HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1898-3-11, Page 4u
(Utter Aboricate,
Clans. :E . Sanders, Editor and Prop
aURSD Y,. I. AROH 10, 1898.
Superficial observers may imagine
that the annihilation of the. Patrons
in the' Ontario elections, marks a decid-
ed decline iu the spirit of political inde-
pendeuce renew; the voters, But the
teechiti•g of the ek etion. viewed as a
wloo. , is the precise contrary of this
Ration. It was not, indeed, the Patrons
who were obliterated at the polls, but
the Patron 1i' leadera who were dismissed
for ntufaithfutuess. The promptness
acrd tiger wrath which the Patron voters
uuisht d their roe u ,ei=ads"rs for the be -
;tea al cf the cause they had banded
themselves together t'b promote, cousti•
toted iu itself a splendid proof of alert
8tatie•peaadetie:r; and dzines.strated that
the teen who had paissessedthecourage
come mut of the oro parties to make a
new party eould also rise to the Mgh-
or cans age or gaiatsg; back again to one
of the Bald parties wlittu the leadership
of the new one became unworthy. Had
the Patron rank acid fee shown then,-
sever. tumble to escape this false po-
Ation, there would have appeared to
he truth iA the charge often imide
against, the that in passing' from part-
iaaus into Patrons they had entered in.
tea mord slaverisll partyianl than ever.
However, their action has Balled this
accusation, and served notice on all po-
liticiaus by whatever label they may
3)e tiistinguished'`,Yat there sedate in
Cutario a large body of independent
men who eau be bound to no ;lolitea.l
orMatiteaticn—not elven, to Dale of their
own making,
Aside, however, from the Patron de -
a -elopement, there is enceurage[neut
&cIr frarrads a:f p,,,it:e3: it:dependence iu
the free handed n+anuer in which eon•
ttctueueles voted for tht Conservative
satadidoaes in spite of the alliance of
two pee ,+rfai tlovernmeuts against
that ratty. It is not pretended that
t is a display of fndepet,d.'t si for a
dyed in -the -wool Tory to vont for a
tia,mit,ve, but on .hatch 1st battalious
or ta,,,:N:ac vrrte(i Tory, who could not
have done so four year•sao. The Oppo
s'atit•: irtt went the election with
=nllasrs, awl they haw Coma Ott,
with cat leas than 42. This is clear
proof, that vers much mord than the
usual C nservativee vote vas polled for
he did.Lt-s of that party sand it il.i
equally ploiu that the men who came
to its :lid in this discouraging- cam-
p t,,rlry mast bate been laid::' . to do
so by irdepiruat t,� thiukiegeW gad ;s
ci; tiatr,ce arf Imliticians prelb bilities
which art thti enact reverse of pig,.
headed partyism,
Both let. party spirit end thet
}3 �
,ra r
i,t nary spirit ---need political iudepeud-
e1i:•a' ir; asmuch the negation of one as
tel • a!:her--avian::i have Lel them to
any .t r,a..,;,• r;= *.rich th, 'i •veers that
were, ilia tiwy ex `dt'e ta!'d the free right
of cholic and went with the part,; for
which ,:very oue was predicting defeat.
Die l.; st ind.epea:dent is not the man
who fears to work with a Harty lest he
be caught permanently in its toils, but
rather the man who is confident of his
power to leave any party when it
seems right to do so, and who acts at
each election with an eye sine to the
issues then at stake. This .high kind
of independence bas seldom been so
generally displayed in Canada as in
the Ontario elections of Tuesday last.
Estimates as to the probable dura-
tion of the coal supply of this cont!-
aeot are met with boasts to the effect
that the market for coal will be ex-
hausted long before the su. pl,. of that
Fs- v
mineral plays out.
Coal is said to be a haudy but waste-
ful .method of producing power, The
people who look to r Oience for relief
from King Coal insist that in the
water powers of this continent and of
shin country there are more possibili,
ties of light and heat and power than
in all the coal mines of the continent.
Water gives light and heat and
power, and unlike coal it is not easily
ee h austed. The great industrial change
in the nee score or two of years will
he the increased usefulness of water.
