HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1898-4-1, Page 6Subseribers slaw do not reeeive their pape regularly will please notify us at °ace. epply at the office for advertising rates. TEE EXETER ADVOCATE. THURSDAY. MARCH 31. 189S, Pith and Point. A shiftless man is never too thiftless Invent excuses. Every man thines himself as a bo' longer titan he should. There are many married people who are dauger signs to the mituarried. Judging from the manner in which the revolver figures in it, love is fatal ia more cases than appendicitis. Iv is Always safe distrust the man wilts goes into A begin- •"•1 enterprise "more to egease his wife thau for auything When a woman finds that ber friends know that she has holes in her steckings, .be. explains theiu by saying that "darns" hart her feet. This world will never be just right until the doeters have discovered that they can relneVe xuan's baeltleine aud substitute en isms brace. There is twee thing always let out in de- scribing a bride's dress -that she is angry becense it is not nicer and that her father le mad because it is o nice. Colic aad leiduey intriettlty.-Ma n. 'Wilder, J. P., 1.m... 4eville, N.. Y., writes; 'I aux subteet to severe attacits of Celle ana Henley Difileulty, and gad Panay - lee's Pills afford rue greet relief, witile ell other remedies have failed. Tbey are the best medicine I have ever used,' Ill fact so great is the power of this medicate eleanee aud purify, that :lima -see of all raoet every name awl uature are driven from the node. "Just Like a Mao." If it had been a womai every oiae would have said "Just lee: a. worn= 11" But it wasn't a woinan it- was a roan, and a man who eelesitiers thee he UnctWit a little eboue evereeeine that the uorraal, well - Informed men stetted knew. Bue he had beeomea semi -invalid and la the centrist of trtatmenz wa-; re mew seine luedieine in the tenet tef ears:eats. And hecIk, bui after tee etre; iili••• remarks beeatue large end pews:rail. lz had neerly burnei his tileutet ears; wee- Wel a teeter a :sigh; to f.lri'Ve =Ala Slt".1 ”Vr.. the eueeete, 1 pet me, int ix iiest it -e e elan. "lex: yoi :. teeth. tee' exclaimed the US° ir:161.• :;JY: •"41itin't you teeny 'en, ev new s z- letelivine in tbe aseze 1,,1:111 be :even lienta “ny Vote rasa eaa., he -.new yt -. It stray tL.., tl 21.1' Z. --; 41. ,:a, EAZ lil lee: IW y,,,,4 w:,,,, - . , t. At.::.,:t 1 to it: 'y TAP aave a▪ utaites,4-e-eses eta: ea.,: t,t Lave cetesiassee etaula W.., t. ' -.. :Lau:, bur, we ain eaa eetse.1,%,C.-eital.„ve as -e, tee; int,. Ent ver ine entre-. c.i.:4. br.:1.,!q.:::U, ,3'...,..: ail :4t - 1.471:1:4.41,'N "..pe.thettg• te hitrett. Miss Kittle:x-1 beinve that Mr. Whiffett la seam iy human. Miss Freeze -11e dellherates a great deal In his speech, humming And hawing a great deal. "I know he says 'er-eW every few words, but what has that to do with it?" 'Well, you know that to err is human:" guard's Liniment Cures Distemper, How to Make Oyster Toast. A dish of oyster toast is made with the enice of oysters and about the sante amount e rich milk. Put six oysters on each silica of toast after daming it in the hot seasoned oyster juice and milk. It is an Improvement to oyster toast to add a clam and its juice to every half dozen oysters used. Season tbis citels thoroughly with butter, salt and pepper. A plaster made with "Quickeure" spreai over the nose. will suppress cold. in the head in a surprisiug manner, owing to its reclucine inflam.mation of the mucous membrane. And He Missed It. "How was the score?" asked. Tommy, who was sick, of his father, who bad been to see the hockey game. "Seven black eyes, half a score of bloody noses, a broken arm and a missing ear for the high school boys, two broken shins, eight scalp wounds and five teeth knocked out for the Athletics." "Great game!" sighed Tomray fail:tram kilnard's Liniment Cures Diphtheria. The Church. After al/ and before all, churches are for religion. It is because men and women are children of God. that the churches