HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1920-10-07, Page 14'- 0 C` a crattlx2 for I?]l 4I1 tgiqa hitt al kind a 1 .El� Sl 4'3 311. ��`"-OAt; �l?t� Alta � areato 71 MMUMOMK QF: PRINTING, 8I1rrIETtl4 , O. Q9--teze. WROL' 1'411 ylti,$C1 Susi• _'444 scul qeMlUz,n67;elw caw 044u, AQ4. llre}•.4, fie 1.A Jaw. mclCactiDev (11)iwt Cee est k elz:. A1'lli. Stiutitkis wItliRllrtlilit4ll.(T,vo $'O1fi Wallet all t oto_ 1• x Fuel Controllers Are Again in Charge Throughout CADERXCII, ONTARIO CANADA, THURSDAY. QCT. 7. 192 0 •Publiehea ISMS' . iltle"r� ,11i? �1,Gi.i8 Vette Cry. Adi4 W,Ile ef foil aretaeri1i 1Watite at t OMA. P ub3: Dominion Owing to decreased Production in Anthracia Fields and Have Very Wide Siert AO Pages Th a Ystk FARMERS aur head ®m811¢ a yntit a comprehen- sive 8wvice in the irut9eetig,ation9 purchase and sale et highltride Government and Municipal Buadsa Sac 1ti8e0 We baso eenixtdied is this department the trio PerileeleA, �udgtrteiit and facilities necessary to c3 such a Service. 11: advice and co-operation in investment 1n1att ae"T<] ESC available at any time by consult- tra8 the local Manager ,1.f the Starling as*. . OF CANADA fe nee f Canada n Co o Cary rtiO`SE WHO NEED LIFE INSURANCE Ie Ih• %Ian ., offset inheritance taxes, thus conserving lis estate. ,c t'1o1' Man ,o lend his growing family a helping hand until they ••au,uppert themselves. :e Married Mac -to assure his family the neoe11' n ..nrluadent incomIle a file Single Mai. 1.14 provide for his old age. 1'very body --t1: aid thrift and create ttnancial independence A Sun Lite Polley will proviaie kr all emergencies. H. R. LONG, Di^'race Agent Yt{10.44'A5' TIME TABLE R Goderlch-l.eavt 6.00 a.m. 1.25 p.m. glamiltoo-Arrive il.lna tu. 8.424 p.m. Toronto- •u.sb 4. n. 6.30 p.m. Toronto -Leas.- Ir u In. 5.10 p.m. aemilton•- z" r In. 4.00 p.m. (lroderieh A,rivr f-: 1)l. 9.55 p.m. (lode/int, yeas• ..0 ,.u1 2.20 p.m• . • at i'orout., aitch: 1.01. 7.35 p.m. Haeulb,u 4rnv.• .. ❑I. 6.5o p.m. rrwt•nto ''•ea,'• 12.55 p.m• 6,.30 p.m. darnitiet -eat .. 7.15 p.m. lodes tl '' :\1.r, • n. 7.10 p.m. LOST 1)R STitAYE':DD LU'T.- A purse runtaluing a such of money. finder please return to 6EORU1, PRII.E am' -.Tel.. "c. ward_ LOST -Black and tau col''• .lug uns8er. t0 the name ..redd)'.' .11 any per son knov,mg anything ,•' in, \%hereabout. kindly Inh,lw the ',wllei'. Hu\\'AHD MT( R• Ll. Guderite i ud.1,1 ,!rphl.ue rk)13 r 3. [� fl (OTRA161, \boo; oei 1st In•'t the er•em. GIRLS e! AN�ED t•J iae+ ,11 ;h• 'oder+last,: R. !:ul- borne. a 111.1n lurknhlrr .00 '\nyou• hearing or the o u•veabout, 1 n,.• 6alnla) please )urnnrlr'itralr 8111 1-11'1)1, Hngl1 rioderu•h R 1t•1l>QI1 ,< Dungannon. 9.4L1. Ok 1 u 1.1:1 .- - - 6ODERICH KNITTING CO.. Ltd. ave for LITi 1siftaice \t1h4111t1 .1 LIFE Insurance aSorda an aa9- imitable opportunity for crea- tion of a sub$t4Utial estate, and provides pcateltiop for 'soar fora - the ' event of your death. Open a savings account with u9 and snake regular depoaata, see that you can seed the premien-et es thee' fall due. 440 UNION BANK OF CANADA Goderich Branch F. Woolcomb, Manager WANT e» WA \TED.