HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1898-5-13, Page 56 THE (Utter bxrfcat.e�,. Is published every Thursday Morning, at the omce,. ¥AIN -STREET, — EXETER. ---By the— ADVOCATE, PUBLISH INO COMPANY TERUfS OF SUBSCI WTION. one. Dollar per annum if paid in A.dvanoe $1.50 ifnetso paid. Sall vrt; n e•eZat a3 oze. tae.e. No paper discontinued until all arrearag es are paid. Advertisements without eyeei.fie i s i to will lbebis i i area n 1o. t lard till forbid and, ehargelaccordingly. Liberal discount made for transelent advertisements inserted for long periods. Every description et JOB PRINTING turned out in the finest style, and at moderate rakes. Cheques,moneyord- ers, &a. for advertising, subscriptions,ete.to be made payable to 0has. D. Sanders, EDITOR Alio. PROP Professional Cards. IL EINSATAN, L. D. S. & D. A. R. Ii ZNSA£ 3N, L D. S., D. D. S., Honor graduate of Toronto University, DENTISTS Teeth extracted without any pain, or any Ned effects. Office in Fanson'x Bleck, west side 1,£ nn Street, Exeter, Irste,`--17 D R. D. ALTON ANDERSON, (D.D-S.,L.D.Se) honors Graduate of the Toronto rni• ratty and Royal College of Dental Surgeans of Ontario. Tooth extracted withoutain. A,11 modes of Deutietry up to ,late. Ofltce over Elliot S Elliot s lazy office—apposite Ceti frit Ito tcl—Exeter, OIRVVefemeiviamovivvwfVVVVVVWVVVIVIVIVVVVV tiedenal Fars. T A. ROLLINS 3t T A. A.11£OS Jt! Residences, came as formerly OFFICES, Spaol:m an, building. Hain St. Dr, Rollins' office; same as formerly --north door. pr. Amo' omoe, stamp building --south r. . .oMay M. D, T. £Muss t.M.D TILT, P. A£t?IaAMEMBER EMBER. 4F • the College of PhYsieiaus and Surgoons Ontario, ra fehas oL ti and Aaaouo►- u0f10D hgo Qnt 13, COLLINS, BARRISTER,SOLICIT- • OR, Ciouvoyaaneer, Notary Public. Moe—Over O'Neil's Bank, Exeter, Ontario. gonew to Loan. FI,DIO1;5ON,BARRISTER,SOI.ICITOR, ▪ . of Supreme Court, Notary Pnbiio, Con- vevanoor, ContrailsUtter, Sm. Money to loan Of lee—Fansou's I11oek,Fxeter 1'LLIOT & GLAI)MAN. BARRISTERS, i'a Eto... Conveyancers. and, Money to Roan at 5 and 5'; per cent. 11, V. EL LIOT. F. W. GLAnnx:;•. Axe ration ears Ba01,v Wincheisaa, Licensed :tact - /A.. tonoer for the Counties of Perth and Mlddlosox, also for the township ofL sborne Sales prom ptly atttmilled to anti, terms rea- eonbalo.Salee arranged at Pest office. Wile- oleeisea. •••••••••_.__.rr.>r Insurance. E ELLIOT, Insuranoo Agent, Main St. Exeter WANTED, HELI'. Reliable man iu every locality, local or travelling, to introduce a new discovers and keep our show cardetaeked up an trees,fencea and bridges throughout town and country. Steady employ.mell t,cou)ntission or salary. kot. per mouth and expanses, and money de- posited in any bank when started. Fox'par• tioniar:s write" WWorld Medical Electric Co." London, Ont, Canada. 2-2 Os Tull; NIMSLO A. HARRISON Iiusinef4C anti Shorthand College Cor.'Voting and, College Sts., Toronto is au absolutely first-class Business School In.dividualinstruotion by cx perienced teneh- ora liolwling highest qualtflcatiens, Goon re• suits. Prospectus mailed free. Enter now, IL, 0.:' mwo I'.li,I',l9• Jas, Harrison Jt'rinciifalta Undergraduate of Toronto University and S of P. B. o Don- er, Toon r '�Tood s P'hosphodine, - „A, '4,3*: r ,. `M The Great English Remedy. Sold and recommended by all druggists in Canada. Only reli- able medicine discovered. Biz packages guaranteed to cure all teems of Sexual Weakness, all effects of abuse or excess, Mental Worry, Excessive use of To- bacco, Opium or Stimulants. Mailed on receipt of price, ono package 31, six, $5. One wiii please, six toial cure. Pamphlets free to any address. The Wood Company, Windsor, Ont. ''Wood`s Phosphodrne as sold in Exeter by J. W. Browing„druggist. g est. dru 1 , FAR ERS! You will find at Bisset's Warerooms the following line of