The Exeter Advocate, 1898-5-6, Page 1.1,
Sensible People
Come to us to have their eyes examined.
If you meed glasses let us fit them for you, We give
you the Best Expert Attention at
T. Fitton's jewellery Establisbment.
8. FITTO�,
MONEY TO LOAN. I, Private funds to tend an int proved farras,
at five and five and a half per cent.
The llndersi ned has a few good lamins fOr ; APPt.v to
Sale Cheap. Money to loan au easy terms.' ELLIOTA:GU&mfA;c.
Joni. SPACK'MMA;v,
Solicitors, etc
Saruwell'a Bleck Exeter c 1st December, 1537. Exeter
Theundersigned is offering forsale that
desirable and v alual+le property, situated on
Heron Street, being Part of 1.ot 11, coatain-
h2 ov. r iivo serer. Tha ra+is on the premi,es
.t goad l:riei: housaoonsaatai4ag sa vert roomy,
I w4eh stone cellar, frame latelan% awl wood-
• 7 n nshed attae•i4{.1; a. _traane :+tat.lo and other
Hardware dor
Coal 011 Stoves
Screen Doors
Screen Windows
Spray Pumps
Copper Sulphate
Paris Green
Lawn Mowers
At Rock'Botto�
Winchelsea School Report.
The report of S. S. No. 6, Usborne.
for the month of April, is as follows :-
5th -Ella Camm, Ethel Godbolt ;Sr. 4th
-Wilber Hunter, Linda Hunter, Dora
Delbridge; Jr. 4th -Robert Wilcox,
May Hawkins, Alice iserrybill ; Sr. 3rd
-Torria Miners, Pearl Spicer, Gertie
Miller; Jr. 3rd-Bertie Cooper, Bertha
Woods, Charlie Godbolt, May Jones,
Bruce Cooper, Garnet Miners; --Sr. 2nd
-Olver Jewett, Cecil Camm, Nellie
Gliddon; Jr 2nd -Flossie Francis, O}-
ive 13erryhill, Darwin Bayes; Pt. 2nd
--Myrtle Levine, Lisle Wordens, Wil-
son Hawkins; P. Sr. 1st --Ivy Pulleys
Wattle, Luella Bayes. Clarence Fletcher
Pt. Jr. Ist-Samuel Hicks, Hattie Hun-
ter, Laura Woods.
PETEhi GA1tratewn,1 Teachers
The undersigned is offering 1ri, splendcal
farm, in the township of L'sburne, for sale,
being lotoal. coucession 9, containing hon
acres. There is on the premises two good
barns (one bank,, and other goad out -build-
ing,; a good frame house, good wells and a
selenalid oreliar.t, This is one of the best
farms in 1'sborne, and will be sold reason-
able. rsserthis
opery Intending
Apply to
Devon P. O., Ont.
iv,80 Craduates 80
Statement of Election Expenses of
Henry Either, the Conservative Candi-
date at the last Provincial election, held
March 1st, 1898.
$ Sts.
1 Personal expenses of Henry Eilbor 152 78
2 Livery and !lame hire 24 50
3 Printing. and Stationery .19 05
4 Travelling expenses ot'speakers 10 00
S }lull runts for meetings 23 00
Total 210 23
1, Fred Killer, of the village of Zurich, in
the county of Huron, Returning Officer of
South Huron, do hereby certify that this is
a correct statement of all bills and youohers
received by me from Charles 11. Sanders,
Election Clerk for the above Henry Either.
Returning Officer.
Zurich, May 3rd,18O8.
Secared excellent positions si1300 February
1897. This College is open throughout the
entire year:
We are located on Front St., add overlook
1 beautiful St. Clair River.
his is the most delightful place in Ontar-
io to spend the summer months.
For particulars address,
A Suiltoue ACCIDENT. -The many
friends of Mr. Thomas Ward will rte
gret to learn that he has met with a
serious and painful accident. One day
last week btmsetf and a boy were driv-
ing a cow to Mr. Wm. McAllister'.-
The hay was going with the now and
Mr. Ward was riding in a buggy. The
animal turned the wrong road, when
Mr Ward hurried along with the bug-
gy Ana headed her off. As he was
turning around he turned too short,
upsetting the buggy. He was thrown
out and in some mysterious way the
horse fell ou hint, and so tangled up in
the harness was the bearit, that Mr.