---Conlpeteht girl for general 1t1111.e\vork. 111131+. CHAS. ()ARROW. *North St. ANTED-IMMEDIATEL\-A competent girl for general housework. Tele- phone N1. 12, or write to ismer 3311 Goderu•h 1'. 0. LEARN BARBER TRADE -Pen' weeks le. qulred. eiood wages. Sure employ• melt.. write for catalogue and full par, titulars. MOL.ER BARBER C01.I.EIiE, IW Queen •( East Toronto. DOMEa'1'IC WANTED. -1 -wing girl aboul 1J 17 to assist with two children and do light housework. Fine home for right it dl. esired. Opportunity salartu y 1end expected tohool Box 671. STAR. ` 7AN1'ED.- Two ladles of refinement to ♦1 represent large old established New 'fork !louse for this place (000erlch). Permanent position, yielding good Income Experience unnecessary. Pleasant out. side work, all or spare time. Apply t - Box to, r'tAR OF'F'ICE. STORES AND OFFICES FEMALE HEL STORES to 8101) per Mont eas)lly earned by you during spare time by submutfug samples of Personal Greet- ing Card+ to people whorl you meet. Tre• mendou, demand this year. Write for terms and samples free. CARLETON (M) PL'HI.I.HI\G CO., 328 Spadlna Ave. ---- WANTED.-REPRESENTATIVE WANTED For Goderlch mad Huron County to represent "The Old Reliable Fonthlll Nur- series." Big money is to be made selling Nurser)' stork during the reconstruction period. A splendid opportunity for q live sale+elan. Highest commissions paid. handsome free equipment, large line 01 rrult and ornatneutal stock to offer STONE VS ft WELLINGTON, Toronto Ont. HIGHEST WAGES PAI® Oft RENTF'urn.,hrxuw ft ho'.e a,' oderti y11.45 p.M. conveniences Cotner 1.1c1.0.1 611. ,4outh eeta. Apply to Al lisF.`4 N HI El.) GPi.CICL1NT AB1A\I, "' •11. • ' '!" 11 .n.1 L111d ^ .. •„1' II 11 1\ F - •1 11 1• tit 1 +flgr• •a,• e1 NOTU( L. tk T1 lalttord Kr1Ag• '0 be RP floored eminent -lag rr1 tl'\11 If., \••••• .r •10,',halmr" Mootefield'• rIl'le , • Throat Hua -1 r sleet One : ', •F.I 1.',m. Wed e. u. ,,W.."' I'Li• .,nisi•' Nair \ \fel 1 • 1V .Inial 1.,ulnn i , 3. 4. -:hire:: I 1411 rvrllut, PalrI:%( •1 t:. 511,JJ •`011,+11 Eng f'-' r' tor 'It 1L�nh 11 r. I," .. . A' 31 1 •n 'F. 11, ,.. . F -411111; 0 • .141. .1 V • 1. rlh tall!•' •.•a all` ..,1 ' x' .1.,-• 1. ell,, nF '' 1 ,o+ In ran ' 11 u,., • ,,,1 -Irv, T ornntn •'11,11 entered I .•1.1 '„,'1),s.. many Rlln rl, L•1dld 18'1, revld0nrP, hating '111k , gs1488A®l2 rI1F.SDA :)(• 196 11 a 4 p hr 4 s hilt. a 1), then repdrtng •'111 44(1 01:1 a .11111 .'';'. piva'�• a l„VF.i nch-g11hck ' .144' op as 1 :1 'II 11; 41', 1'I' Touchers Irk snot.. wld.rl.•• . SHIENGLESu 111 East Street. .,. 88 E't9,H SE cel •9I a::: •'r..4i A 3F :,; El tilW8 WANT El 4II r. ii1 l'ir agent en, , • ,.1 . 1)e"" im 44peek/motiftl district, .• -ell cul 4 eD ).now •1 fruit and-1rnnne•nt at ;,y Ire(, . •lurch., 1l'' 4 1.411111 1`1\, 1•.'(-.i.l SIlr retiltl lei •fz Tons RiGHT!• fki *RI I;w 11 .pear, • .ohm hit ,udr, ie e .rt .,o ' ond11.00 91 ,,1 l(l.' 1)1' \t it...F:RN F.1 1st 8 4.1 gp 1.13411 1) \ 4: tits 49 11 ••r'. 'et- .,Le)s. •Int" '1. \n, I., 8 * 11.•nlrlmew 1•F:1,H\tl \1 HstP.111 C(►„ .44 to r mote -I 0 1)'41 etICTION ?4ALE.34 t''TION BALE OF rattle 3.TOr.k A\b aIMPLEMENTS. MR. JOHN F1.1 AEI! r•111 24.11 by public aUetlun at I.ol 71, -.1411. 