The Exeter Advocate, 1898-4-22, Page 9pplement to The Exeter Advocate.
Fatal Collision. West Huron.
Tilsnnburg, Out., April 18th.-.-Thsre
was a collisiou ou the G.T. R thts morn.
ing at 4 o'clock a westbound freight
running into a train which was stand-
ing about one eighth of a anile east of
the Tidsoeburg loop line 'stattou.
glow Leonard Leonard Janes, of St. Thomas,
was instantly killed The locomotive
is completeiy wrecked and four or five
ears (empties) were burned -
Fatal Accident.
Walkerton, Ont,, April 18th. ---Whoa
Charles Rolston, a farmer. living about
a mile from here, was driving home on
Saturday afternoon, his horsy took
fright at a bicycle and ran away, Mr
Rolston and his son were thrown from
than wagon and seriously cut about the
head They were carried into a tsefgh
bare house. and medical aid s'•mmmied
The father died shortly afterwards
without recovering eousciousnese The
son will probably. recover. Rolston
leaves a wife and several sweat child -
Fatal Accident Near St. Marys,
Sr. Marys, Ont., April 18th —Thomas
Fuleher and Isaac Ferris were coming
to town this morning ou top of a load
of hay, driving.* a spirited team of hors
es. When near the G. T. R. crossing
nest of the junction. station they sop
ped to allow a west boated freight
train to puss. The horse's, however, be
came unmanageable and ran against
the sitie of a passing engine, overturn-
ing the wagon load. Mr. Ferris was
instantly killed. Mr Fetcher was bad-
ly but not seriously injured. Both hors-
es were more or less hurt, one of them
beyond reeovery. The wagon and har•
ness are a total wreck.
Another Faith Cttr
Guelph, April lig. —Faith cures saem
to be rather etpi h' nio in this city of
late Another ease has been reported.
It is that of a withered artn. The
man's name is Levi Brown. a former
resident, of Elora, but who has resided
on the Elora road, this city, for some
time. He is a carpenter by trade.
Four years ago last December he in-
jured his left arm in a simple manner
while pitching aside a piece of wood
Tho verdict of physicians was that a
nerve was snapped. He was treated
in the Guelph and Toronto General
Hospitals for several months, and when
discharged from the latter he got a
certifieate from Dr Dickson to the ef-
fect that there was no prospect of im
provement, and he was disabled from
following his avocation. The arm
withered up, could not be raised and
was entirely useless. On February 1st
last, between 4 and 5 o'clock, Mr. Brown
asserts the Lord was pleased to restore
it in answer to faith and prayer, and it
is now ,lust about as strong a,a the other.
Prayers were offered up for Mr. Glad.
stone at Hawarden Church on Sunday.
This is taken to indicate that the end
is very near.
!Gederieh, taut April 10, - Notwith
standing at drenching rain the Comfier
vuivt's ofWVest Huron held a>< rousing
mooting at Puugatunon today. Every
municipality was west represestted, and
Ythe interest and d-termiurition shown
augured well for this successful carry-
ing out of the protest against the re
turn -of J- t.G:trrnw n.s.n P. P. for
the riding.
The election of officers for the Riding
Association was first attended to, the
at staff being re-elected, headed by
Major Beck as presideut. Dr. T. C.
Bruce, of Clinton, was chosen as
treasurer. aid a large and efiieient
executive cotnwhieA_ appointed.
By au nteauintnus standing vote the
ineetiaag deeids d to eater a protest and
scrutiny. and claim the seat, aced each
municipality was pledged for its share
t►f the necessary fund The response
in this respect was most enthusiastic
.iudging by the cases already well
established, Major hack will have hut
little difficulty in recapturing the seat
he so fairly and gallantly wou.
11r J. W. St, John, of West York,
was present, and delivered a stirring
address. which was most heartily re.
e ived, and for which he was given a
rousing cheer.
Mr. E L. Dickenson, of Wingitam,
will have charge of the protest pro
eeedings, and wilt be aided by the
executive committee.