Ward had to cut the lines before he
could get it removed off hem. He had
his breast boue broken and his leg la-
jured, and was otherwise pretty badly
shaken up. He is getting on as well
as could be expected under the eircum
stances, but from the serious nature of
the injuries, it will be some time before
he is able to get around again. It is a
wonder he was not killed, as his escape
ie almost miraculous.
In the matter of the estate of William
Slee, late of the Village of Exeter,
in the County of Huron, gentle-
man, deceased.
Notre is hereby given pursuant to the
Provisions of Chapter 110, of the Revised
Statutes of Ontario. and amending act, that
all persons having claims against the estate
of the said deceased, who died on or about
the 25th day of April 1898, are required on or
before the 20th day of May,1898, to send by
post prepayed to the undersigned solicitor,
for Mr. John Gill, of Exeter, and Mr. Th om as
Friendship, of Wingham, the executors of
the will of the said deceased, their names,
addressee and occupations, with particulars
of their claims, and the nature of the secur-
ities (if any) held by them. And notice is
hereby given that after the said 25th day of
May, 1898, the said executors will proceed to
distribute the assets of the said deceased
among the parties entitled thereto, having
regard only to the elaime of which notice
shall have been received by them and the
said executors shall not be liable for the
said assets, or any part thereof, to any per-
son or persons of whose claims notice shall
not have been received by them at the date
of such distributions.
Solicitor for Executors.
Exeter, Ont.
Dated at Exeter, this 2nd day of May, 1898.
Dissatisfied relatives of Robert H.
Ramsay, who died at Framptom, leav-
ing an ts:ate valued at $59,241.29, had
the body exumed and a post-mortem
Dashwood, congratulations of their friends, and r Obituary.
spending a sociable time at the bride's
A DISASTEROUS FlitE,--A disaster- parents, repaired to their own home in After an illness of sone@ months, John
ous fire broke out in Mr. Wiliert's saw- the village, and we unite with their Clark, of Goderich township, passed
mill on Tuesday morning last, about friends in wishing them much happi
one o'clock, and before assistance ar nese through life. -Mr. T. J. Berry, aur
rived the whole building was in blaze, horse buyer, was united in marriage to
destroying the contents besides a large Miss Annie. eldest daughter of Mr. John
quantity of lumber. As the mill had Ford, of Tucleersmith. The marriage
been idle the day previous, and no fire ceremony was performed by Rev. Mr.
in the boiler after Saturday, there is. Martin, of Caven Presbyterian Church,
not the slightest doubt that its des- Exeter. We join with the friends of
truction was caused by the match of, the happy couple in wishing them long
an incendiary. Loss about $1500 with
no insurance. Much sympathy is ex-
pressed fur Mr. Willert.
Mr. Sweitzer, of London, biked from
Zurich to this place Tuesday through
the mud. --Mr. George Schroeder had a
raising of a new barn on Monday last,
and our photographer was on band to
take a snap shot of the building and
men while working.. ---Owing to the
bad weather Rev. E Eby was unable
to move but will elo so on Thursday if her sickness. They stood ready at any
weather is favorable -•-The Junior hour ---day or night -to do all they
Alliance held au entertainment onl
Monday evening, and which proved a
success, After the program was fins
'shed, Miss Laurinda Eby was present-
ed with a beautiful piece of Citinaware.
The Dashwood Steam Cooper works
was found on fire one evening last
and continued happiness through life.
Card of Thanks,
Rouse of Refuge, April 26,
Editor of the ADVOCATE.
Dear Sir :-Kindly allow me space in
your valuable paper in which I desire
to tender my sincere thanks to Mr. and
Mrs. French for the kind help, Bare and
attention shown to Mrs. Carroll during
tr. -Mrs. P.
v isall ththei- , f T
linin@ s 1
Halls visited friends in St. Marys last
week. -Mr. R Robinson is very busy
just noir, he having had to secure the
services of a jour.ueyman.-Messrs
Jones & Halls shipped a carload of but-
ter to British Columbia the other day.
