HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1898-5-13, Page 1ELEVENTH YEAR.-5tY2. EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MAY 12, 1898. Sen.sible. People Come to us to have their eyes exa if you need glasses let us fit the! you the Best Expert Attention at for you, We give T. Fitton's Jewellery Estabhshmenta FITTO,' CRADU T OPTICIAN. 1`AR ING To DOG OWNERS, ;votive is hereby given that nil hounds foxing worrying nreCattle un the !remises i%'t t e.fthe -test ion will he+ut,l,et to,.hoot sireg. I a.ho f,rlfi.1 tresrts-ivatg Ute • stet pra,- uerty. Wm. O. Pi.A11,11A04 FARME FURS DMa elONZY TO LOAN. The tltt,I, r a. tie I has. to stets goo l tarns for $0,10e?neo,op Moliezle to Io3,16 on massy eerie -0 Jtiu1 SPAe'1011%ti, Sam ',Vitra Mock Exeter ice estate futt'V,e to (coat on stair-revs+l &erre+s, H t. lir o alttl t vu tatel a bait re r vent. Apply' to ra,trior& tiemeLtee. Solicitor, „tri ,,t lie: t<m 1 e r, t•'e;. I:eet,•r 'ALU VIlal AtiFF 1'lIe):'1. RTV FOR SALE. Thi, utader gnel is offering' for rate that desirable allot valuable pro t e rte', situated on liura•,t Stee•r l.f'ili • i'art t1 1 tit tt. t u tt;aftt- iug .v. r flay• to«, ,. T1.01•110% un the 'reti.is. s ai gee 11.1'11 1i b,n,s„ ens, C.1301114 seven r,:e.,tn,., with tauI, ether, Imam kiteliett ant weal - .41e4 carry h,.,11 a tell;,, ,ta*Ilo ar,t other nice -:Iry i at.1.11i1,111 1. , •t:, t !esus .' trust trees. a we'd vo11 ttt`Witter .ut•1 tethest e,a,toa,lrl3ee,. 'Te.rm1, tea sf,n,i1,le. a1.1.1y at tiff, 1.111ep er to $Mir -t. I.'uF.szt 414M,Exett'r. 1 iI AZ M FOR. SALE.s The nude r3ignt ,t is. ,.i1 ring bis srlen led little, its the townslut;af t',borue, tar sale, toilet tit et 4.•41ie, Scyfyi 3 r•ant 'alr tt ,tie. 1ae:re1ti, Theca; 11 en the pretnisvi two t:nu 1 Lard-. iahU 1.3a, c, and other good out•Luild- in^,s x G,n,d frAmrr bun•.;•, WHO well. 0.1 .4 a t,t,ietlid ere!lard. This is one of the hest larva* iii l'big,rne, 831.1 will he ,o1.1 r.ae,nn- ai,b•. Int, Ddu, ^ 1ft,r l t,er.. should sue ilii + pro pertyt.cferepurchasing ,•isowltere. Apply" to MATT. I,ELT.ANa IR'voa P.0.. Ont NOTICE. r t .int 11t o, Election l.a sans � of t taes Se 1 Henry Eilbor, the Conservative Candi- date at the Ialst. Provincial election, held March 1st, 1898. cess 1 Personal expenses of floury Either 152 78 'r Livery and Horse hire 14 5a 3 Printing and Stationery 49 115 4 Travelling expenses of speakers 1e 00 Hall rents for meetings 23 00 Total 210 28 T, Frees I ibler. of the village of Zurich, in the county of Huron, Returning Officer of South Huron, do hereby certify that this Is a correct statement of all bills and vouchers received by me from Charles 11. Sanders, Election Clerk for the above Henry Eilber. FRED RI tmen, Returning Officer. it39s. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the matter of the estate of William Slee, late of the Village of Exeter, in the County of Huron, gentle. mac, deceased. Nation is hereby given pursuant to the Provisions of Chapter 110, of the Revised Statutes of Ontario. and amending ant, that all persons having claims against the estate of the said deceased, who d,et1 on or &boat the' 25th day of April, 1898, are required on or before the 20th av of 15,faay,1808, to send by post pret,ayed to the undersigned solicitor, for Mr. John Gill, of Exeter, and Air. Thomas Friendship,of Wingham, the executors of the will of he said deceased, their names, addresses and occupations, with rartioulars of their claims, and the nature of the secur- ities (if any) held by them. And notice is hereby given that after the said 20th day of May, 1808, the said executors will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which notice shall hayebeen received by them and the said exeoutors shall not bo liable for the said assets, or any part thereof, to any per - ,t'0' -son or persons of whose claims xiotioe shall not have