HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1898-5-6, Page 5tri`1. • THE eze#.er buo.ta#.e Is published every Thursday Morning, at the Office, MAIN -STREET, - EXETER,. —By the-- ADVOCATe PUBLISHING COMPANY TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, One Dollar per annum if paid in Advance 81.51) if not. so paid.. ,BcZaartSni g Ratwm on .$pplic}a,- t%sz), No paper discontinued until all arrearages aro paid. Advertisements without sleoi ..o directions will be published till forbid and ehargedacoordiugly. Liberal discount Made for transoient advertisements inserted for long periods. Every desoription of JOB EINTING turned out in the finest style, and at moderate rata. Cheques,moneyord- era, o, farudvortising,snbsoriptiona,eto,to be made payable to Chas. H. Sanders, EDITOR. aN' PROP Proressxonal Card g, lI. KINSMAN, L. D. S. & DEL A. R, KINSMAN, Ir D. $., D. 1), S., Honor graduate of Toronto University. DENTISTS. Teeth extracted without any pain, or any Sad efreots. Office in Fanson's Meek, west side Main Street, Exeter. T R.D. ALTON AtiDFRSON,(D.I2.S.,L.D.S.,) „s•j honors Graduate of the Toronto Dui- raity and Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Teeth extracted without gain. Ali modes of Dentistry rip to :date, Office over Elliot Slliot's law Ofl1Ct -opposite eanteed Rotel--Exeter, Medical 'Pars, .1 eL. ROLLINS dt T A, AMOS. aer Itesidenees,same as formed OFFICES, Speakman, building. Mem div. Dr, Rollins' office; sauce as formerly -north door, Dr. Amos' office, sacra building -,oath door. May 1st. 1594 A Itoillne, M, P. T. A, Amoe, DI, D TUT. 1'. MOLAUORLIN, MEMBER OF the College of Phveicians and Surgeons. Ontario. I'hysioien, Surgeou alas Aceouola- egr, Office, Dashwood. Ont. Legal, Rp U. COLLINS, BARRISTER,SOLICIT- e Olt, Conveyancer. Notary Pnblie. Of/lee-Over O'Neil's Bank, Exeter.Onterio, Money to .Loan, T QDICKSO;I,IIARltla�TFlt,SOI.ICITOR, . f t S preme Court, lv eery Public, Von- veyeneer, Commissioner, &e.laloney to lana Office--Fanson'a Block. Exeter !{ LLIQT do (iLAPMAN, BARRISTERS, Eta. Conveyancers. and Money to Sloan at 5 and Sit per sent. E. v. >cr.t.10T. l±'. W. G>:,aux.vc. net lancers BffOWN, Wluoheisea. Licensed Agar- ioneertor the Coanties ofPerth and Middlesex, also for the township ofI'sborne Sales promptly ettttuded to and terms rea- sonbele.$ales arranged at Post office, Win- ehelaea.. Naasurance. E ELI.IOT, Main S. Insurance agent, Exeter WANTED, HELP. Reliable man in every locality, local or tteravelling, to introduce a new iifseovery anti. neap our sbo w eerdstaoked up on trees, fences ,ltd bridges throughout town and country. Steady om.ploymont,commisaion or salary, SSG per month and expenses, and mono,"' de- posited in any bank when started. For pee- dealers- write ""'Cho World Medical Electric doe" Londe n,Ont,Canada ., ...�„ -293 TILE NlnilLO d: HARRISON Ruetness and Shorthand College Cor. Young,aud College Sts„ Toronto ie an absolutely first -plass Business Scheel Individual instruction by experienced teach- ers holding highest qualifications. tl cod re- sults. Prospectus mailed free. Enter now. E. D. Nimmo X'.N.P,$. J'as. llarrison PrincIpalt7 Undergraduato ofToro uto University and S. of P. S, Ream d fl'er. Wood's Phospholine, The Great English Remedy. Sold and recommended by all druggists In Canada. Only reli- able medicine discovered. Ere packages guaranteed to cure all forms of Sexual Weakness, all effects of abuse or excess, Mental Worry. Excessive use of To- bacco, Opium or Stimulants. Mailed on receipt of price, one package $1, six, $5. One teill please, six will cure. Pamphlets free to any address. • The Wood Company, Windsor, Ont. AT'Wood's Phosphodine is sold in Exeter by S. W, Browing, druggist. .. FARMERS! . . You will find at Bisset's Warerooms the following line of Agricultural Implements . Deering Binders, Mowers, Roller and Ball Bearings, Steel Sulky Rakes. A full line of Seed Drills, Cultivators, Disc and Diamond Harrows, Plows, and