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The Goderich Star, 1920-10-14, Page 3
Till &slo 's. t•t:'J°. ii. illalt►. FACE COVERED' WITH PIMPLES FOR NEARLY A YEARe1 • The hasty little pimples that team* out eft the face and other partsof the bear �t1Q simply 'indications that the blood is out of order and require. purity'tt : • They are little irritating reminder* to rim. that you *husk% take a few bottle. l of Burdock Blood Bitt.rte• f.' VVlt.0 B.B. B.imskee your blood pure, t. the pimples will viaairh, alta . your skin tomes soft (Lttd elev. Jim. Jame' �ttilliarr+l3r Wateefat d, tkat., 1 falter;-J'M . i&ci I►ati icovart'd with pimples far nearly ►e Tom- I used different' 'dada of renmed'tes to ;;pet rd of them and finallythou&-tlter'walt no' cure. A friend dropped ut one day and told » le I sh.+ald t '. Biood Bitters. I dict se and used three b Wiles, and found the pimples were Lill I h' ve a clear emnpl x ort a1 feeee " VOW DAL B. is in`anuf cture . only by'1'he . "l'. Milburn Co,., Limited, Toronto, Ont. OSTEfPATI1 • R• GEORGE ilREILEMANN, Osteopath, specialist In women's and Children's diseases, Acute, chronic and nanous till- orders, il - orders,. Partial, dearnese, eye, ear. nose , and throat. Adenoids removed 'without thehuge. Consultation tree. Olnce and restaenee, Newel and St.'Andrew's Streets 'back or 'temperance nail, North Street. 0�9t(l1ee bout's U t0 12 A. in., 1 10 6 P. fir, •WndaS'a, Thursdays and- •Saturda.YL 'Evenings by appatotment. r;.RGAL CrtIWDS l`tttAilLE3 GARHOW, Barrister, SUle4.ltar, l, Etc. Corner Nort,. street and are 6 , hderieb. Ont.° " ^ t( 11IA"s. RIDER • RArrt,,tet-,•-setteitar,.__lletery Public and Gortveyancer Mee : , Court . Ylouse, Dederick, R C. ttY - , "P149ne 88. Sarrister, Sotictlor, Nottrt`Y' •PublicEtc! Omce Ramuton St., Sterling Beak lnoctr • Gederich Real Estate. 1.Oana, Insurance CION'i'EYANCING AND NOTARY GEORGE E oBEl;NSI,ADE, -alaaleld. Coal,. verauctna and Notary DRorD100T, . KILLORAN ft COOKE, iL aiarrlsters; Soucltoni, rintartes Yun- uc, Etc.: eMce-On rhe Square, 21ia, ttoor tram Haniliton street, Yioderien. . Private, fundstoloan at loves; . rates. •s W. PROi'DF'OOT 1(. C„ J. L. EII.LORAN, It. J. D. CO6YE. AUCTIONEERIMC, -'' +r[lIIOttAS GUNDRY. J •.&tee Sleek and Genesi Atticttoneer. Hamilton street, Goderteb x.Sales Marie .every a-. na...AIL •l(ort6 matte to. sive you auehicttdn, Partners' AN not s:itt,0ountfq... -IN$UliuNCrr cttrl:Lt)r' MUTUXL tints 11113t1BANC1i A laeleded Town Property insured. Yalue r,voperty ensured• uit.l0 January, tWO. $9.04.• N)• SedericIE eneWan oltliee President, ieecliw•.00d : T. E. !lays, Sea.•Tt;ag„ ;eta-; ,or h. DIRECTORS—D. • F. 1M'cnregor. Seelirtr. ; 4. G. Grieve, Winthrop : tV,n, �Vrin, Eon_ s th• •nee T cker oral Cat u Rance : George tic 1 , ions. Ferris, Hertock : , •toha ,Bennewis , droadhagan : Malcolm McEsvan. nrucefleld.. o eriCll Sandy d• AaFENTS—J. W. Vet), rtli seafEi • l arca , .Sell. Cot Y Leitch; Clinton • Seafortrir. E, ilicy judders pay their as9;eashlenid Policy ,Holders can p . at R. 1l,. Ctnrs Store. :�,oalerl0h,"A.'J. 7det= rlsh's Clothing Store, ,;limon, or Z. ll: Reid's.' itnydeld. NOTABIY' res'LIC, E'te..._-..._ wg. satin. NOTARY putlLt' General Conveyancing done Good Companled Represented Phone Ni. 293, Goderieh, Ont. 