They have disposed of a carload of po
tatoos already this spring. -Our cream
ery is now running full blast. -Mr. J.
G. Jones was on a buauhess trip to Strat
ford Tuesday. -Mr. Joseph Wheatley,
Chief, of Clinton, was in our burg an
business last week. -We are sorry to
state that Mrs. Jos. Worden, of Sun-
shine is not improving. -Mr, Enos Cook
has purchased a fine young horse from
Mr. Wm. Brock. -Mr. Rich. Rammer,
had the misfortune to get his hand in-
to a root pulper the other day, lacers
ting it very badly. -The rains of late
have made the pasturage look green.
-Miss Ella Hewitt, of Farquhar, was
the guest of Miss Ethel Brown on Sun-
day. -Mr. P. Brown, butter maker at
Honey Grove, Poole, is expected home
shortly to go into the creamery here,
The undersigned has op-
pened up a new Meat Market
where he will keep the choic-
of meats constantly on hand.
John T. Manning.
Gould for her comfort. Long tray
they both be spared to conduct the
Haulm of Refuge, and may God help
them both,
. S. CARRO t ,
week but was soon extinguished byAround bout Us,
some helping hands. -D. D. Willert's Brinsley: Mr. Geo. Young had the
Art Gallery- is nearing completion, niisfurtuue to Gut his foot with an axe
Crediton Saturday, which will no doubt keep
him from work for some time.
.lie5ars. Win Lewis, V. S., and Thos Mitchell: As Wm, Fawcett was wash-
Trevethfek, have ro shiuglad their ing a buggy' in the river the horse got
dweltitll;s.---The wife of Mr. R. E • frightened and ran away, dragon , Mrs. Mary Ann :iletherell died at her
Waller pr+'rented her husband with a Mr Fawcett quite a distance and fu- residence in Ilibbert on Suutitty� last,
bouncing boy. -Mr. harry- Sweet left ; iurint, him hadlYafter quite a long iilnes.•, aged 74
for San Antonia last Wednesday- --Thep Clinton : Cauteloa Bros.• am Irak- years. She had resided i[t ibis se:thin
Roy ll Tem lain of Temperance, attend t in big purchases of eggs, taking in a ion;; time, beiihl: orae of ibe first set -
at He sa l p last Thursday'' an average of 1,000 dozen per day and "• Her husband died Meant three
ed a concertn l
evening. -The tile and brick yards -1.500 doz. on some days. They areyears ago. She leaves a grown up
commenced work last week .Mr. A. also buying about au average of 500 falnfly to mourn their loss. She was a
Zwieker, who is attending the F. C. 13.Pounds of butter each day. consistent member of Salem church
College at London, spent Saturday and; Goderich Tp.: On Monday evening Hibbert, in which cemetery she was
buried on Wednesday*.
away ou Saturday last, aged 55 years.
Deceased was very highly respected,
and was one of three brothers residing
on the farm and was not married -
On April 22nd, Charlie, the sixteen-
year•oid son of Mr. Cool:, St, Marys,
died from the effects of a kick of a
horse, received the previous day. He
was thrown into fits, to witch he had
been subject, and succumbed as stated.
There died at his residence. 5th limn
near Sunshine, on Sunday, April. 24tbs
John McArthur, sr., after a long and
painful illness. Dropsy was the cattee
of death. Mrs, McArthur died. a good
many yearn ago. The family are all
grown up and mostly all home
On Saturday the spirit of Mr. Edward
Robertson, of the Stla con. of East Wa-
wanosh, passed peacefully away after a
long illness. The deceased had been
suffering for some time from dropsy
and heart trouble and the end was not
unexpected, A widow and a large
grown-up family survive to mourn the
loss of a kind and loving parent.
Mrs- Jas, Stewart, of the township of
Stanley, died Tuesday morning after a
ten days illuess of pneumonia, at the
age of 5$ years and 9 months. The
deceased was one of the early settlers
of that township and held in high es.
teem by a wide circle of friends, and
much sympathy is expressed for the
bereaved family, the husband, one sett
and three daughters.