exist, and they may come nearer to each other and come nearer to God. They exist that every day they may ga about their busi- ness more and more in accord with Him, and that life may be not petty and s.m.alle but infinite, in its relations. Vision Tests in Schools. In Philadelphia it has been found.. that of about 1,500 pupils of the two highest grammar grades whose eyes b.ave been tesnel nearly half of those examined have defective vision. In several cases children who were instructed to wear glasses have shown the benefit of using these in im- proved proficiency in their studies. In Nemo instances pupils were retarded, un- consciously to themselves, by not being ableto distinguish anything written upon *he blackboaxd. One boy, whose hesitancy In reading could not be accounted fcr, was found to be afflicted with a dileculty that made one word appeer as two. In special eases a physician's examination has been vequired.--School Journal. Watch Canned Goods. When a cau is bulged the contents ehould not be used, as the condition of the tin shows that air has reached the inside and decomposition has set M, which has caused gases to be genereted. The gases thus formecl have forced the tin to bulge. Cases of poisoning through eating- canned fruit and meats are so common that the above Method of detecting poisonous can- ned foods should be specially valuable to isousekeepers.---Public Health Joanna LOOKS WRY THARITNING. Russia and Britain Seemingly Approaching a Conflict, Tie Naval Establishment at Hong Kona Ordered to Be Pat ea a War Vootiag- ;SW ps Must 110 pally to Oo to Sea-lte- ported Diseovery and ..I.rrest of Spies lo the Russian Doelryard at Sebastopol --kIve (Myers suicide. London, March 28.-3. despatch to the Tilin'S from itiong4e.ong says orders were issued to the naval .estaliliehment there to make urgeut preparations to place it- self on a war footing. The staff, it is addee, was atiguteuted anti mobilization .was ordered. The aespeteb further are eletitaeet; that eti. Fre»eh eruisets bave gone north, ATM:ling elonte leong, The British battleship Barlieur hoe gone to Nagasalti, Jape4. Warships Heady for Sea. Hong -Kong, Noxell its. --A1,1 the Britisti warships are coaling and provisioning, having been ordered to prepare for Mune- ditite readiness to go to see. The navy yard laere is working day and night,. .e Nest or Spies. Seinstopol, .)iareis resule of the dlseovery of serious and wholesale bribery aud corruption 100 do:1wit:1 ollieleis and °nines: of the RUSS1,411 Black 'ea fleet have been arrested. Admiral Kept -loft eounnantier of the fleet. hes been dismiesed. Five officers have cone, witted, suicide since titter arrest. THE LEA_SE.SIGNED. 'dna Will Retain Sovereign Rights and rort Arthur and To.l.lent•Wan Wiu Ito Open Ports, tin, IlaV104I, the Rue - sem Charge d'Aliairce. signed yesterday T• ritzrettnattnt regardintr the lone. et' Port Arthur end Ta -Lien -Wen and the railway et.ion. Pert Arthur will be given anew. Chin -Chow w111 remain teene-ez leit the linseittne will (,-;',31113.-.11 a ...;141 •q,;;;;titlI in lilt. (ntivons. China wilt retein set erelen rights getter:ley told ; At; hur ;old 14.1.ien-Wati aUitet o:'u totia• wartlaps t4 netions lientataine tel.‘ custene, the Raweiens e.satie the faAkrilon of the t nittlente is at ivuleal ne titter neettril dee itie; ion Tee hnne will teee the tare et Peet Arthur. 1 ie wiettese have eiesetlea to itasii Flak- lartIVinttYt a atrway 1 nespaiestes 'tampered with. Lentette, z>. -When f•ventaIn a tar lava lip••tizin t.) lezi•ttittit, ateeezast the Brines F' -in (idle •inelt nneetisent .ts'_ that ire dee • • %%WO Elii:Vs r:Vt.tV,?ed Wt.11. It 42'ttu. Ifs 10,-4,..krgi ilL4 'Li' 111!.1/21`,.... "tz.etial one. Pr e-tt sine ;be Le ett.