'r SRR#'1f�4 IMt atlltl$3Y2 ortil NTO.. tet, 11.;.Tlu lateet QUO* aUoaa on the Scud of Trade sre aa. crows; Who* Ito Shoo ➢rt.'Iit7IMlMtea11 No, 1 oorthere. 39.29%. .No. 2 attsrtberai,1 silt, Nu: ? northern. i.1i , ,LNo. a truest, ;*.O$%, 8[«u4MMrhe Oslo t1.a *ore ,L 'lieMttsse6 No 2 i .W., 7414c. a., Wo, 1 C.W., O9>4°. Itiatra No*1 food. 'Stine: No. 1 rook No, 3 feed. 44%c. I la.lt Ila leolosa tt nor; lit. Waleals► No, 3 r;.W., ;Les .- No. 4 G.'tY' 11.91. Rejected, 31c;Teed. ;Oct thooeteume Vont 4111001• 14 10.000106 POO** Inakasaska$P, NO. 2 Pillow; !LSO, aeokini 1. OMtlai1. tl.W 444+aartLs !a Peo100000 Otatnitio). l'lo. 2 w hlte, 44c to S$e. , Oohs* Whoa* tl ..b. s4Mnkhe rot a$4 •ANos,Yals to 1Te.esatag. No, 3 *inter; per Far lot, SO *V 1'3:13. No: 2 aprlog; Percar lot; 32 to $11.114f litesaU ISooheillair tw ireetbrtl>1e O eethlOk Nie 3 akominal« ~or Cheeei ties to . M QharWe) I1alting, ;1,19 to 11.15. >ttwekrtkeat (Aeeow'gisur ItntsMNM O.Wd.), No. 3, nominal., Rye tAce.r be to if'r•1Agbta'' O.t)esI.) No. 3. ;1.45, .nvnUna1. 1etate ltehe "Government standard'; $12.90; To" rotto. • Ontario Slower irk*** SaljneeMD. ' Government standard. nominal, jute bags 7etoatreel• enortalnail. in jute; DeVan's French Pills A reliable Regulating P111 tor Women. IS a: box. Sold at all Drug Stores availed to any address on receipt o1, of price. The Robed, Dram Co., St Calla. ✓Anes, Ontario. PHOSPHONOL FOR MEN Rec:nret Nim and,. ltaiity; for Nerve and Brain; increase!! "gray matter;' a 33 'a box, or. r •.. DISTRICT GL �,.+ 4141 NG3 elv fraiesio a n'kee ule-e re) .se 'tee The, *outlet field day of iSitlton legis le Atilt b field oil Feeley of Pee weal, -Exeter risen Zurieh haw molted in fanning a losetee klub for the cotniog season:. Mr. Ira . Marshall, north of Bath tris, had Ms- drivesor shed destroyed by tire. din Tuesday afternoon of lest wee!. Mr. Wm. TO, Mullett. lies purchas ed the` `John !tte(llure Yarm, consisting of tree. acres. thief is now the Ming of, NM acres. Owing to unfavorable weather on t t'4d iy�, Oct. tst, '1F intrhan3 Salt fair was :postponed t Thank:givinlr 1)a), Oct. 18th. . Brussels tltc rate wilt be 35 mitis on the dollar, the increase over last year being due to otUng streets and school and county rates. e ,. On •Thursday morning.' let. 7th, Mr. Samuel Castle, sr., of Clinton, Passed away at the ripe age of 87 years, 7 months -atilt 7 days, It Is expected that the statue for the manumept to :Itensalt's tallen levees Will arrive soon. The passe bas been read'; fors'a number ot Weeks.. •- .The funeral' Lit .the late Mr. A. W: lli'ea€s«tell, who died 3n, Vel+nle, 0,O., on Sept: 2tst, was :!held from St. 'Phomas eliureh,- Seatorth,, un Tuesday of last week to Harputhey cemetery. ' , Rags Toronto? $9 Palk aetaboard' ,.: 2illieeed .(Gib i etsa. noldoere'.l ' Aloasifw F.reesl,tsi.!asa Included). Bran, liar ton, $49:60.. ' Shorts, per ton $64.60.- Uood Beed itou4 per bag,. $3.50,• CAME • M RKETS - To will build yon :up. two for SI, .at drug stores' or by mail on r,'e'.'i!