2, Weal \13814140)411, un TUESDAY, O(:T. 12th commeneing at 1 o'clock ,harp Inc lult In Horses -1 gelding, rtsLl,g 7 year+ yid; 1 glare. rising U y1ars old. 1 mare, rtstnll 14 years old, 1 driving marc. 14 ) ears old, quiet and reliable; 1 filly, using 2 years old, general purpose. Lw se. e:utne.-1 cow, rising tl year4 old sup- posed posed to calve Nov. 2nd; row. rising 11 years old, supposed to calve Fite. 1st; L - cow, rising 7 year9 o1d, supposed to calve Jan. end; 1 tow, rifling 5 year:, old, sup- posed to be 111 calf; 1 rue,, rising 4 yoars old, milking, nut bred. 1 roe, rising 3 years old, milking, not bred; 1 cow, rising :, years old, supposed to calve Jun .e4th1 I cow, risme 5 yearn gid. s1) sett, to fern calve May 14th; 2 tel r �1ppl sal 1e' tb tante t.i'..8ale; 4 steers, rising t years ltd; 3 heifers, rising a years old. 2 spring calves• 8 calves 3 months old{ I2 young pigs. 5 weeks old. irnlllemeuls.-1 binder, nearly new, Peer- ing; eering• t mower, nearly 'new. frust & Wood, 1 horse rake, Frost & Wood; 1 cultivator, good as new; 1 Schiller; t steel roller. I set of Iron harrows 3 sections; 1 seed 01.111. 1 Cockshnn wa)legig plow' t set bob- sleighs; 1 wagon and Dox: 1 fanning mill: t top buggy; t set single harness. 1 spi plow harness; 1 set team harness; a spa . City of corn 10 stook; a quantity or turnipg's', tq held. Also a number of small articled tog numerous to mention. ,old, 09 Everything will positively he the farm Is sold. TERMS. -All Sums of 813 alio under, earth; over that amount. 1,) months' credit w•111 be given on furnishing approved feint notes. A discount of 5 per cent. per ant num on credit amounts for cash.,,, JOHN FLI'KER, THOM 1'CNLRY. Proprietor.• Auctioneer. t I'CTION SALE OF FAFt.v ' 1.r'::k 80.1 ••-r IMPLEMENTS ETC dR. dAN Mr\\'H' 1);l, +• by pubnl etude'• 1 i11,40 Aslllleld. 011 11ESD.1 t':IBEI' •.;ntnletlllIg at • u'`lor,• +1.6'';. x TOWN TOPICS Children's Aid Society The (totobtr stetting of the C. A. S. will be held Tuesday, ort. 12th, at 4.25 p. tl. In the Court Clouse. Ar-' rangements will be made fur holding the annual business meeting and a god ;(attendance le desired. yl. Wlallo.ns Whey lite Cup The lural singles tournanienl la ten - rue was concluded on Saturday last. T. R. llarrieon beat W. 11. Hutchinson and 11. Williams beat Mr. Hutgbtaeon. Mr. Williams Is thus the winner of the 1020 cup. 't tournament is now being arranger in men'. doubles. Hallowe'en Spook Party • The Allnleek Chapter. 1. U. U. E., announces a spook party for t)ct. 20th in the Masonle Hall. (Rey domluues and masks will be the rule ter gentle. glen dancers and white gornilees and sisals for ladles. Refreshments wilt to served. Admission 50 cents, Mane• 11141 a; 1) rl'cbselt. 1 ®O k A-, 51. 4.11344d5'S rffi detfr •I,'iil lA FiB % 411 iB $! E7 IE \1 4 1111\ •\l.l!� e l') sal',. ,'\.• y. v. l: 1,F • 11•' 1 \5..1 `1...1 , • ',•Ir 1 :5 •111/ . 4' .1 ' 111 .114•- IAI' - a I Ai ways on hand a• a, It &W .\1Altut. L , l A. , 1 hell 1.1 • \y al' ' t Rr)IiE It 1 n.. f u' 4i4' , 1'111 vu1. el 11)1{. Iii:til F. I ,,.,.,1 rgl•t•' LAi I'I. 1. ,• 4 RI EIRSPIekttrrags*lass aN8ces:tuieldent84Foee ss 10 1 Pa 41 es P FOR SALE 83 ISR to • vo/'- f g9 .038E10805 g4 `NITS PINS i ...:blmm®Iia®® g 4 eeY 2 in . 