HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1898-4-15, Page 1ELEVENTH YEAR.. -549. .
Sensible People
Come to us to have their eyes examined.
If you need glasses let us lit them for you, We gis
the Best Expert Attention at
el:cr1 i]tab1i Baan;
,ATE op ion,
7►TOTt LOST, dale.
3 Some time during the month or Jenrurry . a
a promissory note ainnuntioR to $) Ira', The Lox social eel at Bethesda otr
lost,drawn An favor rt the undersigned and W ednefil•s • ui t s
signed by rhos. Andrew. Notice ae hereby y meet of last week wa,
Nvera that aft patches aro wtiroac,t xgaloot grand. suce+t'is,—y1i', J. Blatchford stud
renewing or negotiating for tame.
twins. T arae, iseeeea e, :; wife visited fee ads iu au scouted
ldurondale Sunday, --'Mies I- Coad, of
Boars for Service, ,j Heneall, was the guest of Hiss li,t aidee
Piet week,—Stan a of our y outeg' mete
Theeueder.iguedwill keep OIL Lot 9, Con.' have. been attending Heeneall Epworth
session i, Ltsi area, ono Imported coo"srrr', League pretty reegularIv of late-.•••;t1r.
White r Dear and.a ..naThoroughbred Rrrkshire, II Ftlterlugttin, of Lomita!, szpenr Easter
Roar for service. L',:ual tome. +
,latex A[a'r, I with his parents.-elr C. Cudmoree. To
- T n route, it; home for Ester holidays.---
mt1Nl T. 711r H. N Anderson is visiting friends
Private fends to tend on improved tarmac. in Mount Forest this weok.
at .Aye and five and a bait' per cent.
Apply to
J I$.LoT iC Cir _antral+.
Solicitors. cto,
lit December. 1637. Exeter
Mrs. Mary E. Wilson, win has been
visiting friends in Boston Mass•, and
vicinity, axrivvd hnvaci islet reeok and
is ata in with Iter nle hew
y g p +
t"t a
n- :1II6a l of a. Bta i i of iJt
ti iltet► .iii 1
trait, arrived hero last Saturday.—Tho
Easter Display of Flowers and. the Ser.
mon by Rev G. 11. Thompson, and the
singing by the choir, were hi bly
pleasing Last Sabbath.—At the Grace
Church Vestry meeting held in the
church last Monday; Mr. Thoa. Snow-
den and R. f:I, Armstrong were
appointed wardens.
The undersigned has op -
led up a new Meat Market
where he will keep the choic-
of meats constantly on hand.
John T. Manning.
N rachitic r,
Veveh gee':
. r
tar 80 graduates assisted to excellent
positions during the, past year, and three of
them in the last week.
Our system of Book -Seeping is Actual
Business from start to finish.
CE'We pay the railroad faro one way.
Spring term begins April iSth.
For particulars address,
-A. S. NiMMO•
Stephen School Reports
J<"ullarton ° Fatal. Accident at Galt,
Mrs, Jacob Ragier, last week, receiv- The Epworth League of the Riritton Henry Stator, Jr., is going to erect a Gait, Ont„ April 7.—Thomas Fielci,
ed a paralytic stroke, aud is totally t Methodist church are giving an "At ++rick kitchen this summer.—William clerk of the division court and one of
Hornet on Friday, April 15. AR are the oldest and best known residents Of
welcome.—S. A. Dodge has returpeed'' Galt,died at bis rextskdetrce bore;„ thin
home to spend his Easterbolidayse--Ed. d evening. Deeeased, who wail 74 years
Fletcher is at present very low with in- of age, attended church Sunday morn.
Ramenation of the lungs.—Miss Lizzie y togs and on his return house, and while
Shier, assistant teacher of Linwood walking through the kitchen, accident-
Pubfte school, is home for her Easter P g tally stumbled over a tub that stood lir
holidays.—About a month ago Henry VF buy
" h the way, eaiisiug; a, serious rupture of
White, Melgund, Man , visited hie rttetb E S the bowels. An operation was • per.
er-itelaw, Mrs. Gilpin, of this. place. p formed, brit it failed to eave" his life.
