HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1898-3-25, Page 5Set THE Is published every Thursday Morning, eat the Office, MAIN -STREET, - EetETER, -By the --- ADVOCATE PUBLISHING COMPANY - TERMS OF SUI3SORIP.PIOL One Dollar per eunum if paid in Advance 61.50 it not so paid, 3.asre t2.02- .0 atas PAZ .4..ppl:ca„ lice=. No paper discontinued. until ell erre arage s pve paid• Advertisements without specific direotrons will be published till forbad and ehargedaeeordingly. Liberal disoountmade for transelent advertisements inserted for tang periods. Every description of d'OB eRINTIN(al turned out in the finest style, and at moderate rates. Chess nes, money ora- ars, &:o. for advertising, subsoriptions,etc ,to been ado payable to ll as.IL Sanders, - EDITOR Axa PROP' Prefessifonal Cards, H EINCM .N, D.D.S. & I)R. A. R. KINSMAN, I. E. S., D. I), S. honor „ a n z d oto of Toronto I; nivorsit , Y DENTISTS, Teeth extracted without any pain, or any tied effects, Offiee in Fanson'a Block, west side Mira Street, ]!:ester. DR,D. ALTO A NDFRSON,(P.D.S L.D.S.i,) honors Graduate f the Toronto . n L rcitv and Ro al College fi eata Surgeons onS of Ontario, Teeth extracted without. pain. All modes of Dentistry up to date. Office over Elliot & RIliot's law office -opposite tlentral Ho tel-Fxeter, fie'dfeal tt yrs. T A. ROT,LTNS � .'s A. ,�litOS. Y Residences, same as formerly OFPiCES,Spaokman,. building, Main St, Dr, Rollins' office; senao as formerly -north deer. Ar. Amos' office, same building --south Booz, )stag ist. 1893 .TTA Rollins,'t[. D. T. A. .Amos. M. D D$.T. P.-'lfcl,ACUGIILIY, MEIi(13itle OP i r the College of.Pltvsieiansand Surgeons Ontario. &hvsieie,n, Surgeon Ulla Me011,0le- our. Office, Dashwood, Ont. legal, RIL COLLETS, BARRISTEE,SOLICIT OR, Oenveyancer, Notary Public. O oe--Over O'Neil's Bank, Exeter, Ontario. I[oney to Loan. TT R.DICKSOI(,11,1,RRISTFit,SCL,ICITOR, A.1. of SuppremeCu rt, Notary Pnblio, Con- eeyanaer, Commiasionor, &e.lifoney to loan tittles--Facasou's Block,F',xetor 1LLIOT & (iliA.DMAN. BARRISTERS, Fte., Conveyancers. and Stoney to Lean at 5 and 5}i per cent. 8. V. Exis.iur. is', W. GLA MAN. Auetioueer LLBROW?), Wtneliet.ea. Licensed Aatat- . ionoor tor the Counties of Perth sand Middlesex, also for the township ofUsborno /slaw promptly attended teazel terms roe- eenbalo,Sales arranged. at Post office. Win - Insurance. EELLIOT, Insuraixeo Agent, )),Iain St. Exeter WANTED, IIELP. • Reliable xnau in every locality, local or travelling, to introduce a new disoovery and sop our show cards tacked up on trees, fences and bridges throughout town and country. Steady employment, cum mission or salary, $85 per month and expenses, and inanely de- posited it any hank when satserted. For p r- toulara write ,a`rim world Mediae', Iaootrie too,,London, Ont, Canada. 2-2 95 TAILORING CHEAP S` AND NOBBY. "i The Hang -dog Expression" looks of a " ready made,"" hand- me-down " aud-me-down" suit of clothes is enough to disgust the Prince of Slovens, NO FIT, NO STYLE, .NO GOOD. 3 ?�S A tailor-made suit, cut. made and fitted to the contour of your form is certain to look right. AND WEARS- - Parts of machinery which accurately fits withstand se- vere service and parts that do not fit wear out quickest. Same with clothes. Choose your cloth and we do the rest. Prices small as stitches. Bert. Knight. If You Want e BEEF, VEAL, LAMB, PORK, SAUS- AGE, OR BOLOGNA Call at the Family Butcher Shop. LOWEST CASA PRICES. One poor South of OENTRAL HOTEL, LOUIS DAY Also Dealer in HidesSheep and CAIS burins,. MADE. `ME.A MAN. AJAX TABLES POSITIVELYCl7RE. ALL2vesvo2i5 diseases -)''ailing Mem.. ory, Impotency, Sloerileseness, etc. caused by Abuse or other Excesses and Indis- cretions. Mop quickly and Aaereeu restore Lost Vitality in old or young. and fit a man for study, business or marriage. Prevent Insanity and Congnmption if "a;d enintime. Their use showsimmediate improve- ment end effects a (men where all other fail I i- aveoutodthouea d andntiilcureyou Wo give a hos- pos- itive written guarantee to effect a cure A Te 1 in each case or .refund tho money.. Price - eloper package; or; six Oozes (full treatment) For. $2.60. Er mail, in lain wrapper. anon receipt of �prico. Circular rree.5 notirLora 56,, AJAX II'4' CO.,CQ Cpiu,.a RIP 4" in Exeter' by C. Luta, 1)ruggist EXETER MARKETS. (Changed every Wednesday) Wheat per bushel Barley Cats Pests Butter $0 85 to 85 32 to 40 08 to 30 55 to65 14 to 15 Pots i2 atoes perbag 95 to 85 1Tay per ton tooth 8.00 Dried Applesper ib 5 'turkeys q Ducks 8 Crease ....... 