The Exeter Advocate, 1898-4-29, Page 54 4 r P 1r4 era ;ph. gitat- host "i 1 par' ide a 3. I mf num cap - will an. Y 9 dii3• .o be ine- wei quo iv7 night Fright; can ee'ese,'' sub- tinted is for legala l� ecurc' THE Is published every Thursday Morning, a eOt t the 'hoe, MAIN -STREET, EXETER. -.By Sly the----- AOVOQATE, PUBLISHING COMPANY 3U;1iSoaurr1P 1. One Dollar per annum, if paid in Advaarice stL O if not so paid. d-me;t=cr-r,g; Ire -aao ori AZ�laltc . Naa�rerdieaontineedunti all arr ara o ere pairl. Advertisements without eneeide diraotaous will be published till forbid and ehargeda000rdingiy, 4iberaldiscountnnade for transoient advertisements inserted for long Periods. Every description of JOB Fi3INTING turned actin the finest style, and at moderate rate* Oheaiues,mcoley ord. eta, $so, for advertising, bsoriptions,eto.to be made p lava bee to Chas. i3[. Sanders, EDITOR axe MOB 1.'roteastonal Cards., IL KINSMAN, 4.D.S.& DR.A..R. KINSMAN, SMAN, L D. s,, D. D. S., honor graduate of Toronto University. DENTISTS, `Rooth extracted without any pain, oe any bad effects. Office in Fanson's Rlook, west side Hain Street, Exeter. D. ALTO C ANDRRSON,(D.D.S.,L.D•S.,) honors Graduate of the Toronto Uni- rhity and Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Oatareo, Tenth extracted withoutain, All modes of Dentistry up to date, Offiee ever Elliot «e Elliot's law office -opposite sjantra/ Motel -Exeter. J'tedieai • ra. J A. Itor,raNa & T A. AU0S. aee Rini..tenees, some as formerly OFFICES, Speakman, building. Mein St. Dr, Itollina office; same as formerly --north door. P. , U O5' office, same building--soutk door. May 1st. ►S93 X. A Rollins. M. D, T. A, Amos, M. D 1111.T. P. StCLAUGRI,IN, MEMBER Ql+' • the College of s'hysieiane and Surgeon* Ontario. Phwalesan, Surgeon and Acecuob- eur. Office. Dashwood. dint. Legal, D 11. COLLINS, 13MtE,ISTBR.SOT,ICIT- .L30. Olt, Conveyaneor, Notary Public. Office --Over O' Top's Bank, i aoter,Ontario. Money to Loan. j x.DICICSON,BAtU ISTEP,sOLIC1TDlL, .1.4. of Supreme Court, Notary Public,Con- vevanoer, Qommiseiouer, leo, Money *0 lean O&oe-E anson'a I11ook,F,acoter L1LLIOT & t}T,AUM .N. BARRISTERS, L Etc., Conveyancers. and Money' to Roan at 5 and (01 per Gout. a. v. En -ton. P, W. G 4Ai1?fas. etlonri'ret T] ASOWN, ViTlueltolsee. !licensed Anot- 13.. ionoorfor the Counties of Porth and Middlesex, also for the township of (laborite Sales promptly attended to and term, reg. aonb,dio.Sales arranged at Past office, Win - oholsea.. Insurance, E E1,1}zoT, Insurance Agent, Main. St, Exeter WANTED, HELI'. Reliable man in every locality, local or travelling, to introduce a new discovery and keep our show eardstliekPit up on treev, fenees and bridges throughout town and country. Steady employment, commission or salary, 665 pox re oath and expeneer.. 3n'1 Money dc- occi tad in any bank when started. For par- ticulars write*" the World Medical Electric Go.," London, Ont , Canada. 2-299 TUE YII3E3IO a% IS U, UtIisiO:NN EIu 1uesa and Shorthand College. Cor. Young and College Sts., 7.oronto is an absolutely first-cla;ze Business i+chool. Individual instructionby.ox,rorioncedteach- ers holding Highest qualifications. Good re - suite. Prospectus mailed free. Enter now. R, D. Nimnto F.N.I'.!1. delta. Harrison A'riaGistyaToronto nveriand a , S. .i3e ore A ick• r .f f o s :'hos hod ins 27,e Great English Remedy. Sold and recommended by all druggists in Canada. Only reli- able eliable medicine discovered. Six packages guaranteed to care all forms of Sexual Weakness, all effects of abuse -or excess, Mental Worry, Excessive use of To- bacco, Opium or