The Exeter Advocate, 1898-3-11, Page 2Subserttare who do not receive. their page regularly will pleeee notify els et once. Apply at tbe caeca for ativertisieg rte E. EXETER APVKATE. THCd;:til'lrl. ', MARCH 1a, 1898. Odds and Ends. In order to bold a big • • blow out" it ie necessary to "blow :tee a good deal. It's a hard blow to a town to anew a eyelone strike It. No wonder gas meters run fast; they are ea light-footed. Are the members of the sixtyaecond regizneut minute teen You can get t31 at the ammunitiele store and half she „ the iaioon. 'Unless the ghost . all>s the business can- not nut. It mattes soma men ."nutty" to ba asked to "shell out." It isn't bard for a borrowed umbrella to keep lent A znan's life shoult1 be like a got wlstelt ensu -full of good works. Too znueh alcohol does not help s zuen to preserve his equilibrium. Wedding notices a irould 'be pabliebed sender the head of "matrimonial noose." Bow long would it require for a watch gaining five minutes a day to beta me slow? The actor elzould not tires' of hiss vomtMu because utero is So match Islay caecal with 'his Work. Lest to fa love valentine, a street cross• inti during a winter thaw is the slushiest thin; we avow of. Every baebelor ntarries for money, be - tame he ssiways h.tleaes to change big poor quarters fora bettee half. It the neighbor.' children were otte children we could diveoyer more reason* why their pakrente ...'t• foal of teem, The man -rho tl es^ s s to enjoy more com- forts tban ll0 atone! have his neighbors treaty tea rastzaina:tl oiltlaw and highway rubber. The reason why most singers of elaysical wings ars encored i I t :}rise the anslieree };piece to beer tton;e copular air they eau ttn;oy. It Is rentarkab a Low the opinions of baser stud slier tens ry t ertiiug the value if to scratch on a new r.el wagon when it LI oAeiv 'd for cele ^If you'll give ene neige," and the culprit, Ill eht'at pat l can .form." Anal the le ech la.' . '+i +i cosies answered, al S't'y 't:'{':+: 1'lb g ' Tran seaway tiayS." Xtnard's Liti eut Cu1E Eillake4a, lnflanun .ora 1 rte ant. ant dr i ,Aekeriat i s c<tsa last e,te t t .•tt i:e.'ae- 'ilie, t1 rives: Ames• :la .ecu 1 need 1)r. Thomas' k clecir t (:ski t• r Inflammatory rheu^ratiern, tool tl::an, hid tle; of eett'ai a complete dire. 1 was tate whole of one summer unable to nretlt without canons, and every movement e.saa'ed exe wl:ohm pains. I am now out e„t nlle Mall atul ex- posed to all isiusle cf weather. lint have never Man tronleed with rkteltnaatiem since. 1. however, Steep a bottle of Dr. Thoma,' Eciee ria Oil an haute, anti 1 lalways recommend it to others, as it did so much for tie.” JUBILEE OF POPE LEO IMPORTANT CATHOLIC EVENT WILL TAKE PLACE MARCH 3. On That Day Joachim Peeei Will Rave Been Supreme Fontifr Twenty Teams. -His SSth Birthday Occurs the Day Berfore--facts About Ilia Lou„ and Busy Lie. The Tope's jubilee will soon be cele- brated in the City of the k' ewes. Last year Queen Z ietoriat 'woe the cynosure at till eyes. This year the Vatican will have the :attention of the civilized} world. In share 15:15 will be the oecesion for much rejoicing among Roman Cathnkics everywheze. tot only riots the Pope's birthday take place in March, but also the celebration of his coronation. In atteol-abbnee with the cactuses :and ei stones of the ehureb, these events are marked, by magnificent services in St. Peter's, and also by appropriate ceremonies onies among the -faithful" throughout Christendom. Leo XIII. will be just 88 years old oil March 2. And, curiously enough, on the following day, March 3,occurs the twen- tieth anniversary of his elevation to the apostolic chair. Indeed, the year opened. with appropriate sersieee. Por on .ltailu- ary v the aged pontiff