No Saw -offs.
Toronto. April 19. ---Mr. J. P. Whit
uey, Q. C. the Conservative leader,
wito is in town for a. few days, was
asked by the Mail and Empire yestt•r
day if their was any truth in the
rumor that the largo number of elec-
tion protests in Ontario are not seri-
ously put forward, and that an ar
rangenuifat far saw -offs is on foot.
Mr. 'Whitney replied emphatically: --
" There is no foundation whatever for
suck a rumor, which has been circu
lilted by our political opponents We
believe that a large majority of the
electorate of this Province is with us,
at d have no dc,uht whatever that the
apparent majority of the Government
is due to the most deliberate and wide
spread corruption ever known at any
election in the Province. I know
whereof i speak in this matter. I can
name more than one constituency is
which more money was spent corruptly
by friends of the Government than was
at the disposal of the Conservative
party for the whole Province.
" We intend to expose the methods
by which the true expression of the
people's will was prevented, and to
that end petitions have been filed
against a number of the Governmeut
supporters. These petitions have been
filed in the utmost good faith, and the
mischievous, statement that a large
number of the so-called 'saw -off' has
been arranged, or will be arranged, is
an unqualified falsehood. 1 meat, that
our petitions have been filed in good
faith by our friends in the different
constituencies. It is quite probable
that petitions have been filed by the
Government against Conservative{
members with the expe•ctallon that Diet
can he used to induce the withdrawal
of petitions against Goverumunt sup.
porters, and thus praseut +ssposure of
their own corrupt acts Those, how
ever, who are building on any such ex
pectetion will certainly be disappointed
and we aro quite willing to allow
the result of the trials to show ou
which side corrupt practices prevail-
The Latest News in Brief,
Edward lisllatny, the author of
Looking Backeard," is reported to be
dying at Denver.
Mr. Glad/sumo is holding his own,ac-
cording to the later bulletin, and his
satlThriug is decreasing.
John A. Cunningham, of llanano€lue.
was upset out of a boat while reaching
for his hat at,d drowned.
Lowe Terry. seventeen years old,
bald under a. laud roller at Bowneanviile
and was instantly killed.
Arthur I'ettet, an eleven year old
lad, was kiIle'1 ou the railway tracks
at I'arkdats Saturday morning.
(;alio Beaton, of Owen Sound, who
had been in Vaueouver a week, fell
under a train and died in this hospital.
The evidence in the case proves
Ilond's Sarsaparilla cures scrofula, salt
rheum, boils, humors and all eruptions.
Tom Nulty, the Rawdou murderer,
eondemned to hau; on May 20, was de-
tected in an attempt to escape from
Mrs. John McInnes, of South Finch
cut her throat with an axe while tem-
porarily insane. She will probably re.
A. fire at Alwonte was carried by the
high wind to buildings fulls a mile
from where 11 started, and destroyed a.
lot of property.
An old man named Peter Chantler,
a laborer living near the waterworks'
pumphouse, Woodstock, committed std-
oide by hanging himself from a beam
in Mr. John Lindsay's barn on Satur•
day morning.
The first writ against the City 'of
Loudon as the result of the City 1Ia11
accident on the night of January li,was
filed by Wm. Bruce, of South London,
to recover damages for the death of his
son, Oswald Brune, who was standing
in the arcade when the floor collapsed
and was killed by a falling beam.
John Porter, of Puslinch Township,
a man about 55 years of age, white
driving across the G. T. R track at
Wyndham street crossing, Wednesday
was struck by an incoming train. He
was pitched in the air and received a
bad cut in the head, fracturing the
skull; he also receiyed a number of
bad bruises.
Police Magistrate Lawes of Palmer-
ston Saturday sentenced Samuel Shaw
to $100 fine and one month imprison-
ment for having in his possession an il-
licit whiskey still. Shaw is a wealthy
farmer, living in Minto, three miles
from Palmerston. The stili is the one
seized by Officer Floody, of Toronto,
two weeks ago.