HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1898-4-29, Page 2• Einbacribera Who do not receive their pope regularly will please notify -us. at otter toroly at the onte for advertisiao rotes. TILE EXETER ADVOCATE., THURSDAY, APRIL 28. 1898. Figand Thistles, The devil hotes good book. Meant -less is idleuestrn business. Doirig wrong n Ter riglato a wrong. The ability to do geei quarrels it the will. The dews of grace fall duriug Vast uight of sorrow. Deteptiou is a viper that bites baok and forward Kind words, like fragrant Aowers, are odmixed by all. Every dog has his tlay, bat a dog'a, deo is only a dog' e day. Honer your eonvictions, and heaven and earth will honor you. The oran who works for the Lord will tower be out of a job. Facing teemorrow's tia1s is turning your back Qa today's duties. Fidelity in little things is oue of tbe ;surest, tests of character. "No man bath seen God," but the heart Pees further than the telescope. To overreach a fellow mon iS eleit weproaele in the face of his Maker. A, man without e creed et 691110 laild a roan without a nioral backbotte. Stop Talk a e,eetir poverty. The Master borrowed, a cradle front the oxe'i and a we from Joseph. History is a record of 'what a =lee heart has beeo. Chritt is the ptepitetty a Isilat it inv be. The dark cloud is little dreaded when We are sure there is lig tetupeat in -wetting beyond tho tomb,. It is ono 'thing to survey yourself with pride and quite another 't0 eoplore your heart with humility. If we could -only see our own faults as plainly as we can see those a others, boor many to us would want to put out Ottr oyes 1"--Eatn's Horn. Thera never woo blf,4wr will Ise, oulveroal panacea,1 one remedy, for &.3. Ills to which dash is Soor-tbe very uature Qt luau Mt:aloes being' «3(40 that were tne germ.; of other atati differently seated stisoaaes rooted 1;1 tho system of the patient-10ot vsould relieve ace ill in tura would aggravate tno other. We have, bowever. in Quinine Wine, wben abode:Ode in a stood unadulterated atote, a re away for mossy and grevious ills. By its gradual gad judicious use, the frailest systenee are led into eonraleSeenCe and strength, by the influence which Qui. nine exerts *a Nature's own restoratives. Itrelieve.a the drooping spirits of those With trbonl a chronic state of morbid des- pondeney and lack of interest in life is a disease, and, by tranquilizing the nerves, disposes to sound and refreshing sleep- troparts vigor to the action of the blood, which, being stimulated, courses througlr out the veins, strengtheuing the healthy Animal functions of the system, thereby making activity a oecessary result, strengtbenhig the trams, and giving, life to the digestive organs, 'winch naturally demand increased substance -result, inr proved appetite. Northrop & Lyman of Toronto, have given to the public their superior Quiulne 'Wine at the usuat rate, and, gaugea by the opinion of soleotists, this wine approaches nearest perfection of any in the market. All druggists sellit. YANKEE WAR PRIZES. Spanish Merchantmen Falling a Prey to U. S. War Vessels, AMERICAN FLEET UNDER FIRE A row Shots From the natterlea of Otor o Cattle - einising $ponish Shp Several Captures Made by the Americans -Troops to lie Sent to Calia - Amoy Reorganization. all hOarti ehe flagship New York, oft Havana; April 28 (2 Ono -I. -Morro Castle opened are on the lighting squatl- relo of the 'United States at Il o'elocit pro and con, were diseussed this after. notee at the White House, at a conference in which President Meleinley, Aeterney. General Griggs, Assistant Secretary Dy Oslo Settators Davis and Hale* pertici- neted, and on its breaking up the att- nountement was made that Congress to - Morrow would be asked to declaret whet it is beld already exists. This was the most important Washington developments ot the first nor Slot:day, INVASION OF CUBA, 'rho rreaitiont Calls Upon the People to Matiffest Thula tiarttal Strengtiri-, -A:roll' Reorganization Btu, passed, Waabitigtoo, D. Q. April gu,-Tlia Presideut Saturday called upon the 'mot pie of the Ilnite.d. Litotes for the grst time An 80 years to manifest their martial strength, Otis