The Exeter Advocate, 1898-3-4, Page 2Subscribers rho do not receive their ppper
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Pruned, Punctuated aid Preserved, in
Pithy Paragraphs for the Perusal of
Practical People — Verona, Political
and Profitable,
THURSDAY, 1lfARC1I '3. 1898:.
Facts ir a Fee:
Commerce in 1'.'rst:.r, ie eti1 carried on
almost entirely by ••:haven,
Nearly $3.000,000 worth of patent medi-
etnes are exported -time the United Einna.
done each year.
Seven hundred Chinamen in San Fran-
cisco hero professed conversion in the Ste-
ration Army.
There are parts of the Ganges valley in
India where the pee -dation averages 1,200
to the square mile.
Muriel iustsrdlethe name underwhich.
& London S-yeaar-old pianoforte prodigy
treeing the world.
A five cent stamp must adorn every day
'book, ledger or otl 'r s:t'euunt book kept by
a business house in Mexico,
Irutnignetton at the port of Plziledelpiaia
fell oil anon, than lit ler eeut. during the
year ended Jane ,.i• luet.
Corrected manes made by the lamer
bureau give North Cat -aloe. cotton and
'woolen gunny 1. 44,.i,5,i spindles.
A nett:naiist of eminence finds that land
birds melee their journeys in the daSaims
emit water birds by night.
Axa Legli;Te a^°rirulturist his sucetedec1
lu the OrOsS tertfld2:at on a?>Z irises, cloves,
-Meets. and other faced plants,
A New Testament eanuneed in a switell
#wade a train On the Trimdon and North
western railroad jaarnp the rads recently.
Iii is reported haat the Caruegie gem.'
pang expects to sell :0,000 trans of steel
realty; in Holland inmates Ates the coming sea,
The Jnaparese do not care =Wit fox
novels. Amon t feeeei) new backs printed
lase year only 4u"',! were wonne of fiction,
It takes 2.0e0 of the Homan coins known
as "cash" to equal $1. Travelers need an.
extra bullock to carry their fistula.
The profits sire Bald to he larger for the
*mount of capital exaaploye4 in poultxai Conductor Snider has
keeping than in any caber lerruela of lava end resilaued wort:.
stock breediug.
The London Typographical Union is
asking that the union label be placed on
aU city priutieg.
The 1 zperilnental Fareteuthorities are
sending out ;'ampler of new and improved
grain seed for testing by farmers.
WO3xA\'S wasielaa,
. number of the ladies of Windsor are
talking seriously about forming a curling
club. They say if their busbands are go-
ing to be ac the ourling rink six eights
every week they are going to be there
part of the time, too.
etAII.IWAP ItneennieiGS. •
It has been decided to construct axe
underground railway in Berlin.
W. A. Wood now holds a controlling
iaateresz: in the Hamilton radial railroad,
Mr. T. IL Su/oilman ant others of
Lembo are asking power at Ottawa to
build a steam or electrio railway from
Landon to a point clear Grand Board osa
Lake l3urotl,
TIfbleni IO S WOBT.I?,
The Winnipeg Presbyterfatis intend.
sendine two nnore missionaries to the
gland needs. One will bestatiouedat Wree.
gel «ted the other at Te,lin Lake.
The Messrs, Ablate of Montreal base
~nithdrasvn from the ne otietiona for the
esteablisbnu. ent of tbeir indastey at lifnC-
:iegotietione for the removal of the
Elora Carpet Works to Galt are being
continued and a stock list beim; then-
latest around town.
Laudon has 1:0 pieno faewries, la which
0,0akl instramente ere nettle every year
Wank elepinalxt taste heiug required to
the ivory.
'Thirteen crimes were puni;bable b
teeth when Quin Victoria nseeinied the
Cirque Teeiiee there ora praet sally bili'
*we --tri as an awl n ai glen.
_1 pegm atite illy well posted pedesteloat
eueee.all i the other d y in eettin,; foot in
lige e't taYnu llf M h. -011'S and 40 minutes in
seven • to reran stele.
