HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1898-3-4, Page 5p�} p TUE eztt ex w.azaty, levet) tilted every Thursday Morning, at the Moe, MAIN-STRET, - EXETER. —By the. -- ADVOCATE. PUBLiSkHING COMPANY TERees ON SUBSOBIPTION, One. Dollar per annum if paid in Advance. tst.50 if not so paid. ,1 •treenee=n meetan dace Sppltca.- teepee • No paper discontinued until allarrearage* are paid• ,Advertisements without apeoifia directions will be published till forbid and tehargedaoeordingly. Liberal discount made Coe teausorexit advertisements inserted for` long periods. Every desorption of JOB PRINTING turned out in the $neat stylar and at moderate rates. Gheques,utoPeyord- era, ere. for advertising, snbsertptions,ete,to be =Ledo payable to Chas. 1. Sanders, EDITOR, awn PROP Vrofesazonal Cards, EXETER LMARKETS. !SHOT AT THE KING, WRECKED BY Wheat per bushel SO SO to el (Gbaeged every Wednesday) SPANIARDS., THE WOULD-BE ASSASSIN OF KING GEORGE ARRESTED. Oats Peas B utter. - Eggs.... . - ... utter,.Eggs.....,..,, P otat oesperbag H ey per ton Dried Apples per ib Turkeys Daces Geese Ghleken ., ...._.............: Wool pelb,.., R. EINSb1A.DN. L.D. S. & DR. A. R. Knee men-, L J) S. D• D.Sep onor graduate of Toronto University. Y. D�1 NTISTS. Teeth extracted without env pain, or any lent reerise#,R n Fansou'S Week, west side in . L,D.S•, en" honors Gr eluate arum Toronto ) en" honors Graduate Oftllo Torou#o •f'ni- rsity and RS College of Deana Surgeons Royal ea n ot Ontario. Teeth extracted without pain, ()Mee Alt diodes of 3)outistry inti to date. () #il over Elliot law office—opposite oarlle [e•d sal ., -_. 40 to 41 SQ to et 55 to. GO 14 to 15 75 tom 7.04to Leo 6 ra.l,T A • ROI T+i 7s & T A , A 4OS. Restdenees, same as formerly ESS aokman, building, Main St. oi?Xlli p o thl ., r Dr. Rollins' office; p door, D. Autos office, same building —south door. J, A. &olliva, 3I. l). T, A. Amos. M. D Tile.T, P. Mel .WL RLI*N, SIEMBFR 4F the College of Phcsieiaue and Surgeons Ontario, I.'hysioiau, Surgeon. and A,000neir- our. ()Mee, Dashwood, Ont. a.eg al, • r� Dg. 002.LINS, BAltltIi3T'EIt.SOLICiT- Conveyaueer, Notaey Dahlia, Qftiae•-Over O'Neil's ]Nene, Rxeter,Ontario. Money to Roan, A Veteran's Voice Gives High Praise to Hood's for Health Blood Purified—Strength Built up T.. obacco .Habit cured, hinny a veteran et the war, whose health was wrecked by wounds, ex- posure and privation, bas found in Hood's Sarsaparilla just the tonic and blood reviving effects he needed: The following is one out of hundreds of et letters from G, A• R. boys prais- ing for health re- ' Sarsaparilla riila o cos ,., �d P stored and Strength, renewed in de- clining years. /.CiHotd& Co., Lowell, Mime.; "Dear Sirs; Qn account of the great benefit I ood'a, Sarsaparilla has been to ole, I gladly write this, that others shed - tarty afflicted pay learn at the saeeese at the medicine in my ease and a positive Mire ter there. Iliad been LII,DICRsmiveAIillisTER,gQGxozTOR, • of Sa1proofs Court, Notary Public, Oen- t)ffiae—•FoCommissioner, connaMeek rBxeter cosy to loan LLtt)x Sr, Gr)(. B,&1UUSTERS, Etc., Conveyancers. rand Money to Luau Btetoo cau d 5is per E. W. (reaDxAat, Auctioneers �, IiRQ i9 V , �Vinoholaaa. Licensed Met- 1diadlesex,alsofortthet wnsbipfafUatb and 841oa promptly attended to and teens rea- sonbale.Salea arranged at Post oifice.Win- •[nsnraaktle. Main St. In sure nee {gent, Re Expressed No taegret, and Said the Shots Would. Have I>;tlked the King Beat. for His Accomplice's. Uusteeady Aim Loyal to Ilia Comrades. Athens, Marsh 1,—Oafs ot the nen who attempted the life of the King of Greece on Saturday has been arrested., His name fes Karditza, and he is aminor