4 in I, ,' f,1,0 2 lia Rd 2 to • 6 In 8 in I iI in. a 41 rm a and 12 in o CI lcyrui 0 1 in \ 11 II34 in and 4p '0 fie e 40 11 ALL I.I£NGTIIS 8 en. F1.1 8 ® 8 ° IP 10 Tito G1®d®rich Oridol Co. E. de CoP1. nn� ® ' ,IMITFr 'YYPr. sash, ,n 1 � n ei0 001111110e 01714ds 41 41169 cla]tCt'esenneit aSitverseeson.iAi'euep'IIIe7Jvetseeleeleilnel it 35..44 14.61;110 rP1 {5• 1 IN(kl a14AS Ori' Car 5XB.C. Cedar flad D n r Gar 3 X B. C. Cedar IIECEIVE© THUS WEE The Goderuuh Planing Mill Co., EBETEID. n In ' 11boo© 4? Jnr.r•..+.i•..�,,�•.�as•'.w*-s.�rv�vA� .a- ^-... ."�.---t1.. ��,.t•'--•..-'4 '- .: '-wvw 141 Reeling Niagara In Grape.. 11e\\ is this far a l'Pet)41 for this part o3 ttie country beating out ee• hlhtors front St. Catharines. N agars And 1:hulhanr for the three Mess and best hunches of grapes. Tiiiiiil-4t Ia the aerotuplishment that goes to the rtwdtt of Mr. (leu. Laith\vaite•, at Maple Leaf Farm, at one ,af the fair.. llerses,-1 'Mrs* aged, mir '110•'' )'cal', cid. I:IdHe-1 cow. years 'Io, ,:u,• !anual•y 14th, 1 row. 5 years old, due Januar; 1Nth, I eoW, 3 yelU'rr old. Ctitil .45111.1611"), 24itn; 1 vow. 5 years old, duo Aprlf Alst; R steers*, 1 year old. 2 heifers, 1 year old • helfet ewes, 2 steer •'aloe• Luplrale1ls.-3161st)'-ilar'i' 1111)11'. a :. • le' Massey -Harris .1".4• ','f:. 'u., •ria• •• Harris sharps ak.. \16+re)'-,lurr- .riuller, ''hanpd111. •. . 1.l',, , hoe- :.1•' 'ul''n,rk (Pse. „111111• imp) .•.,11er 011. Iyer wagon 11'1 ,. lgni settees, a1. ':cher' Bugg; 41 'r .)411'11•, ha} 'aril -•e1 , 0'041 hnr;01. .11alliaIll :11111dpC 4111!: } 11.111') 1.1114 1' '. Ienl ,' ',i1)'4 ,• '+1144.141141:.'1•. .11.1, •ear. • ''g5' 1(0(114',4ndu• .far..... •c •'1>(1 'labile+•• • .• flea. ' Illgl- 11:1"1••+ Nfl1l+p.b/' , ' . , y1,' .rail' :ht. 1n"- 1 ,•, •-"L, .4 j111111111%'114) art' ,•,. r"Illlb.. :Urn Boo' '1,11. .1 haul,, 111'• i'.' rnrllll', seta N 030 of Faucet of the nacic\itili»ry novo of $yetis spleiteat eonfevence` r' slips 'there. Tho Company wilt mantttaettlre aedttlllteteo ItiOnSht best and Wesq phonographs and eftpleets tea employ eoll.raged its thole advance's they wei'o t%) hands, alerting Ln the neer future. Inetrueled to sisalst lel arrangiel foe a Interment of Basset Potter ' spiritual conference of all they might - tees of tato varlou t churches in the/ conl1ins the following 11IItnouhecment aat)ullting cOtnfUOltles. wbteh is of local Interest as the .refer-� PrOgrensts In belt Opaanl/allon epee le to the tun of the late Bev. At 'lite meeting gaited tor t 4dsy Potter, who at one time wets pastor in the 1'39=1 of Trade Neese pial fttl? its victoria street Methodist thurchit Iniereete eft golf 11)"(i0det'Qall' Well poor- (luderle'h : ty attended 'brat .eonslderablo frosts Wail aAceldeutatty drowned Nov. 10th, done. 'the aWMM is l0 (heist a #30 sub - Ott), In Saginaw flay, hear Bay City, j ser317tiolie of 810 each W tIo or&aanirai- Mich. A. J. tltert) Potter, of Detroit, tion, which will probt)b1y be formed only sou of Mrs. and the late Rev. Austin Potter, Dundee, Ont. Body re- covered September 1eth, 1920, inter- ment at Hanco(tit, suet." Huber New* The steamer Martian was In on Tuesday with 200,000 1)11SlIelS of whets; for the uoderioll Elevator. The barge Mingoe Its to port unload- ing a cargo of 1000 tyns of lump coat for the Western teenada Flour Nltllia 1:11. Tho tug Russell, dredge. 