time Owe tali being upon United iitat02 WW1'S to go loYwood tit bottle with a forevan toe. The Secretary at War created a -new army corps. Tbe as oigloo About tott shots 'were omit ill • two.taken togetherwitit'Pgler lunvs• the direction of the American sbips, but not one of them tookeffect, end no shots were fired in return. Tito Opaniards bad apparently seen the iobas of the New York while the tatter iv.s sign:A/Wag to a ship of the aquatiron. The firlog WaS reported by the oitr,cer qn geeti•,, alusign J. H. Ede, to Captain Chatiwtek, wbo was asleep at the time. Tbe ,yoang conker asked elle captain, in somewbat excited tones, whether the New York. hadn't better discontinue siguolli nor, "NO." muttered Coptairt Chciowlelt, With The utmoat coolness, "'thaw is ne netVisity for stopping Oa signal -it tag heed.' A little later Captoin Chaawistit Was On tho forward brOlge, loon wittch he wateluti the tongues of Ramo ohnat front Morro Owls:. He &dolma in the direstiun of the SpanIsh fortitications for a fon' seconds. ani then United bis hack on them, and went book to his bal. ottr- featly vermin that the $panierds eauld do oe damage at live milee, which wae th approximate distonce of the Icatalup m Morro Castle. :there was no excitement on bon, i the flagship during Morro Castle's futile itt- tempt a gunuery. Tho diatiplina was realty splendid. To fact at this hour many people on board the flagship do rso 1;poty that r'pan's Jim guns of war bete hem tired and that the New or Was their target. %Ike lenited. Stotes craleer Cirelneet optain V. M. Cheerer, reperteti fiats aosbip at midnight; "I bow oriaet " s therefor?. evident that oases hps the New York have 3z u ety g the night. The extent cr wilue tato-urea nook: by the Ottrionoti not /mown at Troia writing, Morro Cootie 1101-, what'll was burning brightly all the evening, was put out at raidnigla. The Spaniards evidently reol- izeil, thimgh rather lat. that the alle tote Morro light up to that time lopl en to serve as a guide for the fleet of the United States. The Capture of the Pedro. The capture of tbu Spanish ttantiier Pedro and the incidents attanding on tile squadron's appearance hetore ilovana form an iatereating iuitial thopter of the bistory of the war. albout 4.30 pan, yestert1aY1 When lie' vana was 15 miles distant, tho squadron was signalled Lute battle fornuttion of the dooble eolnmn, tho New York loading the battleships, and the Cluellizati ing the cruisers and gunboats. Jiror at the etc:lotions were completed, tho fol- lowing signal was hoisted on the flag- ship: "Disrepotrd movements of cum - =tinder an -chief." Simultaneously, Captain Chadwick sent Mild Engineer C. .T. OleConnell this message: "Get up all the steam you an. ..& steamer has been sighted and taw ad- miral wishes to capture bor." A few Moments later stuoku was poor - Ing front all three of the New York's funnels and she stood away to the south- east. The squadron, led by the Iowa, contin- ueti on its colime, beading in a south- westerly direction. Tbe Now York was soon tearing through the water at n rap- idly increasing speed, and was fast Ing the the squadron in the rear. Away in the distance, close under the mist -covered bills of Cuba, midway between Havana and Matanzas, could be seen the outlines of a large steamer heading to the east - Ward. A Chase. Then the old cry of "A °hate, a chase," echoed fore and aft, and the oilleers and crew of the New York gath- ered on her deck, eagerly watching the flagship churn through the blue water, foaming white at her stern, until she was making about 18 knots. The New York gained rapidly on the stranger until, to the great delight of all on board the cruiser, it was evident that the latter would cut off the steamer from escape. The crew of the New York by this time, were at tbeir stations, and guns were loaded and trained. When the Spanish ilag was seen .dying at the stranger's stern, a cry of delight went up from the blue jackets on board the Now York. It was evident that the Spaniard was doing her best to got away from the oruiser, and was beading in nearer and nearer to the coast, booing to find safety in shallow water whore the