The Exeter Advocate, 1898-4-22, Page 5THE
et r ;44broicate,
Is published every Thursday ltor)iing,
at the Office.
-By the -
One Dollar per annum if paid in Advance
01,511 if not so paid,.
ze ao Z2
A 7;tlna,gy zto,s nee, Saryr3yea,,
No paper discontinued. until a►11arrearageg
are P$id- Advertiaona,ents without *p oifio
d.reotiona will be published till forbrd and
sheeged a000rdincly. Liberal eliscountmade
for transoient advertisements inserted for
long periods. Every description at TOB
PE/SITING turned out in the finest stye.,
sad at moderate rates, Oheggee, money ord-
'• ere, ate- for advertising, subscriptions,
COI mpdepayable to
Glias. jJ. Saudelrs,.
rleofesyzon I Cards.
. s. KINSMAN* L. D. S. & DR. A.Ii,.
Rl:ifislA:i, L 1). S., D. le S., Honor
r"='�' graduate of Toronto taivefsity.
Teeth extracte1 without any pain, or any
bad effects. Office ii. Feneotes Block, west
Siete Main Street,
honors Leraduato of tho Toronto Hni-
raity and Royal College of Dental Surgeons
ot Ontario. Teeth extracted without. pain.
All modes of Dentistry up to date, Mae
ever Elliot 4 Elliot's law ot,ce-opposite
eeutral Ito tel -Exeter.
Jre. 7 A. fOI,T,Ia`TS $t T A. A31:t)5.
Reel 'effete, acme• ay formerly
OFFICES,Apa,el;ratr, building. Main St.
Dr, 1 o11hm' off + o; Santa av formerly -north
door. Dr. Ausee' ogee, s the bpildiug-south
deer: May 1st. 1893
7TM A Rollins 1[ D. T. A. Ain eft. L B
D,1.,u.T. P. McLAVak11LIN. ,'EMBER OF
the Col let;:3of Phesielen eanFISergeaun
Ontario. sheen +inn, Surgeon and A etote h -
aur. Office, PeehWowl. Out
>j a R. 0 I 'S, II 11. ISTER,SOLICIT.
Ole, Oonveyencer, Notaasy Public.
t)tfiee-ever O'NGil'ts Peek. l:xeter,Ontaria.
Haney to Loe,n•
r of Supremo ('nurt. NO tory Pnblie, Con-
sesetnoer, Cominiesimixer. eee.3teuey to loan
Dfxaa--Fauien's B1oek.Txetirr
I lata Couvaveneer.. and Money to
hose at S ante'. lies. cent.
13. V. ltr 1 nos. it. W. t?r xtulA:t.
--- "-lLnctlonrHrnL _ r
endss• Licensed Auet-
11 BROWN, t,1 inle
AI, ie)neer for the Counties of Perth and
Itf.l.11esex, Also fir the township ofC'sborn0
late* irons pt1Y attended to end terms roa-
roahal e.Saleearr, egad at Post oface. 'tRin-
Ineurttuao Agent.
6tain St. Exeter
"(Miele() mnn in every locality, Uncal or
ravelling, ti itttrod nee a now discovery and
;eel , nee Altnry rnld,tael:e• t up anter**efent es
anti Itrid„^,ee throughenLt town and country.
iteelyemplgymelt.,eurernission Or calory,
$el.tper month nn 1 re: Nms-'s, aue1 money le-
0It,t.I in any hents when eearte•d. For ear
ec:ulers write" she Worlet Ilealettl Electric
ie.." Lnn.lon. lin* , Cat :e•la. 9-r. ta4
tt t[.'ilrrl•!3e1 and 2'iY.orthin, lL I:o11C;:1"
t,',kr. Y rung an•l College Sts., Toronto
is an ,eh,olutely licit -class Business Pollee'
tn,livi,htnt in itructiou lee e_xisedenced teach-
ers hol line 1hieh •+t gtree :live ion4. (loot] re-
tults. 1'ra>lee:tee mailed tree. Euter 1tOW.
MD. ntintsaru Sc.N.1',t4. Jas. Harrison
L'rincii,ais 1Tnrlergraduato of Toronto
i'niversity and S of P. t.
Is, a }
lrc �.flsr. DaS � 'h'hose odins
' The Great English Itcmaly.