• jot. t tie- lent, .rn 't It•er, eat tv,r,. all 2'i -.h Ian n and might. • :tu- sLtie, reratti vomit/dell the tairsIrtriart neeurruil in tIt tie prolialtitity 'yea. that the wIres emt,en Pekin and Shanghai had !atom tapped. tini diritatVviT. So iar. haigone Ilo furtiaT. Week, ago an important despateh asi- t.ad to the British *.Nlinister ;it lkitin di"appeared on the way, and efforts are now being nettle to find it. The disap- pearance was probably accidental, but the Foreign Office is innoh perturbed. BURNED TO DEATH. Aged Mother of Charles Stewart Parnell. Famous Irish, Agitator, Ends Life In a Tragic. manner. Dublin'March en -Mrs. Delia T. Stewart Parnell, mother of the ]ate Charles Stewart Parnell, leader of the Irieh Home Rule party, was fatally in- jured at the Parnell homestead, Atkin - dale, County Wicklow, Saturday. She was sitting by the fire, when her clothing WAS caught by the flames, and in an in- stant her garnitente were ablaze. Assist- ance was near at band, but before the flames could be extinguished the vener- able lady was so badly burned that she .dieti Sunday evening. The university Boat Race. Putney, March 28. -Oxford won the nen-sixth annual boat race between crews representing Oxford and Cambridge, -which was rowed on Saturdaw over the usual, course, from Putney to Mortlake, four and one-quarter miles. Oxford won the toss, and it was generally declared that this practically assured the race for her, as her crew, of course, took advant- age of the brisk wind that was blowing. Oxford has now won thirty-two out of the fifty-flve races rowed, and has. beer: the winner nine years in succession. The time was 22 mins. 15 secs. Maidstone Bernains Conservative. London, March 28. -In the polling at the election Saturday for the seat in the House of Commons for Maidstone, form- erly held by Sir Frederick Scager Hunt, Conservative, F. S. W. Cornwallis. the Conservative candidate, defeated his Radi- cal opponent, John Barker, by a majority of 178 votes. Sir Frederick Hunt was returned without opposition at the last election. A vacancy has been caused in the House of Commons by the acceptance of the Chiltern Hundreds by Henry Seton -Karr, Conservative, who had occupied• the seat for St. Helens since 1885. Mr. Seton - Xeres resigeation is clue to ill -health. A. Steamer Brings News From Skagrmy. Victoria, B. 0., March 28, -The steamer Ningehow arrived at Comex yesterday from Skagaay, bringing reports that 1,500 miners are en rotate through the Dalton trail, that travel is good over the ice on the Stikine River, and that the Weather is cold and clear in that region. McKenzie and Mann 'e advance guard is reported to have reached Telegraph Creek. A B ad Accident on the C. P.R. Winnipeg, March 28.-A 'broken rail caueed a bad smash On the C.P.R. near Englieh River, 314 miles east of here. Four colonist cars were dumped. off the line; ono man, Frank Mardian of 1)eteolt, was killea and 21 people slightly injured, antrtng thezn being three Toronto people, limn Montt DJohnson anti Thomas ' antes. THREE SEFlICILIS FIRES, North Segueu Rectory Burned -Narrow Escape ef the Rector, Wife and Child - Fire* at Delhi and saaseeoes. alagnettswasa, Ont., March 28. -St. John's Reotory, barn and stables at North Seguin were totally destroyed by lire Saturday at 0 pan, The fire originated from a stovepipe in the attic, and in half au hour the house was burned to the ground. Little or tiothiug was saved. Twe hundred volumes of A valuable lib- rary were destroyed. Toad loss about 2,000: no insuranee. The rector, RON% A. .1. Cobb. anti his wife were seriously injured. Ou going upstairs Mrs. Cobb found the little three- year-old boy in Ramo, aud in trying to rescue tbe thild was severely Mulled about the head, fa ese and hands, and be- ing Overcome by the smoke fell down- staire, receivieg it severe scalp wound about nye inches long, which required a number of stitebes. The eland was badly burned about the head. hands and, body. Mr. Cobb was alSo overcome by the smoke and fell downstairs, severely injuring, his back. His fausily 'were token to Mr. Vickers' house near by, and the wounds carefully dressed by Dr. Freeborn of this place, who was sent for at mu*, and who thinks their injuries, though very serious, will not prove fatal. HOW Burned at Delhi. Delhi, Ont., March 28.