observed, the sixti- eth aanndversery of his first celebration of arms,. Tile gifts sent hind then were esu- kriematio of the event and ofrerorichn:•-s. The Pope is now bur five years away a, , �" • ya rs u .. ¢. I a ¢t t. i :e f front the proverbial According to the Catholic church, the fires ltiehop of Rome presided over the destinies of his flora; just a querter of a century. Its ie seldom diet a .supreme pontiff can celebrate the twentieth anni- ereaty of hie ct+rtsnte:ton. And only once 2tle it h:ti,pened nm 'ng the .';,++popes that tier• "yaws of t. Pena'. wereln�;tetie:.il. lisle yrs atitttl was in the eaee of 1'itt9. 15., who fennel himself the center of a Waalts•witle delnttnstration of lily:ate' when lee' etteinetl the t1v+•ltt4-Valk annieereiry of lee e tad elearri •R. l;Itt' lint-asllaste eef Pins IX. 'wee the loegee: in lea ta, a, anti wee teriniei,atttt in nae tin Feereery ho gave his last :also:Wen to t?ee e.t''tl n3Ile. :ontl fi'', elaye tteweivaai deed wen e.,eida:•nly. tial ree- l] •h , n"re .a ,' Vii;,..,, met in *ole;'ern Back and White. The Boston Budget says that a mer- sbant who lives ':car Boston numbers among his friends ,in old colored preach- er, by whom he was recently invited to make a Sunday morning call at the cbnrch over which the latter pzesides. The merchant, although wishing most heartily to accept the izlvitation and in bring his wife also was some - What in doubt as to the propriety of so doing. "I am afraid," he said in explan- atioa, "that our presence would not be wholly acceptable to your congregation." She shepherd reas-ured him. "Why, sah," be exclaimed, "dare's so many wbite folks in dal thumb some Sundays, pua oonnragasion looks like a han'ful of blueberries in a bowl of milk" Tricep in elexieo. A correspondent of the Chicago Time - Herald says that the price of aroom in the totals of the City of Mexico is $2 a day. Singularly enough the location of the room does not affectats price. It may be OA the arse or fourth floor, front or back, It will be $2 juet the same.. This egda1s al in American fnonev. In the restaur- stnta one gets an elaborate course dinner, from soup and fish to cheese and dessert, with a bottle of excellent wine thrown in, for 75 cents, or 371 a cents in our coin. Pretty nearly everything else is on the Dame basis.. Worms cause feverishness moaning and stlessness during sleep. ocher Graves' WMother Exterminator ie pleasant, sure and effectual. If your drwtgist has none in stock, get him to procure it for you. Etiquette. MI' Dun (unpaid bill in his hand)— When shall I call again, Mr. Owens ?" Mr.. Owens—Weil, it would hatdly be proper for you to call again until I have returned the present call. A Sure Indication. ' She must be a splendid singer, Because, we understand, That all the rest of the choir Just hate her to beat the band. A.t the beginning of October there were ids eat of the 44 existing blast furnaces in operation In Belgium A Clerical Justification. One who ministered in the only niag- eificent church north of the Tweed, being in Rome, bad a private interview with the Pope. When he name back, he was severely catechised as to whether he bad knelt dawn to the son of perdition. "Yes, L did, and I am prepared to justify it. Kneeling in Scotland has no religious significance. Tbat was all right. But if, 'while the Pope' was speaking to me, I had lounged, and stared about me,, and frequently yawned, and looked in any direetion gave that of his holiness, that would have been most improper in a min- ister of the Kirk, for that would have been adopting, in speaking • to a mortal uaan, the well known attitude' of public prayer." Several individuals, hearing this, declared that the eminent preacher would certainly go to perdition for