F reneli Calera iS a t1 to have the most
Tiolent tl anti, rsta+ruie in the world. 'l.he
thunder es altease en-aflameand the peals
CO1110 in uuiek s-aeceesi"h,
'Chen c 4t<:,n tbreatl *alae first made. SW
yards of it weighed one Bound. Mince it
.is No. 1. A poune dant ening, twice that
auinlier of yards is No :, and so on.
A colaan le•'+ init. for writing upon postal
cards, eft., le mud by ns6xin eigether
water and eulphnrie mad, the writing lea
cominer permanently i+lisle when heated,
"Fifty yame;I a," says the l)e eke.:rtown
(N.J.) in+le'g,'udenr. • lesirlg every town in
this l:sr.e-I-et county abounded in di til-
leries. N*':irly all have naw d' appeared.
Brittle; nmlle of pheeter of parlsanti cork
are now used in the von'truetion of powder
mills. In ease of exI b -tun they offer
slight resistance and are broken to atom,.
There never was, unci never will be, a
nnivereai panacea, in one remedy, for all
ills to which flesh is n t ire the very newere
of many curatives l,euif.; emit that were
the germ, of other and differently seated
diseases rooted in the system of the
patient—what would relieve one i11 in
turn would aggravate the other. We
have, however, in Quinine Wine, when
obtain=able in a s,.nnd unadulterated
state, a remedy for malty and grevlous ills.
By its gradual olid judicious use, the
frailest systems are lot into convalescence
and strength, by the :nllnencewbich Qui-
nine exerts ou Nature• ti awn restoratives.
Itreiieves the droop)..:; spirits of those
with whom a chronic a.ite of morbid des-
pondency and lack of interest in life is a
disease, and, by traulltuiiznig the nerves,
disposes to sound au:, refreshing sleep—
imparts vigor to the aetion of the blood,
which, being stimulate d, courses through-
out the veins, strengt eenig the healthy
animal functions of tee system, thereby
making activity a necessary result,
strengthening the fratne, and giving life
to the digestive organs, which naturally
demand increased stiletauce—result, im-
proved appetite. Norti,rop Be Lyman of
Toronto, have given to tine public their
superior Quinine Wine at the usual rate,
and, gauged by the °pinion of scientists,
this wine approaches nearest perfection of
any in the market. All aruggists sell it.
fully r*red
Mere:disinter of 'Troy celebrated his
10t+h birthday cin Monday.
Senor Polo Y. Bernaha has 1'een gaze,••
Ceti Spaeieh Minister :it Washington.
ir. George P. Grabens, editor of the
Breen—villa Recorder, has been elected
Urnnd Master'ilotk:uaau of the A.O,U.1`;.
by ace lunation,
In t. Mar; 'S Cathedral, Kingston,
Viearaleneral Nelly referred to the criti
sal condition et Arehbiehojl Cleary, and
a'Led the prayers of the faithful for his
re:' very.
.lames fe. Somerville. chief clerle of the
Queen's Hotel, Mt:areal, formerly of the
Iti inlleor, has been granted an absolute
divorce from his wife Mina, Lo Goldsmith
of Saratoga.
Levi Willson, a well•b`nown resident of
Dutton, Is dead.
Mr. T. A. Gamble. ex -Reeve. of .a . sini.
bola. i dead of apoplexy.
:Mss Frances 'Willard, President . of the
World's w-t].T.'tl., is dead.
Wesley T. Orr, for several years mayor
of Calgary, is dead after several menthe'
Charles Davidson, late secretary-treat-
urer of the 'Wellington Mutual Fire Incur-
snee Cowpony, died in Guelph last week.
{;The Canadian Temperance League held
a memorial service on Sunday in com-
memoration of the death of Prances Will-
:air James Stansfield, who bas held the
offices of Lord of the Admiralty, Under
Secretary for India and Lord of the
Treasury, is dead at London.
The losses by the Morden fire will ag-
gregato about $10,000.
A plague hospital at Bombay was de-
stroyed by fire. Twelve European and 84
native patients were saved.
The Ontario Bolling Mills in Hamil-
ton which were burned down recently,
will be rebuilt immediately.
A deputation from London recently
waited on Mr. Doherty, *whose organ fac-
tory was burnt out in Clinton.