been received by them at the date of such distributions. LEWIS 'H'.. DICKSON. Solicitor for Executors, Ont. Dated at Exeter, this 2nd day of May, 1898. Zurich, May 3rd, tiloREHA s INt5A(ADOI (ON THE STCLAIR RIVER) -SARNIA,ONTARIO. Second excellent positions since February 1897, This College as open throughout the en tire .year . We are located on Front St., add overlook the beautiful St. Clair River. This is the most delightful place in Ontar- io to Spend the summer months. For particulars address, A. S. NIMMO, The'Exe•te•r rests!,• t'lui, hereby' Offer n sewer t et fe ter lett, ^,:.:¢gene that vin �lc:e,t to the eean'eetton of the,• zailey pslrty trio-. ma1114oniIv aud'W/01T411.11411, eetttereel taeli>w Cert 11ur.Au ant other •*test is a', 1. !,actin 1,nr, sprit Bolt SALE. Containing 1f.1 tore :, v4t•rc or losca. l;cirg' tct letter A. con 1.1.1 .1."inti tin the pests!- 1s1ate 811.11ut11 t'rtnte' bun -e 'with 94•41:,;.? i at,e1.t•14; tr it:at- ,;arta, e.+n e1e d 7,.,, „• -.tule' with hay 1nt:t• g*mi _waater comply.; ::,t a r+. gt*t,•l 1120h'r. 1 silts trate* WDuel. WAD yi11,a*n For farther 1 xrtaettlar: seeks!' I to rhes. Naugle, .at bi•. re�sf,le•tiet•, tut 21. South lt,m*datr,v, lllae.ahairel. or Rt.:aiarys r)atarin. Court R,visi �•�� °Il s sen rg�, aha of Exeter Notin i.. leclabti given that n Court for the l:evislon of the Aso.s iouat Roll, firth.,Vil- lage o2' let er. tar the year tr=,s, will be held ur.omi tostotttt,. in that Fuhall, at tbe `Men 11 )!. EO�'t,•r, on Friday the twenty - e v •ut11 slay at tlac ii.:'*. at half-pa.t seven .. u•1"et;• sit the a t, t.tA1t . Ite`ra "8 hart". T mine+ of the said (rotut will govern them- a„t.a, ttreordingLL. Exeter, Nay tetb, Ito. M. EACI1F,Tr, Clerk. Dissolution off Partnership. Notice i. hcrehy given that the partner- 413,41heretu fere a xa.tine; tn•twecn Arthur ,f. llol'i":i and ,Tolle A. \� sift 1ne„ a arrc ioit ca, bt,sfarss in the village at L:,•tar 83 millers, .tu.l known as the Minim: 8: \VIlliants %tit ie:t, es„svtiatly h•t' this day Leen mntnal- 1,v deet. -eh c.i. Alertly': J I1nr.Lrt;s, J.:3'm A. \PILI.,.t11s. Dated, alar _,al, Do'. All aecotaltx due the said firm mast. he pall to n,e, nu or hefts Floe 1th'1:,yof June,, P4 3. and all legitimate clalnn: against said willa ,• firm besotted 1 F Die Alrrilvn J. TtOLLIx$. $EWrflETJtIflKET The undersigned has op- pened up a new Meat Market 1 DOOR SOUTH OF CARLIRDS' STORE where he *ill keep the choic- of meats constantly on hand. A CALL SOLICITED, John T. Manning. LOUL I beg to state to the citizens of Exeter and surrounding country that I am ready to deliver Flour and Feed to any part of the town at CLOSE PRICES. We handle JIrsi11 DaS111100g F!IIE Our Bran is warranted free from smut and dust. Will add a genera/ line of SEEDS shortly, Charles Trevethick, Stephen School Reports The following is a correct report of the standing • of the scholars of No. 8, Stephen, for the month of April. Names in order of merit: -Sr, 4 -Bruce Bos senberry, Marmon Gill; Jr, 14 -Ernest Mollard, Zulia •Allen; Sr, 3 -Edna Wal per, Maurice Brenner; Jr. 3 -Alice Gill, Victoria Gill, Archie Webb; Sr. 2 -Arthur Baker, Willie Lovie, Pearl Page; Jr. 2 -Myrtle Webb, Harold 1'Valper, Curtis Gratton ; Pt. 2 -Willie Baker, Roy Holt, Dave Tetreau ; Pt. 1 -Georgina Tetreau, Major Baker. VIuiETTA BANES, Teacher. Blyth: While returning from Blyth on Monday evening'eir. and Mrs. Ed. Lear, of Hullett, met with a serious runaway accident, The doubletree got loose and the horses took fright` and ran away. They were both thrown out; Mrs. Lear haying her right' thigh bene broken. Maguire George Lawsou's child is ' ill with whooping cough -Miss Minnie Bent big is spending a few weeks with Hiss Eda F. Fenton. '.