The Exeter Advocate, 1898-4-15, Page 2DR. JACK'S WIFE
leeeetil the papers?" eagerly.
"I tied them -very important," return-
ing to his perusal with forced interest,
for already doe, Doctor Jima- feel a heavy
lethargy stealing over him, such Le the
power a the subtle- drug With which this
charmer bas dosed his cigarette,
He tries to shake it olf, smokes furi-
ously and exhausts the ciamette, endeeer-
ore to talk., but makee a farce a it. gives
'a groan mad slimes hie head to fall over
upon the ehoultier of the lovely Chilian
who 2:as watehed his struggie .with lier
'heart in ter glen -isnot eyes.
"Cerseetueset Meter Mainz.," she sans, in
triumph, ".11lOW you are in the seareo-you.
are M3
An 1:At' exactly the same monient there
enter the etreet k -town es the Calle los
Anotles on Larry Kennedy. dude erone
Newt York., and Deetor Jack's wife..
there isa wide path leeding front the
gate, A drive -way. -in fact, under the sha-
dow of the itioutiant treesit is impos-
sible to see distinctly, especially . when
one keeps watching the lights that gleam
beyond. Once Avis ennobles and 'nearly
• powclon, roy dear cousin -I was
an idiot uot to offer you my arm. Leen
on me -you will tind Larry Keimetly
tower of strength, iu an .emergency."
"Do for heavexea mike talk in whispers,
cousin. We are In the euemy's couutry,
you know," she feels impelled to say,
end herealizethat even a brave man
mint be indiscreet ea time.
"I am dumb -miserably dumb," he
It is just eta Well, for the house looms
up before them now, though as yet they
have had no glimpse of it living being.
Here are the stairs -they ascend, no
longer groping in dmkness for the
mination is More than sulicient to dis-
close .their surroundiugs. Should they
meet any servants. Avis believes she will
be able to manage them, firet with'
magic silver, then by a glimpse of her
fair face from behind the veil -women
understand the power that lies in their
grasp better than most men suspect -and
ff aU else fails an appeal to arms can be
made. when. valiant Larry will be given
Larry Neunedy swings his smell figureat.oppostunity to show his mettle.
to teen of the • street lamp. with the . Fortunetely it happens otherwise, and
sanoke settees, , they are no confounded by any Cerberos
by zo,: here . have it, omega at the door, demanding their business.
A strange silence reigns in the house,
ante Larry Ineens nth a great tomb. Here.
rei lights and flowers, hue where can
they ilnd the human occupants -Why do
they not hear the hum of voices or the
notes of lunge?
So they,' roes into the great hall, where
hang elegant paintings, relies a the
ebase, e? war -many things tbat pro-
elahu the proprietor a man of cultivatiou
and wealth.
A 'spirit of enarest has assailed Avis -
something seems tie assure her that the
nusu she loves and honors is under this
itiferrnittion." , roof and In danger. Putting this and
en's: beastly sham, you know, that that together -the note that eame into
men my ,e,,,,,A.,Iti„numi„bilitles must : teaches bands, the apparently accidental
etestrellsei t aek asiviee from such a eonversatiou whieh she beard undet her.
ers,ai 'tree Met the es:eat-Le of war compels window at the hotel, arid Larry's simple
etren things. Ahwhat shall 1 ask, explanation ree gardinwhat he knows-
thud- leer womares wit bas been able to figure
owasee the ieszt reeilles-the nameout eomething like the truth. At any
sieozetz se the1 tor, you remember." r: riles 'she. believes her coming to be aa,in
A testers.. St testify veil in order to '1', sPir3tien•
ewe ,ise: eeetitres. for at this hour no ". . ie. sew ou the foilit opens ietto a • lux -
reel, est. nee, „„ene. t„ be seen or, the urzeue drawireereera-she ems thither
etge„is thus egy. which rre„nt is and. holding her liteathlooks in.
ail pretty :omito dis•Npmant eles lilt! gas ZS tur.nedkw. and not a sign
of Inman oceisteresee doesshe discover.
les • Aquas -el tr.W-, Lear, glaneine e ''" enite a Legit/nine's 'however-
pleionely sat the seetel.s. but Larry believes other rooms remain wheels will unclear,
en t eesote, rho Mel y the hor e. and idly prove of a L'ICTP profitable oature.
adeennig umg h„ waylays th„ °zee; As she tures, after s.weesping her eager
ptonsie :several' eons: into his hand, at the ' eyes areuna the riehly decorated room,
curs. time' inquetiesse with whet he be- 'she eatehes the attitude of Larry hen -
hews lse rhe Lest. :if temente-le the loth, nide-. The New York dude is a picture
%tom el Din Fermin eesisienee.
as he stands there Iiite O statue, his heare•
Lis meaning- et leasst stvidenr, and • cane grasped In one hand while the other
Avis -teed yourself -the Calle los An -
metes." he 4:um1aute.