The Stratford Council has decided to
replace the old city ball building, which
was destroyed by fire, by a structure
capable of seating 500 or 600 people.
litinard's Liniment Cures Diphtheria,
To Prepare White velvet Sherbert.
Use the juice of six lemons and the
thinly shaved peel of two soaked in the
juice half an hour. Strain the juice and
said enough sugar to make a thick batter.
It usually requires about a cupful to eaoh
lemon. Add three pints of milk and tarn
at once into a freezer packed with three
parts of broken ice and one part rock salt.
Turn slowly at first, and when it begins
to thicken. turn rapidly until stiff. Add
more ice and salt and let it stand for at
least two hours before serving.
There is nathieg so far to confirm the
suspieioa that the Maine disaster was,
not the result of an aeoident. It has been
decided to refuse the request of tbe Spn-
ish authorities for percussion to join the
United States ii the investigation. If it
should appear that there was tout plane
the temper of Congress would favor ark
appropriation for two new man -:of -war,,
but otherwise the feeling; is teat it is use-
less to spend money on ships that are
liable to blow up at a orittealstage of the
The river is badly jammed, atTwe hash
Island near Brantford.
Loral Salisbury, had a narrow escape
from death .or injury while driving the
other day,
Adam Kilner, an inmate of the House
of Refuge at Berlin, roceivedfatal injuries
ill falling down the stairs,
Charles ?. ewunan,jt^., of Niagara Fella
Ont., was one of the marines on the ill
fated United State., battleship ]lfaine.
A frightened horse dashed through a
plate glass window at hfadtsou avenue
and Forty-third street, New York, cans -
+s a loss of $2e0.
James Gruicksliank, aged 54, wasp
suffocated in n room on Lombard street,
Toronto, by smoke from a small fire in
tbo adjoining premises.
The steamer Queen, arrived at Nanai.-
Mo, B.O., oonfirms the reported loss of
the steamer Clara Nevada in Berner Bay,
fund the death of 45 persons.
The body of Ensign Brecttegridge, wlio
was washed overboard from the torts
boat Cushing, has arrived at New Yea ,
and will be forwarded to Eeutuel y.
tl, twelve•yearold girl named ,Annie
Holiday fell dowestaire some six years
ago and is now dying of paralysis in
lanlilte)n as a result of the accident,
Bdward Marshall, one of the tujured is
the London disaster, has reoovered aufli-
ciently to be removed from the hospital,
but bas not got the use of bis right amid
or the hearing of his right eAr.
I1:rvi.ASSXVI D.
Iamiltou teachers lime held their au-
nual convention,
The London Collegiate is asking $10,-
000 for additions to thebuildfng,
The Grand Council of the Royal Tem -
piers will meet in Stratford next Tear,
The St. Thomas Omuta) are taking
*Atkin til scour° plana for the new cit,
Citizens of London. are becoming urn<
easy about the 'retainability of the now
sewer system working well.
The ice supply In London is so short
that the law against tenths it from the
Coves will piety be removed.
A large crowd of citizens were up in
Hamilton police eourt charged with in-
fringement of the snow bylaw and fined.
The directors of the Winnipeg General
Hospital barn decided to call for tenders
for a jubilee adtlittom suillofeatTunds none
being promised.
A deputation will go front St. Thomas
to Ottawa to oppose the legislation which
the 13e11 Telephone Company aro evoking
in order to raise their ratee.
The U,Tnitetl States secret service bas
discovered a DOW counterfeit $10 National
Bank note. It is on the Hibernia _he'ational
13ank of New Orleans, series 1592.
All the properties and scenery of half
a dozen plays, belonging to Sir Henry
Irving, have been destroyed by a fire in
the archway under the London, Chatham
and Dover railroad, near the Ludgate
Hill station, which was used as a store-
house for the scenery of tbe Lyceum
A chamber of mines has been estab
lashed in Vancouver,
The Bank of Commerce will establish.
an aeency in Dawson City.
A. proposal to exclude Japanese from
Yukon was defeated in the Senate.
Another Klondike party of eight starts
from Hamilton next month.
A number of men, with supplies, were
shipped from Vancouver to work on the
Stikine-Teslin railway.