mak- ingsuch an observation. But nobody at. tempted to answer it;--Longmau'ssMaga. wine. LORD CROMER, alae Statesman 'Who :Kay Yet Be Lord Salisbury's Successor. Sir Evelyn Baring, Baron Cromer, 'who seems tobe its favor as the successor of Lord Salisbury in the foreign office, is tbe man who bas won such distinotion as then ebief financial and political agent of Great li'^tain in Egypt. Those wbo think that a • tro tg foreign policy is needed now more t: an ever before fur British suprem- aey in tee East, believe Lora Cromer to be just the man for the plat. Lord Cromer is lust eel years old and bas seen much of public Gert act' since he entered POPE Lien XIII. corwlave, and two day later Cardinal Jdaa?"hiiu Pecei 1vae mealaai1n ti the new rape. under the name of Leo KIII. 'i he /metol stir}n emosnenisa steak pl tee in the basilica +ef St. Petetae. Mert'1t t, i87tt. I.ee XIII. was horn ett C\arplueto, its one of the papal states, 3larch 2', D.1". He eoaues from a patrician family, and is one of the hest educated nnen that ever was elevated to the papal throne. Iloearly interested himself in the suppression of African slavery. and his enlightened views upon questions of church polka• and procedure are a natter of history. ale maintains steadily in his oucyolicals that the only solution of the socialistic prub- lems of our day is through the ebureh. A typical establishment, showing the true relations of capital and labor, according' to Catholic ideas, is now in active opera- tion near Rheims, and directed by Loon Hamel, the "Christian Socialist." Leo XIII. will always be cherished in the literary world for having opened up the arebives of the Vatican toscholars for historical investigation. In personal appearauce the Pope looks verg frail and fragile. Rbetunatistn more than anything else bothers him at pres- ent. To counteract this, Dr. Lappont, the papal physician, orders frequent hot sand baths. Leo XIII. looks every inch a typical pope. He has patrician features, ele:ln-cut and classical, and is a worthy successor to tit. Peter. As ho officiates before you in the hig basilica or in the Sistine chapel he seems more Iike a visitant from the skies than the .vicar of Christ on earth. Standing in front of tthe silken bald- achin of the throne, bis straight and erect form, bis alabaster countenance and his saintly ap1learance alt strike you forc- ibly; and if be should go near one of the statues in St. Peter's you would have bard work in deciding which was marble and which was man. His voice, However; is strong and sweet, and would be a splendid addition to any choir. The Pope is the oldest living man in the world in active oilicial life. Mr. Glad- stone is about his age, but retired some time ago from the English Premiership. Bismarck is 82, and yet has stepped down and out of public service. Onereason why the Pope enjoys such excellent and nearly uniform health is because of his frugal diet and model menus. His physician Bays: "I eat more in one meal than the holy father does in a week." This , tells the story better .than anything else. Louts cimetett, leant', For Are b. r 'is' 1 foul Royal lc a o r alae H . ell ,tl~ ti o North- olt, t - . 'e.. '• lard or h gs.sa� be afi ¢r sl..a ,t crci:ll'y f a ltroatk, his cousin, while the latter was :may of India. in 1t.7+ he wzsw appoint• eta la eonitrnssioner of the 1pti:en public debt, and in lent, when the Khedive Is- mail was depeeetl, by repreeentet3 England sand France as one of the controih'zs-. generssi. In fill) Lord Cromer's services in Egypt revefved pultlite reeogalition in bis appointment to the Melee of finance Moister on. the vivo -royal council of Irene. nniier the '+lar+pile of Ripon. In peel he sne^re.ecied Sir 1''dw ark alstlet ere +rit Fea1 agent, tn.nl•- nertl anti tklillta• t'1 !Atenilas'te newsy in l•;ttypt. Lord t:'i• tint t' le a :nen ofrittit•k decision and ;,*resat deteriniikatien. lite would su hie. free :ti lien:ate rename the for ri.tn cella. with .u' h he.t.tste se ae t lt.F. 4 0 iii/t114 ill tis'' hind toi the world :a`i to whet l'alg end pr•,y t ; to dt, in tan *ILO set t lvittis. xta 1.::141,1 ht' rebel wWain irttt ie:t:nd, anti his' tali+ a :tatty ti. g•.ei.asizts heat' scant"a t;, ,lt'• 4'40111 he is tae:al iu n tats . 