HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1898-4-22, Page 6DR. JAOKS WIFE
:iv :4r. 0E1041GE ItATIIIIORNIt.
`i):STINIr ED.
"Larry -show in the werldtoolt, yea,
we're be Spain yet—I see—and things
look dused ugly for us. Bless me, I cant
.keep weke—it's agony to try! AYis;
titeren; a dear glee let me have a catnap
and VII be feeling, wonderfully better."
But the same "dear gite" is just as
determined that he shall uot boxe
/apse—the change., if aur occurs, . must be
la the other dime -nen. and so this singu-
lair massage of love eentitmes, while Deo.
tor steel: groans ate? expostulates; pres-
ently, perhaps. sla• suetreed in getting
tbreugh his berme:led brain the real
canee fer itall, when th o ntan must be-
eonte lezeself.
of this contact, and it tether Ones the
wind out of his sails.
Be soott concludes Met be tloes not
care quite as much about demolishing
the Yankee who carried off the prize, as
he imagined. It nust Itave beeu a mis-
take. Then there is Garcia, poor Garea,
who receiyed such a wieked crack over
the bead. Perhaps his mind is weeder -
Mg and he may get into some trouble
=fess Iteetta,s a freeral to look after hire.
Thus many philanthrepie tremens ap-
Pear to Lord Heckert why he should ter -
=Mate this little engagement in which
be gets decidedly the worst of it. lie
suddenly makes a supreme effort, and
breaks away from the other's hold. Jack
ie not particularly anxious for Ms com-
pany, although bent on delivering pun-
ishment Be never seeks a quaxrel,ziU
net they and hint always ready to toke
cure .ot himself,
'When. he discoYers that be is not pur-
sued, the Briton turns ia the door -way
ta burl deftence bath at the roar noth
Aready Larry etraggles ba the arms of whom he bas eust been engaged, end
the enemy; tbe two awn, turning, have assure him they will meet again. Ern
centoat Mitt from illeferent direttions. dently the date of that meeting is itot the
present, for when Doctor Jack rualtee
rush in that direction Lord Ilackete
Plymptom vauisites like the meriting
east in the valleys of the stately Andes..
jaek looks around, and is just in time
to see the Cbilion senorita endeavoring
to leave the room. -Larry sees at to block
the deo; 'bowing, with one bancl ea his
begirt, and what was xceent to be a, kill-
ing smile upou his fare; bat Marina de
deeeended upon hint as mightt wat,- les Vegos snatches a small dagger from
lliD04,:f in the Alps. her boson), and at sight of it the (lade
Lard Raekett is so large, and 'M
s art- - quialy steps aside, again bowing as be
allows be to depert. Larry has no desire
to run contrary to the will of au intern
*tea beauty who haudlee suelt. toyst
The arm act of Jack Evaus, when the
elowis a battle lam pasted .and, vietery
Is assured, is to turn and take bis wife
in Ids terms, and Avis, pleased -to know
that her massage of love hes been sue-
ceseful, entiles ba his face as she uestles
near his been, feelieg that the plots a
the lovely senorite to steal her Jack can
never sue:seed.
"We must get wat a this, Jove!"
remark t the little man soberly.
e "Larry, ray dear boy, how are you?
-Sbalse hands. les like old times to set
Ves On your honest tilde again.. What
brines you to tine republic of the Pacific,
for 1 take it you are not here by mere
nee flies and "Tell you later, dear boy—eoncerus
lee newt ermine. your welfare, too.. , At present it stwiltes
eteenete and the latter.,"
- steel 1t Lel" zue the sootier we quit this palatial zwap
• s•, t? "W160 Larry. Tbat, long bead of yeas
re, et where be leas isfull et bright thoughts. For my part"
en. wan who has wet'a je eitb1e dder and a curi-
a -hew ot wee' ens lark at ete-es—ell bave not the slight=
b:ne a' te:st7st a galvanic- llatest. desire to remain here aminute longer
tbal1 X tau help. We ean bare a, good
tit.h estate WO, thit explanation later, What are these
tonne ate ;en ettren peatrot" he papas—eh: the bait -with 'which I was
at, "1r re. 41: -";. T1111Y, :ic2wtn Arafti- 1.1V4WIt 1utt the trap. It may pa,y zue to
feet ‘2-'*:.'n.a. 32, tam, the tieke tivqn along and examine theta at
vett e . detet nay leisure.".