Agricultural Implements Deering. Binders, Mowers, Roller and Ball Bearings, Steel Sulky Rakes. A full line of Seed Drills, Cultivators, Disc and Diamond Harrows, Plows, and Turnip Drills. SEWING MACHINES ETC. The celebrated Raymond sewing machince. . , . Knoll Washer and wringers. STOVES._...sgask A 0 s and Gurney stoves and furnaces G I S The Chatham Wagon and a full lino of the celebrated McLaughlin buggies 66 MA E t,;}E A MAN AJAX TABLETS POSITIVELY CURE ALL Nervous Inseases—Failing :Mom. ory,Impotency, Sleeplessness, etc., caused by Abuse or other Excesses and Indis- oretione.. 27eoy garb:da, and surety restore Lost Vitality inoil or young: and fit a man for study, business or marriage. Prevent Insanity and Consumption if to en in tune. Their use shows immediate improve- ment and effects a CURE where all other fail In- sist upon having the genuine Ajax .Tablets. They have cured thousands and will cure you. re give a pos- itive written guarantee to Direct a euro La rile in each case or refund the money. Price W11 W 1 e7, per package; or six; pkges (fulltreatment) for $2.50.. By email, n lain wrapper, upon receipt of rice. Circular a'ee, AJAX REMEDY CO'., 79 w nR oruf 13101d is .Exeter by 1C. tuts, Druggist EXETER MARKETS.. (Changed every Wednesday) Wheat per bushel , . $1 11 to i is Flour per ewt . , as,oe Barley 35 to 40 Oats 31 to 33 Yeas 50 to 62 Butter - 12 to 1:1 Pogs b ttatoes porbag 75 to 50 Rayper ton.-....... 7.00 to 8.00 DrieApples per it. .. 4 A Veteran's Voice Gives High Praise to Hood's for Health Blood Purified—Strength Built up— Tobacco Habit Cured. Many a veteran of the war, whose health was wrecked by wounds, ex- posure anti privation, bas found in Hood's Sarsaparilla just the tonic and blood revivinl,r effects he needed, The following is one out of hundreds of of letters from G. A. R. boys praise thg Hood's Sarsaparilla for health re- stored and strength renewed in de- °lining years. "0.1. Hood d$ Co., Lowell, Mass. "Dear Sirs: On account of the great benefit Hood's Sarsaparilla has been to Rio, I gladly write thie, that others Simi. early afflicted nay learn of the suceeaae of the medicine in ray ease and a positive cure for them. Thad been A Physical Wreck since 186, and had also been a constant smokerfor35 years, lify wife purchased the T1rst bottle of Hood's Sarsaparilla and I commeneed to take it more to please her than anything else. One bottle after another was taken with increasing benefit= The effect was of a atronghening nature, toning up my whole system. Atter I had been taking the nhedicino a short time, I laid away my pipe and bave not had any desire for the use of tobacco since. Idood's Sareaparflla hu thoroughly purified any blood and driven all poison oat of my system. It has also done me A Power of Good physically, and I feel like a new shad free man. Previously, I had tried a good many different times to stop =molting, and to regain my health, but I was unable to ac- complish the former, so that my attelnp: for the latter was each time a failure. I am pleased to recommend Hood's Sarsapa- rilla as a blood purifier." J. R. 'IVIOP.UDErr,. En -Commander Ness Post, No, 81, G. A. B., Dept. of 1ausaa, Brownsville, Wash. N. B. If you decide to take Hood's Sar- geparilla do not be induced to buy any substitute; insist upon hood's and only Hood's Sarsaparilla The One True Blood Purifier, Sold by all druggists. Price, $1 per: bottle; six for £.5. 1 act harmoniously wit], 1 900 , S PHIS Hood's Sarsaparilla. FOR TWEWFYaSEV t YEARS. THFCOOK'S BEST FRIEND LARGEST SALE 1N CAr-AS ,. 'I'hae franchise, superannuation and plebiscites hills will be before the Sen. ate thiseek it . the G. T ill will construct 25() re frigera1tor cars for the general service of the system. Adam \aneickin and J Smith, of West Lawrence, Ont., were killed in the a-'hi4•+r11 sue slide. K ie & kat 1'tai _ + ,, The Leading Specialists of America 20 YEARS iO DETROIT. 