warship could not dare to follow her. When the Spaniard was about three miles from the shore at about a mile from the New York, an eight.looh gun from the cruiser's forward turret soddenly belched out a stream of fire, accompanied by a crashing report. It was only nteant as a wanting shot, but the steel projectile wont on ricocheting Over the water, in daugerous proximity to the fleeing mer- chantman. The Spaniard Hove The echo of the report had hardly died away among Cuba's hills when the Spani- ard•bove to. About 10 minutes later tbe New York was near her. In the distance a few lonely -looking houses could be seen percbing on a wild-lookiog beach. A prize crew. commanded by Lieut. E. E. Capehart, and composed. of Assiattint Engineer Neall, four marinas and a boat's oretv, all well armed ware lowered over the sicle of the cruiser, and amld exultant cheers from their comrades on board the New York they pulled over to the Spaniard, which proved to be the Pedro, of Billsao, an excellent prize. What Women Should Not Wear. Cbeap jewelry any time. Cheap late on anything. Diamonds in the daytime. Dotted. veils with weak eyes. Elaborate toilets for ehurth. A, broad belt on a stout figure. Linen collars on dressy frocks. A plait: basque on a slirxt figure. Naito petticoats on muddy days. Gaudy colors in cheap materials. Cheap trimmings on a good dress. Theater bonnets with street suits. Picture hats with outing costumes. Bright red with a florid complexion. Worn shoes with an elaborate toilet. A long draggled skirt an a rainy day. 'Frei* in a Psyche knot with a Boraan nose. A linen collar that is not immaculately fresh,. Lace frills or chiffon ruches for work or school. Horizontal stripes or tucks on a stout figure. Gloves with holes in them or boots with 'buttons missing. Soiled white gloves on a shopping ex- pedition, or any time. How to Cure Headache. -Some people suffer untold misery day after day with Headache. There is rest neither day or night until the nerves are all unstrung. The cause is generally a dizordered stom- ach, and a cure can be effected by using Parraelee's Vegetable Pills, containing Mandrake and Dandelion. Mr. Finlay Wark, Lysander, P. Q., writes: find Parmelee's Pills a first? -class article, for Bilious Headache." Not Unusual. "That is a curious custom they have in :tome of the South Sea islands," said Mr. 'Wallace, "of marrying a girl to a tree or some inanimate object, which is supposed to act as a sort of scapegoat for the short- comings of the real live husband." "It is not unusual," said Mrs. Wallace "for women, in this country to be monied to a stick." But Mr. Wallace, with the calm super- iority of the masculioe mind, refused to deem it a personal raatter. Kinard's Liniment is used by Physician& A Test of onfluonco. Irene -She seems to have very little in- fluence with her husband. May -,-Indeed? Irene -Yes; she never can get him to spend more then he can afford. •Oaulakottre" cures outs of all kinds or lacerated wounds : applied early it pre -vents blood poisoning. No Let -11p. "What's your son going to do now that he's failed to pass a civil service examina- tion P" "He'll continue rlght along in his work AO a c011ege profeasor," :Mowed that the xegolar army soon will move on Cuba. and that meanwhile the volunteers will be equIpped and drilled. Army Reorganization Bill Passed. Tbo House passed the army reore°auizae tion bill at the urgent requestof the President and Secretory ef War, but the Senate 01 not remain in sesaion as was expected, and the hilt will mat go to the Preside= until next week. Tito hill reor- ganizes the army into the three battalion form, and authorizes the 25 regiments of the infeotry arm of ehe service to he re, cruiteti up to a tong of 61,$00 eulisted, men. it anthorized the reerultment et the 10 regiments of the calvary arm of the erviee to a total at' 1e,000 enlisted mon, thn seven regiments of the artillery arta tlze servIte to 16,45T men Ond the 013, of five eompanies up to eullsted men, including two non. Touttnieeioned ()dicers, whieet makes total for these four arms of the service with a meximum strength of 61,010. The hill al -AO Makes a total of