HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1920-10-07, Page 7•
Mi. WAWA. I,
TWA1Ve 'sijrMg"
The 'leading 0000401'01111; Seo .: oj,
Western, Ontari% "We have, bean.'
petent, experienced lnnetruCtore. We,
'give. thorough eouron'fefe Sea, Coaunex',
cad. Shorthand: a nd Telegraphy d67.
partments 'Wei aestet;;raduittea
to. ppsltions. ..,s1.2
Write now folic oar free, catalogue.
R•.a: .1 a` _ eePrincipak
11 0 E 11 gtvrn tlar' roy l arxcnt to 'ile T e sty 1
et st, German revaeen Italy and 1.
TURNED Forty -live thauc•,nd riltes a aptured
b1: the Germa.rs tuna lain IleuseFazw
during the ate' have beet( "eat to
eysENT itit' Gm Wrangel.
Wilted liar stn rt?f#licdil lhrr ieW�i
of the 17eepertarient of Soidierd' eiivil
Loa 29 Pounds. ire-establitsk,racnt,
Mime MaeReeeie unci Mise.. Pepier of,
Toronto defeated Miss Alexia ,Stur1-,
D 'a utery is eii.' el the worst forms of Ing and 'Miss tamable lie a foursome
bower compleinle Tire `pains in the eat Y..ambton on Ti..Bele
bowels are nitrate, the diairharges occur- `. THURSDAY.
with great •rapidity, :and are very often A1d..1:alnca lie"11 ixsrs beers clesrtt=d
accompanied by blood. It does toot 4;111104
M qui . of %u idol,
need to perfect (tar any. birth of time Cleveland motif a clear( awe ut
until the whole system as treekentd and
debilitated, and teeny any ether dip the series with "St Louis,
ease coqick undermined the strength, Toronto School teachers are con -
and. bring about icondition of • pro- tittering group insurau ce.
stratien sola utter colispee that often F. H. Keefer. M.P., favorae '.
terzuinateeshletallele sate province in New Ontario:
To cheek the unnatural duecharge,
withol7lt Mriaging oneconecipatki , theca
if only erre remedy to use and this is
IDr•,Feeraleer`'iExtract of Wild Strawberry.
Mr. (. W. MrIregh, Mawer, Sask.
writs:-w"Akout `eight wears ago I had
seiaerre• attack of diarrlekrea which
tunas to dysentery before I gigot better.
I might say I was sick for three weeks,
I weeg'lred ibs . avhen 3 took sick
and 'sveighe 125 lbs. whoa I got it
'stopped. Ithink Ih'tdtried:every medi-
eine 'that was on '.the market and did
no't'fnd relief until 1 tried tDr. Fowler's
‘Extraet �f, Wild Straws,, and one
t,lkiottle• relieved me. 1 think there is
nothing like it for diarrhoea or dysentery.
a Owen) keep t ems on (fend as .a person
does not know `when iso will treed it."
"Dr, Fowier'8" has been on the market
1 for the past 75 years. Dont expert
menu witsome• no -name -no -reputation
'mpunds.They may_ lee us.
to yourhealth.
Price 500. a battle. Manufactured
Deoe. eight! Poa"t rink
nem rte etereii, Fetch pack" '
age ofeelhenrorrd,Dees con,
tains 4trcetie i s oniprt
Met ;my •woman ern.
diamond*, a new, rick
color into old garments,
draperieta coverings, ever
'thiey, . 'whether wool, silk,
Leen, Catton, as mixed geode.
Buy "Diamond Dyes" no
other kied—then perfect re -
*tilts are g teraiteed even if
You have never dyed before.
,ist bu "Discoid Dyes
Coke Qerd,"_-•ld rice) colors.
olid ASTHMA' '
A number o: Tccttwnta divines see Conquered he the �,'4rld'e Only Two-
deenouncing yc z1t Prefiteering. bottle Itetxiedy. Dentt suffer sa minute
•Members of then sunder' i Exchange longer. Send t0-uay ei.3k-day treat.
of Toronto have formed i hew ;two., melt. '1'riel site 2:+0, and guarauteed.
ciaWoodbint Wen the• Stanley Produce 1V" X. • Btt97 Do], Mtp, E.. Tisa,. -
Stakes, run at, \eFoodbine Park on $ wench, fit. E„ Toronto., .