Stimulants. Mailed on receipt of price, one package $1, six, O. One viii please, sfx2oiil cure. Pamphlets free to any address. The Wood Company, Windsor,Ont. KirWood's Phosphodino is sold. in Exeter by J. W. Proving, druggist. .1 FAR ESS! 1 1 You will find at Bisset's Warerooms the following line of Agricultural Implements : Deering Binders, Mowers, Roller and Bali Bearings, Steel Sulky Rakes. A full line of Seed Drills, Cultivators, Disc and Diamond Harrows, Plows, and Turnip Drills. SEEING MACHINES ETC. The celebrated Raymond sewing. machince.... Knoll Washer and wringers.p 3 A 9 -_ .-.,se1. Gurney stoves and furnaces w A 0 and .1\. . '/' 5. S >yw The Chatham Wagon and a full; tine Of thecelebrated McLaughlin buggies' • &d �lp� L MAD ;,:, EA ' tib AJAX TABLETS POSTTrvEL`.l CUBE d.76P>IV'erunua..23ivecacerr-Failing 1tTem or',Impbtuney, Sleeplessness, tate. caused .by Abeso. or ather.�Lac5sees anti Indis• creams, 27,ey +uic5ly oink arcr3rc, restoreL'ost.Vitality in. old or young. and b business or err. a fit a man far study, u sm Prevent 'It.sauits' nue 007111111 don, if en u tune. Their use showxs immtliate improve went and efforts a G17li1 where' all other Pail In- ,Telt:uuon Navin the genuine A'a:c Tablets.; They e rat c l ''kava cured thnneanileahrl will elute yon:' We Five a pea= itive written' guarana a to offset a cure RA flee in each case or refund Coo money.' Price a ,.Ir Per package; or six partes (full treatment) for $2,60. Py alt �n plain 'wrapper. reoaart of pries. { a ban burro 1 C, Y"idD 7 r J �. � � , i;liaonuu 4D• gold in Exeter by C. Lutz, L)ruggist. EXETER MARKETS. (Changed every Wednesday) Wheat per bushel sees to 1.00 Flour, per owt 1.75 Barley.... tel to 45 Oats 33 to al Peas ,, 5; to e0. Batter 12 to 133 Potatoes perbag Hay per ton Ilrted Appleo per lo .............„ 75 to SO inn t4 Oen foneos-Declaration of War by the 1T,4 NEW YORK AFRAID QF BEiNCa SHELLED BY THE SPANISH FLEET, Hastening Eorvvard the work on. the De - fay aid Shp. B Her That Was What People Asked About Our Daughter Dreadful itching Burning Erup- tions Cured SMooth, Soft, White Skin New. 00.1. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass: "taeatlemen: Our little daughter is now four years old, When she was about three mouths old, she heal eraptiene on her face which were very' disagreeable, and itched so Coach, especially at night, that it made her trouble a great deal worse. I was obliged to keep her hands tied at night ga d item nocesSary to Watch her daring the day, She would scratch herself *vl1eaa- ever alio had the ch euee, until her clothes Wouid Se Covered with Rlood. We bed a great many doctors to see her, on they did net help her le the least.. It *7118 a terrible tasks to care for her. Wben we took her away from houao, people would ask, 'How' did that Child buret her time?' She wag completely covered with scabs for a long time, She suffered every- thing. At last wevonoludsd to tryRood'e Sarsaparilla, becausee l bad great faitli it, and atter awhile we couldgee that she was getting better. People said she would eer a.i.tY lwlef t with oas her face, but she wee net. Itis now a year since she was oared by Hood's Sarsaparilla, and her face is as SmcQth and. White and Soft as %hat of any child, 1 believe Hoed' Sereaparille to be the bast family nledi- Sine that can be obtained. T take It rnye soli for headache and That tired feeling, and 'have found nothing to equal it. Ono peculiarity about Hood's Snreaparilla is that it is plensaut to take and it is rte trouble to induce children to taken.. The doctors pronounced my little girl's disease to ho eczema, or salt xhcun1." Mrs, Witasen Wetets, Warren, Connecticut. N. B. Do not be induced to buy any subYtit*te. Be sure to get Hood's Sarsaparilla The Best -1n feet the Ono True Bleed Pnrllier. Sold i y all druggists. $1; six for $3. cure Liver I11s, essy to Hood's Pills take, easy to eiterato.:5o. FOR TWENTY-SEVEN YEARS DUNN'S KI 0 THE C00K.'S BEST FRIEND LARGEST Sf1LE 1H CAIraD... South Perth. 