4 t i i 'nl- •rt a o • .vs � v 'aitt+; at'rr.s. t t s t1 h ti' 1Y 9,1i ry r.ai pr..z8aq. CAE+;t tAI1I - iJPT MANN- NRS. llGilES' CASE. The Lady Writes Another L.ette to the Dodds Medicine Co. Flere Doctors and a Specialist Satd She Sad itheumatistaa-They Could Not Help ll;er-iter Trouble Was Kidney Disease -Cured by Dotld,s Massey fills, hiortLET, Feb.1w —Interest in the -von- derfui recovery of airs. T. Hughes is still unabated here, anti the case is the prince pal topic of conversation. Mrs. Hughes bas revolved a letter from the Dodds Medi- cine Co., Toranto, asking what uame het doctors gave her disease. Replying, airs. Hughes writes thus: "in reply to yours of the 7th list., would say that the doctors eseiti I had Rbeutnn- tisw. They said that my age, 4ti years, went against my recovery, that I would be better wheal I got over the change of life, and Riot nothing but time would cure roe. "I believe I lied kidney and bladder div ease. I grew worse and worse daily; could eat nothing but cornstarch or soup, until I began to use IDodd's Kidney Pills. When I was i11 I weighed 147 pounds; now I weigh 113 pounds' --my normal weight, 1 beg to state again that Dodd's Kidney Fills saved any life. "Auyoue wishing further information may write to no, and I'll gladly. give it. Mas. T. I1irous ." �' e c the ns tau a Iden e h , Lv! t. laa In t _e f's e p that is coming to light daily, no man can say that Dodd's Kidney Pills won't curb Bright's Disease, i)lebetes. Rlteuratisna, Lumbago. I)i. e:ties of Women, and all other Kidney I)ise,a-es. lautld's Kidney Pills are solei by all drug- gists at rug.gistsat fifty cents a box, sic boxes tante ar will le* Kent, on receipt of price, by The I)seals Ittlicine las., Limited, Toronto, Ont. Cie Profit the leg amine three-quarters of an tneah thick:. Have year gridiron well pe'el'ed and Fara elear and hot. Broil rapidly. turning often, not to lose a drop of juice. 1t w,il tali° Three or four mirk. mei longer than heefeteek. Have ready in seuetq'au cr eikaisiket dish a piece of butter the size of a Large egg or a, it..lf cupful of izoad Trina► .aver and add a,. bait tumbler of rrta cnrrent jelly, a alit* spoon of salt and a liztta white pepper. + r' vboils laye e The znoraicllt the „ ,tv- a h picee of steak in dae itoin:ure singly and turn corer twice. Put ;tai on warm Natter anei eat in tho u'ea tone Ave miautes be. tore serving. Clrrutant Playwti`;tit who le. rbe Greatest sera* l'da;ttree ut the Day. Gerhardt Ileum:aaeen, th • German peat -vrt:';hr. who is tlt'a'ltarae,i by (iu*ulve lioltbe to he the"ark-anal figur.i German lita,ratnrn' ttad ay." is once ,.t Ta ars old zttrd yet has prattlnco'd nine dr:azzatt,, a:a••h of whfeh ;11r. prenotznceet greet. Indeed, the tribe t a:Mire that the Ger- than pot't has a elainl to he called tat header of the poets new ;alive. S.tys } ,tbh : "Iiaupttnnnn is the ono living poet who i, also a horn writer of Nave, the one living master cat realism wive is sal -0 a tnast.er of itienlislu." 