The tides of the sea may be harnessed
to the engines of English industry, , and
the tvhi'e)s of every Canadian factory
menu he turned and every Canadian
h em,: Iighted andheated by tho power
of ileo wistc a CcitIrscs which are now
ells: ,,tieneewiilcontinue on its tri-
u ta.heeat ,hatch until coal is recite ed
f� C
to itie cP_ i'i'v of a mineral Which must
b ll ":tt s ii.itsi•estiug, but "a' bleb will
tali Bio longer usr•ht.
,*mos that. Registrar Gilson,
rote s,,,a'' officer for West Ilat'on has,
c iiit.ti'ti out Mr. Bec1, the Coaservatiee
candidate, and returned Mr, Garrote
LLib.) as duly elected by amajority of
S, It will be.remembered that Mr. Beck
was reported, and generally acknow,
ledged, to be elected by 2 majority
The returning officer postponed the de
claration to get some legal advice to
learn., how to do it, and Monday return
ed Mr, Carrow as stated. It is pretty
evident that the hardy o.;etals are
quite detertn oed to count out every-
Conservative candidate they possibly
eau, and impose the duty upon the
judges to count then; in. In the case
of West Herne the result of three vol -
ling divisions were not counted, becai.se
the deputy returning officers had neg-
lected to sign the poll book, as required
by law. Between the ignorant and de -
designedly vicious officials, touch work
can be done to defeat the honest expreo
slot, of the electorate of the lirovince by
giving; Mr, 1lardy a purchased and
fraudulent majority.
The standing of the parties in the
provioets is sten uucertain ostinn to the
pending recounts, The uncertainty
chiefly :hinges about West Elgin, where
the recount resulted in a tie hut; it
seems likely to seat the Conservative,
thus redeeming that flue riding;
West Buren, where the returuiug
after by euppressiug three divisious
on a pretext has--eouuted in Mr. (farrow
witch wrong will unquestionably be
set right by the judge; Parry* Sound
(Mr. Batty), and Russell, where the
election will be held on March 18. The
firat two aro almost certain to go Coe-
sers'ative, and ?tlr.tiseatty ought prob-
ably to be classed as independent. The
ioiherals appear to leave held the two
Algoma. Provided: West Elgin and
West Huron go Conservatives, the
standing will then be: Conservatiyea
45; Liberals, 47; Independent, 1; elec-
tion yet to be held, 1. If tinsel elects
a Conservative, as is anticipated, and
if any other recount —as is quite prob.
able—seats a Conservative, then :lir.
Hardy will be obliged to act on the
electoral surgestion—e It is time lot a
it is reported. at Berlla that two COV -
eminent excise officers statioued at
%r it
Z1 • too r havecce ed mate of their
Waterloo e
dismissal, because v thty voted ot March
ler, Ah
Ewptre despa ch from
Berlin says: Though the report can-
not be verified, it is ge:ui rally believed
to be trate here. The officials wore ap-
pointed by the recent clot servative
Government at Ottawa
Before the evoi
utiouar War,
ada included most (1 the territory
know.0 as Canada and .also that now
known as Michigan, (thio, Indiana, Il-
linois and Wiscousha Iu 1782.8, when
the Britieh were negotiating for peace
with the revolting
colonies a Mr. Os-
wald was the British diplomat. He
was very generous and proposed to
rive up to the United States the whole
of Cauatla, aid actually made au ar-
rangement whereby what is now the
Province of Ontario and all the valley
of the Ohio and the Mississippi were to
be given up. Ontario was recovered,
but the remainder was lest forever. The
whole story of these disastrous negot-
iatlois is told by Thos Hudgins, QC.,
in the March Cauadian Magazine.
A bill iutrodueed in the Ohio Legis-
lature provides that no marriage li-
cense shall be issued in that State in
case either party to the proposed con-
tract has a criminal teudencey, any
blood disease, tuberculosis or li.sanity.