--•Johu. Todd bas been engaged to teach S. i No 5, McGiltiv ray, during the teacher's absence. We are pleased to hear that Thomas Shaddoek is recovering from a severe ettaek of quiesey. Greenway, M. D. M. Fele anis raised his barn last Friday. itieasrs. T, McGladery and T. G. Wort; of Parkhill, acted as captains and ehoosed sides, eachbay- ing about 50 men and were supported by able and expert farmers. They had a close, race but t1r. MCGladery's side finished a few minutes first, -Last Fri- day was Arbor Day aud the school grounds were greatly improved and a number of trees set out -Mr. Lorne Brinker has built au addition to his barn. --'-Mr. Thos Bullock has improved his property by a new wire fence,,.•.:We- are pleased to report that Mrs. H. llel- ling is able to be out again. -Mr. Thos. 3imou, of Bayfield, visited friends here last week. Osborne Cfounoil. Connell met May 7th, pursuant to adjournment. All the members were present. Mieutee of April meediug were read and approved. Heath - Hunter, that by-law No, 4 1898, eon• firming appointmcut eft pathwasters, as row read, be passed, signed sled sealed -Carried. Kt'tiify----Delt)ridg=', thsit ;1 Court of Rt'•y isiou of thea Aesessutent Rall fur Rae. be held at Totem Hall. l:limville', ou Saturday, Jnne 4th. at 10 artlt'4k a. tat, and that the clerk duly advertise the waifs.. ---Carried. Del - bridge -limiter, that the certified at: comas presented, amounting) to $145.4::, be paid by Reeve's order on Treasurer. -Carried. On motion of W. Reddy, seconded' by J. Hunter, criuttcila journ. ed to meet June 4th, at 10 o'clock., as a Court of l evieion acid for general busi- ness. F. ,times:, Clerk, Hay School Report The fallowing is April monthly lie - port for S. No. 2, Ilsty. Names are in order of merit. Oth, J, W Todd, Floral Northcott, Milton Russell; Sr. 4th, Sara Northeott, Victor Runnel's, Carrie Gould; Jr. 4th, W. R. fange% H Johnston, Gertie% Harvey; 3rd, J. E. Gould, Cara Munn, W. E. O'Brien; Sr 2nd, R F. Northcott, J. R Munn, Maggie Sutherby; Jr, 2nd, A. W. John. Ston, W. J. Mussell, Mahle Dougall. eel pt., Percy Clark, 'Wilfrid Munn, Roy Todd; lst pt., Wesley Coleman, AA'111io Northcutt, Bella Carrot. The best speller's in the monthly spelling matches were: 5th, John Todd; 4th, Aline Dougall; ril eS td, Cora Munn; • Sr . 2ud,"tient);Jr.li rn J. Mut J ..ad Mabel , be Dougall; end pt., Mary Johnston; ist pt., Wesley Coleman, Orediton Mr. C. Zwicker, of London, visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Zwicker, last Wednesday. -Mr. Ballantyne, Hotel In spector, of Seaforth, was in the village Friday. -Mr. and Mrs. Chris. Znefle spent a few days in Exeter last week with Mr. and Mrs. Baker. -Mr. Jacob Finkbeiner, who is working in Usborne, spent Friday with friends here: -Mr. Wm. Winzel has engaged Mr. McAlpin, of Ailsa Craig, as painter for the sea- son. -Mr. Robert Margerson is working with Louis. Roedding, of Zurich. -Miss Annie Ewald, of Sebewaing, Mich, is visiting her brother, Mr. August Ewald -The Rev. Mr Schmidt, wife and family, left for Hanover, last Sat- urday, while Mr. J. G. Litt, of Camp- den, his successor, arrived here on Mon- day. -Mr. George Zwicker spent Sun day in Hensall with "friends." -Miss Lizzie Ratz, who has been visiting friends in New Hamburg fey some time, returned home last week. -Mr. C. Ell ber, wife and family, of Zurich, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. F. Eilber.- Mr. Braddie Cornell, of Parkhill, spent Sunday with friends here. -Mr. Israel Smith, of Exeter, was in the village Sunday. -Mr. Revingtone of Moores- ville, was in the village Monday. Grand Bend Miss Alma Bossenberry is able to be out again after being on the sick list. --Miss Vinetta Banes intends to leave us at summer holidays as she has eu gaged with the Crediton school for the coming year. -Mr. Humphrle's men have completed the work of putting in the Guelph acetylene light in. Mr. J. Brenner's hotel, which he purchased from Mr. Albert. Wilson, of !Greenway. These lights are a great