I+ Sold and recommended by all
druggists in Canada. Only reli-
able medicine discovered Ms
r1. packages guaranteed to cure all
Mimeo; Sexual Weakness, all effects of abuse
or excess, Mental Worry, Excessive use otTo-
bacco, Opium or Stimulants. Mailed on receipt 1
of price, one Package $1, six, $5. One will p7eass,
si.,ritill cure. Pamphlets free to any address.
Tho Wood Company, Windsor, Ont.
t toed s Plias ph is sold in Exeter t.y
J. W. Browing, druggist. ,
You will find at Bisset's Warerooms the
ollowing line of Agricultural Implements :
Deering Binders, Mowers,
Roller and Ball Bearings, 1
Steel Sulky Rakes.
A full line of Seed Drills, Cultivators, 1
)isc and Diamond Harrows, Plows,
Lnd Turnip Drills.
The celebrated Raymond sewing
maehinee.... Knoll Washer and
��++ �r wringers.
. s,
��[% Gurney stoves and furnaces
N c lV. 7x,t 1
\\. W
The Chatham Wagon and a full lin. 1
f the celebrated McLaughlin buggies c
66r� 77 1
.., ,
d..1iNervous .Diseases -Failing Mem-
o Im otenc Sleeplessness, ry, 9 ossnees en. sue
P 9. P caused
by �Abuse or. other Excesses and Indis-
cretions they 7uiGRt,o. and sweep,
restore Lost Vitality in
l y oldorMarriage. fit a man for study, business or:marriage.
Prevent Insanity and consumption if
en six tithe. m . Theis use shows immediate improve.
meat and effects a OURn where all other tail
sist upon having the genuine Aleut Tablets. They
have cured thousands and will aerofoil. We OM*
a pos-
itive written guarantee to effect a euro GRI le T5. in
each case or refund the money. Prion en: i per
package; .or six pliges (full treatmont):for $2,60. By
mail, in plain wrapper. upon,receipt or pprice. Circular
'79•lledp "iii..
[�i.9,A.� fl�l.�t41�1(ld GQa-.,� Ol,; tri.
13o1d in Exeter by C. Lutz, Druggist
(Changed, every Wednesday)
$0 85 to 8u".
33 to 40
28 to 30
55 to 65
14 to 15
75 to 8.
Wheat per bushel
Potatoes perbag
Ray per ton
Dried Apples per lb
Geese ...,
Healthy. Baby
When Born
In Three Months Humor Spread
Over His Forehead
Into His Eyes and Al! Over His
Such itching, Burning Torture--
MOW it Ended.
When a chile. is cured of the itchin=
torture and burning intl:lrnnlation o
eczema. or salt rheum, it is UQ wou Ie1
that words fail to• express the joy of
the gratefulparents, andy�1
p..., , 1,► that they
gladly tell in as strong terms as pos-
sible the plain story of suffering re-
lieved and health restored. Many
testimonials relate the wonderful suc-
cess of .flood's Sarsaparilla in such
cases, even after all other prescription.
mel medicines fail, Here is clue:
"C. I, flood Co., Lowell, Masa.;
"Dear Sirs; -(our boy Harvey will re-
member the good Hood's f3axsaparllia dice
,him as long as lav livea. Ile 'Wee tn.healt1
baby when lie was born, but before r
was three menthe old a breekiug out ap-
peared on both ;Mics of hie Saco. Physe
ciaus did him little good and said but for
hie strong eonetitution he could not have
lived through his dreadful suffering. The
blamer spread over ilia forehead, into hit
oyes, anti came out ma his hands, It: wee
indeed pitiful to witness the poor chlld'w
sufferings. It was very ,;sinful for Lim:
to open or abut his eyes, and we -had to
tie his little ,lands to present him from
scratching the itching, burning akin.
My soother urged us to try Hood's Sar-
saparilla. We dM so, and a abort time
as,iter he began to tette this medicine we
am a. change for the better, We con-
tiauetl until we had given him tivo bot-
tles, and then the eczema had entirely
dieeppearcd, and be has ever since been.
perfectly cured of this dreadful dieeaae.
His sufferings eztended over two and r,
belt years. People for miles r.round ,:new
his dreadful condition and know that
llood's Sarsaparilla cured him. Ue b now
a bright, boy, perfectly healthy and lace
thefiuestskiu of any of my five children."
Mals.. L. 1 nensrenDnn, Collegeville, Pa.
hood's Sarsaparilla is sold. by all drug-
gist;. e1; six for ea, Be aure to get Hood's.