250,000 CORM WE CU F. - EMISSKINS Nothing can be more demoralizing to young or middle-aged men than thepres- ence of those "nightly losses." They produce weakness nervousness, a feeling of disgustaud a whole train of symptoms They unfit a man for business arried life and social happiness. N'mo matter whether caused by evil habits in youth, natural weakness or sexual excesses, our Now Method Treatment will positively euro you. NO CURE.— NO PAY ''Rader, you need help. Early abuse or later excesses may have weakened you. Exposure may have diseased you. You are not safe till cured. Our New Method will cure you. You run no risk. 2509®00 MED Young Man ---You aro pale, feeble and haggard; nervous, irritable and ex- citable. You become forgetful, morose, and despondent; blotches and pimples, sunken eyes, wrinkled face, stooping form and downcast countenance reveal the blight of your existence. Wit CQ,I R1 C CELE, No matter how serious your case may be, orhow long you may have ha,d it, our NEW METHOD) TREATMENT willoure Dura it. The "wormy veins" return to their normal condition and hence the sexual organs receive proper nourish- ment. Tho organs become vitalized, all unnatural Braine or losses cease and manly 1ow0rs return. No temporary bene out a permanent etre a stied. NO CURE NO PAY. N0 OP11RA- TION NECESSARY. SARY. NO' DETEN- TION PROM BTISINESS. CURES GUARA TE We treat and euro SYPUJ.LlS, GLEET, EMISSIONS, I?t4PO1'L+NOY, STRICTURE. VA111COCGItL SEM LOSSES, BLADDER, AND 1Z.il)- NEY diseases. CONSULTATION ]PREF.,. BOORS iPlth,E. CHARGES MODERATE. If unable to call, write for a QUESTION BLAN1'£ for HOME TREATMENT. K , toAN ENNEDY ERG 148 SHELBY STREET, DETROIT, MIC'I. ter eite to 8i, UNCLE SAC'S TROOPS SET SAIL FOR CUBA BY THE TRANS- PORT STEAMER GUSSIE. A Lot of Ammunition and Hundreds of Boxes of Provisions Will Be in the Cargo --A Landing to De :Wade iu Cuba Near Havana—. General 'War News.,, Tampa, Fla., May 10.—The steamer (lassie, ono of the Mallory Lino boats, chartered by the Government for use as a transport, will sail for Cuba this morn- ing, loaded with arms, amintinition and supplies, furnished by the United States (lovernxnent, for tlio use of the Cuban insurgents. nsur„ents. A company of 100 United States troops, the First Regianent of In- fantry, will accompany the expedition and aid in guaraing the landing of the valuable cargo, and will, it necessary, penetrate into the interior far enough to place the supplies in the bands of the insurgents. The expedition will be in charge of Capt. W. 1I. Dorst, General Miles' aide, who has just returned from Cuba. The Gussie has on board between six and seven thousand Springfield rifles, about „00,000 rounds of ammunition, and several hundred boxes of provisions, con- sisting principally of canned meats and hard tack. The utmost secrecy is main- tained regarding the point of landing_ but, in view of nape Dorst'srocont land- ing near Havana, where he conhluuui- ceted with the insurgent leader, (')anent Delgado, it is believed, that the exiled'. tion will be headed for a point not far from Havana. Tito Oussie had mounted on her forward leek yestorday as one- pounder rapid -Are gun. It is understood, however, tbet sho will be met at some point not for from goy West by a gun- boat from the blocl.atiiug squadron, and escorted to the dosignetad landing place, The Whitney, the sister ship of the (;ussio, whitb sailed fa' Dry Tortugas Saturday with two companies of the Fifth Infantry, returned yesterday. It is intimated that she will Sallow the Gusaio to. Cuba as soon as the arms, ammunition and supplies eau bo loati- ed, Before a week has passed, it is believed that the insurgone lead - ere will have been furnished with arms enough for at least 15,000 men, end, with