This means that candidates must be
examined by a board of criminal ex-
perts, tested by physicians, injected
with tuberculin by veterinarian and
confined in insane asylums for as cer-
tificate. Such a law will increase mar-
riage and excite admiration for law
When he are fed large amounts of
corn newly husked and not thoroughly
dried their digestive apparatus be
comes disordered. This is often rem•
edied by heating the corn to the point
of scorching. liens will eat this
scorched corn quite readily, and they
will be better for it; but partly burned
oats, where the hulls are burned off and
only the blacleued grains are left, are
even better than seorehed corn. This
is really the best way tofeed oats to
hens. The hulls make the food more
bulky than is best for them, ds their
crops are limited, arid the light, chttffyY
grain does not give sufficient nutrition
for the best egg -production.
Telegraphing at sea without wires
will be practically denonnistrated by
means of the apparatus of voung Guz:
lielmo Marconi, the Itelian electrician,
who clams to be ,the inventor of the
wireless telegraphy The singular fea-
ture of this method of telegraphing
is shown by a wire extended vertically
in the air, connected to a radiator on
the ground. Messages without vires
have been sent a distance of twelve
miles to a ship at sea, By simply in-
the height of the vertical wire
the influence of the machine isan be c;c<
tended over a distance augmenting it
geometrical i•altio to the increased
hr igtrt of. the wire- The discovery is
yet t
i its s infancy but itisbelieved than
e ha'n cnmi,lef-ed '1 will revolutionize
Gpresort day mestc4patCiit„
prove of inestimable value,
By the latest statistics, it appears f •that in England and Wales the pro-
inportion of divorces is 18 to each ''�°�le
ch 10,000 {
marriages; in Scotland. 28 :Ireland, 2 ;
France, 127 ; Germany, 152: ; United
States, 444 ; Switzerland. 458 ; Den
mark, 496; Japan, 6Qis. Divorces art
not allowed in the Channel Islands, or
the State of South Carolina.
Or INTEREST TQ MtFnte trammS,
A case of a greet deal of interest to
municipalities was decided at To
ronto the other day by Judge liteDati
tall. Jobe Arthur sued the township
York for damages for injuries to his
market garden at Rosedale. The claim
urged on McArthur's behalf by Mr.
FredC, Jarvis was that his lands were
flooded by the waters of Silver Creek
owing to the negligeuce of the town
ship in the .construction of Park Drive.
Judge McDougall found that the ditch
on the north side of the road diverted
the water from its natural course on to
the plaintiffs lands, and he gave the
ai " d for
1 ut ff t 1 and costs
a u men00
1? a .R�
and an injunction agait;st the town-
sliipto prevent them from continuing
the injury.
South Euro,
r. Henry E lber Declared Elect
by 150 dia�ority,
The declaration of the Returning
Officers of South Huron was given on
Friday gild is as fellows:—
Seaforth ieI»eau. Either:
No, 1„>... „»..,«.,141 55
No. 2,40,1,0 ,w„,
No. 34.144, ..,." 40..,69
No. 5.,.,,, 4.441...,„ .41
Total.,„,. , ,,,.., 338 181
No. 1...... , , , :.27 71
1104 244 4.444 ,1•4,44 „,,,32 59
No,'.%,.,.,. „.,. ,,,,54 81
11'0, 3,,,,,,4,4„, ,,,,,42
Total,,,.,. ,.,155 267
tio, 101 .... ...........98 105
Goderich Tp.
No, 3.,,....,:.., •,,..41
No. 4 .19
No. 6...4,, ,.,,,• .„29
No; 2
No. 3 ,., ,.,, .48
No. 5 .... , , .. , . , 69
.. - , .87
N'o. 7,..,., ..,, .2?
NO. fi„,«.« ,,,, .,„,, .59
Staul'.y Tp.
No 6
`a 841 .. ....,. , ,40
No el,,....., „`8
No. 5.
No 1 ,... ,.....5?
No. 4,..,,, ,.,.,„ .,.,.7'3
Total,....... 2137
No, 1.,. ...,63
Tu:kers •mith
No. 1.. , . 119
No. 2 .... + 128
No. 3.... 132
No 4.... ,.120
Total , .... , . , 49.4 190
No 1 55 22
No. 2.... 47 21
No. 8.. .86 113
No 4.. -.. ° .54 32
No. 5.... . 56
No. 6 70 93
No. 7.... .28 86
Total.. .,450 373
Total votes polled Either. ....... 2,775
Total votes polled McLean .2,616
Majority for Eilber..+.. -..+159
Huron Co. C. E. Budget.