. "But why disi that driver pus us cle.sevis
IA the serous; corner?" she demands. •
°tines it up. .uoless-a stupendoua Wee
'Geneses net -the Meth is in 'league with
yotte 411.•111L.A, 3114 Wanted you to get
*set." se -islet -es the little UNAU In a burst
of etnilid.mee.
"Irs Was fortuoate Jack left the letter
behind tdm, or we would not have- known
whereo seek. Los,, here conies an
algesseit seising -pi -reaps, for a cousideras
eine es. totem ssousiesesind to give us
taint, onion ions the, sig, is raieed with tbe finger pressing his lips.
ver woes hie team, en tonum, ie e„sened Evidently the little num has himself
teed ee eroesele te give dioations how I made a discovery a great importettace-
sgn hieieiqf inwbat the In an instant. as it seems Doctor
=ea nese, len press rvee se dem/ilo.-
ea s
.1 Jack's wife hike flown to the e of her
?151 at flees gravely
eousin-he says not a word, but r/billtS
as t.! ,tt,h Ise bee the whit'minter pre- timeueli the doorivey close by. and Avis
serve . tent le I heiel of his, though Eyelee looking, is almost paralyzed. with
Ames hey menine to Avis. a sudden cold fear at the sight she be -
"Uv Zovis! *,f41,i61. 1 11.1pt. you seem -ed. holds'
ea hi zaeuninu; better than I Imagine a loving, faithful wife beiog
doe- eei to eeemer simply horrid, you. a witness to the caresses a, rival bestow
ton e ene shat,„, a twin trips upon the man she loves with all her soul
' be. uwil Lim:nage i" but be is I -that is what occurs in this grand Chin
ate s -,t by her eosin -awe that she zinua- Ian 31111131510/1, -which has been invaded
oge .1 47i noteter went the, phew:Tian said,
t seen be old.4 to identify the place
sou 't4C.
S,3 see pnir turn into the Cane los An-
gel,- tnd It.a.v/! the ebequizil under the strokes, and murmurs, while she thus
Sur,,:y !amp, Min.:. the pesetas he has caresses, words of love, devotion.
teen ..i, Its 114311.111 foarfIll lest they may The light shines full upon his face and
prees, to les ceuutereeit or the whole Avis can see beyond all doubt the well-
.1known features of her husband.
affair , dram.
1,et, nie know if you discover two Under suoh. eireumstmaces even the
eisms h„ehie a h„„vy mite, cousin Larryhi mildest team= under heaven would feel
1.1eus he leirets out. and then
lauees. 'oh! yes. you mean stone ones-
ki-ratd-hegan to thbak we might
Oates a et,rand hunt on this square of the
angle- I'll keep an eye out for lions
sweet: lay of the week. My African ex-
perees ,i)Tl't yon know, makes me a
keel ;edge ef the ZlinAst -awful clever of
ths tlon to merk his place so that
stetos may find it."
The lit tie man eabeles on in this strain
tlfr. Stisiderlir electrified with:-
•• Ss se we asee-
'•ne see s, outgeneraled after all
:mu I never pretend to compete
,witit a girl as bright as you, Avis."
"Seine- leer, couein. eluele may depend
on our eseirsey. letsetor Jack has enemies
rs-ntey have lured him away for a
ipar.1 and hie wife has come to the
reo me to tansh tam What an American
wont so is capable of doing when the man
she emus is in danger," from which it
mar eesn tem, her faith in the loyalty
L9ber hu. send has never wavered an
eose, :71 'PId the cunning pto
aeake it, and tremee that monster, jean
seues. seat -lit her faitliful heart.
ese is this line duly impressed
with sees serinus nature of the situation.
ZI3 I Da 11. fool as he looks,
an: ,sn es -roe -Ione nary develop a surpris-
tee :aouat geed some as well as pine.-
cope. ie
- yoer erders, Ccsusitt Avis. You
reitosener I promised to call you the
gee etn. Slain. I Moak in this door?"
eel, le compelled. to smile when she
g soss at the puily figure of the dude
ano thmit
en es in the massive gate be -
• the stone lions, and which threat-
ens es- bar their farther progress.
"ser -%o your strength, my dear Larry
-unesss I am greatly mistaken, the gate
al-te "
At her words the dude springs forward
arid ira tscovethe truth -there will be no
neteeeity for deeds of valor on bis part -
at leases not yet. In good tirae he may be
ealied upon to play his part, and Larry
Kennelly in the past has given proolthat
In Me dMeinutive body there lives a soul
mu, Is to large for his size.
lie pro:seeds to push the heavy gate
partly open, and Avis enters -the per-
fume el many finwere greets her -it is
everpetrering in the nigist air, and' Doe -
ter efeek's wife somehow feels a strange
• azinelou come over her. This is the
place to which leer husband bas been
hated, for thine purpose as yet unknown,
and she seems to associate the perfume
of these flowers with the secret MISSi0/1
of their enemies. '
Then, with, the -resolution that has
chareaterized the Avis Morton of old,
she recovers.