Sunday with his parents. -;11r, Samuel
Lamport has purchased a Creeent bi-
cycle from Young & Zwicker.-Mr. D.
as Mr. C. Spence was working upon
the scaffold in his barn he had the mis-
fortune to fall through to the floor,
Sweitzer is building this dwelling westalighting heavily upon his hip, which
of Mr. S Brown's store, -Mr. Alonzo • injury will lay him up for some time.
Il a around
R tYtB built a fE G
Hodgins Iiippea : Mr. D. B. McLean, of Tuck -
garden. -Miss Mary Wein, of London, ersmitb, last week accompanied by Mr.
is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs L. , William Murdoch, of Stanley, started
for the 014 Country with a number of
fat cattle. Mr h1tLeau goes for the
good of his health, which has not been
Wein.—Mr, V. Raiz, M. 1?., of Ottawa,
spent Sunday with his family. -Mr. J
Pretter, wife and family, of Zurich,
were the guests of Mrs Brown. -Miss'' of the best at late.
V. Banes, who is teaching school at Corbett: Mr. John Burney met with
Grand Bend, has secured the position as
teacher h re in the place of Miss Ball, what might have proved a very serious
who has been engeged as teacher for accident rete i:tly,throtlgh being; knock
ed down by a cow, and. drawn some
distaueo by the rope which was around
his hand, causing quite a painful hurt
to that member, besides various bruis-
es otherwise received.
Clinton: The Licence Commission-
ers at their adjourned meeting on Mon
day decided to refuse licenses to S. Pike,
Clinton; J. Dinsley, Wingham; and A.
Young, Kintail. These houses have
all been in posseesion of the franchise
for years and the summary action of
the Board will very materially reduce
their value.
Brucefield : Mr. Peter McGregor
left here on Tuesday en route for
Liverpool, England, taking with him
two car loads of heavy draught horses.
They were pronounced by good judges
to be as fine a lot of horses as ever left
Huron. Mr. Haney, V. 8., of Mitchell,
who is also taking a car load, goes
along with Mr. McGregor.
the Exeter schoo', -Mr. S. Brown is
agent for the Canadian money orders.
-Mr. Henry Eiiber M. P. P., was in
London, Tuesday on business.
(Intended for last week.)
Chas. Fritz was in London last week
on business. -Mr. Frederick Ilse, of the
Kiowa Indian Medicine Company, was
home a few days last week and reports
business good. -Mr. J. A. Wambold,
our confectioner and barber, hag put in
a fine refrigerator which will be of
great value to his business. -Mr. Au-
gust Sn:hreeder has planted some maple
trees in front of his premises, -Love
affairs regulated at the "Imp." Consul-
tation free. -Mr. Peter Lamont, of Zur-
ich, was in town Thursday on business.
-Owing to the bad roads•of last week
the bikes had to be stored away for a
few days. -Mr. Henry Hoffman has
purchased a Crescent wheel from C.
Fritz. -Mr. Pater McKenzie, of Shipka,
was in town on business Saturday. -
What about the Zobo Quartette? -War
news is the excitement of the day. -Mr.
D. D. Willert, formerly of Carsonville,
Mich., is building a photograph gallery
on Roland street. We wish him sun -
cess. -Mr. Wm. Murphey is nursing a
sore hand. -Mr. Tyler, of Clarksburg,
is visiting at Mr. Wm.Snider's.-What
about the Cycle Club? -Be careful with
your fire crackers boys! as it is not
24th yet. -Rev. E. Eby returned from
Conference Monday last, and will move
to Ptattsvillo. His place will be tilled
by Rev. Sour, of Morriston. -The Y.
P. A. will have their monthly business
meeting to night (Thurs.) and have
prepared a good program, --On Thurs
day of last week, Mr. Wm. Brenner, of
this place and Miss Wagner, of Seaforth
were united in the holy bonds of matri-
mony and have settled down in the vie
Iage.-Mr. P. Mclsaac, our liveryman,
has purchased another sorrel horse. He
uow has one of the best stock of horses
in the county. -A gentleman from
Hensall was in town Monday evening
and being tilled with fire water receiv-
ed a warm reception by one of our citi
zensto which Levi. the Conqueror lent
a helping hand. -Dressmakers are busy
making bicycleeuits. Look out for the
scorchers. -Messrs. J. Tapp and S. Wil-
lert were at Grand Bend Tuesday, on
their bikes: -John Pope was in Blyth
Tuesday to attend the funeral of his
aunt. -Mr. F. Willert shipped a carload
of hogs Monday to Toronto.