employe in the Mayor's omce here. He refuses to give the name of hisuccoraplice• The ]municipal councils throughout the country are addressing messages of sym- pathy to the ting, and thousands of con- gratulatory telegrams aro arriving at the palace. Karditza, who is 35 years of age, was formerly a non-commissioned officer in the army. He belongs to tt, class of doubt - Jul repute, locally designated as the Kout- zavantis• The :authorities obtained information that Karditza was hiding, and the place was surrounded by pkrf., In police. ethe mean- while. ean-while, Karditza had proceeded to the public prosecutors' office, whore he sur- rendered himself, declaranghis innocence. ed Closely pressed, however, he confess to being one et the loin ;':assailants. Redid not express any regret, and declared that r it the gun had not trembled in the baud:t of his accomplice the King would infal- libly have been killed, Karditza refused to furnish :any further information. It is believed Isis heed leas turned by the abuse heaped racily upon the royal faintly by certain newspapers, According to the Astay, it wasdecided at a secret meeting of a certain club held outside the eity to assassinate the Xing, this decision being arrived at when it .became lcnowa that ho had .accepted the proposition for inter- national financial control of thwrevenuea, in view of the Greek war loan. This ti a - Osten, it further appears, wlas recorded on the minutes of the club, a copy of which was sent to the King. learditze's name vvas frequently rucutione'rein tk therein, but the Xing paid no attention to the threat, His Majesty also received loony threat. ening letters from membersof tho club, who are of the lowest closet's, Accusing the Rio,' and the Ministry at being the instruments of foreign powers, The pollee, it now appears, also feline a dynamite] bomb at the scene et the merit attempted aesassinution of the Sing. A Physical Wr•ecic, since 1804, and had also been a constant amolzer tor 85 years. My wife puroihaeed the first bottle of hood's Sarsaparilla and I etnemeaecd to take it more to please her than anything else. One bottle atter another was taken with increasing benefit. The effect was of a strenghening nature, toning up my whole system. Atter 1 bad been taking the medicine a- short time,1 laid away my pipe and bave not had any desirefor the use of tobacco since.. Bood'e Sarsaparillahasthoroughly purified: xray blood and driven all poison out of my system, It has also dorso me A Power of Coed pbysicelly, and :1 feel Nike a new and tree man. Previously,had tried a good many different times to atop tweaking, and to regain my health, but 1 was unable to ac- complialt the farmer, so that ray attempt for the latter was each time a failure. I am pleased to recommend Hood's Sarsapa- rilla as a blood purifier." J R. Mammals, Ex -Commander Ness Post, No. 81, G. A. E., Dept. at Kansas, Brownsville, Watch. N. B. If you decide to take Boodle Sar- saparilla do not be induced to buy any substitute; insist upon Rood's and only Hood's Sarsaparilla The Ono True Blood Perilor. $old by all druggists. Price, $1 per: bottle; six for le. aot harmoniously with t -food's Pills Hood's 8arsaparWa. Exeter WANTED, "'ELF'. Reliable man in every .locality, local or travelling, to introduce a new discovery and keep our show eardstaakedup on trees, fences and bridged throughout town and country. Steady8pr mocm uth fault expenco mses, and mISSIOJI oney de -- r- For posited in any bap]: when started pn. ttaulars write `• Mie ]World Medical Electric) Co„"Londe n Out, Canada. TAILORING CHEAP AND NOBBY._....ir•. "The Hang -dog Expression n looks of a ” ready made,"" baud - me -down" suit