'IZingefurd a 41Lt '11.11\\ 14 and the tug Fu t•1•eat are 111 putl`'joday sheltering e1n Utter way Elected to Council of Grain Growers' .eeri'11 We Are pleased 111 note In 111" Sept '.'1.h fir" .e . r Market F.\ 14 ..144 )f 'Th g . li 1 h iattpl7shrd al Calgary, the portrait of air. C. M. Elliott, Sun of \tr. and Mrs. G. Ni. Elliott, of town, Mr. Elliott has been elected to the riluntel of the failed (train Gross-ers and is superin- tendent of the grain department of the train diro\vers' Association, and a tdenl4,er 11f ,the ttalgafy (lraln lllxl- ehlan¢r4. SI. Geortle's to Be Steam heated Mr. 4:. J. Harper has been awarded the eontract for Oa -galling a • steam heeling system in Pt. t;eorge's rhurolV at a prier of 53,550, the work, to be eotnpleteel by Dee. 1st, 1020. T18(' Church Velli has agreed to raise 81,- 000 In tw'o years towards the Bost ••f the 'heating system. $250 to be paid foethwttle and a canvass Is In pre treat+ among the congregation to ratite the balance of the cosi by 'tperial sub- scrintton. Rife Association , y. r•, -' . n;' aril, ,.. '2 'uuuih• .1111 A111 • N I 111•. ll'q 11y'1.., ...it.. 411""...1 1 a•;P • elle '3e'11:' • F'..•r.1111,1: 1 r .',I,1. A• •. r 1 'w. th 1•'i" xf 1•1'?; d 0 .1 .IIs I, •h•ef'••II :f satisfactory arrangements can be made a oonteet will be held on Thanks- giving day. Members will get all infor- mation from the captain. The auditors appointed for the ensuing year are: J. B. McKay and H. W. Simmonds. The ar- rangements for an indoor rifle range for the winter are now in the hand@ of a committee composed of A. F. Sturdy convener, J. W Murray and J. McVioar. This committee w111 be glace to recieve 1 compan; `Nal. hear.' tlf:' aieuagement suggestious from members. decided lee •Irb well.' le, 141 'ttr;t'• Winghum nateWlteyers 1(uppot1 4,4 law th.e h4' th'.'1 frac. " .rn' 1111•-`" ,all.•.' '•, 'n4' It,t\airs' t' s\ioghalu '1.i Mau- up :.1' :\I1!Ir• . r. t'r.'o l,c.':'.l II$ Alfler 1)a, g,lt.• ;I tare. :ah' 11 fa\or 14 a trying lc crr,utare , •,,iretiase Itte " *10 OM 1(113' .).1'n,e11, Pmt 8 :minis11 Mel 7o • ,otwerer, i1.; Mul- e 1nal- hitcal'tihl4 to Toronto. The steamer Winona is due on Fri- day' with .l ''l,el'gu of wheal for the El -setter Co, altkthe Monarchy Is dee ue•kt week. • _ f+>♦ Baptist Pastille ilnrried Congratulations are Id- order to Rev \t1. 1 h't:aulef, pallor of b-li' 150der11311 Baptist churcdt. 'whose • na1•ri:1ge to Miss Whiting look' pian' on 'hgI'1ela) St. v • 1 11. •r1• T110111,4,4 1)l ha at 1 r s 1\erlt 3l T 4 1 u this ( dense of 111e bride's there, Rev. ST.. McCulley wilt be absent from his pile pa for three Sundays anti for.," • the corning Sunday Rev. J. E. Kurdwill (Peep)' It. (111 their return Irl tow (l Rev. and Mrs Stcl'eulay wilt oscop) the residence recently purcthasel by the Church for their pastor the •lamer• sun Reid house. Sirs. e a. Humber attended the wedding. Canadians Will li'ill Erect Memorials in l/ rases R".. H. (., Mellernild