The attitude of the United States, Sen-
ate regarding Yukon trade was discussed
in the House of Commons.
No change will be made in the system:
of issuing free miners' licenses in British
Columbia or the Yukon by wbicb,miuers
starting from Seattle will getlicenses ab
The chairmen of the Board of Steam-
boat Inspeotors goes to British Columbia
to see tbat the law is strictly enforced,
with regard to the safety of vessels carry-
ing passengers and freight to Alasita.
The Saturday Review reports that the
Chinese loan will be made by Great Bri-
tain, and that the preliminary contract
bas actually been signed.
It was stated in the British House of
Commons yesterday that Germany had
expressed her willingness that Chief Ma
taafa should return to Samoa, if the
Milted States aed. England were agree-
Two French expeditions are advancing
toward Sokoto,: the capitalof the Sultan-
ate of Sokoto, in the extreme north of the
Hausa 5t,
ates and six French officers
Il myth a force of 200 men havearrived fit
Argungu and Tagga.
Itchl*E Filer, :and Other iteetal Troubl.I.
Easily Cored by a Safe lifethod—A R.
markable Number of Cures 11iad..
by Trash's 31ag,tetic Ointment.
About one person in every four suffers
from some form of rectal diseaee. The
most oonitnon rind .annoying is netting
piles, indicatee by warmth, slight wois-
turf and inteuse uncontrollable itebing
in. the parts affected,
The usual treatment hasbeen some
simple ofutntent or salve, which some,
times gives temporary rellef, bila nothing
like a permanent cure can be expected
from such superficial treatment.
The euly permanent cure for itching,
piles yet discovered is Trash's Magnetite
(Hutment, nos Duly for itching piles, but
for every other forth of piles, blind, bleed-
ing or protruding. The first application
gives instant relief and the continued use
for short time causes a perineum; . re-
moval of the tumors or the small para-
sites which cause the inteuse itching and
discomfort of itching piles
Many physicians fora long time sup -
Posed thee the remarkable relief afforded
by Trask a Xagueria Oiuttnent was be-
cause it was supposed to mutate cocaine,
oplain or similar drugs, but such is not
the case, A recent careful analysisof the
remedy Showed is to be absolutely free
from any Cocaine, opium or in fact any
poisonous, injurious drugs tihatever.
Por sibs reason Trask% alagnetie Oint-
ment is probably the only pile cure exten-
sively recommended by physicians. be-
cause it is so sefe, so prompt in thli relief
afforded aero far as known the outs- poste
urs for piles except at, enrr teal epete
If suffering from may feria of piles ask
your drn:;giss for s 33e, or 40e, package at
Trash's Magnetic Alntn-tent and try it to,
k`RANOIS I A,HIsE, lz7 Bay street,
Dr. Schenck, the discoverer of sex oleo -
tion, bas sola- the German rights to hie
system for $10,000. Thu plan will bo made
publlo as soon as the British and Ameri-
can rights are disposed of.
Tbo Bell Telephone Company's agree-
ment with London expires sleet Tune. It
is understood that after its expiration a
strong company, backed by American
capital, will enter the field.
ogxuas ANI) Cr 1gtIAi1L5,
Officials of the Farmers' Loan and
Savings Company will bo prosecuted for
General Pellieux, a witness, made an
impassioned speech to the jury in the Zola.
C. M. Foley, the lawyer, charged at
Paris with fraud, wv:ts sons to jail because
he could not furnish necessary bail
Charles Lutz, the Toronto bicycle thief
and banknote raiser, bas been sent to the
Kingston penitentiary for six years.
Donald Leitch of Leamington, Ont.,
has been sentenced to fifteen days in gaol
for disposing of his military uniform in
Byron Harrison and Philip Roller are
under arrest at Picton charged with cans-
ing the death of Henry Haight by driv-
ing over him.
Highwaymen robbed the mail carrier
who carries mails between Oil Springs,
Ont., and Eddy Mills. They took the mail
bag and contents.
Judge Gary of Chicago has denied the
motion for a new trial in Luetgert's ease
and sentenced him to life. imprisonment.
An appeal will be taken to the State Su-
preme Court.