"Let as plash on, cousin -see, lighte
,feleato through the trees yon.der. We will
And the house there -the house of Don
Rafael. I wish I had thought to ask thet
seeker if by olaance he saw Jack enter
This street -lie could not zee him without
femaembering -bob it is too late tow."
They savanna slowly, for tdeb.ongh
to the plate. Or which thoy s.vh, tet least he holds such an opinion.
by the Americans.
A woman sits in a chair -she half sup-
ports the head of a man seated very oboe
to her, pats his face with gentle little
able deed. Once again I tell you to leave
that seat -I ma present to care Der May
Her worda are cool and clear -they do
not speak of passion, such as a Milian
girl might naturally exhibit under similar
circumstances, but at the same time
there is a light in her gray eyes that
warns Senorita, Marina to beware.
At first she assumes a d.efiazat air -she
is in her own castle, and that gives COW'
age. Then her inood changes -perhaps
she sees Larry, who, stetson by her won-
derful beauty, has assumed, an Etir of HOW FRIENDS ARE MADE.
powerful tolroiration, just as a sun-wor-
her blood leap like boning lava -through
her veins, and Avis does not pretend to
be an angel, even if Jack has many
times called her one.
She forgets everything save that here is
a woman usurping her rights. One thing
she does notice instantly, and it gives
her considerable satisfaction -he makes
no movement to return the caresses thus
bestowed -his face, as seen in. the gas
light, proclaims the fact that he is asleep,
or else, God help her, dead -it's pallor
bas alarmed her.
Obeying the impulse that urges even
She weekb to claim their rights, Avis
starts forward. Larry trots at her heels
like a feithfal little dog -Larry who is
ready to fight or flirt at any hour of the
day, such is the singulaa• conglomera-
tion of qualities that make up his com-
posite parts.
As she enters the room perhaps the
sweep of her garments reaches the ear of
the dreamer who thus sits and caresses
the face of the senseless doctor.. At any
rate she looks up in astonishment, for
never a suspicion has entered her head.
that witnesses are present,
Avis Evans looks upon the face of her
rival, the Chilian girl who loves her hus-
band, and whose strange lindens of right
allow her to plot against the peace of a
wife. She shivers as the looks -the won-
derful beauty of that face astounds her;
but never for one moment does she doubt
the faithful love of her Jack -that has
long ago been. tried in the lire aud found
to be pure gold without alloy.
"Senorita, will relieve you ,from fur-
ther trouble -allow me to take charge of
my husband," she says, quietly.
"You!" grasps the other, her eyes
dilated with surprise, and growing fury
-"eospita 1 • I know you. now-tlae -wo-
man he does not love,but calls his wife 1"
lost, for Larry cannot hold out against
them!" she cries, accompauying every
few words with 4 shake tbat makes his
teeth rattleeand by this means she is
slowly but surely causing the drugged
dootor to throw off the incubus that has
for a while paralyzed his brain -he gasps
for breath, opens his eyes, 411,4 stares in
a stupid Demmer about him.
(To be continued.)
shipm might gaze upon the object of his Always speak Kindly. or Everyone T
adoration -his singular face whets thus may meet.
set is extough to disturb one's eniod.
Be that as it may, she allows jack's. Over a bowl of Wizening consomme,
bead to fall upon the side of the chair, as ;lames Whitcomb Riley talked about
she springs to her feet to face his wife- th,„1,ntretarande gpoilo,oplyeo. u ccoo piece of advice,
the shock has sorae power to partially
young man. Always bunt for something
dispel the effeet of the subtledrug which, gine. and pleasing In every ,person you
given in the cigarettes has stolen the ineet. If you are , called upon to write or
doctor's senses away, for he opens his
eyes, stares vacantly obout him, catches epssak of anyone, say something about his
sighs of Avis, smiles in perfect content, zeis,ottlhogieutairsitlietie).4 Lolidetthdellunguti! NViertvellcessry
and sleeps again.
This one inoident gives hope, however, alinithi.' unpleasant er mean alien° 4.
Shat he
which hes not ]aid hold of him quite ail num when you might leave it unsaidmay be overcoluing the drug, oDiseatelng;Itilres- Ive,oiuthwailllitutleeistu. ia;lisaecit tett: esuvde
powerfully as was anticipated..
"How friends you have. Mee public
did you come here?" asks Mar- demands certain things from all of as
how Jimmy `
ilia, otuiosity rising above all else fer the
momout_she has been almost otuvefied and it is wise for us to submit to these
at this sudden drop in her plans, this un- ,,/ shell never forget a few words Bob
expected appearance of the brave.Araeri-
beemue enamored.
can wife of tila man with wheni she haS1 rtulitedye.4te"Yoonneeknsoatwd trerel'13;no'tsaaidbelitterr.
s. my cousin, brought raa„....4t nligut be i man in all this world than Boit Burdette.