F•4' Z'4 an", hilln ;ea eaying, be gathers them up, after
• the trio.start to.leave the house.
f.s•rere 7-enea* effer jack bas Verieue sounde earl be heard in different
' • putt ef the numelen, which is certainly
far front being, quiet how;liut they move
niffeO VZ. alone unmolested, and presently reeelt
I the trent door. -
Dewitt the steps they pass, beetling for
T.41'r"'"E''' 4 eb"ge' the ante gate. If this should he closed
f '1 '1'31.17 ig 4-41 WI% they ulay esperience new trouble, .A.
,4ve, it :r
Ft(*,•721.,,,(1'.Ulatdolnwt; chanee will then be offered for Larry to
eitew ids mettle and demolish the ob-
fah/ri in struction though the ebances are it will
"aYnau eppoctt require ail the meseulerforce Whielt Doc-
hgt„g „eh, 4,Z .y hvea ttiot‘r.;,:ekaedlotweintn suborlinagbartoriebree.r. in order to
• ,
eye .5 ara l'astPla4 Fortune favors tbetn. The heavy gate
Up the Briton, who !Is still a
jar ju-t eit Aels and Cousin
v•eginrr1 o end un tat flent
- Larry left it, and in another reotueni,
atelintt the .• t m lignrr xs.11
t .! with relieved and thankfil hearts, the
txl Ett .1"w*I.`4.* •""'" "" trio reach the Calle los Angeles.
atu.ritzart draerre to the Chili:in pincer, ;
All is plain sailiufOlA tiliS an, At
eta ..t. tele wie ,•••It ?itreuieningthat it is i the point et the junction with the main
g f
titan t5fl111''UtIstaln/14 in 113°W street Doctor Zack sights a eehicle that
isneer from thit seuree than train Lord -; will hold them all, so he hails the driver.
It themes to be a private carriage, but
'4;5".'"e'• '744* e-:1:1"`'';'3 his eawa' ' wbat of that? The magic silver proves too
tenni for tile eolottee wee, with a quick much for the driver, and he agrees to
earry them all to the tondo, which they
eyA tow dart;,,,er, whieli has gorrorl him roi
Mawran ereashen xnbe recent watereal-
tea thee a tf.srumlo. is blaring dawn
open hit a.
Tee Chillan 14 *erne beyond his .year,
flet heavy eatet dew yeeman service. .
and the first whaek semis Colonel Leon
Gareta. that. noh'io esfement a "bow to
win ,gloig from Wheat a tree or stone
wale" te the titan . with stars deneing
before his eyes.
Untortmeately Larry is net an Irish-
men wielding a, silt:Leah, and before lie
can rover binowif after znaning tbis
efeeterike, the seetun of bis enemies has
tattemet,„ of melt flitutnuttve stature,
Oex . toteld sertitt as though the latter -
mutt. -be ereshen one ; but the battle
n alwaye t the etroug nor the race
Otr gent, anti leirry es so exceedingly
niettne thet ht man:tees to elude the
it-teeth:lent .meant f4r Itim, 'while at the
aarto tinte be keeps uft a vicious fusillade
ece ere eat the sides a tbe Brit,
on, a 1: ix nueof bo vez7 exaspera,t.itig
elstrae ptelts haetelf nr, from tile aver
18•:Alltiftd. tight te nte
bet tSe tee iteete ;eine thuntred him ou
.1 dy a bag/ has
ere tire eat; ae este.
ree. ev •!nth tee area . of hatred
eta PrenJ. `121, elf nnislt bleed de-
testree et ;ler ter .tet. to Leery if
ene f • .
presently reach.
A good deal has occurred since the sun.
went down in the west, and considerably'
au`i Tiv'm flat laaa la all
nntry beler le to more is upon the ;programme for the next
tile ,zoabtake care of
t f h Th Id b
en y our ours. wor w
hintseit 1.711tlectria. d an that been im-
A late man is of small service to any
'wit, and unear titit policy Colonel Leon
Emaws how to skip out of an eng,agement
witli ole skin
wn net ou th1/4, order of his goirig,
rank ,insling eferelous aspeenas well
as Nu! e".".rie's cane. which he has picked
irren the Ikea turr,s and makes a
bereitifte ilyineelens through the door,
Buying the Engle:Mean alone to face his
E0t.l,4 it any rate, the colonel will live to
t other day.
Droner Jacek can now turn his atten-
Olen in the direction of the -Briton, who
sees him cominte not averse to the
tneettug He finifts Larz7 to one side
with e tremendous sweep of his muscular
arm, es one might Inrush away a trouble-
nome fly.