5 °Woken Wool per lb, 5 15 "How w Id She Burn Her Face That Was What People Asked About Our Daughter Dreadful Itching, Burning Erup- tions Cured Smooth, Soft, White Skin Now. "0.1. Hood res Co. Lowell, Maes: " Gentlemen; Our little daughter is now #+seer year's old. When she was about three months old, she had eruptions on her face which h er e very disagreeable, gxeeable, and l tahod a ,.o much, especially at night, that It made her trouble a great deal worse. I was obliged to ]seep her hands tied at .night and it watt necessary to watch her during the day. She would aerateh herself when- ever she had the chance, until her clothes Would Ba hovered with Blood.. We had a greet many doctors to see her, out they did not ;help her in the 'teat, It was a terrible task to care for her. When we took her away from home, people would ask, 'IOW oW did that child burn her facet' She was completely covered with soaba for a long time. She suffered every- thing. At last we concluded to try Hood's Sarsaparilla, because I had great faith in. It, and after awhile we could sec that she was getting better. People said she would certainly be left with sears on her face, but she was 11ot, It is now a year since she was cured by flood's Sarsaparilla, and her face is as Smooth and White and Soft as that of any child. I believe Hood's Sarsaparilla to be the best family medi- cine that can be obtained. I take it my - 541 for headache and that tired feeling, and I have found nothing to equal it. One yecaliarity about flood's Sarsaparilla is that it is pleasant to take and it is no trouble to induce children to take it. The doctors pronounced my little girl's disease to bo eoaema, er salt rheum." )flits. Wxrnlru Waxes, Warren, Connecticut. N. B. Do net bo induced to bay any substitute. Be sure to got Hood's Sarsaparilla Telest-]n (wattle) One True Blood ratifier. Sold by all druggists. 513 six for $5. Duro Liver Itis•; eaisy to Hood's Pills take, easy to operate. '215o. Cook's Cotton Soot Compound Is snecessfally used molrthly br Oyer 10,000Ladies. Safe, effectual. Ladies ask your druggist for C..k'e Cotton Reef Cue - Taken.) other, as all Mixtures, pills and imitations aro dangerous. Price, No. 1, el per box, No, 21,10 degrees stronger, $E per box. No. 1 or 2, mailed en receipt of price and two 8 -cent stamps The Cook Company Windsor, Ont. responsible and 2 sold ane: recommended by all Druggists in Canada. No 1 and No 2 sold in Exeter by d'. W Browning, Druggist. Burned While Lighting a Fire. Belleville, March 22.-A shocking ac- cident occurred to Miss Jane, daughter of Mr. William Lewis, of the 5th con cession of Thurlow. While lighting the fire her dress became ignited, and before help came she was badly burned about the body and limbs. It is hoped that her injuries may net prove fatal, although they are very serious. A Bicyclist's Fate. Brantford. Ont., March 22.-W. F. Allen, foreman of the fire department is dead. Deceased was out on his wheel on Tuesday, and when coming down Brant avenue the seat broke. ile was tbrown violently to the ground, receiv- ing severe injuries. He proceeded to the fire hall, but on Wednesday he had to go home, and it was supposed he was doing well, until Sunday forenoon, when he became worse, and died at noon. at is ties uNon? It is a strengthening food and tonic, remarkable in its flesh -form- ing properties. It contains Cod- I,iver Oil emulsified or partially digested, combined with the well- 1-enown and highly prized, Hypo- phospliites of Lime and Soda, so that their potency is materially increased. 1.