of clothes is `enough to disgust the Prince of Slovens. NO FIT, NO STYLE, NO- GOOD. A tailor, made suit, cut. made and fitted to the contour of your form is certain to look right, AND WEAR`` Parts of machinery which' accurately fits withstand se- vere service• and parts that do not fit • wear out quickest. C Same with. elothes. es hoose rest. your cloth. and we do the Prices small as stitches. Bert. Knight. RIDES! HIDES!! HIDES! ! ! Highest cash price paid for hides, calf, lamb and sheep skins...: For first . class beef, lamb, pork, poultry,sau- sage or bologna, call at the NEW BLIT U 1HE lie SHOP..... B1:Rlo SOLO BY TILE QUART_ ISR AT.LOWEST. CASH 'PRIICE. . :FREsl1 FISH. QQne Door Souuth,Eof 1 , DAY CENTRAL H la DAY, Prop 11 WOIUIIN To be hiaptovti ice coal 1ov er elf nowboty In order to do this, all irregularities of menstruation meet bo screeeted , the x gang strengthened and put in working order to perform their proper funotiu e Asiaiie Regulator Capsules RUSSELL SAGE MAKES A STATEMENT ON, THE SITUATION. Sgain Mast Pay an Indemnity to the Ea - mantes of tele lifetime-rTTaree Spanish pierehaats A.consed of nevem Deno the Deed --Americans Warned to I..eavo. New York, Feb. QS.--RasselUSagegavo out the following authorized statement Saturday afternoon: "Prom all the information received. there is little doubt in uiy mind that our warship was blown up by outside agen- cies, and if the Naval Commission 50 re- ports the Haire ter action has come. There sbould be no wavering. Tide Gov- ernment moat demand the fullest repara- tion and that without delay. "Whatever action, war ter otherwise, President McKinley limy take, be should and, will bave the fullest support both from rich and poor, Republicans and Aelnoerats. There is no question as to where the rich eaeu stand. In the civil irar, whop it broke out, i bought Govern- ment bonds, and 1 did the Maio in 1.864. Se did other rieh rnen. Web.ave confidence in our Government. -11 neeessity arises now, i will do the sannoagain generously; ly;, se will other rich men > know of. 1 ant Sloan's Indian Tonic Care o The Only Permanent cu for Indigestion. This is to certify that I.Janxes Ross. Tollgate Woodstock. keeper of tee Town, of Ont boon a sufferer from Indigetetieri and a•yery weak t m dIeofijretltried* Kell inenknd*not, could only obtain teulporaev relief fur a sheet • time but of teruaingone bottle of :,]eau's Iudi • Tonic, f could perveiye a greet difference, iudigestiou was better *nd my stomach mater. stror.ger than before, awl 1 tcundi 1 had trained several pounds in dealt, where I was week and thin iu tiesh before. I think f u=ed. nine or tea bottles in all, and I am now a b. atthy n,an 1_nt stir] "I do not cant t0 1 e without the tned'se'ne., in the house- aid i t rccuse ono or two bottles every veer,•itetl 1 ecu truthfully recornrnend Sloaan' Jordan Conic to other. aafferiug from the same cora faints. Price . . $1, 6 for $5. All dealers or address I E SLQAN MEDICINE CQMPaNY, HAMILTON LIMITED TN ,�_- •,.—..,`ifs, tan American first and last, and propose to st b nd , a y the gag, "Party lines will be dropped.. Aa for the uteric market, that has got to take care of itself for the present. The ticker is now a secondary t'onsideration. The boner of the Government conies first. I this speak not only lay own views on point, but those of other honeyed :nen with whore I have talked. Anotherthing, the families and depeudoutsof every sailor killed on the Maine must he taken tato of. That is A bill Spain must be made to settle. If the eitizons of this country onlise to defend aur flag, and all that it that SW houndt,4 means, wetares in duty their families aro provided, for if they aro