improvement on the oil lamps. -Mr, James Mollard has rented the Dalziel estate, with a view to fruit growing. -Mr. Brenner is building a hall on the site of his old hotel near the river hank. ---Nearly every child in this vicinityZand a num- ber of adults, are 111- with the mumps, - The electric road between here ° and London is now considered a corning cer- tainty. It is expected that work will begin on the London and at once. John Ross returned from Manitoba a few days ago While there he had an accident whichnecessitated the . arnpu- tation of one of his fingers: He will re main here with his family at present. Brinsley, 0, IL SANDERS, EDITOR. McGillivray Council genna1 an Corbett bas erected a , Mr. Spearman new dwelling in place of the one he had burnt last fail. -We are pleased to see the familar face of Mr. John Rich- ardson, who will be in the vicinity a few weeks. -Owing to the very large at- tendance at our public school, the teacher has been forced to make ap plication to the trustees for an assistant which bas been granted. The trustees bave very wisely considered the matter and also the value of a thorough edu- cation of the. pupils, There are now eighty-five names on the roll and an average attendance of about seventy which clearly dhows the impossibility of any teacher being able,within teach- ing boars, to do justice to his pupils, xray The death of Mrs, John Wilson, oe carred at her home at i�aunsville. on Friday. Tilt deceased was the eldest daughter of Mr. D. hell, of Hay, and re- sided within half a. mile of her late home, and her kind and gentle dispo. sition made her a favorite with all. Mrs, Wilson had beeu feeling unwell for some time, but it was not until a month or so of her death that her ill ue:;s took on such a very serious nature aud although all that medical skill and loving hands could do was done in the hope of rtteoring her to stealth and strength, she continued to grow gradn- alio worse, notal Ate pe'aeeiulsy breath ed ter last. She leaves to mourn lzer loan, a loving hurasland and three young children, 0 a will 88 her mother, father aud a number of sisters ;old lir:ithers, who feel tsl:rir sorrow ;all the more on account of having list aaanthermember' of the fatally,-lesntic, Bell, only three weeks ago, The funeral was held on Monday afternoon, and was one of the larges seen in this neighborhood, testi- fying to the respect in which the de- ceased was held and the 3v'mleathy Mt for those who so Leanly mourn her loss: Winchelsea ACeininiT.---While Mr. Philip' Vern was in the act of loading Mr. Heywood's milk can on the wagon, Monday ma�rn- in;g last, the horses made aslight move; Philip losing his balance and falling with the (*aa of milk. cut his forehead very batty and injuring his shoulder. He will be e,ampelled to Illy off work for few a clays. -On "Tuesday morning while Mr. `1 hos, Hunkixi s teeny was Ft tied to a )o theybroke thetits line t post, a and mads' as bolsi start for home, but were stopped short by Jemmis, who made a very lively move and eanght therm, --Two of our young fellows cane potty near trying their combative powers 00 Saturday night last. It ap pears mealy every young man within a radius of five mites, has a nickname „ " n .e t such • s emmie I o • - Bennett," ue. a J a ii e , , 3 'r ` . ,, • „ . " ''nxd �� 1,�,gil]S, e'f)ld Pat, " Boot Jac!., etc., etc, but this young -man having built himself a new house, and will likely take unto himself a partner, did not care to have any pet handle to his name, so strongly protested and show- ed fight, but finally deeming discretion tbe better part of valor, quietly sloped and decided to retain his pugilistic pro clfvitiee till some future time. Centralia The Young Men's Building Ass'n,, in connection with the Centralia Metho dist Church, purposes giving a concert iu the church on Tuesday, May 17th. They have • spared neither time