Turnip Drills. SEWING MACHINES ETC. The celebrated Raymond sewing machince....' Knoll Washer and wringers. STOVES. A 0 s and Gurney stoves and furnaces 13 U S The Chatham Wagon and a full line of the celebrated McLaughlin buggies "BILL." ADE ME A MAN AJAX TABLETS POSITIVELY CURE ALL Nervous Discasea-Failing Mem- ory,Impotenoy, Sleeplessness, etc. caused by Abuse or other .Excesses and India, orations The,/ quickly and suretyrestore Lost Vitality in old or young. and flt a man for study, business or marriage.. Prevent Insanity: and Consumptions if en in time. Their use shows, immediate uprose. meat and effects a CURE where all other fail In- aba upon having the genuine Aiax Tablets. They have cured thousands and will cure you. Were a pos hive written guarantee to offset a cure En TO in each ease or refund the money. Price,UV Os per package; or six pkges'(full treatment) for $2.60. By mail, in lain wrapper. upon receipt of rice. ('iroular free' AJAX REMEDY CO., rrg,1,;arFb�or [.. 3 Id In lExeter by C. Luta, 'Druggist, EXETER MARKETS" BEGINNING (Changed every Wedt.esday) Wheat per bushel niers to 1.00 Flour per cwt 1.70 Barley 35 to 45 Cats 33 to 35 Pea, 5!1 to 60 Butter 19 to 1;; Eggs Potatoes perbag 75 to ss Bay per ton M7.00to8.ee Dried Apples per it. o All Women Should Read This Interesting Letter—" I was Nervous and Weak." Life Changed from Misery to Joy by Hood's Sarsaparilla. The terrible trials of the a" gentler sex" are beyond description. How Hood's Sarsaparilla is adapted for them and how it restores health and helps over the hard places, is well illustrated by Mrs. Place's letter. "" C. I. Hood 4 Qo., Lowell, Mass.; «Dear Sim ;-_In early lila I enitered. much from stomach troubles and spent a great deal of money in doctoring. Ire- ceived temporary relief only to have a ro- tten el eicknees, And fee the Fast dye Twit life hail been made miistembte by constant allows, During this ported. there have been six menthe that I was not OrOf my bed, and for one year I suffered meet severely. Imre Nervous and Weak and Ufa scatted a burden. It happened that my husband bought a Mattie of Hood's Sarsaparilla and I cetnmenced to taste It in small doses, In a short time it was evident that it wait helping rano. In two weeks I felt that I wee being greatly nenefsted. About this time our youngest son, then 15 years of age, was taken down. with typhoid fever, He passed on to his reward, and soon Athens of the family were taken ill, until. I was the only one left to care for them, I continued taking Hked's Sarsaparilla, and to theeurpriseot If and all the neighbors, I not only kept up and took cure of the skit, but sty Health Continued to Improve. For nearly three months this mage typhoid fever held the family down. this time, is by a miracle, nay health apt up sad I grew suing, At present era feeling well and know that'Ehe bone- deriyod from Hood's SarseparlUa is permanent. Other tiomiaera of the house- hold have since taken Hood's Sarsaparilla and hood's Pills with goad effect." Miss, Rlsnnoes. Prams, N, Sixth St., Goshen,Ind.. HoQ Sarsa- Is Ia the Bat -in fact the Oae True Matte Y'uriner. Insist upon Hoop's; take no aubatitnte. Hood's prompt, oincteut aid PAIS easy In effect. 2 oeRta. FOR TWENTY.SEVEN YEARS. DUNNS BAKING POWDER THE COOK'S BEST FRIEND LARGEST SALE IN CANAD Mr. Robt, Guest, of St. Marys, con- templates locating in the west. Ile has sold his farm of 50 acres just east of the town to Wm. Walk's, of Bruce, for $4,500. lie will spend the summer visiting his children in Dakota and Manitoba, returuing after he has select ed a future home for himself, to St. Marys in the fall. DRs1 IL& The Leading Specialists of America 20 Years In° Detroit. 