'l'11ts eerr:ainly is the Crown cd' prttsti..and yet liattptuttutn had ns', tr:tnslutore. is plays A Toper's Breakfast. Thomas Whiffen; the actor, met the late Prank Leslie one morning. "You don't look very fit," said Mr. Whiffen. "I'm perfectly well," said Leslie, "and have jest come from a regular tepee's. breakfast." "What's that?" "Oh, a chop, a brandy -and -soda, and a dog I" "What /13' the world was the dog for?':' "Why, to eat the chopl"—.Argonaut. Irronch by^'Pei,®piaanti.; The French language;, it appears, is better adapted to the purpose of the tele- phone than the English, It is stated that ,the lavage number of sibilant or hissing syllables in English renders it a less easy and accurate means of communication, 'Why She Postpones lttarriage, . . All. the suitors for a girl's hands in Bortteo'alt ,expected to be generous in their presents to her These presents are never returnee.therefore the wily young lady defers as long as possible a positive selection of the happy titan, GERIIABD'r unu ref erste are analytical, but there is also in them the tbrob of poetry and the glow of pas- sion. He is not an Ibsen; he is not Mae- terlinck. Of Ibsen and bola IIauptmann says: "They are not poets; they are necessary evils. 'What they offer us is medicine." But Hauptnnann, according to Kobbe, "offers us drama, not physic; poetry,' not pathology." Hauptmann is an interpreter and a leader of the literary movement that spraug up in Germany a few years after the war with France, but be is not "de- cadent." His play; ." V or Sonnenauf- gang," the just fruits of his genlut deals in an almost brutal manner with the cause of heredity. This drama disci ries a profound knowledge of psti ehoingy, phy- siology and patbolney that ,isnot often met with in tnera literary authors. President Zelfya or Nicaragua. Late adviees indicate that Nicaragua is on the verge of aeother revolution, and Costa Rica is backing the lnovemona. Nicaraguan exile$ are jnhiliant and pre- dict that President 'lelaya, although suc- cessful in crushing, in his four years of office, many revolutions, will have to fall now. This movement is the result of a fusion of the Conservative party wit -it the llssident Liberal wing. It is learned that Dr. Adan Cardenas, who was president r to tituil %'+•tai taa Ste:sk, aund and a half; should be cut .4. Shrinking Minis. "Those undershirts I Loutht here last month." he Began. "I remember it," said the clerk, "it was a great bargain. Do you find them warms enough?" "Tint',^ wez'e warm t'nont h when I first put there on, but I didn't thing to inquire Matta them this morning." "Inquire about thews:" "Yes. fever solve they were washed the- baby hebaaby has been wearing them. Now, if you have anytlhitln that isn't quite so much of a barmain and is a little more likely to renusin my size, I'd like to see them.—St. Louis Poet -Dispatch. eitESIDENT ZELAYA OF 5ICASAGUA., of Niearagaza from 1883 re 1887, is; the head of a band -whieh invaded SanJuan del Sur from the Costa Rica frontier; Row YOUR COAL. A xiaaelui 14o#3ott 14! 1 lg at141ntr. v mac* stones you Burls 2,0.1 so Until within a few yearw Cospirit lean. were mad Tasted. e. with perfectly smooth s'm'ell, and thwas. ariras; nof dr• The remarkable anti:unconleat is moo ping thecaere in carryingoreorlethem daaboutger ansI opup by Caryl D. H iseins, the well-known and down ladders and so on. Half a, dozen Barton electrician, that eve can now eke- years age somebody thought of cuttin e% terunne by awaits of the X Witty eattetly groove or channel in the wood on each side how much ash material there 15 in the of the level, to male a band hold. It may coal that we hurt before is is b1'wed, In seals strange that nobody bad thought of other words, turn elle Xray t rl in your this simple vle device before, but apparently eozal ,rust you can tell how weevil of it willl nobody had. The num that did tli,;=e t* remain es ashes' after it is' burned and it got it patented, and now levels aro mads how much will escape as gas. with this improvement. 