"At Iast t" extealms, alntost savage -
lin has cherished a spirit of revenge
or r.trs, and here is the man against
whorri it ha. been directed. The woman
The onee loved, ay, and for whom he still
cberishes a passion, looks on. It will give
hint the keenest delight to punish her
hesbard before her eyes.
As for Doctor Jaek, what he has lately
-heard concerning this man, froin the
lips of the one with whom he has been
in league, gives bite a fierce desire to
meet the Briton—to teach him that
Americans are ever ready to do battle in
defense of their wiyes, and give the man
a lesson he may long remember.
So they meet,
It, Is like the impact of mighty forces,
for botit men are powerful,' both urged
on by the strongest force in the world—
be bred.
Avis looks on with glistening eyes.
Efer only fear is lest Jack may have been
weakened by the drugged cigarette, and
tmable to do himself justice. In suoh an
event she stands ready to fly to his eid—
sem:thing she holds in her hand will
change the tide of battle instantly—at
any rate, Jack must not be hurt.
Larry, too, watches with Intense inter-
est, and is ready to join in the fray, if
mecessaaw. He can hang upon the litritith
beendog's awn, and prevent him from
utilizing his full power, or, by. clutching
one of his legs, trip him up.
It happens, however, that Doctor Jack
does not need, any assistance. He has
been thorougbly aroused by the vanity
of the situation, and. the presence of this
eeme. who covets his wiee, so he eltowa
faleamolf at his best .
Tbey whirl about the room locked in
each other's exabraoe like a teetotura,' or
'a couple of spinning deryisitee, coming
(against the far well WithA exash. It is
lordelletikett who gots the JI. kgkt
e e by eventh as
pending for some time, but of that more
When Doctor jack has seen. Avis safe
in their rooms at the hotel, and an ex-
planation has been given on both sides
that clears up ell hazy points connected
with this singular affair, he asks to be
excused for a short time, as Larry awaits
Mtn below—Larry who bas come -to Chili
on a mission, and whose business it has
been to serve the man he seeks.
Of course, the conversation is an earn-
est one. Jack asks many questions which
the other answers promptly. Upon the
taller man's brow can be seeu a frown,
as though tbe news thus brought is not
of the most pleasant nature in the world.
He is used to dealing with knotty
questions, however' and allows no prob-
lem to go unsolvedwhen it concerns She
welfare of his fortunes, or the health of
one he loves.
"The clouds leek pretty dark, Larry,
but trau can trust me to brush them away.
I thought I had,my hands full before,
but this new trouble, following on the
heels of the adventure we have just
passed through, adds to it."
"I'll stake xay money onyou, old boy,"
deolares Larry, whose admiration for the
doctor almost reaches the point of fetish
w orship.
"We are being watched even now.
When you turn, carelessly notice that
fellow who leans on the bar—he is inter-
ested in us."
"By Jove! I don't like his loons," says
Larry, at which Jack laughs.
"You'll ttnd a good many °baps in
this town who have no claim on beauty.
'We'll set this fellow down as a spy."
"They know you're here, 'What else
can they went, the beggars?"
"You see, I carry some papers—this
syndicate would like to get hold of them.
That explains his presence here. 'We will
outwit them, my boy. I work best when
rushed, and. all these dangers rather
crowd me, you know."
"Where do you go?" as jack moves
"To interview that fellow," is the reply.
The dude watches Dootor Sack have a
talk with the dark -faced Chilian, who
appears ugly enough 'to be troublesome;
but the Anterioan's manner is magical,
and almost against his will the other is
dravrn into a conversation, though his
manner shows suspicion
At length be walks away, leaving the
"Well?" says Larry, as the other joins
"Just as 1 suspected. He is in their
;matey,X.gent EktlleSgage ter Win wlzi
may have some effect upon there, and
again mae fall tlat. All 1 waut le another
day axle night in this eity, 1y messeeger
from the mines will arrIve by that time,
and we will mil for the geldea shores of
California." -
"Ali I you seem to put urea conacletwe
in this messenger," drawls Larry,
"Because I know hint, and when eon
meet Kirke Smith—'
"By the godsif ereueee got tlx,kt
Texan liginneue arrester eagaged 1 give
in, Jack, dear boy."
"You met hint?"
"In New Orleans. ; I shall loon for his
advent with etieveosity, I assure you. If
a etehinlent interfered, ilithe would
wade through."