Court Parker, a young man who
been wanted in St. Thomas for some
for stealing some bathing suits at
Stanley, returned from Detroit on Thurs-
day and was arrested.
Could Only Turn His Collar.
Eli Green was exceedingly bashful and
resorted to all sorts of expedients to avoid
the girls. On the rare occasions when his
another bad company be was careful to
let his work take aim to some remote
part of the farm.
But on his twenty-first birthday he
determined to assert his monhood becom-
ingly and he went to the house of an
uncle in the next county and spent an
entire week. When he :returned, his mo-
ther asked eine if he had enjoyed him-
"Waal, I dunno," he answeredrefieo-
lively. "1 didn't s'pose Uncle Jason 'd
have comp'ny, but there he was, with
a house chock full o' city gals, a laughin'
an' raoin' an' a•makdn'.=alike 1 was a
.$ine: beau. The wust out was they changed
*heir clothes five or six times a day, an'
t ootId only turn my collar. Coursethere
was slaws of loo Dream an tam's,-lanteI
guess, tape it up one side an' down
t'other, I'm willing' to git back,"—De-
Volt free Press.
A young woman in St. Thomas arrived,
home recently one evening with her face
badly injured. She remembers nothing of
what happened on the evening. It is
thought she must have been drugged and
the authorities are investigating.
Gratitude and Generosity.
Whenever I find a great deal of grati-
tude in a poor man, I take it for grant-
ed there would be as ranch generosity if
he were a rich man. -Pope.
Ifow to lsnsur0 Sleep,
The Sleeping room abound. be airy and
cool, Aet;er for adult ne'l'sons reaeblug a
higher temporaturethan oodegrees,thougll.
young ebiidren need greater warmth. The
head should never be under the sheets, but
exposed and cool, The feet should be kept
warm by a little extra clothing at tbe foot.
With a beefy Bleeper there should be n. a
tbiek curtain%, but with a light sleeper
curtaius are essential, as sunlight playa
n the Optic. nerve and rouses tbatatten.
TPA 'widen it is kine ono object of tbe
sleeper to keep ita suspended auinlatiou.
The bed should never bo between the fire-
place and the door, as it eatohes the drafts
Wel is more dangerous and more easy to
contract a chill in bed than in the day
luge, the specially chilly period being
about 3 a.m.
A Good Address.
Ofttimes a good address carries with
It infinitely greater. ' weight than the
a)undest logic or the loftiest eloquence.
Unequnited--fir, Thos. Brunt, Tyend
lura; a, Ont., writes:—"I have to thank
you for recommending Ar. Timms*
Ecleetrlc 011 for bleeding piles. I was
troubled with them for nearly fifteen
years, and tried almost everything l:
could bear or thick of. Some of them
would give me temporary relief, but none
would effect a cure. I have now been
fres from the distreshng complaint for
nearly eiglatcea mouths. I bopo you will
continue to recommend it."
To 3ialte n Delicious al:ustl.
Cover a soup bone with cold water and
Cook until the _male is thoroufibiy done.
Remove the meat and skim off the fat, To
a pint of tbe liquor add three ouptnls of
water, a cupful of the chopped pleat and a
teaspoonful of salt. Bring to boil and
thicken with cornmeal, as for mush. Let
it boil three flours, then turn into a mold.
In the morning slice anti fry in the fat
that was removed fr•'n the ...ate. A
greater quantity can be made at r :.t- time
of year, as it will keep several days and
may be fried at pleasure.
Thoue Who Suffer.
If we suffer wrongly, why should we.
add to our suffering by giving heed to
the suggestions of ratan or allow our-
selves to lose confidence in our fellow
men. All are not base. The psalmist
said, "In my haste 1 said all men are
liars," but for us to harbor such a
thought is to cut us off from the fel-
lowship of our brethren, to look with
distrust upon all their actions and in-
terpret their every act as an intention to
do ns harm when , really no harm is
meant. Trust not to your own under-
standing: A good roan's steps are order-
ed by the Lord. If we suffer with Him,
,we shall also reign with Him.—Phila-
delphia Methodist.
Miiiard's Liniment Cuv ^olds, etc:
Disturbing Thought.