commis, slimed oiiieers in oxeyes or the present umber authorized by law, of 259, of this umber, 25 aro notjors for the permanent econd battalion. The nepouse Xs Vrompt, Telegrams have been coining trent, Wiest every section of the country to Searerary Alger from Governors and militie officers, convoying information as to the length of ante, surprisingly short, In many race% that would be required by them to gather their forces ready fo ter. The melt as fast as mustered in regnier army ofileers in' tim various e will be broughe to ono of these great depots, namely, 'Washington, Rieb. mond and A tlenta, where thee' will he lized to moot the requirements at modern army tactice. The feet that Rich - t is named as one of these points is in SUMO cptartera as an evidence t Gemmel Leo is to rereive A volunteer mission either as one of the four r-getterals or one of the nine bilge, diergeuerals provided for in the volunteer bill. WAR TO BE DECLARED. The President Will Ask Congress to Do So at Its Meeting To -day. Washington, April 26,-.A resolution forraally declaring war against Spain will be introduced iri the Congress of the United States to clay. The deolsion to do so has been roported after mature deliber- ation, In order to safeeuard the intereat of the United States. All the argunaents. THE SAILORS PROFIT m the, Adsolral to the trembles Sailor on the ltoat the War BusineeS Pay. Wasbington, April au, -The Spanish merchantman Btletia 'Ventura, captured oft Sand Key light by the 'United States gunboat Nashville, is said to bit worth, with her cargo, $500,000, This is the Way tho prIzo money will be divlded When the ship and cargo are sold: Value of the prim $500,000, Governmeut's share, one-half, *O50,000; Rear -Admiral Sampson's Aare, tomotWentioth, O25,000; Fleet -Captain Staunton's share, ono -one- hundredth, $5,000; balance to be divided amona officers and men of tho Nashville, $40,000; Commander Maynard, one - tooth of ship's shore, $25,000; Oxecutive Officer *3,350; Navignting Officer Winslow, $3,250; Ensign Magru- der, $1,750; Ensign leuenzil, $1,750; Ensign Snow, $1,750; Ensign NValker, $1,750; Chief Engineer Freeman, $4,000; Passed Assistant Engineer, $2,500; Assistant Engineer, $f3,125; Assistant Surgeon Pleadwoll, $2,375; Assistant Paymaster O'Leary, $2,875; Pay Clerk Inglehart, $2,875; boatswain, O1,600; gunner, *1,600; oaroenter, $1,500; three bundred petty °filters and eolisted noon, average share each, $550.80. GAINED 39 POUNDS THE EXPERIENCE OE HISS FLORA. FIIIICKISON, OP SYDNEY, WHEAT IN DEMAND, rieee at European Centres Contlaueto - Advaoce -Chicago Sympathy... Sring clieekens te1 o rate. Seturtitie Evening. April 23. Grain and ptotiaion matters were rath- er onsteady to -day but ou the whole eint- Nor Vivo "rear* sno wee sm Aunoet Help, trued the upwartt ttead, ot the last few lei leeeaud-traed. mane' Vedicioes With. till„a; Th eixai 14netede In t,ileuse"eenugtAell 'tot Itenent-ltr, williamlo rink root °eat 1$1,Qts4Ettelt:Le,sybilecititA'tryii),..Sopultitt and the Uiut. Yana!' Of our OAPs Breton read ere ilb1;1:;e:1:, by the 1e41 AU" 'fl e teuworarily recluee their lux - Prom the Sydney. Reporter. Ilwebuses. but tbea urteusuct' ilezol)tpou :uttitIctesh''Itstt*el: From* and- Xtely, „M. le(111 lenlents' 4 -Restore Iler tleaoh, sea seuepi clroilactliblut riist yat tr twoish rraeensr adelailib: I.knutehS1 knew alitiosby: tN)li'letru d us; sLtisleed los-1.4 it'll:: itAtie 0P1 sr %ill! trzlec I Id U blos: tertl o' Miss tuft prleest At Liverpool wheat Mtur: Verattleen. When residing at her home tr461:141olgr ailotty. 1eloard1°' 14131e oolfttliii:it'dotrwv400d Fromcumstoontothie89b5ols'dicekrs, .4e.raldparolgeaslinsatt slitt:2Lodgee.:k,7A*hnettsetekr:\Xaatlisersphuoutti li"ess Pric1- upon. Miss Ferguson, and Itrat:iegrrr41:11 aetteY $°f wee4t see' "e Vim brifalt and 'healthy girl she 1:,ee caueed Cble:go Lto rise s'43wspet'ativeolelve Came an invalid, completely given u gainano Oat tor the day. (ora Cratta in the Wiady Cits provisions sWing 189.5 she leis ber b"le 4114 oinet'thehirlII:1)4117buriartribbig stiTspees to Weakness aod despondency. In ttehlgaer in Laverptel, and fa.