The Exeter Advocate, 1898-4-1, Page 5w , THE eze#er tate, Is published every Thursday Morning, at the Office, MAIN -STREET, — EXETER. ---By the---• ADVOCATE PUBLISHING COMPANY TERMS OF SUk3SCEIP'TI01e, One Dollar per annum if paid in Advance $1,50 if notso pais, adaontaesaslg atoss oaz •Zy101:=acts. Ne paperalSeentinued until all arrearuPell are paid. Advertisements without seeo7fic direothons will be published till forbid and eharged a000rdingiy. Liberal discount made for transoient advertisements, inserted for tong periods. Every description of 4:0APAINTING turned' ontin the finest style, and at moderate rates. Oheques,moneyord- eve, &o, for advertising, subsoriptioua,ota.t0, be made parable to Chas.11.. Sanders, EDITOR Bain PROP IProton.Bi ona1 Cards;. ie. KIYSMAN. L. D, S. & D L A. R. NS $I S1L+114, DD. D. D. 5. 110710r graduate of Toronto' 1) University. DENTISTS, Teeth oxtrected withont tiny pain, or any bad effects. Office ine, on a3Doc Block, westt aide Mein Street, Exetr. $.D. ALTO:` ANDER5ON,(D,D,$.,TsI),S,.) honors Graduate of the Toronto G*rti- itv and Royal e� of Dental Surgeons re o College of Ontario. Teeth extracted without pFa��in.. AU modes of Dentistry up to date. Mee over Elliot Zs EWoVa law othee—opposite Central Hotel—Exeter. Medical rs, T A, ROTI:IES & T A. AUOS. Roaidonsola.. same as £armerlr OFFICES, spite kismet, building. Main 9t Dr, Rollins' office: sane as formerly—north dear. Dr. Amos' office, same buiid%pg—south doar. ist. I$9 May t a J. A $odlins, M. D. T..A. Antos.t : ALP 'i R.T,1'. Itfirl.AIHAI,IN. MEMBER OF .1.1 the Collegoo£Physicians andtsargeons ane a Office ltfasb ro Surgeon Rand Auaouoh- Legal• R R. CrOLLIES, BA RRISTER,SOLI0IT. .Lb. OR, Couveyancer. teenier Pablie. Office—Over O'Neil'a Bank, Exoter,Ontaria. genet, to Loan. 'IQttlCKSo O.11RRIS ERSOLICITOR, .k.4• Supreme Court. , tarn Fublia,Qou- !syanoer. Comuaissioner, lice, Raney to lean OfFeeae--Fanson'a Block, Exeter AUFai.TOT & (df.AAMA . BARRiSTERS, F.to.. Conveyancer*, and Honey to Loan at 5 finr15,p Ter Cent. E. V.1 Utter. Ia. W. O14r5tAN. Auctioneers •� 81io1YN, Winehetsea. I.lceosed Auot- .i.3.. lancer for the Cot:meiee of Porth and ltaiddleanx, oleo for the toweehlp of t'sborne Holes promptly aattoudod toaaud terms rax. eonhsiih,8ale71arranged et LostOleo. Win- llrhailtranrr L'< IZ LLIOT, L:f Insurance Agent. Main St. Exeter WANTED, IIELP. Reliable man in every locality, local or travelling, to inteadnee a now,ir,eovorvand keep our sh owcarim tar-keit upontree a,eewes anti bridges throughout town and country. steady employment, commission or salary. get prrr month an: exltnnt,t s and mono,' ele- posited in anti bank when started. For par- tloulari write rias World Medical Electric Co„" Landon. flat .0atuada. -: 03 THE N131310 d': I1.1.RZtISON Rosiness and Shorthand College Car. Young and College Sts., Toronto is an absolutely lirat-class Business School Individualinutruotion bvexperienced teach- ers holding highest qualifications. Good re, su.Its. I'rospeatna mailed free. better now. R.0.'Mame 1.N.P $. Jas, Ilarrlson 'Undergraduate of Unverrss tine s. ''fi're. A''cr. 'Wad's Thoap'hodino, The Great .Engdfih Remedy. Sold and recommended by all drugglats in Canada. Only reli- able medicine discovered. Six packages guaranteed to enre all fo-Sms of Sexual Weakness, all effects of abuse or excess, Mental 'Worry. Excessive use of To- bacco, Opium or Stimulants. Mailed on receipt of price, one package Si, six, M. One will Awe, six tufa cure. Pamphlets free to any address Tho Wood Compa=q, Windsor, ant" fix -Wood a Phosphodhne is sold in Exeter by J. W. Browing, druggist. .. FARMERS! , . You will find at Bisset's Warerooms the following line of Agricultural Implements : Deering Binders, Mowers, Roller and Bali Bearings, Steel Sulky Rakes. A full line of Seed Drills, Cultivators, Disc and Diamond Harrows, Plows, and Turnip Drills', SEWING MACHINES