-A bout 1 o'clock yesterday mornino.pthe American, Hotel was discovered tobe on fire. The proprie- eor, Mr. J. B. Walsb, accatimanied by his wife, left tbe hotel about P.80 p.m. and drove out e towe to visit friends. Tim building was loeited up, and on foreleg an enTrilllee ale fire AppeArS to have started upstairs, ona had made such pro- gress that it was inspe.seible to save the building or contents. H. A. Bell's greeery ansi dwelling, eboue 15 feet front the hotel, attugbe ilre several times, also tbe roofs of R. J, :Lett - low's tin shop, the N'illtlicater printing office and Public; Lamle' tieretat the street. The hotel was built ot white brick, valuecl at about $3,000 aud owned by D. Z. Gibson. of Ilrantfore. Insured for $2,- 000. The contents were insured for $1,0U0. Origin of fire unenowu. - eiettuutiet Parsonage sem-obese Darrow, Ont., March :18. -Fire broke out r:tualay morning shortly after 0 o'eltiek in the Methodist parsonage. The alarm was promptly given and the flame w re Qiwttell /Mort" the house woe; cote- pi• y ruintel. Neerly ell the eminent; were M....troy-el by hro or 'water. Origin of lire not known. Tho loss is fully cur. ered by insurataet% Oar .N.;itturai Gas. Leamington, Om., Menet e8. -A gliiiell Of nearly (timers will leave here lilesday fee (il,aara to it iterview tia Government with it view of pelt -urine legislation sat prebuilt the export 10 natural gas frau the wen.; in jaaas C011uty,to lattroit, Toledo and ether skitterassat gee for Cana- dian ••., b.i !wit` 1119t WHEAT STRONGER. ------ teouraging Cables front Livernoot Ue opmedine for the Advance -torn ;wild Oats Advaneed-41,e Local Prices, Satarday Evenine, March 20. 'Mir= exhibited Si nithat sou/eater tomto„ day.'.11;iy heiti its .r,v1i, and *se July and Sid.trini,er tomtit; both closed and 2210 Ilet'eltaltee tdaltal 1110 :damp ..%.11.ty's Mud V.1;'f11111r"'ti:;*.:l''11 1:%tpu4..Ctd4 t71ailg:1;;;(1' •trem• alt. Leading, 'Wheat Marhels. PolluWing are ties closing !trivia today itt huportunt centres: Cash. May. Chicago TOlittlo ..... *40(11)1 .9000110180421! NeW emit eiliwatiese, No. 1 :Northern. 01 1181 St. Louis Detroit 0 In 0 1)5 Duluth, No, 1 Northern.... n teal 110111, Duluth, NO. 1hard . o Toronto, red Klee Terunto, No. 1 hard .. 1 ott Toronto Grain and Prentice. Flour -Dull. Straight rollers, in barrels, raidtlle freiglas, are quoted at $3.0a. Wheat -No. 2 red, north and weta, quoted at 83e to S4e, spring at 31* On Mita:Ind, goose at 82e to Stle Midland. No. 1 elate- toba hard is firm and scarce at elate North Bay. a:wear-Quoted at 02e west and Sele east. Malting barley 33. I ens- line. Cienee heal y white quoted at 28 -tee west and mixed at 27,,e to 280. Bran-Brau sells at 311.30 to are we:. Corn -Canadian. Chatham, 31e. Oatmeal -Car lots of rolled oats in Ingo on track at Toronto, $3.00: in bbls. 33.75. Peas -Are dull, 53c north and west ana We east. Rye -Dull at 47e to 48e outside. Buckwheat -Quoted at 37c to 38e. outside. Toronto Sli. Lawrence Market. The receipts of grain were large to -day, about 4200 Imsbels all told. Wheat steady. 2000 bushels selling as fol- lows: White 78' to 80e, red 83e to 851/2c, and goose 83e to 851/20 per beshel. Rye easier. 100 bushels selling at 51e. Barley steady, 800 bushels :ailing at 86c. Oats easier, 300 bushels .selling it 34e. Peas firmer, 1000 bushels selling at 55e to 5734.e. Ray 38.00 to $9.50 per ton, tor 20 loads. Straw $6.00 to 31.00 per ton. Dressetl hogs, fair supply, PACO& easier, 30 to 36.10 per cwt. ▪ Potatoes, good supply, prices easier, at 65e to 7Ca per bag. Apples 32.75 to $3.50 per bbl. Butter, supply fair, prices arm, at 20o to 25o for pound rolls. . Eggs, new laid, plentiful, selling at 9c to 11c per dozen. East Buffalo Live Stock. Bast Buffalo, March 26.