•t of price.. 'II,e ScobelI Deng co.. tit. Catharines, Oaiarto, ;Is i BroDflu: EPOS. GODERiCH. The Leading funeral Director • .and Einhaltlers Orders 'ct,eefelly • att©rlded to stet ;iii, ee rs-night or ,,day. TORONTO Lt!VE STOCK,. TORONTO, Oct. 11. -.Ata late• hour built night, for 'some .reason,• it .w a tmpoasiple to get complete returns os' the arrival of live stock at the union Yards, beyond the fact that there wail around 3.000 head of • cattie, with 'fairly, heavy'ahlpments of sheep,. lambs and. calves. • HIIFFALO )41114 STOCK. EAST I3UIF_FALO.Oct; 11.—Cattle-a Receipts, 600; *law. Calves,--itecelpta, 160; ;1 lower; S2 to 320. : • Hogs=Redeipts / 2,000; . 50e higher; heavy at 317 to;17 25: mixed end york'+ era, ;17.26 to ;17.36; llgiit yorkers to6$3'14; stags, $8 to 611 9' roughs ;ld.i Sheep and .ambs-.�Recelpts. 1,N9 steadyi~t unchanged. vnerr1PEG LrVE pelvoca. WINNIPEG. Oct 11-(Dotnlition Live Stock Branch,)--Recelpts 630,,cattle,'24 hogs and 170-. sheep..• Tradfag was exceedingly quiet' on the -cattle. Market Saturday with ail classes and grades ander fight enquiry at steady prices. On the sheep and lamb market offerings were of a email oar tare with mutton sheep ranging trona $5.60 to ;6.60, and common lambs 37: • Not sufficient hogs were on hand to coltstltute as market. IVIDDEL.,. Boot. ani Shoe Repair Depot • r, suer of Remittal Lid ieivjate Streets Footwear Repai toad Vier!.' and Reanimate Prkee Gnararleed , '1'oiaibiition ICeforoeitrent. W ASIIINOTON. Oct. Ile—Prohibits tton . enforcement tor. the fiscal year ending June 30, 1920, cosi the United 2 00 -1 States 1 0 0 n to i 8 , 0 according 117 re iminareport 'b Internal e. i .Rev r7 nue • Commissioner Willtamns,• which' *howl that tgtal.collections of inter, e or the year aggregated 1 're note t Lia v 7 grit . compered With r ;5,408,076(468, as pa ;3,860,160,078- for 1919, an Inerelae of • 31,356,917,472. These receipts for 1920, it wait anouueed,"ihclude payment of , the third and fourth in- btallmente of the 1918 taxes and. of the first and secoryd installments ot the 1919 taxes, as well as varlet)* payments on account 02 additional' aseeesments,and amended returns of income ` and profits taxes ' for . prior"' years resulting troth field ltfvestigs- tions and office adjustments. - In Peril on Lake. KINGSTON, pet. 11, Grant Hutchinson, keeper. of .Duck Island Light in: Lake Ontario, twenty -tour miles front Kingston, was adrift fete thirty-six hours, without food in sl, motor boat, during the storm fast. j"Saturday night, He'was finally res - .cued by George+Bilkey, a fisherman. Hta,tchinson went out Saturday to heed his nets,and was caught in the gale. Fuel gave out and the Wind. ✓blew hila away frori the islands. By using oars `to keel the craft's head into the waves Ile kept afloat until' rescued. Death Is Mysterious. i' • Sr.. THOMAS Oct. 11.