'Mitchell, , (nt., April 21.-Atv large and enthusiastic meeting held here thie afternoon to consider the question „f protesting- the South Perth electiot able speeches were delivered by Mr. Eottteith and others, and in ten zniuuta:• 81,275 was suhsenhed towards dt•friv leg the expenses of the protest Mr. - - John characterized the meeting as 1l most liberal and enthusiastic he b::. met will' in the Province. No Postage on Newspapers. Ottawa, April 20. -Postmaster Gen- eral Muloek'a bill to impose half a cent a pouted pottage on newspapers will not become law this session, if ever The. Ministers have received so many protests from members of Parliament and citizens that they have decided to allow the bill to drop this session. Mr Mulock has considerably changed his personal views on the subject, and will probably set to work to devise eo'tne other means of reducing the deficit of $750,000 in his department. $9,000 tor "Gold" Bricks. J. 11. Moore, a kit, Marys' Man fars coed at °,.tai ria. Sarnia, April2L.-J. D. Moore, a pros- perous business men of St. Marys, was swindled out of $9,000 last eight by a gold brick scheme. One week ago a1 r i stran,,er, eetc tng the :lame of David' 'Brown.; called on Moore .and interested hint, in a geld "mine in Arizona. Moore was itifflieod.to come here Slid Inot: aur sampler;, which were to the possossl„to of Brown'spartuer, a Mexican. lino]t•. was taken) to the camp of the llIesieai, two miles clown tlle' river. He looked at the bricks, and together with broil is came here to have them assayed .t often confederate VMS 01 the, Bi'li•hrirn- ber hotel, in the p •orsotl of . " lJiaite,: States " 1ssaer.„After c.One.,ideiatb'c talk, be assayed the bricks and genie ed Hien/ "1.1 9 20 karat tin,.'." haler was not satisfied atntl 4vent back to th tamp, where be was allowed to tik some of the fillings to be tested, The. filiIngs sero pennotle40 enueek by •tv ���,ia t lc 9 ; t c Sarnia c f . 'and 1 iii ,,, 1 , �Q l dtt $9,000 in bills'fiom the Tredees Batik He bought the bricks whi h 'wore o stip. posed to be ,worth' $20,000. Later at jewe1L'e pronotlaieedthe bricks enplane and'Moore made cotnpbtint to the i;o Ilce: A' pravinutannetect.ive ie en the trail of the swindlers --1!'irst Naval Right Exported to Talo Place at the P'i*illppines-within Twenty Four Hours. p -T g l New York, k, A ril'�'6.•-•'�a time is b0in , lost in pushing forward work :ole ships in the navy yard for North Patrol Squad- ron, The officers in the yard behove the Spanish flotilla will threaten New' York and, operations are rushed as if a descent of the formidable Armada were imminent, PORTUGAL. AND CAPE P11 VERDE. Must Drive the Spaolards Front the Islands .or Take Sides With Them, r�'ow Xork, April 26,-A London spec- ial says: Our treaty requires Portugal, war having actually begun, by decree of Spain, to order to sea, the Spanish fleet lying in wait ae Cape Verde islanda for the Oregon, or also seize and bold 1t to: the end of the war. The beginning of war, for intereational purposes, has bean construed by Great Britain, which retakes. it the hour Spain delivered his passports. tt► General Woodford, and this decision is in strictest agreement with the prinoipteg applicable to the case, and