-0attle-Recelpts all consigned through. Nothing doing. Hogs -Receipts, BO ears. Meal -dull and Slew, and prices ruled lower. Good to choice yorkers, 34.05 to $4.10; prime se. lected light yorkers, 34 to $4.05; mixed.. packers,' grades, $4.03 to $4.10; medium weights, $4.05 to 34.12•'heavy Inge, $4.10 to $4.12; roughe, 33.25 to $3.73; stags, 32.90 to 33,15; pigs, 33.25 to $3.80. Sheep and Lambs-Iteceipts, 13 ears; fair enquiry fromall scarce% and 'prices were steady far wooled, stock. Native lambs, choice to extra, $6.15 to $6.80; fair to good, 35.80 te 36.10; cane to common,. 35.25 M 35,75; year, Hugs, common to choice, 34.90 to seem. Native sheep, aboiceto selected wethers, $a90 to $5; goOcl to choice inixed sheep, 34.60 to 34.85; common to fair, $4.83 to $4.50; culls to cormbon sheep, $8.50 to 34.25. British Markets. LiVerp001. 'March 26. -Spring wheat quot- ed itt 75 11dt. No, 1 Cal., at 72 id to 7s 105; red, winter, 7s 71/2d; peas, 5s Cede corn,new, 35 ad; pork, 51s 8d for fine western; lar a, 98s 3d; bacon, heavy, a.c., 20s; tight, 28s (id; do., sheet cut, 29s; tallow, 20s 6d; cheese, 385. Live:meet-Close-Spot wheat dull; futures quiet at 7s 95/ad for March, 7s aeed for MaY .a.ted 7s Od. for July. afaize steady at, 35 35,id tor alareb, 3s 2igid for May, as 9i 3. for July and as 2/a4 tor S'ept. Pleat 25e. tortdon---(nose-Wesat off'. coast flotilla" demg; cargoes neerby In derriana. maize toff coaet nothing dolug, on passage rather THE WILY LAWYER, And Row Boer Fatricir :McDonald Wiwi Very Neatly Trapped, A group of congressmen were telliug stories in the eh:akin:an of the !muse the other (ley. Otte of them, a lawyer, told this experieuce; the Uwe: where first begins tbe practice of the law, there was an Irish- man, Petrick Ala/wield, Wilom every one called Pat Now, Pat was a good hearted fellow, bre be didn't get along very well with bis neighbors. "There was an easy going fellow in the sanie town of the name Wbee- lock. He was born in 1$40, and bis par. ants named him Harrison,. country towns the peeme are familiar with one another to the extent that names are abbreviated or naraphrascd. EverlOne knew this n.an as `Mit' Wheelock. "Well, 11, beelock and at had SOnle Words over a horse trede. The language used was more eapreeteive than elegant. Aecording to Pat's version ot the affair, ' Hat threatened to break bee. Any- 1 way, Pat went btfore a justice of the peace aud made affidavit that he was 1 .1 ST Are you a. victim of thiS relentless disease and its many distressing accompa.niments? Have you been lured into using "fake" nostrums, such as odours, smoke -balls, vapours, and what not els; only to told you're no better, and the disease aggravated in their use, Dr. Ran- som's Iiive Syrup and Tolu attacks the disease quickly and directly -it relieves the pressure, makes the breathing easy and natural -at - lays the inflammation attendant upon severe attacks of the malady, heals the parts -never fails to give relief, and Where IMO so-called cures have failed it has proved the only cure, "We have used Dr, Ransom's Hine Syrup and Tolu with best results in throat and lung troubles -it is indeed a wonderful healer -wishing you the abundant success you deservaura Fixen, Manager the Working Woman's Home, Chicago, Ill. FRANCIS U. KAHLE, Toronto. 2.5c, At all druggists and medicine dealers. E G \T DiNR °its 0 Crumbs of t omrort. 1 am the Lord that bealeth thee." 14 Dost thou. iaear that. 'Ivory soul ? Is it afraid that Hat would do tire bodily I bleary. "Han of course, was arrested. He got' Me to defend him. 'When the case was called, Pat took the stand and ;elated the story of how Hat bad threatened to inure him. When he was turned over to Ble for cross eAtiniination„ began; 46 42ow, Nr, Afellouald, you say you are afraid 0f your lifer "'1 am, .sor," was his -prompt reply. " 'Theu you .admit that Xr. Whee- lock cau whip you, do Your Irish Walti up in a flash, "'ot by sight, seri can whip ilia A (JOWL), Hite 14111.1 " 'That's all, your honor,' said to the justice, and he dismissed the case against Wheelock, "-Washington Star. natant -hold Olsoinline. Mr. LOriwer's business interests keep bin] away from balite eci much that the matter cif family discipline bas fallen very largely iuto the hands of Xrii, Ler- liner, and the cliildreu regard tteir fa- tter more as an occasional and 'welcome emurade then AS a reeve parent. het three lively youngsters, cooped up in the house of a Sternly day, etill hardly be expeeted to prove eucceettul nponents of self government. So it tappeued that I4orimer Mt called nye to ronoustrate with Ilaggie the other day, and that miss nearly threw him otr his feet by turning to her brother and "Willie, Willie, just bear papa try- ing to vitt like rintunna."