Menthe.- 1i n
(','rift,,. t 1 Dl, t)t ,r a1:( named
lady ,lm d
armee arrived e here in ..tie 'I e'
T4l of her
, L Maly l•'rier. Mrs of v
C m1u � h'
s over SO e (trs of age held been resid-
ue! in Colorado, and rot a letter invit-
ing her to visit her sister; after she
starred she lost the letter and forgot the
address. She; spent about eight weeks
:ravelling, and learning that a Me.
[trier resided near here, came in th
ope that it was her sister, but it tune-
ed out they were not related She li d
he idea that her sister resided stain -
where in the county of Hurin, and b -
ng of a Pensyivania German origin
t was thought she might he in the ss-
inity of Zurich, so Mr- Pattison tele
graphed to places thereabout, but could
lot find the slims htest trace of the miss
ng sister,, However it was thought
hat she might be in the vicinity of
;iandeboye and to this place Mrs. Cof•
nan proceeded on ,Wed• esday.
as Scott's and we sell it much
cheaper," is a statement sometimes
made by the druggist when Scott's
emulsion is called for. This shows
that the drtsggists themselves regard
3f Cod -Liver. Oil with Hypuphos-
lhites of Lime and Soda as the
tandard, and the purchaser who
Iesires to procure the "standard"
Because he knows it has been of
antold benefit, should not for one
instant tilinik, of taking the risk of
using some untried prepa-
ration. The substitution
�. of .something said to be
"just as good • for a stand-
ard preparation twes)t
ears ori the market,
should not be permittedb
intelligent purchaser.
Be sure you get SCOTT'S Emulsion. See`
that the man and fish are on• the wrapper,
5,ie'l and $1.00,.all druggists,
SCOTT & IIOWNE, Chemissts, Toronto
.I'oi at Demand by the 'United gtates Senate
and Home or Representatives for the
Independence of Ceba-efust 14 ow be
War ora Eaekdown.
London, .April, 19.--A speoial to the
Daily News frons, Madirid. says: "The
Cabinet Couneil met at 4 o'clock this
afternoon, The session lasted three hour$,.
Senor Sagasta, the Premier, submitted a
draft of the speech from the Throne. Its
*seer is not precisely known, though it
snakes an appeal to the higbest patriotism
of the nation. It summarizes the interna-
donal problem and points out bow Spain
has always presented an accommodating
front in everything whieh did not dim-
inish her sovereignty, though sits only
agreed to grant a cessation of hostilities
in Cuba when the Pope made his request
and the powers joined in counselling ft.
The speech from the Throne appeals to
the Spanish people to rally around the
Young King in order to were the country,
and to grant to the Government every-
thing which may bo neeeseary and urg-
r g•ent to defend the national honor and.
Spain tiS 171 Not Yield.
It is a 'natter of comparative indlfFer-
once to the Spanish people whether the
policy of the United States is one of Un -
mediate annexation or liberation.. It aline
at least at the destruction of Spanish
severeiguty in Cuba. Spain eaurtoa tame-
ly give up her sovereign rights 'without a
To all friendly snpgestiales of worlilly
prudence they reply in a Balm, dignified
manner which commands respect, but
where the national honor is concerned
prudential eoueideretions must be set
estate .
SPAIN la0T 50451151»
Iiy the Terips of the 1'. S. Seeete Uesolue
tions -A. conflict Certalu,
Madrid, April 19. -The Ribera, yestes-
day reproduces verbatim the United
States Senate's Cntt:ln me:dation, ani.
remarks that it is nut frishtemel by it.o
reality, tbaugb it does not support tit's
rumor in official eireles that the preee,i.-
inns at Washnngtun are a (aual: to gee)
time tor further ne;otiatious between the
Pope and powers. The Liberal adds;
"Such rumors are dangerous, as they
lead to popular disconeent. Tho truth l,.,
a conflict is certain. President i eJCialey
is ambitiously following a ('ie13h2ratt
plan, and the powers aro too t':alous of
ono another to interfere, though ;boy may
be driven to suppress hostilithe should
their self -interests be ondan'leree. Spain
bis no allies, and must prtA et her honor.
Let the Government $eo tleee it be united
Spain.' i
Expellee, From ,ea{•Atlee.