killed, "With that understood by tate people, there will beim lack of soldiers or sailors when the need arises. I think the Presi• dent has been wisely contentsin the mat- ter, but 1 sun confident that now be will act promptly in the Mahar Matter." CONSUMPTION HEADS THE LIST. January Deaths Preto eonta>:lous Dia. eases Throughout the Province. Toronto,. Morels 1. --Thu monthly report issued by the Provincial I3oard of Health showing tbo deaths from contagious dis- eases In the province; for the month of January show tbat the total deaths re- turned from the several contagions Ms - eases for a population of 1,536,Se,'.0 were 238, asfollows: Scarlatina, 16, diplrtherla 51, measles 4, whopping cough, 8, typhoid 13, tuburoulosts 110. The returns for cities, with a popula- tion of 439,670, were: Scarlatina 4, diph- thoria 15, -measles :3, whooping cough 3, typhoid G, tubereteosis 62. The returns for towns and 'villages reporting, with a population; at 313,07e, 'Were: Soarlatina 6, diphtheria 7, 3 t - measles 0, whooping cough 0. typhoid , uber oulosis'57. The returns for townships reporting, with a population of 760,578, were: Sear• latlna 9, diphtheria 20, measles 2, whoop- ing cough 5, tubereuloais 57. are Safe, Pleasant. Most Reliable and i O9iT[VELY the BEST REMEDY in the market to cure all irregularities, painful periods. and relieve ell distressing pains. The herbs composingthis lemons rem- edy are found in the wilds of Asia ellenr and Africa and imported by us only. Wt give a guarantee that it will curd he most obstinate oases, or money refunded $1.50 per box or four boxes for $5.00. Sent securely sealed. A trial will convince you. s ORIENTAL MEDICAL CO. Detroit, .Tlicl: Seaforth: Mrs. Archer, of Ciliate. while visiting Mrs Rath, who lives to the Dickson farm, Tuek:erstnith, m with a bad accident on Tuesday. S1t fell and unfortunately fractured h,?. wrist, and will be unable to use bre arm for some time. Cromarty: A little child beim: gipg to Mr, Robert Sellcry, near hers, was severely scalded the other day by pal line ariPPer of boiling waterr teff the table, the contents falling down ovta the child's head and face, The child I. in a serious condition. -MADEil/tl p1�� MAN AJAX TABLETS POSITIVELY CUBE ors rZaaanotency' epleasness;eton cag used by Abuse or other Excesses and Indic•, orations TAcy quickly and sandyrestore. toot Vitality in, old or young; and ,.., ir1 ooent "Insanityt aandm .Consumptiongif ove- on intima. T err ase shows immddinto i.mar A meat and effects a nIIRE where all other fail, In-. mat upon 'haring°the geanine Ajax Tablets. Ther'' Lave cured thousands aid will cure you. rW�e giTve a pas,. itive written guarantee to effect a cure rdi f 1 e to each case et refund the moneq. Priced. . per .. •, pacia5et or sii .rkgeg (full -treatment)- for $2.50. By m A plain wr'appenr..npnn"reoeipt of price. Circular'Scats.;A.�E1X•�I H1ali 11JY'Cia, ?011oar6ordyt' r Ohlanrz nl tSold`is Exeter by C. Ent*, . Druggist acting Cd1'rc can be overcome in almost all cases by the use of Scott's Emulsion of Cod -Liver Oil and the Hypophos_ phites of Lime and Soda. While it is a scientific fact that cod-liver oil is the most digestible oil iti ex- istence, in r pS E j��rT' .µ0.�yT LIZZIE CAIN'S DEATH. he Pytther of: the Girl Arrives and Itas Conference With Atkinson. Christie's— ]BEADY FOR THE WARE. Lsilted States Prepared to Back Request for Is tionintla 1f :Weed De. Washington, Pell, 28. --The Aerobes- tration, although tatklog ptaciAcallf, 15 preparing for a fight. 