Wednesdtay. •
. It is reported tliatt Sir.Geerge Per epq et,rd a iaitttlster without portfolio
ley Wilk return to Leaden as High i:s the .New,,frueseikl Coverittnent,
Cor. irninaioner, . Many Amerieens„ ere dodging the
The Reds are surplice
i ce Ile Allier lebtb. War lax by Wing railroad
of sc=alding large etupaslaice to 1?olsand tickets In Windsor with Canadian
through Danzig.- money.
Mee. Albert Spencely el .Teterboro, In additlozz to Geraz$n cruisers
aropped dead while playlni# curds at and destroyer&, Waaee le to' get- an
a veterans' party, n additional eetiota of lernising sub-
The ,thirty -8 nth *oath as 4 ;re-,' ,marines. •
suit of the ail' Street, New York, Oliver S. Orden, building egntrae-
explosion is reported. tor, shot hipzself In a tit ref deepen.
:Tbc Welia .t1Tribune and the Tele-er 'eottage near.
graph have awaIgMLrated, to bEs:run T 1xox lz. his soman
aa_an:_independent. paleer.. e. epistyers Benson. 11aIderson and
Raymond Gossens, aged 12, was,in= ' ' Goodivan, of the ;'world's• champion
stands killed by lunching a live wire Falcon boekey "team, have roved -to
on the top of F7xatalriford biridge. Saskatoon. , •
Chiinges in t rales of golf hai'e Wm. Collett of• Prinee Edward Is-
been approved by'tlie Boyd]. and An land wan vl xawned wile bathing at
tient Golf,�Clieb elf :St. Andrew's. the ;south 'of Red river, Winnipeg,.
The. Hamilton Collegiate Institute with leis ion,
girls bow*a-kkC d'ed'to"ween. i tltltlies'• -twee :-'Mart i f lilt _. Intoe -.and
„� �,.. and 'skirts too 'combat high cote- of . Woodbine en the, mile and three-
clothes. quarter..sratoe.for. the Earl o Ilur-
Important Events Which Haws Orangreviiile naon'the O.A.L.A. Infer*" ham's. Gold Challenge pup at Weed-.
Oacturr°ed retiring the Week. med.ia,te title, berating the Mimico and bine Pail.. :
New Toronto team -on the round, bit' (it .proposed to reort3anize .base, -
The Wor18's :Ma (care:. twenty goals. ball, take it • out of the hands of its
usy 1, C1rRe. Joseph Apert. was sentenced at C - present rulers and place it in control
felly • Compiled and Pat Into •sego td five yestrs',imprisonment.foc of a committee of business men after.
Handy and Attx'aaetive ,shape for killing .Louis Tillman at Dunnville dedicating 'it' to the American people,
a eircn s on May .2ti. •
Pelech and Williams of the Chi- i . ,.• h1lsDP fiAx1 `. '
go WhiteSoxfbasebail club confess-
ed that theyaccepp'ed bribes to elfrow
the 1:919 World Series to Cincinnati.
o Fen *only :by The T. Mdbtan: Co,,. Limited,
Toronto. Ont.
�- ealthy. If
th t5txtsi� h,
' ,Its or
aeeldatineoften.Sstfe gentoreetinlL
ktadIDr 'Ste'in�t Tt, Write;oaree�
' �.
Shorthand, Bookkeeping, Bateman.
l li tusiuesaeatb'ects. Open all, ston
neer, Brivate.glasses when preferre
arta to help 'students catch clasare
'when nteeing betweenterms.. •Spec
9p1'8nmmereOurse for teachers.
Tuition .Twelve Dollars permontb,'
;niontbe, 470, (including books).
(Special envie for half day students
and students wishing only one or kW
X t:School'we k and Corrospo
den conrses.a epeoia te.
rent or -sella
3'Plteos to L, 11i: W.IT'I.'Breeident, •