jas. I - hDungaamon had an eXhibit Of PuritY bqt°E ebickens-W. I. Miller, deal of attention. adr. W..11. MeClure. ene-jas. Alton, 1, and 2; Leghora.ls; 4411k1S's111,1141,07o4nct, actese-caNal,„estcvainmetstflonn! 110 Illitt0-4r1leat Blake. -2 paJrs wooj vege delaartmeats, particulerly ....-124t-aa-11.1'4; Alton. - Knitting,' colleetion of eotton-allss M. Petatoes. and earretsi ete: • White ceie W. •6-- Rag Intitealkliss M. Livingetenea-Atrs, ur and other, brands of the 'Western Culbert; - Plymouth Rocks, barred, Rasaaaa Knit sliPPers-MIse rd. Canada Flour Mills Co, Mr. 'Lorne elect:Nis-W. I, Miller, 1 and 2; Ply- Montireal Street ° - young, representative et the Milans Livingstone. 2, pairs wool• mitte, one month Recite, white, ehlekens-W. 1, cOarse, one line -E. Blake„Mrs, K. 51ae- • . ' CemPallY, was on hand to . distribute miller, 1, and 2 o Wyandottes, white, Leod. Crochet, colleetion of wool -i • literature for his company, chiekens--W. I. Miller, 1 and 2; B1)011e „51iss LIVIngstone. Croehet, collee- au Stataq ta-hoth • services, • Sproul, furniture dealer, Dungannon, qaanns, cetekene-W, Miller; Leg• tion of cotton -Miss M. Livingstone. who has for . many years exhibited a . horns, brown, old fowl -IV. _m1,..He_r...,. creel:el, collectlen dot silk-,ealise M. next • 'Progreconve sphitahadalis usual space' Jes, Alton; Plymouth Boas, barreaa eavingatone, 3 hatuthereniefa. laee. well occupied with the latast in 'Melo- , ture of Which he Makes a speelefity ola fowl -W. I. Miller, 1 and 21 MAnor- handina.de-Miss M. - Livingstone. cas, black, old fowl -\V. I. Miller, I midi Lea, Honiton or Pointe -Mrs. K. Mae- , .October 17h tested event. There were many moth. The baby slienvves a keenly ram ),--- - --- 2; Wyandottesa white, old fowl -W. Li hood, Nti$S M. Livingetone, ad bed - ors -Who thought their ,"bairns" auslly 111er,01 and 2:special prize White' room linen, pair pillew coveas, sheet • entitled to the first iprize, but the juag. ritts-Harvey Errington. • : and towel, trimmed with crochet -Erne ,....4 -,-•es awarfiat -tiro Prizes as follows.: • - ' tow, lJnderweer, ladteel, 3, pieces; Judge -Andrew Fergpson, Belgravea est Blake, Alias J. Lyona, Mrs. C. Duse Fleet, Edna Huth and Earl Weir, 'tin GRAIN . , ' iihilciren of Mrs. Jas. Plowman, St. Au- i bushel fall wheat, .viiie-j. Al-: bandinade-\114'i M. Liaingstone. 'Tray . gustinee second, Margaret Irene, ton. 1 bushel G -row heathy -Faucet eloth-aliss J. Lyone, Miss M. Living- - The Judges were BM 0. Coma, Mrs, ton. 1 bushel oath, bieek--Jas. ailion. Liaingstone, Miss J. 140118. One pair One pair pillow ellPs-Miss M. arras , _,. - X ' g 11 o'clock . daughter of Mrs. B. Ross, Ashileld. Blake. ,i bushel' oats, white -Jas. Al. Btl:)" • 0.- 0 Wm. Blake and Ma, W. I. Thompsena 1. bushel peaa,•satauaaaas, Alton. - . -1 bua g‘10108:t 3, toaoelne-s -,),Ntisestunagt..._.m.Litisvinlattni‘e,,.: -- • Eveniii, 7 o'dock • • The speeding contest were, as fol- Nilelbws:,- , , Open to All 1,, Bo (0.-..• McNeil) .. 7. . „..,i. 1 1 Dr. E. Ginger Crini Bearer '-i.B. . c- . eharles).... e s shel peas, large -Jas. Plowman, .Jas. Alton. 1. bushel timothy eeed-Jas. Al- ton. 1 peek beans-Erriest * Blake, 6 as corn, Dent -F. Barker. 