A widow, four Sons and one daughter
saevive hirci,
paralyzed, She can neither hear,
speak nor see and is at present very.
low, with little hopes for her recovery
—Mrs John Raw, of the Santee line,
mored into the.village last week, into
Mr. D. Steinbacb'e dwelling.—Mrs.
Kerch moved into town :a few days
ago. She bas rented the upstairs of
Mr. D. Steinbach's old tin shop. --Mrs
S. Haist, of Cavalier, N. D, arrived
here last weel.•, with her son She is
staying with bar mother, --Mr. Jacob
Rinunt rman and his sister, Riekie.
arrived here last week, on a visit to
their mother, who is very sick.—Mrs
Nethtild, w:bo for a long period has
been confined in the Goderieh county
ae a innate, was taken to the Lon
dein Asylum hy. Mrs. Johuston of that
The following report based upon a
series of written examinations given
during the past quarter, shows the per
tentage obtained by each pupil:—Prim-
ary.-R. Huxtable, 79; L Hicks, 63.
P. S. L.—P. Cobleigh, 83; M. McCoy, 65;
0. Walker, 65; L. Anderson, 60; M.
Mitchell, 54; W. Luker, 52; L. Bayne
ham, 47; G. Salton, 36; G. Cottrill f31.
H. S. E —A. Calfas, 71; C. Hicks, 69;
L. Elliott, 68; L Wilson, 65,• I. Wilson,
65; K. Elliott, 65; A. Huxtable, 60; A.
Hicks, 60; A. Boyle, 52; P. Windsor, 41;.
L. Salton, 29. Sr, III.—C. Hogarth, 67;
J. Haggith, 61; E. Mitchell, 56; C. Wal-
ker, 49; A. Wilson, 44; W, Laue, 44.
The following is the report of the
April Examinations, held in No. 13
The names of the pupils are placed: in
their new classes in order of merit, Sr`
IV—Maud Isaac; Ethel 'Isaac, :Pansy
Prouty, Chester Stanlake, T inney Prou
ty, Nelson Stanlake, Wilbert Harris,
Jr. lir'-5ohn Harton, Cleveland Prouty
Arthur Ford, Wesley Ford, Violet Ford
recommended'.' Sr. I --Joseph Green,
Harry, Ching, Edgar Penhale, Eliza-
beth Stanlake.` Jr. Ill—Rose Penhale,
Florence Dunsford, Hilton Ford, Harry
Ford. Sr . II -Annie Stacey, Frank.
Stacey. Part. II—Nora Herten, .Eve-
lyn Ching, Silas Ford, Melvin Dearing,
Charlie. Dunsford, Hazel Prouty, Maud
Green, Jennie Penhale. Sr.' Part I-
Barton ° Ford, Verna ` Stanlake, Jessie
Greed. Kenneth Ford; Nellie Stacey.
Jr. • Part I.—Willie Carrick, Clifton
Prouty, Jennie Harter), Clayton Prouty
Miss N. L. Roncnxsoi , 'Teacher.
Mr. A. Dougall, who has been here
during his mother's illness, left for bis
home In Dolomite, Man., Tuesday
=naive—Cecil Roas, who was attend.
ittg the Medical College, London, is
spending bis holidays with his parents.
—Mr. and eIrs. Wm. Jeckell, who have
been visiting; the tatter's sister In
Alma, Mich., returned home Tuesday
—While a load of Exeterites were
on their way to Seaforth. to attend the
military ball. Monday, they lost a parcel
contaiuine their more fine apparel, and
one of the load, after securing a bicy
ale, rode several miles back, to recover
tbe lost goods. He was highly deligh
ted to learn that a pedestrian bad
found it, and it was restored to its law-
ful owner.