London, April 19.- Aho Vance an -
tenured this morning that its correspond-
ent rites been expelled hent Havana,
Against tha expulsion the Timet protests
editorially, characterizing the act as "an-
other of Spain's efforts to stifle the
Whitt Don Caries Say&
Venice, April 10. -Don Carlos, in an
interview here, which is plainly a repeti-
tion of his manifesto, has dee•lared that
pltiu has mismanaged the Cuban dilii-
aulty fromthe start.
"She should have sought a cases bell.
a year ago," be said, "{when the United
Status were unprepared, and should have
had the courage to bombard New York
and to disembark troops upon the coast
of Florida. Tho United States would then
have given way. If Spain were now to
ole vanquished, Cuba would share the
fate of California, Texas and Louisiana,
and be absorbed by the Anglo-Saxon ele-
In replyto n question as to what would
laien to Spain after a disastrous war,
Don Carlos said: "The future is in the
bands1od• f P
o G but Spaniards s w0 uld not
be likely to rebel against the Government
which had known how to vindicate the
nod Castilian honor."
Carlists Active in Etl't sand.
London, April 19. -The supporters in
Engiand of Don Carlos, the Spanish Pre-
tender, headed by, the Earl of Ashburn -
ham, are actively preparing for emorgen-
e•:rs. Every detail has been arranged to
i- zu a propitious moment for action.
1 he local Carlists aro convinced that the
present Spanish dynasty is doomed, and
that Spain will be forced to choose be.
twenn Republicanism and Don Carlos.
They add the only chance of the present
dynasty is a successful war against the
United States, the possibility of whioh is
War Is Inevitable.
London, April 19. -General Marcelo de
Azearraga, ox -Foreign Minister of War
and Prime Minister, has, a special
despatch from Madrid announces, arrived
at the Spanish capital, in order to attend
the meeting of the Cortes. He is quoted
as declaring that war is inevitable.
The despatch adds that many Swedish,
Brazilian and other foreign officers are
offering their service to Spain. The next
mooting of the Spanish Cabinet, the
despatches further say, will discuss the
question of privateering.
Leaflets inciting a io-tpulnr demonstra-
tion have been seized au Madrid.
Disorder sit Barcelona.
Barcelona, April 19. -Although Sunday
)Horning passed quietly here, there was
demonstration t yesterday evening when
the crowds„whioh were gathered in front
of the newspaper offices read the latest
announcements of the action taken by
the UnitedStaat
es ' Senate in regard to
Cuba. There was a scene of the greatest
excitement and patrioticsilents were
raised on all sides. When the students
heard the news, on leaving thetheatres,
they paraded the streets, cheering for
Sain, and made an attempt to reach the
United States Consulate. The authori•
lies, however, had taken precautions, and
the crowds were dispersed.
Spanish Officials R1S att Well-to-do Spanish
Tumi>ies Stain ecli:
g Front the
•London, Alien special
from Singapore says that the steamship
Leo --XIII., frotn : Manfla, bas arrived
there crowded with Spanish officials and.
well-to-do ,Spanish families who are esoap+.
ing front the rebellion, which is .spread -
Ing rapidly in the Philippines. They rd
port that 3Tanila is panic•strici:on.
iridian, Outbreak b'eared•
Guthrie, O.T,, April 19. --Nearly. 1,000
Cheyenne Indians are gathered en the
bank of the North, Canadian, many rniles
from the agency, holding a ghost deuce.
It is feared that the Indians, molted by
oof toe
tes to start ofn troops
take naeighboring ps 'corn ueighboxisig
uprising to secure more
beef rations and in rete for the enforce-
n ort -
rn # o
anent of the territorial antt»polygaml
law, which has caused great discomfort
to the tribe.
That the Interests of the Bolted @tater.
Wed Civilization Requires That
Cuba Shall Be Free.
Wast', ingtop, Apra 19.---11t. 1.10 s.mL,
en agreement was reached by the con-
ferees of the House and Senate. The re-
solution as agreed is as. follows:
Resolved, by the Senate and the House
of Repreeeutatives of the United States
in Congress assembled:
First -..That the people of the Island of
Cuba are, and of right ought to he, free
and independent.