cannot sue- cessfully be appealed from. Should l ertu- gal not male the deviated, on Spelt), she enures to be neutral, and becomes a lielll- gerent, to bo dolt with accordingly. Should Spain retuse to comply with taw demand, Portugal has no naval force to enforce the demoted, and by her inapot•. once ceases to ne a free and indopoadont nation, and is practleelly a proteotarate of Spoin'a for all purposes of war A viol. repoeted, Washington special to Herald: Commo- dore Dewey is expected to establish a lockade othe b f prineipai ports of the Philippines by this afternoon, The Navy Ilepertmont is expecting reports of an engagement within the next twenty-four hours. DECLARATION OP 'WAR. - Conpress Rushee It Through is Less Thy#, Tiro Minutes and alae President Signs It the saute Day. Waslaington, April 26, -Tho President yesterday sent to Congress a fnessage, re- eomntonding a declaration of war against Spain. In the House the President's messags Was ordered printed and referred to the Committee on Foreign Affairs by the Speaskor. The committee reported a declaration of war in a few minutes thereafter. It took the Honse one ,shunt. and forty.one seconds to pa; a the declaration of war; Following is the bill reported by the Souse Foreign Airalrs Committee: A bill doelering that war exists be- tween the United States of America and the kingdom of Spain. Bo it onaoted, etc., First, that war be, and the same is hereby declared to exist,. and that war bas existed einem the 21st day of April, A.D., 1898, including said day, between the. United States of Amor- ica and the kingdom of Spain. Second, that tho President of the Uni- ted. States be, and be is hereby directed and ompowored to use the entire land and naval forces of the United States and to call into tho actual service of the United States the militia of the several States to such extant as may bo necessary to early the Act into ellcot. The Senate passed the bill in less than two minutes, and the President signed it at 0.110. Sk2ER L- n �,NRESIGNS. II. S. Secretary for War Glees Ills Rosi- nation to the President. Washington, April 26. -Mr. John Sher- man, the venerable Secretary of State, handed Itis resignation to the President. This resignation took effect at noon yes- terday, and with it Mr. Sherman retires after a service of over forty years, embrac- ing the Souse of Representatives, the United States Senate, the Secretaryship of the Treasury and the Secretaryship of State. The reason for the rosinnation is the condition of the Secretary's health. Shoranan's Successor. Judge Day Has accepted the position. Prot. Moore Succeeds Judge Day. Washington, April 26. -John B. Moore, Professoi of International Law of Col- umbia University, Now York, and forin• erly Second Assistant Secretary of State, has been chosen to . succoeed Judge Day as Assistant Secretary of State. New York Harbor Guarded. New York, April 26. -The War Depart- ment has issued regulations for the entrance of vessels to New Yorlc harbor. No vessel will be allowed to pass Sandy Hook between sunset and sunrise, and rules are established for the guidance of Vessels in avoiding submarine mines. Canadian Boats Not for Sale. Montreal, April 26. -Tho Canadian Pacific authorities deny that they will sell the steamers Tartar and Athenian, now ready. to run on the route between Vancouver and Alaskan points, tothe United States Government ,for use as auxiliary cruisers on the Pacific coast. These steamers were recently purchased in England specially for the Alaskan trade. Two Moro C I io ,alive,, Key West, April 2:i. -Tho ;latest cap... tures of the fleet are a