11 seer] no other way out of too Maine affair. The tali; of an indemnity* is clang proper Unmet pra- ceduro, but no one expects Spain to pay an Indemnity and all believe a declara- tion of war would Immediately follow. Actual hostilities aro imminent and the preparations for war aro on a scold never before known in this country-, for never before were the moans of warfare so 00111. pieta. It is not denied now that ordors ihavo been Issued to concentrate United States warships in preparation for a descent on Cuba when tbo wore Is given --ono of the latest runners of the President's intention is that bo will deinand an Indemnity of $100,000,000, with tho North Atlantic squadron to bank deft the request,. la fame to repeat Cormuny s act in Hayti, but :ot) a larger scale. It Is felt that Spain 1:U14 1'0)160 and tketual war would fol. low. Members of Congress ratio at the mere mention of indemnity, however, and declare that without wishing to in- terfere with the 'plaus of the President, their constituency revolts at the prospect Of measuring the loss of American sailors 1n dollars and cents. The sentiment ace concurrent stuttrnout of Congress, however, Is that, litho boardof enquiry's finding is in favor of an outside explo- sion, the indemnity to be demanded should be the island of Cuba, and the exeoution should be simultaneous. The United States is In a position now to seize Cuba by ineans of warships alone, and those ships are being disposed for the express purpose. What may be called the Cuban fleet now ready for active service is really three separate squadrons, so dis- posed as to attack the island from differ- ent directions. One part of the fleet was concentrated to the irntndliato vicinity of Key West. Six other ships have been drawn together to make the fleet which will rendezvous to the south of Cuba, while the flagship and two gunboats of the European squadron are at Lisbon awaiting sailing orders which will send them speeding across the Atlantic, reach- ing Cuba to the eastward. When these three fleets aro combined, as they will bo in caseofconflict, the United States will have a naval force in West Indian waters quite: sufficient to surround the entire island and take possession of Havana and the other seaports, itnntediately following Which the e Cub n insurgents can an bode • ponded upon to rout the Spanish soldiers, who darn not go any great distance from their base of supplies. Hamilton, Marsh 1.—«Michael Gain, who lives north of Newmarket, arrived in the city last night to take charge of the body of his 92 -year-old daughter, Lizzie, who died in the it. Nicholas Hotel on Sunday afternoon under suspicious cir- cumstances. He was introduced to the girl's aged paramour, William .Atkinson. The two discussed the matter at length, and took supper together. Atkinson, it le said, has agreed to pay the funeral and other expenses. Neither Cain nor Atkin- son will speak to reporters. They say they will tell all they know at the Crown enquiry on Thursday night. Cain will take the body home to -day. }le said to the police that farm life was too dull for his wayward girl. The dead girl was employed last summer at the LakeviOW Hotel, Toronto. it is not only palatable, but . it is already digested and made ready for immediate absorption by Neve. system]. It is also combined witl: is l �. the hypoi�hosphitE�,'wh supply a food not only fca: the tissues of the body, bud for . the bones and nerves, and will buildup the child when its food, ordinary : does not supply proper nourishment. Brsuey r youget SCOTT'S Emulsion., Ss that the ,Han and fish are. on the wrapper. ' _ All druggiste; 5oc. and $n.00. SCOTT & Bowen, '•Chemist's, Tot'ento. LIVERY. E tl CAA�i, MR : st-class Rip and /I.exses Orders left at awkshaw's Hotel, or at the Livery 1 Stand Stable, iSfl � F✓ ,S t) prompt at - will receive tent ion. oras