Are you planning to bo at Wingham
June 2ist and 22nd These are the
dates of the Couuty S. S. and C. E.
Every new member should have . con
sidered as carefully and thoroughly as
possible the pledge he is to take on en-
tering the society, s0 that there may
be no walking in the dark; and when
it is taken the member will be ready to
assume a fair share in the work of the
society; and to do that intelligently,,
and with a sense of personal obligation,
then there will be called forth self-re-
spect, and a delightful feeling of part
nership. The new member will be no
mere figurehead or silent partner. All
his interest will bo called into play,
and he will realize that much depends
on hint, and that he is of same conte
queuce. This is the key to the po-
sition of a strong, vigorously active,
and permanent society. Think •of it
well. Test it and see tilt is not.
ON Leeson) MEICIERS —In every re-
ligious society mere?vers who have
” fallen away backward ” are found.
The e:lose, interest, or they cease hay
leg fellowship with some one who tuns
the unititer lint;, or some stronger at-
traction .'!see whore e c zl1. there off, and
they; drop salt. What is to be done in
their case ? Do lint soy ” Well I guess
we cars got along w itbout th.em'' That
may be •C11'a case, but you have to think
of theme as well as y(uriclvcs. To 11.
coyer .them, sa;c`1.. tO•Ci`Ciate aninterest
that will teach them, ,get a llI k to
vt bleb they- cart join themselves, work
for them with all the in"•{••., '
{., •7 Lit(,$ you
have, reels 11y- any *01011s, or by all
menus n ret'mvet• thii11 --- .s0 will your
s .clety be stroug.
Is especially true of Rood's RUis, for no niedi,
cine ever contained so great curative power in
so small space. They are a whole medleins
chest, atwayaready, al
weya efficient, always sat,
Isfaetorl: ; present a cold
or fever, cure Ell ,loos ills,,
atek headache, jaundtee, constipation, ete, rya.
Theonly kilte to tato with IIootf's sarsaparilla„
Tula Mrt rs'rits ole 4usie —Iu the C,
E. soeiety nothing is of more impor
tauce than the music that is rendered
there; a groat ,part- of the life and well
being of the society depends upon it.
It has a most inftueutiel ministry; it
throws life auto the heart of the aoeie-
ly; it awakens. Itti emotional nature;
calls it imagination into play, and
stirs it to activity in every good work;
it hinds the hearts of the members in
one. A thug becomes a rallying cry•
or an eneanget of hope, or a proelauta
tion of divide ;'race,. Therefore, mitt
vete the musical talent of the society;
never let a meetiug para without a
sweet solo or a charming duct; have
songs and solos" by Satakey, or Cllr
tine collection of (;hoiee sougs by Brier
ly Co., of Chicago, and you will paver
be at a loss,
NYAS1lv11,Ias, 1568,— i»e hundred.
Iowa Ii ndeavorers expect to attend the
Nnshvtlle c0uventiou. %Vhat do Gan•
adians think of that? flow many will
go from Canada
C. E• AND VIZ Pxrssr,-m-:'The Times"
of Brockton, :Hasa,, once rt week pub
Ashes a Christian 1 udeaYe content
Over two hundred. Cauadiau papers af.
ford to our i'roeineial editor the same
piiv�iloge. Our young people ere de
• lighted to sec a spate given in the dai-
ly paper, at least once a week, to the
eousideration of what is ofspsciai toter
est to thews; they are luxe CO tape an
interest in .these papers and patroniz•
them. Each society In thtt Fitchbury*
Union, 51ass, contributes at least one
iteral a week for the 0, It. column of the
local papers, carried en by the prey
eatuznittee of the union
DI;110It,--•-Ir is 10 bt' fou:.ti, or,ranized
iu every denomination. it is in tilt
army and navy anent.;; the cabmen and
police; it isamong the men of the life
saving stations; it bas even pettetrattd
the prisons and laid hold of the prismn
ere and is socking' to iifr them up to a
better life, Where is it not? It has
1 swept round the world :cud has con
tittered iu every auto. Aid what is
the great lesson this terchee? it it:
this, that the proffer scion of a faith l!