250,000 Cured. WE CURE STRICTURE Thousands of young and middle-aged men are troubled with this disease -many unconsciously.' They may have a smart- ing sensation, small, twisting stream, sharp cutting pains at times, slight dis- charge, difficulty in commencing, weak organs, omissions, and all the symptoms of nervous debility -they have STRIC- TURE. Don't let doctors experimenter; you, by cutting, stretching, or tearing you. This will not oureou,asitwill re- turn. Our NEW METHOD TREAT- MENT absorbs the stricture tissue; hencoromovestho stricture permanently. It can never return. No pain, no suffer- ing, no detention from business by our method. The sexualorgans are strength- ened. The nerves aro invigorated, and the blies of manhood returns. WECURE GLEET Thousands of young and middle-aged men are having their sexual vigor and vitality continually sapped by this dis- ease. They are frequently unconscious ofthe cause of these symptoms. General Weakness, Unnatural Discharges, Fail- ing Manhood, Nervousness, Poor Mem- ory, Irritability at times Smarting Sen- sation, Sunken Eyes, with dark circles, Weak Back, General Depression, Lack of Ambition Varicocele Shrunken Parts, eto. GLEET and STRICTURE maybe the cause. Don't consult family doctors, as they have no experience in these. special diseases -don't allow Quacks to experiment on you. Consult bbpeoialists who have made a life study of Diseases off Men and Women. Our NEW METHOD TREATMENT will posi- tively cure you. One thousand dollars for a case we accept for treatment and cannot Duro. Terms moderate fora cure. CURES GUARANTEED We treat and cure: EMISSIONS, VARICOCELE SYPHILIS, GLEET STRICTURE: IMPOTENCY, SECRET DRAINS, UNNATURAL DISCHARG- ES KIDNEY and BLADDER Diseases. CONSULTATION FREE. BOOKS FREE. If unable to call, write for QUESTION BLANK for ROME TREATMENT. DRS. KENNEDY Y e KERGAN Cor. Michigan Ave. and Shelby St. DETROIT, MiCH. OF THE ENI). UNITED STATES BELIEVES SPAIN HAS HAD ENOUGH, While the President Thiuks and Talks for Peace Commodore Dewey's Squadron Is Cannonading Spain in tate Philippines -.Following Itp Sunday's Engagement, Washington, May 3,--A strong belief prevaits that Commodore Dewey's deci- sive Tiotory at the Philippines is the be- 0:ming of the end, and prompt action now will speedily bring Spain to terms, The battle M prove of incaiculable value, as being the first engagement our .modern war vessels hays had, and the first opportunity to know exactly clow they behaved, and what weaknesses they showed. Peace In Sight. Washington, May 3. -The President said to a high ofileial yesterday; "The war will soon be over, I do not believe the yobanteers wilt be needed," FOLLOWING i P TEE tummy, l;,atest Uensj, Kone Despetck Say; Now et Corrogade Iatarld-• A Sparisla Prlvete Telegram. Corroborates, Loudon, Aiay 3.o --A despatch from Hong -Kong to the Daily Mall, dated Monday, says; "Commodore Dewey's fleet is oil Cor - snide Island, hotly engaged with the forte there, Electrical experiments show that the cable has been One et or near Z; anila." Capt. Concha`s Telegram, Ifoug-KoPg, May 3, --Tilers is no news of the American squadron beyond a pri. vate telegram front Captain Concha et the Spanish cruiser Don Juan de Austria bis children at a convent sehool here, mentioning that the fight Is heard in the direction of Qorregido Island, and it is timed from this that the Americans reconnoitering the entrance au1 g tho southern side ot the island, N hich is six miles wide and surrounded blr racks and shoals, though not believed inod. Otero is no news either of the Spanish uadrou, but according to the latest ices it could not take the offensive in ease. The cable to hieuila is now interrupted, THE FINANCIAL 17:ARO)UIT1R. w Wall Street Rejoiced Over Ont Ylo- ory nt Itenlla.Canadian. Sympathy, New York, May 3. --That the suooess- ful exit of the United States from her present complications with Spain will be followed by a Hauch higher rnnge of prices in the stock market was proven by the effect on Yash etreot yesterday of the re- ported American victory at Manila. The triumph sent securities up with a rush, and when the Now YorkExahange closed its doors the active list showed gains of from 2 to 5 points over Saturday's final