"He promised to be her by teemeterew,
night, and unless he breaks his word
we'll sail by the following day. I am t
seriously thinking of changing at the
isthmus, taking steamer in the gulf and.,
heading for New York. This is the effect I
ef the news you brought At any rate, ;
sail we do, if leirke Smith eanes in"
If Doctor jack, imagines *or a moment
that his enemies are asleep, be labors
under a delusion to be sure. AR031 of the
Lord Hackett order being built upon the
bull -dog system, do not give up a cherisbed objece easily. A little beekeet only ,
arouses more of the stubborn spirit in
them and they see about formixtg new
and ?lege/nous plans in the piece of the
hubbies that have burst,
The Amerlean is deeply concerned re-
garding certain things, awl manes a
propesition O Larry, who readily acqui-
esces. Then. Doctor Jaek sees his rootut
above, 'where be gilds Avis, reading by
the light of a lamp.
bave decided to see the bead of the
police force, the Intendente as they cell
Wee conceruiug e,ertein Sects. Larry will
remain below, dear, in ease yea, waute
he says.
"Be catenel, I beg ef you, Zack."
"Why, iaay deer girl, you, bave been
with 1110 in scenes of tiauger before now,
anti never showed the White feather.
Why, you are trembling all ever. Wein
cities this meant"
The discovery he has made alarms
bim,Efer nealth is more to him that ell
a Scientist will Try to Rid Alaska of it.
• Greatest Test.
The bright particular purse of the yu..
kon, the Alaska mosquito, will soon sharp-
en up his bill, rub tbe winter rust front
his boring apparatus and start out to tate
Plightly sedated erom an official photograpb.)
Me an army of 100,000 full blooded tendert
feet,. At tbe same time preparations to
wage a war of extermination aro being
Dr. Armond. Raoul, late 'bacteriologist
of the St. Louis board of health, claims
he bas discovered a virus that is death to
niesqnitoes. He is going to Alaska to
start a plague among the pests by inocu-
lating seem thoice specisuens of them axle
turtling them loose to spread tbe fatal dis-
ease, which, he deolares, is highly coatis,
bus te all diptera.
TbeNatitmal Museum of Natural Ms.
tore has inveatigated the mosquito nod
recognizes some 80 kinds in North Ameri-
ca, of which the variety found along the
Yukon is the utast pestiferous. These
SWariu lzx long columns resembling the
smoke rising front a campfire. (Me can
hear their buzzing 100 feet nway. It is
net sweet musio, The first concert is
lest sometimes, for a nervous toutperament
cannot endure an ettack of the pests, ;ma,
should not bave nerves,
some miners do beet) thorn mai Dud thole
welly in the way in time ot trouble. The
mosquito pesters such eaten until he slant
from exhaustion, never to rise again.
lot 0015 d *be Yukon mos uitoes ate
tack men and ovembeltri them, but they
drive the 11100se, deer and caribou up the
mountains to the finOW line, where these
animals would prefer not to be in berry
time. They kill dugs, and even the big
brown bear that is often neseaned agriz-
zly bus sueeuxubte to tbera.
Although the Alaska SUMMer is stunt,
two broods of motquitoes bateb out each
year and are ready for bUsineSS from one
to ten secOMIS after they leave the water.
It rants a good deal along the Yukon, one
rain is welcomed, for it drives the mos.
quitoes to cover. They bide under leaves
and Menthes nail the shower is over;
then they eonet out boiling with rage at
the time they bave been forced to spend in
klienese, and tiut miner bas a harder time
than ever after his respite.
"Ohl jack, slues you left me, as I Sat
in my chair, I had, a terrible dream. lz
steinee to sne as though they had poi-
soned Feu."
"Heaven forbid! I don't loot like a
dead znan, de 1, Avis dear?" he ante,
"It made a strong ingareesion oa nty
mind, end the arm tbine ray eyes fell 1.
upon as I awoke shudarina, was the •
bowl of beef -tee which was aunt in for
you some time ago."
He laughs.
"Awl, of course, you imagined Some
elle bad been niedtiling with it. Come,
ray dear girl, the eouuer we are out a
tbis country the better it will be for eour
nerves, vbich bave been dreadfully tried
of late."
"Ohl jack, whet would I not give if
both of us were in New York, or on our
California farm. This foolish notion, as
you term it, grew upon me instead of de-
parted; in imagination I could see a
dozen vipers in that bowl—it grew ab-
horrent to xne,"
"Au4 so you tiurew it away," noting,
that it no louger rests upon the tale.
"Why, my dear, is it, Were still 1101`0 1
would speedily prove to you the harmless
quality of the beef tea,"
"By clrinking it?"