schooner, sugar ]aden,-for Havana, and the brig Cane]ite, coal laden,.. The former was taken by the Porter, and the latter by the Wilinine- •:n almost within range of the Cagimar Unteries. Both were towed hove by the tug Algonquin. The Somers Tied Up. Loudon April 26. -The officials of the United States Embassy fear the United Fan States torpedo boat Somers, oat 1 S s now mown), is iost]n remain C ns1l d for some time tocome as the neutrality proclamation will be `. issued tonlay,and no convoy: for the little craft4 has yet been Gladstone Free ,front Pain. secured and it is Tin possible for her to London April 26. -Mr.' Gladstone it is i P attempt to cross the Atlantic without an announced from lawardea,a ssed a poor oSetrt. The Embassy. was crowded yestor- night, butlebadaof/tattered pain yea - day with ship brokers, negotiations being terday. on foot to purchase, on behalf of the ?sited. States, some British ships which aro .now in American ports, Tho report oirculated in the United States that the 13ritisb Consul at. Rosana. had cabled to. the Foreign Oielce notify, ireg the .:authoritieshere that Rowena: •would he bombarded, is incorrect. What he cabled was that he expeeted Havana would, be bombarded, AT :rt IrllierepretrIS. The I•'irst Naval Battle Between Spaaiu and the 11. Se May Wake :'lace, New York, April 26.,.-- A. special to tkte World from Houg-Koug says; Hong - long is an English pert, 623 miles from Manila, thll capital of Milo Philippino Islands, and was the rendezvous of the Pacific deet of the United Snares, Which at present consists of the Olympia, Bos- ton, Coneord, Petrel, Raleigh and two 'new merchant cruisers, but is soon to be joined by the Baltiiporo, In addition the Charleston, now at San Francisco, will sail to the China seas ts,S soon as repairs are finished. offsetting these Spain has the cruisers Castilla, Being Christina„ Doll Juan de Moe. Don Juan de Aus- tria. Yolasco and if, number of light gnu - boats and torpedo boats, in whatt condi- tion for service is not known, but which may be in a position to act on the ofeell;- eive instead of the defensive, so that the ruse naval combat may Dake place lira the Pacific, not tae Atlaittio. Apereeietee ueee IT411.. Leaden, April d6,... -.The Washington 0or1eip0Udent of the ID,aily 14a11 cables that in an interview yesterday Prosklon* McKinley saidt "Not the Government alone, lank the. whole nation feel. most. deeply the good will sent t+o theta .across the sea." And ho :,edea, impressively "Nor will they forget at." Roosevelt alas Resigned, Wusltington,Apri1 li1L -Theodora Rowe - volt alas resigned as Assistant Seoretiery Of the Navy, to take effect at the Presi- dont's convonlenec after the counnouoe. uaent of aetivo military operations, TwoC C ru knot Have L s v eft. 'Song -Fong, April 26.-.(7.55 et. na.)-- The Suited States cruiser, Qlyaupie and Baltimore here left this ,port. It is send that Commodore Dewey :end the Suited States Consul, ,tr. William B. Hunt, protested that, 16 Was not uaoessaary to leave, as they had not been notified by the United States. Government of the doelaretion of war. Although it is not so stated, the TIM - ted, Settee squadron was apparently re- quested to leave by the British author'. ties, in consequence of the proclamation of neutrality. WAR NOTES. Tho monitor Jason has been sighted off Long Branoh. The U. S. ship Columbia has been sighted off Newport, .till. The ram Katandin le to bo stationed at Provineotown for cost defence. The endear Chnrioston was iu dry dock at San Francisco when the earthquake took place:, and received injuries by the jolting. The