figures. kilrther United Stites euccossae Will be followed by further appreciation. of stooks; while or course any reverses will bring about corresponding declines. THE QUID PILO 1170. What the Commodore of Gm American Squadron In the Phillppines Wanted. to Forma Boinbar,ling Manila. London, May 3, --After the engage- ment of two bourn, which resulted in the annihilation of the Spanish fleet with ono American vessel disabled, Commodore Dewey requested British Consul Rawson - Walker, to c'tnvey a message to the Span- ish captain -general dornanding the sur- render of all the torpedoes and guns at Manila, and the possession of the cable offices, saying that unless those terms were complied with he would proceed to bombard the city. Tho Colonial 011iiee yesterday received a second dispatch which announced that the Spanish Governor-General had re- fused to surrender the torpedoes, guns and cable offices, and that ho had pre• vented the agent of the telegraph com- pany from conferring with Commodore Dewey. Tho message ended with the statement that t'to British Governor of the Straits Settlements expected that the bombardment of Manila would be begun on Monday morning, when tho Spaniards would cut the cable. No other message on the subject has been received in London, although the Foreign Office had expected news from the British Consul at Manila. Therefore it is supposed that the expectation of the Governor of the Straits Settlements has been fulfilled, and that the Spaniards have cut the cable. The Bombardment Begun. New York, May 3.-A Hong -Kong de- spatch says: "Tho bombardment of Man- ila has begun. The inhabitants are flee- ing to the country. The operators in the cable station in the midst of the forts have fled to save their lives. London, May 3. -The British Governor of the Straits Settlements cabled yester- day as follows: The Americans annihi• lated the Spanish fleet in a two hours' engagement. The bombardment of Man- ila is supposed to be now proceeding. THREAT r_ ARRIED OUT. This .News Confirms the Idea That the Spanish Cut the Manila Cable. Hong -Kong, May !,-I1 is announced at the cable office here that the transmis- sion of messages to Manila or from that place is interrupted. Now York, May 3. -The Commercial Cable Company yesterday afternoon sent out the following notice: "We are advised that there Is no communication with Manila." WAR NOTES. The report of the American victory at Manila was received with incredulity in Berlin, Madrid newspapers, commenting upon the .defeat of the Spanish fleet, agree in saying that Sunday Was "a sad and glor- ious day for Spain." and exhort the poo• plc to be calm. Despatches from Key West state that the blockade of Havana is proceeding quietly. Sunday a gale was blowing and the sea ran very high, The British steamer Strathdee was made to heave to, and after being exainined was allowed to proceed. CANADA's DEFENCES. General Gascoigne Declines to Give Ire. formation About Them. Ottawa, May 3.• --,Yesterday was pri- vate members' day, and although the business was not of overwhelming public importance it was somewhat interesting, An announcement was made that tbe. prohibition plebiscite bill would be the next public business taken up. Confidential and Secret. In response to an order of the Meuse, moved for by Mr. Casgrain, for maples of correspondence between, the Imperial and Canadian Governments in reference to the defences of the Dominion, the Minis- ter of Militia laid a document on the table of the House containing the fol- lowing letter, dated April 13, fronx Major-General Qnsaoigue; "1 have the honor to report that the whole of the papers and correspondence 9n this subject are of a confidential or secret nature, and, while I realize that it is destrable that as many people of im- portance as possible should be acquainted with the general principles ot defence, still I feel that it would be unwise to make any portion of the correspondence a Parliamentary paper, such