ETC. The celebrated Raymond sewing machince.... Knoll Washer and wringers. STOVES.. Gurney stoves and furnaces 1, W �a'� l na.. F0 .frjcp ,' N S. and The Chatham Wagon and a full line of the celebrated McLaughlin buggl s ADE ME A MAN AJAX TABLETS POSITIVELY CURE dLbNmmoats Disoasea—TailingMem- ory, Impotency, Sleeplessness, eto, canoed by Abuse dr other Excesses and Indis- cretions` They uickly and *treat, restore Lost Vitality in old or young. and fit a man for study, business or marriage. Prevent Insanity and Consumption if t onint rite. ••TheirIMO 'shows immediate improve. meat and effects a Gnat where all other fail •In. Mid upon 1111,411U the genuine Mex' Tablets. They have ome thousands ill cureyou. tiVe ea d t nd a an a Weave in s p itiy ver written guarantee h to effect's cue or C y each c t money.V� �.. Sr h neo or refunds (r• Price. per Package; lora cis appes (full treatment) 02 for is $2.60. ' ar, mail, ra Dp laicn�wrdp2pAr�,r rmiznJ;sraiPt of price. Tcnlar Lree. AJAX Krid' x. O ®•'' 7 Classes: 10, •a5. C6le..,.[It• Sold In 'Exeter by C. Lutz, Druggist' EXETER MARKETS. (Qhanged every Wertnesday) Wheat per bushel $O 85 to 88 BarlOats 28 28 to S0 s Peas 55 to G5 BuEggs8. 14 t9 188. Potatoes perbeg 75 to Sd Hay per ton lee to 8.00 Dried Apples per ib 5 Turkeys 7 Ducks Geese ....... 6 Chick Wools pee lb. , i5 All Wo l WEE Should Read This interesting Letter—"I was Nervous and Weak." Life Changed from Misery to Joy by Hood's Sarsaparilla. The terrible trials of; the +;e gentler. sett" are beyond description, How Hood's ti arsnparilla is adapted foi'them and how it restores health and helps over the hard plaees, is well illustrated by Mrs. Place's letter. sc C.I. flood 1 Co, bowel Mass.: "Dear Sirs:—In early We I attffered ranchfrom c.t xctroubles sono hade spent t a l� great deal of money in doctoring, Ire* ceivedm temporary relief only to have a re- turn t ofs .urnRace sthe lac end d for . a h # aye years lite has been mode inieeraablo 1>ay constant illness. During this period utero have been six months that I was not oft m bed and r u 1s' Y o one year . t,f; red , � e most severely. I wcs Nervous and Weak and life seemed a burden. It happened that my husband bought a battle of Hood's Sarsaparilla and 1 compieeced to take it in small doses. Ina sitort Gime it wee evident that it wale lteiping 1112. in two weeks I felt that I was being greatly oouotited. About this time our youngest eon, then 15 years of age, was taken down with. typhoid fever. Ile passed on to his relvahrd, and soon others of the family were taken ill, until I was the only one left to care for them, I continued taking' Hood'ls$arsaparilla, end to the surprise of myself and all the neighbors,' not only kept upend tacit Bare of the oleic, but my Health: Continued to improve. Por nearly threo months this siege et typhoid fever held the family down. MI this Uwe, as by a miracle, my health kept up and I grave strong. At preseut I mu feeling well and know that the bene* Zit derived from hood's Sarsaphrifla. is permanent. Other merbera of the house - bold have. since taken Flood's SerIaparfila and hood's Pins with good effect." Mas. REBECCA P.r Reis, N. Sixth St,, Goshen,lnd, Salrsa- w � S parlIIa Is the Ilest--in feet the Ono True Mod Purifier. Insist upon IfoOn's; take no substitute. are prompt, efficient and Hood's Pills easylueaeet. «,cents. In buying csecottornx lee extraraarawce,"because tbo cost otcultiyatlon wasted on Wieder seeds alwaya lat7,•ely exceed* the original coat of the best and dearest needs to be had. The best 1 always the cheapest, Pay a trine more for FERRY'S SEEDS and ahwaya get your money's worth. Five cents per paper everywhere. Always the best, seer! Annual fres, O.ka.FERRY& CO.,Windsor,Ont, S. Mara•:; : On Wednesday forenoon two aceido its occurred at the lfaxtcell works `Phomas Smith, while working at the vice hammering some bolts, the hammer lnissed the bolt and struck one of the fingers of the left hand, tak ing the nail off, which makes it a pain ful bat not serious injury. Thomas Lancaster was putting together a disc harrow, and was using a wrench tight- ening a bolt with his body leaning against a lever of the harrow, whit:h caused it to turn, throwing him for ward, and, putting out his left hand t, save himself from falling over, ton palm of the hand came on the shad disc, cutting. a very deep gash acro the hand. Dr. Smith put in severs stitches and dressed the wound. 