31 eskins, on being requested to outline the diseoveny be believes he has mettle, hes sent the following as an ix - planation to the public of just what he beiieves he has discovered: "Iv is of first importance to all users of steasn power. The s•att which costs the least per ton is not uee'essarily the cheap- est, coal by any noesis. One of the moat � reliable indications of the steam making qualities of coal lies in the percentage of mai. A, coal which leaves a largo amount of ash is, of course, a coal which bus a relatively smell amount of combustible constituents and vire versa. It is the determination of the awount of ash in coal which I believe can be accomplisbed with coniderabko ncctiraey by means of X-rays. The shadow produced upon the Anorosoopo by a piece of coal of a given Mee and thickness is apparently depend - env for its relative density upon the amount of :avis' producing material etc that piece of coal. If, therefore, a number of s;aznples oi' uniform size and thickness of various kinds of coal having ltnon'n pereeutages a Ash, d it tot of coal fa re. ana o b tate prepared whieia is to be investigated bus several pietas taken leephurar.i from It and re. elueesl too similar sizes stud thicknesses to the pieties of known coals above referred to, then it la only :a queen= of rlttelting h ens of tiro shadow cast tip'zxa the fluent -wove by the 11111;00W11 value of vocal with a sample of 'known value, and the quantity of ask per ton in the coral tender consideration is isnmediarely fixed with I believe eatatiderablo acoureey." So important is the .tnii eel cons'.dered They :lever i ata, Mr'. S. M. Dough- tier, Langton, writes: "For about two years I was tronbletl with Inward Piles, but by teeingPttrnvet,se't. flies', I wns come' pletely cured, and ail le t ^'t f, tr years' have elapsed since tax's, n tt re- turned" Parnmelee's rills tare untie bilious and a specific for the cure of Liver and Kidney Complaints, Dyspepsia, Cos- tiveness, Ifettdaehe, :files, eta, and will regulate the secretions avud remove all bilious matter. The World's Telegraph. -Wires. The total miles of telegraph wire in the world has reached 4,903,e21, not counting 180,440 miles of submarine cable. Were taw this all in ocontinuous line it would wrap around the equatcr about 198 times. The nioonanti earth could be connected by 20 lines, with enough to spare to connect every country on the earth. Of the total amount, Europe has 1,091,790; Asia, 310,- 68ii; Africa, 99,419; Australia, 217,479, and America, 2',515,548. i�inard's Liniment Cures Distemper. Cordite a Substitute for Povrder. Experiments are being made at Ports- mouth, England, -with cordite as ammuni- tion for quick firing guns, for the purpose of determining the visibility of the flash at night and how fax it would guide au enemy's fire. Cordite is said to give a much smaller flash than powder.—Scien- tiiic American. up t o 7 ' Nat.tornetie Ointment. The worst Sores. Rntt'eS, Cha /terra. Sprain%, Skin disorders, Sore Throat, Croup Rheumatism, tempos, Pilo. dud all external ,end ta-ernal uiiectaons ca:,ractesized by li!if4Aite 11T1R t,r`ieldtoitsinfinenceesifbyrorrgiee It IS A purely v'eget,thle pree rattton b1 M A ala; 1''bl'a sass' of eminence. A1141 it. e0h'+e445 b,. CA raarweRour in the mot obs*hsAEn c:t'ett, fold t7 ieroggieta and Bolero et fay Ana 40 otwta. PATENT BslRRIS1Elis. rilfARLRS R. Itlt Hi''-SVCCliSSOR TO N." D,naitl0 ilhl•sss.t l:.., rt(:aatt'rad leatcut aIt»nssti, .alienor ••r C,tt+ttdi:ea and foreign. patents and C,amseld•, ,tett expert in patent cautge s t Canada Life Unfitting, Toronto; nuke n p..teatts awe iced.