steamers St. Louis and, Now York, now the 'Rale and Harvard of the *Cr S. navy, are being costed at New York, and will sail under soiled orders. The War Department estimate that there will be 15,000 regular troops en- catnt.ud at Chiekiunt►nga Park by next Thursday: ' United States Minister Barrett, sta- tioned at ta-tioned.at Bangkok, Siam, suggests that America. take forcible possession of the Philippine Islands and exchange then: with Great Britain for the West Indies. Theodore Roosevelt of Now York, .assistant Secretary of the Navy, has been laude lieutenant -colonel of at regiment of cowboys he is organising. Dr. Wood, the President's family physician, will be ool- onel•of the regiment. r r TML .EARL tee ABERDEEN Expected in England in June, and May Not ltoturn to Canada as Governor. London, April 26. -Tho Earl of Aber- deen is expected to arrive bare in June, and it is said will not return to Canada in the capacity of Governor-General of the Dominion. Major Barwood bas been appointed District Paymaster in Canada, vice Staff Paymaster Col, Creagh. A silver modal will be sent to Captain Winter, late adjutant of the Ottawa Foot Guards, who was one of the successful essayists for the Gascoigne prize. ]Eloped With the Furniture. Ottawa, April 26. --Frederick Orrell, a young man about 25 years of age, was arrested yesterday afternoon by Detective Flannagan in a Cambridge street board- ing house on a charge of stealing a large quantity of furniture from William Foley of Toronto. In the arrest of Orrell an interesting elopement case Is un- earthed. About the middle of Maroh the young man eloped from Toronto with Mrs. Foley and came to this city, where they had been living together ever since. The couple brought with them, sone is said, a large quantity of Foley's furni- ture in, Toronto. The enraged husband arrived hero yesterday and met his little boy on the street. Tho child told the whole story of his mother's elopement, and Orroll's arrest followed. Gresi,anz Had a right Squeeze. Port Colborne, April 26. -The United States revenue cutter Gresham, in pass- ing through the stone bridge .last night, coming down the Welland: Canal, struck the swing bridge with her anchor stalk, projecting out over the bow, removing the bridge from the centro anti disabling it from being swung back to its former position: A crowd of people who had gathered on the bridge to look at the U. man-of-war wereinto S.thrown w groat excitement, fearing, they would be landed into the canal from thebridge, but all were taken off safely in boats. A Drunken Man's;escapade. Niagara Falls, Ont., ,April t6. -A young man named Thomas O'Neill, aged, 27 years, of this town was arrested yester- day morning by the ,Ontario police, charged with housebreaking and attempt eel criminal assault: The charge was. made by an old lady 73 years of age, named Mrs. Moore, the widow of the late James Moore. the aa cnsed'h ad a hearing r g before Felice Di al strato Logan, who, committed him ,for trial Bch in Dille la especially true el flood's rills, for no mode, eine ever contained so creat .curative power in so small space. They are a whole ntedielne THE PALACE ebest, elways ready, el - ways eiileient always sat- tsiactory;; prevent 8, eold or rf fever, cure all liver ills,. sick Ineadache, jaundice, eonstin tion, etc, see. The only r;434o rake with Ileoc,'a Sarsaparilla,. A Serious Charge. Wm. Kelley, the 1S -year old sou of .a Mose fernier. has been committed for trial, byDuncan Stalkerai perand Alnt:S Pennell, 3. P.'s, on the very serious charge .of attempting to commit rape On Louisa Hurdle the 12-year•old daughter