Christianity Is not enough, there inner
tht+,. 'tis•
l,t'lt, a of it. Men Itroft•ts1,
nand faith. and n
a d k,t d. to test+ but a ip ) to word
, u the
of God is elpt'ak udta the children of
Israel that they go forward." C. E
chicles In with that; itis an 'ores eir+ted
endeavor to do Hod's will; it meets the
lougtng heart with encnnraging help
i anti sympathe tin fellowship
Tina IerreeLI teeee OI•" Exeze '()0-
ints,--No one can atteud a C. E. cnn-
vention without realizing that the
young people are tntelli;eut; their.
papers:their testimony given in the
sultrist' prayer wetter., all go to show
drat, and yet -elm t a;ist/e's us at first
does xaot cnntiene to satisfy" us; we
+ l
lour men un go to Co.
lege mai mos ersity to get learning,
but 'many cannot do that, what then
shall they do? We answer, read, read,
read Books constitute the modern uu
iversity; well chosen hooks, triad, test
ed. books; haute by the best meta•
The Widow.
Lines suggested by reading that a
widow near Loudon, who was to be mar-
ried to her servant man, had the g' od
fortune to have him elope with her
servant maid:
Colne all ye tender fair maids,young widows
too likewise,
A wore of admonition, now, you never
need iiiseire;
If you have all your own way it may seem
very nice,
Now would you not be better of a few
wc.rtis of advice ?
And if a ward of warning suits, it will be
given free,
Don't be ton quick to fall in love with
eycry fellow you see;
For instance; now, a widow here, they call
the v'idr,ve eay,
She fell in love with the servant man and
now she rues the day.
The neighbors say this widow gay, she kept
a servant elan,
She also kept xl se,vant maid, she called
her Mary Ann,
The three iesided on a farm a few miles- out
of town,
And every day, this widow gay and man
came driving clown.
The servant manhad full command of
farm and land,
Likewi-e the promise of the; widow's heart
and hand,
But Mary Ann and the servant man made
up to run away,
He left the land, he heart and hand of
the poor widow gay.
At London fair, a happy pair were seen to
take the train
And strange to say, up to this day did not`
return, ag..-n.
Now, if you ask the widow gay, where is
her servant man?
She 11 -•a ' the villain has eloped'along
with Mary Ann.
Tine '0)t m:er'aa of•tritet•iaaa;
iii hick 01', rs from litrtl1 itii!s ir. the blood
rebel a. rter ,leti;d condition of this vital
fluid may ' be to'tii'('ly averted ,; by
Ilond's Sa eel pa ril le. 1 his. great .med
iciine cures all staring' blisters, boils, or -
options and soils,' and by enriching
rand. .'itaal1,'Gitig Lilo blood, it oVisrtiaines
that iiird fat:Milo' 'ai,I'd o'ives Nitalir
and vigor -
• l:1w ere ii r to take, e1,..y
S , ( (,d,G1
operate, Ou.o 1idin-s`i0o,:ii,-atlaa,chai
Because it is the the Are answers,
so quickly to a touch; it can be bright.
ened up.orshutdown low ata moment's
notice and so is always ready for em-
ergencies. And there are never any
failures in baking with thein.
. Unequalled for Satisfaction ...
Manufactured by the GURNEY 130:
Lamersa, TORONTO.
FOUR MEDALS-3Qalat and !Silver, World's Cordon -
mai Cotton Exposition. ler Orleans. ISal.