Mr. J R. Barnwell, principal of the
Varna school, ateompaoued by his wife,
is spending the Issuer holidays with his
mother at Kiitcardiue.---The measles
have been very prevalent for the late
month around tante ecaree v a house
e meaping —11r• Jnhn ie Wanless left on
Monday for British Columbia, to push
his fortune rn the far west. We wish
him every success—The funeral of the
l tree
Mies nary, youngest clan. hoer of
lir John Hagan, Parr line. StanMi*,
Lemmon had his .house moved and
raised by Seebaclr, end is going tobeve
a stens Cellar put under the same by
Riehl Bros., and the Paull Company.—
Wm Sykes has rented forty- acres of
land from Wm. Lemmon, and is going
to buy cattle to put on it to raze --
m. erne solda veryvaluable
borse to Easson Se McTavish, of teat
ford, for $125.—Gratcdfatber Appet had
The sad news bas Just reached here a paralytic stroke. or, Saturday last and
that he has since .died of typhoid fever. is now in .a precarious state, owing to
his age, which is nearly :ninety years.
Little hopes are entertained for his re-
covery --August Sa ukel, sr., is confined
to his bed with a complicatton of diseas
ea—Edward Seebeck, while assisting
at his ouch's Peter Seelbach. cut a gash
in hie foot about four inches long with
art axe, iullleting a, very painful wound,
Tto Ische and Geo. Schrader took all
the prizes in their class for their Polled
Angus bulls, at the. Mitchell sprtag
show.—Fred Bach, of Logan, is visiting
at August Appel'L—August Sebrader
bought a horse front Conrad Rats, pay-
ing a good price therefor,
Mr, John elor'ley, who has been work
ing at Mr. August Hill's art hostler, has
left, and 31r Moir, of Zurich, has taken
his place. --Mr. lltruhard Drown, Jr., is
building a driving shed east of his
barn.— Mr Fred Young was is Toronto
last week en business —Mr. John Tor-
rance was in the village on «Tednes•
day. --The Miss Beulah Beaver told
Annie Yelland, of Alma College, Sc.
Thomas, after spending h;aater with
their Omuta returned oa Tuesday—
Mr. E. Shupson and the susses Ball and
Courcey, left for their homes iu Claude.
boye. Hoddrich and Mooresville, respec j I see in last week's ADVOCATE a
drily*, last Friday for their Easter
tiondays.---D Bettina iw'as in. the eel• request by a rate payer to be allowed
loge 'tette hargtiay---11r. and Mrs Jnhn to erecta tw iia fence on the road allow -
elate, giv►ug; es a reason that the high.
Either acid daughter, spent Good :Fri
day s ich kinds at Brinslev. lir-water iu spring tales away lts fence.
I hold that no council c ao Gy Tebolu.
ou or be law cause a public road to
leer than QS feet, riles it be .for the
relit of tl*t public. see agaiuet a. pri
e individual, any fence so put
Fence on Road Allowance.
teeek leai' a ou b.atilydey, Her remains" De Yiveee. she has been elaidic r
wwrtt° rt.trrrterl u fiatsDri4a1eceelu+ete~ry°.
her friends at Brussels returned home
Much sympathy is felt for tbebereavedlast Friday.—llr,atoti Mrs 1i tu. I:ucitx,
palt'uts and fitness to this the Pour of of t,emter, seem owe Friday with :lir.
tea. it un1 t.0 u. Slaw baht .ettaii,t d the and Mrs. Jacob Iailber. -Messrs. 13oo
a of elghteeite 'ears and was at t u
1* g seeberry. McDonald nod Williams, of
6vu t ,
evil favorites, ;trill a large number of I Zurieh, wt•ree in the village on Friday.
preorle turned out to pay the last tributte 11r Sampson ii+allaud, who is attend
Mg College at London, is home for his
botidays.—Mr. Geo Glanvtllre has tnov
ed to Shipka where he intends to start
a store with a partner, --An. Zwieler
left Tuesday for Loudon where he will
take a course at the business College.