`itigg Siater and other frienda, thinkieg -chat We 1)riee4 ineilline° their 1r:431%44'11 weut to the States, where she has a Atitv n u beatlagsa1=1 1 dae canned- . Change of the climate might benedt I.o-Y,,at;et In t's-01: "- es' Itnieettatiea,ortua _toe,oaus she ,,s.vp.,s attanaeo.by _heitoe: ancturetbilewsitizertastIneg, wbeat sal gWreeraStee,rit::117‘al; '1,1se7tilt°outsp4ello:g lt:t: "it011owing are the eloaing prices to -day prOVerment. in feet ohe gradually row 1.e:tattoo .1ttieki4 AZAritet, IORIT tor ORS world," Front the been).- St, Loute - - • •.• • , -- - -- 1 et i Qui part of every uay on the lon:g_e wetotet::opoort:t.a.t. .77.7.7.. _ Ca...sh.... 431.11 New York ,. . , ....... : .. 1 11. Mitwantee, "too"., - t." Neritto - 1"07 , of her sickness up to the time lieirot 4 VT 3 ue LATER CAPTURES, The Torpedo Boat Porter Brought in al, Spanish Schooner, and Gunboat Helena the Str. Miguel .lover. Key West, April 25. -The fleet captUred another prize Saturday afternoon, the schooner Mithilla of Havana. The schooner was taken by the torpedo boat Porter after a lively chase, during which a number of solid shots were fired. A prize crew from the flagship was put on board the schooner, but no ship could be spared to tow bar, and she was brought into Key West in tow of the Associated Press dispatoh boat Dauntless, which arrived about midnight. Still another prize was brought in here by tbe United States gunboat Helena, Commander W. T. Swainburne. She turned out to be the Spanish steamer Miguel Jover, bound from New Orleans for Barcelona, with a cargo amounting to about 2,000 tons of cotton and staves. She has a crew of 52 men, and the prize is estimated to value *100,000, her cargo alone being worth *150,000. She belonged to the PinilIo line, Barcelona. at her sister's. Premeds came to ses her, only to go away with the sympa- thetio reroark "Poor Flora, pile is not 4 4/5 1 eel when the &at box of Dr. Williams' 4 1-04 1,; ' Pink. Pills was taken. slot bad tried. upwards of twenty different lauds of medteine-sonie from doctors and some of the Wally patent drugs for sale at druggists. ISearing from a, friend a the value of Dr. Williams' Pink, Pills, Miss Ferguson resolved to give them to ong trial, and, remested her Sister to get Wheat-Virne; No, 2 toe, liertil and wet, her a box, -vollowing the directions 1,1uuled et VW to We, spriug 147e to Ol gee carefully elle began to take them. As 1,41"L!agoose ixtue'iihMotitot ril le en and et-eree at e1.1e day by uay went by sbe began, to ftel west, rail, better and her spirits to returre Riad learley-epetee et 33e to Sic v, -est; malt. the course of a few weeks she walked mile to the postoftice and. home again. Miss Ferguson coutinued tak- ing the pills until she had used ei,ght boxes, when she was completely re - cored to health ancl happiness. She was again strong and healthy. ill she had greatly run down in weight, and at the time she began using Dr, 'Williams' Pink Pills, Was reduced. to 102 pounds, and when she had com- pleted tile eighth box her weight had inereased to 141. nomads. Only 011e mouth ago she called at tho boom of the editor of this paper to leave her ad- dress to :have the Reporter forwarded to her at Arlington, Mass. During the moment's converaation with her the above facts were told to Mr. W. A. Richardson, the editor, and vrith beam- ing countenance Miss' Ferguson will - ugly agreed to have him tell the _pee- % "How Dr. "Williams' Pink l'ills rought her from the gates of death t the enjoyineuts of health.° Ire was astonished, as being well acquainted with her when in. Sydney: knowing how ill she was laid seeing her a physically changed person was enough, to cause anyone to be amazed at the change. The abovo facts can be verified by writing Miss Ferguson, at No. 10 lieu- derson street. Arlington, Mass.-, the editor of the Island. Reporter, Sydney, Gal, or any ono of the Intimate friends of Miss Ferguson, Hardwood Sydney. A Rich Prize. New 'York, April 25.