a base of supplies established an the coast, a vigorous campaign against the Statile% forces will be inaugurated. Largo auaounte of powder and projec- tiles for the blockading squadron aro now arriving hero. On picnic Island there are le ears loaded with dynamite, torpedoes, powder and other munitions, which will soon be sent to Key West, auci as many more ears are on the wharf tracks, An extra heavy guard has boon placed around the cars. Hundreds of carpenters are at work fitting up the big transports, and it is believed now that all of the boats hero will be in readiness for loading by Wednesday night. Troops for );anile. San Francisco, May 10,—Within this weak live thousand man will be quarter- ed at the Presidio in this city, awaiting transportation to Manila. Every day troops front Oregon, Washington, Utah and Idaho will bo pouring in, and the work of mustering In the militia con- tinues. GRATITUDE TO DEWEY. President McKinley's :lIessage to Congress It000namonding Distinction. Washington, May 10.—Fitting tribute was paid by Congress yesterday to Com- modore Dewey for the magnificent vic- tory ho achieved in the battle of Manila Bay, A message from the President was read, recommending that a vote of thanks bo extended by Congress to Commodore Dewoy and the gallant officers and men of his command. Without a word of de- bate and without a dissenting -voice, the Senate and House agreed tohe resolu- tion, alu- tion carrying into effectrecommend- ation the s 13 of the President. Senator Lodge presented and the Senate passed a resole tion authorizing tho President to present a sword to Dowoy and medals to officers and men under him who were in the battle at Manila. It appropriates 810.000 for the purpose. COM lroDOnE DE)vEY Ity Ills Brevity andRace Rinship With Naval Heroes of tho Past Wins the Thundere r's ;'raise. London, May 10.—Tho comment on the battle at Manila, as the details come in, is universally flattering to Commo- dore Dewey and the American Navy. The Times says: "Tho destruction of the Spanish hoot was complete, as complete as any achievement recorded in naval annals, Commodore Dewey showing him- self worthy alike of the great traditions of the United States navy and of his kin- ship with the race that produced Nelson." The Standard remarks: "Commodore. Dewey has evidently taken as his model for despatch writing that laconic British sailor of famous memory who reported a decisive naval victory thus: 'Engaged enemy yesterday. Captured ships as per margin.' " Tho Daily News says: "Commodore Dewey's despatches, in their concise- ness and modesty, are in accordance with the best naval txaditians. The battle establishes a record among contests of tho kind, for ono of the coltabatants destroyed the whole fleet of the other without him • self suffering any loss whatever. The victors carried the whole job through in a thoroughly workmanlike manner. It is especially worth noting that tile discipline of the American ships is reported to have been perfect; for ninny Spanish authori- ties and some independent critics thought this .might be a weak point on the Amer• icon Side. The excellence of the American tactics and the superiority of the marks- manship are' likely to be a permanent factor in this war, The chief lesson which the battle of Manila enforces is what everybody knew before, namely, that under modern conditions of warfare, no amount of personal bravery can possibly irra;>;e up a defiolonoy in weight and large metal." Expecting News. Washington, May 10,—Na>al officials are expecting interesting news from Ad iniral Sampson within the next twenty- four hours. It is now officially admitted that the Admiral yesterday was with his Beet near Cape ; Haytien, on the north coast of San Domingo and distant about a day's run from Porto. Rico. 