There's more than laughter iii those
more cermet the other way, since Lon'ey 1
brown eyes of ids.ll It you% 1901; IWO
maims 5 145r leader -"w5 Pat 55e thtul thorn awbile you'$111t1 a great sorrow
and another together and -well, we ar.
rived, you see, in time to relieve you of buried behind the twinkle. And you'll
all responsibility," arid oho hoods over uilli:ad sayteatpartozy.a,unieg aver with kinduess
Doctor Jack, raises his head, caresses his ..1304 Burdette's wife -'Her Little eor
brow, and then gently shakes him to see
wwiAat bave you done to him, woman not be arosee, iell:v°aIlikii.g1)141oP3nsgsib' oftere leAnilleedt hherer;owcoaisoleistn
whther -
ebe may u
A. nouiled. Her lettere were unveys iuterest-
m-LielYe, does sib:, ia:SiteetheiftsertWeayL" istiitt tee,: 11 i g and full oe beautiful thoughts, They
int -o th'e'f-a-co----or e-h-e-claTugiste-r-ol f'-D-o-n--B7s ietenilitoleu Tediadurai(leeu: et:rItilteentmsull leinloil;sirrted
fael, who, having recovered her senses in in pbnadeiptia. A wes Utths mite, net
ezt of the f.essen, Math- avll, 1 -9 -Mem-
ory Verses, 1-5 Oetaea. Tex‘ ./olta 1,
14 - Commeatery by the Rim
ecopyrigid, enef. by D. M. Steerns.I
1. "And after six days Jesus Meath Pe-
ter, shams. end his brother, end
bringeth them up into an high mountoth
aliart" leake says, "About en eight five
after these sayings" (Luke ix, e8), doubt-
less including the clay of the promise and
the day of the event, wbile Matthew and
eiarle only mention the intervening days,
Mark %eye, "Ileteketh and leaded -1. them."
lalogusos, or DESERONTO
Alakost Helpless rrom Scint19 Rheum'.
tAsm, the Egocts of Which ShAttyreqi
CoxAsti.totion-Uo`'Ishonght Xteath. Ziot
"row whoa Prlendly Aid Placed Witn-
in ills Itel„teh OA, Stenos. of necovery.
Frent,the Deseronto Tribune,
It will be remembered that during
the past winter reference was aeVeral
times made in the "Personal" columa
a the Tribune to the illness of .rohn
el.alerzon. a well known and respect, -
Bow very beautiful! Does not your beart ed farmer of the Uravel road, townthip
say, "Lord take meant). lead ro.e, and of leichniend, abeut half a mile /IVA
go with Theo all the way,'" Well, be sure lieSerouto Juni...ton. It was said that
that you mean ite and do not question Ms bat very little hope was entertained. of
love if fie lends you. in the valley These his recoverv AS lte vontinued to stead -
three were with Hun when Ile raised the
little girl aud when Hewes in the garden.
We Cannot go with Him unless we are
willing to go apare front the away who
follow Him, and
- Will not enjoy hie
fellowship maim we have something of
His spirit of prayer. for Lake Ir, 28, says
that lie event to prav. As we learn to live
sink limier the disease with winch
he was aiilicted. Farmers centing in to
Deserouto market, when asized hew he
was, shook their heads and stated that
the worst might soon be expected.
That be Avoid have subsequently reo
covered was therefore a CAUSO Of joyful
surprise to his many friends in this
aloursoneovuesitbintereimastazilyfogrivilenimto, wcome 7411upl. filt awiaStsriaciti.ege/faTartehratehatot the userec9olytr4,3:
with Him. Pink a. reporter of the
O. "And was transfigured before them, Triltune set out to discever thitI
and His face did shine as OW SUll, and lila ranter could be authenticated. aiiivin;
raiment was white as the lightp." Mark reaehed Ur. Remit rStilett reatelonce
says that Ills raiment became shieing, ex- reporter found no one at hotel except
eeeaina whin) as Saalr. 1-J00 Says that the hired bey who inforraed hart that
thofttshion a His countenatme was altered Mr. Henclersen bad Araaa Voltli loga
and iiis raiment was white and glistering a grain to the flour otill at Napartee.
Mark Ix, 31. Luke ix, 29). TV Makes 0110 5. Ilia was evidence in itself that Mr.
tannic. of aim as Bo afterward appeared to lIeudersonintust have greatly improved.
John on Dames some 00 years after illo er be would not have undertaken auch.
ascension (Rev. 12-17)- It is to MO Ter/ long drive in the raw weather of
Interesting to observ- %hat the word, trane- early spring. The lio7 having said
recolattld"trInlItlegugvedos;11:1Loseeld;h1UtrdttOQ tttel: tt 111.4'4OL Ohl CIO Ornk3 the: 11'‘erorterbewabtteela brQue!