1'e e accidents have necessitated both lay. ing off work for a time. ell ren that are. not very robust need a warming, building and fat -forming food—something to be used for twc or three months in the fall -that they may not suffer from cold. SCOTT'S O lsy T'S EM LSI t, of Cod -Liver Oil with Hypophos phites of Lime and Soda supplies exactly what they want. T'he3 will thrive, growstrongand be well all winter on this splendid foot: tonic. Neatly all of them become' very fond of it. For adults who are not very strong, ' a course of 'treatment with the Emulsioncouple of month's inthe fall will -•put them through rou h t h a g winter in first-class con- dition. Ask your doctor about this. Be sure,' you get, SCOTT'S Emulsion. See that the wan and fish are on. the wrapper. All druggists ;,5oc. and $x.00. SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists Toronto: SPAIN NOW DEFIANT. WILL DEAL WITH THE REPORTS. A$ HONOR 'DICTATES. Her Ministers Believe That They Rave Reached as a Government the Extreme I.iw t of Concession Compatible with s 3it4n.or-,-•$104iation Will Be Difficult. Washington, March 29,—Tho galleries and corridor' of o were c a theSuse w roweled yesterday when the repeat of the Maine Court of Inquiry was handed in. Message rrem the erestdent. The repine of the Court of Inquiry was accompanied by at message from President McKinlay, addressed to Congress. The rnessago concludes as follows: "I have directed that the findings of the Overt .of Inquiry and the views of this Government thereon he communicated to theo ern G v wont of Her :Majesty the queen -Regent and I do not permit myself to doubt that the sense of justice of the Spanish nation will dictate a course of Action suggested; by boner and the friend- ly relations of tbo two Governmenss "It will be the duty of the exeeutive to advise the Oongress of the result, and in the rneentiree deliberate consideration i vo eel. William , stn k (Signed), til, l tour AIo#�inleg, Petit Referred. Bo in Both rhou. andt Flo o Senate the re- port of the Maine Court of Inquiry and the President's accompanying niesIago were referred to the Cauuultree on For eign Atl'aira without debate or comment of any kind. The Rouse imruedietely ad. ,journe . London, Marclh ,'9..7 ha Madrid cor- respondent at the Standard SKI'S: "1 auk able to state that the i_ollowing is the a courseo got to 1 t the n t^ ►.tttons: Daring the past weak, on Wednesday, United States minister Woodford had an ollieiai interview with the Ministers of Foreign Aff;tira and the Colonlee, Severs Gallon and Moret, et the private residence of the fernier. It lasted two hours. General Woodford left with them 411 official note, explaining fully the views and intentions of the American Govrnmeut. "In this document no sonunentary intimation was tuade nor any date fixed, tut it was clearly and finally dated that the United States Government could not longer withhold front Congreee the eor. respondeneo and Consular reports, which not only put in fall light the condition of the distressed rural population of Cube, he inadequate relief and the persistence of the disaffection, but also slimed that the new colonial policy and other effort, of Spain had not produced the rosulta that would justify holding out the pros• pert of early pacification, "Consequently the American note lays stress upon the faet