Ht.itMSTAyWWA_RDS—Nebraska Agricultural Fair, 188.
ritea2t`3A A abame dig,.$'octets, i• on geluerg,1888'
AWA'RP.--Cfiatt:tt*oocase Vat;ey Ex ototsra, Coigns,
11115, Ga,. t£bs p
-taxatiao :iataaotooaae, Oa. unci"
taoi:hc.ntti.?! !` GS:i, isO,
t M : t) I ,'• Dal S 1111(1 0 1) I i”, (.*ti+! tas•"9iJ4i l'r s Colons,
are at'. a ASS,i1ei `a,le *
C. t I
wti,4, :i 1,l l r,M.i-•la;daar •al Caroaata,rn. Toronto, Can„ 1198
C4 Px, c4.TIca . 4.•„tnre,rr x''srtr* ,t 'tatil fit, ,gill.:,tit's 15111
drni fr*nttier m-t:t5 +11;11.
tortoni.. 1imi11 „x.,, •a, -1tt, ,Y 14*C"Y It4d .--•r:ttt +,
2 ', e: nit l l e , t ; r•
,# s", e" , i i .1i0 ,.a: :r. alta b.o
0:••••44640,•••0•••0441, ,..,....,..d,4,,,.
''reeterloo. slim J arise" a7[1 Ca • :,. Aii:{(thee,,. C -t. i,*'a! ;n''
• western Sale,roca.,a anal Caicos, 3a tax:, w;:: Ya,
We xtia 'a tea a -d oz. -.,y a, co m -, to s4•'^t of ntei .t :: xtrt, rete:-.
x,easa sieve e ,t:16 erL«` i3'I;.:. L r>F i.s:i,;?,+Ild. ,. `,: 11.'41 ,..,.,;. .. „ 4 ,.1.1<Y'1, •
. LATIMER, Division Superintendent, has located a
branch of this company at St. Marys, and all repairs will
Cook's Cotton Root Compound
Is successfully used monthly by over
10,000Ladies. Sate, 0eotual. Ieadies ask
oar druggist for Cooks Cotton Rool Com-'
iound. Take no other, as all Mixtures, pills and
mitations are dangerous. Prise, kto, I, $1 per
box, No. 2,10 degrees stronger,59 per box. No..
1 or •2, mailed on rccelpt of prlee. and two s•�ont
atanrPPsNos.1 and 2 sold arm recommended by all
responsible Druggists in Canticle.
No 1 an•l Na, o sold in 's'xtt.r by J. W.
r wuiui;, 'Ira Ir1.t.
tiufTtrii gfrau. trraltuts'*eau: t,11yynuth-
fal in 1t ,.redo,;, should not p rxnit his
iii , hl•,u,l re he enured away b, di,cacsc.
1.31iol11111E !,One ot'inain a greatest cue -
ales. No ntatr.1110111ti ettirrint,t'hesao-
red bonds of matrimony unit•as hr its a
man in every sense of the wont. Many
inure lr vuant. down to their
through neglect of this dreaded inlatiy,
It !,•eves 1>e•bin3 in its track,,
rion, ilanxnmp
Ti inity,:v�rainn to Society, i d
miss, lieafness. worry and various other
kindred diseases. Stan euro thynelf with
Asiatic Restorative Capsules
They are pleasant, safe, reliable, and the
remedy that will give permanent ri
lief1 This remedy found i, in tcseat
wilds of Asia Minor and is imported
UI ,ololy Sl .,u per box or four inoses for
$5, sent securely sealed. A, trial bottle
will conylnco. Address
0 0EIli aiT.AIi 3111a/11CAL CO.,
Detroit, iSHicL
Tae Farmer Feeds Them All.
Toe king may ruin o'er land and sea,
rho lord .may In e ri•tht royally
li • soldier ride in pomp and pride,
T; • sai'or title o'er oceans wide;
Iia, farmer, he must feed them all.
The writer think, the poet sings,
The craftsmen fashion wondrous things
Tile doctor heals. the lawyer pleads,
The miner follow precious leads:
But this or that whateter befall,
The farmer, he must feed them all,
The merchant, he may buy or sell.
The teacher do hie duty well;
The men may toil through busy days,
Or men may toil through pleasant ways,
Beg_ai' or king. whate'er befall,
'rhe farmer, he must feed them all. '
The farmers trade ra one of worth;
He's partner with sky and earth,
And partner with the sun and rain.
tinct no man loses by his gain,
Anti if men lis' or if men, fall
The farmer, be must teed them all.