Places --Rom• and II em ill, 18. In interview. In a short time
measures, now shrugs her pltunp shout- .werahtng more than forty. peones, eno1 in the one the tmnslattoo is "be trans -the teaut was obeerviel Ceti -nog aloug
des as she plies:-
"Oarrarabal how should know -we was near the end of the WaY. 1 11;411.I formed," and in the ether "aro cleat/nett.' the l•sead. When it draw up at the
i. never soen one so terribly afflicted. The but io each ease it ydere to the noiever house Mr. Render:Am, being told, the
15't" talking of imsiness-he draws -h"" disease was a peeuliur form of rheutua- and our being changed more and more int eseeeet of the reporieite Mission, state
chair closer to mine so thabe can look d
tism end is had down in her cheeks ;tad 50 the image of clIrist. Romans teat the rumor wa-.; correct, Ids recent.
tipzietYtheIfiesis.,.1L:itniurnail,laag,„4„Sfideh'i:1,11ifaiLl° "Tv eatewthe color out of ber fare mei lips EilAaWn to be a wore; from within, hei tea „ cry wiezt 1,111401lbleiike tille tee the elle Of
feel -his-brea- -I-11.e4a1;untU she looked bUndruil4ef Yelll'S enrellseiwtillis8*saljiid QtallrhellaliCC•01111S'ipflinisill4edInbCy(teribilatlil: :',113;q1;laUFeitPrit!tiej;ferrelillilSt; 1311:1 gellt
eiter I heel tolked witheher a little while
'd:;of tbings and make men laugh at aud de'velnPment end ennsInumation at oud deattoseities chaisseger. The
a groan, mad bis bead fella on my shoul- i wited Rob bow, with A torr,„1. bee ing His giory in the glass or mirror of Ris , ill cut The autereets w.,t,apied a,
der' Well 1 am surPrised' but 1 aul not .-: be could always look on the Isright , wont 15 avow to 1110 that the Wginololl an -ea of Etiatk. ria-ttmati$M oc a mot
afraid -I say to myself, 'this man loves .
nee -I will bring him to his senses with • "'. - . lb" °1".6tian die has Iln gut' sPoz". and plieAciam; in aticiZeo tiiii tie* best
. ,
that is behehlin, him Viten n t tat , „2,4a wenni tor a Limo sue, eee ie. id.
fair morning we Medi ilithvd see Mtn. 1,.v4ataig /Ebo pia 4,u,1 Le vr,Aaa far o
then we shall indeed. he like Him. ) ,
,_ . satin time regain streegth„ Viet the
8. "And, It?bodtl. there appeared nnwit'eaSe We Iliti 11'3?-1:VIA, ite-llf and II*
them 1‘1"'sra and R114", tand"P:wIth Film."' g was worse iE ressit4:e thou Wore. His
my touch upon ieis face.' Bahl you. aro - . • Y g"
to rude as to disttut me before 1 quite . - *V. ell, when I look at Her Little
succeed, but 1 do not despair. Be is iterene highness and see bow breve and
mine -you =mot take him from me Is, , iltppy she is, I can't tie anythino, els,'
"Wh t brazen1" A I I him. She Was 21 iaint on earth." Tears
wee his uuswer. And I did not blame
came into the oyes of Jim Itsley al he 1 -ti-
-she haS never anowu its equal, in the land of Moab (Deur. X.VtiV 4) • II
called hew Borth:tie eine() referred to hie ,
"Alm1 you are Doctor Jack's wife by •
'We knew that Mosses died. and was burled .b • .st w b., ,f,:syleatta
' Wit t e t 3-ea:0 isieit eappe4 Vital
over 1,400 ears hewn., this, anti .1d
law, but look at me -do you. think be is Wil:e's death in this 1"'"Inur "And in . was talien tSe heavili in a whirlwind and - 7---..1. 111'1 .:1'.1....'. ."'r ""..; '''''''-''''
kinit , norf....% li ,%, Aro'. co, vii„,,q. tlyrna
blind -does your plain Dece compare with
mine -I have been called the belle a all t" evetileg' as "a Wa4 PUSSing bY' sbo probably in the elittri„t overmsoitsitilLealors hem -
touched the hem of IBA illes prescribed by .0ietore or e,iggested
Chili -at my feet have knelt great men frnn that moment she was ale whole
uglruw" anfi fore, the only „um est.tpt F I I h l'Y 1.11554s alai ve44"51'3' " 15 vain
-he grew weaker aud weaker and At
as yet ever been esseueed from the appoint- , I e . • e e ei •
-one only I encourage, and he is my do- • 1,1 a Mie-
n v '
is a great iriend and admirer ot meet of death min, is, net yet„ ht they nee uei-paneu ea gilt, itself. Bo was
voted slave. Yon may hover over him, -•"&rk twain vertipletely Werie outs fottn4 it very
are alive and well and talking with Christ ,
madam, you may force him to deny the "IF3's "e et the i"04 rein3ri'•"1110 hien of Ills death, or deems% *sr exodus. whitish ' 4„i,.,/1,1°,11„41„W„gt,o1,,,°,6,-,f',',r,,,',,„Is,, th41ttalelant4triill
truth, but bark you, he laves me!" ill Juane Ways Nutt I ever knew. I re. , Ile was about to tweinesplish o.t Jerusalem 4 "."'"' -'''''' '''' "'"" about - --
Whitt blasphemy this seems iu the ems member now, as well as if it had Irip• (Luke ix, VI )- Whellser the believer dies !when in4t -sce°"111.,"e4 ") hie bed', 'tt 5142
er is treenatele in , itb,r ease is meamtr t JUllettlre, M. J.I.:tv411, tile gallon 1110.S•
of thzet wile -and yet not for one moment Vole -1 YesierdaT, the evening that lee
„ instsintly with the herd in atteh it life and kee t/3 :1)1:'''''wwl" 'I 04'.2.10n, vi110 "
does her perfect trust falter -she knows learned that his typesetting maehluo ivies
the man whom she love% she had read " sueeSSS• Chn"nS i6 14" )11"118)1* 144 'CW'"" bliss 2e4minie,t imagine (Phil. 1, %.oubt r ecalleti the wouderEul euro of
the depths of Ins heart, and found tbere as a writer, and for several yenrs he be- suchWI, 21, MI; iii, ete ,l). lea all tho blessedness :Ar' WageehY t•i"' uee a the fan"
an integritir that all earth cannot swerve. Need that a roatshine for setting tyee and reality of that lee me wholly duo to , nhttlielnei 4,` rell"4." $tnna limo sine°
Angels tould not make her believe him isould be made. He thought the muter , tho work which our Lord Jesus flashed .n. the Tribune. re.-ounni,•tati,d Ia.