of a eeighborin,g' farmer. The offense is alleged to have taken place on Thursday. According to her own story, tile girl was on. the way home from her grand mother's when Kelley calied her to show her some grain baga which he said belonged to her father. The girl 'rent to the barn, when, it is alleged Kelly threw her down. After a struggle she succeeded in freeing herself, and rale- ing An alarm. lie was arraigned before Judge El- liot Tuesday morning and pleaded not guilty and elected to be tried toy judge. lee will be tried Monday. WARM 'EARL 0-fEAPLOTIii. - .e. RIBLLTABLE Q PER Honest Help #Vee u'u Men. The Exeter AnYOCATi3 15 authorized to state by Mr, D. 'Graham, .Rex 3013, Ua;ersville. Ont., that any man who is nervous and dobilleted or who is suffer- iug from any of the various troubles resulting from overwork, • excesses of abuse, such as nervous' debility, ex haunted vitality, lot vigor, unnatural drains and loses, lack of developement, etc., can write to him in strict coon - deuce a:nd receive FREE OF CHARGE full instructions bow to be thoroughly cured Mr. Graham himself was for a long time a sufferer from above troubles and after trying in vain many advertised retneddies, electric belts, etc.,, became al- most entirely discouraged and hopeless. Finally he confided in an old Clergyman whose kind and honest advice enabled him to speedily obtain a perfect and. permanent cure. Knowing to his Far- row, that so many poor suffers are be- ing imposed upon by unscrupulous quacks, Mr. Graham considers it his duty ea an honest man and a firm be. ]lover in Christanu sympathy and kind ness, to give hisfellowmen the henetit of his experience and aesist them to a cure. Having nothing to sell, he asks for no money, the proud satisfaction of having dune a great eerviee to one in need, he rightly eoustders an ample re- ward for hie trouble. If you write to Mr. Grahame yon can rely upon being cured and upon absolute secrecy as well. Address as above. enclosing; a stamp and refer to the Exeter AnvooATl; No attention however will be given to those writing nut of mere curiosity, therefore state that you really need a CUM, IIIMINMEZMUSSUSIZSCLIONSIP A FORTUNE. En the event of a stroke of good win for- tune you can w i 300.000 aIIr , s. The payment ofthe prizes is guaranteed byGovernment. r meat. 1st drawing: yauat 23r0. 3i oaareinyited to participate in f Chances of Wirt, iso• in the grand drawinty orprizet+ guaranteed b3' the mate oY „Unnibarer in width 11 millions 349,325 marks surely have to be won. In the course of these advantageous drawings, which contain according to the prospectus onlv llry00 tickets, the following prizes will be forthcoming, viz: The highest prize will be ,vent 500,000 Marks. ks. Premium of 300,000 Marks 1 Prize at 2oo,00to Marks 1 Prize of .Prizes of 1. Prize of t Prize of I Prize• of 11 Prize of .3 Prizes of Prize: of 1 Prize of 2 prizes of Prizes of 56 Prizes of 1 on, Prizes of .t506 Prizes of t412 erizes of u Ioo.000 Marks. 000 Marks 74/,000 Marks 65.000 Marks 4;0.noo Marks 55,00o Marks .30,000 Marks 50.009 Marks 30-000 Marks 20,000 Marks 10.000 Marks 5,000 2,1arks 3.4400 Marks 9.000 Marks 1..000 Marks :11.51114 Prizes of 100 Marks 4o Prizes of 300 Marks 14o Prizes of 900 Marks 3605.2 Prizes of 155 Marks :l059 Prizes of 134. 1104, loo marts 9351 Prizes of r3. 45, 21 Marks. in all 50.11.30 prizes whieli must be surely won in 7 drawings within the space of a few months. The highest prize of ist drawing amounts ro Mk. 50,000, increase in 2d. drawing t, Mk. 55,000, in. 31 Mk. 90,0110, in tth Mk. G,dlitr, in 5th. Mk. 70,000, in lath Mk. 75,1100, iu 7th Mk, 200.