In a dreamy, abstracted manner Pyg-
'nation picked up arobe and threw it over
the lovely figure in which the warm blood
bad scarcely more than begun to pulsate.
"What is it, my master?" asked Galatea.
"lives thinking," replied the sculptor,
rousing himself from his reverie, "what
a frost you would have got if I had offered
to set you up in the Boston library."
Pres and easy expo toration immed-
iately relieves and frees the throat and
lungs from viscid phlegm, and a medicine
that promotes this is the best medicine to
use for coughs; colds, inflammation of the
lungs and all affections of the throat and
obese. This is precisely what Sickle's
Anti -Consumptive Syrup is a specific for,
and wherever used it has given unbound-
ed satisfaction. Children like it because
it is pleasant, adults like it because it re-
lieves and cures the disease.
Perfectly safe.
Mamma—I don't like the ideanf tbat
young Harris hanging around. Jenny so
much. He hasn't a cent except his little
Papa—You needn't worry. They are
both too busy talking about bicycles to
have any time for love -making.
Lost Opportunities.
We cannot explain how heaven can be
,.a place of perfect happiness with any re-
grets in the memory, but surely there
must be . regrets for lost opportunities of
loving, giving and serving . when we
thoughtlessly indulged our ease.
Dyspepsia or Indigestion is occasioned
by the. want of action in the biliary ducts,
loss of vitality in ties stomach to secret the
gastric juices, without which digestion
cannot go on ; also, being principal
cause of Headache. Parmelee's Vegetable
Pills taken before going to bed, for a wbile,
never fail to give relief and effect a cure.
Mr.. P. W. Ashdown, Ashdown, Ont.,
writes Ferree] ee's Pills are taking the
lead against ten other makes which I have
in stock."
Rev. W. A. Dunned, a tan Whose Good
Work Is Widely Known.
He Relates Events in His Career of General Interest—For
Years He Suffered from Heart Trouble and Frequently
from Collapse. --On One occasion Five Doctors Were in,
Attendance—He Is Now Freed from His Old Enemy,
and Enjoys the Blessing of Good Health.
Itie'V , W. .A. DUNi BTT.
grogational ohurcb, at Menohester, N.H.
live doctors had arrived and were in ate
tondance before he regained consoione-
ness. In all these cities and towns the
newspapers freely mentioned bis affliction
at the time. Mr. I)ttnnett said he had
consulted many pbysleians, though he
said, to be entirely fair, he bad never been
any great length of time undertreatment
by any one doctor because of his itinerant:
mode of life. In the early part of the
summer of 1593, while in Brookvflle as -
slating the pastor of the Wall street Metho-
dist church in evan elistio services, he'
was speaking of his trouble to a friend.
who urged him to try Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills, and next day presented him with a
dozen boxes. "I took the pills" said Mr.
Dunnett, "and. I declare to you Tama well
man to -day. X used to worry a groat deal
over the pain about my heart, but that is
all done now, and I feel like a new man."
All this the reverend gentleman told in es
simple conversational way, and when it
was suggested that he let it be known, bz
rather demurred, because, as he put it, "1
ani almost afraid to say I am cured, and
yet there is no man enjoying better health.
to -day than Ido."
At that time, at Mr. Dnnnott's request,
his statement was only published locally,
but now writing under the date of Jan.
21st, from Fitchburg, Mass., where he has.
been conducting a very successful series of
evangelistic meetings, he says;—"I had
held back from writing Iu regard to my
health, not because I had forgotten, but
because it seemed too good to be true that
the old time pain had gone. I cannot say
whether it will ever return, but I can cer-
tainly say it has not troubled me for
months, and I am in better health than I
have been for years. 1 have gained in
flesh, hence in weight. I would prefer not
to say anything about my appetite; like.
the poor, it is ever with me. Yes, I attrie
bute my 'good health to Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills, and you have my consent to
use the fact."
Front the Smith's Falls Rocarti.