"Yes, as I have often done before,since
my sickness last spring."
"I feared as ranch, so—I tested it."
"Ale you. drank it, then!" a little un-
easily, looking into her pale face.
"No no, thank heaven I was not that
foolisb", You remember the Maltese oat
that neade friends with me when we first
took these rooms?"
"Yes, yes."
"Just 'sylvan I was worrying over what
I should do, I iteard her cry outside the
door. A suddom thought flashed into my
tnind. I let her come in, poor thing."
"Poor thine" be echoes, his flesh bo -
ginning to creep.
41137 next move was to put the bowl
down on the floor, and. pussy began to
eagerly lap up the contents. That was at
half -past nbae o'clock exaotly."
"Yes," his voice is low and awed now,
as though he has caught the infection of
her Warne
"When she had lapped about a quarter
of the fluidithee.at stopped, and I breath-
lessly awaited the result."
"Well, what mine of it, dear?"
She points to something on the floor.
"Under that traveling -shawl, Jack."
He springs forward,bends, and snatches
the shawl away; then a eaw bursts from
his lips. Lying upon the floor is the
body of a gray cat, stretched M such a
shape that its death must have been one
of agony.
"Heavens, this is terrible!" says Doc-
tor Jack, as he stands there and. gazes,
while Avis clutches hold of his arm in a
trembling way.
The thought which almost pavalyzes
Jack is in connection with Avis; what if
she had. taken some of this devil's broth.
Sure Providence has watched over them
"I knew ray enemies hated me, but it
never entered my nand that they would
descend to such a thing as poison. What
more could be expected in this co-untry
after a bitter civil wan when the passions
of men have been inflamed to the -utmost.
It gave you a shock; I don't wonder at
Grinding his teeth with rage, he takes
up the defunct animal. Ilis first thought
is to toss it out upon the street, but then
he remembers he may need some evi-
"I will leave it in the hallway," he
"But you are net going out now,
"There is more reason than ever that I
should seek the Intendente; when such
diabolical business is being married on he
should know the facts. I leave you
a,rined, A.vis, and Larry is dose at band,
You. are not afraid?"
"For myself—no. It is of you I think,"
she replies, her old brave nature asserting
"Do not worry. I shall take a carriage
at -the door, and come back the sane way.
The distance is not tar. I will return in
He examines the beef tea that remains,
and even pours a portion into a viaL
'Perhaps be may wish to have a sam-
ple analyzed. It zany assist the ends et
•justice, oI will go prepared.'
Doctor Jack embraces his wife and
then leaves the apartraent, taking the
poor feline with him. Els feeling; are
of a more intense form than when he
entered., for this last terrible blow of an
unserupuloue foe has unsettled his iron
To be continued;
Iled Coats Neeessary.
Two girls were discussing etuntuer
plans and gowns in the Waldorf tea room
the other day.
"Vs perfectly fine that you are com-
ing to Beverly," gushed one. "You'll
love it. We've had four seasons there, and
I wouldn't go any place else for the
"I suppose I'll need more thin gowns,
there than at Bar Ilarbor," tad ber
friend, thoughtfully nibblieg amacamerf
"Oh, it don't make numb difforeute
abate that; but, ree dear,
must have a scarlet golf coat."
"I den't pley golf,'
"That doesn't make any difference.
All the men da."
The friend looked 'Reeled. "I don't
understand," she said.
"Why you know the Essex County
Club brings loads of men down there.
Mont They're really it drug on the tater
keit. 'Tbav's why I take teatime there,"
vowed tne Beverly girl unblushingly.
"I mean I don't uuderstand *bout the
red soots."
"Oh. Well, yon see, the club coat is
scarlet, and the fellows wear them all
the time."
"Yes, but why do the girls need them?"
The Beverly girl looked impatient "I
should think, you attiglit figure tbat out
without a map," site said, "Don't yen
drive with men, auci. sail with them, eul
sit on the cliffs with thene and aren't -
you feta of hannuocks? Well, a scarlet
cone sleeve can be seen a mile off. All
the girls have red golf coati their scooted
season in Essex county,"
Itvidently more thought goes ieto plan,
ring of a girl's alltnilier wartlobe then
the Iminitiated would suppose.—New
York; Slue
A neatly Intelligent eery,
"It was the funniest thing I ever saw
iu a court Mom," laugited the veteran at
the bar, who wee enjoying an inform:el
smoker with bis brethren, I wits in the
USW west then, trylug to got n goad stert.