—The body ot an unknown woman was found on' $jlnday on the banks of Kettle creek under the Jere Marquette bridge just West of this city and brought to the undertaking monis o8 P. R. Williams for Identification. The remains are in re state of decomposition, and it is supposed that the body has been 1y. fug , Ander the bridge for some days. The woman was apparently about 35 yeare of age and was well dressed. YC i» supposed she' fell off or was knocked off the bridge while walking across, several bones being broken. Itrlt3Jli (ivards Riot. ALDERSHOT, Eng., Gct.!11. -wo hundred Coldstream and Irish (Garda tried to batter down the gate :of the.eav'alry barranka.ilere Satur- day . ;tight. They demanded the re• lease of tonne of their comrade who, they declared, were .detained there. The mon paraded the streets, howling and shouting, for about nrt'itour, but finally. returned to thhiretudeters, 00 great damage having been 'da e. $1,000,000' to As.4ist Austrians.' VIENNA, Oct. 11. Col. Sul American delegate on the Aunt 1 n section of the Inter -allied Ito t a tion9 CotnnrtcOton, has oti the Austrian Foreign- 00lee " tat Amer - lean charity societies hate placed at the dioliooai of Dr. Fridtjof' Newell, who is repatriating Austrian prieett- •ers of war in 101001a, the suns of $1.000,000 to arta in this work. Peterb t•o heat Hamilton Plowites by 2 to't and tied for the 0.Il.A.A. elmetpiosl$Iyie, neeeteitating rt!. Gudden death playfoti' geese. ' 'Domeier Wile' e#•„•4 the reign ',if Bing 01.n0-' I teaielt now 't"ni00sj-- I'1Clcie, PJr', not to Mee 0)11 hoads in auoawrete of p'xeitt'• cent.•- E:tla3.btirgle Se;0tstean. dASTCYR IA Pet' hinds sed9ehriarea Ilal Asci.rOv.443O' 011111E moos bear✓ the Statehitet et f 4 • • awl Nee, t bt• ,ase i1+ L'ittio 44 �• n e dot lite +�� tire. AI, Arili'et' ict:, iaalo' cittltia °. (In tl&iY.-civ, rte t. �itlt A happy event thick piers at Pi Mime tet, 113'* and Itre. Jena Clerk. in '1�e due& Iay, i pt. acrd, when Mei(' ee> enuet ttillelrter. 1'l hence J.. Itienearni the t➢riete of iii: %tfeed J' nSteata, of Stanley. The ' rtneatne of the tat, '1t''. t;,tts a* ,f ✓harrow. of tiehalt. wore brought to Seeforth ter interment on Tueeelay wt. =e xatsrr• last. • week. the funeral 'Wile plan iwir fncl; the holm it his ttr,atliee. Mr. Mold a profusion of finer✓ tial de• ttobert t..arr«�v. e.)reted the home ut Mr. ant:;Mars, Wine The marriage wool toilette baleitint7, 4 'Rivera. Exeter. on : atUrdav, Oct. Sled, at the dieing sIteeeet 1'lasbytra•lan maneoe tttes nuar2ia?ce tool; place' . tit theft l,nndon, on 1*a'rQiwsday, rpt, ;volt. nf' `1eungrst dauidtter. EUzauet0 Irene. tO Margaret Melte, hiel.can, tit i:gn1othd• Ma' John '4, Rtnttiedge, son ot Ar,.an«l vtlle, to .Mr. Thomas Jelin (,welter. ni Mrs. Routledge; Znrich. # Blyttl f�o . W. Sl. McIntosh oflelating. Mr. Peter Scott. who has ,carried on M es s chis attach of Nasal t aterrk. The* to r[ atsat -colds la the i���sy�' tom see that tai ilea of 1UA><.1.`* ir'ATIalt>8,it ililGlltt`iN1G win built a' tee: hymen. +tear.