guilty of any deceit toward the woman out and put thoitsande of delesre into the , lielideraele to try Lir. Williams' Pink
Again she shakes Jack -if he would . it week? ' Jesus, Lord, it is gond for us to be hero.
on Calvary.
4. "'rhen answered Peter, and Reid unto
quantity if Mr. liezplevAnt would per -
be calls his wife. : Ventura Then memo the ilisis. Would Pills, and volunteered to send for a
only come back to his senses they could. 1 ''lle and Bill Nye and eeveral of us If Thou wilt, let us make here three tab- mit him. Tile sick men consented and
"I do not believe your words -look, in meting a late lunele and talking about and ono for Elias." I think we may eon- dozen boxes. He tried a box, but with
Mr. Ravin Kemp d for him a hall
leave this place. were sitting together in Boston one night ernaeles-ono for Thee, and one for 'Moses,
his Angers he bolds the end of a cigarette eaything and everything. While (1010005 elude from Judo ix that Moses had bis res. little discernible .effeet. Ile, however,
-you rolled that, senorita, and in it I Va5 telling le ere*. a Ino:4"="l-lee lied` Ile d him a telegotin
read the cause of this strange tuporntered aud hands
urrection body. If eo, Num Ile represented : twist on using the pills, and after ta.k- .
Wake up, Jack, and tell this woman she opened it and read it. Then he eliaived it the risen saints, while Elijah represented ing six boxes, found that lio was much
those who will not tile, but be translated improved. He get another supply and
s. e,.
plots in. vain -that when she next seeks to use It said, 'The nulehillo is setting at our Lord's coming, the tworeprelieuting tontinued to improve steadily, the
pain disappeared, he regained strength
asul, as lie expressed it, "1 eln now
able to be about, feel quite strong, eau
attend to all depart meats of my work
as well as ever, aud I attribute it all
to the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills."
To the Tribune reporter Mr. Bender -
son appeared a strong, vigorous man,
whom to see was euilicient proof of the
story of his remarkable recovery.
It is a cruel shaft, mercilessly aimed,
but the shield of perfect trust and love
still protects the heart of that American
wife and turns the barb aside.
Avis winces under it, but her self-pos-
session returns, and this makes her mis-
tress oe the situation. Even in the house
05 liels which She has invaded with-
out au invitation, Avis proves her super-
ior powers.
"What you insinuate is entirely false.
You lured him here with a letter in
which you peoraieed him certain inform-
ation respecting the busloess that keeps
him itt Chili. Under the Aanie of Don
Rafael you did this-. Ile aurae, fearing
nothing, and ready to brave all risks in
order to Imre more. You felled to move
hist while he had his senses, and you
Steal these away in some manner to tbst
may win. But you forgot one thing
-Doctor ' jack's wife. She has a mortgage
on his effectors, which you oor any other
woman dare not raise -she is here to
press her claina-eto peove herself worthy
of the love and devotion of a man vrho
50 all bis life has dem a diohonote
to trap a man let her make sure he has VP*.
Tile third shake grows more energetlo I Folding up the yellow paper, 113 WOWS on
no wife to interfere." " 4 I was sure it, would,' was all he and.
and Dootor Jack even grunts, as a man with bis story as If nothing unnsuul had
will at being disturbed in a deliglatful happened. And yet he bad accomplislurt
nap -grunts and settles hixaself down in -what we now realize to be a groat feat,
She easy -chair as though be is contented. though the crude inischine has given way
to be let alone, *which his faithful sponse to more perfect ones.
does not mean shall occur, for she giveet 'when Marlene does anything that
him other and more vigorous turns, just doesin't please him, he puzlishes himself
as one might use a deer friend who had for it just as he would like to see any -
swallowed certain drugs and must be one else punished. One time he was
This peculiar proceeding is watched by I before a gathering of well known New
kept awake, as slumber means death. asked to deliver the principal address
the two persons in the room, though of Englanders. He decided to satirize some
course with different emotions -Larry de- i of the famous men who were born and
sires to see his friend. and cousin arouse lived in that part of the country. He
himself, while the senorita sneers at the
ap:Pmexit futile efforts Avis puts forth.