6 •ears eorn, Fline-e-E. Barker. I. Hetherhaga 'tom ' 0 DAIRY ', ' ' All •eats FFCe B. • • taaa 10 lbs. butter In rolls -Jas. lalohe broldered-Miss J. LyOns,aallse M. Lee, •ling -stone: Tatting --Miss Living. stone. Wash stand splasher-Miss M. Livingstone., Sideboard ,drape -Mrs. MacLeod, Miss J. Lyons. Crochet silpa Kersa-Mies - Lieingstonea Gattoti Livingstone. , Sofa 'pillove, land -ern- ouse aress-Mrs. C. Dustow, Miss Id, • arney Walkes (Tiros; MeGeell 1 • 'Pony It fllarold 3 3 man, Mrs. Alf. Errington, Mrs. O. Du' e thestone. Sea pillow, hand painted - You Are Invited Plny C. alas. 17ailbert).. 3 )3 tow. 5 lbs. table .butter, in MIs M. kivingstonealst UM 2nd. ° Sof* andgea-an, F. cam, Thos. GunitrY, J. mrs. Alf. Errington, Jas. Alton. %167. A. Villew, lodge, any orcier-Ir. mac. •Culbert. 20 lbs._ packed batter, to be Leon- - Table centrepiece, colored -- at_ • Con,siderable.'intepest was matiffested salted. to teep•-••Mes.• Finnigan. . 5° Mrs. K; ."‘Ighebd, -Anse M. -Livingstone. DUNGANNO !ALL .FAIR Ideal Weather, Record attendance, hut a Die ralldown in E:hibits • The oftleees ankl directors of • the Dungannon Agricultural Society are t'e . beatongelainlated uporethe ideal weath- er contlitreins 'which p'realilkatotratla, fair days last Teursday . and Pride/. The weather is all that could 'be ' - /wished °for and tit' attendance Buie yea:, was a record one. We believe WPM to Nr. (101Ter, _Haien., Hart -dozen homemade buns, , az is le as 0 ous. plain -W. A. C,ulnert, Mrs. Robt. Fin - The ple e 1" t a• * f 11 • - • that us far as the directors are eon MORSE& ' legate Half-dozen° nfuffins-Mrs. C Dustow, Mrs. IL ("tuff. HalfIlezcm old, terned every effort possible as put ' , • d'orth to make 'their annual fall fair a success, but PV-Pn Dungannon Fair In the guessiug cortteSt. A twenty0 lbs. fency Ieble butthr-Mrs. .Alf. Er- Table eentreplece, white--:alles 3. La'. two months old Hereford biln, rington, 5Irs. DUstoW,;) Jas. Alton. ons. Miss n-Livingstonp. Mexican Wed J. R. aleatebb. . drawn -Work-afiss Lyens, Mrs. It s t a g e d for the guessing. The pried ..g e. -41, , ) MacLeod. Lady's failey apron-aliss of the tickets 'was 1.5e or two 'for 25e. ` DOMESTIC"' MANOVAGTURES . 4., Lyons, 'ren eoeya-allse j. Lyons Quite- a. -number availed themselves of; ,,„ von4eei'aniamemade bread, 'White Mrs. K. lalacLeorl. Vaney pin ctishion the opPortunity to see bow near the $ _- Mrs. Robt. Finnigan. TNN0 loaves; a-M‘rs.,. K. ;MacLeod, Mrs. C. Dustow. oould) come • to the weight X this. eplendid young animal. Those gues; itiocrv,erpatle Brea brown -Mrs. C. BUB- Oiii0VtitlilMll or day slips --Miss J. Ly. mrs, R. pi .. Fault . aekee- ,ons. Laundry bag-Mits M. Living - sine' nearest were J. Bennett,. am lbsa jas, PIONVInatl, Mrs. C. tow. La-ee stone- Kitchen apron -Miss M. 1.1v - Bert Talc:aye:1,4290 lbs.:Isaac Currey, cake,. dark -Mrs. C. 0, Bro airs. 0: nig:stone. Embroidery m Wallaehlan- ID :Di: 'The 'aeolght -orm.