* as Meet sat i.s4sr theta We ti.Mi. tat clo4s. i 1.4 et* taco .t Aerate Wilhite mar ti Clematis Catarrh. ]LAL1/13 1.'ATAti*Rli M*DLCIN calf. tn.k letariteUF sat Was t t IitaM sr tee !hose. $urtUa�`M of NNIS 171- te0a, ikw le tt a#attttlMAtttMt 4tw11 T. d. Csonata coadlitiotte. Drhante a circulars , Ted% a ;1 pretty ssedd(pg was solemn/lea at a aenoeral blaek5mithing "tininess tor' the Danforth avenue Methodist par �e,-r!oronto, On Teiesfdssy, ',Seek *let. when Miss Annie 1+;ielreirtson, daughter of qtr. sand Mrs. John itettate hon. Winglram `es uulted• in marriage to lir, then. G.illver; On Tuesday,' Sept. 4th. tt'antlful wedding' was p!erfornmd in tet. peteres thereto Drysdale. be.i3ee. palter' Doti- deaU. when Miss Juliette Charette, ot 'St.•doseith,•-was united 10.the holy brands of inatrtineny to Mr..frmana Denolny., of Drysdale. * the past 17 year✓ flO Mill street, Bias, sets. lia s disclosed tit tds business tl) Mr. Thos. Ritchie. vi Ito has spent a 9,0a t many Fears with". Juni. "elr. eott i lY0! t'elllaif HI Brussels. At the-1'4°iltia ehttreli malls'. Clinton, on Friday, t)et. 1st; Bev. J. F.., 'Hogg tied klitl, aalat:lirltonial Med tbt'trr�Cen Lill. WM. Lloyd 'Belton, of Menson, ;last- i1I .:, Go„ antic :Mitts Stella Henrietta Nelson. daugti er of r. Iioht. Nthion, ot .the Baste I,trie, ItUllett. The , marriage took place quietly •e, t. *•!UIGY t"RUri j!' ♦ l lit N -`t ( '4. i )'14 711 sr 11. • .a.** r. .A1/. SEt�dtIIit The —Kept Right ✓ Th� .e �. LQ� �h n hear F For seat' the - �r l �n i? . n. • '' .the in dlowr ' :.clou e d n. this • a • d� see g Have you ever been at'sea in a -storm n 1n risingand the m ' waves runnin ountains. high, decks treacherous and' the. crew7l, ou i' :' Unless ha a otr can b lmagtpe its awful majesty,;,or as i ?t you� : Y .. - the courage it calls ' up. and the spirit it commands in men. .ire Never : the ,Ser--- ;tin . Canadians His n .World -Trade highway. The sea and the . Yet the sea is C� a•dg'sp Merchant ',Sailo mako ,us prosperous. • • • But the Merchtntt�mass life is hard and Ptri Oui.He wages . :continuous, • 'battle- against the, ' forces of ,nature.. The real sallor'is ''not the deck'steward or attendant on comfortable ocean lineli, - Il:ts ship ° •is no floating palace. His voyage no pleasure trip. Slii is the Tramp. Steamer -- i Real.Sailor's�� or Windjammer beatingagainst gales --decks awash -sleep astranger for days- and'nights o. nd. Frozen in winter, dodging icebergs "in spring, 'groping through fogs off treacherous banks, beating round the Horn, fighting through typhoons; or becaltned in the Yellow Sea. Tough going all the way. - � Death Always Hovers1 •Over. . the Wheel Is it any wonder, then, that the Navy League wants to mab.e life cpmfortable for our sailors when ashore? After all, Canada is their home;and the home, ,while they are here, of the sailors of other lands. The Navy League HH I ue endows, maintains or assists in maintaining every Sailor's Hoagie, Institute and Welfare Society Canada. And every,. dollar stdbscribedfor the maintenance of these Homes and Tnetit es will be money well invested; and redound to our national p city. The Sea is Our Heritage • and Our Strength— • In proportion as we develop this Sea.Conscious Spirit"so shall we advance in world civilization and trade. We Can only develop our Sea -Conscious Spirit, by making life more endurable to Canadian Sailors. 