Stephen School Reports
Report of S. S. No. 6, for April. Sr.
IV -Jacob Ratz, Clara Ratz, Maggie
Barrie: Jr. IV -Claude Fisher, Eddie
Ratz, Mary Querriu; Sr. III -Annie
Yearly, Joseph Querriu, Alex. McDon
ald; Jr. III -Theresa Querrin, Allie
Harding, Laura Finkbeiner: II -Alice
Mawhinuey, Joseph Wild, Lucinda
Kraft; Part II-=Teenie Smith, Chester
Mawhinney, Ella Witzel; Part I -Jo
sepbine Regier, Laura. Ratz, Albert
J.X. MORR.ISON, Teacher,.
OBITUARY. -011 Wednesday, April 27,
there died ou the Goshen Line, near
hare, one of the oldest, if not the oldest
residents of Hay Township, in the
person of Mrs. Mary Dorothy Walper,
nee.Miller, at the ripe age of 92 years, 9
months and 12 days. She was a des-
cendant of German stock, having been
born at Romrod, Alsfeldt, Grand -Duchy
of Hessien Darmstadt, Germany, Am
gust, 17th, 1805. In 1827 she was
united in holy matrimony with Conrad
Walper, who predeceased her 13 years
ago to the Great Beyond. In 1848 they
immigrated, settling in Wellesley towu-
ship, Waterloo Co., but soon afterwards
coming into this community, when all
was yet a wilderness, bearing all the
hardships of pioneer life. By hard la-
bor, economy and industry,they secured
for themselves a comfortable home, and
have left unto their posterity the her-
itage of a noble character and life. Mrs.
Walper was a member of the Evangel
ical Association Church, Zurich, and a
true and devout Christian woman. She
was comparatively well and active up
to the time of her demise, being able to
walk about the house unaided With
her son in law, and her only surviving
daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Lebe-
gath, of the Goshen Line, she had a
pleasant home and tender care in late
years. Her end was peace, for she died
as she had lived, Her remains were
interred in the Bronson Line, Evangeli•
cal cemetery, on Friday afternoon, fol-.
lowed by a large concourse of friends.
She leaves three sons, uno daughter, a
number of grand and great grand.
children, and one great-great•grand
child. Her husband, two sons and two
daughters predeceased her.
WEDDINGS -Mr. G. Gray, of Mitchell
and for some time a- resident of this vil-
lage, was wedded. on Monday evening,
April 20th, to Miss Nina Kinsman of
Mitchell. The ceremony was perform.
ed by Rev. Mr. Kerr, of this village. -
A very pleasant event occurred at the
home of Mr. Thomas Palmer, of this
village, on Wednesday evening, April
27th We here refer to the marriage
of his eldest daughter, Miss Mary Ellen,
to Albert F., youngest son of Mr. Wm.
Whitesides, of, this place. The sere-
many was performed by Rev. W. E.
Kerr, in the presence of the relatives
of the contracting parties and a few
intimate •friends. The bride was as-
sisted by Miss Violet Whitesides, sister
of the groom, while Mr. Geo. Baldwin,
of Seaforth,.supported the groom. The
bride was made the recipient of a num
This week we record the sad death
of Margaret Kent, relict of the late Ed.
win Kent, of Wingham, which oeeurred
on Saturday, April 23rd. Ileceaeed
came ther r dcith by poison,
tered by her oaan hand, but no cause
eau be attributed why she should take
her life. She had been up and around.
on Saturday and from all outward ap
pearance seemed to be in the best of
health and spirits. She was a daugh-
ter of Mr. Caleb Griffin and had heea a
resident of town for many years and
was held in high esteem by her Targe
eircle of friends and acquaiorances,
Mr. Gladstone's Condition.