—Mr. John Trevethick is putting new
Town Hall, McGillivray, 4th Apr. windows in his store, whieh wilt add
Council met pursuant to adjourn greatly to its appearance. -e Ed. Croc,ier
mint. Present : J. D. I)rutnmoud, acid Miss Ilia Morlock. of Exeter, were
Reeve; T Nest and R. Hutchineu., in the village Sunday visiting friends,
Deputy Beeves; N Grieve and M. Mil- R -Mr Charles Fritz, of i.)sshwood,spent
ler, Councillors: Minutes of last meet Sunday with 'hie brother Will here,—
ing read, approved of and signed. Rev' Mr. Sharfcy, of Dashwood, spent
Hutchinson --Freer, that M. Miller he Sunday with Rev. Mr. Schmidt—Mr
hereby commissioned to attend to the : Braddy Cornell spent Good Friday with.
water course grievance of John Doyle friende tri Loudon,—Mise Emma Fiult,
with power to settle as he considers : beiaer left for Hersey, MIchlgan, Wed.
hest. Carrlei 'Press —Miller, that the ut -Ja' , en et visit: also Mr. •George
clerk be hereby instructed to prepare Brown for Kilmaugh, .bllchigan,—An
plaus and specifications for the follow. Eager euterta.iament was given in the!
ing bridges : ever Silver Creek on the Methodist Church on Monday evening. j
14 tit eoucessiou opposite Lot 14; over The program consisted of vocal, instru
Mud Creek ou the eth concession c. c. r mental music, recitations and readines.,
opposite Lot 11; over east branch of, It was a success.—Hiss Edna Eilber is
Aux Sauble river on the 8th concess. visiting her aunt, Mrs Smith, of Exeter.
ion 0, 0. r ; on Neil's stde road 2nd con —Messrs George and Albert Zwickor
and also over creek oe Whiting's side were in London on Saturday.—.Mr.
road; and to advertise for the tenders lir.ah Cunningham, of Centralia, visit..
of said bridges, to be opened in the
Town Hall on the firut Monday In May
at two o'clock le. M,—Carried. Prest—
Miller, that accounts, amounting in all
to $66 75 be paid—Carried. Grieve—
Hutchinson,.that this 'council adjourn
to meet in the Town Hall on the first
Monday in May at ten o,cloek A. M ,
when pathmasters will be appointed
and gravel contracts let --Carried.
Wit. FRASER, Clerk
Alex. McLaren and sister, Miss Susie
are at home at present, Alex. spending
his holidays and Miss Susie to stay.—
Our merchant, Mr. Hislop, not to be
outdone, is on the road again with a
double rig, so you can just hand your
butter and eggs from the door step and
get back your drygoods and groceries
J. L Hamilton's assistant blacksmith,
who was unfortunate enough to get
badly burned, and had to leave for
some time, has returned and resumed
work again. -Samuel Speare and John
McLaren are in Toronto this week com
bining business with pleasure,—Mrs.
Sarah Hoggarth and daughter are
spending a few well earned holidays
at Peter McLaughlan's.-Our doctor is
very busy lately and so are some of
the dressfliakers,—Our teacher, W. E.
Hoggarth, is spending his holidays in
examining the promotion papers for the
township of Elrea.
Mrs, Wen. Pollock, who has resided
here for over forty years left last week
for Enderlin, North Dakota, where she
has three sons residing and with wbom
she .intends making her botne. We ,join
with her friend9 in wishing herhealth
and happiness in Dakota. -Miss Suther
ly, after a somewhat lingering illness,
died on Sunday, and her remains were
interred in the Rodgerville cemetery
on Monday. Deceased was 24 and died
of consumption. -This week we have
also to chronicle the death of Miss Jen-
nie,'third daughter of Mr. D. Bell, of
the Zurich road, which occurred on
Wednesday. The deceased was a bright
healthy, engaging; young lady until
within a few ,ears ago. when her health
and spirits began to decline and she
gradually became' weaker and weaker
until. Wednesday when she passed
away;. The bereaved parents have the
heartfelt sympathy of all in their par-
ticularly sad bereavement.
of respect to the departed —Mr. ThomaS
Johztaton had the; nitsfortu:ne to fall on
his knee a short time ago. and bas Wu
confined to his bed since last Thursday.