"Spare yourself the trouble -be will
not respond to your appeals," she says.
"It is false -see, he is even now show-
ing signs of returning consciousness."
She renews her endeavors -the massage
of love may yet win -it is a wife who
thus strives to arouse her liege lord.
Larry has been an interested spectator
to this spectacle, but now he finds some-
thing to occupy his attention in another
quarter. Voices are heard -and new
actors appear uport the scene.
"Great Scott 1 how is this? -the lady -
it is Avis'and. here!" says Lord Hackett
as he pushes his great athletes figure
through the door, followed by Colonel
Was ever fortune so cruel? What has
sent them here at this particular moment,
when Doctoreeack lies helpless in his
chair with Avis hovering over him, leav-
ing only Larry, small of stateete but a,
giant in nerve, to stand against them.
He grasps the situation at once and
pushes himself forward so as to come in
front -what conversation he heard he-
tween these men on the Plaza Heelright
has warned him concerning their a,tten-
Mons, and he feels that a hawk has sud-
denly darted down upon the dove -cote,
threatening its fair imnates with harm
"Stand baok, fellows!" soaps this ani-
mated dwarf, as he whirls his heavy cane
in the faces of the advaiming couple,
who, startled by the unexpected bar
placed upon their further progress, come
to a halt. ,
If looka can kill, their scowls will do
She American up in quick order, They
exchange a meaning glance and then
move, not forward, bat to either side.
Snolt a division of forces will have a
esteem effect upon his case, as it leaves
him unable to vsatob both men and pro-
tect front and rear.
While this little affair takes place AVis
still wrestles with the stupefied docior-
she apexes him not, ewe the stivation
has becoxne so oritioel in its nature -
Lamy is devoted, but even each bravery
When in a small ,hOdy cannot stand out
long against overvslaelming numbers. His
strong arm,-Dootor Sack'e-would soon
turn the scene. So she works and talks
industeiouely, pleading witla him to
mouse himself, to shake off this lethargy
and save them fr.0123. rain.
"Wake up, Jack, dear Ja,ok1 It is AVIS
who mils, yout own Avis. We are beset,
lend neeinereene nein Wake, up, or
selected such men as Longfellow and
Emerson and prepated his speech. He
embellished and rehearsed it. The night
came. The speech was delivered. It fell
as. Instead of laughing and applauding
the New Englanders frowned. Clemens
was despondent.
" 'Wby in the name of common sense
didn't you tell me it was it mistake?' he
whined to a friend next day. 'I ought to
have known it and you surely did. Oh,
why didn't you tell me?' continued
Clemens, almost weeping. Just how he
punished himself for that break I do not
know, but he did.
"One thne when Clemens was in Wash-
ington he was introduced to Senator
Shirley a Maine,
'I'm glad to meet you,' said the Sen-
" 'And I'm glad to know. you. It's
always pleasant to meet people from
Maine because I was born there. By the
way, I was born in a village named Shir-
ley, I wonder 15 15 was named for you,
Senator?' •
" 'No, I don't think I ever beard of it
before,' replied the Senator.
" never bad either, before I was
born there,' retorted Clemens.
"Mark Twain's life bas been full of
sorrow and I often wonder how be bears
up as he does and how he can continue
to write such clever laumor while his life
so sad. First came his beavy debt,
which Inebas paid off now. Then one of
his daughters died in Switzerland while
he was hondreds of miles away from her
writing a busnorms book. He tries to
conceal the fact that these things bear
down on Win, but they do."No man could
Seal sotiow more keenly then he. And
yet he always puts on a brave front"
Mr. Riley thinks Mark Twain's last
book Is his best. 13.e is aoxious to ktieve
how Clemens will write about the reseen
disturbances in the Austrian house of
parliament. Mark Tevain was a spectator
during the most exciting scenes there and
as he speaks and understands the German
language as well as a native of that
country, bemissed none of the startling
epithets that were so carelessly thrown
"He'll do it justice," Raid Riley. -
Kansas City Star.
the whole heavenly company of the re-
deemed in the kingslose wOon it shall hove
come, while Peter, James and John, three
righteous Jews, represent all Israel, a
righteous nation on earth in the king-
dom, and this revelation is what our Lord
promised in cluipter xvi, 28,
6. "While 1m yet epake, behold, a bright
cloud overshadowed thorn, and, behold, a
voice out of the cloud, which said, This is
My beloved Son, in whom 1 am well
pleased. Hear ye him." He is the true
tabernacle and temple and pillar of cloud.