ltea,soraarRble �F (Maly otte,Oi in the World for Die." So says the popular Song, ca Only One IA I II alOrhono Gonueetion THE PALACE 0. Furllur Storc in Town for No." Says the landlord who wishes to hay every dollar expended to its full duty. Every=thing in aur establishment is merited at prises which will retain reg utar patrons and induce occasional cus- tomers to come again. The rapid increase in the volume of aur business. is the hest evidence that tate people of Exeter. appreciate this method. We make undertaking a Specialty. m N. Bow: Wabash Goes to Butralo. New York, March 1.—The Times to- day prints the following: "Joseph Rant - soy, jr , Vico•President and General Mauager of the Wabash .Railroad, has issued an official statement eneut in regardand to the eastern terminus of the road. This will, from now on, be at Buffalo. Under a permanent lease from the Grand Trunk Railroad, the Wabash has the right to operate over the former from Windsor to Black Rook, and from Welland to Sus- pension Bridge. From these points the tracks of the Erie. Railroad will be used ,into Buffalo. "The Wabash has the right to handle through or local traffic and interchanges with Grand Trunk lines are to be made at Black Rock, Suspension nsion Bridge and Buffalo, instead of at Detroit, Canada transit freight will be in bond. The linea east of Detroit becomes the Buffalo diva - Bion. S. GIDLBY SON, HINTS FOR XMAS AND NEW YEAR'S GIFTS rr imA1l must consider tail porch* well these tlwea; he urtiet hue w#o1 he eau do the best. Look at some of these Illgurea: Pants Made to order, all wool lbeayy tweeds $2.00 Suits' 0.80 Overcoats 88,09 Black "Wonted suits a spec- ial, 12,0I Our $20 blacks beat all others at 823, Come and see for yourself. H. GRIEVE This season we have wurpeseed our- selves In making and gathering together *Moire Otiedneutta to rt'uue'Y *amities suitable for presentation. The essarernent i..f now eomplete and everybody is invited to view our ;,teak if only for the sake of Fitrniitaioacan be purchased for. Ohoico SPECIAL 1Vestern,'toads in 14. Chicago, March 1.—General passenger agents of the Western roads at their meet- ing yesterday were engaged in equalizing rates from the various competitive points in the intermediate territory between Chicago and the Missouri River to the North Pacific coast, in such a way that. none of them would have an advantage oyer the; others in meeting Canadian Pa- cific competition. 'The western lines will put in cut rates to Pliget Sound points to -day. From Chicago to Seattle the first- class irst-flass fare will be :$3(1.50 and second•class ee1.50. The regular rates are 381.50 for fisc;; class and $51.50 for second•olass. cuti rates will apply • throughout the St. 't'n l and Missouri ri tvergateways I3y way of St. Paul tickets will be sola at' the full rate, but by the Missonri rebate rplan will be +trio tod. River the e t P WAR PREPARATIONS. Vire wislt to call special attention to a line of Very Handsome IiED ROOM BETTS in Etat, OArt, and *sit AZ'TIQrr: and Cn ufOxA finial, All are extremely tasteful in design and tate prices are nivel lower than it has heretofore boon possible to quote ler similar goods, r ROCKING' CIIAYIei. In. PoeitsT Gntatx, AxTXQUE .CAB' B1C�CX@ Pleasure Cunler Brien, and ituuuouo.tx Fiulsh, . from $2.40 up, FANCY TABLES. A magzinc:out lino bought at a bacri- lice and marked at correspondingly low prices• Centre Tables, .Taney Ghana, Seo- the crest wheats made, at lowest pricesrevs ries. Lounges, Panay Rockers, Mesio ]Rucks, Couches, Extension Tables, Pioturo Mouldeings. Curtain Poles, Artists' Mater- Tale, Eta., Etc., Et.. ilvDF:ItTAIC13i sunt] EMBALMING UN ALL ITS BRANCHES .. . Biolyce& Bicycles 