McGillivray Council
The remains of Mrs. Stake, Elgin -
field were interred :it the Catholic cem
etery, Biddulph on Friday, and had a
very large fnneral.—Mr. Ensley Hod-
gins, of the Sauble Line, is a severe
sufferer at present from rheumatism.
He has been confined to his room for
some time.—Mr, A. McFall's house, the
Central Hotel, Luean, was burglarized
on Saturday night, 9th inst. About $10
in cash and several other articles were
stolen.. It is expected the guilty par-
ties will be brought to justice before
long.—Mr, Clarence Abbott won the bi
cycle offered by Mr E Armitage, on
the lottery plan in Lucan on Saturday.
—Mr. John:Mcllhargy, one of the old
pioneers of Biddulph, is at present very
sick, and not expected to recover. He
is 84 years of age.—A number' of our
farmers have commenced seeding, and
say the land is in fine condition to
work. 'i he fall wheat looks fairly well
and also the clover crop.—The members
of the Nursery Church, Mooresville,
have decided on changing their ceme-
tery, and fencing the same; also fixing
and painting the Nursery Church.—
Mooresville is bootning at present.
Nearly every inhabitant is busy either
building a new house or repairing tee
old. Claudeboye is following suit and
also making preparations to enlarge
their eburch. So much for the power
of example.—Mr. J Davis' horse lately
got unfastened from its moorings, and
made a dash for liberty'., completely de-
molishing the rig. The horse escaped
April Wisdom.
Be sure that your blood is pure, your
appetite good, your • digestion perfect.
To purify your blood a d build up
your health, take Hood's Sarsaparilla.
This medicine bas acco plished re
markable cures of all bl od diseases.
It the One True Blood urifier.
Hood's Sarsaparilla bas power to
make you well by purifying and en-
riching your blood, giving . you an
appetite, and nerve, mental and diges-
tive strength,
ed friends " in town on Sunday.—
Rev, W. E herr, of Hassall, occupied
the pulpit of the Methodist Church ou
Sunday evening.—Messrs. Wenzel and
Brown were in Berlin on Friday and
Saturday on business.—Charles Ewald
and Frank Bassow, who are working
in Hensel], spent Sunday here with
their eparents.—Miss Christina Fink
i r ofis visitingher par
bene, London.
outs, Mr. and Mrs. 'Karl Ftnkbeiner,—
Mr, Jamees Hannan, of Shipka, spent
Sunday night on Picadillv street.
RUNAwax.—While Mr, and Mrs.
Samuel Rowe and daughter were re-
turning home about 9:80 p.rn., after
spending Good Friday with Mr and
Mrs S. Lamport, their horse got fright
ened at a pile of tile near Mr. Michael
Klumpp's and became unmanageable.
Mr. Rowe was thrown out in the ditch
with his baby girl and escaped unhurt
but Mrs. Rowe fared more unfortunate.
She jumped out of the rig and when
found was unconscious. Mrs. Rowe
was taken to Mr, Klumpp's residence
and Dr Rollins, of Exeter called. Mrs.
Rowe recovered consciousness after, a
few hours. She had her leg broken
above the ankle. The horse ran back
to Crediton and was caught at Hill's
stable. We wish Mrs. Rowe a speedy
SERIOUS FIRF,,.--This vi11a"te was
thrown into eetate of intense excite-
ment on Weaesday afternoon when it
became known that a. serious fire was
in progress. It appears that a quant•
ity of rubbish had been set on fire at
the Methodist parsonage, and Miss Yel-
land fearing it might cause trouble
buried some of the rubbish, which con•
tained live coals, in tbe manure heap,
and paid no further attention to it.
It was not long before the manure
broke out in a blaze, and sooncom-
municatedwith the stabile and then to
the parsonage. Willing hands were
soon on the scene and did all in their
power to eyei°t the flames, but not
before both buildings were consumed
reviler with the contents of the stable.
The furniture and all other contents
of the house were saved. The Exeter
fire engine was telegraphed for but be-
fore it arrived all danger was over.
Rev. and Mrs. Yelland were both await
from home at Abe time of the fire.