`'d' ltl a'hi P.1 WM® it It will arrest loss of flesh and restore to a normal condition the infant, the child and the adult. It will enrich the blood of the .anemic; will stop the cough, heal the irrita- tion of the throat and lungs, and cure incipient consumption. • We inafce this 'sta,tefnent because the experience of twenty-five years has proven it in tens of thousands of cases. Be surey ou get SCOTT'S Emulsion. or. and $1.00, all druggists..: SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists, Toronto. NATIONAL HIGHWAY IMPORTANCE OF THE QUESTION NOT TO BE OVERRATED. Board of Railway Commisaioners Wanted With Full Power to Referee the Pro- visions of the Railway Act in the In- .terests of the Public, Ottaws, March 15. --In the House. yes- terday, Mr. Jameson moved; "That the. i t pub) a interest demands that the railway companies Canada an• d es f Pa o a should, at the earlI,° est possible moment, be brought under the control of a Board of Railway Com- missioners clothed with full power to en- force the provisions of the Railway Art and to prescribe aud enforce the observ- ance of such regulations as may be necessary in the public interests," He said that there was no proper trib- unal in Canada to enforce the provisions of the Railway Act. New Zealand, Aus- tralia and the United States each had a Railway x v y C n o emission, and the Minnesota Ac commended1 t itself to Mr. Jameson. Itprovided that the Commissioners, upon complaint of auy person by telegram, in- vestigated the matter informally, and if the ooaeplaint proved to bo well founded the railway company was notified and a datee o fix d for a hearing.r I e cease of de- fault of theoI c p n R to make restitution the fact was reported to the Attorney- Genex;el of the State, to impose a penalty, Ass t a general r leu the, railway company promptly rectified the grievauee rather than face the courts. Be believed that one Commnisslon, ,acting thus as a Board of Arbitration, would serve for the whole laomiuiau. Mr, 1114oloan said he believed this was the greatest issue we have before us In this country today, Be advocated the extension of our present maenad railway system to the City of Winnipeg. ,After dealing with the cost of such a Railway Commission, Mr. Maclean staid another thing we coin do in regard to railway transportation is to lay down the principle that Canada is to take a stand for the nationalization of her railways.. Mr. Blair resumed this discussion after recess, Ho said the inaportaneo of this question could not be overrated. Tho transportation question was one at the largest questions with which Parliament could deal and he would hall; with de- light any scheme whlohwould amelior- ate the grievances of which the people of Canada complained, But this question was not susceptible of easy tre:atmel.t,. He sympathized in the view diet we should have a national highway. Be lo- itered it was a radical error on the part of the Government of that day, and he was not reflecting upon phew because public opinion would not have sustained thew in taking this further step, when they allowed tho transcontinental rail- way to become the property of a private corpora€tion. Be believed the sound policy for the welfare of tho Dominion was that at any cost the country should have .caned that great highway. Then they could have afforded to treat the people liberally, oven though it involved cost. He mowed the adjournment of the debate. The motion to adjourn the debate oar - AEI, and the House adournod at 0.40, Ottawa, March 10, -After routine the House at 4 o'clock got into committee on the Yukon Railway bill, Mr. Blair announced that, owing to objections raised during the debate, a supplemental contract had been entered into on the 2fith of February with Messrs. MoXenzie and Mann, embodying certain modifications. The bill was amended aecordingly in committee. Tho expropria- Ilex chauso was allowed to stand. Mr. Blair moved the addition of a clause declaring the said railway to be a work "for the general advantage of Can- ada." The bill to amend the Act respecting certificates to masters and mates was put through the final stages, so that to Sir Louis Davies belongs the credit of pilot- ing through the