-A Key West special to the Journal: The big Spanish trans-Atiantio steamer Catalina was cap- tured yesterday off the coast of Cuba by tbe cruiser Detroit, and is due hare with- in a few hours in charge of a prize crew. Tbe Catalina is of steel, 5,000 tons, and loaded with a very valuable cargo. Tot Another Capture. Toronto oraist asso tarots:at:to t'leur-Itirm, Straight rollers In barrels, middle fro:gins ar • quoted at Mauttutik patents.. S1,55 to Mobile, Ala., April 25.-A special from Biloxi, Miss., says: Tbe revenue cutter Winona, from Mobile, captured the Span- ish steamer Saturnine, at Ship Island Miss., at 1 o olook yesterday, • CABLE REPORTED CUT. United States Has Taken Charge of the Office at Key West. Hey West, April 25, --The cable be - tweets tbis city and 'Havana is reported out and, the United States Government has taken Charge of the cable office. A censorship was established, but even cen- sored dispatches cannot now be recatted or traosznitted. The cable heloriga to a 13ritialt compaoy. Evidences or nigh I.hrbact A inemner of the police force cam e aeroas a boy tbe other day Who was Wheeling home a load of oyster tarns anti bottles, and ourlous to know WI tat use tlio moo put them to, he made a threat iliquay: "Going to throw them over into our back yard," replied the boy." I took two loads home yesterday." "But what do you use them forr "It's a. trick of the family," gririned the lad "How trick P" "I'd just as lief toll," coottinued the boy, as he spat on his hancis to resume hold on the barrow. "We are going to have some relashuns come in from the country. Ot a may not have much to eat, but if they see these cans and bottles and boxes they'll think we've had liters, champagne, flgs, and nuts till we've got tired of 'mu, and are living on bread and taters for a healthy change." The (neer soratobed his ear like a man who had received a now idear.--New Orleans Times Democrat. , No family living in a bilious country should be without Parmelee's Vegetable Pills. A few doses taken now and thext will keep the Liver active, cleanse the stomach and bowels from all bilious mat- ter, and prevent Ague. Mr. J. L. Price, Shoals, Martin Co.. Ind., writes: "I have tried a box of Parmelee's Pills and Mad them the best medicine for Fever and Ague I have ever used." Marking Time. There is a good deal of religious life that Is much like the practice of "naarking time" among soldiers. They lift up one foot, and then put it down in the same place; then they lift up the other foot and put it down 10 13» same place. They are marching, but they are not moving. In other words, they are but going through the motions of a march. So it is with many professors. They are but marking time. They are "going through the mo- tions" of a Christian life'but they are not getting on. They am say-ing their pra,yers, 'but are not praying; they are going to 'church, but not to Heaven; they are talk- ing in meeting, but bearing no testimony. -Church Arn.ty'Gazette. Minard's Liniment the Lumberman's Friend. ing harlcv,00{.. oateeoettoiee lteavy white quoted at 32e to nest, Peas;---qtaittal at 5.9e to Zee outside. Mau -sells at $11s5to to l3. WeStr and aborts: at $12 to *.al. AU Middle freights. Coru-Cauatilan, arty west, autl tro: aix total; hem Rye -Nominal at ;tie to Ole outalde, sup pilea tabout Aeatant:ea. ououwoaattatmottal at Srtito 40'0 outsides with tone offering. 0:frame-ear has of rolltsi oats In bags On troett itt TuAnig... $71,17.; .111 lbs.,z53.14,5. MOO,. itligt 00 cured Oe to 30 6-9n ' No, 1 green ......, u otata ..„ " No. 2 green 40 40,04 " No, :; green .......u lTs ., • ti."4110W, rendered Ol. 0 His Superiority. Lady -Now that you have partaken of a good dinner, are you equal to the task of sawing some wood P , Tramp -Madam, egusa is not the proper word; I'm superior to it. His Kind Action. • Miss Oldgal's Papa -Do you think you can make my daughter happy, young man? , Young Cheekly-Can 1? Why, I have already, havon'i ? i've asked her to be my wife. "Quickcure" destroys the germs, •called cocci, that cause boils and car - tamales, reduces the inflammation and removes all pain. " r01,411 • • • 4 41 • R., 4.11114 hileeps fib .1,.• .144.11•114. 141113110SkinS • • • .4 • • • • • • I 11 1•5 Caltehine, No. 1 ....