as would be accessible to the public. Indeed, in umre than one masa the Imperial Government has definitely requested that speofat care should be taken that the contents of such papers should not 'baa made generally Jrnoign, " Questions and ,Parer. In +tnswer to Sir Q, H, Tupper, Zion, Mr, Sifton Bald he would male an ea, planation covering all points concerning free miners' licensee in the Klondike. In answer to Mr. Foster Sir Wilfrid Laurier said the Government had under consideration the advisability of issuing the writ for Bagat, The prospect of hay ing newer lists than the lour -year-old ones now in vogue eras the cause of hest tatlou, air, Davin asked whether tho G.T.R. Centpauy has received a contract for carrying militia and police supplies to the Yukon. 'the G,T,R, has not received any con- tract, replied the Miniateir of Militia, but the Government is sending a portion of its supplies over that road, and a much larger portion over the C.P.R. The Minister at Militia promised :lir. Foster to give the House to -morrow a atatemont ot the extent of the Klondike nillitar'y expedition, the nceessity for it and the probable expenditure involved. Air. roster next brought up the matter et Mr. McInnes" impending resignation. Sir Wilfrid could only say that the government had not received any in- fertile -Mu on the subject. 3Ir. Strum told Mr. flavin that Dr. Edwards, who has been appointed Medi- cal Health Officer at the jail end Indian Intlustrial :School, Regina, is a brother of !dr. W. C. Edwards, M,I'. for Russell. Mr. Paterson told Col. Hughes that since ha took voice he had appointed twenty Ir1sa-VaMholies to positions in the Customs Department. Mr. Gillies was informed by Mr. Mu - look that 591 postmasters had boon dis- missed spice July 13, 1805. Mr. Billie was advised by Ur, Sllton that the Qovorumont would receive alto. gather ton thousand copies of tho otUclal. Klondike Outdo from the Runtor, Rose Company; of those received so far ton oopies had clone to each member and five to oaoh Senator. Other eoples had been supplied as requisitionedfrom time to time, Mr. Poupore pressed consideration Of the claims for damages caused to lands in Pontiac County by the construotfon of the Roohe, Fondue and Cabinet dams on the Ottawa Rivor, Mr. Blair said he ,would have the matter looked into. Mr. Martin spoke for an hour, urging that the branch railway should bo con- structed in Prince Edward. Island, Ho claimed that, as compared with other provinces, the Island did not got fair play. Sir Adolphe Caron asked what business would bo taken up at the next sitting, and was informed that the plebiscite was next on the programme. Consideration of Billt. :lir. Ricbardson's bill to provide for the garnishee of civil servants' salaries. passed the committee stage by a vote of 50 to 23. Tho Toronto & Hudson Bay Railway bill was read a third time and passed without opposition. The House adjourned at 11 o'clock. PROSPECTS IN 3IANIT( BA. Crop Reports Show That Seeding Ras leen Finished- A Farmer's Death. Winnipeg, Man., May 3. -The Northern Pacific Railway report, issued yesterday, shows that wheat seeding is practically finished and that the weather has been favorable. Tho returns of wheat at Fort William are as follows: Receipts, 209,000; ship- ments, 295,000; in store, 853,000. Commissioner McCreary estimates the arrival of Immigrants for April at 5,000. The total so far for the season Is between 13,000 and 14,000. James Smith, a fanner of the Wolsley district, died suddenly last week. Mr. Smith cut one of his fingers one day last week, and, not considering the wound dangerous, neglected to attend to it, and blood poisoning set in. For Two and a Half Millions. Ogdensburg, N.Y., May 3. -The Og- densburg & Champlain Railroad was sold under mortgage foreclosure by W. H. Comstock of Utica, master, in this city yesterday. Only one bid was received, and the road was struck off for *2,500,- 000 to Charles H. Parsons, receiver of