that eontingenrles are now fast approaching for the melon which was foreshadowed In Presidential Inessagee and diplomatic correspondence so frequently and eltarly during the hast three years. "The ,American note and the language of General Woodford in his conterenees with Senor Gallon leave no doubt that it Is the Intention of the Washington Gov - cement to net very soon, beginning with the communientlon of the above doeu- ntonts and the Maine report to Congress, and sending relief officially to the Ws - tressed Cubans. "On Friday," continues the correspond- ent, "General Woodford bad by appoint merit another official interview with Senor Gullon, in which be received the anklet reply of the Spintlsh Government to the American memorandum of March 23. The Spanish reply, couched in firm language, says that the Spanish Govern- ment cannot agree with the conclusions tho American Government has drawn from inaccurate information that does not tally with the recent aotivity and progress of the military operations in Cuba, and the visible popularity and pro - gross of the new colonial institutions which have been loyally accepted and are supported by even the old adversaries of home rule in the colony. "'Spain,' the reply continues, 'cannot naturally admit the interference whioh is foreshadowed in the American nota, and deprecates the sending of official relief and war vessels to Cuba us being the very elements that havo retarded the paelflca- tion of the colony. Spain retninds the American Government of all tho conces- sions she has made to preserve peaceful relations and to conciliate the United states, the last proof being her willing - zees to submit tho conflicting commis- ': itch report's as to the Maine to arbitra• time' • -In conclusion, the Spanish reply shows that the Government believes it has reached the extreme limit of conces• sion oornpatible with the honor and dignity of Spain, and will not admit en- croachments on her rights of sovereignty in the west." alMediation Will lie Difficult. Madrid, March ii.—The Impartial and the Liberal to -day agree in saying that the mediation of the European powers will bo difficult, In vio•ly of the crisis in the far East, adding: "Anyway, Spain is able herself to resent insults and repudi • ate unjust pretensions." Spain Owes the U. S. Reparation London, March 29.—The St. Joules' Gazette, commenting_ yesterday afternoon on the report of the United States Naval Court of Inquiry into the loss of the bat- tleship Maine, says: "There can be no doubt Spain owes reparation to the American Government, to say nothing of the most humble apologies and the most extreme considerations for tho feelings of the nation which has lost a fine cruiser, lying in peace In a presumably friendly harbor. The outlook Is as threatening as could be, but Spain is in the wrong, and *is is for Spain to walk warily." The Sailboat, Overturned. Chosley, Ont., March 29.—Yesterday` afternoon a young boy named -Same 1 Ralph McNeil, aged 15 years, a sou o; the Rev. William McNeil of this place, was drowned by the upsetting of a small . He and his companion, son sailboat. p , a o of. Mr. Joseph McNeil, manager of Elliott ria.• Co.'s bank, were out having a sail on Mr. Fensom's mill pond. There was a stronl7 wind blowing at the time and,; losing control of their sails,'' the boat was tinned ova: and both were thrown into the water.: 1Ii, companion succeeded in reaching the shore, but Samuel Ralph sank to his death, His body wasr eco orad about half an hourafterwards. after and . Arrested" for Stealing Cattle. Brantford, ' March 29.—Jaclr Bartram who figured in'the Ancestor Hyslop mur- der case, has been arrested and taken to Cayuga to answer a charge of cattle steal- ing. TIIE OTTAWA HOUSE, I A SYNOPSIS OF 'THE LEGISLATORS' WORK FOR THE PAST WEEK. ,.•,—ter,,.