nor money in securing the very best_ talent and a great treat is in store for all who may attend. -Tho semi annual elec- tionof officersfor theEpworth ea 0 L+p o League was held on Tuesday evening and was well attended. --Mr. Blackwell, of Glen- coe, was in town on Monday, and pur- chased a number of fine horses. -Mes- srs. Handford and Elliott have at pre sent a number of fine drivers and high steppers which they are fitting for the Old Country market. -Miss Jennie Sal ton who has been on the sick list for some tide, is able to be around again -Mrs. G. Grafton was taken suddenly ill on Tuesday but is some better again. -Our new tailor, Mr J. O'Brien, is doing a large trade. He purposes adding several new hands to his work- ing' staff. -The Salvation Army are still holding meetings in town. -Some of our citizens seem to have forgotten it is sheep shearing time, We note, a few very long fleeces in town. -A number of our citizens: are actively en- gaged in the mining business at pre- sent, having struck some very rich diggings a quarter of a: mile north of town, A good number have already staked their claims, among whom are Mr. P. Hanlon and A. Hicks. They- are hey are working their claim s to their full capacity. The two senior members of the company, canvassed the town on Monday, and with chart and deeds. proved the genuineness of all claims, hence a great numberare likely to in- vest soon. The officers will be glad to give information on application. The staff ,at present is ;-John Parsons, claim staker; Cliffe Bloomfield, assayer;. Geo. Brown, surveyor; and John Hod- gins, night watch, We expect to be able to gine full details of proceedings in a few weeks. -Our two liveries have added a npmbor of new carriages and commerciaiwagons 10 their stock, and we now have the best of accomo• dation. Council met pursuant to adjourn- ment, on 2od and 3rd. May. Present, J. D. Drummed, Reeve; T. Prest and R. Hutchinson, Deputy Reeves; N. Grieve and M. Miller, Couneillors, Minutes of last meeting read, approved of and signed, Hutchinson -Grieve, that the tenders for the building of the bridge on Neil's side.road, in the bands of the Reeve be returned and other tenders be now received -- Carried Grieve --Hutchinson, that the hereinafter named contractors be awarded the several contracts for the building of bridges at the amount of their tenders as follows : - Joseph Law- son, bridge ever Mud. Creek on the 8th con., c. e. r., for S215 -T, Prest Inspec- tor; Joseph Lawson, bridge on Whit ing's side road, for $112-R, bl.utchin. ,sou Inspector; Joseph Lawson, bridge on Neil's aide road, for 51.12---M. Mil- ler Inspector; Robert H. Paterson, bridge on the 141h con., for S194 -N Grieve Inspector; Wm, L Bice, bridge over east breach Aux Sable, 8th con., c. e, r., for $211-J. D. Drummond in spector; and their deposit of ten per. cent. be retained until the requisite bonds! with security ;are sigued•- Carried. Miler ----Grieve, that T. Press he authorised to attend to the repairing of Armstroog's hill, amount not to exceed $10 -Carried. Hutehin- soii-Grieve, that By -Law No. 2 18;)8, dividing' the Township iuto road dis- isiOns acrd appoititit'g p�tthmasters as read a first and a sec•,ttd time be now read :a third time and pa''sed.-Carried. �Grieve-Miller,tt at the. o et t Curt of I. vision of ..Assessment Boll, of IStaa !