Second-- t hat it is the duty of the
Vetted States 60 demand, and the Gov -
eminent, of the L'nited States does hereby
demand, time the Government of Spain
at once relinquish its authority and gov-
ernment in the Island of Cabal and with-
draw its land and naval forces from Cub$,
and Cuban waters,
Third Thee the 1'20$ deur of the Uni-
ted States be, and he hereby is, directed
anti empowered to use the entire land
and naval forces of the United States,
and to call into the actual service of the
United '-rates the =little of the -several
States to such extent as allay he necessary
to parry these resolutions into effect.
Vourth---That the Milted States hereby
disclaims any disposition or intention to
oxer.iso sovereignty, jurisdiction or can-
Txo1 over said Island except for the peed -
cation thereof, and asserts its determine -
Von when that la accomplished, to leave
>;lie government and control of the Island
to its people.
Senate Adopts It.
Wasbington, April 10, 1.45 a.m.--Tho
Senate bas adopted the report of the Cun-
#eroure Committee by a vote of 42 to 36.
In the Mango a motion to adapt: it has
been Made:, and the provious question
moved. A parliamentary squabble is de.
laying a vote.
The Senate adjourned at 1.5e a.m.
In the House.
Washington, April 14. --The ayes and
noes were demanded in the House au the
previous question. It carried 171 to lel,
.A vote is now (3.30 a.m.) beiug taken on
the adoption of tho Conference repors,
Deonierats and Republicans aro voting
far it solidly.
Dy 610 Ayes to 0 Rays.
Washington, April 19, -The final roll
call in the Houseon the adoption of the
report showed 310 ayes and (1 nays. The
resolution goes to the President in the
A. Voice Front Venue.
NOV York, April 10.--.A despateh to
tins World, from Rome, Italy, says; "We
wish war botweon Atnericit and Spain
might be averted," said an oflietal of
It;t: ':t foreign Ministry, "but we recon•
nizet'1t s
h. Spain has not the same right
over Cuba that God Almighty has
"Spain forgot that her rights were
subordinate to hor duties, and sho nhust
pay the penalty.
"Tho powers of Europe never even
dreamed of making a naval demonstra-
tion against the United States iu favor
of Spain."
Still at Cape verde.
New York, April 19.rA. despatch to
1'4 ld from Se t. Vinct,)it
Cape Verde
1 says: The )e h 1
r torpedo u Ilut' t
flotilla, l,a under
1 ,
the guardianship gnu duutsbip of the armored cruisers
Cristobal Colon and InPantit ','arta70
' r-
esa, stili remains anchored in the bay
here, ready to Steil, but without orders
from Madrid. There has been no change
in the fleet, no arrival, no departure.
Spaniards Ave Departing.
Washington, April lee. -Under instruc-
tions from Minister Polo, Spanish cou-
nts are arranging for departure of Span•
lards in their localities.
O'Higgins Not Secured.
Washington, April 19. -It was stated
at the Navy Department yesterday after.
noon that the efforts to secure the Chili=
battleship O'Higgins have been- practic-
ally abandoned and that there is no
longer any prospect that the United
States desire; or will be able to secure
any more ships, either belonging to for-
eign nations or being built in foreign
Stately Bridge Built on the Site of the
Old Suspension at .Niagara Falls.
Buffalo, April 19, -The old suspension'
bridge across the Niagara River, connect-
ing the Queen Victoria Park with Niagara
Falls city, N.Y., has been converted into
an arch bridge of the sumo model as the
Grand Trunk's new single -arch bridge
which spans the river lower down.
The new bridge is of the same pattern
as the ono built for the Grand Trunk,
but is larger and has a greater span of
arch, but is not calculated to sustain
such heavy traffic as crosses the railroad
bred o. Tho sten
6 l arch of the
new bridge has a. span ot 840 feet, and
the full length of the bridge is 1,240 feet.
The length of the arch in the Grand
Trunk bridge is 550 feet, and the length
of the bridge, including approaches, ' is
1,100 feet. The centre of the new bridge
is 190 feet above the river, and from this
elevated position an excellent view is
obtained of the Falls.
An Imposing Spectacle.
Quebec, April 19. --The bells of the
Basilica yesterday rang ant their tale of
grief as the funeral procession of the late
Cardinal Taschereteu shoved solemnly
along the road lined with a fringe of
militarytandin present s g p s arms, witha
brilliant military stall. The Governor-
General was. represented by 'Major
son, aide, and Sir V.Ifrld Laurier, by
Bon. has. Fitzpatrick; Lieut. -Governor
'Jett° was accompauied by Major Shep
pard, A.D:C The bells ,of the English
Cathedral were tolled during thea proces-
sion and the Protestant schools wore dis-
eibieitdfor the afternoon:
r male
Men you take h'ood's Pills. The pig, old-fa$b.