The boiler of Millers tannery ,Griffis -
blew up Friday night and scattered it-
self and the southern wall all over the
neighborhood. No one was hurt, but
the mixed train on the Grand Trunk,
which was passing, had a narrow es
cape. Damage' to the mill is about
85,000 or46,000,
Faith Cure at Guelph.
Guelph, April 1i. --.Four years age
on the 12th of February, 1594, lir. Wm.
Dawson, re'sldirog au Birmingham street
this city, fell downstairs, a distance of
nine or tet► feet, in l3eil'e atone factory,
and injured his spine, From that day
until Saturday he has 'mored about tt
sit invalid's tricycle and unable to walk
without crutches, On that efternooa
be wheeled into the Christian mixsioa
rooms, Quebec street, where Moine,
T omuth end 'Thompson, R couple of the
represeutattres of the Sitnpsnu Fake
Cure Institute of New York, were hold-
ing meetings. They prayed with bii1R
and anointed his bead with oil, Mr.
Dawson exercised his faith. and to bits
great aud inexpressible joy he watt
able to get up and walk unassisted.
At lirst be staggered like a drtitekea
roan and his fart gave him some troub-
le, for he found bis boats, through dis-
use, bad cramped his feet. UI'e was free
m pain, however. white before he
night be, reut.yed by any parson so ,vas suffering almost cnnstautly a«
dupes d, by giving the proper notice attended the, Arnr. and Norfolk Street
There is too touch of this sort of feud- yIethodist Church Suaadaz` morning,
lug now, just for individual benefit, w'a+lking upstairs to the gallery in the
aud sui:h permission a:hould not he giv latter.
en uuloss in eases protected by the law.
A. Ra.rn Pavan,
Accidental Shooting Fatally,
Prescott, April 11—A sad shooting
accident occurred here to -day. Four
young boy a, wanted 13orwood, White,
West Murphy, alt from town, went down
to Spencer's Island shooting duck$ this
iaaorning. One of the bots saw soma
ducks, but the range was too far to
shoot, and lie laid the gun down iu the
boat with the trigger raised. Young.
West attempted to bait out the boat,
which gave a lurch and the gun went
off, completely shattering young Harry
Murphy'slet: near the 'thigh. He was
brought to shore, but died front loss of
blood before medical aid could reach
him. Young Murphy is a son of Mr.
Juhu Murphy, tine of her Majesty's cus-
tom officers.
Lost Her Feet,
Alliston, April 1L—A shacking acci-
dent, which may result fatally, oc
carred on Good Friday in the town of
Eyerett, about four miles north of this
place. On account of the extra holi-
day traffic, the north. bound express
was somewhat behind time, and, in the
endeavor to make up, left the Everett
depot before all;the passengers had Ieft
the platform. One of these, Mrs. (Dr.)
tall thrown under
' iwell was acciden < ! v ort
vin c' a e n . had her two
the mo g' o h, and
feet taken off, one being severed at the
ankle, the other below. The affair is
all,the more sad, as the victim had
just come to town 'from Stratford, Dr.
Atwell having bought the practice of
Dr. Kingston, who is leaving for Eng-
Burglars at Luoan,
Lucan, April 11.-13etween 2 and 5
o'clock yesterday morning., burglars
gained admittance thronth the front
entrance of the Central Hotel, in this
place, by cutting their way through
the two front panels and slipping the
bolts. Going throueh the bar they
secured $10 in small change, a half
dozen bottles of ale and several boxes
of cigars Visiting the diningroom
they got away with a supply of bread
and butter and three dozen eggs.
They also tock an overcoat belonging
to Jas Donnelly, of Glencoe. The
brace and bit and two chisels with
which the bura'lars cut through the
panels were stolen from Jas. Ander
SOB'S carriage shop. There is nu clue
to the men.