'If Samp- son had not struck the Spanish flying squadron yesterday he may strike a blow at Porto Rico itself to -day. J:iiddulplt: Joseph. Dobbs has purehae, ed 50 acres of the Dobbs' estate for $1,600 The hundred acre farm has tan yet been sold. Tuckersntith : 14tr. Ed. Walters lost a valuable horse last week. While Wing led to water it slipped and broke its leg and as it could not be set, the ailitilal haat to be killed, wing'haul: While Mrs, Robt, Mus grove was on her way home t0 Blue vale, the horse took fright at a passing wagon. Airs. Musgrove was thrown out and had her areal broken in three po 1.tc s. Seaforth; The matched bicycle race between Henry Warden, of Winthrop,. and GeO, Nickle., of Walton, came off: Thursday afternoon on the 3eaforth recreation grounds, and was witnessed by eight hundred people. Nickle prov- ed 00 easy winner going leis five mites while Warden went three. The cup will remain in Walton. , Clfutol., :t,tr,. Smithson, who was strikes by apoplexy on April 25tb, lingered on until Monday, with a few moments of consciousness, when elle passed beyond the dark river. Until the seizure she had enjoyed good health. The deceased was a native of Bradford, Yorkshire, England, where she was born Gla veers ago. For the past seven- teen years she has been a, resident of this town aged won the respect and con- fidante of those whose lives more or less intermingled with her. Mitchell, The neople were surprised to bear on Saturday evening last of the death of Oliver Hodgins. He had only been ill from pneumonia a few days, and it was not generally known be was sick. Ile was in the prone of life. not (pito a:0 years of ag'te. Ile bas lived in this section all his life, - except a few years in Buffalo, The last few years he has had an interest in the Royal hotel with Jamas Colquhoun He leaves besides his widow a family of six to battle with the world. The Gravitation Theory. In one of his lectures before the Low- ell institute, Boston, recently Professor G. F. Wright combated the supposition that the conclusions of modern, phynioal science aro free from difficulties and clear of all doubt. Instead of such be- ing the case science, he declares, islend- ing deeper and deeper into mysteries and substituting instead of single mys- teries an ever Increasing multitude for atielr ono, 1 o distanced in illustration the Newtonian theory of gravitation as involving paradoxes to this day unex- plained, arguing that if bodies act np- on each other at a distance without any intcrveuing medium then a thing can act where it is not, whioh is an absurd- ity, while, on the other band, if there is a material medium filling all space, and a gravity is transmitted through that by a push rather than by a pull,. then the transmission ought to occupy some appreciable time, but this it does not do, and at auy rate, if its notion is not absolutely instantaneous, its veloci- ty mast be at least fifty million times greater than that of light. Moreover, every effort to repz'osent gravitation as tho result of a push from behind in- volves absurdities of various kinds. In fact, Newton's final =elusion was that the philosophy of gravitation is abso- lutely inconceivable and its action para- doxical. A. Day With 'Verdi. On Verdi's recent birthday—hirt eighty-third—the veteran composer was leen at 5 o'clock iu the morning at the weekly market at Placonzba with sev- eral hebroughtsell oral shoe Wh ellland to p acowin sem He also wished to and o Y „ .. ve„etables, and so spent the entire day surrounded by farmers and tradesmen. At 6 o'clock in the evening be invited the whole assemblage into the inn and Isave them a fine supper. Lucky. "The codfish," said the professor, "lays considerably more than 1,000,000 eggs." "It is exceedingly lucky for the cod- fish that she doesn't have to cackle over every egg," said the student who came from the country. —Pick Me Un.