(109), and together with0 the Pramitun of Mk. 3'JO 00 in the moat fortunate case. to Mk300,000. The official cost for participation in the first two drawings amounts to $4.50 for a full ticket, $2.26 for half a ticket $1.13 for 1 quarter of a tickte, Pa1f resii, quarter tickets will entitle to ono -half resp. one quarter of the amount, won by the respective' number, nw ,nit n t t•rk t. ed o the 1 0 The stakes for participation in the Following ,irawings. as well as the exaet prize-table,are indicated in the official prospeetus, which I send on demand gratis in advance.. The prospectus is also c,^_e gratis with every order. After the drawing 7 .hall forward to everytick et- S 0 i lr„ldar i1te otbeial list of the winkling 'n urn hers Tile payinont. and forwarding of mounts won �u th7,s, concerned will have nay special and prom pt utr.enivi,on, and, with the'mest Pre ebsolutb eer:oy: l:enzittra„ce o£money eon bo made. IIIIRZCA:S 13'&SK-3flT5S bean y+'e ,a . (t :mal letter r by lout Office Or$ers S 1 0 y. tate ails al a sent bypostage S b t e r Iso be ii ui s t � 1 77"?n account of the approaching Of the prizes, please address the ,, .,1 1 eralttllllt<I < L i ti ey in all confidence 1 direct 10 HER SENR, SAMUEL HEGKSC , , 1 BAN K b,R•, at D A.13 Val 111.1, 4,. 'rtnany. 1 0 A luau Must consider his purchaiaer well these times; he must buy where he can do the, best. Look at some of these figured; P187113 mode to order, all wool heavy tweeds $.2,400 Suits 0,80 Overcoats 8,0 Black Worsted ;slits a spec Tal, ,G Our $20 blacl-s beat al others at $23, (.'o.Tne for yoalydelx, 2,00 11 eee JANES Biclyces! Bicycles!! a(ft� oy les II as Bicycle Pleasure. Are you seeking Bicycle pleasures if so, you should seek first a ,lolls wheel, We con furnish you ally ut the best wheels made, at lowest prle-s Musical. Do you want anything in iia. musical line. We have a rhoieo ei,e of Pianos and organs, call and 'ta spect them before buying elsuss here A full stock Of sewing machines, baby ear riages, CCC. ate. PerkR „ 0 THE CENTRAL pivg Try. WINAN'S COUGHBALSAM ':. for Coughs, Cotes and bronchial trouble in old or young. We 3lanuiacture--, • WINNER'S LINAME$T which is an excellent remedy for Cramps, Pains, Neuralgia, bore Throat and Influenza. gybe Old Reliable, Winan'B Con- dition Powders,still holds fist place in the market. Also Lotion for scrateh :s on horse and Condition Powder for same. SOLE A4 ENT14 von DIX LUNG SYRUP. C.. LUTZ, DRUGGIST. S. GIDLEY & SON. HINTS FOR XMAS AND NEW YEAR'S RIFTS This season we have silrpassed our- selves in slaking and gathering togetbtr Choice. Oddments in lt'ane,y muroilture suitable for presentation. .The assorement is now complete ancl. everybody is invi:teii to view our Stock if only for the sake of seeing what very reasonable prices Choice .Furniture can bo purchased for. SPECIAL We wish to call special tettentioa't to a line of Very Handsome 13 ED •5i0s '1s SETTS in'pLai, flail, and. ,.sir, ANTI t?'ii.r and `Ct+ratai;a. finish. All are extre fitly tasteful in resign and the Prices are reneb. lower than it has heretofore been possill.e , ttr quota fa r similar goods. ROCKING O111Alf.&[so. to Poszsr Grzaim, AN'iioua: (IA Pis Bi CURLY : U n<ii r , and MATtOaiUNS cont x].40 nen II'tAl c tt T ]iL , A. 1.1r; aS.: A magnificent lino . „ n bought at r s.reri. floe andmarked nail -ed at correspondingly ,• priaes:;Con treTables, Fanny Chairs. retali es, toanges. Fancy Bookers, Me ie Racks .Couches Extension Ta l e; tateMouldeings, Curtain Poles, Artists Mai tr- ials, Etc., Ete.,,Etc. 1Jiel93ERCTAIKIN t nod »ti%n•L3A 1. a . RN ALI. ITS ULieAN111ES . .