Died on the Train,
Niagara Falls, April 9.—A very sad
death of a young lady occurred nn the
Lehigh Valley express this morning
about six o'clock, as that train was
approaching Buffalo. Miss Naomi
Hillman of Ottawa, a sufferer from con.,
sumption, who bad been in Florida all
winter ie search of better health, was
returning home, accompanied by her
father, Mr. George L. Hillman. The
tedious trip from the south was too
meek for her in her weak condition,
and she took a bad spell during the
night in the Pullman • ear Lockport,
and expired i>? her father's arms this
morning. The Grand Trunk author-
itiesallowedthe remains to go through
to Toronto, where they will be taken
care of by an undertaker and proceed
to Ottawa this evening. Miss Hill
mail was 18 years of age.
James Fortune, son of of Mr. aud Mra.
Luke Fortune, of Dublin, died at his
home on Thursday last after a linger -
mg illness, which he bore very patient-
ly. To bis parents and family we of-
ffer our heartfelt sympathy in the
r af-
Mrs. Joseph Blackwell, of Holmes-
vllle died ou Tuesday at the age of 52
years. The deceased lady leaves be.
bind her a husband and five ohlldren,
three boys and two girls, all grown up,
to mourn the loss of a lovirtg wife and
John Parker, an old settler of Mit-
chell. passed away early on Monday
morning at the ripe old ago of 93 years
and 7 months. He was very frail for
some years past, still was able to be
about almost to the last. Mrs Living,.
ston, his daughter, was his sole com-
panion, and she careel for him with the
greatest devotion, a «aye administer-
ing to his wants as it itlingly and affee-
tionately as if he were a child. He
was a member of the Church of Eng-
land, and a Conservative in polities.
Rev. John L Kerr, of Brussels, father
of Mr, and W. H. Kerr, of the Brussels
Post, and Rev. W. E. Kerr, of Hensel],
passed away to the great beyond, in
bis 72nd year. Deceased was one of
thepioneer ministers and has been
superannuated for some years. He had.
enjoyed good health until recently.
Among those from a distance who at-
tended the funeral were Dr. and :liars.
Cavanagh, of Owen Sound; Rev. Mr.
and Mrs. Turnbull, of Guelph; Rev. W.
E. and Mrs. Kerr, of Hensall; Dr. Tow=
ler, of Wiugham; R. S Pelton, editor of
the Atwood Bee; Revs. Walker and
Stewart of Ethel.
Miss Willard's remains were cremat-
ed at Chicago ou Saturday,.
SMITH.—GovRLAr.—At the residence.
of the Mr, Roht. Winslow, Logan, ox
April the 6th, by the Rev. W. A.
Bradley, Mr. Wm. A Smith, of Elora
to Jennie, third daughter of Mr.
Thomas Gourley, of Mitchell.
LnQro r.—MCNAY. In Mitchell, on Ap-
ril 6th, at the residence of the bride's
mother, by Rev, W. A. Bradley, Thos.
M. Linton, of Logan, to Mary,
daughter of the late Thos. McNay,
WARREN.—WIIITLOCx.—In London, on
April 11th, by the Rev. Mr. Middle-
ton, Mr. Frank J. Warren, of Buffalo,
N. Y., to Miss Sarah Ann Whitlock,
of Lonioa, formerly of Exeter.
it KA 7rAM
Gans.—At the House of Refuge, :Clin-
ton, on April letb, Henry Oros, aged
12 years.
PAuirn.—In Mitchell, on April the 4th,
John Parker, aged 93 years, 7 months
and 7 days.
GREGORY—In St. Marys, on March 80,
Elsie Merle, daughter of Elder and
Mrs. Gregory. aged. 3 years, 6 mos.
7 days.
GREGORY—In St. Marys, on April 6th+
Laura Idella, daughter of Elder and
Mrs. Gregory, aged 2 years, 3 mos.,
23 days.
HuxmAl)r,1•; -In Allendale, Niicb„ on
April 1st., Mr. Joke }Tux table, form-
erly of Centralia aged 39 years and
2 months,
R eneitns-1u London, on rue loth
inst., William Richards, eon of David
Bic•.ltards, aged 22 ;years and 4
months. For6Ht:t1 to -day (Thui•sdav)
at '2 oetocL, 'from hiS fa'heer's. e i
dente, Usborne,'(London Road).