the road; Charles R. Batt, president of the National Security Bank of Boston, and William Lummie o1 New York, tom• •mitece representing the first mortgage bondholders. A protest to the sale was filed by W. A. Shepard of Boston, repre- senting the income bondholders, who asked a postponement for 30 days, owing to the present depression. The Canadian Wheelman. Toronto, May S. -The Canadian Wheel - man, the official bike organ, will under- go a change of control shortly, J. T. Clarktaking editorial charge and' J. F. Cairns the business management, with a new incorporated company behind it, consisting of E. H. Ryckman, J,T:.lohn- ston, J. T. Clark, E. E. Sheppard, H. B. Donley, J. G. Gould and R. A. Rob- ertson. The paper will be moved from Simeoe to; Toronto. Salisbury in London. London, May 2. -Lord' Salisbury, re- turned to London yesterday afternoon., He appeared bronzed and robust and has never looked better. Liver Ills Like biliousness, dyspepsia, headache, coast, Patton, sour stomach, indigestion are promptly eptred by Hood's Pills. Tbey do their work odds 5 easily and thoroughly, i I ' S Best attar dinner pills. 25 cents. All druggists. Prepared by C. I. Hood. & Co,, Loweii, Mass. The enteral to take with Hood's Sarsaparilla, The Latest News in Brief, The Manitoba Legislature has pro rogued, Mrs. George Kirit was drowned, at Burk's Fails. A rich gold find is reported from the vicinity of Rat Portage. Safe-blowers got $1,000 from Ainslie & Ainslie's bank at Comber. John Eaton, a Kingston pensioner, was found dead in a horse stall. Miss Eugenie. Brain was fatally burned at St Isidore de Laprairie. Joseph Bally, a farmer, was killed in a, runaway accident near Walier- ion, The oil well recently struck in Zone, Kent, produced 200 barrels ue twelve hoursTube. rculosis has appeared on the farm at the Rockwood Asylum for the Insane, Montreal refineries advanced the price of sugar by one sixteenth cent ler pound. Fire did $100,000 damage at the Rathbun Company's terra Botta works at Deserouto, A. T. Brydges, a Hamilton Kiondiker, who. left about a year ago, has return- ed, poorer by $f00, John Bray, a Klondike; supposed to be from Toronto, is alleged to have been murdered At Vancouver, The entire town of Northport, British. Columbia, was wiped out by Ore, but the Le Rol smelter was uninjured, A daring attempt on the life of Judge Houston, Chatham, was made by John Twahey, whom he had once sentenced. far fraud. A Napalm cattle buyer named Bick- nell, who was injured at the Lans- downe wreak on the G.T.R., was award ed $5,000 damages. Mrs. Hughina Duna, Sarnia, whose husband, a G, T. R. conductor, was smothered in the tunnel, bas secured a consent verdict for $2,500• Two fires at Dresden on Wednesday destroyed the residence of biessrs. Northcotte and Jeffs, and caused the inmates a good deal of annoyance, Near Newmarket on Saturday even- ing Mrs. Luther Miller, Mrs, Matthew Mortson, Wm. H. Peters and Edwin Liustead were killed at a crosaiug of the G. T. R. Northern division, While playing ball ou Saturday Joe Philps, of Sparta, met with a very pain- ful accident. The ball was struck, and in attempting to catch it he misjudged the distance on account of the darkness. The ball struck him in the face. A doctor put in Mine stitches. A very affecting scene occurred at the Roman Catholic Church, Center- ville on Monday. Mrs. Philip Martin muffled up her infant to take it to the sacred edifice to be christened, as the wind was very high. The wrappings however. were to tight, with the result that the babe was smothered. It -breath ed its last breath as the parents enter- ed the church. The anguish of the mother was heartrending. Wm. McNulty, a respectable farmer living near Longwood, Middlesex coun- ty, was found dead in a pasture field at the rear of his house on Friday. A re- volver was lying a few feet from the body when found, and it is supposed the unfortunate man took his own life. No cause can be assigned for the rash