Olio of the resieents had mysterioutlY
dieappeared, and his xvIle was arested
lender a suspiolou that see might be re-
sponsible for tho fact. I defouded
"On the Mend she was simply irrespon-
sible. I only gob to ask bur one queetion.
That was more then plenty. Sbe raked
precisely as though she Were wound up
and tould not stop until the mainspring
was completely relaxed. In the midst of
bus tirade alio was interrupted by an in-
quiry by one ot the tarots.
" 'Who are you tallelin to, Bill Sprig,
glue?' site shouted. '1 dont now no tattle
like you to be colizeltif elle. Et you don't .
I know been to treat your betters, Ill learn
you. you pinheaded coyote. my bust
baud WaS here bold preferate you mighty
quick, and I know it. But I kinnalte
ore of myselt et I am a lone
I'm here to toll wbat I know, and 'Ins
gain' co do le It it spills blood.'
"There was no staying net deluge of
Words and the judge was at last driven
by sheer desperation to tell the jute, to
retire end do the best it could with the
facts in its patsessiou.
"When the jury came baolt ran Sprig -
gins, as foreman, stood up to give the
verdiot. 'We flucle he said, 'that this bere
Ulan Meekam hat diserpeared xxt the
ban's of tome pereing or pea:slugs un-
known. We end further that we are un -
attentions in surspectite as how be might-
er been talked to dealt by his said %VW
It took the sheriff and all his deputies to
oh Id bor."
Sister Bettina, Who Is Clara Tartar&
Chief Assistant In Cuba.
Among the starving poor of Ilevana eats
have a market view of 1;0 cents. They
are used for food. Ties itt only an instauce
of the kind of suffering the agetched
cldeos are enduring on the war stricken
island, It is to relieve this suffering that
the American people test month sent 400
tons of food and clothes to Havana. 'Ibis
will be distributed unaer tbe direction of
Clara Barton, \vim, us head of the Red
Cross sooloty, bas gone to Cuba. Site also
bas tharge of a corps of nurses, and one of
bus first lieutenants is Sister Bettina, who
recently accompanied her to the island,
Sister Bettina comes from New York,
whore for several years she has boon sister
superintendent of the Red Cross bospitat
at 233 West One Hundredth street Therer
she bus bad charge of the training of
nurses for work among the poor and for
emergency work wader the Red Cross
rules. Her charming personality made all
the nternbers of the society ber friends,
and last .August she was married to Dr. A.
tionae Lesser, with whom she bas now
gone to Havana. Sister Bettina is the
only one of the nurses of the society whom
Miss Batton has called to Havana. She
will try to train the native women to help
her in the oare of the ill, but if more of
the Red Cross nurses are needed a large
number stand ready to leave at a few
hours' notice.
There is lots of work to be done. From
Havana to Santiago the wistful eyes of a
half million sick, starving, dying Cubans
are looking to the Red Cross to bring them
succor from their terrible plight. Miss
Barton's arrival has revived some who
were at the last extremity, and all are try-
ing to hold put a little longer until the
help that is now pronaised readies them.
Primarily MiSs I3arton's mission is te
rescue the helpless children and save thti
women who have no means of helping
themselves. But or ministrations are
denied to none wIto need them. As soon
as it is known that help is being given at
any place haggard, listless, bony Women
come with theit starving, sad eyed babies
in tbeir arms, hundreds and thousands of
them at a thee. Sometimes they faint or
• die before their turn comes. Sometimes
there is not enough to to around., and
thee go away despairing.
Tease who have not died of actual star
station are now falling victims to smallpox,
malaria, fever and other diseases produced
by lack of sal:Went food and deplorable
sanitary conditions, and the greater num-
ber of these victims aro the unoffending
women and children., '
Telling it Good clear.
Here is a repipe as to bow to tell n
goad olgar: "Tito ihet step is to Maligns
the leaf with eyes and fingers, and care-
fully estimate its color, its texture and
the amount of gummy mattor contains.
If it passes this test, it is next rolled up
into a rough cigar, and an inch of it is
smoked. This is ltnown as the 'fire test.'
Willie smoking the sampler sniffs the
smoke repeatedly, to determine the llt01118.
Then the ash is inspected; and this re-
quires much experience and judgment,
for, although it white ash indicates good
tobacco as a rule, the opposite is often
the ease; and, while a gray ash is gener-
ally the sign of inferior tobacco, it soinet
times ineanS a first-class leaf. Regular
burning is afl indispensable quality,
whatever the color of the ash. The last
test is made by flicking off the ash and
examining the glorying point. 'If the
cigar is good, the point will be sharp;
and, in fact, the sharper the point the
better the eigar."—London Figaro.