-1.,rilrifit .Dugossa, coal, eake, fight-. . „0- Miss J. :Lyons, Miss aL Liviegstone. Was 1285 Ihs: 'Messrs Treleaven and . Bustow. Half-dozen homemade tea Hardanger work -Mies M.. Livinagine. Bennett divided first and seeonil praze biscuits, White -Jas. Plowman. G. C. colleetion laillee` Work, 16 pews only mono; .being tier.) and the ,third prite -..Sliss M. t4;vingstone. Mrs.. K. Mae. Leo& Lady's eatnisoleaaMise M. Liv- ingstone, Mrs. O. Dustow. -, Jedgeaa,:aliss M. Phillip., Mee., Shah- ers.. • - • ' • . FTNE All'Ili- • 4 t -A A • 4.• General Purpose.. Proved to be . no exception to those ' lieldAn other 'gnu' 1,,i'a1ities this year. There 'appears to b.'. a general ten- dency ,on the pat f cro. -eta of stock andProduce, anal alai, those who. H110111(1 excel in deinestic and other ails, to minimize • the importance of publicly slowing -aliatatareful culti- vation and painstakiiiirl:ffOrt will do. • We do aid believe, liewever, that the time has come :when suet' an incentive • 'is not needed, espeelalte, in our rural localltias1 A good healthy showing of !the efforts of the community is neces. TAM in 'order that all should feel tha ?Incentive to excel. In the florticI- tural there were a number of good specimens of aiiorkulture, a1so some tastefully- -areir"..tea ed a bouquets. There was a- fairly i9di display of ape Tiles, and as n3ig1V be. expected thie year, the sail-1'01cs were exceptionally 000d. In the dairy, section there war A'firttall exhibit of bnttcr.. anly a ea sentries being made. In some eases We noticed that this essential produet-avae M '1, Theatre PROGRAN1 Wiesk-Oot. 18th to WWI Maiilay and Tuesday ° A GOLDWYN PICTURE K PICKFORD IN ea DoubI • • e Dyedocewer .1,60 41iggs inSociety" E-Inging Up Father this is an weed Nei Comedy not Cartoons allohday being Thank -Sit WS Matinee st it- al - Everting opeit at chef. start 7.30 pap, ORE l•'.411111( Wednesday and ThersolaY AN ARTCRAFT RICTUn , 1011GLAS -FAIRBANKS w • Nickerbocker Buckaroo CUTER DEHAVEN COMEDY 411oving Dar Friday and Saturday N A Stilhwt PICTURE, - EUGENE O'BRIEN Heidi' *Leg 1•00.4,303 tOWEIWIt *VOA 'PAOLO *WS •Iasi:toned scones -Mr& Zgan; C. DustOWe Johnny . One -year-old filly *or gelding -As. 13rown,,)Mrs. 11. Pinifitaitia PIP, apple - Alton. u Mies.q Dustow, Jas. Plowman. Pie, Agriettittlial. pumpkin -Mrs. 0. DustoW, PlaxV, Dropd mare, with foal by 'lei.' sloe man. Pie, lemon -'.Jas. Plowman, Mrs. Taylor:. a-year-olcl ay or gelding- stow. Maple syrup, must be. made bY -Wulf. Taylor, Foal ef • D1,20_ -"will, II. Cluft. 'Vegetable salad -Mrs. C. DO-. Wm Taylor, C. el. Brown. erceam. in, exhibitor -W: A. Culbert. Jelly, three named -Miss T. Dreaney, 3as, 1 Pickles four vautietiese as one , article-4as. lawman. ship by hoY or girl ender 15 years of limed mare, with foal by her side-'- BeSt supper, prepared for' working age -41, 0. Broom. Jacob Reid, Will ale- . J'acob launter.., Foal of 1020-jac•ob rnao. Eight articics, nteat excluded, inure, Colleetion of cabinetwars- Hunter. 2 -year-old filly or gelding bread and butter to count as one ar- Wm, swmi. i . -Writ. Taylor, Jneeb Hunter.