has ectepted the 'position of secretary for :r county committee+ In connection \\ Itti the me- morial lnstituliunai •churell \vhleh the Protestants of Clinaela intend erecting at Lens, Franc.', for the Preteetante of France, and has eel.melted '1Uh him- self Rel Mr. !lardy as ohalrnnar. and Elev. Mr. Reyorafl as tree.11rer A special offering is to be taken epeeists: second Sunday 1f No\enlher f,ir this purpose. The Roman l)dtholie' of Canada are undertaking' tate rebuild- ing of lie root I.3 l -U,'11114 l:,ath.virel for theli :.•-reifgionist,l 111 Franc.. d411.e's Bear ,111.17.'•' has hid ae'.ernl Liffef'i' fol' lh• p4! bear wholt he :•lpolrrlt w'heh 14 :e1'rapwi off ')ni of the grain stateliest-. 111 pori non' weok•. Age. When Ili. pees!: eerie 'Ayer Shows (}s a Joint°ascetic connaatly. Th19 Woulet ratite a7.500, 57.500, tvftioh' would build the club house and provide to otherl.'bs pensee Of a capital nature. .At MOM': only 25 per cent. of the subserlptUUu0te beteg called, called, or ?2 a share, the ballotage payable Inp the spring. No 011n14s9100 has been done but already about - itUtld of the stock has peen S 1baeribeel„ whlrh means that praotcallyallftY per. ,sans have bacons;` interested In golf its Ceder►ch, as members of an orllllnl - • 0140, and there amens no doubt of a successful elub' for next season. gar. Dan. Alacdonald has been acting • aa. chairman of the committee and M. T. 1t. Harrison secretary, ill. a the O. T. A. Apply Io ItittrOP • Petitions are being eirenl&ted throughout Huron County and Perth asking the Dominion (1oetentinent to .. snspentl the t::anada Temperaheo A01. a Federal numsere, to permit Of the l.ltrtanjd Temperance -Act, 1vJtleti.-18._ Side'red More effective, being 'pat into . e• ,'r• r' ff t In theme `o '•1 s r t un to t •. i! 1. N n t'gsa c 1.Y to have the pet'ftions owned by 23 per regL of Ike, eleetortt of the Connty be- fore the• Dominion Cabinet ran act 'n - til' matter. The petitions are bein' very largely signed and will ' he for- warded to nttawa In a fele days. it le expected that the Change will he readi- ly granted, and that the 0. T. A. wide cuter into effect In Huron during We month. With the 0. T. A. In force in Huron the authorities would have the machinery of the Ontario Llc&nse COM -- mission at. Its cottlmand 18 securing rood enforeentent of the act. -Should' ., the 0. T. A. cease to exist at any time, It 1st pointed out the suspension of the unlarlu Temperance Act could bo' lifted .and the federal measure would 64116111 beeonue operative. Report of Sanitary Inspector of low#' its tbo meeting 01 the Board of Health do Monday afternoon the report of Misr. Weir's sanitary inspection of the town was presented. It shows that he made 1880 inspections, leaned 27 notices. found 375 dry earth closet@, 87 premises whore there were no closets ( este would be 4iotly lewdness premise •), 67 parties that keep pigs, 181 pigs Ise 1,97 cels' • • ' : and 234 peen -lees tr at no se ago 0o : eeriest.i6r. Weir epenb 107 hours on '' is worts and his • 000unt an of 55.45 was passed. Th , members present' - the Begird ng consist Medical t ties Officer and -fiber Meyers It was decided to continuo the collec- tion of garbage until Oct. 91st and then (Discontinue for the ebasdn. • . ,lye! 4 IaI),Olq; fur • 4"', tea: 1. 