-Detroit News. Partly Unknown. For an hunt' she !Stood silent before ter Inirmr, It tvid ber bow beautiful elle was, and she was far too Well bred te srrept ihat at ilia it WAS thuougIi, 'Do I really know myself?" she sighed thereupon. Next she elusped ber betide tionvultively. 'Illy ftice is biota:sr,'" she cried, "but eanuot spcak nanie." It was then that she began to regeet ever bevizig Married tile leuesian.-lititroit JOuraal. Slaves to Appearances. "Say, kid," said Swipesy, nudging Mike at the newsboys' annual banquet, "why don't ye eat some pf 'met" "I don't like the teen- tieeete " re- plied Nuke. "Wot tab tiley?" "Olives," rejoined Swiposy. "I don't like 'em either, but we've got to eat 'em, or folks'il think we never was in sussiety afore. "-Chicago Tribune. They Have to Listen. "The fact is," said the thoughtful roan, "that almost any one can talk, but good listeners are rare." "Nonsense!" returned the man who jumped at conclusions. "Just think of the number of married men i" -Chicago Post. Domestic Discipline. Mrs. Chaffie-Johnnie, you must be more obedient. When I Vine a child, I always obeyed ray• parents. Johnnie (increctulously)-That's just what I am going to say to my children some day. -New York Sunday World. Never,Loses a Trick. "Your evife is a forehanded little creature." "Forehanded? The day I staid at home on account of the big snowstorin she made ine get out the lawn mower and oil it." -Detroit Free Pres. English people, it seems, eat more butter than any other people on the face of the earth. It is partly througla this that the British complexion is the purest in the world. SAVE YOUR FEATHERS. • Diamond Dyes yviii Make Your Faded Hat and Bonnet Feath- ers as Good as New. It may be that some ladies are not aware of the fact that old hat and bonnet Feathers can be made to look as good as new by the Diamond Dyes those universal home friends. Let us tell you how to do the work. "Use the Diamond Dyes prepared for Wool and Silk that can now be bought from any dealer. Clean the feather by soaking it in strong soap suds fifteen minutes, then draw gently between the thumb and forefinger a number of times, and rinse in warm water dip and redip in the dye -bath until the` desired shade is obtained; rinse in cold water, and press gently with the hand between two cloths, to remove the water; now hold before a gentle fire, shaking slightly until nearly dry, and thee curl by taking three or four sprigs of the feather and drawing briskly between the thumb and back of scissors, and so on until it is finished. Old feathers cart be re -colored and made to look like new. To color feathers black, be sure to use the Diamond Fast Black for Silk and Feathers prepared by the makers of the Diamond Dyes; this is the only successful dye for coloring feathers easir• a rich black." Over the- ReOovery of Mr. JAMS. Paddon. of Mt, Forest. His Case Wast a Severe One of Riflttle pitsease-Doefre gideer Pills Cured Ulna Thaeoughla- GUM Edon root, Doddis Kidney and Their Valtiv euzi Dogiv, March 18. -The report of the recovery of Mr. James Petition, of Mt. Forest, from it severe atteeit of Eidney Disease, by the use of Doda s leuluey Pills bee eansed great rejoielme hero, where Mr. Padclon is well known. Mr, Pandeene ()Aso was A very severe one, It wee Wan itnen1.1 that, be Was it constant sufferer, and lie bad the sympathy et all his friends. Consequently it gives tut, bounded pleasure to all to knew that he has at last conquered has bitter enemy. Docld's Kidney Pills are the only moll - eine that the people of this district will use for Bright's Disease, Diabetes, Dropsy, Rheumatism, Lumbago, Paralysis, Ilea/ Failure, 'Urinary Discives, Blood Impuri- ties, and all other forms of Kidney Disease. They haYe cured handreds of cases of these complaints in this ne:ghbortiOwl, anti the people liave tlae fellest coaddeuce in the medicine. There Is only one way of curing Kidney Diseases, That is by curing the Kidneys. The only way of doing this is by using Dodd's Kidney Pills, They set the Kid- neys in Proper condition, thus ensurin,„.