- Team tiele team, cream and sugar to fount Judie's-aim IL afellavaine, Mrs. 1' in harness -Jas. Fa:crater, 1 and 2. One 'dozen he* eggs, weight and aPo A, Rogerson. . • Best Individtial in classes -1, 2 -and 3- pearanee .considereci-•Jas. Hayden; Keyser Wove* Persia* "Alava* -‘04•14Ar Store Hours: a.m. to 6 .10., Salvage 10 num Skep Early if teeeige: TEE SCOTCH STORE - he Fur Season is Now On - OW is the. best ttme„to select your new Furs. The choice is the best and you have the -benefit of the full seasons , Most popular amongst the new Furs are Hudson •Seal, Sable,vear._ Australian Opossum, Tap Opossum, Red FOX and Natural 'Wolf. . ' Handsome Htidson Seal Scarf, latest style, has pockets and lined trimmed ; with crepe de chine, price $1 as.00 Sable Set, consisting of Cape and new Melon 14.1tiff. Sable is of - the best wearing Furs to be had. This set is priced specially at $90.00 eption ally attractive Seitrf of Ring Tail Op0011131) newest, style with pockets, lined with crepe de eltine; special. $75.0o Beautiful Rich Red Fox sets, the Most attractive Fur for Misses) wear. Will give thorough satisfaction insSearfs and Muffs to match. Priced prsetfrom $50 Women's Grey Wolf Scarf.and Muff, extra good quality, °. newest deskns, ;Very special $3-5.00 per set • ° Girl/Japanese Fox Sets are very smart for young girls!. Wear. Special $x5.00 Painting im eatin-Mise stone. Ernest lilako. GOI1Petligsl 44 nil paintings. six "pieees or4,--aalise Ma Liu ingstone: Golteelion of -water eolora, six pieces. only -Miss. -M. Liviragatoue. Cellection of pencil drawinge-MIss Liviligetone. laillection of crayon: drawititi-Missi alt Livingstone. Col- Ex Special Showing of Women's `!Salts Plush 'Coats" Coats b This week we are showing some Oa attractive oats o Salts tir a rtcsf cut in the newest styles, all are lined throughout with sol satin •or :brocaded silk, Three special leaders at $45,00, 6o 00 and ;175loct. , • Children'i Coats Children's Coats' It . The Scotch Store is.the recognized headquarters for Infants', Children'A .and 'Misses* Coats,and this season is no eiception. We are showing a large range suitable for all ages at extremely moderate prices. Pried from $5.50 t0.$2x.00 NewSonm ,Skt t Monarch. Downs Special values in Women'St-Pall All shade in stock, 4e per z tknd Winter, Skirts, made in the newest StyW, in All Wool Sergss and Tweeds. - - ;ball. • Many in the popular . -and knife pleated effects, all sizes in stock from 24.to 36 inch -waist bane., Pricet1 from -$/4,95 to $18.00 '„ Monarch Floss - All sha.des in stock, 35c OZ itereness--Roderiek Bess, al.as. Forster, varieties leetion of pen aunt ink sketches-aitse Wan. Taylor, Plowth 0 Heavy Vraught. named 'Fronk Miller, Jae. powmant ast. tapecimen of nenntan- OZ . • Baldviln's Beehive Scotch Fingpring Yarns :f3,1ack, °W14ite artd Heather, 4$0 per "skein. THE LEADING MAIL AND 'PHONE ORDEF STORE Hard soap, homemade, two pounds- , tic manufacturee-Mrs. C. Duetow. Mr. Earl Kelly, of Detion‘Js imlidaY. Ilurry-up meal -Jas. Plowman. Judges -Mrs: W. E. Gordon, - Wes. lag in t"vil' ' Mrsa Mossop," of ,Toronto. WI eli hetet,: Taylor. . ' Monday on her retarn to Toronto =after • VEGETABLES AND ROOTS a visit with her sister, Mr4. Strang • 2 heads cabbage -Wm. 4roule, le. hirs, w.), 3. sohnsto'n, i monimal, is, Barker. 0 blood beets -Ernest Blele, on a visit to her parapts, r. atia Mrs. 0 Ions blood beets-Ereest Blake. 