1 Bicyles.a s Are you seeking Bicycle pleasure if so, you 8ho)11d seek first a good wheel. We can furnish you any of The Chicago to De Rearmed—To Com- mission the Dolphin. ' Washington, Feb. 28, — The double - turreted monitor Terror started for New York Saterday evening from HIanipton Roads. She will most powerful rein- forcement to the defence of the comma - Mal metropolis in case of need, and, stationed in the Narrows, it would be difficult for any hostile ship to pass her. There *ere a number of alarming stor- ies as to heavy shipments of ordnance from the Washington Navy Yard to New 'York for the arming of the auxiliary navy. It is said at the department that` so farenone of these small guns have been shipped, but that a few ,for the Chicago, probably fourteen five -inch rapid -firing guns, will be despatched Monday or Tuesday. With those ; guns in place the Chicago would be pretty well modernized in the matter of armament. The Dolphin is to go into commission in New York on. March 24. Although rated as the President's yacht, thevessel, which has been thoroughly oyez:hauled and furnished with new boilers and decks, carries oven now a sufficient bat• tery to make her, when speed is taken into account, a -very effective gimbOat. Ber personnel will remain the :same as before she went to the yard for repairs last fall'.: Tampa, Fla.,Feb. 28.—Mrs. Benner and five children are' berg from Havana. States Health United Sat wife of Uir tt t is the She Officer Bruner at Havana, and says, Consul.General Lee advised her husband to send her away at once. ` Other Amore Cana Have also made the sante statement lifter being hero' a few` days. S. C-idley & Sag. JARMERS!I . Musical. Do you want anything in un- musical line. We have a choice lot of Pianos and organs, rail aid lire sped them before buying elsewbere l A full stock. I Of sewing machines, baby ear. riages, etc. etc. You will find at Bisset's W srerooms the following line of Agricultural Implements: Deering Binders, Mowers, Roller and Ball Bearings, Steel Sulky Rakes. .11full line of Seed. Dribs, Culti vators , Disc and Diamond Harrows, Plows, and Turnip Drills. SEWING MACKINES ETC. The celebrated Raymond sewing machince. ,. Knoll Wasber and wringers. STOVES. G furnaces H • stoves and Governor Rogers of Washington State hie,:cafes of the ordered comp to' National Girard to be recruited th- i full strength. The defences of Port Tovanseud are also being put into defens- ive condition on special orders from Sec- retary Aber. Work is being pushed night and day.• A 0 S and Perkins & Martis., The Chatham, Wagon and a full line of the celebrated McLaughlin buggies "BILL " THE ORAL DRRUQ STORE. Try WINAiv'S COUGH BALSAM for Coughs, Colds and Bronchial trouble in old or young. We lllanntaetnre—s WINER'S LIRIAMEt1T which is an excellent remedy for Cramps. Pains, Neuralgia, Sore Throat and Influenza. The Old. Reliable, W-lnan's Con- dition .Powders, still bolds fist place in the market. Also Lotion for scratches on horses and Condition Powder for same. SOLE A.CF11TS FOR DIX LUNG SYRUP, 0- LUTZ, DRUGGIST. w L Mitchell On Wednesday, Mr. Sohn Pinder,- of Hibbert, pelt his team in : Mr. Gordner's stables to feed, and during his absence some miscreant entered the lls • i I wilding and cut his' string 0£ bells, cerrying away the bigger half' of the strings •, '' Gentorth CharlesMr. Williamson who is working Mr.•S: McGeoca's'farm if, serious,, • erFmith East with a in nt,k T not fatal accident, on Tuesday 'last. Fie was kicked in the abdomen by • a `horse, and grave fears are, entertairei for his recovery FOR TWE TY.SEVBB YEAV, DUNN° BAK1N POWDE THE COOKS BEST FRIEND LAE5GET SAL 114 GALA'.' ..