• .e, Brazen Girl. Miss Highnp—It's perfectly scandal- ous. Did you hear about Miss de Pink? Miss Tiptop—No. What has she done? "Oh, the most immodest thing imag- inable. She's let all the world know she is crazy to get married by going and joining a cookery school. "—New York Weekly. ersi t A cough which seems to hang en in spite of all the remedies which you have applied certainlyneeds energetic and sensible treatment. For twenty-five years that stand- ard .preparation of cod-liver oil,. i'121OTS p� "m 7 i ' �Etsy S" has proved its effectiveness in cur- ing the trying affections of the throat and lungs, and, this is the reason why, the cod-liver oil, par- tially 'digested, strengthens and vitalizes the whole sys- tem; the hypophosphites act as a tonic to the mind and nerves, and the glycerine soothes and heals the irritation. Can you think of any comb; - t' nation so effective as this? Be s re anti get SCOTT'S Emulsion. See that the MA and fish are on the wrapper. 5oc. and: $r.00, all druggists SCOTT k ebwNE Chesaists, Toronto. asy to Take asy to Operate Are feetures peculiar to Hood's Pills. S=ail in size, tasteless, efficient, thorough. As one mall THE PALACE C said: "Yoe never know you have taken a pill till itis all over." 250, C.1. llo9d & Co.,. Proprietors,Lowell, Ilas s, The only Dille to tale with Hood'e rsapariila The Latest Newts in Brief. George Bell, a Hamilton pedlar, com- mitted euieide at Oakville, Reuben Argent, four years of age, was fatally burned at Hamilton. An unknown man was killed on the Grandnk Tru tracks a,. Cornwall, Five buildings were destroyed by fire at Sherbet Lake, Wm. Doonet, a 0, P. R, switchman, was ran over asd killed at Montreal A wealthy Ameliesburg fanner. named. Jackson drowned himself in a well, George Orok, formerly Chief of Pol icte at Paris, attempted to commit suic- ide at Loudon. Wm. ,A.rehlbald died from injuries received by being run over by an M. C. R, train at Fletcher. The celebrated Le Rol mine passed into the hands of a British syndicate Throe ruilltotl dollars wasthe consider- ation. Mrs, May, of Ashburton got her foot eau. ht between a plank and s.. rail at Peterboro', and was killed by a 0. P. It Express, Rev. Canon Dann, of St. Paul's Ca thedral, London, is understood to haw accepted the rectorship of St. Thomas' Qhureb, Hamilton, Seekers after gold are often disap- pointed, Seekers after health take Hood's Sarsaparilla and dud it 'Meta every expectatiou, Frank Walker, Parry Sound, was killed, and John. McCuaig, Ottawa, in- jured in an accident to a Parry Sound freight train at Depot Harbor The young wife of A, Milburn,Strat- ford died Monday at the early age of 82 years. Deceased was the daughter of R. N, Brett, of Seaforth, and was born in Ermondville. With her hus hand she came to this place about three years ago,and resided here since. A gout three weeks ago she was confined and untoward effects having developed, she sank until the end came A sorrowing husband and three small children, one only three weeks of age, survive to mourn her untimely- end. Her father and mother and several brothers and sisters live in Seaforth Blanshard: Lightning struck the barn of Wesley Switzer, old Mitcbell road, during last Monday night's storm, wreck1si a corner of the • bard, whieb was luckily empty, and the electric current passed on to the barb wire fence that was attached to the barn. It was noticed by several persona in the vicinity that the current travelled some distance on the wire fencing. This will be a profitable use to put barb wire to; by attaching it to the barn as a lightning conductor, it may be the means of saving a great many barns from being burned during the V hax est season. Mitchell: : Mr.W. Irvine* c,h � G Irvine, ,, iCo.,M bock - keeper for tbta Whyte Packing t was united in marriage Tuesday even- ing