0.141•1•i .,,11 ' :0,1 1n anewor to oorrenpaudonce from the '. .• h. '41••, '11`.."."4 "'1 Board. eoncorne at the dock are improv- ,'," la; 1.• i1 :1••' leg thee. sewtsge disposal. The ()oda- - r rich Elevator and TransitC'c. sabmltted 1•'1,' x, stzetcb of she plan It proposes adopIl- HII<.,. • 'ug, ,int: 1hlh will bo sent on to the Fret - .1. •incla 9ioa ' of Health for approval... , else Babe 'mile- :re aslted for e, eltetcb of she seean)ter eget oropulttse leaking, and .•Id.11S'' ' ,no '. :' ' )f'et '(1 ;c '1Z 4.4434t RC Mb - •'0. 1:14!, '11111: .40'lp.lny 1.1,' f.' 1 11 - 1ft elt:Ll:;. FOR SAL)' se11 --1 , 014' •1 Iia h. n:), 1'F Rrphl,r ,t .1.1:, I• '. 1;., 1 � ' . 4 , ,•,.. 11,, ', "f 1 ' • -+Ilea' . ., .11111,.,1. ' .alter ,. .. supplied :n•4 . 1 .4r... •'he1lpar•ltnr ''•1 , 1 . e sse ;leers., 1 .1,.'t ,\'PI: •11'145!:. 1 I , .'' .1. \\'111 ,.•,;; . ,1H411' '1'.11110 r. tis 111tP �9e'W1t1� Machtnee 1- R rht)(np1on. British l.% .'hanger Hotel. Agent 1•u1l ruppll •.,• nealllo. RF:II a1 ',II. 24',1, If ..- .._I _f' q . •• a. •I„• 1. ..111\ erre.. •al v I '31 hllpletilellls. \4... ,, '. ILu' 1. hln,1rl •. ' 1)t. x1,..,11)1k n"•8'•1 NII „1 nn. h reit, Y.tn, •14 hA4 '"a')"' hump 1031114' .preanal \I A •+". 111+rr'' 1..t1.1111,1 .41 111 x13.,'. Iia. 4 I1• 11111 \)q.,'•. )141. .t'.rl I111er7 1 11•.+1 6 \\'•'•1 •'.'I„6)''? ..•1 f.1 11Ar 118.1 \.,•.. 1111.04e. 'u I,•" -r 1 ilrh,.-r - 1 ru'n,t 11,1,10 I,'...0 a /Ilkln;l .�rn- 1.118 51 5 p1).,. 83g^" 115) 1 e,3g'1q "N xp1 sad hI'.1; 11114.1 '•.h" l 111rN4 plan„ b.'. ''Ilt.•r P...11 Ind .110113 h' •" 6 n,.1. .4'.•,1 ,) Ill 1 1""'1 II'' t" yet .I.• irll+ set 1•,5 11111k, 11111 81,1'I I q1. k\ .. 1 Ilq. fake. 1311'1 ''l' 1 .1'fr -• ' "' 18'- +ala 1.111,1(, I,i4rlrya •111. yet vingl'I 1 ,fit"r xnd Beal, hal , 1..t.•, 1 I n••' +.' -' n' qa1 fie., 11.11,,,,n1:11,, 3. 1.A. k 8 aerie k 8 4g•,n b1,R 11,.1 1'. all 11•r1r ,. A'1 •0 -)''1I•' N,A,41 1„'. ''111,I,N 14,1. rarlrllllir 111111 .01 ee(P 1 B alk1)•N (2•,1. • + . 1.41 1 ..r yetis. 8 heel ha, Hee( /I Ili I'•„ 11111)4 p1"'' •'"I• I, AI N11111)'I''' .' 41 .141) 4 4)1. 1,14 .1 tU'i •net. 4 •s. 11'11- II., b'IV1' b.Ig44 sumer. • 1,1'. 1 ,anler p' 'Ililu• 611g"1 low fink ,,,k,. • ,,,qn .•+'11.•1 hag h.1,1e1 ..t 1.1.9.••• h.,rar 1,11126., .41 811.1 b.-4 VIA ••• I •e11h4 • ah"1'I' .I'pp 1.,g A11*')1111I'll( ('IAtn Irl .ldlllp ' luduu rqul,ulg 'n'', I '-, pna4 ,Ir. •:• atlar11rn4tlt men -tie .Ppgl1tlt 1,34 (..,k 11101 -. 3h•• " relic„" Nx••,•, 11x,I'I Ilr1•Ant I,A. (,.1.k 'ha'1. air'.•' .,i e1 1 - PAN `• 1••f• .111'1 „7.11,10 „13(,'1111,1. . hllr'1 Ip0Alrilt. '.1 .q.0_1 7.1.,• ..4•yul. •ant," ••11141 p.'.1 pn lee 11,0.' End ^,1e 11 .III - • , ' , d . . 17, •, 05, 1 ' „tl'fL' ; 1)l •.4118? • hart., ,q1 • ..3k .., 111 '• ,A, • la'. rA•1 •1*1 A," ', P1:1 111 M0', • • laic 1• .l .4-, vq1 F n11 1-4)131' I, -14. , ,.l':': , ,,. . „i, 1 hl 14 •4 ,,,;, .. I,, Ir, IAn11 .111 1 ' 1'' 1 )' 1, 'F- r •1 ' ' 'r f. 'h• 1.,111," ha ' 111.111 1.4p! .11 a, r •.,,y Ate, "11: ,.. f,•'n , ' •.1 , t / . .. ,•e' .;04 . ., e1• 11• x1.1.