* i held iu the Town Hail nu Monday the eth day 0f June at two o'clock p m. Carried. Miller - Pres*, that this coun- cil expend for rhe repairing of West Williams tower line west of Parkhill an equal amount to that granted for the same purpose by the Council of West Williams, -Carried. Grieve I,lutcbinsou.that the several gravel contracts be accepted and commission- ers appointed to oversee on. such gray - el. -Carried. Miller-Prest than ac counts amounting in all to $QO7a be paid. --Carried. Miller-Prest, that this Council adjourn to meet in the Town Hall on the first Monday in June at one o'clock pm. -Carried Vat. FRAsun, Clerk Sodom Wedneslay evening,May 4th, was an open meeting of the Roeaal Tempiaars. The hallw well1 h as filled, many from Exeter being present. I understood it young gentleman from Exeter was to favor wi with a few songs, hence 'Aug estt'd to Miss Robertson, our teacher, that she give it out itt school, and that we would see Mr. Green, our S. 0„ to have at au open ma:etiog, Site con rented to do s4, but seemed indifferent about Didn't are mu about talk- ing, c ch uta lugs evidently something was on her mind, taking her atteution from my conversation. On the 4th I was far from well. I scarcely thought it prud- ent to go to the meeting, though I was anxious to hear the promised singing. My daugnter said if I didn't go they would be greatly disappointed, conse- quently, I went and found the house full. Ladies escorted me to a chair at the platform. Such nausea.' attention bewildered me. Instead of the S. C. occuping the chair, Miss Roberton, by the unanimous wish of all present, oc cupied the chairman's seat. She was equal to the occatinn and performed her part well. All this was a surprise to me, until Miss Robertson explained matters. A lengthy program was well performed, tbe children performing their part admirably. Some Ia:diaus were present, one of them fevuuue the audience with an Indian war dance. The Indian's gesticulations and tierce countenance, together pith his proxim- ity to the chair, caused the chairman to look towards the windows and doors to see if there was a prospect of escape. In addition to the literary part, the good ladies of Sodom had provided a good supply of eatables' aud coffee and all without a door fee or collection, When the chairman stated the object of the meeting, that it was in commem- oration of my 74th birthday, I was again :surprised. What think you, was my surprise, when Miss Laura Harris and Miss Robertson. presented me with a beautiful and substantial easy chair. How the scheme was kept from me is a puzzle, the whole neighborhood knew it, my smallest grandchild, who tells,me all his troubles, knew it, and was on the program, yet he was silent. The next point is, who was or were the promoters. Miss Laura Harris, 1 am informed, .first suggested theideato Mies Robertson, who approved. • With two such ener getic workers, all obstacles must give place, they being at the' head of this affair, explains the complete success that followed. White I admire the gift, its an outward token of esteem, I ad t' mire the Christian sentiment, that act- uated the givers more. I consider it the reciprocal exhibition of the law of kindness. , I now close by acknowledg ing my thanks to all interested 18 the get up of the entertainment on the ev- ening'of Wednesday, May 4th. - C,,PROUTY. Seaforth: While working in Cole- man's Stave factory on Tuesday Mr, John Kerr had the misfortune to bave the first finger on his right hand bad's* toin and cut by a saw. Mr. J.+Iaearthur of Macartbur 4 Co., bankers, of this village, suffered the loss of one of his barns near Ailaa Craig, it being struck .by lightning during the storm 00 Monday. The loss will be pretty well covered. by in- surance. -Dr. F. A. Seilery, a graduate of Toronto Dental College, has located here, and has fitted up a nicely fur- nished arid well equipped office in Ste• Cloy's block. We wish him success in 1 thus adding to our btesit.ess and pro- fessional class. •- Mr. W. Gilchrist, an employe of W. J. Miller's blacksmith shop, met with ,a serious accident on. Wednesday of last week which will prevent him, from working for some time.. -The fanners are hauling large quantities of wbeat to market at pree. ent; the price on Monday being $1.Q$ a bushel, ----Fr J, Doherty has now a fine string of horses under training. Mr. Doherty pronounces the