'And it is for this purpose that a 'portion of the Navy laeague'sFund..,is set aside. To carry on its work next year, the Navy League must have $760,000. Thia,money roust be raised next 'week. It is not a large amount and borne in proportion from Coast to Coast it must sulrely..be subscribed. The Navy Lea ide of Canada. 1 _ SAILORS' WEEI( CAMPAIGN October 18-23. Dominion Objective $760,000. The:. work of the Navy League is to enlightaes- pimple 'upon - the fropostarice of the lea; 's o that Candida eroded* roof fie siippe"J• t1iiltetrgk Calialieus ports. to C--anadian slirip.. og• faceted noel rammed by trailed Csaserse ti; tdeitcaat1ge And tea tiaal.dalee, tare tlaiitier of l aaad7.n lists to ma* Cre ad.'s Navy mai Met, moils rrriia.< re lreresol re a (gosh traiaiop ,lti.,ear pressor titre do ,re a meet eft emergency. se that " ar ejiati overseas ramnteree will be adequately' proteettei, to support faeilitiea for reeking the Sader`a Life **hose ett,lurable. 4o provide% for depeaeldIt'. of these *Le eliI 1* protect Caned*, Nationally, lreperiiitlyr and Com - martially. Thies. ,ejetta rare only ,be sheeted elsreapikria •t%%1isati5n tetryreesetatird et public -rt and caudale party politica., r ( I "t'uie .dal', ''Oct 510, - of Acid✓ :1itu It k daugliter of the late-. Mr. Frank Buell- anal1 01)11 u'i•a •:e l te-. M.r. \%ingllam,. t4 Mr. tinter •�'~'itkinson,. "13ellrreve: 10 the •Sewanee tit the 'immediate relattveri ani! friends, Rev. Mr, .4rrrltitrung' otic• eiatinia While playing at sehaol Oki .Tel4Sday of last 1'l, i k; . fi doth„ daughter fit Mr. and Airs. :Harry Keye, of. (:ran'bt'i)uk, had tmisfortune the tun t0 . r s t far a fall anet. .break k it the hones in hone of. her leg. 'Vile le. nettling new for i ditto,' however. as See •has had breakages of this kind on more that►htif a doter! ,previous Ge- ea ons, . •ltuntlti1 ''f the old pieitteerz. of 't`urn- .berry :ere►esed the Great• 1Itvide on Monday, ;)tet. 8th, when :lir. Tilos, Tot.' ten �j-t'�i ;✓tied, away hostile 75thyear. • ''Thee deeP2vltul had.'ilved eurltlntiausly nn the' tarns, an ' he settled s in . thn ti 11114Pnet1 lymsh fat' raiart. apttr. "Ills Sun. David. who lives tie the • 10311' ra)nee,- 511)11 Lit '1°ttl•tlbtrry, Stlrvh'tee. ' The death of Miss Ada Sleigh !" Seri% .forth. on 7 ti irsday, Sept. ;title, ineattt. ti, welcome and'1►appe release tau •SSair> thyF'e;; ountx aiming wit() had .bee11 I 1iltfeeer lair a number of yearn., had an tt4ua111r. aueee4sfti1 tea tints career' ed• he.J . l:t.t"ap inlintmPit1 yr flee 'S •alert!' • leoltlleeseht)iol, .be icer. .:all', ° rvroal'eri.il sI0 31,1 s id . tot; #tush. 4`l, ''r - der. •• Wed, ,• , a I- 1 sell, ..311#, : of tI' I�111:1. Stip' 1l, �iL,t � r r ba'ri •1'. I;I,trl:l.. tie, hit 211111' sear. 11," ' ache ittil4.i4t li_jtli '$alhnra r. tie_•, otaig;., 1••'•t.'''1'06iw ,e'il411:1(1(1 „f ..\i,..,..... 1':.'if .'i,1''..u'+i: vat 4e',:➢1tw,1•1 le.•tttley' what tieuPt.ne t'. >.t, 141 1%ii!ia# .u1'1 •0. x•til.. •bile' i•+-•lI.oll.'e1 tt.iiit cin ;tit.t.•i. alt thio tient ' 11)1r11:trt'I. ol'i,. Iw vltl'416r(t lis'. 111.1''' •eFtit➢lr t 3'!e 'in' '''1;, p .,fr.i1;I 11: '3. li 'l►".4'.1'+' L',11. f•,atr cal...lPra..�,ttet 1'l". 'l,r''It•'r'a 3.i k"a •A.1!.ilt.t 11. 