6 Mangold Wortzels-O, C. Brown. 6 J°1111-,SurraY'.(41°ucest" ' errace- -.Nina. Masson. of Toronto. left on Wartzels, Mammoth Yellow Inierme- alonday on her return to Toroeto at- diate-W. ea. -Culbert, 1. Hetherington., ter a. visit With hersister„Mrs. Strang. Swede turnins-1. Hetherington, Ernest, Blake. Carrotsvaentertnediate, avlatte-. Mies, Gram: Maskell, aeeotintant at Wm. Sproul, aefrel C. Dustow. Early1 Gat:. Lee's hardware store. is spenclina Horn carrots -Ernest' Blake, Mrs. li,, a Port of her auntie:tan, Tenant, Mi. (fluff. '11 table earrote, for feeding pur-i week. wises -.Mr. Alf. Errington, Ernest • Mrs. Harry Dridgette; of Los Angeles,' , Bialal. Peel; of .orlions----P- Barkcr ' ea., and her mother, Mrs. David Reid4 Wm. Taylor- Judges -Alex. Niebolson, •lawknow; W. J. Diekeon, Watteni: Road and iqartiage. - Brood mare (road) -Sas; Forster, X. Ilitherington. Foal of 1920 -las. 'For- ster, Thos.Culbert. 'Two -year -Old filly - or gelding-jas. Alton, gamest 'Blake. Single horse, In harness -(foad)-Dr• Whitely, John Gendealson. Vali.' of Matched horses, in barness-Wra. Johnston, Ernest Blake. Xiatly driver ' Mint:ton, Jolla 11^nderton. . Best individual, any age -Dr. Whitely. Brood Mare (earriage)-v-Thos. Cul- bert. Single horse, in harness (car- rialge)-3as. rorster. Judge -J. Gillespie, Whiteehturah. CATTLE. Durham -Purebred. 31ileh cow -Dr. I. Medd, W. A. Cute bert, 2 -and 3; 2 -year-old heifer -W. A. Culbert, Dr. S. Medd; 1 -year-old heifer -Dr. 3. Wad; heifer ealf, six months and -over-Dr. 3. Medd; bull eitlf, six mouths and over -W.- A. I nibert, 1 and 2; heifer calf, under six months --Dr. 3. Medd, 1 and 2; Milt miff, der six inonths-Dr,-.2. Medd: herd of three fobalea and one male--,-Dr.3. Medd. a Hereford. Milet tiler -Jacob Reid; better, 2 . years old-Javob Iteid blip, over 1 Merhee Grade Cattle, lillteh epw-W. A. filbert, Dr. J. 'Medd, Wm. Taylor ; 2 -Year-old heifer -Dr. X. Medd, Wm, Taylor; leyear-old belfer-Dr. 3. Medd. 1 and 2; steer calf, under 1 year -W. A. Culbert., Wm. VaYfor'; fatted or 'steer, any' Imeeti Wm. Taylor; fatted cow or heifer, any breed -Dr. J. Medd, Wm. Taylor: 2 -year-old steer ---Wm. Taylor, 1, 2 end 3; 1 -year-old steer-Vro. Taylor, 1 and 2, Speelal prize by Sterling Bank, Dun - Outing -Rest female. any breed -Dr. J. Mi A. Culbert. Mr 11; CIO& Judge J. Salkeld, notleriee, • , Jacob Reid, Beat collection: 'of doineea - PEOPLE .WE ;MOW • Jas. Plowman. 12 tornatoes-aairs. Alf. Erringteh, Wm. Sproul. ),ears of ta- ble eorn-Wm. Sproul, F. Barker! Purnplille-lArs Alf. Errington, Barker. 1 winter sIuas11 fj,r . table -- Frank Miller, Manson Reid. 1- summer squash. for Otable-F. Barker, Manc•ou ltid 2 .a.atiumielons---E, Barker, • Tas. Alton. 1IN'k Early itoz1.:, polotoec-4, 'Jacob Reid, Mrs. It Finnigan ; peck Irish Cobbler pOtatuct, -Jacob Will. W. ae, Culbert. i pgek Orecel aimintain tootatoe*--Miss Ir.vDreanoy aa Barker. 1 peak, any other aerie:a pilaf, named -Wm. Sproul, Mo. i Dustow. 2 heads of cetersa-Mrs. 11. Clete, W. Ti !Hiller. 