Vinegar for regs.
When poaching eggs don't forget that
a teaspoon of vinegar in the water in
which they are cooked makes thein snowy
white. Remember to salt the water. If
they are dropped in muffin rings in a
deep frying pan of boiling water, they
will be 000ked soft by standing (the cov-
ered pan removed to a cool part of the
range) for eight minutes. Put them on
squares of buttered toast and throw a
sauce over and they beconae oreamed eggs.
The sauce is made by stirring together
until smooth a teaspoon of flour and it
tablespoon of hot melted butter, then
away front the hot stove stir M nearly a
pint of hot milk or cream, salt to taste.
Text of the 1.esson, Math. ivin,, 145.
Memory Verses, 21, 22 — Golden Text,
Elute vi, 3 — Commoutery by the Rev,
R. at, Stearns.
(Copyright, 1893, by D. 8tearne.1
21. "Then came Peter to Niue arul said:
Lord, haw oft shell zuy brother ani against
me, and I forgive hint? Till seven thnes?"
It isso diffloult, emelt as we may readand
talk ebout it, to believe and lie° DUD the
belief that it is no longer I that live, but
Obrist who liveth bit Me (Gal. 11, 2(1). Pe-
ter's difaculty here is "zne" and "I," fens
getting the lestou of chapter eve 04, about
denying self and foilowing Christ. A bee,
ter way of putting His question would be,
Lord, how °nee would you forgive one
who would sin against you? It slecetel
never be a question of whet 2 w auld. or
would not do, but always tv'diat would
Jesus do? Lord, wba wilt Vint have me
to do? As His redeemed os, we are here
to manifest Ms life in these mortal bodies
(II Cor. iv, 11) and melte Hint keown.
22. "Jesus saith unto him, I say not Un-,
to thee, Until seem times, but until, sev-
enty times wen." His theughts and
Ways are aedfar above ours as heaven Is
above the eartb. He gives us eternal re-
demption, !Hotting out all our sins, and
assuring as et eternal glory then teeollett
us OM we are to overcome self and eta
and the devil, subtatittlug uteenly to mann
an unjust demand of the World for Hi$
Pine lest wo prove a stumbling blot*.
.9347. "Therefore is the kingdem of
heaven likened unto a certain king, which
would take aCeelint of bis servauts." itt
these verses we heve art illustration from
our Lead's ewn lips of 221s forgiveness,
wilieh Ut1 treat' bestows upon- were' Porde
tont sinner. Tbe parables of tee kingdoin
sometimes have reference to the mystery
of this present ago when the Itinglora
self, wbielt WAS at baud, is postponed till
He sball come again because of His peo-
ple's rejection of Him. Sometimes they
refer to *be end of this age and the events
connected therewith. Vlore is ono thing
Shat all sbould lay to heat, and that Is
that there is a day of reckoning for every
one, far every 0D0 of -us obeli give account
of binwelf to God, Air Gott shell bring ev-
ery woth into ltulgment with every etaret
thing, whether it be good or wbether it be
evil (Rom. itiv, Even xii, 14). The
judge is appointed, even Him whom God
raised from the dead (Acts xvii, 81), the
mute who speaks to us in this parable. I
Cannot Bey that tbettertes we are consid-
ering refer to any period of the time of fu-
ture judgment, but rather to present fart
girenesS, for God may be old t,o be always
in some sellSe reckoning, with, people. It
seems to In° that the main polut of this
part of the parable is the full and free for-
giveness -which He bettows upon sayer:
penitent. The debtor was greatly in debt,
owing 10,000 talents, which, according to
estimate in tint margin, would, be over
$0,000,000, and he could not pay, as we
' toe, a cent on the dollar, for he had nab.
Inn yet be was presumptuous enough to
ask for patience, promising to pay all.
Iffs lord, moved with compassion, forgave
him the whole debt. Our indebtedness to
God for life arid tare and mercies since we
had any being is beyond computation. If
we sbould count but oat mercy a minute
for only 20 years, they would be over 10,-
000,000, but win) can estimate the mereiee
ot a n1011101W
2S -8D. "But the Sallee servant went out
and found ono of his fellow servants which
owed hint an hundred ponce." According
tbe margin, a debt of not aver $ort, yet
see his treatment of his follow as compared
with his lord's treatment of bine But do
not condemn him unless you llS0 sure that
you aro not guilty. Man's inhumanity O
monis as marvelous as God's compassion,
Great as is Godes forgiveness, so groat is
raan's lack of it. Ilave you never said of
any one, "I cannot forgive him," or "n1
forgive but I cue not forget?" If you have
said suith things, you bave no rignt to con-
demn this taan. Remember the words of
our Lord In a certain case, "Ho that is
without sin among you let hixa first cast a
stone" (John vill, 7).