• a supply of pure, fresh blood and thoroughly healthy organs. Dodd's Kidney Pills are sold by all drug- gists At flfty ceuts sae bowie:sane or will be Sent, on reetept of price, by The Dodds Medicine to,, Litnited,Toronto. To Prepare Oatmeal for the Table, Where bard coal ie used for heating pur- poses, oatmeal my be laic over the lire at ix tecloolt in the evening, brouelit to point, end lent at this temperature over night, to that it. may be ready to Sirvo in the morning. Where soft coal, wood or gas is madfor cooltine purposes, it will be alert:save' to put the oatraeal over the gro at twee, when the luncheon er dinner is being prepared. Put four heaping tablespoonfuls of the steel -cut oats into one quart of cold water; add half a teaspoonful of salt, and put it over the fire in a double boiler; cover and cook con- tinuously for one or two hours. Than it may be put aside until the eight meal is being prepared, and cooked again as long as the fire is burning, and then put aside to be reheated at breakfast time. The kettle should. be covered closely, and the oatmeal must not be stirred from the be- ginning to the end of the cooking, other- wise the grains will be broken. Stirring oatmeal seems to destroy its Devon -Mrs. S. T. Rorer in Ladies' Home journal. The Nuptial Tie. Blanthe-Harry and May played a game of hearts to decide whether they would get married. Oarrye-How did tbe game come out? Blanche -It resulted in a tie. -New York World. Two Good Reforms. Cumso-I am in favor of the movement for more artistic coins. Ca.wker-So am 1, and more of them. "Quickcure" warmed and dropped from a spoon into the ear, will cure ear- ache. It acts like a ellexm. Port Mulgrave, June s, 1897. C. C. RICHARDS & Co. Dear Sirs,-MINARD'S LINI- MENT is my remedy for colds, etc. It is the best liniment I have ever used. MRS. Jostax HART. How Yellow• Icing is Made. Sift a oup of powdered sugar in a small saucepan, add two tablespoonfuls of boil- ing water, a teaspoonful lemon juice and a drop of Persian orange coloring. Mix well and pour it over the cake and smooth evenly with a knife. The Persian orange comes in liquid form in small bottles and may be bought at all first-olass groceries. Deafness Cannot be Cured by local applications, as they cannot reach the diseased portions et the ear. There is only one way to care Deafness, and that is by constitu- tional -remedies. Deafness is caused by an in- flamed condition of the mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube gets in, flamed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing, and Nyhen it is entirely closedDeafness is the result, and unless the inflammation can be taken out and this tube restored to 'its nor- mal condition, hearing will be destroyed for- ever; nine eases out of ten are caused by catarrh, which is nothing but an inflamed con dition of the mucous outfaces, We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (cataed by catarrh) that can- not be cured by Rallis Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars, free. F. J. OTIENEY & CO., Toledo. 