first bill passed this ses- •ion. The bill rospeoting Government wharves and breakwaters also passed, as was also his bill to consolidate the Aots respecting steamboat inspection and the licensing of engineers. At 11.30 the committee reported pro- gress and the House adjourned. Ottawa, March 17. -Tho Yukon Rail- way bill was sent merrily on its way to the Upper House yesterday afternoon. Ab the evening Session an old-timer was discussed in the shape of the Sunday Observance bill, prohibiting issue or sale of Sunday papers. Mr. Fisher introduced his bill to pro - toot Canada from the insect pest known as the San Jose scale. After discussion the bill was read a second and a third time and passed. Mr. Richardson (Liberal, Manitoba) brought to the attention of the Govern- ment evidence he had of the existence of a combine among the manufacturers of spades and shovels in Canada. Mr. Fielding promised that the matter would be given attention. The special orders of the day were then reached, the motion for the third reading of the Yukon Railway bill. Mr. Kaulbach, in a brief speech, placed himself on record as opposed to the bill. Mr. Quinn moved an amendment in place of section 8 of the bill. The amendment was lost. The bill then passed its third reading on division. At 11.25 p.m. the House adjourned. Ottawa, March 18. -The Speaker took the chair at 3 o'clock. • Mr. Parmelee, Liberal member for Shefford, introduced a bill "Toprohibit improper speculation in the sale of but- ter and cheese." It was aimed, he ex. plained, to suppress speculation of future makes of cheese, a practice which had grown up in .the past three or four years, with the result of demoralizing the Brit- ish market. Tho bill was read a first t]ino. Mr. Fortin introduced his insolvency bill, with tho observation that he.hacl' hoped such a bill would have been .pre- sented by the Government. The bill was tead a first time. A bill by Mr. Penny, to provide for the appointment of an inspector of fruit in Montreal, was also read a first time. The House having gone again into committee on Mr. Charlton's bill against Sunday newspapers, Dr: Montague moved that it should apply to "any :person who sells, or who employs or procures any person to sell, on a any day of the week, any paper, whether published in Canada or elsewhere,; issuing or purporting to bo issued on Sunday." The amendment was accepted, the bill was reported and stands for a third read- ing.; The House adjourned at;11.1 i p m, JUST BEFORK, THE I3ATTLE. DERVISHES ADVANCING iN STRONG FORCE. Angio-Exyptian. Army ,waiting Thein al • Atbara-Th. Viceroy of India to Resign -Irish Local Government Bill Passed Without a Division -Cable News, Atbara Cam p, Nubia, March 22, -The e Anglo Egyptian force is hourly expecting an attack. .During a false alarm at the. Huai fords last eveniug a shot was firedfrom some the whole British brigade stoodown twithAarer, ms at fixed bayonets. In the pitch dark a High- lander, rushing to the plaee, was impaled on a comrade's bayonet. The army marched yesterday six miles,. and is now awaiting the report of the patrols who are feeling for the dervish army. Ali Digna, brother of Osman Digna, has thrice Iic e at t11 1f ! q od the post at Adenoma, but therien f dly natives have each time defeated him, tailing in all 41. LORD ELGIN TO RESIGN. The Viceroy of India Will Quit -Lord George Hs )ton to5uccecHim. Loudon, March 22, -The Standard says it has reason to believe that the Earl of Elgin and Kincardine, Viceroy of India since 1803, desires to resign his post and that the Government Is considering the appointment of a new Viceroy. It was rumored last December th;1t he would soon resign and be succeeded by Lord George Hamilton, the present Secretary of State for India, PARCEL, POST. The Delay in the lattar True to the Slow- ness of Treslliny;tori i.aathoritles. London, March 22. -.