`the farmer dares his mind to speak;
He has no gift or place to seek,
Te no mea iiving need he bow,
For he who walks behind the plow,
Is his own man, whate'er befall,.
Beggar or king, he feeds them all.
For Infants and Children
Ms fac-
it. ea..
LL wrap r
James Aiken head, b2 years old; and
a resident of Goclerich, cot Tuesdner took
out a license to marry si 11v altDondId
of -Detroit', f>7 ,`cans of age.
The need of a good tSpring Medicine
is almost universal and Hood's S.lrsc-
parilla; oxactly meets ;tbi's. il;•ed. 13e
sure to Pot flood's.
Wm. 'Dorris, to employe of Dr,
;le, re o" ('ni oui•g, was asleep in the,
•Iii: e when a fire .broke out, and ,is so
(, ri1y but'1011. that 11e:,calinot live retaxy' i'r
desert Coca. n • ir.borer, rooming' at
John N-oi1111'e him ill 1,ti ,ride lr ua'il
nrirdtared, ,and .ihero reason to.b00‘10
the nibrdez s> ail done by J:obnN- ihili.
The Moisons Bank.
(Chartered by Parliament,
-'aid up Capital. ... ,... $2,000,000
lest Fund. , .... 1,600,000.
Bead aloe Montreal.
Morley advenacd . ,, ,;coil Farmer's on their
,ore notes W1'.t, one or more endorsers e.t'1
;oraent peraltuum.
Exeter Branch.
tan every lawful from 10 it. ra
mI U a m. to lr, ni
Pogeneral banking business transacted
OURP,E:t TRATES allowed for mon-
ey on Deposit Receipts. Savings Bank at 3
per dent,
R "1
Having opened out a well equipped
;ltnp, I am now prepared to do all kinds 4
of repairing such as '
In fact everything and' anything. We
make a specialty of remodelling Bicy-
cles and sharpening Lawn Mowers at
this time of the year. •
One door north Mr. Stewart's store,
THE .a,lltl5MO ob' Htimit sod
➢lnsini•s7 and !Abort l,and Colrexe
Cor. 'Young anal College Sts., Toronto
is an absolutely first-class Business School
individual instruction l>y experienced teach-
ers bolding high eat qualifications. Good re-
sults. Prospectus mailed free. Enter now.
11. 8). PJinim° F,?a.Il'.!?i, Jars. Harrison
H'rinicipIllHt ltndergracluate of Toronto
University and S. of P. S.
win leave Toronto e,io p.m. every T117E2-
ID<A9( during II 41.1=11. and APRIL
(provided sufficient business offers
And run via tta Ilt1P11'o VALA.'�
dt't, y O d amid the
Passengers travelling without live stock
should leave Toronto 12.50 p.m. saxne days.
The only all Canadian 1 ti,ect Nast Lille
Is Via Canadian Paoilic Railway.
I�4It''I B'L nsi
TO* it l)
44J)°PACIFIC)d:iit•�,t�ril" •
Get fu11 particulars and copy of ei Settlers'.
Index and ,".Kloiad.ilte a�ncl9 Ynlc it C;rold:
Fields" from any t'aniv lien Pacific Railway
a.gunt, or 0. 1•a. nic:PllrltS0N,
A.Q.1.A., Toronto. Ont•
Bobre. 1e7'. 'Qodv6 nosphoaille,
The Great'English tremed&f.
Sold and recommended by all
druggists in Canada. Only roll. -
able medicine discovered. Six
' axe a
�aC7tu c r2Ydi!arttt
s ea
idi•t, s of Sexual Weakness,11 effects of abuse
ar excess,' 141ental Wor, ; nee of To-
bacco,<Optum or Stimulants. Mailed nn receipt
of price, one package ` 1, six, 51. one win please,
11 211111820,0. 1''*im hlets ir01^to any, address.
me '1.Vood Compezny, Windsor, Ont.
CelVoed's Phos plain; 1S sold in' Exeter b
J Yl . Ero win �, di aggiat:: y