2 heads of caulitlowr -Wm. Sproul, R. Barker. Carons- Mrs. Alf. Sprinriton., Jas. Mown:in. T)illrit0lPS-t) oftown are visiting Mr. Robert Reid, of Brantford. Seaforth lexpesiter: Mrs. 11. • Java, 11'.and 'daughter, Miss Kura, of (mile - Nett, Suinclay vaith Mr. and Mrs tee, a ahem nlee, Sr. 51r. John SoutPAillo 1134 • hirld his reeiceeneeon ViCt0lia street fa Me. Jas Vviey. of •Asidield. ultii get!, wows. aiuo .PL' 1st next. Rov. A. L. G. Clarke, of London, for- mer rector of St. Georgeso church, Gode- lcb, left on Tuesday for Winnipeg, to be' present at the centennial of the Dim ccee of Rupert% Lana; • t/twair Boyden., of London, 18 visiting Mr. Jas. Tates in town and friends at Port ..Mbert- Mr. lia5lien Mrs. Alt. Epringtort Barker. GA1- • has Joel, returned from a three months lection of garden vrgeitablei,-P. Bait. er, Frant %Ii11er. olieetien of seined garden produelia-S. S. N. P Msaey, HflT Spies -F liarker. F:rank Miller. BaldwinaJJas. Alton. W. T. Niftier. Xing of 'Tompkins County -Mile. Alf.. Errington Jae: 'Plowman. Tatman Sweet -NOB. Alf, Errington, Jas. Alton. Canada liest-Afrs.Mf. Erringtoti. On. tarlo--Mrs. I Cliff. Jas. Ilayden. Gol- den Russet -Mrs. Alf. Errington, W. A. nlibert Wagner -W. A. Culbert, vacation in the Prairie provinees and the Pacific Coael. • The engagement Is announced al Way 11.11-1Pgbiter of Mr. and Nip. Jae. D. MeNtanus, of Goderiehe ;to Mr. Wit,' /13M Diesett, IL S. A., son of Ur. and MM. Samuel Ricsat, the marriage to take place in October. Mr. arid Mrs. IL t Niontelth and Mayor and Mrs. .A. L. Perkin% of Po. woeean, were guests of Mr. and Nies. T. '1'. Leckie. in town ilfe past week, ,and also of friends in Ifensall and otlie points in the district. WEEP.. Frank Miller.. Fallawatere-Frank Mil. mrs, q col) price, a ,,Froronto, and .1.eleeettr. Ier. 1190getTY: A. .adbaert• Mts. AIL Mi lfe MYrtles Lynton, ef Leamingten, Aged ratn. Purvis Rms.. 1 aild 2; tiVilgtun• IMO& l'ilano Greening-- .ser C pleasant eallefh in town en Sat' men. purvin ,,w. A: Culbert, Frank Niftier. Phoenix Irma .alicarline, rato---liobt. en -rode from ,, lifocardloe to pint: Aged ene--Robe men. pnrvin -Jas. 4lion. Mann--Mrt. Alf. Erting. London. Mrs. Price is a daughter of Tiros.; 'eheailing ecce-Zolk. 'ram ton. W. •A• OulbPrt. 4 named l'arie" Me late Mr. John Gentles, of l•liecar/ 1 8114 eel ewe iiiminebt.,Glen, Pur. ties, five of eaeli-Mrs. 11. Muff. Mrs. egne, ton Ben Davis-Pfank NEI. vis Bros.; ram Mmte-Ptirles Iliac, Atrirf: E.Irigiie. gm 'miff., pcm,anve,Tran% Dr. Clark returned to tom bat week Ilobt. (Dm after attending the tette at must q dies 14. maim Jas. .kiton. Brydges. Anciketer, Chatham and Tay. •ftweepetake prise for best p'n of, • Fall AP1de -s---4 at roll dstock, as Aide en liett horscs. At glow any breed-Robt. Glen, Purvis Wolfe Ilfver-W. A. Culbert, Oink. •Anealter her Was siirpriscd to meet it roe.; rat sheep, any breed-- Perils Miller. Itibsfort Pilppin---W., 1. miner, . Prank , Miller. 