11.''.1h i•t h•'1i'U"hat in4'3+ iir•: r. 1e4 1) teed olra 1sd.. 110)11'4 4ae••., W'•sr. ,l,4' vm•t10,4:':a' ttaac t':` •.t i'a'a'-t•'t'; ml.....I jriirt' r. •if 'l1 {I[S➢Ite•It � "rtlh +. , /"r.'Isfrrr t alfa' i'04. at. lir. otlttt#l,t • . ..n'1 .6-1➢0.• 1 nide., of cr'ie`r•. i:,'I 1 ➢'.•4: et l le t,.rt11 . li;r''ata,° ".1101 :tile browbeat 1)1••bw.t.'.#. • .11111n,::. 0.'tllpt'•1'': eleseri'd. ii'1uage • tallieee .11. 141:1••r t, iu.' ':,et'.. ,lbat'n Port V0.'11117°1'1 L• 1-•r'.16 • .. ts•.' lot 11: alt. . If➢al:: i t'i'lt ,,,,i„.,,..,.,0,11 :. sat • 1fnui:1•h. ao..•t 'i• , !,1i..,. l•➢ a '1.• i t sal.,.• u.i it. vir.* 11'by•lir' .art eIiillt'iV ••✓.11111•.°r• """ •' 114'1 1.641.1., `4 nrfid nti,'r'1.Irie Mr. t;.i;.' \i'.. ,lraerl.mra may hale The Stella. 113ma. vent C. torr dear;: v'111t ttra' hal. -�. frill, mots unfit Tan. 1 4, 1 r2, for *3.16., lila 1.1.1•, the 11e o%Atl1t6.11ti•' Plinth;. "Prodded adsonittue Ys ta6t'rtot'this;. oft •,. ilk 111' Mb, the Illy mgrs 64mllt 111'1 an- fer' b1 e Neftio tt0er fel.' tern on Pts. arm slipped and Ell to lhee hare floor end .this Stiddeeti J. caul thtl'eantern- to explode, and 1 . an iii- Stant thn whole inside, of the 0 fl 'Walt in .genies. hardly anything -wits: waved. Spine_ fame lmpternruits, a tire's Dart' Motor ear, all Ilia hay anti •grain, a .e►tlti nett' the home', % were consumed to .the . t#aineb', and :fir. 4,alloway'Itad very-•hite -tot' :lnOuranee.e ' ' • , Mr; Arthur Il,ntN an paused a at ,.. •Sept, aged rilAmato tut 1`LCdntalday.. sapt,�rJ . agr $2 yea s,> irnni p leliiimnla; 'the 0,;?.... Y � 3 th8dthe. . "I t 11 y 4 rt br )u 1 o i1 main. � i. y >ti funeral ook piaaee front the residence" • e. rte v a s lacing t '1 Win; 7lte1C 1 r 1held_ . . of + 1 c, til, 1 , 1' � by 10...'J. \te'(3orntlek,,..The, late. 'Mrd'`,. Calitoou was a resiiient`of the SeellO'ti :. for. Mane , ats ]ar!r orEtlFn 3 • to ill 'th resitting in selotterlelo tovyfshlo.. ►'Shards of 40 yt•ara .ago ire' went, ti • illy tit .'lo live. and • some twelve year . age Wee her,eft et his )wife.:;• Thera vats a Familyof two, tine son, John„ veno,' •resld441 l,!1 ole•. .west, and Anne' dtugtlteiti efts. leivittsnit, dt'e,ased some ye'ar's. A pt'e1lt)r en -iiia Ida'n4,' l i,'ttiat the. dame " week.\tr. tette. •1tavidaton, son-ln-taw of thhe tate' ill (.ntltelOR, d#i'«). at Inc holiitt ut his brother in Wina'ctlan). and: lila. eini . Arthur; . and' tl,.tuittitlr, Mrea 1e 1 It Y. t or. . ,ll 1l, tit . .tart watt.q. t fe,, 1, ;pet►.: Saha were In • ttttI it J Iude` at 'lite til.rltl. ;trot '«i '#n - Itlylh oil 't"itttraciatt 1,I ‘islt th•iir tarattd-PitiIliT Mr.• 12igtte- mit,- toot loping :tv. ore of itis °demist! ltd. 'fhr ,tt a111 teed% Mate. Ill I➢unii"e •in t l [ttry r' ;l,i•h'rl' ill tlm. E1ectrk a • h . We specialize' in, Wiring dmf. all kinds. Let Pea give you an . estimate for wiring your .house or garage, Private Telephones Motors • ynaros Electric Bells: and . Burglar Alarm Systems ALL WORK GUARANTEED Cook, Iron . and Toast by . " 'Electricity - • We have an assonant of the beat Electric Irons and Tsaistersmtide in Canada ROIVT,\ TAIT E K; weir !STK n +; 'if aLJ