- sells Oct' uta Ala** slat. that it has been taken up for discuseiou key sa number of eeientiflo sweeties. Ante- lytieal investigation is sure to follow, which it is believed will result in xe,o5t' important derclopanants. Mr. Haskins' experiments in this direction have been aaluewhat crude, and yet they have br right to the attention of filo world knowledge whiche front a mining st sg ie - point, cannot be eou-tdered of tea greet. Ira Ina. yiO Aokoc in.Wipe.+ In papering carrots for cooking, ways inerape; never peal Cinders form a goat material for cow- Bring the floors and paths of the causer?. story. . Examine the outdoor rose beds ai:rfa,. clonally to see that the wind bee not re• moveti the covering. During cold weenier use alcohol to wash windows. That prevents the win- dows from freester, and gives then a fine polish. The plants stored for the winter in the cellar bave now been in solno time. Per- haps they need a little -water or other ideation. Where plants are kept about the win- dows, cold drafts from the dales of the sash should be carefully guarded against during severe weather. In roasting beef, dredge with flour, salt and pepper, then sear quiokiyin hot oven or in suet on top of stove, put in a cool oven, and Anish roasting, allowing ton minutes to a pound. To clean old flower pots on which green n10ss and a sort of white mold bas grown,. scrub them vigorously with sand and water. This will make the pots look bright and new. Ilse porous vessels only to pot plants in. They will do butter in; such than in tin cans, Impediments. Mr. Nipperson—What a comical fellow that Mr. Dastrow is, Miss Weliwood—Comical? How Is he comical? Mr. Nippersen---Why, the impediment in his speech, you know, Miss Wollwood—Oh. yes, that is comi- cal, isn't It? And that reminds zane of something that Nell .13rantford said con - earning you, the other 'day. Mr: Nipperson—Ah1• What was It? Come; I won't be put MI; you must tell me. Never mind my blushes. - Miss Wellwood-the said the impedi- ment in your thoughts was something pitiful. Pa,thea'ty Pride. "Young Joycy seems to think that new baby of his about the most important creature now in the flesh." "I guess so. He insisted on paying full fare for it when they canna on. here front New 'Y'ork.'t Is there anything more annoying than having your corn stepped upon ? Is there anything, more delightful than getting rid of it ? .Holloway's Corn Cure will do it. Try it and be 'convinced. A Bear in $ler Path. "This baby carriage with a canopy top is a good thing,". said the early , spring nurse girl to the policeman in the park. "Then push it along," grimly ordered the "bobby. The Precious Innocent. Be—Do you think there really is, any danger in: kissing? She—Wait till I go to the stairs . and listen" to Sind out whether papa is asleep or sots ironloal Ifs. If a girl is pretty and unable to marry she is a matchless beauty, If a fool kelps his mouth shut he can pass for a weather prophet. If a man tries to teach a pretty girl to ride. a -wheel he has a good, steady job. If a man would have an 'untarnished name be should keep bis doorplate well polished. If it wasn't for the lynobings occasion- ally there would be more trials in this. world. If you want to get on to the latest wrinkles in clothes sit on the tails of a damp coat. If men are always judged by their com. pany it's pretty rough on seome men who are alone. If all the good bad not died young there would be a lot,of cranky old people on earth to -day.. If you intend to drown yourself always removed your olothiug. It may fit your wife's second husband. If you would enjoy your food be good- humored. An angry man doesn't know whether he is eating boiled cabbage or stewed umbrellas. ASK YOUR D1 ALE1 FOR S BRUSHES and BROOMS Fa. +ale ley ;all lt•atling 144419a.l. CHAS. 11Q1.t li li +k SONS. Msauiecturera