•'1.11, 131'14, „1111nnerr .111..' SHORTHO N SALV iU HIGH (LASS sHo MORN-) )f- t t- RF:i) A r PO;fli.l( iCTiON. 1 �" Ilesday, Octobe 1 2t,-1. ClInt()t commencing at 1 0 clocit voting t owe ting Heifers) with Calvet, .11 aide ocean, hreedlna nee bred to prominent olreo of the breed gold .n field condition and el-ould do well For the port .haer f1. PLAN TO ATTEND AND ��� WRITE. ¢()R CATALOG TO ' ie\ NEP. 1 •1 e.1 . Int. 1403. 4;114'0 moo 1.,• .. t•1. G. F. CAREY ?I1u.r• 4.t, Itpnt'nt (.041 etre... For ',irk. ': . 11 Iion 44•': o". i,Pdce• street ono ,tort' 'P" ' steel each Fur dace ' -' ' . ':, ' . • "t rPf t • . • .- ' h .n l - . lo, . 1911. •14.(:1• u a ha -Mgr 1 1P 'ate ren r1.,•' 4 I1+' - I1. \. r,, @�''r •... '.. fa., .P, ,1 :i;'fi44•W"4 5111c,.,F36F dei 4 GRAORaE'S 1 i 48Z111FIAEIICI AND REM E010.11f1 to 4. F'ar -1i.'- a 0 Ed 1. t.-••( Ise• • dl R} . I ,1, 4 '-Ir h 4 le1' l3 ,,.Ir 'r 2 8 IS 'Id' rs e e ,I 8 Se 4 0 NI el �46�, gli0 I nat5r 0 1.1 1•, I• • am 15 - 1• a ,'1 •,nnd1'i Bl 17 •fie.,, 11 r.. a 4•..1 '6bl• G q11 mot.' f. *f rd 9 Ig d a1.1 4 -.'talc:vl '41 Gf*0347in'." gi )e - 4.,.. 1 'l let ;...ail 41•1. ',ob. el . '' ''l1.• niAr • ll"n111 ,1! tiQ I4 ser• 'Oaf 'r'e. iter, set Y 8 .s d lel elES tiro 1.. • 1 l'1 heel aeleve a tyreeeeasieee e rJrgQQetesc serge A• hi'' 1F'. de. , ' it .11, is • ill.. • %%di'. .r' • ' I .11 1111 . 1•k enferen• 4. 1)1.11.1 •t 1• \ \1'71 11) \ 1i 1 •li•:'\1d61ADO. • 11 ' ',•)tel.11lun, and I.. ;•. .' 1.he drink teat - wee. • Ile.; 'snails,. 1: • ,Ile 1 1 ..r. :l them :•Ihc earl. 1 a pl . .,.• I • 0.. lee ,1 faze. . 1'1lt' '.liens +.c-.. 11 tttlitel.t';1-os. • 'r'f 11 •. k, ''03)ll• 1 nn ^:1t Nfyer'te •11 ..'e.:•l .. . eel. . .1e• same . t. - nee r• rt? •, .. . "•h s "r 0ndlvideea• ('n. rile 1" 1(F'(is-I5:F .II 111 1:11n gala :. .'11. • ,.'h .1...I"I••,111•nt9 at lot „n • ., • •anu.h, rd4nmen- -I d•( 1 '11ck '1111` e1.aWWCrel. •• \I)k .. 1ut5- ,,,, ..4• id sre. ••cellestale of e 1101' 1:1 tn'. rmplrmonll .4l tut ti. elegies: r . r " :.^IiNMfle, r'llirte'nring at ,"'. • .I •n4' , •l..rti 1'1 ',l4),, 1••:I>\, eruprle✓ 1•'•. :1 •'•h .nell.neer. 1 Ai It\ 1. m.ii.‘`t. n;i'. 2:th - e:hultrhlg 41-•n•`dla' 1.'.: 'n ..11•' ..f farm stork at lot 8, . , .ishth!hI, cnftl►nenetn(-� at -: +`'''ll 'f. 74)HlSTI)N, pre)•'• • '.Intl ..uetloneer. NI, 11. . ' i \ lt1tt0nitt4 • II.1' 11• vo• •semi..•• etas. +I .' phsm M • 111 ;tet '1 11.., .1 p,. 13th. 'JIl. . , . ;5(1. 141. nptnrrlao %t 41•, 1• ,... ...wt.!' 411010 .1'•i11. . • r .1•" 1.041• •'t'0111 xi• .i •'•:' pa •Y1" •;r, •t \()1)1171 1 It 14.14 1 . • • +i''Sj0" II" fi' ,•..11511 10 e. scup;' Va. • 4v •,:. Y •• ..are\ 'gra t(.a91- n ' 1, - - ''1 ftobe!t? sr. I.. -1.,l Hr: ll., • 1 inll.tlnrr .Int WHEAT PARTICIPATION CERTIFICATES sial\'F your certificates with this Banes Ind we will collect for you th€: final payment which will probabiy be aeith- )ri2t:d by the Whet Board about the 1).r toilvf cm THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE PAID-UP CAPITAL • - al5.000.000 REVAW FUND - . $ 15.000000 (1OD1f:fitC t ETZANCEI, O. Wilt2aa145, 'tfaoager. '.. 1.t\ ,..... __ . :sell✓ Y I'L•,r,,;;,,,':.. \+( 1.i :,.•., ..,`.a..`._..1. -,•.... • a1. • 1I 1.l a '; t)i w