„.....11 WOO, 110[44" 0 Is 0 lie 6' 10 'fleece ., 0 111 0 11 pulled, super 0 11A1) 0 el Toronto et. teeerreo.... Owing to bad roads and -mem.; re. celpts of farm peofeee Arrre light timlity. About 200 leishies of grain sold as adieu= Wheat, wbite, husliels SOW at ble te tith; straight. bushel. ltye Orin, one load Selling at Gine Per Was 1rec, oue load selling at 62e per bushel. Ilay steady, at $8 to $0 per ton, for six loads, Straw tutellanged, two loads selling at all to $7 per too. Eggs. new laid, plentiful, at tic to 110 per dozen. Butter plentiful and theaper, !telling at 10e to 20o per pound for roils. Potatoes plentiful. prices unchanged. Poultry seam, priee.s unellauged, but Dom Spring thickens sold at high as Dec an $1 per pair. East lSuUlUo MVO &WA:. least Buffalo, Noe., April 23.-Cattic--Ile- celpte all etniSigned thorugb, with the ex- ception of told lots. The market Weil re - gaoled famly steady. Titere wits a fair demand for the best heavy prime veals end all of these were taken at the top quotations, or from 35.'15 to 55.50; common to good, e4.25 to $5. Bogs-Rea:ono, nualerate. Pair clemaod at only steady 3.0 easy prices. Good to choice yorkers, ee.e0; fair to good light, de., 34.15 to $4.20; mixed packers and medltint weights, 34.20 to $4.25; heavy bogs, 34.25; roughs, 33.05 to 33,80: pigs, 3a.00 to $4. Sheep and nt:‘;ly too agudtrttTsgdpIIe for these were higher. Sheep ruled about steady. Native clipped lambs, choice to extra, 35 to $5.1.4 fair to good, 34.00 to 34.99; culls to eoulmott, 34.15 to 44.50; year- lings"fair, mixed to choice wethers, *4.15 to $4.40; wooled lambs, fair to choice, 35.25 to 35.90. clipped sheep, citrate to selected wethers, $4.a5 to 34.35* good to choice niee- ed sheep, 34.10 to 34.'25; common to fair 31.75 to $41 cuns to common sheep, 33.25 to $3.60. British Markets. LiverpOol, April 23,--Sprrng Wheat Is quoted at Ss 6d; red winter, Ss 50; No. a Cal., £39 2yrd to Ss .31/td; corn, 3s 0140; peas, 5s 6lAd; pork, 53s tal; lard, 28s 90; tallow, 19s 60; bacon, heavy, I.e., 348 00; light, 338 60; do., short cut, 33s 60; cheese, white, 89s; colored, 438 60, -Liverpool-Closing-Spot wheat firm. Red winter, • Ss 50; futures firm, at Ss 40 for May, Ss 00/ad for July, 7s 3940 for Septem- ber and es 10941 for December. Maize firm at Ss fincl; futures quiet at tis 994i1 for April, 3s 9940 for May, 3s 00 for July. 3s 93.0 for September. Flour, 29s. London -Close -Wheat waiting orders, I; off coast, nothing doing; passage firm. Maize off coast, nothing doing; passage rather flamer; cargo mixed American. April and May, 17s 90, parcels. Oats, clipped, American, No. 2 April, 17s, parcel. A Broken Friendship. Shea -And just at that moment I heard something fall behind me. He -Perhaps your hair fell oft t I 25 .4! 11.•• /1. DRESSING WELL s Quite Easy When YOU Know How to Do It. There are too many women Who ars cerelese about their home gowns, They imagine they are thrifty and economical because they put On frOrti day to day a faded or dingy dress er skirt, Such women are neither economical nor wise; they are et4itube5r, misers or indifferent to the feelings of their family and friends when they act At au expense of from ten to toventY cents for one or two packages of Diamond Dyes any wontan can make her faded gowns or skirts as good as new. This klusl of home work is wisdom end trite 4ecmh°1sspring Tthousands of wise and thrifty women are Using the Diamond Dees, giving tfew life to the old and cast- or dresseS and costumes, fitting them for other season's wear. When you decide to dye do not risk your materials with poor dyes or imitations of the Diamond Dyes; see that your dealer gives you the "Diamond" that work. so asily and successfully. Styles for Spring. Fancy bose having black feet and pleice uppers. Tailored suits with drop or *operate lining eltirts, Shirt waists of pique in cross and length- wiee stripes. Silk petticoats edged witb quiltings ot black ribbon. Dressing stioquea of piato-colored Frellab fiatmel. Ohiffort tvoists covered with flat lir frill. d rows of ribbon. Gingham waists in delicate pit* and green, etc., pleithe Girls' white organdie frocks trimmeet With lace and ribbon. 