to :lobus Parrot, a popular young lady of the town. The ceremony wee performed by Rev. J. T. Kerrie. The groom is a young man of fine character, steady and iudustrious, and since coming t0 town has wOla the esteem of all whose acquaintances he has made. His bride has lived here for mauy years, and up to al short iime ago was a member of Trinity church choir and a teacher in the Sunday sebacl. She is highly respected, and the young couple, in starting out in life, have the best wishes of their many friends. afi.t, RELIABLE OPER. Roiliest flife1la Free To Hen. The Exeter ADVOCATE is authorized to state by Mr. D.. Graham., Box 133, IIlagersville, Ont., that auy man who is nervous and dt'biliated or who is suffer- ing from any of the various troubles resulting from overwork, excesses of abuse, such as nervous debility, ex• hausted vitality, lost vigor, unnatural drains and loses, lack of development, etc., can write: to hits in strict cone - dente and receive FREE OF CHARGE full instructions how to be thoroughly cared. Mr. Grabam,hiniseif was for a long time a sufferer from above troubles and after trying in vain many advertised remedies, electric belts, etc., became al- most entirely discouraged and hopeless. Finally he confided in an old Clergyman whose kind wed honest advice enabled him to speedily obtain a perfect and permanent cure. Knowing to his sor- row, that so many poor suffers are be- ing eing imposed upon by unscrupulous quacks, Mr. Graham considers it his duty as an honest man and a firm be. liever in Christain sympathy and kind ness, to give his fellow -men the benefit of his experience and assist them to a cure. having nothing to sell, ho asks for no money, the proud satisfaction . of having done a greataervice to one in need, he rightly considers an ample re- ward for his trouble. If you write to Mr. Graham you can rely upon being cured and. upon .`absolute secrecy as well. Address as above, enclosing' a stamp and refer to the Exeter ADVOCATE. No attention however will be given to those writing out of mere • curiosity, therefore state that you really deed a euro. 0 H I N C A man must consider his purchase well these times; he must buy where he can do the best. Look at some of these figures; rants made to order, all wool heavy tweeds $2.00 Suits x,9.80 Overcoats 8.09 I',lack 'Worsted suits a spec- ial, 812,00 Our i20 blacks hat all others at $23, Come and see for yourself, JANSS R. GRIEVE B!c y ccs R Bicycles! I Bic l es 1 Bicycle Pleasure. Are you seeking Bieyele pleasure if so, you should seek first a good wheel, We can furnish 3 ou any of the best wheels made, at lowest prices Muc. 1)osiyoalu want anything in the musical line. We bay e a choice to t of Pianos and orgonp., tall and iu. spect them before buying elsewhere A full stock Of sewing machines, baby ear riages, etc. etc. Perkills & lar ll THE 1ALDRU0 srrsa. Try= SVINAN'S COUGH BALSAM for Coughs, Colts and Bronchial trouble in old or a oung. ewe 3Yasiuiaeruree- a W1 ER'S LINAIVIENT which is an excellent remedy for Cramps, Pains, Neuralgia, Sore Throat and Influenza. The Old Reliable, Winaa's Cori - di tion A'owders, still holds fist place in the market. Also Lotion for scratehas on horses and Condition Powder for same. SOLE AGENTS I+'OI1 DIX LUNG SYRUP. C. LJTZs DRUGGIST. OVER LOADE. Every incoming freight train, since last January, empties part of its cargo on aur floors, and the new things have crowded every foot of our large floor space. WE ARE NOT hurrying you to purchase, but many prefer to get as near as possible the tirat choice of new assortments. Our stock of Fur- niture of all kinds was never more complete. Purchasers get from us always the LOWEST PRICES and the advantage of all the study of styles and of the most perfect. taste that we can command. S. GIDIJEY & SON Furniture Dealers & Undertakers.