Mensall track one of the finest half miles tracks in the West -Mr. Baines, of Bell's Foundry, was In London several days last week, -Cook Bras. have started their mill again after being shut down for a week for repairs, --D, A. Canttloa is shipping large quantities of butter aud eggs, East. ---Mr. Thos. Ballantyne and family are moving unto the Mc - Cali farm this week. --Miss Aggie Westaway, of text 'er, spent last week in town, the guest el' Mrs. Sma.lacombe. -The council has had several streets graded during the past week which greatly impr:eved the appearance% of the roads, The work wins done by Mr. Cleo. Murray, cfS-':.fer ►. slicesthoraugh- Iv utaslertteiele lzi • v °era. -Mr. ;sed Mrs. Thos Hudson a. ti Meta Mary Gill, spent Sui•tlrty With relatives' near 'tloukton. -i! Coit`.: and W More vis- ited friends in Zurich on Suuday.-Mr. and Mrs. Golding, of Sxtnforth vittlted at R J. Twitchell's on i unday.--»Mt. Geo. Ingram has had Due of his stores rais- ed and is having a smile foundation placed under it.-. W. M. Weston, of Seaforth, has engaged with R. Cud, more as mason.- -lied POI to and J. H. Howard, of Lue°:tte, wheeled to Hensel]. on Sunday.-.. Geo. C V.'allter, relieving' agent of the (LT, it., i5 speiltiirl.z :a few days in town, Alts, Ilia Gillespie. of Exeter, spe=nt Sunday town. ---Mr. and Mrs. Alf, To:,lor, of Exeter, spent Sunday in town at Wm. Bell's.--S,:ver- al. of our street crossings at'e being to a level with our sidewalks which will be of considerable consenience during the muddy weather, Rippen: 1i'Ir. Wm Oudmore nt a day recently met with a very taup'zasant accident by being kicked by one of the horses in his stable, which has mused Mr Cudmorea to keep his bed for some days. He was in the act of taking- his driver out of the stable, wh'•n in passing the other horses, one of them kicked, striking Mr. Cudtr. ^.I with great force g . on the hipbone, l.a „Iking o e .l.n him against n a x the wall, and se t.:;uin,g !aim for the time. Had the blow hit him in other parts but just where it happened, it is hard to tell what might have been the results. St. Marys : A. H, Lofft, of Lofft & Co, had the misfortune to meet with a peculiar accident on Thursday morn- ing last. Some of his children being sick, he had oeenssion to get up at three o'clock on that morning to attend to them. On going back to bed, he mistook the hallway at the top of the stairs for his bed room, and stepping off, was precipitated almost headlong down the winding stairway, and was badly shaken up and bruised. Judg- ing from the manner of his fall, it was a miraculous escape from a broken neck and instant death, Ilan who Tr is Tired' All the time, owing to impoverished blood, should take Hood's ` Sarsapar- illa to purify and enrich his blood and give him vitality and vigor; This condition of weakness and lack of energy is a natural consequence of the coming of warmer weather, which finds the system debilitated and the blood impure. A good spring medicine is a necessity with almost everyone, hood's Sar• saparilla is what the millions take in the spring. Its great power to pur- ify and enrich the blood and build up health is one of the facts of com mon experience. STONEEMAN-At Itirktou, on the 2nd inst., Mrs. Wm. Stoneman, of a son TwJrclisLL.-In Hensall, on May 4th, the wife of R. J. Twitchell, of a son, SMALE -In Hibbert, on the 4th inst'. Mrs Geo, Smale, of a daughter, BROADrooT.-1n Hibbert (Boundary) on 'the 5th inst., the wife of James Broadfoot, of a son. AHCR1A4,?t; . IRWIN-PAjuiOTT-in Mitchell, on the 3rd inst., by the Rev. S. Kerrie, Mr. W. G. Irwin, to Miss Selena Parrott, both of Mitchell. . O EATIES BROWN. -In: Exeter, May 7th, Mary. Ann, beloved wife of Mr. Wm Brown, aged 64 years, G months aiid 15 days. Coorsos-ln Exeter, on May E, Corey James, inFalnr sun of MI', and Mrs. Thos Cookson, aged 1 year, 2 tnoa:tits and 23 days.