--Replying in the Rouse of Commons yesterday to questions on the subject, the Financial Secretary of the Treasury, R. W. Banbury, said the delay in the establishment of a parcel post between Great Britain and the Uni- ted States was duo to the reluctance of the authorities at Wa:hiugton to inau- gurate suob a service, Negotiations had been proceedng since 1885, and there wore reasons to hope that au arrangomnene would be shortly reached, M1. Banbury said a conference on pastel rates within the British Empire would meet in June next. PASSED WITHOUT DIVISION, The Iri.h. Local. Government 11111 in the Imperial Parliament. London, March 22. -In the House of Commons yesterday the Irish Local. Gov- ernment bill passed a second reading without a division and amid loud. cheers. China ORlcially Denies It.. Pepin, March 22, -An oTeiat Chinese denial has been issued of the statements made by a special correspondent of the Shanghai Mercury at Kiu-Kiang on March 4, who alleged that the Viceroys of Nankin and Hu-I{uang and the Governor of Hunan had entered into a compact to direct the affairs of the entire. Yang -Tse - Kiang Walley`, dead its- adjoining terri- tories. 1t is added that the Emperor of China has »o higher confidence in any- one than in the Vioeroys of A'ankin and Hu-Kuang and the Governor ofHunan. Praire Greatly Interested. London, March 22. -The St. James' Gazette yesterday, commenting upon the mobilisation of the French fleet, suggests it, may be connected with the Spanish question, and says. "If the trouble bo- tweon Spain and the United States be- came acute, it would precipitate issues of great moment for France." Two People Dying', London, March 22. -James Payn, the Moralist and journalist, is dying. He was born at Rodney Lodge, Cheltenham, ell Feb. 28, 1830, and has boon constantly before the public as a writer of fiction for nearly 40 years. Miss Florence Si. John, the well- known actress, is dying. Duke of Talleyrand Dead. Berlin, March 22. -The Duke or Talley - rand and Sagan is dead. He was born in Paris in 1811. His second wifo was a daughter of the late Marshal Boniface, Count de Castellane. Death of Col. Dyer. London, March 22. -Col. Dyer, who was a representative of the employers (lur- ing the recent engineeers' strike, a mem- ber of the Armstrong -Whitworth firm, is dead. Swedieh Statesman and Poet Dead. Stockholm, March 22. -General Biorn- stierna, the former Minister of War, is dead. Karl Tavastierna, the poet, is dead. Heir to the House of Warwick. London, March 22. -Tire Countess of Warwick. (better known as Lady Brooke) has given birth to a son. MURDER CASE AT NELSON. - Doyle, Alias Sullivan, Has a True Bill Against Him and Peels Serious. Nelson, B.C.,March 22.-Theassizes opened here yesterday, Justice Irvine pro - siding. The only serious case was one of Inurder against Doyle, alias Sullivan. The murder took place at Kuskonook on the night of Feb. 13. Tho grand jury re- turned a true bill. The prisoner was very pale and realized his position. J: Aik- man, counsel for prisoner, asked for an adjournment until to -day, which was granted. IMPORTED. NURSERY STOCK. Instructions From Ottawa to Dota)in-The;, Order Aileets British Stock. Toronto, March 22. -The local customs authorities received instructions' froxu Ottawa yesterday to detain all nursery stock imported `since March 17 and to notify outposts in this dtstriet to that effect at once. This includes rose bushes and other stock imported from England, while the, regulation of . the department at Ottawa has reference one to n r r en y ,u se y stook from the 'United States, Japan and Hawaii," Sloan's Indian Tonic The Only I'er'nranent Cute tor iaa4izestion. This is to certify that I, ,lames Boss, Tollgate peeper of the -rowel of Woodstock: Ont., Nage been a sufferer from Indigestion and arrerY ?weak stomach fora ntirr,ber Of years and have tided a great many onedieix,es of different l;ix.ds, but, could only obrain tells porary relief for la Short• time but after uansg_or,e bottle of hicsn's Indian Tonic, Icould perceive a. great difference. lay indigestion was better and n:y atnreach iin?oh stronger than lirfore„Alia I four,ii 1 bad gained several pounds ire fleet', where I was week and thin in flesh before. I think I need nine or ten bottles in all, an,l I ant now a ht altby man but still IdoDot runt to without medicine