act, as he was well to-do, and appeared to be in hie usual ,good spirits when he left for work after dinner. A RELIABLE OFFER. Honest Help Free To Men. The Exeter ADVOCATE is authorized to state by Mr. D. Graham, Box 133, Hagersville. Ont.. that any man who is nervous and debiliatod or who is suffer- ing from any of the various troubles resulting from overwork, excesses of abuse, such as nervous debility, ex- hausted vitality, lost vigor, unnatural drains and loses, lack of developement, etc., can write to him in strict confi- dence and receive FREE OF CHARGE full instructions how to be thoroughly cured. Jar. Graham himself was for a long time a sufferer from above troubles and after trying in vain many advertised remedies, electric belts, etc., became al- most entirely discouraged and hopeless. Finally he confided in an old Clergyman whose kind and honest advice enabled him to speedily obtain a perfect and permanent cure. Knowing to his sor- row, that so many poor suffers are be- ing imposed upon by unscrupulous quacks, Mr. Graham considers it his duty as an honest man and a firm be- liever in Christain sympathy and kind nese, to give his fellow -men the benefit of his experience and assist them to a cure. Having nothing to sell, he asks for no money, the proud satisfaction of having done a great service to one in need, he rightly considers an ample re- ward for his trouble. 1f you write to Mr. Graham you car reiy upon being cured and upon absolute secrecy as well. Address as above, enclosing a stamp iurd refer to the Exeter ADVOCATE. No attenticirc however will be given to those writing. out of mere curiosity, therefore state that you really need a cure. THE. ' PALACE. WARM DURABLE (HEAP loTrylt 11 A mate must eonsider bis purchssit well these times; he must buy where he can do the beet, Loot at some of these grave; Pants made to order, all wool heavy tweeds $2,00 Suits M.80 Overcoats 800 Black Wonted suits a spec,. ial, $12,00 Our 820 blacks beat all. others at S. 3, Cou a ala sae for yourself. JAMBS 11. GRIM BBl V(..e Bicycles Seg Bio les T1 Bicycle Pleasure. Are you seeking Bicycle pleasure if so, you should seek first a good wheel, We can furnish you any of the best wheels made, at lowest priory Musical. Do you want anything in thr musical line. We have a choice lot of Pianos and organs, call and In- spect them before buying elsewhere), A full stock Of sewing machines, baby car- riages, etc. etc. Perkins & Martin. THE CENTRAS DRUB STORE. Try WINAN'S COUGH BALSAM for Coughs, Colds and Bronchial trouble in old or young. We Manufacture—, WINER'S LINAMENT which is an excellent remedy for Cramps, Pains, Neuralgia, Sore Throat and Influenza. The OM Reliable, 1Vinan's Con- dition Powders, still holds fist place in the market. Also Lotion for scratches on horses and Condition Powder for same, SOLE AGENTS FOR DIX LUNG SYRUP. ., C. LUTZ, DRUGGIST. S. GIDLEY - & . SON , HINTS FOR XMAS AND NEW YEAR'S GIFTS, This season we have surpassed our- selves in making and eatbering together Choice Oddments in Ieancy lournitnrt, suitable for presentation. The assorement is now complete and everybody is invited to view our Stock if only for the sake of seeing what very reasonable prices Choice Furniture can be purchased for. SPECIAL - We wish to call special attention to .a , line of Very Handsome BED ROOTS SETTS in ELM, OAK, and ASH ANTuQrtc and CREMONA finish. All are extremely tasteful In design and the prices are meed, lower than it has heretofore been possible to quote for similar goods. ROCKING CHAIICS. In FOREST GR ERN, ANTIQUE OAK, CURLY 13teerr, and Mance; our Finish; from SAO up. FANCY TAICLES. A magnificent line bought at a sacri- fice and marked at correspondingly low prices. Centre Tables, Fancy Chairs. Sec- retaries, Lounges, Fancy Rockers, Music Racks, Conches. Extension Tables. Piotute Mouldeings. Curtain 'Poles, Artists' Mater- ials, Eta, Ete., Ete. UNi)EILTAKiNG and EMBALMING IN ALL ITS BRANCHES S. Gid1ey & Sea.