0. earSold by Druggeste, 75c. Rflysaact:g•Thzg,711:aa7tienk fr:•%1111- ing $2.50 worth ot Laundry INF res, Bluing, Everlasting Wicks, esseeteseaesesses Pictures, Spoons, Rings, at 5a. to .25c. each. No money T &mixed, Write stat- ing your father's occupation. Plan uracturar's Agency (Jo., Tnron to, Olkt, net the message thy heart yearns to. hear ? irl'ossed and troubled, Wed and temptd, -worn by sickness, bowe4 down by grief, to weak aucl weary to struggle any more, lift up thy head See thy God coming with -heeling in his beams baba topour into thy Ineedieg wounds; eouga for thy Stgliin,„0'. - What is thy distress'? Is it past sin .that rises up before thee as a east -Mann. fain3 Listen! "I. even I. 4111. He that blottetli out thy transgressions for mine owu sake, awl will not remember thy sins," Is it present fallinAbaek into mu that thou dreadest i Mere 's it word tor -thee! "lie will keep the feet ef saints." Is it some secret heart -break which none but thy God May know ? 4•44,s one whom his reother comforteth BQ Will 1 OOMflat you, and ye shalt be com- forted, Isit great bodily suffering whieh racks thy frame? Behold 1 1,1:bere is it city whose builder awl maker is God, where the inhabitant shall not say, I alh Mk," Truly, these are leaves from the tree of life, whichshall be it x the heeling of the people. . VosS, , The propr.eturs of Pattintave's Pills are constantly teiteiving loiters similar to the eNplains itself. Mr. John A. ileme, Waterato. Ont., writes; 41 never usedany rotitiete that ran equal Permeieee Pills for Despepele er Liver auti K14lney Voinpleue. Tbe 'relief ex- perienced after te"iiii1„: aiteut Witti till." Am a safe family medicine Penne- lee's Veeetable Pills can be giveu iu ale cases requiring it Cathartic, Maxim., him Clerks. when yen itti, ae;..stonter, look hint squarely in the ittee. s4elling tgotals is something like malting it speveh. Both depend on how you begin 'and end. "Diligence is the mistress of success." Careless clerks are etTiAill Le be ras,eti by thoy,o who apply themselves to their dutiee and allow no opportunity to slip. "A good word is as viten said its an ill asic. Xs itoes not tal,eany loniero treat A customer politely thee it would rudely, and it pays Inuell letter in the long run. "An hour in the seeming is worth two in the afternoon" have the routime work In your stock out of thu way before trade commences or you will be behind n11 day. "Depend. not on fortune, but on con- duct" Deutz wait for something to turn up by whicis you may gain an easy position and good. salary. Work e our way up; it's bawler, but suren-Retall Clerks' Gazette. Minard's Liniment Cures Garget in Cows, what They rierew Btuiting-You often hear of self-made men, but never of self-made women. Larkin -Women prefer to be tailor- made. A Life Saved. -Mr. James Bryson, Cameron, states: "I was confined to rny bed with Inflammation of the lungs, and was given up by the physicians. A neigh- bor Advised me to try Dr. Thomas' Eclec- tric Oil, stating that his wife had used it for a throat trouble with the best results. Acting on his advice, I procured the medi- cine, and less than a half bottle cured me; I certainly believe it saved my life. It was with reluctance that I consented to it trial, as I was reduced to such a state that I doubted the power of any remedy to do me any good." Frances Es Willard We are handling the (authorized) Memorial Life of this wonderful Woman. It is the only official book -beautifully gotten up and cheap. 'Without doubt will have an enormous sale. A Klondyke for agents. Write homed- iately. .7. L. NICFIOLS &I CO., Cut this out. ss Richmond West, Toronto. PATENT BARRISTERS. (SEARLES H. RICHES -SUCCESSOR TO N -J Donald C. Eldout 8; Co., vegistered patent attorney, solicitor of Canadian and foreign patents and counsellor and expert in patent causes; Canada Life Building, Toronto; books on patents and trade marks- free on applica- tion. 166. Wguarantee •higbest qual- ity and best work- manshtp. See the name on every handle. Chas. Boeokh & Sons Mfrs. Toronto. ASK YOUR DEALER BEST OIL Made in Canada. Goodas the Am - lean 'Water White. THIS BRAND IS DENIJINE FOR SARNIA OIL. T. N. IT. 160 Way to spend a winter is to attend el. .Northern Busli iici2 College, Owen Sound, Ont. All who would Illos success in life should prepare for it Send for Annual • Annpvulceraenr..F.-ae. • C. A. Meiningt‘Prindettl.