He is the fulfillment of all that Moses was
th Israel or wrote for them. Be is the
end of the law for righteousness to every
0110 that belleveth. He is the Prophet of
all prophets, the Messenger of God as none
other ever was or can be, and God said to
Moses concerning Hine "Whosoever will
not hearken unto My words, which He
shall speak in My name, I will require it
of bit" (Dont. xviii, 18, 19). This is the
second time that the Father testified from
heaven as to His delight be His Son, but
now He adds the command, "Hear ye
Him." We mousse to hear what men think
or say about Hine but to hoar Him, and
that is to hear God Himself, for the Fte
ther told Man what to say (John xii, 49).
8, 7. "And when the disciples heard It
they fell on tlieff face and wore sore afraid.
And Jesus came and touched them and
old, Arise and be not afraid." So He or
Bit angel did to Daeiel, and Be Himself
surely did to John on Panties (Dare. viii,
18; x, 8, 18; Rev. i, 17). He gives Ms
people no cause to fetus Why is it that we
have so many fears? How we must grieve
Him! Ho says that Re will never remem-
ber our sins. It shows great lack of con-
fidence in Him for us to fear or to think
that He will. He says that we are blessed
with all spiritual blessings in Him. 15 13
surely dishonoring to Him for us to ques-
tion it. He tells as that since He so loved
us as to glee Himself for us He can there-
fore withhold no good thing. Faieh just
believes it, and ishappy because He says
8. "And when they had lifted up their
eyes they saw no man save Jesus only."
What a powerful life word this is, and
what peace and victory to see Jesus only
in redemption, and in sanctiflcation, as
we Will see Jesus only as ale center of all
the glory of heaven1 In redemption and
daily life our temptation is to see feelings
and experiences and people, but thus there
is no rest. We meet see that His finished
work is all that God asks and that we
need, OSA His word all the assuresnee that
13 necessary-, and lesson to sing always
° "Behold, God IS my salvation."
9. "And as they came clown from the
mountain Jesus charged them, saying,
Tell the visbon tono mall until the Son of
Man be rieen again from the dead." Even
ff we 111227 1105 fully understand, we rimy
be 1311re that there was some very good
reason for this charge (Reek, xiv, 28). It
is not always for tie to understand, but al-
ways to °best (Iece. i, 19). The other dis-
ciples -at the foot of the mount with • their
difficulty ie suggestive of many difficulties
Shat shall not be solved till Be shall corae;
but more faith might solve more. Mean-
time we must pay taste cheerfully lest we
give offense. th
She -Ib most be aweul for a prirein don
ea to discoeer that she has lost her
He -Not so awful as if she didn't d
Ilover it.--Drooklyn Life.
Abont Boots and Shoes.
If a boot or shoe is too tight in 5317 031*
',Articular place, dip a cloth in very- hot
water and lay it on the uncomfortable
epot This will cause the leatber to ex-
pand and to adapt itself to the shape ot
the foot.
It is said that shoes which "draw" the
feet may be made perfectly comfortable
ley pouring water into them; this, it allow-
ed to remain in the shoe for a few minutes,
will take all the neutral heat from the
Soles cut from several thicknesses' Of
brown paper, and renewed every day,
wonderfully soothing to the feet
For softening shoes that aro hard and
thick, castor oil is one of the best possible
things. It will keep the leather iu excel-
lent condition, and make the shoes last
nearly twice as long as in the ordinary
elphia Times.
There is more) catarrh In this section 'Of the
country than all other diseases put together,
and until the trot few yenes was supposed to be
incurable. For a great many years doctors
pronounced it a low disease, and prescribed
meal remedies, and by constantly failing to
cure with local treatment, pronouneed it incur-
able. Science has proven catarrh to be a con-
stitutional distbase, and therefore requires con-
stitutional treatment. Elall's Catarrh Cure,
manufactured by P. S. Cheney & Co., Toledo,
Ohio, is the only constitutional cure on the
market. It is taken internally in doses from 10
Ilrops to a teaspoonful. It acts directly on the
blood and mucous surfaces of the system.
They offer one hundred dollen for any case Is
falls to cure. Send for circulars and testi-
monials. Address,
E. J. OHENEY & CO., Toledo, O.
428So1d by Druggists, 75c.
Anxious to Piease.
"I thought you told me you could do
plain sewing?"
"So I can'ma'am."
"Look at those stitches. I can see them
clear across the room."
"Well, ain't tlaat plain enough for you."
Rev. Edgar B. Ilusba,nd, The Rec-
tory, Paspebiac, Quebec, writes
have great pleadiere in testifying to the,
efficacy of `Qnickcare.' I have used it
after other remedies failed, and found,
almost instant. relief. I always keep
it with Me."
An Inquit7.
Alice -The eleventh was her birthday
Another year gone by.
Grace -How many does that make with
those previously acknowledged.?
A. Losing Contract.
"Every man Is the architect of him owe.
"Yes, and Moe times out of ten he does
not get paid 5or his work."