—. The Brnneau's Resignation Debate—Anti- Snnday Newspaper Elli Defeated — A Proposition to Bonus Farmers as an OR. petus to Producing Butter for Export. Ottawa, March 22,. --.Mr. M'arcotte brought up the question, of air, 13ru- neau's resignation, and, after receiving the facts, moved reset the Committee on Privileges and Elections should investi- gate whether or not Mr; Brunette was still a member of the Rouse, The Reese debated the question all day, and a divi- sion, a strict party one, was reached just before midnight, Mr. Marootte's motion being defeated an a vote of 39 to 79, Ottawa, March 23 --Mr. Fitzpatrick, Solieitor•Generai moved the second reed - leg of the bill to repeal the I Iectorel Franchise Act and amend the Electors' Act, and the debate occupied the 'Rouse until adjournment, Ottawa, March 24.—In the Flohhso,e . terday Mr. Reid (Conservative, Oren. villa offered ) r�d as resolution declaaring that the Government should take immediate steps to dosomething more to assist in the development of our butter trade, "and this Hou..z ., is of the opinion that the Goverrhament should place in the esti- mates for tIe present t aeAS io n an amo n t to be pale to the fanners direct, by way o£ a banes oaf oleo cent per pound, en a specified medley of our finest fresh eroatn- e butter ut ter to be exported to Great 134 - Min, wells fresh and in condition to secure a reputation for itself and estab- lisll a lasting demand, and, tbat this bonus be continued for tbreo consecutive years. The bonus to be inercesed at the discretion of the Government an butter madedo during the winter months. th s, ,All Stich batter to be subject to it rigid Gov. ernment inspection, "That this bonus be Maid to auly those farmers who will furnish for export regular supplies." The debate on this motion was ad- journed for the day at recess, after which Idr. }iaaelean endeavored to seeuro for the G.T.R. and O.P.It„ or any Government line, running rigbta over the Ontario and Rainy River road, Mr, Chariton Moved the third reading of his hill to prohibit the sale of any : unday llewspAper on any day of the week in Canada, A. spirit- ed debate, winch was not ended, took place, and the 'louse adjourned at 11 p.m. Ottawa, March 25,— 'he Rouse intau- garated the day's proceedings by giving the coup degraco to Mr.Ohariton's Anti. Senility Newspaper bill, It had bean knooked out in committee the night be- fore by a motion to rise. Such votes are not recorded, and Mr. Charlton deter- mined that a vote on his %immure should be taken, with Mr. Speaker in the chair, so that the .result might go on record. He accordingly moved to re-lnstato his bill on the order paper. The motion vas defeated by a vote of 6:0 to Uo, After routine, the delude on Mr. Raid's butter bonus motion was resumed, Mr. Suther- land moved au amendment expressing satisfaction et tho development of the ex- port butter tlmtdo owing to the Minister of Agriculture's encouragement of cold storage. , This, was catered by a vote of 31 to 18, and the House adjourned at mid- night. Ottawa, March 20.—Discussion at the opening of yesterday's proceedings upon the Government proposal to take Thurs- days elicited a statement of the Govern- inont's programme for next weak. Ac- cording to present aizangoments tho estirnates will ba brought down on Mon- day, and on. Friday the Finance Minis- ter will deliver his budget speech. There- after the budget will proceed from day to day until concluded. The Steamboat inspection Aet amend- ment hill was amended in the matter of not permitting inspectors of steamboats to engage in other pursuits and read a third time and passed. Mr. Mills (Con., Annapolis, N.S.) re- newed tlio debate on the Franchise hill. At the evoning session private bills were considered for the first hour. Dr. Sproule took occasion, on the Ontario and Rainy River bill, to once more emphasize the importance of running powers being granted to all railways over this road, so as to prevent the C.P.R. from acquir- ing a monopoly. The debate on the second reading of the franchise Act was resumed by Mr. McNeill. Messrs. MuCluro, Rocha, Heyd, Rutherford and Moore also took part in the discussion. Mr. Bourassa moved the adjournment of the debate; and the House adjourned at 11.30. A Very Serious F.iro, Magnotawan, Ont., March 28.