T(.!RUNTS' ONT. nen- 017 TRIRD THE NEW , Royalty's illade-Over Clothes. a Though always elegant and perfectly dressed, says London Figaro, the Prin- cess of Wales by no means errs on the side of extravagance. Her Royal Highness Has been known to wear a gown three successive Sea8011S whon it suited her, and remained fresh and htsndsome. .For in- stance, at the opening of the People's Palace at Whitechapel the Princess wore a striking dress of olive green velvet, brocaded with ama11 ripe red strawberries. There could be no mistaking so distinc- tive a stuff, and it was recognized by a woman who had seen the Princess in Ire - 'land two; summers before as one that had been worn at several functions in that country. Tho style had been altered somewhat, but there was the same, splen- did fabric doing its thorough economical duty. R 1 A. LAMP WL The Water White is as good as t'laneri'• ran--Cheapsr. and Lasts Longer. Your dealer aimed have a. QUVIF.N CITY Eel1. CO., 7.ESflTi;De, Sansom ltngrrs, 7"rrrl414ent. Toronto. 11OU ,c WANT [CK. E �!AN T 1ntellfgent ladles and ,entlemsn Can be aupp-- phed with gente.1 au,l ver;' PROF.ITABt em,i.n'nu'nt, 1mlu4t v a' ti's tM ••,tt,l Nit Ete3.ilt'l'z' eeeure last +U lit ENI t al latfet).. Cau crave the address' et re,:r, we ,. t ar„ w'ho fl just clear,', I zzll 1 in 4 DAN S. Make L5 right .et your own MIME. 11.. N1t'lIOLS w4 me, Cut this out. :,t Ikerour ud !Pest, Toronto. Magnesia as at. Cleanser. A cake of magnesia 19 a good friend to the economical woman in these days of many light frocks. Rub the soiled spots on both sides of the geode when the dress or waistcoat is taken off, and after' airing, hang away with the magnesia, _still there. Wheti the dress is 'Anted again dust the magnesia off lightly and It will be found 'to have carried away part of the soil and to bide the rest A light dress time may' be kept immaculate in appearance several days after it would otherwise have to go to the cleaner. A Little Squirrel in Amber. Blies are not the only thing found in amber. in a big i`maps of clear amber, dredged up out of the Baltic Sea recently, therewas distinctly visible in its interior a small squirrel -fur, teeth and 'claws toted. A Beautiful Solid fiord Ring, Set with Genuine Garnet FREE YOU peg nothing, s.Grt- pty sent your Name and Andress Plainly written, and we will pend'ou 20 Packages of Itf IS1ALE VIOLET SACHET P1 R)'ulxE (which for delicacy of odor, natural freshness and inexhaustible cheratteris unsurpassed) to self torus (if you can) among friends at 10c. per package. when Bold remit m the money, and we will seed you free for your trouble the above described ring, which is.tamped turd 'warranted Solid Gold, set with Genuine Garnet, Send address stance, mention this paper, and stars that you MAW Ptrfums, and we will send it. No moneyre- quired, We take ,all risk. Goods returnable if not sold. TISDALL SUPPLY CO. anemone CRAMAERS, TORONTO, ONT. **•Jcleisis******* *ir****i**r* ** Reliability ** *it; irk Makes the worth in Eddy's ** *w Matches—seeing our ltww ** name on the'' Dox begets ** ** confidence. Lots of ** other makes where ,k' -ask you get more wood ** ** for your money many *•* imitations too, put up *** ** like Eddy's but they are ** it t very different in use. **** It* THIS NAllIB GUARANTEES *set ** TEE C 1J LITT. *'k 1* The E. S. Etfd Ce. Limited ** ** ** Itu1t, Lanada it* * h***is'k*'ikat******* ** **;k**c*******it*v; *** **relrlk* *** iris CONTAINS TR REBUT PRICE, 2,5 CENTS. Ss FROM YOUR DRUGGIST, OR BY MAFL FROM THE S. S. RYCKP1AN MED. CO; HAMILTON, ONT. T. N, 11. 157 _EDUCATION M for a yoa- 5 moan o ro ma f oe tlq active dottelife, is o tained•he Northern BusinessOeco education required enter. Students Sae. , C. A. Fiesaiug, Yriadgetl,-Gsap iotate,