13 ys' washable suits 'with collar and V of plain duck, linen or pique. Colored taireta gowns with ruftled Skirt edged with narrow velvet ribbon. Neck ruches of chillem imitating tower petals, with accordion -plaited entla TOM colored aml wbite robe dress pat - teens, with lace and in broidery trimming, Braided erobreiderel vest and plain tailored gowu or eileot., covert and Vene. • time cloth. Black taffeta gowns with jetted monsee. line waist trimmest evith jilt and telexed, • ribbon velvet. -Dry 1 uods Economiet. Basket Makers' Record Brokesi. Oakville, April 25. -The basket mak- ers' record was broken at the Oakville Basket Factory here Saturday by Arthur Fisher, wins made 2,000 berry boxes in 9 hours and 15 minutes, driving 18,000 tacks. The bighest previous record was made by a Grimsby maker, who turned out 2,000 baskets in 9 hours and 40 minutea, but it is not specified how may tacks were driven. Arthur Fisher has lowered the record 25 minutes. Keep Mined's Lint b the House. Provincial Appointments. •Toronto, April 25.-1112 Ilonor the Lieutenant -Governor has made the follow. Ing appointments: Patrick McGarry of Parry Sound to be Judge of the Surro. gate Court of Parry Sound; William Kerr, M.D. of Cayuga, to be an associ- ate -coroner 'for the County of Haidlnaand, in the room of David Thompson, who has removed from tile county. Winine to mop Wm. "1 told him wax betting for work." "And what did he say e" "Ile offered to lone me it paid a ppm,. tacks." There are so many cough medicines in the market, that it irt sometimes difficult to tell wbich to buy • hut if we had a cough, a cold 01 1017 ndhetioxx ot the throat or luugs, We yenta try Bickhes Anti. Coneumptive Syrup. Those wbo have used it think it is far abead of all other preparations recommended for such com- plaints. The little folks like it as it is as pleasant as syrup. True, Enough, Film -That train leaves at 15 minutes to one. Flom -Ten to ono you can't catch it. Quarantined. 01011r-rm atraki that eats of wine has gone to my hotolO Molly -It must be awfully loneseme. Dear Sirs,—This is to certify that I have been troubled with a lune back for fifteen years. I have used three bottles of your MINARD'S LINIMENT and am completely cured. It gives me great pleasure to re - 'commend it and you are at liberty to use this in any way to further the use of your valuable medicine. Two Rivers. ROBERT Ross. The Provincial Premier. Toronto, April 25. -Bon. .A. Sv Hardy did not return home from Danville, N. Y., on Saturday as expected. Mrs. Hardy returned hero alone. The Premier's health did not improve as quickly as was antiol • pated, and a further rest was deemed ad- visable. • • Killed on the G.T.E. Hamilton, Ont., April 25.-Sitillivina yo For either a Business or a Shorthand Course. No one ro ATTEND THE NORTHERN BUSINESS C01.110!„ Moss,TOSaturday aLocke Roe: Rolling iei street, V In1 ht: the wasG. Te. nkB1 i.1 11 erile a rboyfhere ttill1ee 4,11( n d morning. AnarixoPuneacetomsouncscreresiwicth.ottuwamooicing,bibsiwnseirstonadralle Safe rarriotism. "Why, Jingly is fairly ablaze with the fires of patriotism." "Tee, his age exempts him from the draft." An Artist in His Eine, "What in the world are you buying luminous paint for, Errmly P" "Going to do a little decorating around the keyhole of the front door." rAmmiumhympiwaiww, BOECKIPS wRhiftelslisanket- ity s,nd meat work- manship. See the IMMO 00 01'111'7 handle. and Brooms Chas. Boeckh &Sons Mfrs. Toronto. Brushes SARNIA asoline In all Grades. Good as Ameriemosweet as a nut. 74, 76, 88, 90 per cent. gravity. Only high grades made in Canada. THE QUEEN CITY OIL 00., LIMITED. Saud. Rogers. Pres., Toronto. B OYS 0aii IiaSteiWd and i,vaanXasca. 1Otlt ry Bluing, Everlasting Wicks, Bittrires, Spoons, Rings, at 5c. to 25c. each. No money required. Write stat- ing your father's occupation. Manufacturer's Agency Co., Toronto, Ont. e.ss......e.s..s.s.s.s...r.s........,...........r..r....s..,.,,-r...S. PATENT BARRISTERS. gootARLES » RIONES--SVCCESSOR TO N.:./ Donald 0. Eldora & Co., registered patent attorney, solicitor of Canadian and foreign patents and counsellor and expert in patent causes; Canada Life Building, Totonto; books on patents .and trade marks free on applica- tion. 166. T. N. U. ' 164 1