20 -ounce Pippin- Is% icitire_,Tae, Snell, ClIntens , I Alton, Prank•'NtAtter. Wcalthy--101-, . i 4,04 •f• • who has been vlealang with lea- wadi- BRIEF TOWN TOPICS ew, caoderleit for the ;at afeu niontbe, has •efeet tonne- . . Reeve aas.'"Ontt MIS in attendance, at the regolar council meeting on alaindaa night, 'Our 'reeve looks well and ie steadily regaining his streagth einee his reeent 51huess. -- Mr. S. McLeaniof Dauphin, Man.. ayes ut• visitor to town the Past weak or tei Sem as Mr. McLeanwas tamp. !arty known to many here, has been travelling extensively the past few years owing- to poor -health, and is itn- proving„althongh oat entirelymecovered yet. Hie expects to 'return to the West in a few days. Hie former aequaint- 4/10e0 here were Slimed to 000 biro.' oistriet Preys Gatherinti newspap'er publieharo 4.f Itheon arad Perth Liounticas are meeting , in Goderielt at Me Board of Trude moms tonaerri ea; • PrIllay) and aa 1141e lnneh at the Bethnal Hotel. 13eatt ht use For Over 30 Year: filgnittate. • of t•I‘ 4111111.- 'Crencheriter-flcott 15 diargo r.r IlashiltonAcgielttltal Ibna• • n Dlyth Stanclark Ms. Amstr6nt, 440••••••••••••I DEPARTMENT OP CLMTOMD Ait! irn.skta VD V514 Lla EXCISE TAX LICENSES &allen, Jewellers, Mao- nfactuerti nd Salog Tea Licensee aS required under the Amendment to the Spec- ial War Boyerom Ac, 1915, are ready for issue and aplicatin.. orana be had from the undersigned irirms tot in possession of Licenses on the 15th Novemberll 100, will be subject fopenalty as pro, vided io the Act. PENALTY For neglect or 'dosl to take out License shall be a, stun a0b eXcetaing ONE 1110USAND DOLILAIL$ T. C. DAVIS Collector of lelatall !totemic At ' 1.0f41001: Templ,•tetee Itheumatle Oapstibe, and itlz-Mal foe Asthma are weld hy 11. 0. Dunlop, 5,1 an'-nt. hal 11 tutht ° "The Ahmeek Chapter of the will hold a meeting in the Board of Trade Boom on Tuesday, October 10th. at 4 o'cloelt. The West Enron Vacherie Associa• tion is bolding its anneal Convention in Goderich this Thursday and • Friday at ViglOrla School; Remember the Silver 'Medal Content under theauspices. of .tha W. L, .T. 11. on Friday. October 29th. Come and hear a good concert. The Women's Auxiliary of St, George'o cburoh will bold a, nate of Tharneroado Baiting in Mr. lacey'a grocery t)tore, on Satiniday, October 110th, coxeroenci lag at 2 o'clock: One hundred and three pumpkin loic:a are a far ut the toad "Eats" :that are provided for the Thanksgiving Supper to be held in Viototio, street church on the eventug of ThanksgivIvis Day,, to bo followed by a good program. . Bread has dropped a cent a loaf in Exeter, Brussels, nd frilsonburg (to Ill. . tents) and the last.tnentbofled town reports a atop in milk to II cents CI quart at the vendor's stand with .the likelihood of another drop to 10 cents, ' who Patriarch of the Fleck," the title of Mr. Sallows' photo • of tho late Ntr. Thoth Elliott, sit Godericb Towle ship, as . 11P 4.0041 miloeg bia i1o04 ot , tnrkeys, is iepiedeccii to, the current number -of The National oeugmakta• 'DiallazIne, y141)1101(4 at • :WAShIngtOR,. . i • ADVERTISE IN ME STAN ' 1 A • • . IAL, SALE Oct. 1st to 16th This is anopportunity to secure Footwear at very low prices Goods bought from the manufacturers to. day cannot be sold at the low prices we'are- now asking 3 A,DOLLAR SAUDIS A DOLLAR MADi You can save money on Footwear at II Herres Boot Sho and NWT COMET OUR REPAIR IMPARTMENT IT IS THE NEST r 4 HERN 404014 Offic soya • 01" .4 1.0, . .