—St. .john's Rectory, barn andstablos atNorth Seguin were totally destroyed by fire Saturday at 0 p.m. Tho fire originated from a stovepipe in the attic, and in half an hour the house was burned to the ground. Little or nothing • was saved. Two hundred volumes of a valuable lib- rary were destroyed. Total loss About $2,000:. no. insurance. Tho reptor, Rev. A. J. Cobb. and his wife were seriously injured. On going upstairs Mrs. Cobb found the little three- . year-old boy in flames, and in trying to rescue the child was severely_ burned about the bead, face and hands,, and be- ing overcome by the smoke fell down- stairs, receiving a severe scalp wound. about five inches long, which required a number of stitches. The child was badly burned about the head,, hands and. body. Mr. Cobb was also overcomeby the smoke and fell downstairs, severely injuring his back. His family were taken to Mr. Vickers' house near by, and the wounds carefully dressed by' Dr. Freeborn of this place, who was sent for .at once, and who' thinks their injuries, though voryserious, will not prow fatal Toronto Girl Shot in British Columbia. Victoria, B C:; March 25.—Miss Maude Robinson, a Toronto young lady, was accidentally shot in the leg by John Skene at Revelstoke... The bullet entered at the ankle and inflicted such a danger- ous that ons wound.the foot, had to be ampu- tated. Miss Robinson is very seriously ill as a result of the shook and loss of blood, and the :doctors express doubts as to her recovery. Mr.Skene is distracted with grief. Deaths the Plague. u From is e. it Bombay. March 25. -There were 1,259 deaths. from the plague during the past week. ;Four Europeans were among the �iotima. Sloan's Indian Tonic Cures Etysipelas, Scrofula. Salt Rheum Eczema. and all other eruptive Skin Diseases. A marvellous cure for Erysipelas, by Sloan's Indian Tonic, in Lembton County, Mrs, J. j'; 1'orter, of Cerunna,. writes: I received the medicine ail right and ant Rauch obliged for it. l bad Erysipelas every summer for live tear$, sometimes so, bad my face,erms and body would swell to an enormous size and my eyes stould be shut for days at a tame. I tried two doctor but they did me net good, and 1 even went tor change of climate, but all to no avail, until 1 got your TONIC. After taking I bottle the stvel.ing ceased ani I improved every day and am now extirely cured. Price $1, 6 for $5. All dealers or address THE SLOAN MEDICINE COMPANY, HAMILTONI LIMITED. FISH AND GAME TAWS Fiish and Birder That May .or May Not Ire caught and When. The following summary of the pro- visions of the acts relating to fish and a in gain... the province wilt be ea-pecfaily interestingt i, .o sportatneli and residents gn morally at the present time: Bass—Open season, June, 26 to April 14 in following year. lst900 F:0170 i may not be killed till Nov. . Blackbirds maw be killed any time. Brook trout—Jan I to Sept. 15. Crows may be killed any time Deer ---pe season, Nov.O u I t0 :fOY.15 Dualzs—Open season, Sept. 1 to Deo. 15th, Killing of fish by firearms is prohib- ited, Fish may not be caught to use as manure, Every dam on a stream must bave a fish way. All game animals, not otherwise pro vttded, for may be killed from wept. 15 to Deo, 15. Geese—Open season, Sept 15 to May 1 Grouse—Open season, Sept. 15 to Dee, 15, Hares—Openn season, Sept. 15 to Dec 15. hawks may be killed any time, Lake trout—Open season, Dec. 1st to Oct. 15. Masklnooge—Open season, June 16 to April 14. Muskrat—Open season, Jan. 1 to May 1.. No muskrat may be shot in April. Otter—Open season, Nov. 