Throughout Canada, from the western
boundary of Ontario to the Atlantic Ocean,
there is no name more widely known in
temperance and evangelistic work than
that of rho Rev. W. 4, Dunnett. Mr,
Dunnett inns been the GrandVice-Couneil-
lor of Ontario and Quebec in the Royal
Templars, and so popular is be among the
members of the order that in Montreal
there is a Royal Tempters council named
"Dunnett Council" in his honer. For
more than 'ten years Mr. Dunnett has
been going from place to place pursuing
his good work, sometimes assisting resi-
dent ministers, sometimes conducting a
series of gospel temperance meetings In-
dependently, but always laboring for the
good of his fellows. While in Smith's
Falls a few months ago in connection
with his work he dropped into the Record
office for a little visit with the editor.
During the conversation the Record ven-
tured to remark that his duties entailed
an enormous amount of hard work- To
this Mr. Dunnett assented, but added tbat
in his present physical condition he was
equal to any amount of hard work. But
it "vas not always so. he said, and then he,
gave the writer the following little per-
sonal history, with permission to make it
public. He said that for the past thirteen
years he had been greatly troubled with a
pain in the region of his heart, fromwhich
he was unable to get any relief. At times
it was a dull, heavy pain, at others sharp
and severe. Oftentimes it rendered him
unfit for his engagements, and at all times
it made it difficult to move. His trouble
was always visible to the public and fre-
quentlywhen conducting service he would
give out and doctors had to be called in to
attend him. This occurred to him in the
Yonge street church, Toronto; the Baptist
church, Woodstock, N.B.; the Methodist
church, Carleton Place, Ont. On another
occasion, while preaching to an audience
of 2,500 people in the Franklin street Oen-
Sufficient Memory.
. Mrs. Bowers—I do wish you would go
to church with me occasionally. How are
people to know that'1 am married if they
never see you with met
Mr. Bowers—Easily! Take the children
with you.
She—She, do you love mef
$e—I reokon.
She—What on—my money!
Politicians may bury the hatchet, but
they are verylikely to leave a tombstone
to •identify the spot where it may be dug
cep again.
Too Spry.
"Jiuks is the meanest man on earth."
"I told him a good story on the wayout
to a dinner, and when we got there he
worked it off before T had a chance."
Port. Mulgrave, June 5, X897.
MENT is my remedy for colds, etc.
It is the best liniment I have ever
The Oyster's Memory.
Oysters, after they .have been brought`
away from the sea, know by instinct the
exact hour the tide is rising and approach
ing their beds, and so, of theirown accord,
open their shells to receive their food from
the sea, as if they were still at home.,
Kinard's'Liniment Cures Garget in Cows.
A'Four Years' Sleep.
"How long does the Vice -President hold
office, cep" •
One-fifth as long u Rip Van Winkle
Poor Grindstone.
The minister, with his little son,Charles
was calling on an old parishioner, who
poured her troubles into his sympathizing
ear, ending . with the remark, "I've had
my nose held to the grindstone for thirty
years." ,
Charlie, who had been looking intently
at the old lady, instantly remarked, "Well,
it hasn't worn the mole on the end of it -
off yet."—Harper's Bazar.
Deafness Cannot be Cured
by local applications, as they cannot reach the'-
diseased portions of the ear. There Is only one•
way to cure Deafness, and thatis by constitu-
tional remedies.'. Deafness Is caused by an in-
flamed condition of the mucous lining of the•
Eustachian Tube. When this tube getsin-
famed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect
hearing, and when it entirely elosedDeafnesa
is the result and unless • the inflammation can
be taken out and this tube restored to its nor-
mal condition, hearing evill be 'destroyed for-
ever ;;nine eases out of ten are Caused by
,catarrh whieh is nothing but an inflamed Con
•dition of the mucous surfaces.
We will give One Hundred Dollars for any •
tease of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that can-•
notCUrea by Haws Catarrh Cure. Send foe -
� P. 3 ilHENEY'& Co., Toledo, O.
Sby old Druggists, 7t
+ -now :to Hang 11irrors,.
Do not hang them in the sun, as it spoils -
the quicksilver and causes the glass to pre-
sent a broken surface. Mirrors must 'else -
not -lie hung', where heat can strike toe
:nearly upon them, or the same trouble will.,
eccur. For this reason one must be carr-
ful not to turn a gas jet too, near them.