,cried, sugar-coated pills, which tear you all to
pieces, are not in it with Hood's. Easy to take
and easy tooperate, is true
ef.god's Pills, which are
ep to date in every respeet. h .
Safe certeieh and sure.
,. All
A Co.,drhl stS, ..6G. C. I
la'li . Q , Hood & WLowell, s'a'fe..
The ealy Phis to tale With Hood's Sarsaparilla,
Seaforth: It will be remembered
that last fall a number of ineeudary
fires occurred in town, the last of which
wait the burning of the agricultural
hall. Suspicion for this act rested on
Gus Sparling, but he avoided the au-
thorities by leaving town and going to
the States, Since that time, however,
eonfitable Gillespie bas kept close tab
oto his movements, and hearing that he
would be ie Buffalo on a certain date.
constable Gia,udr,y, of Goderieh, went
there and platen him under arrest.
Gua waived extradition proceeding and
was brought to town on the late train
Tuesday night, and on We dnesday wars
taken to Ooderich. He will be brought
up for his preliminary hearing on Fri
day. Whether or not he is guilty
remains to be seen, but if street talk
eau be relied upon, not only Sperling
but a number of others will be impli-
cated in the affair,
Hewett Help lore° To men.
The Exeter ..,uvocATlt iit authorized,
to state by Mr. Ia, Graham, Box 1BI1,
ifagersville, Ont„ that any Haan who is
nervous and debiliated or wino is suffer.
tug from any of the various troubles
resulting, from overwork, excesses .of
abuse, such as nervous debility, ex
hausted vitality, lost vigor, unnatural
drains and loses, lack of developeuheut,
etc,, can write to him in strict eonh-
denee and receive FREE OF CIIAROR
Nil instructions how to be thoroughly
Mr. Graham himself was for a lon
time a sufferer from above troubles and
after trying in vain many advertised
remedies; electric belts, etc., became al
most entirely discouraged and hopeless,
Finally he confided in an old Clergyman
whose kind and honest advice enabled
him to speedily obtain a perfect and
permanent cure. Knowing to his sor-
row, that so many poor suffers are be-
ing imposed upon by unscrupulous
quacks, Mr. Graham considers it bit
duty as an honest man and a arm be.
Bever in Christain sympathy and kind
cess, to give his fellow-nlen the benefit
of Ms experience and assist them to a.
cute. laving nothing to sell, he asks
for no honey*, the proud satisfaction of
having done a great service to one in
need, he rightly considers an ample re•
ward for his trouble. if you wrtte to
Mr, Graham you can rely upon being -
cured, and upon absolute secrecy as
well. •
Address as above. enclosing aets
and refer to the Exeter Avo(Arx
No attention however will be given to
those writing out of mere curiosity,
therefore state that you really need 0
In the event of a Thtit
stroke of good, for.
prizes is guaranteed
I rir
l + t canis
y alt,
tnlie.rnn titin Uric, 1st droevine•
500.00000a flat ,s,.
air are invited to participate in the
Chances oif't,Tlcllli;llg
in the 'maul, ttratvingtr of prizes
guaranteed by the state Well anthem_
in wills,,
11. millions 349,325 marks
krureiy Uta,\•e to be won.
In the course of these advantageous
drawings, which contain aecordiiug to
the prospectus only 11,,tain tickets, the
following prizes will be forthcoming, viz:
'Phehigitett prize will be event
300,000 Marks.
Premium of 300.000 Marks
A Prize ot 21,11,000 Marks
1 Prize of loo.000 ,larks
2 Prizes of 75 eon Marks
1 Prize of 70,000 ,'larks
1 Prize of 168.0oo Marks
1 Prize of tt0,000 Marks
1 Prize of 55.004 Marks
2 Prizes of 511,0oo Marks
A Prize of 611,ouo Marks
I. Prize of 30.oeo Marks
EL Prizes of 20,00o Marks
2E0 Prizes of 11D.000 Marks
5(6 Prizes of 8,000 At arks
6 (0(5 Prizes of 3.41eo Marks
HOG Prizes of 2.000 Marks
Sig: rises of 1.0EQO rut/trite
1518 Prizes of ,
too Prizes of 300 Marks
54o Prizes of "' 00 Marks
3.0902, of 165 Marks
:0050 Prizes of 134. 104, foe Marks
51351 Prizes of TS, 45. 21 Marks,
in all 59,18o prizes which must be surely
won in 7 drawings within the space ot
a tow months
The highest prize of ist drawing
amounts to ilk 50,000, increase in 241.
drawing to Mir 55,000, in 3d Mk. 60,000, in
lth iV11 05,0;1n, in 5511. Mk. 70,000, in Oth Mk.