London, May 3rd. -Advices frcm
IIAwarden today say Mr. Gladstone is
resting distinctly easier. He is suffer-
ing• little pain, and had a gond sleep
last night.
Burned Death.
Belleville, May 3-A little girl named.
Nettie Bly was so badly burned last
night while lighting a fire with coal
oil that she died in the hospital some
hours afterwards. She was six years
old and a daughter of Mrs. Fred Clap-
Clinton: The other day a man at
tempted to get on a moving locomotive
at the statiou here, and missed his foot
ing, and was thrown between the plat-
form and the train; he miraculously es
eaped unhurt. On Tuesday morning
Rev. J. W. Holmes was a few moments
late in boarding the east bound train,
and had one of the narrowest escapes a
man cares to experience.
Goderich tp.: Mr. John Holmes met
with rather a severe accident a few
days ago by his team running away;
he had got out of the wagon and gone
to the horses' heads, when a piece of
loose paper, blown by the wind, startled
the team when they took fright and
ran away. Mr. Holmes was thrown to
the ground, the wagon passing over
him, bruising him considerably.
Clinton: The other day a little daugh-
ter of James Finch was patting a dog
on the head when the animal sprang
at her face, throwing her down and
putting its teeth through her cheek.
The timely assistance of a gentleman
passing by, no doubt, prevented her
from being seriously injured. The an-
imal is one that the child has frequent-
ly played with, which makes the action
of the dog all the more unexpected.
A Nervous Women.
,r T was completely run down and
bad a bad cough due to bronchitis. I
was very nervous, but since taking
Hood's Sarsaparilla I have more appe-
tite and feel a great deal better. I'
have also used Hood's Pills and find
them very excellent." MRs. M. GAR-
LAND, 675 Crawford Street, Toronto,
Hood's Pills are easy to take, easy to
operate, Cure indigestion, headache.
KYDD.-In Exeter North, on April 30th,
the wife of Jonathan Kydd, of a son.
WooD.—In Exeter, on April 28th, the
wife of Frank Wood, of a son.
April 27th, at the residence of the
bride's parents, by Rev. W. E. Kerr,
Albert Wbitesides, to Miss Nellie,
daughter of Mr. Thomas Palmer.
BERRY -FORD -At the Manse, Exeter
on April 25th, by Rev. W. Martin, B.
D., T. J. Berry, of Hensall, to Miss
Annie, daughter cf John Ford, of
LErlrox-DONouUE-In Clinton, at the
R. C. Church, on April 26th by Rev.,
Father West, Mr. J. Lennon, of De-
troit, to Miss Emma Donohue, also of
Detroit, daughter of Mrs. Gagen, of
Clinton: St. Joseph's R. C. church,
which was crowded, was the scene of a
very pretty wedding on Tuesday morn-
ing, when Miss Emma Donahue, of De
troit, daughter of Mrs. Gagen, of town,
was married to Mr. J. Lennon, of De
troit. The ceremony was performed by
Rev. Father West. Miss Douahue, of
Emmett, Mich., sister of the bride, act•
ed as bridesmaid, while the groom's
brother, of Ashfield, performed the du-
ties of groomsman. The church was
prettily decorated with flowers and the
wedding march was played by Miss
Ada Jones. After the ceremony the
party drove to the home of the bride's
mother where dinner was served. The
bride received many beautiful presents.
her of valuable and useful presents.' The happy couple the same e, en -
The happy couple after receiving the ing for their hems in Detroit.
HEntor—Ross—At the First Presby-
terian Manse, St. Marys, by Rev. T.
• A. Cosgrove, on April 25th, George
Heriot to Miss Mabel, daughter of.
Geo. Ross, all of St. Marys.
Coox-In St. Marys, on April 22nd, ..
Charles Walter Cook, aged, 16 years
1 month, 19 days.
ROGER -In Usborne, on April 26th,•.
William Roger, aged 64 years, a
months, 14 days.
BRouGI?<.-At Goderich, on April 28th,.
Mary Austwiek Brough, widow of
the late Seeker Broilgh, Q. C, for
some time Judge of the County Courts
of the County of Huron.