e in the house. and 1 hroeure ono or two bottles every year, and 1 rain trutbxaally reeorurrend Sloans"lndiaaTonie to others suffering from the same complaints. Price $1, G for $5. All dealers or address THE SLOAN MEDICINE COMPANY, RAILTmaLIMITED.. Christie's,wir 1 THE PALACE COMMERCIAL LIVERY. �0 9 First-class Rigs and, Horses • Orders left at Rawl shaw's Hotel, or at the Livery Stable, Christi 's ole Stand will receive prompt at- tention, , . Terms Reasonable ri}eloplione AL Connection WE TRY TO SUIT EVERYBODY. Come and See us. A LOOIC„oamilir through our two-story building will convince you that we are carrying a fine assortment, Take a look at onr stock before buying. EVERYTHING UP-TO-DATE IN UNDERTAKING .. R. N. ROWE S. GIDLEY & SON. DINTS FOR XMAS AND NEW YEAR'S GIFTS. This season we have surpassed our- selves in making and gathering together Choice Oddments in !Fancy b urnItnre suitable for presentation. The assoreusent is now complete and everybody is invited to 'view our Stook if only for the sake of seeing what very reasonable prices Choice Furniture can be purchased for. SPECIAL We wish to call special attention to a line of Very handsome BLU 110025 SETTS in ELM, (Air, and Asit ANTIQI:s and CREMONA finish. All aro extremely tasteful in design and the prices are much lower than it has heretofore been possible to quote for similar goods. ROCKING CH 1IICS. Iia POnxST Gn:iEN, AMITIQ1nt OAK, Custr-v BIRCH, and MAxocoNY Finish, from S12.40 up. IF'ANC•Si TABLES. A magnificent line bought at a sacri- fice and marked at correspondingly low prices. Centre Tables, Fancy Chairs. Sec- retaries, Lounges, Fancy Mockers, Music Racks, Couehes, Extension Tables, Picture Mouldeings, Curtain Poles, Artists' Mater - 'LC., Etc., Eta fU,VI)EICTA1tiiNG and EMBALMING IN ALL ITS BRANCHES? ... S. Gidley 8L on. .,.FARMERS!.. You will find at Bisset's Warerooms the following line of Agricultural Implements Deering Binders, Mowers, Roller and Ball Bearings, Steell Sulky Rakes. A full lint of Seed Drills, Cultivators, Disc and Diamond Harrows, Plows, and Turnip Drills. SEWING MACHINES ETC. The celebrated Raymond sewing machince.. Knoll Washer and wringers. STOVES.,..sask. W A 0 N s and Gurney stoves and furnaces B 'G I s The Chatham Wagon and a full line or the celebrated McLaughlin buggies "BILL." Sat on a Harrow. f i 1 l 1 n 0 Guelph, March 22. -Mr. David. Tolton o Toltoo Bros.' Si riculturell works 'net W th a rather' serious accident' wester - d y. ,He was pushing some machinery ahead of him, when he Lost his balance and went backwards, involuntarily: sit, tin down on a harrow behind him. Oe of the teeth' of the .harrow wenttiP e inches into his right: hip. He bled` hnsiderahly and was taken home, and P a:, hysidi an was sntmnlonod, who dressed the wound. Mr. Traitor' will be all right, again in a few days. WARI'l MARL CHEAP HING A luau roust consider his purchatie ell these times; he must buy where eau do the best. Look at some of the figuree. Pants made to order, all wool heavy tweeds $2.00 Suits t9 80 Overcoat* $8.09 BIack -Worsted suits a spec- ial, 312,Q0 Our $20 blacks beat all others at 823. Como and see for yourselt. JAMES H. GRIEVE Biclyces ! Bicycles I I Bic 1eI•y ,�T 1 r 1, ar Bicycle Pleasure. Are you/seeking Bicycle pleasure if so, you should seek first a good wheel, We env furnish you any of the best wheels made, at lowest prices Musical. Do you want anything in the musical line. We have a choice lot of Plebes and organs, tall sed in. spect them before busing elsewhere A full stock Of sewing machines, baby oar riages, etc. ete. Perkins & Martin. THE �IRAL 8Rij0 STORE. Try WINAN'S COUGH BALSAM '. forCoughs, Colds and Bronchial trouble in old or young. We lelaunfacture-5 WINER'S LINAMENT which is an excellent remedy for Cramps, Pains, Neuralgia, Sore Throat and Influenza. The Old Reliable, Winan's Con- dition Powders, still holds fist place in the market. Also Lotion for-scratehas on horses %Y and Condition Powder for same. rF SOLE AGENTS FOR DIX LUNG- SYRUP. C. LI,TZ, DRUGGIST. FORT E . . W NTY SE YEN YEARS. THE COOK'S BES TFRIIh.D LARGEST SALE IN CAh.AJ.,,