1 to Aprill. Partridge—Open season, Sept. 15 to Dec. 15. May not be sold till Sept 15, 1900. Pheasants—Open season, Sept. 15 to Dee. 15, English and Mongolian pheasants may not be killed till Sept, 1 5, 1900. PIckerel (Dore)—Open season, May 16 to April 14. Plover—Open season, Sept, 15 to Dec. 15, liilliu; auy animal by poison is pro. hibited, Prairie fowl at.d quail may not be killed till Sept. 15, 1;700. Rabbits may be destroyed auy time. Rail—Open season, Sept. 15 to Dee. 15. River trout—Open season, Jan. 1 to Sept, 15, Sable—No close season. Salmon—Open season, May 1 to July '31. Salmon trout—Open season, Dec. 1 to Oct, 81. Snipe—May not be sold till Sept. 15, 1900. Sparrow ()rugitsh)—may be killed any time, Speckled trout—Open season, May 2 to S. Squeptirre14ls (black and gray)—Open season, Sept. 15 to Dec. 15, Sunday hunting and fishing are pro - THE PALACE l� URi1tNE 110T om4 1 C A man must consider his purchase well these times; be must buy 'where be eau do the hest. Look at some of these figures: Pants made to order, all wool heavy breeds 82.00 Suits 9,80 Overcoats 88.08 Black Worsted suits a spec- ial, $12.00 Our 820 black beat all others at 823. Come and see for yourself. JAMES Ii. GRIEVE B.tolyces ! Bicycles!! Bioyles 1 1 Bicycle Pleasure. Are you seeking Bicycle pleasure if so, you should seek first a good wheel. We can furnish you any of the best wheels made, at lowest prices Musical. 1 Do you want anything in the hibited. 1. Swans—Open season, Sept. 15 to May No game bird or waterfowl may be killed half an hour after sunset or half an hour before sunrise. Turkeys (wild)—May not be killed or sold till Oct. 15, 1900. Waterfowl—Open season, Sept. 15 to Dec. 15. Whitefish—Open season, Dec. 1 to Oct. 81. Wolves—Ten dollars bounty will be paid by any county treasurer for the head of a wolf killed within the county. Woodcock—May not be sold till Oct. 15, 1900, Youug of any fish may not be. caught. sold or bad in possession. Young of any bird may not be caught, except of hawks, crows, black- birds and English sparrows. S. GIDLEY & SON. HINTS FOR XMAS AND NEW YEAR'S GIFTS. This season we have surpassed our- selves in making and eatbering together Choice Oddments In Wane), 16 urniture suitable for. presentation. The asscrement is now complete and everybody is invited to view our Stock if only for the sake of seeing what very reasonable prices Choice Furniture can be purchased for. SPECIAL We with to call' special attention to a line of Very Handsome DEO 1t00Ae SETTS in Enet, OAK, and Asn Alis Qus M Nw nes and: CRIt 0 fl h.All are t xx ex refiiel v tasteful in design and the prices are mnclt lower than it'has heretofore been possible to quote fur similar goods. ROCKING CHAIRS. In FOREST GREEN, ANTIQUE•. OAS, CURLY BIRCH, and MAnoa01Y %'finish, from SSZ.40 up, FANCY Y RLE , AN TABLES. A 4 A magnificent line bought at a'sacri- fice and 'marked at correspondingly' low prices. Centre Tables, Fancy Chairs, Sec. rotaries, Lounges, Fancy .hookers,Mesio Racks Conches, Extension Tables,Pictcire btoaldeings ,.Curtain Polna, Artists'' Mater- iale, Etc Etc.. Ete. NDF,RTAICIN tJ l;} and EMBALMING IN ALL 1Tt BRANCHES . . S. Gidley & Son. ee ar. musical line. Wo have a choice lot of Playas •and organs, tall and in epee them before buying elsewhere A full stock Of sewing machines, baby oar riages, etc. etc. Perkins & Marlin. CE THE 1RhL Dee STORE. Try WINAN'S COUGH' BALSAM for Coughs, Colas and Bronchial trouble in old or young. We iPlauufaeture— WINER'S LINAMENT which is 'an excellent remedy for Cramps, Pains, Neuralgia, Sore Throat and Influenza. The 01d Reliable, Winan's Con- dition Powders, • ' still holds fist place in the market. 'Also Lotion for scrateh-s on horses and Condition Powder for sante,' SOLE AGENTS FOR DIX LUNG SYRUP. C_ LUTZDRIIGCI '�. S FOR TWENTY-SEVEN YE ;Fl,. DUNNS EAKINC POWDER THECOOK'S BEST FRIEND LARGEST SALE IN CANAO,..