81, "So, when his fellow servants saw
what was done, they were very sorry and
came and told unto their lord all that was
done." In this case there was nothing that
they could do but tell their lord, for he
alone had power to deal with the wicked
servant. But here is an application which
every believer may with profit layto heart.
We, if we have received Christ .Tesus as our
Saviour, are truly forgiven, welshed, sane -
tilled, justbled, but there are railLioes who
are not and who do not know anything
about the Lord .tesus and are liable to be
cast forever into the hands of the great ad-
versary who now oppresses them. .Axe we
sorry enough for them to say to our Lord
who has saved us: "Here am L Send me to
tell them of Thee and of Thy salvation?"
82-34. "And his lord was wroth, and
delivered him to the tormentors till he
should pay all that yeas due unto him."
We must not think of our Lord in this
story as if He was speaking of Himself,
for we are nowhere taught that He ever
forgives and then takes back His forgive-
ness. The gifts and calling of God are
without repentance (Roux. xl, 29). He
never changes His mind. We must notice
that our Lord is telling of a certain zna,n
and his servants, and the lord in the story
Is the roaster of these servants, not our
Lord. Site the small letter 1, not capital
L. So in the story of the unjust steward
the question is repeatedly asked, How
amid our Lord ever commend such fraud?
Our Lord never did, but the man's master
or lord (sraall 1) commended his fraudu-
lent servant for being clever enough to
provide a future welcome for hhnself in
the homes of those whoin he had befriend-
ed at his lord's expense. Our Lord taught
that we ought to make such •use of present
opportunities --lawfully, of course
would be for our benefit in the life to come.
85. "So likewise shall My Heavenly Fa-
ther do also unto you, if ye from your
hearts forgive not every one his brother
their trespasses." In the epistle to the
Ephesians we are taught in the opening
and following words our ptivilegos Itt
Christ. Blessed with all spiritual bless.:
Ings, accepted itt the Beloved, in whom we
have redemption, the forgiveness of sins,
seated with Christ in theheavenlies. Then
we are taught that because of these great
benefits conferred upon us we should walk
worthy of our vocation, walk in love, walk
as children of light, and among other
things forgive one another aeon as God for
Christ's sake hath forgiven us (Eph. iv,
62). • Salvation is nowhere made depend-
ent upon any works or good deeds of ours,
but is always setforth as a free gift (Rom.
iv, 5; vi 28; John 1, 12; Rev. exit, 17).
Then having become children of God by
faith in Christ Jesus, we are earnestly ex-
horted to walk as such; assured that all in
our lives as Christians which H'e approves
shall be rewarded, but all else shall be
burned up as wood, bay and stubble.
Land of Flowers.
Three hundred and eightyelve years
ago yesterday, on a morning as fair as
blue sky and the breezes of spring could
make it, Juan Ponce de Leon landed on
the coast of the present State of porkla,
and taking possession ie the Mug's
name, unfurled' the flag of Spain and
called the plaoe "The Land of Flowers."
And truly it seemed such on that bright
Easter morning, when it was a veritable
bower of tropical bloom, whose fragrance
had been wafted out on the land breeze
the night before, and been the first wel-
come premonition to the heartsick sailors
that land was near.
Sow They Catch nognes in Paris.
A yea,e ago policetned stationed at the
crossings of the prinelpal boulevards of
Paris were provided with handsome
white enameled "billies" and helmets.
The patrols are now armed with a weapon
new to the history of police annals. rt is
a piece of cballt. When surrounded by a
crowd of hoabile toughs who hustle the
guardian of the 'peace the patrolman
deftly puts.ohalk marks on the clothing
of his assailants, who are thus arrested
and identified when reinforoementri ar-
rive. --New York Timcis.
Prance in Africa.
France has succeeded itt placing the
flrst boat on Lake Tchad. The Marehand
expedition to the Nile also earned a
boat, Which is probably afloat now on the
river above Khartoum.
Arl*tocratic Organiznilon.
The Prussien army contains only one
(atter raised from the ranks.