75.000, 1„ "th Mk. 200.1100; and together.
with the Fret -ilium of Mk. 3)0,000, in the
most tortuitti.te case to Mk.000,000
`1'hentfieial cost for participation in
the first two drawings amounts to
$4.50 for a fall ticket;
a if a
$1.13 for 1 quarter of tickte.
Ralf resp, quarter tickets will entitle
to one half resp. one quarter of the
< respective
amount, won b e thenumber,
named on the heket.
The stakes for participation in the
following drawings, as well as the •exact
ttrize-tale, are indicated in the official
prospectus, which S send on demand
gratis in advauce. The prospectus is also
e it gratis with every order. After the
drawing 1' shall forward to 1.Vevery ticltet-
,nuie the official list of the winning
, burs
ThepaY g ment and forwarding of amounts won
stn those coueerned will have my special
and: prom pt atuent,ion, and with the most
absolute secrecy
'item ittnnco of money can be made
by Ah14HTOAN a NR -NOTES by registered
letter or l y Post 1' ince Orders. Small
tinsouuts ,can also be sent by postage
atani ,
i +roar. i
n 'account of the a h n
C.., 1
P i;
ra„•it, of the prizes, .i
:plia'e address the
nrle,s imnc<•diatelp in ill confidence
direst, to' ,
'at 11.115 111.111.61, f:ermany.
A man lutist consider his pur&lsaa
well these times; he must buy where
he can do the best.
Look at 80110 of thesegnr.3s:
rents made in ortic'r, all
wool heavy tweeds2.tiati -
Suits *9,80
Overcoats S8.Q9
Black Worsted suits a sl,ee-
sal, 812,00
Our $20 blacks beat all
others at $23. Come and sal
for yourselt,
J.[ c L .f
Bicycles I .
Bicyles les I I
Bicycle Pleasure.
Are you seeking Iiit-3 ole pleasure
if so, you should seek first a geed
wheel. We coil furnish you any of
the best wheels made, alt lowest prices
Do you want anything In tit:'
musical litre. We have a t'bolee let
of Pianos and organls, t alland in.
epect them before busing elsewhere
A full stock
Of sowing machines, baby ear
riages, etc. etc.
Perkins & Martin,
..,+,......oma. ..
for Caught;, Colds and Bronchial trouble
ie old or young.
We 3larrufateture--a
Which is an excellent remedy for
Cramps, Pains, Neuralgia, Sore Throat
and Influenza.
The OId Reliable, Winan's Con-
dition Powders,
still holds fist place in th,%%market.
Also Lotion for scratch is onhorses
and Condition Powder for same.
This season. we have s
in making and gathering to ether
Choice Oddmerete3 rn 5'aue.y r ur[itt[rrae
suitable for presentation. The assorement
is now complete and everybody is inviter.,
to view our Stock if only for the sake of
seeing what very reasonable prices Choitu
Furniture can be purchased for:
We wish to call special attention to a
line of Very Handsome BED 1400di's,
SETTS in Eras, 0» s., and Den ANrteur
and CSEMONA finish. All are a treniely
tasteful in design and the prices aro much
lower than it has heretofore been possible
to quote fur' similar goods.
CUIILY BIito}n, and MAHOGONY I'in'alt,
rom 6.40 up.
-. i
F,81& V' TA BEES.
A magvlticent line bought at a sacri-
fice and marked at correspondingly 'low
Priods. Centre Taboos 1a
5. 14C
retiihos L un as Fancy tocsecs i,e
Backe, Cuoh es. Extension Tables. 1,<t
Mouldeings. Curtain 'Poles, Artists' Mat, r
isle, Eta Etc., Etc,
UNDERTAKING and EM1:1t,411IrI1
1151 ALU. ITS 16 i1NCIIL$
S. Ci ley & Eon,